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The History Of Lynching From Trees: Where did it come from …

June 9th, 2020 9:42 am


But the Original Jews did NOT challenge Jesus, it was Jews such as the National group that stemmed from a movement prior to the time of Jesus. The Hellene Movement. So, Jesus was challenged by mixed-bred movement of people that were elevated above the Original Jews!!!

Therefore, they were probably telling the truth in that they had never been oppressed in Egypt.


You shouldn't be so quick to assume what I do and do not understand....lol.

I know there was a struggle between the Sadducees and Pharisees during the time of Jesus.What you're calling the Hellene Movement for the Jews to become more like the Greeks was led by the Pharisees -who were Persian overseers sent to Jersusalem to monitor the Jews when they returned from exile.

The Sadducees (sons of Zadok) wanted to maintain the religion the Moses gave them when he civilized them but the Pharisees wanted to move them more in line with the rest of the Caucasians called Gentiles or Greeks.

Get outta here! That was the book you used as a reference

Go back and look at my quotes.You will find NO QUOTE of me referencing a "Hebrew Standard Version".

I say there is the Hebrew Bible, and the various English translations like King James, American Revised, ect.....

The date of that translation was hundreds of years prior to the scriptures translated just before the time of the CRUSADES, of which became the basis for the

KJV which was translated by Hebrew Israelites.

YOur version is NOT received by Christians today for specific reasons.

But, I will add that I do know some of the terms you referenced is in an Ethiopian version [GEEZ]. But however, scholars today

do NOT agree with those terms for major reasons. and today, the people speak Amharic.

I'm not sure what you mean by "my" version.I don't have too much faith in ANY of them.....lol.But when discussing (or in this case arguing...lol) the Bible I like to get the PURIST source possible to find out exactly what the authors meant, so I usually used the HEBREW Bible.

I haven't quoted from the Hebrew Bible on this site because I have to post the text of it along with the translation and I'm not sure how to do that here.The texts is in both Hebrew and English letters.But that's the one I read from and use the most.

No. The very reference you quoted states that LOT was deceived; he had no idea.

OK?Whether he KNEW it or not, INCEST was still performed!

I said according to the Bible INCEST was commited, I didn't say Lot was willing to do it or started it or loved it or enjoyed it or was tricked into it....I said according to the Bible he DID it.And again, you can't find ANY scriptures where the Kenaani, Kemeti, Sumarian, or other Original peoples committed incest......drunk or sober.

Today, there are numerous findings that attest to the violence in that land byway of the Canaanites. They were BAAL PRIEST, that means HEADHUNTERS

Baal was a Kenaani deityZedek was anotherSalem (of which Jersusalem was named after) was another.

Most of these deities had "priests" or "Kohens" who served them in their dedicated temples.That doesn't mean they were killing people or cutting off heads for them.Melchizedek of the Bible was a Canaanite priest who came out to meet Abraham, was HE a head hunter?

As I told you before, the Kenaani were a very sexual people and this usually means violence was kept to a minimum.What credible source can you reference to say that the priests of Baal were headhunters?

The only record we have of people KILLING others and even chopping off heads (in the case of David) for their "god" are the Israelites who went around slaughtering the Original peoples of the land in the name of Yahweh....according to the Bible.

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The History Of Lynching From Trees: Where did it come from ...

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