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Thermo Scientific™ VisionMate™ HSX High Speed Barcode Reader Integrates with eLabNext Platform

August 25th, 2024 2:46 am

BOSTON, Aug. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- eLabNext, an Eppendorf Group Company offering a flexible Digital Laboratory Platform equipped with a Laboratory Inventory Management System (LIMS) and Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN), announced today that its platform is now able to integrate with the Thermo Scientific™ VisionMate™ HSX High Speed Barcode Reader. The free VisionMate™ HSX High Speed Barcode Reader application is available through eLabNext’s library of add-ons, the eLabMarketplace, allowing users to expand the capabilities of their digital lab platform and streamline their laboratory operations.

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Thermo Scientific™ VisionMate™ HSX High Speed Barcode Reader Integrates with eLabNext Platform

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