umbilical cord blood | Saving Cord Blood After all, it can have a major effect on not only your life, but your child #39;s later down the road. You can also save your baby #39;s life!There are lots of umbilical cord blood banks and/or storage facilities throughout the US. It is an important decision that should not be taken lightly. It has been proven to be a better alternative than regular bone marrow transplants. This means that there is less likelihood of complications and transplant rejections from these blood transplants. In comparison to the controversial use of embryonic stem cells, cord blood cells are proven safe in the human body. Stem cells are basically obtained from an embryo, which may be a concern for some people regarding ethics. Furthermore, collecting umbilical cord blood has no controversy since the process does not cause the destruction on the embryos and fetus. The process happens after the umbilical cord has been cut and is removed from the fetal end of the cord and is usually done within ten or fifteen minutes of delivery. According to the informative Web site Should You Bank Cord Blood, regardless of the form of birth, the nurses and doctors in the room will be able to easily collect your child #39;s cord blood. Research which cord blood bank you wish to use carefully and when you have decided give your baby or perhaps someone else the precious gift of life. The collection of this blood is done within 15 minutes after the birth and is not a painful procedure. This is ...From:loshoteles enmedellinViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:18More inScience Technology