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Three ways to get more flexible | Times2 – The Times

November 19th, 2019 12:47 pm

Yoga will eventually improve your flexibility, but you need to do it frequently to make a differenceGETTY IMAGES

1. Strengthen rather than stretch musclesPhysiotherapists say there are better things than stretching to improve muscle flexibility. Im not a huge fan of stretching, says Tom Goom, a physiotherapist and spokesman for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Its actually not massively effective for lasting improvements in flexibility.

A far better route to better flexibility is through eccentric loading, or strengthening muscles when they are in a lengthened position and against a resistance, which often means using weights. Think of your muscles as a spring that needs to be able to store and release energy to move efficiently, Goom says. To do this muscles need a certain amount of stiffness and while prolonged stretching will temporarily increase the length of a muscle, its not a lasting

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Three ways to get more flexible | Times2 - The Times

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