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Treating cataracts before ‘critical age’ imperative FBC News – FBC News

September 20th, 2022 2:08 am

A child getting her eyes checked.

Eye disease such as cataracts is a leading cause of blindness globally and affects a lot of our elderly in Fiji as well.

However, children are not being spared as cataract cases in our young are normally congenital or pediatric.

Pacific Eye Institute Ophthalmologist, Dr Elenoa Raikabakaba says cataracts naturally happen in older patients and is not as common in children.

Some cataracts are associated with other syndromes. The cases we have here, some are associated with other systemic diseases and for some, its of course trauma.

Dr Raikabakaba says early treatment in children is imperative before they reach what is called a critical age.

There is something called critical age so if your child is past the critical age, and if you are waiting for those to be adults and then you treat it; it may not improve their vision. If you think your child needs help, get them to be seen.

Specialists at the Pacific Eye Institute are calling on Fijians to get their eyes checked if they have difficulties with their eyesight and seek proper medical treatment.

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Treating cataracts before 'critical age' imperative FBC News - FBC News

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