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What treatments are available for blindness in the UK? – The Scarborough News

July 3rd, 2020 8:42 pm

The latest treatments can transform lives

And thanks to pioneering research, funded via charities and private donors, emerging technologies are transforming treatment.

When it comes to sight loss and visual impairments, there are many different forms that people suffer from that can range from mild to severe. Some visual impairments can be blurred vision, light sensitivity or hazy vision. Other visual impairments can be a lot worse such as blindness, cornea blindness, cataracts, and glaucoma.

In the UK, there are many institutes and charities that you can make donations to including the Tej Kohli Cornea Institute as an example. Every donation can help to make a difference in order to find more cures for these conditions.

Blurred vision treatments

If you are living in the UK and you suffer from blurred vision then, there are a few different treatments available. The most simple of all is an eye test at your optician. A new pair of prescription glasses may solve the problem for you.

If the issue is more serious than that, you might need to get some surgery.

Cataracts disease is a type of eye condition that can cause cloudy and blurred vision as proteins build up on your lens which could lead to potential blindness. There are a few different ways that cataracts can be treated, including an operation to remove the build-up or getting a replacement lens operation.

However, these operations come with risks like any other medical procedure; make sure you ask lots of questions and understand all of the risks and complications.

This is a type of eye condition that is caused by optic nerve damage which attaches from the eye to the brain. If this is not discovered early enough and treated it can cause permanent sight loss.

When it comes to treatments, there are different kinds however, this will depend on the type of glaucoma you have. For instance, you might require eye drops to reduce pressure in your eyes, laser eye treatment to reduce the fluid in your eyes or surgery to improve drainage.

One of the biggest things you can do to achieve a successful outcome is seek help early, either via your GP or an optician, who can refer you on to specialists if required.

If you or someone you know has an eye condition, it is vital that the right treatment is found.

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What treatments are available for blindness in the UK? - The Scarborough News

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