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Why Covid-19 will spark a wave of medical innovation – Telegraph.co.uk

May 15th, 2020 7:44 pm

New ways of working will boost medical innovation and benefit companies, shareholders, and the wider population

There are three things we know always happen in a crisis. Poor leaders get found out, as voters in the United States may already have already started to realise. The initial response is always completely hopeless, as we have discovered once again in Britain. And finally, and most importantly, whether it a war, a natural disaster, or an epidemic, eventually it sparks a wave of innovation because in the end human ingenuity always rises to a challenge.

The Covid-19 crisis is, at the risk of stating the obvious, the worst medical crisis we have witnessed in a century. But here is a bet, and one that matters to investors: it will also spark a much-needed wave of medical innovation. The last decade has been terrible for the pharmaceuticals and life sciences industry, with slowing innovation, defensive mergers, and dismal returns for shareholders.

However, that could be about to change because new ways of working will be discovered, regulations will be re-invented for a new era, and spending on healthcare will be increased. The companies that come up with treatments will be the big winners but the whole industry will start to flourish once again.

Over the next few months, every developed country will work its way through different strategies, from partial lockdowns to social distancing to herd immunity, to cope with Covid-19. But it remains the case that the only real solution will be scientific. Until we have a vaccine, or an effective drug treatment, the virus will justcome back again and again. There is no other way of beating it. One way or another, technology will have to rescue us.

The pharmaceuticals industry, although it wouldnt want it to happen this way, could use a boost. Its giants have all struggled over the past decade, and while the biotech start-ups may have raised a lot of money, very few of them have managed to live up to the hype. Just take a look at the figures.

Why Covid-19 will spark a wave of medical innovation - Telegraph.co.uk

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