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Seattle Genetics (SGEN) "Buy" Rating Reaffirmed Today By H …

July 29th, 2018 1:43 am

July 27, 2018 - By Mona Holcomb

Investors sentiment increased to 1.61 in Q1 2018. Its up 0.38, from 1.23 in 2017Q4. It is positive, as 24 investors sold Seattle Genetics, Inc. shares while 53 reduced holdings. 31 funds opened positions while 93 raised stakes. 159.52 million shares or 12.47% more from 141.83 million shares in 2017Q4 were reported.

Pub Employees Retirement Association Of Colorado holds 20,183 shares. Jgp Global Gestao De Recursos Ltda reported 22,334 shares or 0.47% of all its holdings. Jane Street Gru Limited Company invested in 3,903 shares or 0% of the stock. Prudential Fincl, New Jersey-based fund reported 6,451 shares. 7,900 were reported by Ellington Management Grp. Caisse De Depot Et Placement Du Quebec reported 5,300 shares or 0% of all its holdings. D E Shaw & stated it has 168,554 shares. Td Asset owns 0.01% invested in Seattle Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGEN) for 154,016 shares. Virtu Fincl Ltd Liability Corporation reported 10,922 shares stake. Stratos Wealth Limited holds 0% of its portfolio in Seattle Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGEN) for 1,213 shares. World Asset Inc stated it has 3,870 shares. State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue reported 9,710 shares stake. Franklin Res has 108,400 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank) owns 23,953 shares. 205,300 are owned by California Pub Employees Retirement.

Since February 1, 2018, it had 3 insider buys, and 12 insider sales for $266.62 million activity. $936,818 worth of stock was sold by SIEGALL CLAY B on Friday, February 9. On Thursday, March 15 HIMES VAUGHN B sold $290,604 worth of Seattle Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGEN) or 5,000 shares. On Wednesday, May 9 the insider Cline Darren S sold $497,983. DRACHMAN JONATHAN G sold $552,452 worth of stock or 10,457 shares.

EU: In an analyst report issued to investors and clients on 27 July, H.C. Wainwright reiterated their Buy rating on Seattle Genetics (SGEN) shares. They now have a $98.0 target price on the firm. H.C. Wainwrights target indicates a potential upside of 37.54 % from the companys last price.

The stock increased 2.04% or $1.45 during the last trading session, reaching $72.7. About 995,861 shares traded or 7.56% up from the average. Seattle Genetics, Inc. (SGEN) has declined 15.50% since July 27, 2017 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 28.07% the S&P500.

Seattle Genetics, Inc., a biotechnology company, develops and commercializes targeted therapies to treat cancer worldwide. The company has market cap of $11.50 billion. It markets ADCETRIS, an antibody-drug conjugate for relapsed Hodgkin lymphoma and relapsed systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma. It currently has negative earnings. The firm also develops SGN-CD33A that is in Phase III clinical trial to evaluate SGN-CD33A in combination with hypomethylating agents in previously untreated older patients, as well as in Phase 1/2 clinical trial for patients with relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia ; ASG-22ME, which is in Phase I clinical trial for Nectin-4-positive solid tumors, including bladder cancer; SGN-LIV1A that is in Phase 1 clinical trial for patients with LIV-1-positive metastatic breast cancer; and SGN-CD19A, which is in Phase II clinical trial for patients with relapsed DLBCL, as well as in Phase II trial for patients with newly diagnosed DLBCL.

More notable recent Seattle Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGEN) news were published by: Streetinsider.com which released: Seattle Genetics (SGEN) Adcetris On-going Launch in 1L cHL is Positive Says SunTrust. on July 02, 2018, also Seekingalpha.com with their article: Dont Sell Axon Enterprise Cramers Lightning Round (7/11/18) published on July 12, 2018, Seekingalpha.com published: Mid-stage study underway for Seattle Genetics tisotumab vedotin in solid tumors; shares up 1% premarket on July 12, 2018. More interesting news about Seattle Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGEN) were released by: Benzinga.com and their article: Benzingas Daily Biotech Pulse: Biogen, AC Immune Slip Despite Positive Trials, Sarepta Slapped With Clinical Hold published on July 26, 2018 as well as Benzinga.coms news article titled: Benzingas Daily Biotech Pulse: Achaogen To Trim Workforce By 28%, Amgens Beat-And-Raise Quarter with publication date: July 27, 2018.

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Seattle Genetics (SGEN) "Buy" Rating Reaffirmed Today By H ...

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