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Stem Cell Science Reviews and Adult Stem Cell Nutrition …

October 12th, 2015 4:54 am

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These articles, and stem-cell-science reviews, testimonials products, statements,and videos, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are for educational and informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and ANY products mentioned or referenced,are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent ANY disease or illness.

For more adult stem cell science information on supporting your bodys natural ability to release stem cells, and to take advantage of any financial opportunities involving optimal health ,stem cells and Stem-Cell-Enhancers

.Watch this VIDEO of the Worlds First Stem-Cells-Enhancer

Stem Cell Science Reviews, along with adult stem cell nutrition Testimonials are being generated with increasing frequency. American citizens and others from around the globe are experiencing new found freedom from disease, affliction, and infirmity. Individuals' lives are forever changed with the strengthened faith and renewed hope that arise from healed bodies and physical restoration.

These seemingly miraculous repairs being proclaimed by scientists involved with Adult Stem Cell Science, are backed by published proof and documented peer reviewed studies.

The popular news media tend to ignore and obscure the medical breakthroughs made by adult stem cell research--success that has conspicuously eluded embryonic stem cell treatments.

Adult stem cells (or, more accurately, tissue stem cells) are regenerative cells of the human body that possess the characteristic of plasticity--the ability to specialize and develop into other tissues of the body. Beginning in an un-specialized and undeveloped state, they can be coaxed to become heart tissue, neural matter, skin cells, and a host of other tissues.

Stem cell science has documented that adult stem cells are found in our own organs and tissues such as fat, bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, placentas, neuronal sources, and olfactory tissue, which resides in the upper nasal cavity.

This simple fact has remarkable implications for medicine--diseased or damaged tissue can become healthy and robust through the infusion of such cells. This has consequently commanded the attention of many researchers as well as those suffering from disease.

It is necessary to note that the power of adult stem cells is not nebulously potential, but tangible and real, as it has produced wonderful results with many adult stem cell science studies and testimonials in multiple cases.

These have been documented in clinical trials, that is, treatments with human patients. With adult stem cells, physicians have successfully treated autoimmune diseases such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, adult stem cell science advances have helped to avert corneal degeneration and to restore vision in cases of blindness. They have also restored proper cardiac function to heart attack sufferers and improved movement in spinal cord injury patients.

It is also important to note that adult stem cell science has produced successes and the Worlds first adult stem cell enhancer capsules. Adult stem cell science and adult stem cell research are conducted without any controversy. Embryonic stem cell research, which requires the destruction of early human life to acquire the cells, has not produced any successes in human patients. The breakthroughs demonstrated by adult stem cells are detailed below.

"Spinal cord injuries are one of the most severe forms of debilitation known to humanity. Many times they result in different forms of paralysis, including paraplegia and quadriplegia; other times they involve the immediate or imminent death of the patient. Laura Dominguez is an example of the former. Living in San Antonio, Texas, she was a sixteen-year-old girl attending summer school in 2001. On her way back from class, she and her brother encountered an oil spill on the highway that caused their car to careen out of control. The accident left her paralyzed from the neck down with a C6 vertebrae burst fracture. She subsequently entered various hospitals to be emphatically informed that she would never walk again." She is another candidate for adult stem cell science technologies and Adult Stem Cell Nutrition.

"Recent years have seen the emergence of successful adult stem cell science treatments and consuming adult stem cell nutrition for those who have suffered from heart attacks and heart failure.

Dr. Andreas M. Zeiher, the chairman of the department of internal medicine at the University of Frankfurt, and Dr. Stefanie Dimmeler, head of the division of molecular cardiology at the same institution, conducted a study of 28 heart attack patients in 2003."

"Another area in which adult stem cell science and therapy are demonstrating rapid advancement is the field of ophthalmology. A surgical procedure known as limbal stem cell transplantation offers hope to those suffering from corneal degeneration, blindness, and other ocular diseases.

The procedure involves the extraction of stem cells from the limbus, the region of the eye between the epithelial layer of the cornea and the sclera, the eye's outer layer. The cells are typically extracted from a healthy eye of the patient himself, from a family member, or from cadaveric material. Once extracted, the limbal stem cells are implanted into the patient's defective eye. Stem cell science reveals that the stem cells then differentiate into corneal epithelial cells which improve the health of the outermost layer of the eye."

Autoimmune Disease Treatment: Diabetes, Lupus, Crohn's, Multiple Sclerosis

"Adult stem cell science and treatments has also shown significant results, with life-changing testimonials, in the treatment of various autoimmune disorders. Researchers reported that, of 250 diabetics, 200 were able to discard their insulin needles for over a year after islet cell transplantation from cadavers. A research team at Harvard has shown complete reversal of juvenile diabetes in mice using adult spleen cells, and is now preparing for the first patients trials using these adult cells."

"Parkinson's disease is a disorder of the central nervous system in which the substantia nigra, a part of the brain, ceases to produce dopamine, a chemical that allows for effective motion. Dennis Turner is a man who suffered from the disorder for fourteen years. His condition was characterized by strong shaking on the right side of his body, making arm coordination virtually impossible. He underwent years of medication and watched his condition gradually deteriorate. After consultation with a neurologist, he discovered the option of adult stem cell therapy and decided to have the procedure done. His own stem cells were extracted from his brain and subsequently transplanted into the left side of his brain in a 1999 procedure."

"Adult stem cell transplants are also widely used to treat such diseases as anemias, leukemias, lymphomas, and other cancers. Additional treatable diseases are Fanconi anemia, pure red cell aplasia, juvenile chronic myelogenous leukemia, juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, immune deficiencies, and some genetic diseases."

The above testimonials are a strong testament to the amazing power of adult stem cells,brought public, by adult stem cell science. These "miracle cells" have provided real treatments for real people.

While stem cell science, has brought "Center Stage" the potency and success of adult stem cell treatments are becoming evident, treatments using embryonic stem cells have not produced any clinical successes. Rather, embryonic stem cell treatments tend to create tumors in numerous animal studies. The public should ponder these issues and ask why the media do not cover such results.

In a world with limited funds for research, why are we arguing about unproven and often dangerous embryonic stem cell treatments when treatments using adult stem cells are today producing testimonials of real results for real patients?

DISCLAIMER - Adult-StemCells-Blog and EJ Morris, a STEMTech Independent Distributor, does not make or infer any claims that Stem Cell Enhancers or Circulation Enhancer supplements can cure, mitigate, treat or prevent ANY disease. The information on this site is provided for educational and informational purposes only.The content is based upon the opinions of each respective author. The viewer is encouraged to make their own healthcare decisions that can be based upon research and then partnering with their own Doctor or health care professional concerning stem cell science, Stem Cell Enhancer capsules and adult stem cell options.

I am 54 years old and I love to work out with my speed bag and heavy bag. I want to give my Adult Stem Cell Nutrition testimony. I do weight training and love to run. A year ago I aggravated my lower back doing some work for a friend of mine from my church.

I have four vertebrae with compression fractures and during the last year I had severe discomfort in my back and I had torn some ligaments and muscles in my right calve.

I started taking AFA Stem-Cell-Enhancer capsules about 1 1/2 months ago. Today my back is free of discomfort and my calve has improved 80 %. I have never taken a product with such drastic results. I am a believer in stem cell science and will be using Stem cell Nutrition capsules for the rest of my life.

Kirk L.

*** [[ side note ]] Whole AFA has been used for more than two decades with a very good track record of safety and health benefits. Whole AFA has been used as a natural anti-inflammatory product, to support the immune system, and to improve mental clarity and mental energy. Over the past few years scientific teams have isolated and identified the various components in AFA responsible for the various health benefits of AFA.

In brief, AFA has been found to contain phenylethylamine (PEA) responsible for providing a feeling of mental energy, phycocyanin responsible for the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, a polysaccharide responsible for supporting the immune system, and most recently an L-selectin ligand responsible for supporting the release of stem cells from the bone marrow.

The World's first Stem Cells Enhancer Capsules are a 5:1 concentrate of AFA that concentrates the four compounds listed above. It is specifically designed and developed to support stem cell physiology, but it also concentrates other compounds unique to AFA, bringing unique support for the whole body.

Witness for yourself .. the Stem Cells Enhancer that helped Kirk

Running With a Bum Knee

A Stem-Cells-Enhancer testimony from Kenny Gaddy I have a bum knee. Over the years it has taken a lot of punishment from playing different sports. My knee would buckle walking upstairs, feeling like the cartilage between the bones was missing. I used to run a lot, but I hadn't been able to lately because of the pain. After three days of taking Stem Cell Nutrition capsules, I walked upstairs without my knee buckling or feeling any discomfort. I was pleasantly surprised at the strength in my knee, so to test it, I ran up the stairs. I was so excited! When I get up in the morning now, I hit the floor running. Nothing but the Stem-Cell-Enhancer capsules could have brought about that improvement.

World's First Stem-Cells- Enhancer Capsules are Right HERE !

Symptoms Gone

George Guyatt My symptoms included loss of memory, difficulty walking, and tremors. Three doctors in town, plus one at the VA, agreed I had a serious disorder. Recently, after starting on AFA Stem Cell Nutrition supplements, I noticed a big difference .. and I wanted to give my Stem Cell Science testimony.

Right away, my memory got better, and my walking improved 100 percent. I found it was much easier to get in and out of cars. I went to the neurologist for my regular check up, and she put me through all kinds of tests, but they all came back clear. I showed no signs of any brain disorder.

When she rotated my joints, she said she could barely detect a problem and couldn't believe what she was seeing.

She asked what I was doing differently, and I told her about the Adult Stem Cell nutrition and stem cell science. She said she would like to know more about it and told me that I would not have to come back anymore unless I wanted to.

"I'll Never be Without my STEM CELL Enhancer Nutrition"

Let's review some adult stem cell science and learn exactly what are Adult Stem Cell Enhancer capsules.. and How Do they Work?

Stem Cell Enhancer capsules,are a water soluble, a five times concentrate of AFA, a fresh-water blue-green algae that grows is Klamath Lake, Oregon, and a few other places around the world.

Stem Cell Science has produced a patented stem cell nutrition formula contains a specific ligand that attaches to a receptor on stem cells in the bone marrow, and thereby releases stem cells from their attachment in the bone marrow.

Stem cell science studies and research work, have discovered that Stem Cell Enhancer capsules, also contains a molecule known as Migratose that helps stem cells enter areas of tissue injury and cell damage. Beyond this, the AFA in Stem-Cell-Enhancer capsules contains chlorophyll, which helps in detoxification.

Stem Cell Science documents that stem cell nutrition capsules also contain PEA, a brain chemical known as the molecule of joy, which improves mood and relaxation in many people.Stem Cell Enhancer capsules also contain phycocyanin, the blue-green pigment which is both anti-inflammatory and has anti-tumor properties.

Scientific studies on Stem Cell Enhancer capsules have demonstrated that it 1) causes a transient, mild enhancement of stem cell release, 2) releases natural killer cells from the bone marrow, which cells help the body eliminate toxic invaders (bacteria and viruses) and cancer cells, and 3) decreases malignant cell growth. Further stem cell science studies are in progress and will be published in the coming months.

The very basic stem cell science of it all, is, when a person takes two Stem Cell Nutrition capsules, from the stomach they go right into the blood stream and then to the bone marrow.

In the bone marrow they activate the natural release of between three to four million of your own stem cells into your blood stream. When the stem cells are released into the blood stream they are like heat-seeking missiles. They go right to the part of your body that is damaged the most. They then attach themselves to the damaged area, they become new cells of that area, they multiply, and they fix the problem the natural way.

Stem cell science has documented that after the millions of your own stem cells circulate in your blood stream for two to three hours fixing things, the stem cells that are not used up go right back to the bone marrow.

So nothing is lost.

The bone marrow then reproduces the number of stem cells that were used up on the previous journey, so you always have a full tank of stem cells for the next time you take two capsules. Pretty exciting. Now well look at some adult stem cell science testimonies from real people.

A Bad Fall .. Stem Cell Enhancer and Circulation enhancer Capsules

Last summer I was walking with some friends of mine through their back yard late at night. It was pitch black. What they didnt tell me was that their son was putting in a fence around the perimeter of their property, and he had dug a deep hole for the 6 x 6 post. Well, he ran out of daylight, didnt have time to put in the post, and he didnt cover the hole. Guess what? I found the hole.

I hit the side of my left leg right under the hip joint on my way down. The discomfort was excruciating. I thought I had broken my leg. They hauled me out of the hole and I started walking around, and I knew that because I could walk I hadnt broken my leg.

Right away my leg swelled up where I had hit the hole. I had been taking four Stem Cell Enhancer capsules a day for over a year on kind of a maintenance program.

Now, to relieve the immense discomfort I took eight StemEnhance three times a day for three days. Every time I took the eight pills the discomfort would go down measurably. At the end of the three days the discomfort was all gone.

But the big puffy bruise about the size of my hand on my leg was still there. It didnt hurt but it was still there. Another amazing thing about that giant bruise that whole time I was taking the massive amounts of Stem Cell Enhancers, that bruise never became in the least discolored.

When I was younger I was a high school and college track athlete and basketball player, and every bruise I ever received would get black and blue. This one never discolored at all. The stem cells had to be taking the bad blood away before it could collect there.

After that bad fall I went back to taking four pills a day. The big lump on my leg was still there. It didnt hurt, but it was still there. About two months later the company came out with stem cell circulation nutrition which is an all natural product made out of six very powerful antioxidants. I was so happy with what stem cell nutrition supplements have done for me that I decided to try it to help the circulation of my stem cells.

It has been recommended taking Stem Cell Circulation capsules along with ,Stem Cell Enhancer capsules, in the morning on an empty stomach with plenty of water or other liquid that is good for you.

Stem cell Circulation Enhancer capsules actually speeds the transmission of the stem cells in your blood stream and clears out veins and arteries and actually opens capillaries that were closed. It is especially good for people with poor circulation.

Well, I didnt have poor circulation, but being 65 years old I am always interested in all natural products that will keep me in good health.

So, I bought a bottle of circulation enhancer capsules and started taking them. All of a sudden that big puffy lump on the side of my left leg started to go down. Within a week to a week and a half it was all gone and has never come back.

Another thing I noticed after taking adult stem cell circulation nutrition.. I had a patch of red inflamed skin about the size of a small baseball right above the ankle bone of my right leg. It didnt really hurt, but it was itchy and red, and I didnt want to itch it because I thought it might bleed. I had had this red spot there for several years.

In about two weeks after taking adult stem cell nutrition for enhanced circulation, that red spot was gone, and now it is just regular skin. I also used to get light headed when I would stand up quickly after stooping down to the floor or getting up too fast. The light head feeling is all gone now since I have been taking stem cell circulation formula. K.G.

Muscle aches, Elevated Blood Sugar, and Bad Vision

A 46 years old, self-made businessman had severe muscle discomfort for 26 years. The doctor told him that it was just a matter of time before he was in a wheel chair because there was no medical cure for this condition. He also had a severe case of elevated blood sugar, and because of complications related to this he was losing his vision very fast.

It took him literally two to three hours every morning just to get out of bed so he could get ready to go to work. This man heard me on the radio talking about gold and silver, but when I told him about Stem Cell Enhancer capsules he became very excited. He bought a number of bottles and started taking six or eight capsules a day.

After six weeks his muscle aches were all gone, after two months his elevated blood sugar normalized, and also in this period his vision improved back to 20/20. In fact, he gave a speech to a group of people after that about what these Stem Cell Enhancers had done for him, and his eye doctor went with him with his eye medical records and gave a testimony of what had happened to his vision as a result of taking AFA Stem Cell Enhancers.

A couple months after he started taking Stem-Cell-Enhancer capsules, this mans mother was diagnosed with stage IV lung masses and was expected to live for only a month or two. After starting taking Stem-Cell-Enhancers, two capsules 3x daily, she improved to the point that the hospice workers questioned her diagnosis. She survived for nine months in a much improved state and died of unrelated causes. R. N.

Muscle Aches

A married lady from Colorado in her mid-50s had a bad case of muscle aching. She was in so much discomfort that she could not even physically get out of bed in the morning. Her husband had to pull her out of bed. She would just stand there on the side of the bed and shake almost uncontrollably for about 15 minutes. The shaking would eventually subside and she could slowly start walking around and get ready to go to work. She bought Stem-Cell-Enhancer capsules and started taking it every day. After only a month her muscle discomfort was completely gone, and now she lives a brand new life without that tormenting affliction. J. H.

Healthy Heart & Sunshine

I have a couple gold and silver clients in Alaska. They are both in their mid 50s. The wife has had heart problems and has been experiencing great difficulty walking for any distance even on the level. She would get out of breath and feel very weak. Her husband was a commercial plumber and was relatively healthy. But being a plumber and being outside in the elements he was very concerned about his health, particularly about his immune system.

When I told the wife about Stem Cell Enhancer capsules releasing millions more adult stem cells..and that those stem cells could strengthen her heart she became very excited and bought several bottles. She took about six or eight Stem-Cell-Enhancer capsules a day in order to hasten the repair of her heart. In just a few short weeks she was walking long distances without even breathing hard.

She then decided to try to climb a small mountain that was near to where they lived. Twenty years ago she was able to climb it but not recently. With her knew found strength she decided to try. She climbed to the top of that mountain and was not even breathing hard by the time she got there.

When she bought several bottles of AFA Stem-Cell-Enhancer capsules, her husband ridiculed her, and called it quack medicine. As she started feeling the results of the product she wanted him to take it also, so she made up a story that it was primarily for the immune system, not knowing that stem cell nutrition does very much boost the immune system. Her husband decided to take it on that basis.

When I called back and talked to her after about two months she told me a shocking but funny story. She said that her husband had been transformed into a new person. I didnt know this before, but she told me that her husband was the most pessimistic, negative, critical, nasty person you could ever meet.

She said that she couldnt wait until he had a job away from home so she wouldnt have to be around him and his nastiness. She also told me that after he started taking the Stem-Cell-Enhancer capsules his whole personality changed.

Now he is never negative or pessimistic or nasty. He is the most cheerful, optimistic, positive person you could ever want or hope to meet. She is absolutely astounded at the dramatic change. He went from nasty surly to complete Sunshine in about two months.

What she didnt know about Stem-Cell-Enhancer nutrition, is that the blue-green algae contains a natural chemical, phenylethylamine or PEA, called the Oil of Joy, and it makes people calm, serene, relaxed, and happy. Smile.. and pass the Stem Cell Nutrition T. M.

Eyes, Shingles, Respiratory problems, Bad Knees

One of my clients is a legal secretary. She started out taking just two Stem-Cell-Enhancer capsules a day, one in the morning and one at night. Over the years her eyesight has become bad and she had to start wearing bifocals for close up work, like looking at the computer screen.

After just a few days of taking stem cell nutrition she noticed that the computer at work was becoming blurry. She thought that very strange. Maybe her eyes were going bad. To her shock, when she took off her bifocals she could read the computer screen clearly.

Now she doesnt need to wear glasses any more. Many people with bad vision have almost immediate eye testimonies. Where can you go to buy good natural vision?

Years ago this lady had a bad case of shingles, and there were some places on her face that were still numb from the infection. Within a week all the numbness in those places was gone. Being in an office with attorneys and other office staff, she usually was the first to pick up colds and sniffles or coughs or flu.

She noticed the other day that almost everyone in the office had some kind of cold or malady, but she was feeling just fine and healthy. Lastly, she had bad knees, and they would really hurt when she walked up stairs. After two weeks of taking Stem-Cell-Enhancer capsules, her knees didnt hurt in the least anymore. B. A.

Shoulder, Eyes, Breathing, Bad Back

A man in his mid 50s had lost most of the range of motion in his shoulders, and had a lot of discomfort there. He started taking Stem-Cell-Enhancer capsules and Circulation Enhancers, about eight capsules of each daily. In less than a week he experienced much greater range of motion in his shoulders.

His eyesight was also bad, and in just about a week he was able to drive downtown without his glasses on. He had trouble breathing and went to the doctor to get an MRI. He thought there might be something wrong with his heart, but the tests didnt show that. He had sinus trouble also and was not able to breathe out of his nose.

After about two weeks his breathing had improved dramatically and he could breathe out of his nose for the first time in years. He was also constantly in severe back discomfort, and no medication could touch it. After just four days of taking the worlds first Adult Stem Cell Enhancer capsules his backache was completely gone. R.W.

Memory, Knee, Energy, Granny

A young man in his late 20s wanted to improve his memory. He found that when he was studying hard concepts that it would take him quite a while to grasp them.

Adult stem cell science amazed him. He started taking Adult Stem Cell Enhancer capsules and Stem cell circulation enhancers .. six capsules a day.

He was amazed at the dramatic difference it made and how he could now grasp complicated concepts and remember them. He also had a bad knee from playing soccer when he was younger.

He had to quit playing because of his knee. After two weeks of taking the adult stem cell nutrition formula his knee was 100% fine no discomfort at all.

He also experienced a tremendous boost of energy and strength. He gave a bottle of adult stem cell nutrition formula to his 75 year old grandmother just to try. Years ago she was very active, but age has taken its toll.

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