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Your Health: How to protect your joints from arthritis – YourErie

August 31st, 2020 7:54 pm

About one in three people between ages 18 and 64 have some type of arthritis.

This common joint disease can wreak havoc on everyday life, but there are some ways to protect yourself.

Its coverage affecting your health.

Running, jumping and climbing stairs or mountains, your joints take a lot of abuse over time. It can lead to osteoarthritis and its not just a disease for the old.

Were seeing arthritis at an earlier age, not only in the knees, but shoulders, really everywhere. Its becoming an epidemic of sorts, said Dr. Matthew Pombo, MD, Emory Orthopedics and Spine Center.

So you can safe guard your joints?

First ditch the high heels as they put pressure on your knees and feet. A three inch heel stresses your foot seven times more than a one inch heel.

You might also want to scrap the sodas. A Harvard study found that men with osteoarthritis who drank more sugary carbonated drinks reported worse symptoms.

You might also want to get active, but ramp it up slowly and be careful of injuries.

We also have a lot of younger people participating in sports and we know that prior injury leads to post-traumatic arthritis, said Dr. Pombo.

Low impact activities such as walking, swimming and biking are best and extra weight is one of the biggest culprits for arthritis pain.

Every additional pound you gain puts four times the stress on your knees.

Research shows that losing as few as eleven pounds cuts your risk for osteoarthritis by 50% with ways to protect your joints.

See the original post:
Your Health: How to protect your joints from arthritis - YourErie

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