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Stem Cells Used to Treat Severe Complications from COVID …

July 12th, 2020 3:44 am

Patients with COVID-19 have been observed to experience a wide variety of symptoms, ranging from a mild cough to acute respiratory failure.So,what causes the most severe cases of coronavirus infection? In some instances,COVID-19 fatalities occur when a patients own immune system inflicts too much damage on the individuals infected organs.

In a general sense, the immune system protects the body from pathogens througha seriesofchemical signaling networks.These signals are received by specificreceptor cells which in turn respond by enhancingimmune responses like inflammation, fever, and cell death.One type of chemical signal that is prevalent in the immune systems response to coronavirus is a cytokine. These tiny proteinscancarry outmany differentfunctions, but the most prevalenttype ofcytokine in coronavirus research is one that promotes inflammation.

In a healthyimmune system, the body must be able to recognize and control the intensity ofimmuneresponses bysignaling for the suppression of a response after its activation. This cycle of enhancing and suppressing immune functions keeps fevers from running too highandinflammation from damaging tissue.As people age, the immune cells that produce cytokines often become less efficient. In some of these patients, there is a lack of balance between signals that promote immune responses and signals that suppress them.When these individuals contract coronavirus, the immune systemmay beactivated in what is called a cytokine storm. During this process, cytokines are sent out in a surge that causes severe amounts ofinflammationin the lungs, leading to tissue damage. At this point,the virus may haveinfected other organs where increasing inflammationwilllead toevenmore damage. If there is a lack of signalingto stop this immune response, organ damage may besufficient to cause death. In patients at risk of experiencing this cytokine storm, professionals are considering using mesenchymal stem cells to prevent and repair tissue damage.

A stem cellis a specific kind of cell thatdoesnot have a specialized function in thebody.Instead,theyhave the potential to differentiate intomanyspecific types of cells, such as red blood cells or neurons. There are three main types of stem cells: embryonic, induced pluripotent, and adult. Adult stem cells, which are found in small quantities in all types of tissue in the human body, are most of interest to researchers seeking to treat COVID-19.Thesetypes ofcells are only capable of developing into limited types of tissue, likely the type that they already reside in. Mesenchymal stem cells(or MSCs)are a type of adult stem cell that may be derived fromseveraldifferent organs, including the bone marrow, fat, and umbilical cords. Theyhave the potential to become the cells that are responsible for creating bone, cartilage, or fat. Aside from their ability to differentiate into other cell types, MSCs have severalother properties that make them of interest in treating COVID-19. First, these stem cellscansuppress the activity of certain immune cells. Evidence suggests that through these functions, MSCs may be able to regulate inflammatory responses.Second, MSCscan secrete growth factors that stimulate the development ofsurrounding cells.

Trials are now taking place totest the efficacy ofMSCs to treat severecomplications from COVID-19. In these studies, MSCs are injected intoapatient experiencingrespiratory infection.The MSCs then accumulate in the lungs, where their regulatory properties counteract or prevent thecytokine storm. The stem cells regenerative properties also serve a purpose to repair and regrow damaged tissue.A recent study conducted in Beijing, China treated seven coronavirus patients who had either critically severe, severe, or normal reactions to the virus. All seven patients exhibited symptoms including shortness of breath, fever, and weakness. Within two days of their MSC transplant, these symptoms had disappeared in all the patients.Manysimilartrials are now being conducted in multiple different countries.


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Stem Cells Used to Treat Severe Complications from COVID ...

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