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USDA Blog Biotechnology

August 4th, 2016 9:36 am

Federal Activities Report on the Bioeconomy page cover

5/4/2016 UPDATE:

Bioeconomy Webinar Information: Thursday, May 5, 2 p.m.4 p.m. Eastern Time Session Link: https://thinktank.inl.gov/login.html?sessionID=59 Session Passkey: 123 Call in: +1 (562) 247-8422 Access Code: 287-084-886

The USDA and other federal agencies recently released the Federal Activities Report on the Bioeconomy (FARB) documenting federal agency activities aimed at helping to develop and support the bioeconomy an emergingpart of the overall U.S. economy. Emphasis is specifically placed on the production and use of biofuels, bioproducts, and biopower. USDA Chief Scientist and Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics (REE), Dr. Catherine Woteki, stresses these fuels, power, and products are produced using biomassagricultural residues, grasses, energy crops, forestry trimmings, algae, and other sourcesinstead of fossil fuels.

The report also delves into the Billion Ton Bioeconomy Vision, an effort coordinated through the Biomass Research and Development (R&D) Board. Comprised of industry experts from the Departments of Energy (DOE), Agriculture (USDA), Interior (DOI), Transportation (DOT), Defense (DoD), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), the Board is committed to collaboration among federal agencies on bioeconomy conceptions working to triple the size of todays bioeconomy by 2030to more than a billion tons of biomass. Read more

Tags: bioeconomy, biofuels, Biomass, BioPreferred, Biotechnology, California, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of Interior, Department of Transportation, Dr. Catherine Woteki, Harry Baumes, National Science Foundation, OCE, REE, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, White House

Economic Growth, Energy

Innovation, biotechnology and big data are changing the way we produce, distribute and even consume food. From using innovative approaches to improve food safety to sharing market data to assist producers in reaching larger markets, big data and new technologies continue to change the face of agriculture. USDA strives to meet these evolving challenges and will be discussing these issues through the lens of agriculture at the 2015 Agricultural Outlook Forum on Feb. 19-20 in Arlington, Virginia.

Big data isnt just massive amounts of numbers and codes for scientists, researchers and marketers. That information, when interpreted and applied, can help people understand and change the world around them. We are discussing how data helps producers of agricultural commodities in adapting their strategies to meet changing consumer demands, marketing practices and technologies. Read more

Organic meat and poultry producers can now use a streamlined process to get approval for labels verifying that their products do not include genetically engineered (GE) ingredients.

USDAs Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) released new procedures for including a non-genetically engineered statement on the label of organic meat and poultry products. This is consistent with organic regulations, which have always prohibited the use of GE in all organic products. Now, with the new process, it will be easier for certified organic entities to add these claims to existing FSIS-approved products, speeding up the label review process. Read more

Tags: AMS, Biotechnology, Farmers, Food Safety, FSIS, genetic engineering, GMO, Meat and Poultry, National Organic Program, NOP, NRCS, organic, Organic 101, organic certification, Poultry, Tom Vilsack

Food Safety

Emmanuel Amoakwah, a Borlaug Fellow from Ghana currently studying at Ohio State University, gives a presentation on climate change during the Borlaug Symposium at the 2013 World Food Prize on Oct. 16. Approximately 40 Borlaug Fellows and their mentors attended the annual event in Des Moines to network, meet members of the Borlaug family and high-level agricultural officials and this years World Food Prize Laureates. (Photo by Jared Henderson, University of Missouri)

Every year the World Food Prize recognizes the achievements of individuals who have advanced human development by improving the quality, quantity or availability of food in the world. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dr. Norman E. Borlaug created the prize, which emphasizes the importance of a nutritious and sustainable food supply for all people.

This years event was held from Oct. 16-19 in Des Moines, Iowa, and also included a USDA-sponsored symposium for 40 foreign scientists from 23 countries (and their university mentors) in the Foreign Agricultural Service Borlaug Fellowship Program. Since 2004, the program has provided U.S.-based training and collaborative research opportunity for scientists and policymakers from developing and middle-income countries to promote food security and economic growth. Read more

Tags: Biotechnology, Borlaug Fellowship Program, Climate Change, coffee, Economic Growth, FAS, food insecurity, Food Security, Iowa, Kenya, Norman Borlaug, Science, Tennessee, World Food Prize

Food and Nutrition, Food Security

Sec. Tom Vilsack visited the grain grading laboratory of GIPSA's Board of Appeals and Review (BAR) and the Grading Service Laboratory (GSL) on October 23, 2013. BAR staff explain their grading review process while BAR Chairman Jim Whalen looks on.

The Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administrations (GIPSA) National Grain Center (NGC) was proud to host Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Wednesday, October 23. The NGC, located in Kansas City, MO, is home to the Federal Grain Inspection Services (FGIS) Technology and Science Division along with staff from FGIS Quality Assurance and Compliance Division and Field Management Division.

The grain inspectors, scientists and engineers at the NGC provide a broad spectrum of grain inspection services and support within recently renovated state of the art laboratories. During the visit, NGC staff demonstrated how they oversee, develop and approve methods and instruments used for grain inspection that ensure the consistent standard of measuring quality essential to grain marketing. Read more

On Friday, May 17, 2013, in Mexico City, Mexico USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack led U.S. and Mexican agribusiness representatives in a discussion of priority issues affecting North American agriculture. The roundtables participants represented the breadth and diversity of agricultural trade between the United States and Mexico. Representatives from Grupo Bimbo, Gruma, Driscolls, Cargill, and others joined the Secretary, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Anthony Wayne, and Acting Deputy Under Secretaries Suzanne Heinen and Max Holtzman to share their views on the opportunities and obstacles facing increased agricultural trade between the United States and Mexico. Read more

Tags: Biotechnology, Climate Change, ethanol, Farm Bill, Food Farm and Jobs Bill, Food Safety, immigration, Mexico, Renewable Energy, Suzanne Heinen, Tom Vilsack

Climate Change, Trade

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USDA Blog Biotechnology

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