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The World Stem Cell Summit – Dr. Yaszemski – Video

December 4th, 2012 10:52 pm

The World Stem Cell Summit - Dr. Yaszemski
The World Stem Cell Summit, December 3-5 in West Palm Beach, Fla. unites internationally renowned scientists, clinicians, students, policymakers, regulators, patient advocates, and philanthropists to share knowledge and advance collaborations in the stem cell and regenerative medicine community. The meeting includes in-depth programming and more than 150 renowned international speakers, including leaders from Mayo Clinic #39;s Center for Regenerative Medicine. Among them is Mayo Clinic Dr. Michael Yaszemski. In this video he talks about the summit, the emerging field of regenerative medicine and his unique military perspective.From:mayoclinicViews:5 0ratingsTime:04:16More inScience Technology

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The World Stem Cell Summit - Dr. Yaszemski - Video

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