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Vice President, Division of Agriculture, Forestry, and Veterinary Medicine job with Mississippi State University | 290163 – The Chronicle of Higher…

October 4th, 2020 10:56 am

Mississippi State University seeks to hire a Vice President forthe Division of Agriculture, Forestry, and Veterinary Medicine(DAFVM).

Mississippi State University (MSU) represents the highestlevel of research activity for doctorate-granting institutions andis designated by the Carnegie Foundation as an R1-Very HighResearch Activity University. Also, a National ScienceFoundation Top 100 research University, MSU shelters a chapter ofPhi Beta Kappa, the nations oldest and most prestigious honorsociety, and values the talents of our distinguished faculty,staff, and student scholars. With over 22,000 students and4,600 faculty and staff, MSU is located in Starkville, MS. Here, aculture of inclusion is fostered and were driven each day to makea difference at the local, state, regional, national and globallevels. We invite you to join MSU as we continue our momentumin research, teaching, and service.

DAFVM consists of six major units: The College of Agricultureand Life Sciences (CALS), The College of Forest Resources (CFR),the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM), the MississippiAgricultural and Forestry Experiment Station (MAFES), the Forestand Wildlife Research Center (FWRC) and the MSU Extension Service(MSUES.) These unit heads report to the Vice President. TheDeans of the three academic colleges report jointly to theUniversity's Provost and Executive Vice President of AcademicAffairs. The Heads of some specialized research centers andinstitutes within the Division may also report to additional vicepresidents. DAFVM conducts teaching, research, extensionprogramming, and service on the University's main campus andthrough four research and extension centers, 16 branch stations,four CVM diagnostic labs, and Extension offices in all 82 countiesof Mississippi. Annual expenditures by units in the Divisionare normally at or above $200 million. The National ScienceFoundation has ranked MSU #11 in Research and Developmentexpenditures in Agriculture Sciences, Natural Resources andConservation.

Duties and Responsibilities:

The Vice President serves along with the other vice presidentsas a member of the University's senior management team providingvisionary leadership for planning, budgeting, and resourcedevelopment. The Vice President is also responsible for thedevelopment of strategic goals for DAFVM and evaluating programs,faculty, and staff within DAFVM. The Vice President developsand maintains productive relationships with agriculture andforestry producers; industry constituents; federal, state, andlocal government agencies; and organizations and associations thatare concerned with agriculture and natural resources, families andyouth, and community development. The Vice President promotesdiversity within DAFVM with respect to faculty, staff, and studentsand fosters a sense of common purpose while serving as an advocatefor DAFVM to its constituencies and as a spokesperson foragriculture and natural resources both regionally andnationally. The Vice President worksclosely with the Provost and Executive Vice President regarding theacademic mission within DAFVM, and the Vice President for Researchand Economic Development regarding the research missions withinDAFVM. The Vice President is expected to take a leadershiprole in strategic initiatives that project the University withinMississippi, nationally, and globally.


Candidates should have an earned doctorate in an appropriatearea in agriculture, natural resources, or a related field withcredentials and experience to qualify for the rank of professorwith tenure in a discipline within the Division. He/She mustdemonstrate a strong recognition of and commitment to Mississippisagricultural roots. The candidate must have a demonstratedability to work effectively with the academic, agricultural naturalresources and business communities, industry constituents, andfederal partners. A record of successful administrativeleadership and achievement, including the acquisition of public andprivate resources to develop and expand strong agriculturalprograms, is also required. Candidates should havesubstantial experience with a minimum of four years of significantadministrative experience. The successful candidate shouldhave a thorough familiarity and understanding of the land-grantsystem and the interrelationship between the teaching, research andextension programs. The candidate must possess the vision andexperience necessary to lead a complex organization in developingand enhancing its research mission in service to the state, region,and nation as a premier research leader. He/She must alsodemonstrate familiarity with the land-grant system and foster thedesire to promote excellence throughout the division and theuniversity.

Salary and Benefits:

Salary commensurate with education, experience; competitivebenefits.

Application Procedure:

Qualified candidates are requested to submit a letter ofapplication that should include a statement of administrativephilosophy emphasizing their ability to foster effective academicprograms, expand research, and promote extension activities: anexpression of his/her commitment to growth of the divisionsprograms and student enrollment. Please include a completecurriculum vitae, including the names, addresses and phone/emailfor five references. Initial nominations and inquiries willbe kept confidential; references will be contacted only uponapproval by the candidate. Application review will beginDecember 1, 2020, and continue until a successful candidate isidentified. Nominations of outstanding potential candidatesare welcome.

Nomination applications and/or inquires should be sent to:

David R. Shaw, Provost and Executive Vice PresidentMississippi State UniversityOffice of the Provost and Executive Vice President3500 Lee Hall262 Lee Blvd.Mississippi State, MS 39762david.shaw@msstate.eduPhone: 662-325-3742

Mississippi State University is an equal opportunityinstitution. Discrimination in university employment, programs, oractivities based on race, color, ethnicity, sex, pregnancy,religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation,genetic information, status as a U.S veteran, or any other statusprotected by applicable law is prohibited. Questions about equalopportunity programs or compliance should be directed to the Officeof Compliance and Integrity, 56 Morgan Avenue, P.O.6044,Mississippi State, MS 39762. (662) 325-5839.

Mississippi State University is an equal opportunityinstitution. Discrimination in university employment,programs, or activities based on race, color, ethnicity, sex,pregnancy, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexualorientation, genetic information, status as a U.S veteran, or anyother status protected by applicable law is prohibited.Questions about equal opportunity programs or compliance should bedirected to the Office of Compliance and Integrity, 56 MorganAvenue, P.O.6044, Mississippi State, MS 39762. (662)325-5839.

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Vice President, Division of Agriculture, Forestry, and Veterinary Medicine job with Mississippi State University | 290163 - The Chronicle of Higher...

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