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South Australian photographer snaps rare black galah with genetic mutation on the Eyre Peninsula – ABC News

June 9th, 2020 9:42 am

A rare sighting of a galah with a genetic mutation has been snapped by photographer Hoss Bolenski in Port Lincoln, South Australia.

The galah, which is usually grey and pink in colour, was seen at North Point Reserve covered in black feathers with a tinge of pink on its underbelly.

Bird Life Australia coordinator and science writer, Tanya Loos, said the unique colouring is due to a mutation called melanism, which causes an increased development of a dark-coloured pigment.

"The variation that happens in this colour abnormality is really interesting," Ms Loos said.

"Sometimes the bird is completely black and other times it's more of a flush, or a patterning where some parts are darker than usual."

Ms Loos said melanism in galahs is quite rare, making it hard to conduct broad studies on their patterns and behaviours.

"There is some idea that maybe it's a bit harder for them to find a mate, because birds attract each other not only by their behaviours, but also by their beauty and brightness of their feather colours," she said.

"If a galah is looking for a mate and looking for a galah with a really nice bright, pink blush and a deep grey colour the black bird might just seem a little bit out of the ordinary."

In Manjimup, Western Australia, a rare sighting of a black kookaburra with melanism excited bird experts who found little evidence of the bird ever being spotted in WA.

Birds can also display another genetic mutation called 'leucism' where their feathers are completely white.

"Bird Life Australia get enquiries and emails about the white birds much more commonly because leucism happens in a really wide variety of birds including honey eaters and magpies," Ms Loos said.

In 2018, a magpie with leucism was spotted in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia.

"These birds stand out like a beacon and they often get eaten by predators very quickly," Ms Loos said.

She said research suggested birds that are coloured black may have a better advantage when it comes to survival.

"They do note that sometimes the birds that are coloured black are more camouflaged, so it might be an advantage," Ms Loos said.

"But because it happens so rarely in nature it's hard to conduct broad studies on this and get some actual definitive answers."

See the original post:
South Australian photographer snaps rare black galah with genetic mutation on the Eyre Peninsula - ABC News

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