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Pathway to Solve "Aging Population Syndrome", New Hope Has Been Delivered at TEDx Event – Markets Insider

September 7th, 2017 11:47 pm

CHENGDU, China, Sept. 7, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Aging and related diseases are problems we have to face. Recently, Dr. Y. James Kang, CEO/CSO of Revotek and a pathfinder in Regenerative Medicine, delivered a talk entitled "Transforming Disease-based Medication to Personalized Healthcare"at theTEDx event in Chengdu, China. He unveiled techniques that would improve the quality of life for 2 billion people worldwide.

Aging Population Syndrome and Disease-based Medication

Although it is not recognized, people who are over 60 years oldhave a lower quality oflife. This sounds rare but is really true. "Let me tell you what I heard from them, 'my doctor told me I need seven stents in my heart, but now I only put a couple and wait for a while to put them all,' and then they will talk about how to save money for future disease treatment," said Dr. Kang, "I call this aging population syndrome."

The syndrome results from the disease-based medication, or standard end-stage medication. Dr. Kang further explained, "A man, whose coronary arteries are 30% blocked with atherosclerosis plaque, might only be suggested by his doctor use bypass or vascular stents to reopen the vessel conduit when the plague further grows to the point leading to life threatening problem. Until then, he could take some statin drugs to slow down, but not to stop the plaque growth. This is disease-based medication." It is widely applied in today's medical practice but did not match well with patients' personalized problems.

Personalized Healthcare

Instead of spending rest of our life in drug-keeping, living a quality-maintained healthy life is our ultimate goal. The personalized healthcare is totally different from disease-based medication. It advocates solving personalized problems at an early stage to prevent the disease from deteriorating. Hence, transforming disease-based medication to personalized healthcare is highly demanded and closely related to our lives.

Regenerative medicine, the core of personalized healthcare, is capable of recovering the function of failing organs through integrated approaches including stem cells whichnaturally occur/stored in the human body and arecapable of repairing injured organs. When a body is injured, the injured tissue sends out signals, then the repair materials (stem cells) would respond and be recruited to the injury site for repair. Stem cells, the essence of personalized medicine, however,have not beenwell recognized until now.


Stem cells are well known to almost everyone. However, their approved clinical applications are rare. Rather than inducing stem cells to a desired cell type before its induction into a patient,Dr. Kang's team created a brand-new approach of utilizing the stem cells, called "Destination-Engaged Vector Evolving Lineage Organ Regeneration (DEVELOR)". In brief, the core concept is to firstly maintain the stemness of stem cells during the culturing and proliferation procedures, and deliver anadequate number of cells to the injury site, which would orchestrate the behavior of stem cells by secreting regenerative signals.

How to use DEVELOR to repair the damaged organs? Dr. Kang's team isolated mesenchymal stem cells from 5 g fat tissue of rhesus monkeys, cultured and prepared to "Biosynsphere", a new type of bio-ink. Then, the bio-ink was stacked through the 3D bioprinter and covered with prosthetic vascular graft to form hybrid vascular graft, which was used to replace the susceptible sites of atherosclerosis, the abdominal aorta of donor monkey. One month post the surgery, the graft was integrated with the monkey's own abdominal aorta, and the structure and function of whichwere identical. Apart from this application, DEVELORhas also beenapplied to damaged organs with scar tissue, presented by Dr. Kang in his TEDx talk.

Dr. Kang's team simply develop a technique to rejuvenate the self-repair process which is orchestrated by the injured site itself. With this approach, disease-based medication could be transformed to personalized healthcare through regenerative medicine. Dr. Kang's team offered novel solutions to the present and future of aging and disease problems.

For more info, contact: rel="nofollow">contact@revotekco.cn

Related Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26ioUypNIKshttp://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjk3NDAxMTcxMg==.html?spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0&from=s1.8-1-1.2

View original content with multimedia:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/pathway-to-solve-aging-population-syndrome-new-hope-has-been-delivered-at-tedx-event-300515420.html

SOURCE Sichuan Revotek Co.,Ltd

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Pathway to Solve "Aging Population Syndrome", New Hope Has Been Delivered at TEDx Event - Markets Insider

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