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Postpartum Arthritis: What to do if you are suffering from joint pain after delivery – Pledge Times

August 31st, 2020 7:54 pm

Postpartum Arthritis: What to do if you are suffering from joint pain after delivery Pledge Times

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Let us know the causes of arthritis after delivery and what treatment options are available.

Arthritis after pregnancyArthritis can be troublesome at any age and the disease affects more women than men. Complaints of arthritis may increase after pregnancy, and some women continue to have arthritis pain after delivery. Arthritis can occur after delivery in the wrist, hands, ankles and feet.Cause of postpartum arthritisArthritis after delivery is called postpartum arthritis. The following reasons of arthritis of the child can be:Women who have arthritis before pregnancy can be relieved during pregnancy. Most autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis disappear during pregnancy. This is due to antibodies and immune responses. Symptoms of arthritis may return after delivery.The immune system usually becomes strong after pregnancy. Any pre-allergic or autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis can cause lupus due to the hyperactivity of the immune system.Age, obesity, jeans, lack of physical activity, smoking, infection and lack of nutrients in the diet can also cause arthritis or joint pain after pregnancy.Treatment of postpartum arthritisTell a doctor if you are complaining of joint pain or arthritis after delivery. Doctors can give treatment to reduce pain, reduce damage to joints. For this, you will have to go to the doctor periodically for a checkup.Apart from this, it is also very important to have a balanced and nutritious diet. Take calories, burn fat. If you have gained weight after delivery, weight loss can also relieve joint pain. When the weight is high, there is pressure on the erect joints especially on the axes and knees. Overweight increases the risk of arthritis.Being physically active can help reduce pain and improve mood. It also protects against long-term conditions like diabetes, high BP.

Conceive with arthritisThe 2011 study included approximately 74,000 pregnant women. All these women were suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis and were having difficulty convalescing like normal women. About twenty five percent of these women were trying to conceive for about a year before becoming pregnant. Among women who did not suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, this figure was only sixteen percent.It is very important to control arthritis for at least 3 to 6 months before becoming pregnant.


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Postpartum Arthritis: What to do if you are suffering from joint pain after delivery - Pledge Times

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