To some, the idea of taking a summer vacation amid the COVID-19 pandemic is out of the question. With COVID-19 cases reported in all 50 states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends people stay home to protect themselves and others from getting sick.
"COVID-19 remains an ongoing pandemic with sustained community transition even if you are traveling to a place with fewer cases," said Dr. Benjamin Singer, assistant professor of medicine (pulmonary and critical care) and biochemistry and molecular genetics at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
To others, a carefully distanced excursion to the woods or a secluded beach is in the works after months of staying close to home.
"There will be lots of people who take trips, come home and everything is fine. But there are going to be other people who take trips and end up sick who wouldnt have otherwise gotten sick if theyd stayed home," said Dr. Emily Landon, associate professor of medicine, infectious diseases expert and epidemiologist at University of Chicago Medicine. "Its really up to you, about what you want to spend your personal risk on."
For those planning a trip away from home this summer, the Tribune asked medical experts what precautions and items to take on every step of a journey by airplane, car or train. What follows are their answers, along with guidance from the CDC, Transportation Security Administration, and other state and federal agencies.
Whatever your plans, dont lose sight of this opportunity to enjoy quality time with those youve been hunkering down with since March. "2020 may not be the summer we thought we would have, but find time to read, explore and find the joy around you and savor what you can," said Dr. Amy Bohnert, associate professor of clinical and developmental psychology at Loyola University Chicago, "That is a gift we can give our kids that will last a lifetime."
Q: First off, is travel safe?
CDC: Travel increases your chances of getting and spreading COVID-19. We dont know if one type of travel is safer than others; however, airports, bus stations, train stations and rest stops are all places travelers can be exposed to the virus in the air and on surfaces.
Q: What factors should go into picking a destination?
CDC: The following should be considered when thinking about planning a trip away from home:
Is COVID-19 spreading in your community? Even if you dont have symptoms, you can spread COVID-19 to others while traveling.
Is COVID-19 spreading at your destination? You can get infected while traveling. You can also spread the coronavirus without symptoms to loved ones when you return.
Would you have to quarantine for 14 days after arriving at your destination? Check the state and local requirements.
Q: Are there any groups of people for whom you would not recommend travel for this summer due to the coronavirus pandemic?
Singer: "Higher-risk groups, including older adults and people with chronic health conditions."
Q: Is one form of travel safer or limits exposure to COVID-19 better than others?
Singer: "Staying at home is the safest option, but travel options that allow you to stay socially distant would be considered the safest."
Dr. Erica Hartmann, assistant professor of environmental engineering at Northwestern University: "I personally would opt for modes of transportation that are less densely crowded and allow for lots of ventilation."
Q: What is the general guidance?
CDC: Making stops along the way for gas, food or bathroom breaks can put you and your traveling companions in close contact with other people and surfaces. You may have to stop less often, but RV travel typically means staying at RV parks overnight and getting gas and supplies at other public places. These stops may put you and those with you in the RV in close contact with others. One approach for eating is to pick up food at drive-thrus or curbside restaurant service.
Q: Its inevitable Ill need to stop and use the restroom during my trip. Is there any way to prevent germs from following me back to my car?
Hartmann: "Wash your hands. Which really, you should be doing regardless of COVID-19.
"Perhaps not directly related to your question, but remember to practice social distancing in the restroom if there are multiple people in the restroom. And maybe you shouldnt talk while youre in there."
Q: What is the general guidance?
CDC: Air travel requires spending time in security lines and airport terminals, which can bring you in close contact with other people and frequently touched surfaces. Most viruses and other germs do not spread easily on flights because of how air circulates and is filtered on airplanes. Social distancing, however, is difficult on crowded flights, and you may have to sit near others (within 6 feet), sometimes for hours. This may increase your risk for exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19. Wear a nonmedical, fabric face covering during the flight.
Q: A trip to the airport is in my future and Im worried about potential COVID-19 exposure. How can I protect myself in the terminal?
Landon: "My moms 75 years old. Shes been stuck in Florida much longer than usual because of the pandemic, but its time to come home. Shes traveling in a week and a half. Weve had a lot of discussions about what to do. Heres what I would do if I was going to fly right now, and this is what I advised my mom to do, as well.
"When you get in the security line, then try to keep distance from the people around you. Make sure you are wearing your mask, if you can, then manipulate the situation so youre in line with other people wearing their masks. If the person in line in front of you doesnt have a mask on, then let other people go ahead. Security will touch your stuff. Dont freak out about it. Hopefully, they will be wearing masks, too, because thats required and recommended. When you get your stuff back from security what you should do every single time is wash your hands. If you dont have time to stop and wash your hands in the bathroom, then use your hand sanitizer.
"After security, get some space and keep some space between yourself and other people before you have to board your flight. You dont want to be stuck sitting close to other people. Maybe that means finding an empty gate or one that doesnt have a flight going out right now where you can sit at instead. Theres no rule that says you have to sit at your crowded gate before your flight. When its time to line up to board the flight, try to keep some space. Just remember the CDC doesnt count an exposure unless youre within 6 feet of someone for 15 minutes or more. Just wait to get up and only get in line when its your turn. The person standing behind you is going to do what they want to do, and theres not much you can do about it."
Q: I know I will need a face covering. What type would you suggest for the flight?
Landon: "Youll want to bring a really high-quality fabric mask or a medical mask for traveling. You need to make sure your mask is super protective not just preventive. Fabric masks are great for holding in your own respiratory droplets. But if other people arent wearing their masks, then they are not holding in their respiratory droplets. If everyone wears a preventive mask, then, together, everything is safer all around. But if you cant count on other people to do that, then you need to have a really good fabric mask like the World Health Organization recommends. Probably two or three layers with a high thread-count cotton and/or silk inside of it or a filter pocket inside of it. One that fits you well. Thats what I would wear. I find fabric masks to be a lot more comfortable than medical masks.
"I would try not to take off my mask during the flight you may need to in order to have a drink of water on a 4-hour flight. But on a short flight, you could probably get away with drinking before you board and then drinking again when you get off the plane."
Q: What should I do when I arrive at my seat?
Landon: "I would wipe down the armrest and the tray table. If Im in the window seat, then I would wipe that down, too, because thats what people often lean against and put their hands on. Then I would sit in my seat, wash my hands again with hand sanitizer and sit tight. Leave your mask on for the flight.
"Youre really only at risk from the people within a couple of seats of you in any direction. So, two seats behind you, two seats diagonally, two seats in front of you. Thats what youre really worried about.
"If someone is coughing in the back of the plane, then dont freak out. People passing you in the aisle, dont freak out. Theoretically, the window seat is the safest."
Q: I see people sitting near me who have taken off their mask during the flight. What should I do?
Landon: "When we think about how to protect people out in the world from COVID-19, I like to describe it as a layered or stacked approach. We stack up interventions. None is meant to be perfect on its own. You can rely on cleaning your hands, wiping down your seat, keeping your distance from other people these are all ways to reduce your risk when traveling. But some of them arent as easy to do when traveling, like protecting your eyes. So, if other people are coughing or sneezing or have respiratory droplets that are contagious, then that can get in through your eyes. A mask doesnt protect them. And your regular glasses arent great protection either.
If you find yourself stuck on an airplane with someone two rows behind you or one seat behind you coughing or, say, the guy next to you doesnt look all that well you want to be able to add an extra layer of protection.
Dr. Emily Landon, University of Chicago Medicine:
"I strongly recommend bringing one of these plastic face shields that covers your mask. It will help protect your face, your eyes and mask from becoming contaminated. They are really comfortable. The first time you put one on, youre like, This is ridiculous, but you can see your whole face through it. You can wear your mask underneath it. In fact, were recommending them for little kids at school, when schools go back, that they might be a better form of protection than trying to get them to keep their masks on. They are available on Amazon. You could even make one yourself. I would bring one with me. I wouldnt, necessarily, wear it the whole time. I would definitely have it with me so I could add a layer of safety. If I feel like I cant keep my distance from people and other people arent wearing masks, then that would be the time I would want to put on a face shield. The real time to need them is when youre around people who arent wearing masks. I think you need to have something that will help you add a layer of protection if someone else isnt doing their part. That, for me, would be a face shield."
Q: What is the general guidance?
CDC: If staying at a hotel, then check the hotels COVID-19 prevention practices before you go. When you are there, limit close contact with others in the lobby or other common areas, take the stairs instead of the elevator and choose contactless options for check-in when possible.
Q: Ive arrived at my destination. Are there any inside surfaces at my lodging I should wipe down as a precaution?
Hartmann: "If youre really set on taking matters into your own hands, focus on high-touch surfaces (keys, doorknobs, light switches, maybe remote controls)."
Q: What should I look for when booking a hotel?
Landon: "The most important thing is to look on the hotels website ahead of time and make sure the hotel has a good written policy about COVID-19. You want to see that they require masks to be worn by staff and guests in the inside common areas all the time. You want to see that they say something about their disinfection plan in rooms. Not just cleaning them in between guests, but they are disinfecting them using an EPA-registered disinfectant and theyve trained their staff in how to do so. You want to see that they have a social distancing plan in place and they have policies for use of their common-use areas like gyms or pools. That means the hotel is taking steps to protect its workers and guests. If the hotel is taking a lot of steps to protect their workers and guests, then its less likely there will be sick people wandering around your hotel, which makes it safer.
"Its important that the hotel has a clear policy, but you want to go a step further. You want to find information on travel websites or talk to someone whos been there recently. I would want to know what is really happening on the ground.
A lot of places have policies. If you call the front desk ahead of time and they have no idea what the hotels policies are, then thats a bad sign.
Q: Is it safe to use a hotels pool?
Landon: "Pools are not inherently bad. Chlorine in pools should kill COVID-19. Thats not a problem, but people dont wear masks when they are in pools. In general, the recommendation in Illinois is that pools are not open for recreation right now, but could be opened for exercise.
"Look for sun loungers to be spaced apart, signs saying the pool is not allowed to be used for recreation, only for exercise, and a limited number of swimmers can be inside at one time. If you scope it out and it appears you can safely do that, then, sure, go ahead and swim some laps."
Q: What about camping?
CDC: Going camping at a time when much of the United States is experiencing community spread of COVID-19 can pose a risk to you if you come in close contact with others or share public facilities (like restrooms or picnic areas) at campsites or along the trails.
Q: What if Im staying with family?
Landon: "Take care of yourself. Be pretty socially distant from people in the week leading up to your trip. If your family is really, really anxious about your visit, then plan to leave a few days early and take a break in a hotel for five days before you stay with family. And get tested, maybe, if everyone is really concerned."
Q: What are some precautions to take for any type of travel?
CDC: Consider the following when leaving your home:
- If taking prescription medicine, then bring enough to last you for the entire trip.
- Pack hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Bring a cloth face covering to wear in public places.
- Prepare food and water for your trip. Pack nonperishable food in case restaurants and stores are closed.
- Follow state and local travel restrictions. Check state and local health department information at home, along your route and at your destination.
Q: OK, Ive made it back home after my trip. How can I prevent the entire trips germs from ending up inside my living space?
Hartmann: "Again, wash your hands when you return. Consider disinfecting high-touch objects that you may have had with you or objects that other people outside your trusted circle may have handled, if you intend on using them again very soon."
Landon: "If you come home from a trip, then assume youve been exposed (to the new coronavirus). Get tested five to seven days after your last exposure, stay home for a little extra time. If I was going to travel like that this summer, then I would book another week off afterward so that I wasnt spreading anything that I might have picked up."
Q: My partner wants to travel this summer, but Im unsure about it. Can you suggest some ways we can have a conversation and try to understand each other?
Bohnert: "Partners should strive to appreciate what their partners would and would not feel comfortable doing. It is also important to understand where those concerns come from. Does a partner have a health condition that makes them more vulnerable? Is a partner worried about losing time away from work and reductions in salary if they are exposed? Is your partner worried about the potential of encountering racism? Are they concerned about whether there would be adequate medical care in the place where they are visiting? If one partner is particularly uneasy with one locale, perhaps another that is more familiar, closer to home or involves less time away could provide a more comfortable escape. The more you can understand what specific things make your partner uneasy about traveling, the easier it will be to come up with some options that may be more palatable if one of the partners feels strongly about the need to get away."
Q: After months of sheltering at home, Im now afraid to head out into public and be around other people. What can I do to make a trip away from home seem less stressful?
Bohnert: "To start, I would encourage people to normalize these stressful feelings. After all, we have been told to avoid people and shelter at home to prevent getting sick. So heading out in public runs counter to the advice we have been heeding over the past three months how could we not feel nervous about it?
It would be hard not to feel unsettled by the prospect of being in public after all the precautions we have been asked to take. So dont judge yourself for feeling uncertain.
Dr. Amy Bohnert, Loyola University Chicago:
"Next, try and pinpoint exactly what makes you feel uncomfortable. Is it being in closer contact with others? Fears of dining out? If you can figure out what makes you feel uneasy, you may be able to control some aspects of that situation that will make it feel more manageable. As with most things, when we feel anxious or concerned about a situation, we may seek to avoid it so we dont have to feel anxious. This, of course, reinforces that the situation is something to be feared because when we avoid it, we dont feel worried. So figuring out what you can control wearing a mask (properly), washing/sanitizing your hands and finding less crowded outdoor places where you can better manage how close you have to get to others may make the decision to get out more palatable. All these behaviors will decrease (but not eliminate) the likelihood you get infected if you encounter someone who is contagious."
Q: How can we have a fun, productive summer as a family if we decide to not take a vacation and choose, instead, to stay home?
Bohnert: "For many people, traveling introduces a lovely element of novelty to our lives. We get to see different scenery, eat different foods and have new experiences. With all the novelty we are currently facing and the uncertainty that lies ahead, the risk incurred by traveling may be more than families are ready for during challenging time. But finding little ways to enjoy the spaces and people around you, even while distancing, is important.
"There are many lovely places to explore in the Chicago area during the summertime that provide a nice respite from our homes. Some are closed but may be reopening in the coming weeks. The botanic gardens and forest preserves are lovely, nature-filled spaces. Some of our renowned Chicago university campuses also have splendid grounds in which to stroll. Springfield is a bit farther away but a great place to explore for history buffs, as is Cantigny in the western suburbs."
Consider setting some up some new family rituals bike rides, walks to look for birds, berry picking and picnics can all be nice ways to escape.
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