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Sight On Savings Calculator – Davis Vision

March 7th, 2019 12:43 pm

Please select the ethnicity that matches yours most closely.

African Americans are more likely to suffer from these vision problems:

Cataracts Learn Moreclose (x)

Not only are African Americans more likely than Caucasians to develop cataracts, but they are five times more likely to develop blindness as a result.

Glaucoma Learn Moreclose (x)

African Americans are five times more likely than Caucasians to develop glaucoma, and four times more likely to suffer blindness as a result.

The African American population is also at high risk for these health conditions that can impact vision:

Diabetes Learn Moreclose (x)

African Americans are about twice as likely as non-Hispanic whites to have diabetes. Diabetes can lead to diabetic retinopathy and cataracts, and is the leading cause of blindness among African Americans aged 20 to 44. The good news is, 90% of diabetes-related blindness can be prevented, and diabetes can be detected through a comprehensive eye exam.

Hypertension (high blood pressure) Learn Moreclose (x)

African Americans are 40% more likely than non-Hispanic whites to have high blood pressure, and are 10% less likely to have it under control. Its important to take control by seeing an eye care professional, because high blood pressure can lead to hypertensive retinopathy..

Asian Americans are at high risk for a number of eye-related issues.

Glaucoma Learn Moreclose (x)

The Asian American population is more likely than the national average to develop angle-closure glaucoma, which is caused by rapid or sudden increases in pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma is often characterized by the loss of peripheral vision and can progress to complete vision loss without treatment. People of Japanese descent are also more prone to a particular type of the disease, called low-tension glaucoma.

Myopia (nearsightedness) Learn Moreclose (x)

This common, and correctable, vision condition is even more common among Asian Americans.

Asian Americans are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, which can impact eye health.

Diabetes Learn Moreclose (x)

This can contribute to diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and glaucoma all of which can lead to blindness without proper treatment. Because Asian Americans are less likely to struggle with weight issues that are commonly a risk factor, doctors are often late in diagnosing Asian Americans as diabetic.

The Caucasian population is at high risk for cataracts.


While cataracts are more common among African Americans and Hispanics, Caucasians are also at risk. Extended exposure to UV rays from the sun is also a risk factor, so protect your eyes outdoors just like you protect your skin.

The Hispanic American population is at high risk for these eye health issues:

Cataracts Learn Moreclose (x)

Three times more common among Hispanics vs. Caucasians and African Americans, cataracts are the leading cause of visual impairment among Hispanic adults. Extended exposure to UV rays from the sun is a risk factor, so protect your eyes outdoors.

Glaucoma Learn Moreclose (x)

Among Hispanics, open-angle glaucoma caused by rising pressure in the eye is the most common cause of blindness.

Hispanic Americans may also be affected by these overall health issues, which can impact eye health:

Diabetes Learn Moreclose (x)

One in 10 Hispanics has diabetes, which is three times the rate of the general population. Diabetes can contribute to diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and glaucoma all of which can lead to blindness without proper treatment. The good news is, as many as 95% of Hispanics with diabetes have preventable, type 2 diabetes, which can be detected through an eye exam.

Hypertension (high blood pressure) Learn Moreclose (x)

Roughly 29% of Hispanics are affected by high blood pressure. It can lead to hypertensive retinopathy, which causes blurry vision and even blindness. High blood pressure can sometimes be detected through an eye exam.

Those with a varied ethnic background can be at risk for a number of eye and overall health issues, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, which can impact vision.

Your risks increase depending on your lifestyle, gender and age.

Regular, comprehensive eye exams can detect these problems early, and early diagnosis means early treatment and better management of the disease.

Read more here:
Sight On Savings Calculator - Davis Vision

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