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Research shows how protein component that enables cell replication gets ferried to chromosome tips

August 2nd, 2012 10:20 pm

Public release date: 2-Aug-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Krista Conger kristac@stanford.edu 650-725-5371 Stanford University Medical Center

STANFORD, Calif. Stem cells are special. Nestled in muscle and skin, organ and bone, they bide their time over years or decades until called to replace damaged or lost tissue. One secret to their longevity is an enzyme called telomerase, which stills the relentless ticking of the molecular clock that limits the life span of other cells.

This cellular fountain of youth prevents the progressive shortening of the tips of our chromosomes that occurs with each cell division. But the presence of telomerase can be a double-edged sword: The same activity that ensures long life for stem cells can also keep a cancer cell dividing long after its aging neighbors have thrown in the towel. Conversely, a malfunction can prevent stem cells from doing their job and lead to devastating diseases.

Now, for the first time, researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have identified how telomerase is recruited to chromosome ends and figured out a way to block it.

"If telomerase is unable to maintain the ends of the chromosomes, cells will stop multiplying," said professor of medicine Steven Artandi, MD, PhD. "This would be advantageous in cancer cells, but in normal stem cells it can cause severe dysfunction and lead to diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis, aplastic anemia and a genetic condition called dyskeratosis congenita. We want to understand how telomerase works, and to develop therapies for cancer and these other diseases."

Artandi is the senior author of the research, which will be published Aug. 3 in Cell. He is also a member of the Stanford Cancer Institute. Graduate student Franklin Zhong is the first author of the study.

Telomerase is normally expressed in adult stem cells and immune cells, as well as in cells of the developing embryo. In these cells, the enzyme caps off the ends of newly replicated chromosomes, allowing unfettered cell division. Without telomerase, cells stop dividing or die when the ends called telomeres fall below a minimum length. Unfortunately, the enzyme is also active in nearly all cancer cells.

Earlier research in Artandi's lab identified a protein called TCAB1 that brings the telomerase complex (actually a large clump of many proteins) to a processing area in the cell's nucleus called a Cajal body. But no one knew how the complex was then ferried to the ends of telomeres, and research was stymied by the complex's large size, multiple components and relative scarcity.

"This problem has been really intractable," said Artandi. "The enzyme is extremely hard to study. But we've now found that telomerase is recruited to the telomeres through an interaction with a protein called TPP1 that coats the ends of chromosomes." What's more, the researchers have identified the exact region of TPP1 to which telomerase binds a section called an OB-fold.

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Research shows how protein component that enables cell replication gets ferried to chromosome tips

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