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The Flash Shows Why the Reverse-Flash Is DC’s Greatest Nemesis – CBR – Comic Book Resources

September 20th, 2020 7:57 am

The Reverse-Flash spent his life trying to destroy the Flash, and his efforts have made the speedster the most despicable villain in the DC Universe.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for The Flash #761, by Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter, Hi-Fi and Steve Wands, on sale now.

Lex Luthor, Sinestro, and the Joker are thought of as some of the best villains in comic books. An often overlooked supervillain, Eobard Thawne's Reverse-Flash has proven time and again that he's not only a formidable nemesis of the Flash but thathehas the powers to affect and alter the entire DCU. The level of cruelty and downright brutality the Reverse-Flash displays makes him one of the greatestvillains.

Reverse-Flashwas created byJohn BroomeandCarmine Infantino and first appeared in The Flash #139 in 1963.Thawne comes from the 25th Century in which all mistakes have been eradicated and technology has allowed humans to achieve perfection. Through genetic engineering, Thawne's birth was guided to control everything from his I.Q. to the color of his eyes and hair. After studying the Speed Force and becoming obsessed with Barry Allen, Thawne decides that he'll dowhatever it takes to become like Barry Allen.

Related: The Flash: Reverse-Flash's Secret Superpower Is Absolutely Devious

When Thawne's parentsgave him a little brother to help with his socialization, Thawne goesback in time toerase his baby brother from existence and then kills his parents when they try and interfere with his research. When he's jilted by a love interest who has a fiance, Thawne not onlykills the fiance but erases him from the timeline altogether. When she still won't go out with him, he goes back in time to when she was a little girl and shakes her so violentlythat she becomes brain damaged and is institutionalized. Now his younger self will never have the opportunity to meet her.

Thawne is avillain that if you wrong him, he'll kill you, your best friend, your family, and erase any trace of you from existence. During the "Flashpoint" storyline, Thawne is the only person to know that Barry Allen completely messed up the timeline. Barry went back in time to prevent Thawnefrom killing his mother, thereby creating a new timeline. Thawne helpsBarry realize what he did not because Thawne wants to see everything go back to normal. Thawne wants Barry to have to make the choice of either leaving the timeline screwed up or letting Reverse-Flash kill his mother. Thawne is able to mentally torture people on a level that is seldom seen in comic books.

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The Flash Shows Why the Reverse-Flash Is DC's Greatest Nemesis - CBR - Comic Book Resources

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