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What do Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL) mean?

March 27th, 2011 4:07 pm

Opposite to good carbohydrate (= "Slow Carbs”), bad carbohydrates – in neo-German also known as “Fast Carbs“ – cause the blood sugar level to rise quickly.
The faster – and thus the higher concentrated – carbohydrates are, the more insulin our body will produce in order to lower the blood sugar level.

As a consequence thereof, the blood sugar level will drop below normal, the appetite – in particular for sweets – will increase, and fat burning will be restricted during this «insulin fattening».

Therefore, GI and GL were invented, to facilitate distinction between «bad» and «good» carbohydrates.

Glycemic Index (GI)
The glycemic index – in short GI – is exclusively applied to foods containing carbohydrates. The GI does not rate foodstuffs with respect to their carbohydrate content but provides figures on their respective blood sugar level increasing effects. Read more...

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