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Stem cell therapy | Stem cell treatment and medicine| Unique …

August 4th, 2016 9:37 am

Prof. Alexander Smikodub


Alexander Smikodub jr.


Our clinic offers the advanced and patented methods of fetal stem cell treatment for various conditions and diseases. This method of treatment can be found in wikipedia: Stem cell therapy. Fetal stem cells are non-specialized cells that differentiate (turn) into any other cell type of the body that form organs and tissues. Fetal stem cells that we use for treatment have huge potential for growth, differentiation and are not rejected by the patients body, which allows to achieve unique long-term clinical effects.

We have more than 15 years of experience in stem cell therapyand are the leaders of the industry. Most of the methodic used in the clinic are unique and patent protected in many countries including USA. Since 1994 prof. Alexander Smikodub Sr. was the main researcher, doctor and administrator of the clinic. Now his son, Alexander Smikodub Jr. M.D. continues his fathers venture. During these years more than 6500 patients from all over the world received fetal stem cell treatment, resulting in significant improvement of their conditions,and in case of timely contact with us we were managed to achieve treatment results unreachable by any other known methods.


Stem cells are the new word in the medical science, possibly the new revolution. Their importance can be compared with antibiotics discovery or the first successful heart transplantation. They are the inner restorative and regenerative reserve of your body, found in blood, fat layer and bone marrow. After injection of a big stem cells doze, impaired tissues are recovered, regeneration speed is increased and overall condition is greatly improved. We use only material from healthy patients, which passes multiple security checks. They are a perfect material for treating a wide variety of neural and physical diseases.


As stem cells may repair any tissue of human body, they can treat a majority of diseases thought non-curable till recent time. Stem cells may evolve in 3 major directions, which are mesenchyme, ectodermal and endodermal, which means they can replace and cure impaired bone marrow and nerves, skin and tissues, muscles and mucus. Parkinsons disease, ulcerative colitis, muscular atrophy and dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and heart diseases, liver diseases and cancer, anemia and arterial hypertension, Alzheimers disease and ALS and even AIDS/HIV are successfully treated in our clinic.


The boy has developmental delay since the childhood. He has a lot of different physical abnormalities. The boy's parents appealed to the clinic for treatment. So this patient underwent full 2-days treatment with use of preparation based on stem cells by the method of Prof. Smikodub. Follows the recommendations of post-treatment period. Under regular control of his neurologist and parents.

As a result, now almost every day occur some changes in boy's development and behavior, he finds more things interesting, he became more independent, more emotional, he talks a lot in his own language.


After the stem cell treatment, we noticed an obvious progress. Two weeks after the procedure behavior and emotional condition has improved. It was noticed in kindergarten and by speech pathologist, who has been with him for a year. Then everything has stabilized. But 2 months later, in March, Ilya began to surprise us. He suddenly began to draw and sculpt with play dough, and he always goes everywhere with a pencil or pen. He also has began to write letters.

We always notice changes in our sons condition after each course of rehabilitation, but this time, its just miracles!


For many years researchers of stem cells and diabetes have been searching for substitutes of the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas annihilated by the immune system of the patient. Fortunately, it became real at once, though this is just a beginning. Regenerative medicine for diabetes curing become more and more widespread and is practiced already in many leading stem cell clinics across the globe.


FDA has blocked human stem cells tests for decades because of ethical and medical reasons. However, some diseases like autism cannot be treated in animals, as they do not have those. That is why after a long consideration FDA has finally approved the start of the research, aimed at finding cure to autism with the stem cell therapy. The stem cells are to be taken from the childs own umbilical cord blood, which is considered a perfect source of highly active stem cells.


It is sad when dangerous anti aging procedures are advertised and are called effective skin care remedies. The whole truth of many anti aging procedures is not unveiled, while the best anti aging secrets remain in the shadow just because they are not financed properly. If you know all truth you would probably never take such risk. The providers of anti aging procedures are aware about that therefore they prefer to hide some unpleasant facts.


Stem cell therapy was effectively used for enhancement of vision in patients. Embryonic stem cells of human were employed for the therapy. Advanced Cell Technology was developed that helped in treatment of macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is considered to be one of the main causes that brings to blindness of person.


Aleksandr IvanovichSmikodub was born in 1948. He graduated from Kyiv Medical Institute (1972). His interest to cell therapy treatment appeared in 1970 when he worked over the problems of nervous tissues trophicity, metabolism disorder and neurogenic dystrophy.


Ukraine has become an alluring destination for medical tourists for a number of reasons. Its proximity to Europe and wonderful nature certainly plays its role. But it is not only that. Unique Slavic culture is of big interest to foreigners who are glad to get acquainted with the country they travel to.


The idea of stem cell therapy came into view long ago. The principle "like cures like" appeared in the 16th century. The medicines are effective up to the moment of metabolic breakdown, while stem cell therapy will give you durable effect. It activates healing power of the patient and lets the body renovate itself.


The medical center (UCTC) was organized in 1994 by Professor Smikodub, who headed the clinic and started developing stem cell treatment. Then his son Alexandr Smikodub Jr. joined this activity. He was not only the supporter of his fathers methods, but was fully involved into work. Thanks to joined efforts of highly professional specialists more than 6500 patients received their treatment with fetal stem cells transplantation method.


UK scientists report a great advance in their attempt to find the deafness cure, after the stem cells usage to recover hearing in animals. The hearing was essentially restored after the stem cells usage to rebuild the damaged nerves of the gerbils, which pass the signal from their ears to the brain.


Cleveland, Ohio, is now a ground of one of the most important researches held by the medics nowadays. Case Western Reserve University began a research of the stem cell therapy usage for treating multiple sclerosis. It is expected, that stem cells will be able to replace and repair the damaged brain tissue, removing the reason of sclerosis and greatly easing the disease.


The Stem Cell Research & Therapy , which is and open access journal, published a study, which proved that stem cells from fat or bone marrow successfully treat and recover rats from stroke. After the treatment was applied, brain and heart functions were repaired and stabilized and all behavioral tasks were easily completed. The stem cell therapy promises a treatment for all, recovering from stroke, but many questions emerge and need to be answered. This research was aimed to solve many of them.


The cells of the brain are connected with each other and neurons link them. Neurons are named dendrites and axons that have a cover called myelin sheath. Electrical impulses function with chemical receptors and thanks to them the brain of the person can translate impulses into actions or thoughts. Different parts of the brain are responsible for different functions. For instance, occipital lobes are in charge of vision, while Brocas area is in charge of speech production and etc.


Specialists think that Parkinson s disease stem cell will work due to the results of transplantation studies that were performed in 80-s of the last century. Four Parkinsons patients participated in the study then. Scandinavian scientists harvested cells from their adrenal glands and transplanted stem cells into the brain. There are cells in adrenal glands that release dopamine and analogous substances.


The Danish Stem Cell Center (DanStem) specialists along with Hagedorn Research Institute scientists reported a possible breakthrough in our knowledge about natural insulin production. According to these discoveries, there is a way to convert the stem cells into beta cells that are aimed at producing insulin and can be implanted into diabetics.


Artificial hips and knees are a modern miracle that yearly helps nearly 50000 Canadians with arthritis. Toronto Hospital is undertaking a research to replace that costly and extremely hard operation.


Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are severe autoimmune diseases in which the pursued traditional anti-inflammatory therapy is symptomatic, and this disorder often causes surgery and patients disability.

UNIQUE CELL TREATMENT CLINIC has developed a comprehensive program with fetal stem cell application for effective anti-aging treatment. You can undergo the anti-aging therapy at any age and receive the most positive result

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