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Stem Cell Therapy – Nebraska Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine

March 24th, 2019 10:43 pm

Why Nebraska Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine?

Nebraska Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine has decades of experience providing the latest in orthopaedic procedures. We offer the entire range of treatments from conservative to surgical. The doctors at Nebraska Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine can help you choose the best treatment for YOU. Many clinics offering stem cell treatments for orthopaedic conditions are NOT orthopaedic doctors. When considering a clinic for stem cell treatment, you need to consider a doctors training and experience. Nebraska Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine is the only orthopaedic clinic in the region offering this exciting procedure.

Patients between the ages of18-64who have seen a physician for their condition and have exhausted all non-surgical measures (physical therapy, NSAIDs, cortisone injections, bracing, etc.) are ideal for Stem Cell Therapy

Shoulders, hips and knees will be the most common; however any joint or tendon can be treated using this procedure.

Because this is a newer treatment, the long-term outcomes are not fully understood and no guarantees can be made regarding outcomes.

Patients can expect to feel results over 1-3 months, although in some circumstances, relief may take as long as 6-9 months.

Because this is a newer treatment, the long-term outcomes are not fully understood and no guarantees can be made regarding outcomes.

Patients can expect to feel results over 1-3 months, although in some circumstances, relief may take as long as 6-9 months.

To schedule an appointment with Scott Swanson, MD, call (402) 488-3322. Dr. Swanson will assess you at an initial office visit to determine whether stem cell therapy is right for you.

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Stem Cell Therapy - Nebraska Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine

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