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Regenerative Medicine – Colorado Clinic

September 25th, 2015 9:46 pm

Colorado Clinic offers multiple regenerative medicine stem cell treatments. These treatments are provided as an outpatient by a Double Board Certified Doctor. Each treatment maintains minimal risk, with the possibility of providing repair and healing of injured tendons, ligaments, cartilage and muscle.

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Stem Cell Treatments at Colorado Clinic

Traditional therapies for osteoarthritis, ligament injury and tendonitis maintain certain commonalities. They help provide excellent pain relief, however, they do not alter the condition or help with the healing process. They act as an excellent band aid, but they do not REPAIR the problem!

The newest treatments for helping repair the damage involve Regenerative Medicine. The therapies are cutting edge and include stem cells, platelets, growth factors and cytokines.

Here is an example of what regenerative medicine offers. When a football player sustains a rotator cuff tendon injury, it may heal by itself in six to 10 weeks. Healing of damaged tendons or ligaments may occur naturally. However, it does not reach 100% strength like it was before.

With regenerative medicine, this situation may be very different. Healing of the rotator cuff injury may occur much faster, and it may reach 100% normal strength. This can help prevent future injury and get patients back on the field faster.

Regenerative treatments may permit patients to avoid or delay the need for surgery when it comes to all sorts of injury. The most common of these is degenerative arthritis. Joint replacement surgery is not without risk, therefore, stem cell treatments may help repair some of the cartilage damage while providing substantial pain relief.

With minimal risk, outpatient stem cell treatments offer a substantial upside. Make your appointment at Colorado Clinic today!

Amniotic Stem Cell Injections

Life comes from birth. Its one of the most commonly accepted rules in our society. But can the birth process offer even more? As research and science evolved over time, studies have shown that amniotic stem cells can have a revolutionary effect on the human recovery process.

First, lets look at what amniotic stem cells are. Stem cells are the basic components (cells) of our human body. One of their most amazing characteristic is that they can become almost any type of cell, from muscle to bone or skin cell.

Amniotic stem cells are obtained from the amniotic fluid, which is produced during a caesarean birth. During pregnancy, the amniotic fluid protects the fetus and it feeds it with the necessary supplements needed to sustain life and development. A while back, this fluid was normally discarded, but once researchers got to understand its amazing therapeutic benefits, now its collected and stored because of its high concentration of pluripotent stem cells.

Amniotic derived stem cell fluid comes from consenting donors and is processed at an FDA regulated lab. It is checked for all sorts of diseases prior to being accepted for use in others.

Although stem cells have been used for decades, regenerative therapy is fairly new, and sometimes pushes the boundaries of human imagination and perception. Following the use of amniotic stem cell injections, more evidence reveals exciting results in muscle repair and pain relief which has made amniotic stem cells possibly the holy grail in treatment.

Amniotic stem cell injections offer the ability to heal damaged tissue naturally. The tissue regeneration and repair properties of the amniotic stem cell fluid are an effective anti-inflamatory that relieves pain and contains natural growth factors that assist in healthy tissue growth. Moreover, the hyaluronic acid that is also in amniotic fluid is an important component of the joint fluid that helps cartilage growth. Amniotic fluid is also a great source of stem cells, found in a much higher concentration than the adult bone marrow. And just like when one uses their own stem cells, the use of amniotic fluid doesnt cause rejection or allergic reaction when injected into a patient.

Amniotic stem cell injections have been getting more attention since they have been openly used by prominent athletes with impressive results and even a few saved careers! The ability to safely and effectively treat painful and debilitating injuries and conditions of the knees, elbows, and shoulders without lengthy rehabilitation or recovery time isnt just appealing to professional athletes, but to anyone who wants relief from pain and to return to their favorite activities.

Initial small studies are showing that amniotic stem cell injections work well for the following indications: 1) Tendonitis 2) Ligament Injury 3) Arthritis 4) Sports Medicine Injuries 5) Cartilage Defects

Dr. Sisson at Colorado Clinic is an expert in regenerative medicine treatments. Call the practice today for an appointment!

Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cell Injections for Musculoskeletal Problems

What are Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cell Injections?

There are many types of stem cell injections that are currently in research mode. One type of stem cell injection currently used for many types of degenerative conditions is the bone marrow derived stem cell injection. This type of stem cell treatment is excellent for degenerative disc disease, joint arthritis, ligament injuries, spinal arthritis, and tendonitis. Studies have shown that therapy using regenerative treatment, such as bone marrow stem cell injections, work well for degenerative conditions.

Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cell Collection and Injection

Bone marrow derived stem cell injections are an outpatient procedure where a patients bone marrow is harvested. It is then processed and injected into the area of concern in the same setting. In bone marrow derived stem cell injections, collection is done in an outpatient procedure which takes about 30 minutes. The bone marrow derived stem cells are collected using a catheter and local anesthetic.

The bone marrow derived stem cells are removed from the body in the blood, circulated through a machine with the filtered blood, and returned to the patients body in the same procedure. The stem cells are filtered out of the blood using the aspheresis machine, which retains only the stem cells.

What is the Future of Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cell Injections?

The future of bone marrow derived stem cell injections is a bright one. There are two types of bone marrow stem cells that can be derived from the tissue composing the middle of the bones, mesenchymal, and hematopoietic stem cells. It is the hematopoietic stem cells that differentiate back into blood cells among other things, and the mesenchymal cells that differentiate into skeletal and vertebral tissues.

Bone marrow derived stem cell injections are showing excellent results for tendonitis, ligament injuries and degenerative arthritis. This can help produce great results for athletes and individuals who desire to avoid or delay the need for joint replacement surgery.

Dr. Sisson at Colorado Clinic is at the forefront of regenerative medicine treatments with stem cells. You will be in good hands!

PRP Therapy at Colorado Clinic

The Facts about PRP Injections

Platelet-rich (PRP) therapy is a form of therapy that is used for damage that occurs within the tendons, ligaments, and joints. This type of therapy works by stimulating repair within the areas that are damaged, while also providing pain relief for the area where the therapy is used. PRP therapy has been around for quite some time, but has only recently become a more common method of treatment for musculoskeletal conditions.

Due to the ease of application, and the very few side-effects present with PRP therapy, it is commonly replacing other treatments that are more invasive, such as surgical procedures.

What exactly is PRP Therapy?

PRP therapy is often called platelet-rich plasma therapy, and this type of therapy is provided in the form of an injection. Initially, about 30-60cc of blood is drawn from the patients arm. It is placed into a centrifuge machine and separates into several layers. The middle layer contains concentrated platelets and growth factors and is used in the treatment for injection into the problem area.

Your blood is composed of several different parts, and when the blood is put into a medical machine that spins it at a fast rate, the platelets are separated from the blood, collected, and then put into a vial in a concentrated amount. The collected platelets are then injected into the area that is damaged, which provides the pain relief and repairing effects for the area. This allows the patient to get the platelets and growth factors needed for healing, while also using the bodys own resources, which eliminates the possibility of side-effects occurring due to the body rejecting the injection that is made.

The platelets that are removed from the blood are the same ones within the blood that stick to one another when we are injured and the blood clots. While the blood as a whole is known to have great healing powers, the platelets are one of the most effective healing components of the blood. When injected into the different damaged areas of the body, they are able to call in stem cells, and also allow for regeneration of the soft tissue.

How does PRP Therapy Work?

When the PRP injection is made, the solution goes directly into the area that is damaged, and also into the areas surrounding the damage. The therapy is known to provide pain relief within a week for patients in up to 80% of cases, due to the ability ofthe injections to stimulate healing in the area at a much faster rate than what your body is able to provide. Platelet rich plasma also contains significant amounts of growth factors, and even severe damage can be healed over time with the use of this form of therapy.

Where can PRP be Used?

PRP therapy can be used in all of the joints within the body, and even areas of soft tissue that are damaged such as the shoulder, elbow, achilles, etc. This may include tendonitis, ligament injury or degenerative arthritis.

Platelet-rich plasma therapy at Colorado Clinic is offered by the top pain management and regenerative medicine doctor in Northern Colorado, Dr. Sisson. He has extensive experience with regenerative medicine including PRP therapy, make your appointment today!

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Regenerative Medicine - Colorado Clinic

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