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Syllabus – Genetics

August 4th, 2016 9:41 am

Course Description

BIOL 2316 GENETICS (3-3-0) is an introduction to the basic concepts of human heredity and cytogenetics including Mendelian, molecular, and population genetics. Prerequisite is BIOL 1406 Cell and Molecular Biology or BIOL 2304 Human Anatomy with minimum grade of C.

Instructional Methodology

This is a three-credit lecture course.

Course Rationale

BIOL 2316 Genetics is an intensive sophomore-level course that explores modern genetics. The course is divided into three parts.

Common Course Objectives

The common course objectives are available at http://www2.austincc.edu/biology/ccobjectives.

Grading Rubric

TESTS: There will befour unit tests whose dates are listed on the attached schedule. Each of these tests is worth 100 points. Each test will have 10 questions and will be designed to be completed in one hour in class. There is no curve. Students who receive below 70 on a test may hand in test corrections within 1 week to receive up to 6 additional points. One make-up test is allowed with prior permission of the instructor. Contact me in advance to arrange for a make-up test. Tests are given on material discussed in class, so regular attendance is strongly encouraged.

CLASS ACTIVITIES: Activities are given out throughout the semester to reinforce ideas discussed in lecture. These are usually small group activities and are graded at 5-10 points each. One make-up is allowed if a student is absent. It is the students responsibility to complete these class activity sheets and hand them in for grading. The grading rubric will be adjusted at the end of the semester to reflect the exact number of class activity points that may be obtained this semester.

HOMEWORK PROBLEMS: The study of genetics involves considerable problem-solving. Therefore, homework problems are provided for each chapter. There will be a total of 100 questions assigned, each one worth 1 point. These problems are similar to questions on the test, so successful completion usually improves test grades. Each problem set is due the week following the day the relevant chapter was discussed in class. Late homeworks will be accepted, but will be discounted 5% for each class they are late. Late homework handed in after the test date will not be accepted.

POWERPOINT PRESENTATION: Each student will develop a PowerPoint presentation on a genetic disease or syndrome to be handed in on April 19 as indicated on the syllabus. Details will be provided later in the semester.

Grade Component


4 tests @ 100 pts each


Class activities


HW problems


PowerPoint disease project


Total points


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Syllabus - Genetics

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