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Traditional, complementary and integrative medicine (TCI)

March 19th, 2025 2:47 am

Technical Products, formerly Global Public Health Goods (GPHGs), are products and services uniquely delivered by WHO for the benefit of multiple countries, that are essential for the achievement of goals and objectives in GPW13 and GPW14. It is one of three strategic shifts together with leadership and country support.

Technical Products (TPs) on norms and standards, data and research are products that are applicable to multiple countries and that are developed through rigorous processes at global, regional, and country level to drive impact.

Normative products tell the end-user what to do or how to perform an action. These products can be primarily technical or scientific in nature, they can be based on legal or ethics frameworks or conventions, or they can be a combination of these types. Standard-setting products indicate categories or labels; set thresholds or standards along a continuous measure; or provide an assessment based on a threshold or standard.

Our work in this area is focusing on:

Data products are developed by WHO for the benefit of all regions and countries to strengthen country data and information systems for health; to monitor population health trends and inequalities; and to use data to deliver impact in countries. The five categories of data products are: (i) standards and classifications; (ii) data collection tools; (iii) databases and data exchange platforms; (iv) global reports; and (v) delivery for impact.

Our work in this area is focusing on:

Research, innovation and horizon-scanning products advance scientific knowledge and the development of new technologies, ranging from guidance on best practices for research implementation and use, to analysis to support the agenda on evidence-based local or global research and innovation.

Our work in this area is focusing on good research practice for traditional, complementary and integrative medicine.

The rest is here:
Traditional, complementary and integrative medicine (TCI)

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