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What is Laminine Laminine Benefits Educational Preview YouTube – Video

November 19th, 2012 10:44 am

What is Laminine Laminine Benefits Educational Preview YouTube
Specification of Laminine - Fibroblast Growth Factor - 2 LAMININE - A Functional Superfood For The 21st Century Nature #39;s perfect food has long been considered to be the lowly egg. The biological value of its protein is second only to mother #39;s milk for its ability to promote cell growth, repair and regeneration. Yet, the secret power of the egg, is only beginning to be understood. One man, ahead of his time, discovered the potent adaptogenic effect contained within a bio-rich extract taken from a fertilized egg on the ninth day of development. Taken at the peak of the first developmental phase, just before the differentiation of cells, this special extract nourishes the body with such a pure source of nutrition and "life force" that it acts as an adaptogen promoting homeostasis throughout the body. The results can be remarkable. What is Laminine? Laminine is a complete Synergy of : 22 Amino Acids Trace Minerals Vitamins Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) Laminine contains a patented bio-rich extract from fertilized eggs that acts as a powerful "adaptogen". To this base ingredient additional amino acids from plant and marine sources are added to create a complete amino acid profile. The proprietary formula contains 22 amino acids, trace minerals and vitamins. It is also the only known food source of Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (abundant before birth) which is thought to mobilize and instruct the body #39;s stem cells to do their repair work. It is believed that these instructions ...From:GILBERT SANTOSViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:10More inScience Technology

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What is Laminine Laminine Benefits Educational Preview YouTube - Video

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