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Stem Cell Therapy Training Course & Procedure Kits by Apex

March 10th, 2019 10:54 pm

Stem Cell Therapy Training Course & Procedure Kits by Apex

Stem cell therapy has some of the most exciting treatment potential in medicine today. Stem cells are the bodys master cells. They are undifferentiated cells which allow them to develop into other types of cells that are required to repair or replace damaged tissue. Stem cells can stimulate the formation of cartilage, tendon, ligaments, bone and fibrous connective tissues. Stem cells have been clinically and scientifically proven to effectively treat most chronic pain conditions, accelerate the healing, and reduce scarring.

A high volume of stem cells is obtained from the patients own bone marrow or fat tissue (adipose). Once the stem cells have been concentrated, they are injected into damaged areas of the body to promote regeneration and healing. These therapies are a safe, nonsurgical treatment option for most chronic pain conditions, wound care, and aesthetic abnormalities.

Not all stem cell therapy procedures or concentrating processes are the same. APEX Biologixs Stem Cell Concentration System offers the best processing technique to maximize patient outcomes. The APEX Biologix system creates a highly concentrated injectate of stem cells and growth factors.

With our system, we provide training videos, processing guides, and remote training if needed.

Regenerative medicine is a rapidly growing specialty, and with popular demand, more physicians are seeking a didactic learning environment where they can learn the science and practice performing these therapies.

APEX Biologix partners with the Advanced Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) to host training seminars where highly qualified physicians and specialists in regenerative medicine provide the essential instruction and necessary hands-on training. The goal of these training courses is to educate physicians interested in regenerative medicine and help them implement these cutting-edge therapies into their practice.

APEX Biologix provides complimentary business and marketing support to physicians who want to begin offering regenerative therapies to their patients. APEX Biologix has helped several clinics nationwide implement these therapies into their practices. Some of these therapies have become the clinics highest revenue stream.

Learn about regenerative medicine and how to successfully incorporate regenerative medicine into your practice.

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Stem Cell Therapy Training Course & Procedure Kits by Apex

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