BCRO fetal precursor cell transplantation, has been usedsuccessfully for 80+ years as treatment of many diseases
in documented over 5 millions of patients worldwide. Physicians can learn about it in a textbook by E. Michael Molnar, M.D.:Fetal Precursor Cell Transplantation, BCRO Fetal Precursor Cell Transplantation, published in 2014 by http://www.amazon.com On the same web site the general readership can find out all about it in the book by the same author: Treatment of Incurable and No Longer Treatable Diseases, published in January 2015, as well as in his autobiography: Diseases and Genocide are not Our Destiny. You can buy it as free reader download for PC as well as Kindle Book.
The syllabus on the use of BCRO fetal cell transplantation (BCRO FCT) and BCRO fetal brain cell transplantation as a treatment of incurable/ untreatable diseases of all organ systems (including that of central nervous system!):
1/ Genetic diseases: All of known ~4,500 genetic diseases all incurable/untreatable by current medicine (controlled by the Big Pharma) can be successfully treated by BCRO FCT!
Such a huge statement can be made despite that there is no sufficient proof of results of such treatment for many extremely, or very rare, genetic diseases. In my experience of 26 years, whenever I was asked to treat such patient, the result was a success (of various degree) in practically all of correctly(!) diagnosed patients.
However, it is mandatory that the BCRO FCT treatment be done as soon as the diagnosis is made, i.e. without any major delay. The later in life the patient gets the treatment, the lesser is the chance of success. This applies in particular to the diseases of central nervous system in children, where all BCRO FCT treatments must be completed before reaching the 4th year of life(!).
In 1994 I treated - by request of close friend/colleague and his wife - by BCRO FCT his 24 years old oligophrenic daughter, likewise very close to me. This colleague was a member of Board of Directors of IIBM in Moscow, so he knew that his daughter was way too old to get a positive result from FCT. I treated her twice. Both parents were convinced that their daughter, who is today 48 years old, was noticeably improved by FCTs.
In 2007 our well known Hong Kong colleague, professor of medical school in Vancouver, Canada, advised me about a local TV program, where a mother of 3 years old boy with CHARGE syndrome, a very rare genetic combination of anomalies, in particular deafness and blindness, was begging hospitals and physicians to help her son. I decided to give it a try for free although I did not know anything about CHARGE syndrome, except for the old adage (of mine): when there is nothing known about extremely rare genetic disease, there in nothing wrong with trying BCRO FCT, because it is so safe! After three FCTs about four months apart the success was exceptional, in particular the reversal of blindness and deafness. It was reported on the same Hong Kong local TV station.
Central nervous system is the sole system of the human body, the development of which is not completed until the end of 4th year of life, i.e. the diseases of central nervous system respond to the BCRO FCT very well until then, but the same cannot be expected later on.
Human being is the sole member of animal kingdom, completely unprepared to live independently up until one year of age, i.e. no Tarzan could survive alone in Nature during the first year of his life, without the nurturing of his mother, in this case the gorilla.
Our International Institute of Biological Medicine in Moscow, in existence from 1990 till 1997, carried out a clinical research in collaboration with a Russian Research Center of OB/GYN and Perinatology of RAMS, whereby all newborns with Apgar score 1 3, i.e. with miniscule capacity to survive and to develop as normal human beings, got CT scan of their brain at the age of 2 weeks (no MRI was available then) and if the classical radiological sign of peri-ventricular malacia was found, then at 6 weeks of life the first fetal brain cell transplantation of white matter of brain was carried out, even though no official neurological diagnosis could be obtained as yet. The same treatment was repeated in 4 months, and again in another 4 months, following which the clinical diagnosis was already possible to make, that explained the reason(s) for low Apgar score. Later on, after the age of 1 year, fetal cell transplants of other parts of the brain and other body organs were added, as needed.
If ethics of modern medicine demand a resuscitation of every newborn with a birth weight of 500 grams, and extraordinary intensive care to keep such newly born alive, then medicine and human society should also assure that such newborns get a chance to become more than just permanent wards of chronic care hospitals.
When facing a serious damage of brain, the earlier in life is BCRO FCT done, preferably immediately after the diagnosis is established, (even in utero!), the better will be the outcome, because BCRO FCT cannot repair scar tissue! At such an early age there is no need to transplant fetal brain cells directly into the brain (by intrathecal implantation), a standard implantation works well, because the homing, which delivers fetal cells of the brain where they belong, i.e. into the brain, even if implanted elsewhere in the body, for example under the skin, is most active(!) at that stage of human development.
In other words, in any case of brain damage caused by event in utero, or during birth, treatment by BCRO FCT should be carried out as soon as possible. Later on any such treatment is much less effective, and definitely so if done past the 4th year of life.
Once the child is diagnosed with a cerebral palsy after 4th year of life, BCRO FCT, or any other, will have a much diminished effect, if any. Parents of cerebral palsy children spend enormous amount of time and money seeking treatment at the time when it is already too late.
One such child born at Russian Research Center of Mother and Child of RAMS in Moscow, was diagnosed at the age of 9 months with a congenital deafness, but already at that age the hearing loss was diminished to 60%, thanks to fetal brain cell transplantation, as was done already at 6 weeks of life( !).
Such very early BCRO FCT treatments were exceptionally appeciated in cases, where the newborn was extremely wanted by the parents.
2/ Chromosomal diseases, such as Down syndrome, with an incidence of 1:500 of live births, the most common among chromosomal and genetic diseases, and its treatment by fetal cell transplantation, proved to the world that hopeless inborn childhood diseases can be helped by such treatment quite well. It was the tremendous work of Prof.Dr. Franz Schmid, of Germany, born in Czechoslovakia, as Sudeten-German, No.1 expert in cell therapy, until his death in 1997 (next after the official father of this treatment Prof.Dr. Paul Niehans).
Major West German statistics of 1950 1990s proved that fetal cell transplantation, following the rules described above under genetic diseases, did allow Down syndrome children to enter the regular German public schools, which are much more difficult, than the private ones, successfully finish 8 years course of studies, obtain a vocational education, which prepared them to get regular jobs, in at least 50% of instances.
Our IIBM in Moscow started its treatment with IIBM FCT in early December 1992 by starting with our first patient: 2 years old boy with Down syndrome (in honor of our Director Prof.Dr. F. Schmid). Right after, our first study was commenced, comparing two matched groups of Down syndrome patients, all 2 years old, one treated with FCT, and the second not treated. Of the second group 50 % of patients died within 8 months - before they reached the age of 3 years! This was the last comparative study ever for IIBM to do.
In 1993 came to us in Moscow a 4 years old girl from Puerto Rico, who was previously treated by German cell therapy by Prof.Dr. Schmid. Her father wanted to compare the results of our FCT with cell therapy. It happened that the patient was in Moscow at the same week as Mike Wallace of CBS 60 Minutes was doing his most valuable report about me and IIBM. Mike Wallace talked the father to let him to film his daughter: as usual he betrayed the trust of father, as he made fun of the patient and her father in his usual way.
The patient had very good result, so the family decided to have FCT No. 4 in 4 months.
When the patient was entering the school at the age of 6, the laws of Puerto Rico required the entrance exam by clinical psychologist. The father wrote me a letter, excited that the Ph.D. psychologist pronounced his daughter as normal and she entered the school for normal children. He added, that Mike Wallace better did not show his face ever in Puerto Rico, because he will learn how hospitable Puerto Ricans can be
The patient was lucky because her parents believed in FCT and started her treatment when she was 2 years old. These patients have only one real handicap, even after FCT: lack of abstract thinking, thus they will not become Albert Einsteins
There has been also a success in FCT treatment of Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Angelman syndrome, Greig syndrome.
3/ Cerebral palsy has been successfully treated by BCRO FCT for years as long as treatment began prior to the age of 4 which was practically never!
With dyskinetic and ataxic CP children there is frequently a therapeutic success even if BCRO FCT is done even later, but not past the age of 10.
In hypotonic forms BCRO FCT treatment should be tried once, even if the patient is already past the age of 4, as there may be some therapeutic success, in which case additional treatment - every 4 months - should be done, as long there is appreciable positive result.
4/ Classical autism (Kanner autism, described in 1943) treatment by BCRO FCT was pioneered by myself, in 2007 in Hong Kong, where the colleague of mine, previously the professor of medical school in Vancouver, Canada, asked me to donate my time to give a consultation to the parents of a 9 years old boy with a classical autism. I was aware, that based on official teaching of all California physicians, the state in U.S. with the highest incidence of classical autism in the world, - where I was a practicing surgeon, I likewise was of the opinion, that classical autism is a psychiatric disease, and as such untreatable by FCT!
I met with parents of autistic boy, two highly educated young people, who devoted all their available time to learn everything that was known about autism. After their three hours long lecture, they convinced me that autism is not a psychiatric disease, and it is a result of measles-mumps-rubella vaccination, and thats why the incidence of classical autism was highest in California in the world, because 100% children there were vaccinated (and when they were not, they were not permitted to enter school) with MMR vaccine
I was willing to accept their explanation of mistake of official medicine, because I learned in my medical school in Czechoslovakia about an extensive research, done in Europe before WW2, about the mandatory vaccination against the measles of young men : the live attenuated vaccines were given to young men before drafted into the army, that measles gotten at the age of 18 20 caused large number of cases of encephalitis.
I saw their son, my first patient with classical autism ever, and it was a frightening sight: he almost destroyed the doctors office in 20 minutes despite being held by 3 bodyguards.
One month later I carried the BCRO FCT on their son, with help of 3 able bodied men and the father to hold him down. Two month later I saw the patient again. He was a completely different person, a calm, self-controlled, intelligent boy. He greeted me with polite handshake and kisses on both of my cheeks. The parents said that during two months post FCT he was upgraded two classes up in his private school. The school teaching staff spoke about a miracle. The parents did not tell anyone that their son had fetal cell transplantation.
I told immediately the organizers of my FCT scheduling to call back all parents of other autistic children, that I previously refused to treat, and inform them that I changed my opinion: now I do treat all classical autism patients with FCT. Every single patient with classical autism under age of 12 that received BCRO FCT lost all symptoms and signs of being autistic.
The therapeutic success has been 100% in all of 60 first patients treated. One problem remained: their education remained on the level of age, when they became autistic. It was mandatory to saturate the brains of all patients with all information, that they did not absorb while they were in autistic state.
One BCRO FCT treatment was sufficient in all patients.
Up until 12 years of age subcutaneous implantation of BCRO FCT has been used. - Over the age of 12 intrathecal implantation of BCRO FCT (via lumbar puncture) must be carried out, due to the closure of hemato-encephalic barrier, that usually becomes complete by the age of 12.
Classical autism is caused in all patients by MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine. Since in the State of California the MMR vaccination is mandatory and enforced by law ( the child is not allowed to enter the school with the legal consequences for the parents) the incidence of classical autism is 1:100!
A few years ago an artificial (and illogical) classification of autism spectrum disorders was made, which bears no relationship to reality. There are no autism spectrum disorders known in Nature.
BCRO FCT cannot be used to treat autism spectrum disorders, only classical autism patients as defined by Dr. Kanner.
5/ Aging disease has been at all times the most common reason for fetal cell transplantation therapy for 80+ years. According to the West German statistics of 1950 1990, of 5 million patients, who received such therapy in that country, about 4 million claimed that aging was the main reason for seeking such therapy, although many of them suffered from a variety of other medical conditions as well (besides menopause in women and impotence in men). FYI, 250.000 Americans travelled to West Germany or Switzerland for cell therapy, primarily for treatment of aging disease.
German patients considered their zellentherapie successful in 90% cases and desired a repetitive treatment at regular intervals. According to BundesGesundheitsAmt report one aging man received such therapy 27 years in a row (German method of preparing zelltherapeutica, which is less sophisticated than that of BCRO FCT, required once a year treatment).
With fast growing incidence of dementia, most commonly diagnosed as Alzheimers disease, the frequent component of aging disease is becoming the treatment of dementia by intrathecal BCRO fetal brain cells implantation via lumbar puncture, with exceptionally good results, even in the most advanced stage 4 of Alzheimers disease patients.
With BCRO FCT it is recommended that the treatment of aging be repeated every 3 years.
After the end of WW2 the post of West German Chancellor was offered to Konrad Adenauer, then 73 years old. To take the responsibility of leading the country completely destroyed by WW2 at that age was considered a super-human task. Yet the Chancellor Adenauer kept that job until he was 94, for 21 years(!) It was a common knowledge of all Germans, that he religiously set aside one week a year for his cell therapy treatment.
Charlie Chaplin married at the age of 57 a woman 30 years younger. He bought right away a villa next door to Prof.Dr. Niehans, the father of zellentherapie, to make sure that he would receive fetal cell transplantation every year. After the birth of child No. 8 Madame Chaplin paid a visit to their neighbor to beg him to stop giving her husband those cells because she is already tired. Charlie Chaplin finished his last film King in Hong Kong at the age of 84, in his usual way: he wrote the script, directed the movie, composed the music and played the main role.
Many kings and presidents of countries, famous personalities, etc., received such treatment between 1931 to this date. The partial list is available.
In 1985 the First Lady Nancy Reagan decided that her husband, President Reagan, must get the cell therapy. He just lived through Hinckleys assassination attempt plus was found to have a precancerous condition of colon. He was the oldest U.S. President to date. So she was absolutely right when she tried to help her husband by getting for him the very well known treatment, that worked. The ban by U.S. FDA of cell therapy since 1956 was not stopping her! Invited German physicians carried it out at Walter Reed Army General Hospital in Washington, D.C. That treatment helped President Reagan to successfully finish his two terms!
I learned about it during the annual meeting of selective German Society of Cell Therapy, that I was the only U.S. member of. My friend Prof.Dr. Schmid was a President.
In 1977 we became neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Reagan. Their house was of mile from ours. They lived there for 30 years. Riviera was a very friendly, closed community: our neighbors gave a welcoming big party for us and they all to make us feel welcome. My wife was introduced to Mrs. Reagan by her best friend to this date, who was our neighbor. Her husband was a chief of Department of Surgery in nearby St. Johns Hospital, the best private hospital in L.A. then, where I had surgical privileges. I shared my chiropractor with past twice governor of California and future U.S. President. In honor of this relationship I broke my rule (that I made after the departure from communist Czechoslovakia) to never become politically engaged anywhere and joined the Republican Party. I still keep many honors - in memory of President Reagan and his First Lady. He was the only U.S. President that I really liked.
I started to take FCT every 3 years when I was 47. My last treatment was combined with fetal brain cell transplantation on 12/12/2016.
The goal of medicine should be not only to find out why aging disease takes place, but also discover therapy to preserve the vitality of aging organism for as many years to come as possible, perhaps until the limit of our life, which is allegedly 120 years.
Vitality measures an ability of ones organism to realize all vital functions in physical, mental and spiritual spheres. It is an optimal performance of capacities existing in an individual. The best time to start such treatment is at the age of 40.
6/Diabetes mellitus type 1 with complications:
Every patient with diabetes mellitus type 1, or juvenile diabetes mellitus, will with a guarantee - develop complications typical for this disease over the next 10 years, such as diabetic retinopathy, the most common reason for blindness (in U.S.), diabetic nephropathy, leading cause of kidney failure, requiring hemo-dialysis and eventually kidney transplantation, diabetic poly-neuropathy, causing in 90% of such patients untreatable pain in lower extremities, diabetic lower extremity arterial disease, with gangrene of legs, requiring amputation, brittle diabetes in children, which is a very serious condition(!) of fast development of diabetic complications, complications of pregnancy in diabetics, such as fetal death, and female infertility. In all such patients BCRO FCT is the sole(!) treatment for such problems, that works uniformly well every time.
USSR was the first country in the world that discovered that human FCT is the sole treatment of complications of type 1 diabetes mellitus in late 1970s, by Prof.Dr. Shumakov and his team at Research Institute of Transplantology and Artificial Organs of USSR Ministry of Health in Moscow, which led to the development of BCRO (animal) fetal cell transplantation in 1997.
In early 1993 our IIBM began to receive requests for FCT treatment from abroad. The first South Korean patient was a young music composer, author of anthem for Seoul Olympic Games, who suffered from a very advanced type 1 diabetes mellitus with serious complications. He was treated with FCT: he became insulin-independent(!), which means that he did not have to take any insulin for 5 months(!), and his health improved tremendously. He let to know about it the entire nation of South Koreans. Soon VIPs of that country were coming in drones to Moscow for FCT.
In 2007 in Peoples Republic of China, after several visits to Shanghai, Guangzhou, Suchow, with all day long lectures about BCRO FCT, I was invited to Beijing by the famous four star general T.Y., that was the No.2 man behind Marshall Yap as No. 1, (Marshall Yap was the No. 5 in the hierarchy, after the Chairman Mao), of the team given the task - by the Politburo of the Communist Party of China - to take care of worst problem that country ever had, the coup of the first wife of Mao Ze Dong with the gang of four, which almost destroyed that country. General T.Y. was the one who found Mr. Deng Xiaoping in the concentration camp, where he was kept locked up by the gang of four, and was instrumental in installing him as a leader and architect of new China, as we know it today.
Subsequently General T.Y. decided to get involved in the organization of BCRO fetal cell transplantation project in China.
He suffered from advanced untreatable disease (I dont have his permission to disclose his diagnosis). Before his FCT he requested a permission to get such treatment from the first secretary of Communist Party of China - in writing. Only after he was given such permission - in writing I received a green light for his BCRO FCT. It was done in improvised operating room of five star hotel, big enough for about 50+ guests, invited by him to observe his BCRO FCT, with two TV cameras to record it. I was assisted by four senior surgical nurses. This was the first BCRO FCT I did in China. - After that all remaining patients were from the same group.
My private medical consultations in China were done usually in front of audience of up to 100 people. I was told that the visitors consisted mostly of family members. I did up to 10 consultations at the time, of different family members. Son of General T.Y., who lived in California, U.S. citizen, was my translator and keeper of patients medical records.
One problem I had was that only Chinese was spoken. In the rest of the countries - on all five continents - I was able to understand the patients partially, though enough, to be able to establish the usual physician - patient relationship: my translator could not cope with the volume of information so that I could not get into the real relationship (meeting of minds) with the patients as I was accustomed.
That was the first time in my life where I had the opportunity to get the first hand information about the life of ruling class.
The second patient was a four star general, who was until his retirement 2 years ago, the chief of secret service of China for 22 years. He spoke Russian too so that I could speak to him without a translator. Prior to taking this post he had to be found hidden in one of the concentration camps, courtesy of gang of four and their leader: wife of Mao. He suffered from the medical problem, which could not be helped by FCT, but he wanted to give it a try anyway. The next patient was his wife.
And there were many others from the ruling class of China.
I learned interesting facts about Mao Ze Dong and the Chinese history, modern and past, which I did not learn in school even though I lived until May 1, 1969, in the communist Czechoslovakia.
IIBM was invited in 1993 by Sansum Medical Research Foundation, Santa Barbara, California, for cooperation and a treatment of patients with incurable/untreatable diabetes mellitus with diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy, and with Los Gatos Hospital. In U.S.A. we treated altogether 55 patients. There was a wide publicity in Los Angeles Times of this. (Read my https::/bio-cellular-research.com, Chapter I: Definition and Basics, part 3: History, under the heading: Bio-Cellular Research Organization, for details.)
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic complications(!) has been an indication for BCRO FCT, but the success is limited only(!) to cases of non-obese diabetics.
BCRO FCT has been a mandatory(!) treatment for children with brittle diabetes. It has to be done in a hurry, to prevent the much faster development of the usual diabetic complications. The pioneering work was done in USSR in 1980s in Kiev.
7/ Other endocrine diseases:
Pituitary nanismus was the first disease successfully treated in 35 children by animal fetal cell transplantation, already 100 years ago, by Prof.Dr. Niehans.
Various forms of hypothalamic syndromes have been treated successfully by FCT, such as Sheehan syndrome, anorexia neurosa, bulimia, morbid obesity, intractable diabetes insipidus.
Diseases of adrenal cortex, such as adreno-cortical insufficiency, Addisons disease, exhaustion of adrenal cortex by over-treatment of variety of diseases by cortisone, excessive use of cortisone in treatment of variety of diseases, without real indication, all these require timely BCRO FCT treatment.
Male infertility is the cause of infertility of a couple in 50% of instances(!). There is a successful treatment of this condition, the entire protocol is based on BCRO FCT, that could be carried out in most modern infertility clinic.
A young ophthalmologist, that was made by Prof.Dr. Fedorov a liason between the world famous Fedorov Eye Institute in Moscow and IIBM, was infertile. He asked me to be the first male to be able to father a child, despite the total lack of sperm. Along with Infertility Center of IIBMs minority partner, the huge Russian Center for Care of Mother and Child of RAMS, we developed the therapeutic method for male infertility. The young eye specialist was the first infertile male to have the son of his own. There were two more such lucky men in Moscow.
At IIBM we developed a technique, which could be used for infertile males. It required services of an infertility clinic. After a complete evaluation of the male patient the FCT was carried out. After a month the patients ejaculate must be collected every week for 4 weeks, and inspected for normal, mobile spermatozoa. If any are found, they have to be concentrated and saved by freezing. When a sufficient quantity of mobile spermatozoa is accumulated, an artificial insemination is carried out. These steps are repeated, if necessary.
As a male is usually not happy with the idea that the child of record would not be really his, before electing a sperm of the donor to be used for in-vitro-fertilization, a trial of above method is worthwhile.
Premature menopause has reached epidemic proportions in the modern world, full of young women that are overzealous in their competition with men, many with 36 known venereal diseases transmitted by unprotected sex.
One third of 170 such patients received hormonal therapy, which was unsuccessful, while the second third of patients got repeated (!) BCRO FCT treatment with dramatic improvement of all pertinent hormonal levels, and the last third received placebo only. Such therapeutic protocol was developed by International Institute of Biological Medicine in Moscow in 1993/4.
Untreatable endometriosis, and uterine myomas, can be successfully handled, without hysterectomy or more aggressive surgical procedures (in case of myomas), by BCRO FCT.
A 42 years old Chinese businesswoman wanted a first child, but was not getting pregnant. Her gynecologist found a huge myoma in her uterus, which most likely was the cause of her infertility. Then she heard from me, that BCRO FCT usually shrinks myomas. She received FCT, got pregnant soon thereafter, married the father of her baby and became a happy mother of little boy.
Intractable chronic prostatitis with impotence has been successfully treated with by fetal cell transplantation and demanded loudly by wives of Soviet Navy men, loudly complaining to commanding admiral of the fleet about sexual non-performance of their husbands.
The rest is here:
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