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Responding to Record-Setting Wildfires – UC Davis

September 3rd, 2020 5:52 pm

Veterinary care in the field

The School of Veterinary Medicine was taking care of four-legged patients: more than 1,000 in the field and more than two dozen in the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. Officials said they are purposely trying to do most of their first aid in the field, because they are forced by the pandemic to limit hospital capacity.

On Aug. 25, the Veterinary Emergency Response Team deployed a four-person team one faculty veterinarian and two resident veterinarians, and one student on a search and rescue operation in the Vacaville foothills. The team also performed wellness examinations on animals sheltered in place.

At the campus hospital, the team has treated 11 alpacas, six goats, five horses, three llamas, three cats and two sheep.

Read more about the veterinary schools response to the wildfires.

UC Davis put out the welcome mat Friday, offering short-term emergency housing for campus affiliates including faculty, staff and registered students and their families who had been impacted by evacuations or lost their homes due to the wildfires.

For campus affiliates who need somewhere to stay until evacuation orders are lifted and they can return home, the university is offering stays of up to five days. For campus affiliates who have lost their homes, the university can help explore options for longer-term housing solutions.

UC Davis sustained losses, too, as the LNU Lightning Complex struck four of the universitys natural reserves: Quail Ridge, Stebbins Cold Canyon, Cahill Riparian Preserve and McLaughlin Natural Reserve, all in the vicinity of Lake Berryessa west of Davis.

With access limited, officials had not yet been able to assess the full extent of the damage to facilities and research projects. Shane Waddell, though, has seen some of what happened at Quail Ridge, where he is the reserve director. Fire claimed his home and eight tent cabins.

His family evacuated Aug. 19, while he stayed behind to monitor the fire. As the flames drew closer, he decided to leave but not until he had told his neighbors on the Quail Ridge peninsula it was time to depart for their own safety.

Peggy Fiedler, executive director of the UC Natural Reserve System, said UC reserve managers and stewards up and down the state had been absolutely heroic in their efforts to save life and property.

Read more about what happened at the UC Davis reserves and four other UC reserves.

Read more:
Responding to Record-Setting Wildfires - UC Davis

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