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Sanaka Health | Invest in your Wellness ::. – Home

August 4th, 2016 9:40 am

An ideal ratio of essential fatty acids, proven by research to benefit cardiovascular health, enhance stamina and energy, and improve general health and well-being. Certified Organic. "Low-fat diets are risky and may increase your chances of infections, allergies, behavioural problems and exhaustion, says world-renowned nutrition expert Udo Erasmus, Ph.D. Short-term weight-loss programs like starvation diets, fat blockers and diet pills over-stimulate the body and do more harm than good. Additionally, diets that promise fat loss by avoiding fats fail 90% of the time. read more >>

From the beginning of March, we relocated our offices. As a consequence, our telephone numbers have also changed. Details Below:

Telephone: 0114635877 Fax: 011866727765

Physical Address 1st Floor (same office as Batswadi Pharmaceuticals) Building D La Rocca office Park 321 Main Road (corner Petunia Street) Bryanston 2021 South Africa

Every bottle of Beyond O2 Minerals contains calcium, magnesium, and over 70 trace minerals. These essential minerals (electrolytes) become ionic in water allowing them to be absorbed quickly and easily by your body. Beyond O2 Minerals is delivered in a pure ionic form, which means it is immediately bio-available to the body.

Some of the symptoms associated with acidic conditions in the body include weight loss problems, fatigue & tiredness, forgetfulness, insomnia, water retention, joint & muscle pain, arthritis, migraine headaches, constipation, colds, flu, stomach ulcers, acid reflux and even cancer. An overly acidic body greatly diminishes the effectiveness of your immune system and usually leads to disease.

Acidic conditions in the body are caused by MANY of lifes daily norms like; junk food, processed food, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, carbonated beverages, coffee, sports drinks, alcohol, environmental toxins, and most of all STRESS. Considering this long list of items that can lead to acidic challenges in our body, it becomes very clear why it is so important to drink an alkaline beverage like Beyond O2 Minerals every day.


Udo Erasmus, Father of "Organic, Unrefined Flax Oil" & Udo's Choice Oil Blend: Udo Erasmus, Ph.D., introduced the importance of essential fats (EFA's) derived from organic flax seeds to the world. He pioneered methods for producing unrefined oils made with health in mind. He believes in the GRASSROOTS SOLUTION for Modern Health concerns. The three basic causes of degenerative disease are malnutrition, toxicity and poor digestion and the grassroots Solutions to these modern health concerns lie within our diet.

Essential fats, enzymes, Probiotics and fibre are healthy foods supplied by nature that can create health and longevity by providing nutrition, detoxification and proper digestion. Udos Choice products are a family of food blends offering individuals an ideal program for increasing energy levels, improving digestion, stimulating the immune system, and managing weight. An internationally recognised and award winning brand based in Canada producing high quality health products since 1965. Flora Health has won 40 consumer awards in Canada since 1994 and in 2004 earned the Best Product Award in UKs leading health magazine Heres Health.

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