Scientists might have found a way for a woman to be able to produce more eggs, potentially aiding and extending her fertility. The study, published in the journal Nature Medicine, found the ovaries of young women might still contain egg-producing stem cells, according to a report by MSNBC.
How could these stem cells potentially be used?
Theoretically, they could be used to develop new treatments for women who are struggling with infertility issues. The lead researcher on the study, Jonathan Tilly, has said that the stem cells could potentially be used to preserve the fertility of younger women who have struggled with serious diseases, like cancer, that may require harsh treatments that destroy the viability of their available eggs. He also speculated that they may be able to be used to restore egg production for an older woman that is no longer fertile.
What did the study involve?
Tilly, who works through Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital, had first discovered these stem cells in mice. He then went looking for them in donated ovaries that he acquired through a partnership with a Japanese hospital.
The stem cells had to be isolated in order for Tilly to test them for their ability to produce new eggs. After being injected with a gene that would change them to a particular color, the stem cells were placed in part of a human ovary and grafted under the skin of mice to monitor the effect, according to My Health News Daily. The grafted stem cells did in fact appear to begin to grow new, albeit immature, eggs.
What are the potential challenges facing this study?
Mostly, skepticism. Some experts that have reviewed the study, including Dr. Mario Conti of the Center for Reproductive Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco, have pointed out that Tilly has failed to prove that these cells can be used to grow eggs in humans rather than mice. Other criticism concerns the stem cells themselves, which appear to make up a very small amount of the cells of the ovaries, and whether or not they are capable of producing a mature egg that can be fertilized and grow into a human being.
What are the next research steps?
Tilly plans on conducting more studies to test the potential of these stem cells. WebMD reported that he has already partnered with cell biologist Dr. Evelyn Telfer at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland to begin developing techniques to take the immature, or "seed" eggs and encourage them to become fully-mature eggs which may be able to be used.
Tilly and others have cautioned that his research is just the first step in a long journey. Any practical application for his research is still years away.
Vanessa Evans is a musician and freelance writer based in Michigan, with a lifelong interest in health and nutrition issues.
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Stem Cells Might Have the Potential to Produce New Eggs