About Conference STEM REGENERATIVE 2019
12thAnnual Conference on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicinewhich is going to be held onJune 13-14, 2019inHelsinki, Finland provides a great opportunity to network with the world-class researchers in the fields of Stem Cells, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Medical Research, Biotechnology. This social gathering warmly welcomes Presidents, CEO's, Delegates and present day experts from the field of Gene therapy and Public well-being and other pertinent organization positions to take an interest in these Keynote Talks, Sessions Talks and B2B networking.Stem Regenerative 2019will also have a wide range of showcase of collaborators, exhibitors to explore. This global meeting gives the chance to Molecular Biologist, Gene & Cell Therapists, Young Researchers and students throughout the world to assemble and take in the most recent advances in the field of Stem Cell and Gene Therapy and to trade innovative thoughts and encounters.
With individuals from all around the globe concentrated on findings of Stem Cells and Gene Therapy and its advances; this is the best chance to achieve the largest gathering of members from the Stem Cell and Gene Therapy research groups. Lead introductions, circulate data, meet with present and potential researchers.
Gene Therapy Scientists
Stem Cell Researchers
Emeritus and Academic professors
Cell Biologists
Genetic scientist
Molecular Biologists
Stem Cell research students
Business Entrepreneurs
Drug Manufacturing Companies
Stem cell Developers and Investigators
Stem cells are those which are undifferentiated at the biological level and have an ability to divide to produce many stem cells. They can be found in multicellular living organisms. In mammals, there are two broad types of stem cells: Embryonic and Adult stem cells. Embryonic Stem cells are also known as pluripotent stem cells isolated from the inner cell mass of blastocysts, where Adult stem cells are found in various tissues. The main function of stem cells and progenitor cells is to act as a repair system for the body, replenishing adult tissue. Epigenetics is the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself. Epigenetic modifications are reversible modifications on a cells DNA that affect gene expression without altering the sequence of DNA. Epigenetic modifications play an important role in gene expression and regulation and are involved in numerous cellular processes such as in differentiation or development and tumorigenesis. Epigenetics is a study on a global level and through the adaptation of genomic high-throughput assays.
The anatomical region where stem cells are found in a shallow recess is referred to a stem-cell niche. It refers to a microenvironment with reference to the in vivo or in vitro stem cells; they even interact with stem cells to regulate cell fate. Various niche factors act on embryonic stem cells to induce their proliferation or differentiation for the development of the fetus and in altering the gene expression during the embryonic development. In the human body, stem cells maintain the adult stem cells in a dormancy state, but during the tissue injury, it actively signals to stem cells to promote either self-renewal or differentiation to form a new tissue.
Track 3:BioBanking & Tissue Preservation:
Bioprocessing is a technology used for transferring the current laboratory-based practice of stem cell tissue culture to the clinical research as therapeutics necessitates for the application of engineering principles and practices to achieve control, automation, safety, validation and reproducibility of the process and the product. Biobanks are the type of biorepositories which collects, processes, stores and distributes biospecimens to support the future scientific investigation. This plays an important role in helping the researchers providing the background knowledge of the subject. In order to preserve tissues and cells collected for scientific purposes, a number of important techniques and protocols must be utilized. Moreover, the predominant methods in widespread use, cryopreservation, and hypothermic storage have shortcomings in application and assessment.
Scaffolds are of great importance in clinical medicine. It is an upcoming field and usually associated with conditions involving organ disease or failure. It is used to rebuild organs and return normal function. Stem cells along with regenerative medicine can be used to create Scaffolds in the human body. Tissue regeneration is a branch of Regenerative medicine which deals with the study of regrowth or repair of the damaged or lost tissues in response to the injury. Non-injured tissues by default have expanded cells in the formation over time, but the new cells formed in response to the injury replaces the expanded cells in closing up the wounded site leaving a scar mark on the skin. For example, an injured cell is regenerated in 4-5 weeks, whereas a non-injured cell regenerates in just 3-4 days.
The process of replacing tissues or organs, engineering or regenerating human cells to restore or establish normal function is generally termed as Regenerative medicine. Regenerative medicine is a branch of Translational Research in the areas of tissue engineering and molecular biology. Regenerative medicine stimulates the bodys own repair mechanisms to engineer the damaged tissues and organs.
3D printing is a 3-dimensional printing machine which gives the information of a 2D image in the form of a 3D object. The layer of materials to form a 3D object is controlled by the computer by providing geometry of the object. 3D Bioprinting aids Tissue Engineering by providing an in-depth information of the image and structure analysis of the image, which helps in solving the critical problems. Bio-fabrication is referred to the production of artificial tissues or organs to address health challenges in medicine. It often uses the principle of 3D Bioprinting to form cells, gels, and fibers into an organ.
Stem cell therapy is the use of stem cells to treat/prevent a disease.The bone-marrow transplant is the most widely used stem-cell therapy, but some therapies derived from umbilical cord blood are also in use. Research is underway to develop various sources for stem cells, as well as to apply stem-cell treatments for neurodegenerative diseases and conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. The most well-established and widely used stem cell treatment is the transplantation of blood stem cells to treat diseases and conditions of the blood and immune system or to restore the blood system after treatments for specific cancers.
Track 8:Stem Cell Transplantation and Biomaterials:
Stem cell transplantation also referred to as bone marrow transplant, in which unhealthy blood-forming cells replace with healthy cells. A procedure in which a patient receives healthy stem cells to replace their own cells destroyed by disease or high doses of anticancer drugs or by the radiation that are given as part of the procedure. The healthy stem cells may come from the bone marrow of the patient, blood, from a donor or from the umbilical cord blood. A stem cell transplant may be autologous, allogeneic or syngeneic. Many researchers are working to improve stem cell transplantation procedures to make it an option for patients.
Self-reestablishment and multiplication of foundational microorganism populaces are controlled, to some degree, by the affectation of apoptosis. Apoptosis of stem cells is a dynamic process which changes accordingly to the response to environmental conditions. The number of stem cells is always balanced between the lost through differentiation and to the gained through proliferation. Self-renewal and multiplication are controlled to some degree by the affectation of apoptosis. Because of natural conditions apoptosis of immature microorganisms is accepted to be dynamic.
It has been stated that stem cells have an ability to produce a large number of cells which in turn helps in forming the destroyed tissue or an organ. In contrast, stem cells can also be aided in repairing the damaged organs, in which the mechanism carries out in two different options: support mechanism and replace option. The support mechanism of the stem cell is regeneration or the regrowth of the tissue or organ cells avoiding detrimental fibrosis. The replace option of the stem cell is to transplant the stem cell.
Injury or sickness of individuals makes their cells to die or dysfunctional. Aging is the demonstration of the internal depletion of stem cells. It shows that human beings could not without stem cells. For a diverse group of treatment purpose, adult stem cells can be used. Adult Stem cell resides in-vivo in the form of self- renewing pools & helps in repairing/replacement of damaged tissues over the survival of the organism.
Nanotechnology is the branch of technology that deals with small things that are less 100 nm in size. Here, to tackle the position of stem cells for some biotherapeutic applications we need to work at the size scales of molecules & processes that govern stem cells fate. Nanotechnology and Nanoscience offer immense benefits to humans with an effective amalgamation of nanotechnology & stem cells.
Gene Therapy is used to treat inherited Muscular disorder, cardiovascular disorder, HIV, cancer etc. In stem cell transplants, stem cells replace cells damaged by chemotherapy or disease or as a way for the donor's immune system to provoke immunity against some types of cancer and blood-related diseases, such as leukemia. Cellular Therapy is internationally recognized for its novel approaches in treating blood-related disorders like leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, and other life-threatening diseases. The stem cell transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCT) in which the allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells are harvested from healthy donors of same species and autologous stem cell from the patient itself. Both therapies use high dosage cytotoxic medication in order to induce higher remission rates against malignant diseases. Autologous HSCT preferably used in relapsed malignant high-grade lymphoma and Allogeneic HSCT preferred for therapeutic effect against acute leukemia with unfavorable prognosis in a high percentage of patients. The Recent developments based on the expansion of the donor pool for allogeneic stem cells in order to reduce dosage as well as the chemotherapeutic toxicity of allogeneic transplantation with sustainable anti-leukemia efficacy.
Classical methods of gene therapy include transfection. It became inefficient and limited mainly due to the delivery of the gene into actively proliferating cell s in-vitro. Gene therapy utilizes the delivery of DNA into cells by means of vectors such as biological in-vitro or viral vectors and non-viral methods. Several kinds of viruses vectors used in gene therapy are the retrovirus, adeno-associated virus, and herpes simplex virus. While other recombinant viral vector systems have been developed, retroviral vectors remain the most popular vector system for gene therapy protocols and widest application due to their historical significance as the first vectors developed for efficient gene therapy application and the infancy of the field of gene therapy.
Track 15: Genome Editing Technology:
Genome editing technology deals with engineered nucleases and it is the emerging type of genetic engineering. it is the technology in which the DNA is inserted, deleted or replaced in the genome. The emergence of highly versatile genome-editing technologies has provided investigators with the ability to rapidly and economically introduce sequence-specific modifications into the genomes of a broad spectrum of cell types and organisms. It also promotes various changes in subcellular level genome editing itself also holds tremendous potential for treating the underlying various idiopathic genetic causes of certain diseases. The core technologies now most commonly used techniques to facilitate genome editing are clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), and homing endonucleases or mega-nucleases.
Tissue engineering is the combinational usage of cells, engineering, materials methods, suitable biochemical and physicochemical factors in order to improve or replace the infected biological tissues. The field includes the development of materials, devices, techniques to detect and differentiate disease states, the treatment response, aid tissue healing, precisely deliver treatments to tissues or cells, signal early changes in health status, and provide implantable bioartificial replacement organs for recover or establish of healthy tissue. Techniques developed here identify and detect biomarkers of disease sub-types, progression, and treatment response, from tissue imaging, gene testing and gene analysis, that aid the more rapid development of new treatments and guide their clinical applications in treating the disorder. It includes the usage of computational modeling, bioinformatics, and quantitative pharmacology to integrate data from diverse experimental and clinical sources to discover new drugs and specific drug targets, as well as to design more efficient and informative preclinical, clinical safety and efficacy studies.
Therapeutics is the branch of science dealing with the application of remedies of diseases. Moving on to the gene therapeutics it is the medicine which we develop a remedy for a disease through the genetic material. Advanced gene therapeutics is a medicine we use the drugs to treat a disease by developing dosage forms to optimize drug action, underpin new formulations that target molecules spatially within the body, enhance the bioequivalence of poorly soluble drugs and biologics, and improve patient experience and compliance
Infectious diseases remain a leading cause of deaths globally. Scientific models are utilized to comprehend the transmission of infections. The applications incorporate deciding ideal control approaches against new or treating infections, such as swine flu, Ebola, HIV, Zika, malaria, and tuberculosis. It can be used to predict the impact of vaccination strategies against common infections such as rubella and measles. The process of research or discovery of a medicine for a disease is generally called as drug discovery. In contrast, patient-specific drug discovery is a process of inventing a drug by considering the pros and cons and the anatomical conditions of the patient. The general medicine is discovered on the basis of the active ingredient from traditional remedies or serendipitous discovery. It can also be referred to as personalized medicine, which separates patients into different categories.
The world trade market for cell and gene-based therapies is expected to greater than the $20 billion USD mark by 2025, with an annual growth rate of 21%. The main targets for cell-based therapies are high impact disease areas with significant incurable needs, including cancer, heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, and autoimmune diseases gene therapies should then not be rushed to market but companies should gather the required data about the impact of therapy in human community with the appropriate duration of follow-up to allow proper evaluation by payers.
Clinical trials on gene therapy products are often varying from the clinical trials design for other types of pharmaceutical products. The differences in trial design are necessitated by the distinctive features of these products. The clinical trials also reflect previous clinical experience and evidence of medicine. Early experiences with products indicate that some Gene Therapy products may pose substantial risks to subjects due to the effect at the cellular and genetic level. The design of early-phase clinical trials of Gene therapy products often involves the following consideration of clinical safety issues, preclinical issues, and chemistry, manufacturing and controls (CMC) issues that are encountered.
Stem Regenerative 2018
Stem Regenerative 2018,hosted byConference Serieswere successfully held during October 15-16, 2018 in Helsinki, Finland. The conference highlighted the theme Cell in Progress: Exploring Regenerative medicine through Stem Cells.
The conference was a congregation of eminent speakers from various reputed organizations with their paramount talks enlightening the gathering.
Conference Serieshosted a diverse panel of key members of the Stem Cells community from Academia, Research lab, Eminent Scientist, Scholar Students to discuss the theme of the conference, approaches to predict, control and relieve. This event was aimed to exchange ideas and experience across a variety of topics that cover the latest insights in important aspects of Regenerative Medicine, Diseases and Stem Cell Treatment, Cell and Organ Regeneration and Viral Gene Therapies, other approaches such as Bioengineering Therapeutics and Advanced Gene Therapeutics and updates on Stem Cells field.
The conference witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers, who enlightened the crowd with their enviable research knowledge and on various alluring workshops related to the field of physiotherapy, carried out through various scientific-sessions and plenary lectures.
The highlights of the meeting were the Keynote lectures by:
Dr.Richard G Pestell, Pennsylvania Cancer and Regenerative Medicine Center, USA
Title:Cancer stem cells (CSC), genetic drivers and therapeutic targeting via CCR5
Dr.Frederic Michon, University of Helsinki, Finland
Title:Nature and origin of the signals supporting corneal wound healing
Dr.Joel I Osorio, Westhill University School of Medicine, Mexico
Title:RegenerAge system: Therapeutic effects of combinatorial biologics (mRNA and allogenic MSCs) with a spinal cord stimulation system on a patient with spinal cord section
We sincerely thank our moderator Dr.Suvodip Chakrabarty, India. We would also like to thank all the session chairs and co-chairs for helping us in smooth functioning of the sessions.
We extend our grateful thanks to all the momentous speakers like
Richard G Pestell, Pennsylvania Cancer and Regenerative Medicine Center, USA
Joel I Osorio, Westhill University School of Medicine, Mexico
Azel Zine, Montpellier University, France
Our sincere appreciation to Bio-Lamina. Louise Hagbard, for their tireless efforts at the conference.
11thAnnual Conference on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine during October 15-16, 2018 Helsinki, Finland was a great success with the support of International Multi-professional Steering Committee and coordinated by Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy,Journal of Transplantation Technologies & ResearchandJournal of Genetic Syndromes & Gene Therapy
We are obliged to various delegate experts, institutes and other eminent personalities who actively took part in the discussion and meetings. We sincerely thank the Organizing Committee Members for their gracious presence and continuous support towards the success of Stem Regenerative 2018 Conference.
With the unique feedbacks from the conference,Conference Serieswould like to announce the commencement of the 12thAnnual Conference on Stem Cell and Gene Therapy March 11-12, 2019 in Bali, Indonesia.
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