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Preventive Care | UnitedHealthcare

October 4th, 2019 9:46 am

'); // age var $fldAgeNo = $('input[name="ageNo"]' ); var ageNo = ($fldAgeNo.val() == void(0) ? "" : $fldAgeNo.val() ); // console.log(">>> " + ageNo + ": " + typeof ageNo); if (ageNo.length == 0) { thisErr += "Please enter an age as whole number using digits."; errMsg += '

').attr('aria-role','alert').attr('aria-live','assertive').attr('tabindex','0').html(errMsg); $('div.upc-form-wrapper').before($errElem);// $errElem.show().removeAttr('tabindex'); $errElem.show(); $errElem.get(0).focus(); return false; } if (window.sessionStorage) { sessionStorage.setItem("uhc-ageNo", ageNo); sessionStorage.setItem("uhc-ageType", ageType ); sessionStorage.setItem("uhc-gender", gender ); sessionStorage.setItem("uhc-pg", pg); } else { strArgs = "?a="+ageNo+"&t="+ageType+"&pg="+pg } var strPath = "/health-and-wellness/preventive-care/" + gender + "-guidelines"; if (window.location.hostname.indexOf('author') > -1 ) { strPath = "/content/uhcdotcom/en/home" + strPath + ".html" + strArgs } else { strPath = strPath + strArgs }/* alert(strPath);*/ window.location = strPath;}$(document).ready( function(){ $("#div-pg").hide(); // set up change event on all form elements $('input[name="gender"], input[name="ageNo"], [name="ageType"]').on('change', function() { var $elemPg = $("#div-pg"); var daForm = this.form; var gender = $('input[name="gender"]:checked').val(); if ( gender == void(0) ) gender = ""; var ageNo = (daForm.ageNo.value == void(0) ? "" : daForm.ageNo.value ); if (daForm.ageNo.value.length > 0) ageNo = parseInt( daForm.ageNo.value ); var ageType = (daForm.ageType.value == void(0) ? "" : daForm.ageType.value ); /* alert(ageNo + " " + ageType); */ if(gender == 'f' && ageType == 'y' && (ageNo.length ==0 || (ageNo >= 18 && ageNo

Routine preventive care helps you manage and maintain your health, and is generally covered at 100% by most health plans.

Schedule an appointment today or set a calendar reminder.

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Understand the difference between preventive care and diagnostic care.

Preventive care is designed to help you stay healthy, and is covered by most health plans with $0 out-of-pocket when you see a network provider.

Costs may be incurred for diagnostic care based on plan coverage.

Preventive care includes routine well exams, screenings, and immunizations intended to prevent or avoid illness or other health problems.

Diagnostic care includes care or treatment when you have symptoms or risk factors and your doctor wants to diagnose them.

Set a reminder to schedule an appointment.

Find a provider, get plan coverage details and more.

Find network flu shot locations and track flu outbreaks.

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Preventive Care | UnitedHealthcare

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