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What Happens to Your Eyes If You Look Directly at the Sun During a Solar Eclipse? – TIME

August 24th, 2017 1:47 am

For the first time in U.S. history, a solar eclipse will travel exclusively across America, enabling millions of people to view the moon block out the sun on Aug. 21. (Watch TIME's livestream of the total eclipse beginning at 12 p.m. ET on Monday.) But those who watch this rare celestial event in person need to take precautions, because staring right at the sun can quickly harm your eyes.

"Looking directly at the sun is unsafe except during the brief total phase of a solar eclipse (totality), when the moon entirely blocks the suns bright face, which will happen only within the narrow path of totality," NASA explains on its website. "The only safe way to look directly at the uneclipsed or partially eclipsed sun is through special-purpose solar filters, such as eclipse glasses.'

The path of totality, which is about 70 miles wide, is viewable from parts of 14 states, as shown on this solar eclipse map, and only lasts a maximum of two minutes and 40 seconds, according to NASA. Before and after the total solar eclipse, those in its path will see a partial eclipse, in which the moon only partly blocks the sun. The rest of the country will also see a partial eclipse so essentially, everyone needs to prepare themselves to view the eclipse safely.

NEXT: Watch the Whole Total Solar Eclipse in 4 Minutes

Here's what you need to know about why a solar eclipse hurts your eyes and how to protect your eyes effectively:

According to experts, viewing the sun with your naked eye during the eclipse can burn your retina, damaging the images your brain can view. This phenomenon, known as "eclipse blindness," can cause temporary or permanent vision impairment, and in worst-case scenarios can lead to legal blindness, which entails significant loss of vision.

"If people look without the proper protection [at the sun], they run the risk of injuring their eyes. And if they get an injury, depending on how often and how long they look at the sun without the protection, they do have a substantial risk of developing a permanent loss of vision," said Dr. B. Ralph Chou, p resident of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and a former optometry professor. It is not possible to go completely blind from looking at the eclipse, Chou said, because the injury is limited to the central part of your visual field.

There are no immediate symptoms or pain associated with the damage the retina doesn't have any pain receptors so its hard to know at the time if you've actually been afflicted with eclipse blindness. If you look at the sun unfiltered, you may immediately notice a dazzle effect, or a glare the way you would from any bright object, but that doesn't necessarily mean your retina is damaged. According to Chou, symptoms generally begin occurring 12 hours after viewing the eclipse, when people wake up in the morning and notice their vision has been altered.

"They cant see faces in the mirror, they cant read the newspaper or the smartphone display, theyre having trouble looking at road signs, and basically theyve got this center spot in their vision that is intensely blurred," Chou said.

There are no remedies to effectively mitigate the injury, said Chou, aside from waiting and seeing if the patient regains vision. This does happen, but not until at least three months after the injury.

Yes. People have hurt their eyes by watching the sun during a solar eclipse unfiltered. However, it is a relatively rare occurrence. Although Chou said there is no definitive data on the number of people afflicted with eclipse blindness, he noted that after a solar eclipse crossed Britain in 1999, ophthalmologists reported 70 instances of eye injuries, and the majority of those people had viewed the eclipse unfiltered. In Canada, 20 cases were reported following the total solar eclipse of 1979. O f the cases reported over the years, Chou said half the people afflicted completely recovered their vision over the course of the following year.

"It's a fact that for individual practitioners, they are not seeing that many [cases] overall," Chou said. "It's only if you start looking at large populations in the hundreds of millions that you start adding up into significant numbers."

To ensure your experience is injury-free, listen to NASA's advisory and buy eclipse glasses, which block approximately 99.99% of light rays. But also make sure follow NASA's instructions in using these glasses. When the glasses are on, NASA says, it is imperative that you don't look at the sun through an unfiltered camera lens, telescope, or binoculars.

Additionally, make sure that the brand of glasses you buy has been verified to meet the international safety standard, something Chou emphasized as critical to injury prevention. The American Astronomical Society has released a list of manufacturers selling these glasses that meet this standard. NASA also suggests you inspect your filter before putting it on, and discard it if it has any scratches or damages.

"If you don't try to sneak a peek without the filter," says Chou, "Then you should not run any risk of being hurt."

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What Happens to Your Eyes If You Look Directly at the Sun During a Solar Eclipse? - TIME


Blindness set to triple globally by 2050 – InDaily – InDaily

August 24th, 2017 1:47 am

Blindness affects 36 million people globally, with the greatest burden in developing countries, a global investigation has found.

Forecasts predict that there will be almost 115 million cases of blindness and 588 million people with moderate to severe vision impairment in 2050 (up from figures of 36 million and 217 million today, respectively).

Worldwide, there are an estimated 36 million people who are blind, and this is set to grow to almost 115 million people by 2050.

The greatest burden will be found in developing countries in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, according to a study published in The Lancet Global Health journal.

With the number of people with vision impairment accelerating, we must take action to increase our current treatment efforts at global, regional and country levels, says lead author Professor Rupert Bourne, Anglia Ruskin University, UK.

Investing in these treatments has previously reaped considerable benefits, including improved quality of life, and economic benefits as people remain in work.

Although rates of blindness and vision impairment have gone down in recent years, as the world population ages, the number of cases has increased. The new estimates highlight the need to scale up efforts to alleviate vision impairment to help improve quality of life, and educational and economic opportunities globally.

Even mild visual impairment can significantly impact a persons life, for example reducing their independence in many countries as it often means people are barred from driving, as well as reducing educational and economic opportunities, Professor Bourne says.

The greatest number of people who are blind reside in south, east and southeast Asia, while rates of blindness among older adults are highest in eastern and western sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia.

The study analysed the prevalence of blindness and vision impairment in 188 countries between 1990 and 2015, as well as providing projections for 2020 and 2050.

The study, funded by the Brien Holden Vision Institute, involved researchers from Anglia Ruskin University, the University of Melbourne, University of New South Wales, University of Auckland and Flinders University.

It is the first to include figures on presbyopia a condition that affects ones ability to read and is associated with ageing, and can be treated with eye glasses and finds that almost 1095 million people aged over 35 are affected by the condition, including almost 667 million people over 50.

The researchers estimate that global blindness crude prevalence declined from 0.75% in 1990 to 0.48% in 2015, while the rate of moderate to severe vision impairment reduced from 3.83% to 2.90%. This is likely to be a result of socio-economic development, targeted public health programs, and greater access to eye health services.

However, with most vision impairment being a result of ageing, as the population continues to grow and age, the number of people affected has increased globally. Rising from 30.6 million blind people in 1990 to 36 million in 2015, and from 160 million to 217 million people with moderate to severe vision impairment.

In addition, the study projections suggest that prevalence rates could see an upturn by 2020 (to 0.50% for blindness and 3.06% for vision impairment). They also predict further increases in the number of cases by 2050 if treatment is not improved with almost 115 million cases of blindness, and 588 million people with moderate to severe vision impairment.

The areas most affected include developing regions for example, 11.7 million people who are blind lived in south Asia in 2015, 6.2 million lived in east Asia, and 3.5 million lived in Southeast Asia. The same three regions were also home to the most people with moderate or severe vision impairment (61.2 million in south Asia, 52.9 million east Asia, and 20.8 million Southeast Asia).

Rates of blindness and vision impairment varied by region. In 2015, in western and eastern sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia the prevalence of blindness was more than 4%, while it was 0.5% or less in all high income regions (high income Asia Pacific, western Europe, Australasia, northern America, central Europe and eastern Europe).

While moderate to severe vision impairment rates were highest in south Asia, north Africa, the Middle East, and western and central sub-Saharan Africa, rates were lowest in the high-income regions.

To counter the growing numbers of cases of blindness and vision impairment, the researchers note the importance of investing in treatments. They also note that, between 1990 and 2010, when investments were made in treatments for vision impairment, prevalence of blindness reduced.

Interventions for vision impairment provide some of the largest returns on investment, and are some of the most easily implemented interventions in developing regions because they are cheap, require little infrastructure and countries recover their costs as people enter back into the workforce, Professor Bourne says.

Read more:
Blindness set to triple globally by 2050 - InDaily - InDaily


Heritability of IQ – Wikipedia

August 24th, 2017 1:46 am

Research on heritability of IQ infers, from the similarity of IQ in closely related persons, the proportion of variance of IQ among individuals in a study population that is associated with genetic variation within that population. This provides a maximum estimate of genetic versus environmental influence for phenotypic variation in IQ in that population. "Heritability", in this sense, "refers to the genetic contribution to variance within a population and in a specific environment".[1] In other words, heritability is a mathematical estimate that indicates how much of a traits variation can be attributed to genes. There has been significant controversy in the academic community about the heritability of IQ since research on the issue began in the late nineteenth century.[2]Intelligence in the normal range is a polygenic trait, meaning it's influenced by more than one gene.[3][4]

The general figure for the heritability of IQ, according to an authoritative American Psychological Association report, is 0.45 for children, and rises to around 0.75 for late teens and adults.[5][6] In simpler terms, IQ goes from being weakly correlated with genetics, for children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adults. The heritability of IQ increases with age and reaches an asymptote at 1820 years of age and continues at that level well into adulthood.[7] Recent studies suggest that family and parenting characteristics are not significant contributors to variation in IQ scores;[8] however, poor prenatal environment, malnutrition and disease can have deleterious effects.[9][10]

"Heritability" is defined as the proportion of variance in a trait which is attributable to genetic variation within a defined population in a specific environment.[1] Heritability takes a value ranging from 0 to 1; a heritability of 1 indicates that all variation in the trait in question is genetic in origin and a heritability of 0 indicates that none of the variation is genetic. The determination of many traits can be considered primarily genetic under similar environmental backgrounds. For example, a 2006 study found that adult height has a heritability estimated at 0.80 when looking only at the height variation within families where the environment should be very similar.[11] Other traits have lower heritabilities, which indicate a relatively larger environmental influence. For example, a twin study on the heritability of depression in men calculated it as 0.29, while it was 0.42 for women in the same study.[12] Contrary to popular[citation needed] belief, two parents of higher IQ will not necessarily produce offspring of equal or higher intelligence. In fact, according to the concept of regression toward the mean, parents whose IQ is at either extreme are more likely to produce offspring with IQ closer to the mean (or average).[13][14]

There are a number of points to consider when interpreting heritability:

Various studies have found the heritability of IQ to be between 0.7 and 0.8 in adults and 0.45 in childhood in the United States.[6][18][19] It may seem reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. However, that the opposite occurs is well documented. Heritability measures in infancy are as low as 0.2, around 0.4 in middle childhood, and as high as 0.8 in adulthood.[7] One proposed explanation is that people with different genes tend to seek out different environments that reinforce the effects of those genes.[6] The brain undergoes morphological changes in development which suggests that age-related physical changes could also contribute to this effect.[20]

A 1994 article in Behavior Genetics based on a study of Swedish monozygotic and dizygotic twins found the heritability of the sample to be as high as 0.80 in general cognitive ability; however, it also varies by trait, with 0.60 for verbal tests, 0.50 for spatial and speed-of-processing tests, and 0.40 for memory tests. In contrast, studies of other populations estimate an average heritability of 0.50 for general cognitive ability.[18]

In 2006, The New York Times Magazine listed about three quarters as a figure held by the majority of studies.[21]

There are some family effects on the IQ of children, accounting for up to a quarter of the variance. However, adoption studies show that by adulthood adoptive siblings aren't more similar in IQ than strangers,[22] while adult full siblings show an IQ correlation of 0.24. However, some studies of twins reared apart (e.g. Bouchard, 1990) find a significant shared environmental influence, of at least 10% going into late adulthood.[19]Judith Rich Harris suggests that this might be due to biasing assumptions in the methodology of the classical twin and adoption studies.[23]

There are aspects of environments that family members have in common (for example, characteristics of the home). This shared family environment accounts for 0.25-0.35 of the variation in IQ in childhood. By late adolescence it is quite low (zero in some studies). There is a similar effect for several other psychological traits. These studies have not looked into the effects of extreme environments such as in abusive families.[6][22][24][25]

The American Psychological Association's report "Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns" (1995) states that there is no doubt that normal child development requires a certain minimum level of responsible care. Severely deprived, neglectful, or abusive environments must have negative effects on a great many aspects of development, including intellectual aspects. Beyond that minimum, however, the role of family experience is in serious dispute. There is no doubt that such variables as resources of the home and parents' use of language are correlated with children's IQ scores, but such correlations may be mediated by genetic as well as (or instead of) environmental factors. But how much of that variance in IQ results from differences between families, as contrasted with the varying experiences of different children in the same family? Recent twin and adoption studies suggest that while the effect of the shared family environment is substantial in early childhood, it becomes quite small by late adolescence. These findings suggest that differences in the life styles of families whatever their importance may be for many aspects of children's lives make little long-term difference for the skills measured by intelligence tests.

Although parents treat their children differently, such differential treatment explains only a small amount of non-shared environmental influence. One suggestion is that children react differently to the same environment due to different genes. More likely influences may be the impact of peers and other experiences outside the family.[6][24] For example, siblings grown up in the same household may have different friends and teachers and even contract different illnesses. This factor may be one of the reasons why IQ score correlations between siblings decreases as they get older.[26]

Certain single-gene genetic disorders can severely affect intelligence. Phenylketonuria is an example,[27] with publications demonstrating the capacity of phenylketonuria to produce a reduction of 10 IQ points on average.[28] Meta-analyses have found that environmental factors, such as iodine deficiency, can result in large reductions in average IQ; iodine deficiency has been shown to produce a reduction of 12.5 IQ points on average.[29]

The APA report "Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns" (1995) also stated that:

"We should note, however, that low-income and non-white families are poorly represented in existing adoption studies as well as in most twin samples. Thus it is not yet clear whether these studies apply to the population as a whole. It remains possible that, across the full range of income and ethnicity, between-family differences have more lasting consequences for psychometric intelligence."[6]

A study (1999) by Capron and Duyme of French children adopted between the ages of four and six examined the influence of socioeconomic status (SES). The children's IQs initially averaged 77, putting them near retardation. Most were abused or neglected as infants, then shunted from one foster home or institution to the next. Nine years later after adoption, when they were on average 14 years old, they retook the IQ tests, and all of them did better. The amount they improved was directly related to the adopting family's socioeconomic status. "Children adopted by farmers and laborers had average IQ scores of 85.5; those placed with middle-class families had average scores of 92. The average IQ scores of youngsters placed in well-to-do homes climbed more than 20 points, to 98."[21][30]

Stoolmiller (1999) argued that the range of environments in previous adoption studies were restricted. Adopting families tend to be more similar on, for example, socio-economic status than the general population, which suggests a possible underestimation of the role of the shared family environment in previous studies. Corrections for range restriction to adoption studies indicated that socio-economic status could account for as much as 50% of the variance in IQ.[31]

On the other hand, the effect of this was examined by Matt McGue and colleagues (2007), who wrote that "restriction in range in parent disinhibitory psychopathology and family socio-economic status had no effect on adoptive-sibling correlations [in] IQ"[32]

Turkheimer and colleagues (2003) argued that the proportions of IQ variance attributable to genes and environment vary with socioeconomic status. They found that in a study on seven-year-old twins, in impoverished families, 60% of the variance in early childhood IQ was accounted for by the shared family environment, and the contribution of genes is close to zero; in affluent families, the result is almost exactly the reverse.[33]

In contrast to Turkheimer (2003), a study by Nagoshi and Johnson (2005) concluded that the heritability of IQ did not vary as a function of parental socioeconomic status in the 949 families of Caucasian and 400 families of Japanese ancestry who took part in the Hawaii Family Study of Cognition.[34]

Asbury and colleagues (2005) studied the effect of environmental risk factors on verbal and non-verbal ability in a nationally representative sample of 4-year-old British twins. There was not any statistically significant interaction for non-verbal ability, but the heritability of verbal ability was found to be higher in low-SES and high-risk environments.[35]

Harden and colleagues (2007) investigated adolescents, most 17 years old, and found that, among higher income families, genetic influences accounted for approximately 55% of the variance in cognitive aptitude and shared environmental influences about 35%. Among lower income families, the proportions were in the reverse direction, 39% genetic and 45% shared environment."[36]

Rushton and Jensen (2010) criticized many of these studies for being done on children or adolescents. They argued that heritability increases during childhood and adolescence, and even increases greatly between 1620 years of age and adulthood, so one should be cautious drawing conclusions regarding the role of genetics from studies where the participants are not adults. Furthermore, the studies typically did not examine if IQ gains due to adoption were on the general intelligence factor (g). When the studies by Capron and Duyme were re-examined, IQ gains from being adopted into high SES homes were on non-g factors. By contrast, the adopted children's g mainly depended on their biological parents SES, which implied that g is more difficult to environmentally change.[17] The most cited adoption projects that sought to estimate the heritability of IQ were those of Texas,[37] Colorado[38] and Minnesota[39] that were started in the 1970s. These studies showed that while the adoptive parents' IQ does correlate with adoptees' IQ in early life, when the adoptees reach adolescence the correlation has faded and disappeared. The correlation with the biological parent seemed to explain most of the variation.

A 2011 study by Tucker-Drob and colleagues reported that at age 2, genes accounted for approximately 50% of the variation in mental ability for children being raised in high socioeconomic status families, but genes accounted for negligible variation in mental ability for children being raised in low socioeconomic status families. This gene-environment interaction was not apparent at age 10 months, suggesting that the effect emerges over the course of early development.[40]

A 2012 study based on a representative sample of twins from the United Kingdom, with longitudinal data on IQ from age two to age fourteen, did not find evidence for lower heritability in low-SES families. However, the study indicated that the effects of shared family environment on IQ were generally greater in low-SES families than in high-SES families, resulting in greater variance in IQ in low-SES families. The authors noted that previous research had produced inconsistent results on whether or not SES moderates the heritability of IQ. They suggested three explanations for the inconsistency. First, some studies may have lacked statistical power to detect interactions. Second, the age range investigated has varied between studies. Third, the effect of SES may vary in different demographics and different countries.[41]

A 2017 King's College London study suggests that genes account for nearly 50 per cent of the differences between whether children are socially mobile or not.[42]

A meta-analysis by Devlin and colleagues (1997) of 212 previous studies evaluated an alternative model for environmental influence and found that it fits the data better than the 'family-environments' model commonly used. The shared maternal (fetal) environment effects, often assumed to be negligible, account for 20% of covariance between twins and 5% between siblings, and the effects of genes are correspondingly reduced, with two measures of heritability being less than 50%. They argue that the shared maternal environment may explain the striking correlation between the IQs of twins, especially those of adult twins that were reared apart.[2] IQ heritability increases during early childhood, but whether it stabilizes thereafter remains unclear.[2][old info] These results have two implications: a new model may be required regarding the influence of genes and environment on cognitive function; and interventions aimed at improving the prenatal environment could lead to a significant boost in the population's IQ.[2]

Bouchard and McGue reviewed the literature in 2003, arguing that Devlin's conclusions about the magnitude of heritability is not substantially different from previous reports and that their conclusions regarding prenatal effects stands in contradiction to many previous reports.[43] They write that:

Chipuer et al. and Loehlin conclude that the postnatal rather than the prenatal environment is most important. The Devlin et al. (1997a) conclusion that the prenatal environment contributes to twin IQ similarity is especially remarkable given the existence of an extensive empirical literature on prenatal effects. Price (1950), in a comprehensive review published over 50 years ago, argued that almost all MZ twin prenatal effects produced differences rather than similarities. As of 1950 the literature on the topic was so large that the entire bibliography was not published. It was finally published in 1978 with an additional 260 references. At that time Price reiterated his earlier conclusion (Price, 1978). Research subsequent to the 1978 review largely reinforces Prices hypothesis (Bryan, 1993; Macdonald et al., 1993; Hall and Lopez-Rangel, 1996; see also Martin et al., 1997, box 2; Machin, 1996).[43]

Dickens and Flynn (2001) argued that the "heritability" figure includes both a direct effect of the genotype on IQ and also indirect effects where the genotype changes the environment, in turn affecting IQ. That is, those with a higher IQ tend to seek out stimulating environments that further increase IQ. The direct effect can initially have been very small but feedback loops can create large differences in IQ. In their model an environmental stimulus can have a very large effect on IQ, even in adults, but this effect also decays over time unless the stimulus continues. This model could be adapted to include possible factors, like nutrition in early childhood, that may cause permanent effects.

The Flynn effect is the increase in average intelligence test scores by about 0.3% annually, resulting in the average person today scoring 15 points higher in IQ compared to the generation 50 years ago.[44] This effect can be explained by a generally more stimulating environment for all people. The authors suggest that programs aiming to increase IQ would be most likely to produce long-term IQ gains if they taught children how to replicate outside the program the kinds of cognitively demanding experiences that produce IQ gains while they are in the program and motivate them to persist in that replication long after they have left the program.[45][46] Most of the improvements have allowed for better abstract reasoning, spatial relations, and comprehension. Some scientists have suggested that such enhancements are due to better nutrition, better parenting and schooling, as well as exclusion of the least intelligent, genetically inferior, people from reproduction. However, Flynn and a group of other scientists share the viewpoint that modern life implies solving many abstract problems which leads to a rise in their IQ scores.[44]

More recent research has illuminated genetic factors underlying IQ stability and change. Genome-wide association studies have demonstrated that the genes involved in intelligence remain fairly stable over time.[47] Specifically, in terms of IQ stability, "genetic factors mediated phenotypic stability throughout this entire period [age 0 to 16], whereas most age-to-age instability appeared to be due to non-shared environmental influences".[48][49] These findings have been replicated extensively and observed in the United Kingdom,[50] the United States,[48][51] and the Netherlands.[52][53][54][55] Additionally, researchers have shown that naturalistic changes in IQ occur in individuals at variable times.[56]

Spatial ability has been shown to be unifactorial (a single score accounts well for all spatial abilities), and is 69% heritable in a sample of 1,367 twins from the ages 19 through 21.[57] Further only 8% of spatial ability can be accounted for by a shared environmental factors like school and family.[58] Of the genetically determined portion of spacial ability, 24% is shared with verbal ability (general intelligence) and 43% was specific to spatial ability alone.[59]

A 2009 review article identified over 50 genetic polymorphisms that have been reported to be associated with cognitive ability in various studies, but noted that the discovery of small effect sizes and lack of replication have characterized this research so far.[60] Another study attempted to replicate 12 reported associations between specific genetic variants and general cognitive ability in three large datasets, but found that only one of the genotypes was significantly associated with general intelligence in one of the samples, a result expected by chance alone. The authors concluded that most reported genetic associations with general intelligence are probably false positives brought about by inadequate sample sizes. Arguing that common genetic variants explain much of the variation in general intelligence, they suggested that the effects of individual variants are so small that very large samples are required to reliably detect them.[61] Genetic diversity within individuals is heavily correlated with IQ.[62]

A novel molecular genetic method for estimating heritability calculates the overall genetic similarity (as indexed by the cumulative effects of all genotyped single nucleotide polymorphisms) between all pairs of individuals in a sample of unrelated individuals and then correlates this genetic similarity with phenotypic similarity across all the pairs. A study using this method estimated that the lower bounds for the narrow-sense heritability of crystallized and fluid intelligence are 40% and 51%, respectively. A replication study in an independent sample confirmed these results, reporting a heritability estimate of 47%.[63] These findings are compatible with the view that a large number of genes, each with only a small effect, contribute to differences in intelligence.[61]

The relative influence of genetics and environment for a trait can be calculated by measuring how strongly traits covary in people of a given genetic (unrelated, siblings, fraternal twins, or identical twins) and environmental (reared in the same family or not) relationship. One method is to consider identical twins reared apart, with any similarities which exists between such twin pairs attributed to genotype. In terms of correlation statistics, this means that theoretically the correlation of tests scores between monozygotic twins would be 1.00 if genetics alone accounted for variation in IQ scores; likewise, siblings and dizygotic twins share on average half of their alleles and the correlation of their scores would be 0.50 if IQ were affected by genes alone (or greater if, as is undoubtedly the case, there is a positive correlation between the IQs of spouses in the parental generation). Practically, however, the upper bound of these correlations are given by the reliability of the test, which is 0.90 to 0.95 for typical IQ tests[64]

If there is biological inheritance of IQ, then the relatives of a person with a high IQ should exhibit a comparably high IQ with a much higher probability than the general population. In 1982, Bouchard and McGue reviewed such correlations reported in 111 original studies in the United States. The mean correlation of IQ scores between monozygotic twins was 0.86, between siblings, 0.47, between half-siblings, 0.31, and between cousins, 0.15.[65]

The 2006 edition of Assessing adolescent and adult intelligence by Alan S. Kaufman and Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger reports correlations of 0.86 for identical twins raised together compared to 0.76 for those raised apart and 0.47 for siblings.[66] These number are not necessarily static. When comparing pre-1963 to late 1970s data, researches DeFries and Plomin found that the IQ correlation between parent and child living together fell significantly, from 0.50 to 0.35. The opposite occurred for fraternal twins.[67]

Another summary:

Although IQ differences between individuals are shown to have a large hereditary component, it does not follow that mean group-level disparities (between-group differences) in IQ necessarily have a genetic basis. The Flynn effect is one example where there is a large difference between groups(past and present) with little or no genetic difference. An analogy, attributed to Richard Lewontin,[70] illustrates this point:

Suppose two handfuls are taken from a sack containing a genetically diverse variety of corn, and each grown under carefully controlled and standardized conditions, except that one batch is lacking in certain nutrients that are supplied to the other. After several weeks, the plants are measured. There is variability of growth within each batch, due to the genetic variability of the corn. Given that the growing conditions are closely controlled, nearly all the variation in the height of the plants within a batch will be due to differences in their genes. Thus, within populations, heritabilities will be very high. Nevertheless, the difference between the two groups is due entirely to an environmental factordifferential nutrition. Lewontin didn't go so far as to have the one set of pots painted white and the other set black, but you get the idea. The point of the example, in any case, is that the causes of between-group differences may in principle be quite different from the causes of within-group variation.[71]

Arthur Jensen has written in agreement that this is technically correct, but he has also stated that a high heritability increases the probability that genetics play a role in average group differences.[72][73]

See the original post:
Heritability of IQ - Wikipedia


Genesis and Genetics | We look at Genetics in Genesis

August 24th, 2017 1:46 am

One lingering mystery concerning Noahs ark is: How many animals were on board? Since DNA has a very good reputation for solving mysteries in the courtroom, now its time to unleash its powers and reveal Noahs passenger list.

As we look about the earth we see a multitude of animals reproducing after their kind, each retaining their distinction as a kind/specie. How does this happen? Two things are required for kinds/species to remain distinct:

(1) They must have the desire (instincts coded in their DNA) to mate with their own kind/species and

(2) They must have the ability (compatible DNA) to produce viable offspring like themselves.

These two requirements are the basis for both the Biblical and secular scientific definition of species/kinds. The words species and kinds are synonyms, but usually species is used by the secular scientific community and kinds is used by the Biblical community. Nonetheless, both words should define the same creatures, and our conclusion is that they do. Our position is as follows:

Fundamentally, all of the species currently defined by modern science were on the Ark

Consider humans, we have the desire and ability to produce more humans like ourselves. We know that we cannot produce a pig or a chimpanzee because we do not have the genetic ability in our DNAto do so.

Next, consider the great horned owls, they desire to mate with other great horned owls and they have the ability to produce other great horned owls. However, their DNA does not produce the desire or the ability to create a bluebird, a barn owl, or even an eagle owl which is the same genus as the great horned owl.

We wrote a technical paper, The Genetics of Kinds Ravens, Owls, and Doves, and found that not one of the owl kinds/species we examined could possibly produce any other owl kinds/species. That is also true for the ravens and doves. They differ from one another by too much genetic information. We also wrote a technical paper, A Study of Biblical Kinds Using 62 Species of Mice; which showed the various species/kinds of mouse DNA differed from one another by significant amounts with distinct DNA gaps between the kinds/species. It would be impossible to bridge these gaps by means of any natural process.

Our study of the mouse was very interesting in that we found that there are more than one hundredmouse kinds/species and they all remain distinct. How do they do it? They have been magnificently designed with the desire and ability to reproduce after their kinds. Here are a few facts: They can read each others genetics like a barcode (Ref 1). They mate only with their own species (Ref 2). They dont breed with close relatives (Ref 3) and the males do not mate with under aged females (Ref 4). All of this is coded in the DNA and not only does it preserve their distinctiveness, but also maintains good genetic health. You may read all about it, get all of the references, and gain access to all of the DNA sequences at: A Study of Biblical Kinds Using 62 Species of Mice.

If only a few kinds would have been on the Ark, there would only be a few kinds now. The scriptures are clear: every kind was created (Genesis 1); every kind was loaded on the Ark (Genesis 6:19-20); and every kind disembarked from the Ark (Genesis 8:17-20). The kinds were distinct and remain distinct.

Our conclusion would necessitate that on the order of 6000 amphibian, 10,000 bird, 6,000 mammal, and 8,000 reptile kinds/species were aboard the Ark. Accounting for pairs, sevens of clean animals, and those that have gone extinct since the flood, the total number aboard the Ark would be on the order of 100,000. This would be no problem for the very large Ark with all of the animals in Biblical deep sleep (Ref 5)

As we look at this glorious creation, we see that the kinds are distinct. They are distinct because they have both the desire and ability to mate with their own kind and produce offspring of like kind. God always does things right, and in order to replenish the earth properly, He gave every kind a berth on the Ark. All of the passengers were peacefully asleep being transported to a new world filled with adventure and hope.

Key words:

Animals of the Ark, Species on the Ark, Kinds on the Ark, Noahs Ark, Noahs Ark, species vs. kinds, and DNA Noahs Ark

Additional Suggested Reading:

Noahs Ark A Fresh Look

Noahs Ark Hermetically Sealed and Safe

References:1. Beynon, R.J. and Hurst, J.L., 2003. Multiple roles of major urinary proteins in the house mouse, Mus domesticus., Biochem Soc Trans. 2003 Feb;31(Pt 1):142-6. PMID:12546672.

2. Lane, R.P., Young, J., Newman, T., and Trask, B.J., 2004. Species specificity in rodent pheromone receptor repertoires. Genome Res. 14: 603-608. [PMC free article] [PubMed]

3. Sherborne, A.L., Michael D., Thom, M.D., Paterson, S., Jury, F., Ollier, W.E.R., Stockley, P., Beynon, R.J. and Hurst, J.L., 2007. The Genetic Basis of Inbreeding Avoidance in House Mice, Current Biology 17, 20612066, December 4, 2007.

4. Ferrero, D.M., Moeller, L.M., Osakada T., Horio, N., Li, Q., Dheeraj S.R., Cichy, A., Spehr, M. Touhara, K. Liberles, S.D., 2013. A juvenile mouse pheromone inhibits sexual behaviour through the vomeronasal system.Nature, 2013; DOI: 10.1038/nature12579

5. http://www.genesisandgenetics.org/2013/07/20/122/

Continued here:
Genesis and Genetics | We look at Genetics in Genesis


Study reveals white nationalists’ reactions when genetics test results challenge their identity – UCLA Newsroom

August 24th, 2017 1:46 am

A new study by UCLA researchers reveals the range of reactions from rejection to reinterpretation to acceptance after white nationalists learn that DNA ancestry test results indicate they may not be as white or European as they previously thought.

Thestudy,When Genetics Challenges a Racists Identity: Genetic Ancestry Testing Among White Nationalists, is the work of UCLA researchersAaron Panofskyand Joan Donovan, who presented their findings at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association held Aug. 14, 2017, in Montreal, Canada.

Upon receiving genetic evidence of non-white or non-European ancestry, those posting online expend considerable energy to repair identities by rejecting or reinterpreting genetic ancestry testing results, said the researchers, who studied discussion threads on the topic posted on the white nationalist online forum Stormfront.

UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs

Aaron Panofsky

In their study, Donovan and Panofsky, an associate professor with appointments in Public Policy at UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, the Institute for Society and Genetics, and Sociology, looked at more than 3,000 posts in 70 discussion threads on topics related to test reveals. These included posts by individuals who revealed results of non-white/non-European ancestry on Stormfront, a website that requires members to be white or European with non-Jewish ancestry. Responses also included the comments on those test results.

Panofsky and Donovan, a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Society and Genetics, report that while ancestry tests promote the capacity to reveal ones genetic ties to ethnic groups, ancient populations and historical migrations, and even famous historical figures this opportunity to know thyself can come with significant risks.

Panofsky points out that based on white nationalists responses to genetic information upon learning their test results, there is no reason to believe that they would give up their racial ideology, and, more importantly, that genetic information cannot be relied on to change the views of white nationalists.

In addition, Panofsky said that, as a group, white nationalists appear to have a combination of sophisticated and unsophisticated methods of interpreting the data from statistical and genetic viewpoints, as well as on their own historical reasoning or reinterpretation.

In this framework, the repair strategy is not to reject scientific or historical knowledge, but to educate oneself to understand the construction of [genetic test] results and to explain those results in alternate terms, the researchers conclude.

In parsing responses to genetic ancestry test results posted on Stormfront, Panofsky and Donovan created a decision tree consisting of good news responses, or confirmation of white identity, or bad news, revealing results of non-white or non-European ancestry.

Good news served a confirming purpose and was well-received, but bad news elicited responses of rejection of the test results. Alternatives to the rejected responses included championing traditional methods, citing family history or using a mirror test, whereby individuals evaluated their outward appearance as a gauge of racial identity.

Many of the responses to bad news are about how to repair the damage, rather than latching onto the ideology of Stormfront, Panofsky said. Even though they have that idea of purity, they help people explain away or dismiss the result.

The researchers also found that some who reject unfavorable genetic test results interpret them as the product of companies with an anti-white bias, or Jewish ownership invested in sowing racial doubt and confusion among whites. They also attribute a small percentage of non-white or non-European markers as being part of a multicultural conspiracy, according to the study.

Another way the posters dealt with bad news, Panofsky and Donovan reported, was to discount indications of non-white ancestry as a statistical error or noise to engage in scientific reinterpretation of the results.

The findings also indicate that white nationalists are using genetic ancestry test results to rethink the boundaries of whiteness. Panofsky and Donovan point out that a great deal of discussion on Stormfront focuses on what are the genetic markers of legitimate whiteness or European-ness, and how to think about white nationalism in an era of genetic ancestry testing.

Go here to read the rest:
Study reveals white nationalists' reactions when genetics test results challenge their identity - UCLA Newsroom


UCLA Researchers Study Reveals White Nationalists’ Reactions When Genetics Test Results Challenge Their Identity – Sierra Sun Times

August 24th, 2017 1:46 am

August 23, 2017 - By Stan Paul - A new study by UCLA researchers reveals the range of reactions from rejection to reinterpretation to acceptance after white nationalists learn that DNA ancestry test results indicate they may not be as white or European as they previously thought.

Thestudy,When Genetics Challenges a Racists Identity: Genetic Ancestry Testing Among White Nationalists, is the work of UCLA researchersAaron Panofskyand Joan Donovan, who presented their findings at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association held Aug. 14, 2017, in Montreal, Canada.

Upon receiving genetic evidence of non-white or non-European ancestry, those posting online expend considerable energy to repair identities by rejecting or reinterpreting genetic ancestry testing results, said the researchers, who studied discussion threads on the topic posted on the white nationalist online forum Stormfront.

(Right) Aaron Panofsky - Credit: UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs

In their study, Donovan and Panofsky, an associate professor with appointments in Public Policy at UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, the Institute for Society and Genetics, and Sociology, looked at more than 3,000 posts in 70 discussion threads on topics related to test reveals. These included posts by individuals who revealed results of non-white/non-European ancestry on Stormfront, a website that requires members to be white or European with non-Jewish ancestry. Responses also included the comments on those test results.

Panofsky and Donovan, a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Society and Genetics, report that while ancestry tests promote the capacity to reveal ones genetic ties to ethnic groups, ancient populations and historical migrations, and even famous historical figures this opportunity to know thyself can come with significant risks.

Panofsky points out that based on white nationalists responses to genetic information upon learning their test results, there is no reason to believe that they would give up their racial ideology, and, more importantly, that genetic information cannot be relied on to change the views of white nationalists.

In addition, Panofsky said that, as a group, white nationalists appear to have a combination of sophisticated and unsophisticated methods of interpreting the data from statistical and genetic viewpoints, as well as on their own historical reasoning or reinterpretation.

In this framework, the repair strategy is not to reject scientific or historical knowledge, but to educate oneself to understand the construction of [genetic test] results and to explain those results in alternate terms, the researchers conclude.

In parsing responses to genetic ancestry test results posted on Stormfront, Panofsky and Donovan created a decision tree consisting of good news responses, or confirmation of white identity, or bad news, revealing results of non-white or non-European ancestry.

Good news served a confirming purpose and was well-received, but bad news elicited responses of rejection of the test results. Alternatives to the rejected responses included championing traditional methods, citing family history or using a mirror test, whereby individuals evaluated their outward appearance as a gauge of racial identity.

Many of the responses to bad news are about how to repair the damage, rather than latching onto the ideology of Stormfront, Panofsky said. Even though they have that idea of purity, they help people explain away or dismiss the result.

The researchers also found that some who reject unfavorable genetic test results interpret them as the product of companies with an anti-white bias, or Jewish ownership invested in sowing racial doubt and confusion among whites. They also attribute a small percentage of non-white or non-European markers as being part of a multicultural conspiracy, according to the study.

Another way the posters dealt with bad news, Panofsky and Donovan reported, was to discount indications of non-white ancestry as a statistical error or noise to engage in scientific reinterpretation of the results.

The findings also indicate that white nationalists are using genetic ancestry test results to rethink the boundaries of whiteness. Panofsky and Donovan point out that a great deal of discussion on Stormfront focuses on what are the genetic markers of legitimate whiteness or European-ness, and how to think about white nationalism in an era of genetic ancestry testing.Source: UCLA

See more here:
UCLA Researchers Study Reveals White Nationalists' Reactions When Genetics Test Results Challenge Their Identity - Sierra Sun Times


Sycamores investigate genetics behind congenital heart defects – Indiana Statesman

August 24th, 2017 1:46 am

When Katy Neese and Olivia Sacopulos jumped into their research this summer, they did it with all heart mice hearts, that is.

Neese and Sacopulos used the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience at Indiana State University to conduct preliminary research on the Foxhead BOX (FOX) gene expression, which encodes transcription factor proteins that switch genes on or off as the heart forms. Its a critical process the body has to get right for proper heart development. But when some Forkhead genes are mutated or dysfunctional, they fail to produce proteins that can correctly turn on or off other genes. The result is a congenital heart defect.

The project by Neese and Sacopulos used two approaches: further analysis of previously published available gene expression microarray data and the collection of FOX gene expression analyses curated by genomic databases and published in scientific literature.

They charted their findings to see when and where FOX genes are expressed or unexpressed using the Mouse Genome Informatics Database as a primary resource for a spectrum of genetic, genomic and biological data, which archives bioinformatic and experimental data of the mouse as an experimental model system for understanding human biology and disease.

The comparison of the curated gene expression databases validate the microarray dataset by identifying sever FOX genes with known expression during heart development, said Neese, a junior biology with a medical lab specialization major from Martinsville, Ind. Several of the FOX genes that are significantly changed in the heart according to the microarray data set have not been characterized in using conventional gene expression analysis techniques.

Sacopulos curated a list of FOX genes, looking at all 44 of the genes and used the Mouse Genome Informatics database to see the expression of each gene during different stages of development. She found that 22 genes were expressed, 22 were undefined and 11 were not expressed and used the data to validate Neeses findings.

My part involved coding and using the Bio conductor package to pull out the statistically significant FOX genes and create a heat map to show when the genes are expressed, said Socaphales, a junior biology major from Terre Haute. If we can determine if heart defects are caused by the genes, there may be a way to correct the problem.

Their preliminary findings will ultimately aid Indiana State biology instructor Kristopher Schwab with his research on the FOX genes functions when cardiac muscular tissue is formed, particularly during embryonic development.

Research exposes students to new areas of science, allowing them to explore the language, concepts and tools of research. Rather than just reading from a book, the research allowed them to get involved in the process and learn at a greater depth by going through data analysis, hypothesizing and investigating, Schwab said. Once they have that basic skill set, that they can transfer to other areas of science and apply it.

Read more:
Sycamores investigate genetics behind congenital heart defects - Indiana Statesman


Oxford Genetics secures investment; expands UK facility and eyes US market – BioPharma-Reporter.com

August 24th, 2017 1:46 am

Oxford Genetics will expand its bioproduction services in the UK and target the US market through an office in Boston after receiving a 7.5m ($9.6m) investment.

The investment comes from existing investor Mercia Technologies PLC, and Invesco Perpetual and will help the bioprocessing support firm expand its global presence and increase its DNA, protein, viral and cell line service offerings.

The UK extension adds another floor in its building in Oxford which will be fitted out to increase capacity across the firms entire service offering, allowing the segregation of material flow and the isolation of individual projects, a spokesperson from Oxford Genetics told us.

This will allow us to continue to exceed regulatory requirements and provide quality assurance for our clients. We will also add more analytical, purification and process development equipment, for instance small scale bioreactors, to enable us to fully support our clients from research up to the point of GMP bioproduction.

The 6,000 sq ft extension is expected to be ready by November, and will include cell line engineering capabilities, viral vector production and purification suites, high-throughput robotic screening systems and process development facilities.

The US expansion, meanwhile, will see the firm open an office in Boston to target the large US market.

A US office is integral because it is the single largest market for our technologies and services, we were told. There has been a significant increase in the demand for our viral expression systems and cell line development for virus production.

The firm, founded in 2011, licenses its technology platforms on a non-exclusive basis to all biopharma and according to the spokesperson has had tremendous interest from firms looking for bioproduction optimisation solutions.

We have already begun to sign licenses and collaboration deals. The latter agreements are particularly interesting since they are allowing our collaborators accelerated access to some of our virus production platform technologies, which will fully mature over the next 18 months.

In the past year, Oxford Genetics has benefitted from several funding projects including a 1.6m and 1m, both from Innovate UK, to explore computational and synthetic biology approaches for optimising mammalian biomanufacturing processes, and to overcome the inefficient and costly scale-up of viral vector production, respectively.

See the original post:
Oxford Genetics secures investment; expands UK facility and eyes US market - BioPharma-Reporter.com


H. pylori May Increase Risk of Stomach Cancer By Turning On Subset of Stem Cells – MedicalResearch.com (blog)

August 24th, 2017 1:46 am

MedicalResearch.com Interview with:Michael Sigal PhDClinical scientist of the Charit Universittsmedizin BerlinInvestigator at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology

MedicalResearch.com: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings?

Response: We have previously found that H. pylori can colonize gastric glands and that in colonized glands the epithelial turnover was increased. We wanted tocharacterizethe mechanisms that control the gland turnover in thestomach.

We foundthat Axin2, a classic Wnt target gene, marks two different subpopulations of cells with stem cell properties, one of which is Lgr5-positive and theotherone Lgr5-negative. Bothpopulations are affected by Rspondin 3, that isproduced in myofibroblasts right beneath the stem cell compartment. Rspondin is crucial for stem cell signaling andknockout of Rspondin 3 in myofibroblastsresults in loss of Lgr5 and Axin2 expression. Once weincreased thebioavailability of Rspondin, that now could also interact with cells outside of the stem cellcompartment, we noticed that the number of Axin2positive stem cells dramatically increased. Of interest, only Lgr5-negative cells expanded in number and proliferate more, while the Lgr5-positive cells remained silenced.

Infection with Helicobacter pylori leads to an expansion of Axin2-positive cells which is driven by increased expression of Rspondin3. Expansion of the long lived stem cell pool could be an explanation for how H. pylori infectionincreases the risk for gastric cancer.

MedicalResearch.com: What should clinicians and patients take away from your report?

Response: It is interesting how different cell types of the tissue communicate with each other and we show an example, including the molecular details, how thiscommunication is organized and how itdynamically adapts to infection.

MedicalResearch.com: What recommendations do you have for future research as a result of this study?

Response: I think it will be very important to address the question of how and why different subpopulations of stem cells can have differential responses to the same stimulus. What is the molecular basis for this. And also, what are the consequences?

No financial conflicts of interest.

MedicalResearch.com: Thank you for your contribution to the MedicalResearch.com community.


Michael Sigal, Catriona Y. Logan, Marta Kapalczynska, Hans-Joachim Mollenkopf, Hilmar Berger, Bertram Wiedenmann, Roeland Nusse, Manuel R. Amieva, Thomas F. Meyer.Stromal R-spondin orchestrates gastric epithelial stem cells and gland homeostasis.Nature, 2017; DOI:10.1038/nature23642

Note: Content is Not intended as medical advice. Please consult your health care provider regarding your specific medical condition and questions.

H. pylori May Increase Risk of Stomach Cancer By Turning On Subset of Stem Cells - MedicalResearch.com (blog)


Behind the Lyme disease debate: ‘No silver bullet’ for confounding ailment – The Independent

August 24th, 2017 1:46 am

Editors note: This is the first installment in a three-part series exploring the debate over Lyme disease diagnosis and treatment, and how it has affected Rhode Island and those with the disease locally.

North Kingstown resident Joe Russo used to be a healthy, active man.

Along with providing for himself through full-time employment, Russo was an avid hunter, always searching for game during his downtime. He also rode bicycles up and down his neighborhood.

Then, more than a decade ago, things began to change. He continued his normal daily routine but had weird symptoms that would come and go, or just didnt feel right. He would seek medical treatment to find out what was wrong, but the doctors only said he was either anxious, depressed or had allergies.

So, you try all the things they tell you and you keep trucking, he said.

The symptoms would subside, he added, but months later he would experience these other flares and weird stuff, like vertigo, dizzy spells or sweats.

As the years passed, Russo did not get better. He sought testing for everything under the sun cancer and heart issues, among others to get an answer for why his condition was deteriorating. However, the doctors at the time failed to test for another possibility Lyme disease.

Russo ultimately saw another doctor and received a confirmed diagnosis of the tick-borne disease. Relieved at finally having an answer, he went back to his primary care physician to plan a course of action.

But the response he got was unexpected.

When I went back to [my physician] with the positive lab [results], telling her, OK, we have an answer, she dismissed me, he said. Our relationship was very good. She was always caring. She tested me for everything, but once she found out I had Lyme, she wanted nothing to do with me.

Russo said he inquired in writing to seek an explanation for the dismissal, but received no response.

She left me with no reason, he said.

He added, That was humbling and it actually hurt. A doctor can dismiss you with this and theres nothing you can do about it.


Lyme disease is an extremely complex illness with no known cure. It can produce an array of symptoms, such as fatigue, joint pain, arthritis, muscle aches, palsy, tingling and twitching muscles and other neurological symptoms. The most common symptom is a rash, often in a bulls-eye pattern.

Dr. Jim Gloor, a North Kingstown-based physician who has specialized in Lyme disease treatment for more than three decades, said Lyme-causing bacteria is one of the most complex eukaryotic cells. Typically, he said, a persons immune system is supposed to sort out what is foreign and what is not inside a persons body. But Lyme-causing bacteria is so effective in evading the immune system that it overheats the immune engine, causing a sufferers health to go haywire.

Its like when you race an old Chevy down the highway at 100 mph over a bumpy road, somethings going to break, he said. The immune system goes haywire and we have fallout from it that ends up being other conditions that are autoimmune, which is a nice way of saying, We dont know exactly why the immune system went sour.

Gloor said the medical community has yet to fully understand the immune system and autoimmunity. Because of that, he said, a lot more research needs to be done, particularly because Lyme disease is so sophisticated.

It confuses and confounds the immune system, and it confounds the body in general, he said.

The complexity has caused confusion over how Lyme disease is diagnosed, and led to intense debate locally and nationally about treatments and whether the disease can be designated as chronic.

Dr. Utpala Bandy, a state epidemiologist and medical director for the Rhode Island Department of Healths Division of Preparedness, Infectious Disease and Emergency Medical Services, said July 26 while the state does not develop, produce, approve or endorse any guidelines on treating Lyme disease, two main sets of guidelines are in place nationally for physicians to follow.

One comes from the Infectious Diseases Society of America, or IDSA, in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the other from the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society, or ILADS.

The organizations have conflicting views of Lyme disease treatment and diagnoses of long-term Lyme disease.

According to the state Department of Healths Jan. 31, 2016, report on Lyme disease, the IDSA/CDC guidelines indicate patients should take the antibiotic doxycycline for several Lyme disease symptoms, including the bulls-eye rash, palsy, cardiac disease, arthritis without neurological involvement and recurrent arthritis after a single course of antibiotics.

IDSA, according to its 2006 report Clinical Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention of Lyme Disease, Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis: Clinical Practice Guidelines, also maintains there is no convincing evidence for the existence of a chronic borrelia burgdorferi infection the bacteria that causes Lyme disease in patients who have received the recommended treatments. The report states antibiotic therapy is not recommended for patients with chronic Lyme disease lasting longer than six months.

In June, CDC published in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report an article that also warns of serious risks for Lyme patients receiving antibiotic and intravenous treatment, even resulting in serious harm, including death.

The introduction to the article, titled Serious Bacterial Infections Acquired During Treatment of Patients Given a Diagnosis of Chronic Lyme Disease United States, reads: The term chronic Lyme disease is used by some health care providers as a diagnosis for various constitutional, musculoskeletal, and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Patients with a diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease have been provided a wide range of medications as treatment, including long courses of intravenous (IV) antibiotics. Studies have not shown that such treatments lead to substantial long-term improvement for patients, and they can be harmful. This report describes cases of septic shock, osteomyelitis, Clostridium difficile colitis, and paraspinal abscess resulting from treatments for chronic Lyme disease. Patients, clinicians, and public health practitioners should be aware that treatments for chronic Lyme disease can carry serious risks.

Other treatments, including IV infusions of hydrogen peroxide, immunoglobulin therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, electromagnetic frequency treatments, garlic supplements, colloidal silver, and stem cell transplants, are also presented as being risky and not shown to produce favorable results.

The article further states, At least five randomized, placebo-controlled studies have shown that prolonged courses of IV antibiotics in particular do not substantially improve long-term outcome for patients with a diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease and can result in serious harm, including death. Five specific cases are cited to support the articles assertions.

In contrast, ILADS states on its website that it is impossible to state a meaningful success rate for the prevention of Lyme disease by a single 200 mg dose of doxycycline, and advises clinicians should not use a single doxycycline dose for treatment due to very-low quality evidence.

An optimal treatment regimen has not yet been determined, ILADS states, adding that it is too early to standardize restrictive protocols. ILADS recommends patient goals and values regarding treatment options be identified and strongly considered during a shared decision-making process.

ILADS President Dr. Samuel Shor pushed back against the CDCs June 16 report in a June 23 post on the National Center for Biotechnology Informations website. He notes one National Institutes of Health-supported study, in which 37 patients suspected of having active neuroborrelliosis a central nervous system disorder caused by Lyme disease received 10 weeks of IV Ceftriaxone, or two grams a day of the antibiotic. Pain and physical functioning improved at 12 [weeks] and was sustained at 24 weeks, Shor states.

Shor also points to another NIH-supported study in which 55 patients who felt they had an active infection of the main Lyme disease bacteria and experienced severe fatigue for longer than six months received 28 days of IV Ceftriaxone. According to Shor, a significant improvement in fatigue was sustained at 6 months.

While there are conflicting viewpoints regarding how Lyme disease should be approached and treated, one local advocate believes the state sides with the IDSA/CDC guidelines which, he believes, are outdated.


Lane Poor, a North Kingstown resident, was first diagnosed with Lyme disease in 1983 and still feels the effects of the disease. He has traveled around the state for years making residents aware of the disease and its harmful effects especially if it goes undetected.

In an interview in June, he said he believes the state cant accept the fact that Lyme disease is a major problem in Rhode Island, mainly because it is complicated, messy and there is no silver bullet in terms of treatment. He said the disease can result in multiple infections following the initial infection from a tick bite, and doctors are not used to it being multiple infections.

Theyre used to it as, Its one disease and you have that one thing that will kill the one disease. That doesnt happen with Lyme, he said. Lyme disease, you can get other infections. It is so hard for doctors to identify whats going on because youve got three, four different infections. Its a compound disease, and were not used to treating compound diseases.

Poor also believes there are many more Lyme disease cases in Rhode Island than the Department of Health has reported. In 2014, Rhode Island, at 86 cases per 100,000 people, had the fourth-highest Lyme disease rate in the U.S. Bandy said the department processes approximately 3,000 test reports for surveillance every summer, and of that amount, approximately 900 new Lyme disease cases are determined annually.

Poor, though, thinks Rhode Islands rate may be 10 times higher than the official figure.

Massachusetts has got an infection rate of about 800 people per 100,000, and RIDOH says we have 80, he said. Were neighbors with Massachusetts.

Both Poor and Gloor are critical of the CDCs recommended two-tier testing regimen. CDC suggests doctors first order a test known as an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, or ELISA, to screen for Lyme disease and then confirm it with a western blot, a procedure used to detect specific proteins.

However, according to the advocacy group LymeDisease.org, a 2002 study by Massachusetts Dr. Samuel Donta revealed 52 percent of patients with chronic Lyme disease are considered negative by the ELISA test, but the western blot shows a positive result. The College of American Pathologists, according to a 1997 study, found that ELISA tests do not have adequate sensitivity to be used for screening purposes.

Gloor said in about half of his cases, the tests are negative across the board.

LymeDisease.org states a quality test can help a doctor assess the diseases severity, estimate a patients prognosis, monitor the diseases progression, detect relapses or adjust therapies.

Unfortunately, a test with this capability does not exist for Lyme disease, according to LymeDisease.org.

Donta also said the tests are indirect and do not indicate whether or not the Lyme disease bacteria is still present. Until a proven test is developed, he said, clinical judgment and observations ... should be how one proceeds to treat such patients.

Bandy said physicians and patients can do whatever they want as long as it is a shared decision-making process.

But Lyme disease specialists in Rhode Island and beyond have had their methods questioned by health officials.


Over more than five years, Gloor was called to appear before the Department of Healths Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline multiple times to answer allegations from several complainants regarding his regimens for treating long-term Lyme disease, mostly with antibiotics and intravenous medicines.

The complaints, according to a 2014 consent decree filed with the health department, which was obtained by The Independent, were received by the board in 2012 and 2013, and the panel questioned the reasonableness of the diagnosis and treatment plans.

While the board found no wrongdoing regarding Gloors regimens in 2014, the decree indicates he was penalized for failing to properly document diagnoses in the assessment and plan sections of certain medical charts and with respect to the legibility of patient records. He was ordered to pay a $1,935 administrative fee to the health department and was placed on a monitoring period for one year.

In December 2016, Gloor was again cited by the Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline for poor record keeping, according to a second consent decree filed with the health department, which also indicated Gloors handwriting was barely legible and his script was so large there is only room for the barest information.

Gloor agreed to a reprimand and paid an administrative fee of $500. He additionally agreed to complete eight hours of continuing education regarding record keeping, health department spokeswoman Annemarie Beardsworth said in an email July 24.

Poor was sharply critical of the health departments dealings with Gloor, and indicated other local physicians had been treated similarly. He said the consent decrees amount to health officials serving as judge, jury and executioner all in one thing.

Doctors are scared stiff theyre going to be brought before the board for treating Lyme disease, so they dont [treat it], he added. A lot of doctors have refused to have anything to do with it.

Gloor said the issues with the health department have taken a toll emotionally and mentally, and have had a significant negative impact on his practice. He was forced to move from his former office at Wickford Junction to a new space on Post Road.

This tied me up for years, he said. My practice went to hell.


Go here to read the rest:
Behind the Lyme disease debate: 'No silver bullet' for confounding ailment - The Independent


Kristin Comella, US Stem Cell’s CSO, Named to the List of Top 50 Functional and Integrative Medical Doctors By DrAxe … – Baystreet.ca

August 24th, 2017 1:46 am


SUNRISE, FL / ACCESSWIRE / August 23, 2017 / Kristin Comella, Chief Science Officer at U.S. Stem Cell, Inc. (OTCQB: USRM), was named number 45 on the list of Top 50 Functional and Integrative Medical Doctors in the country by DrAxe.com, one of the most visited natural health websites in the world that covers nutrition, natural medicine, and trending health news. The list also features Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD; Dr. Mark Hyman, MD; Dr. Andrew Weil, MD and other doctors and scientists who are truly shaping the functional and integrative medicine fields.

Kristin is a world-renowned expert on regenerative medicine with a focus on adipose derived stem cells. She was named number 24 on Terrapin's list of the Top 50 Global Stem Cell Influencers and number 1 on the Academy of Regenerative Practices list of Top 10 Stem Cell Innovators. Learn more here.

"Kristin is lauded as an expert on regenerative medicine, the study of using the body's own regenerative capabilities to treat diseases and injuries," according to the Dr.Axe.com article. "She led the team that was the first to gain FDA approval for a clinical trial that used a combination of cell and gene therapy for the heart and pioneered stem cell therapy of adipose tissue, as well as cord blood, bone marrow and muscle, helping people recover from disease and lead normal lives."

"It's an honor to be featured on Dr. Axe's prestigious list of influencers in the integrative medicine field," Comella said in a statement. "There are some amazing scientists and doctors on this list." DrAxe.com is one of the top websites in the natural medicine industry with 14 million unique visitors each month.

Comella is the Chief Science Officer at U.S. Stem Cell, Inc., a Florida corporation and leader in novel regenerative medicine solutions and physician-based stem cell therapies for human and animal patients. Watch this video as Kristin talks more about stem cell therapy and how it works.

About U.S. Stem Cell, Inc.

US Stem Cell, Inc. (formerly Bioheart, Inc.) is an emerging enterprise in the regenerative medicine / cellular therapy industry. We are focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of cell based therapeutics that prevent, treat or cure disease by repairing and replacing damaged or aged tissue, cells and organs and restoring their normal function. We believe that regenerative medicine / cellular therapeutics will play a large role in positively changing the natural history of diseases ultimately, we contend, lessening patient burdens as well as reducing the associated economic impact disease imposes upon modern society.

Our business, which includes three operating divisions (US Stem Cell Training, Vetbiologics and US Stem Cell Clinic) includes the development of proprietary cell therapy products as well as revenue generating physician and patient based regenerative medicine / cell therapy training services, cell collection and cell storage services, the sale of cell collection and treatment kits for humans and animals, and the operation of a cell therapy clinic. Management maintains that revenues and their associated cash in-flows generated from our businesses will, over time, provide funds to support our clinical development activities as they do today for our general business operations. We believe the combination of our own therapeutics pipeline combined with our revenue generating capabilities provides the Company with a unique opportunity for growth and a pathway to profitability.

Forward-Looking Statements: Except for historical matters contained herein, statements made in this press release are forward-looking statements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, words such as "may", "will", "to", "plan", "expect", "believe", "anticipate", "intend", "could", "would", "estimate", or "continue", or the negative other variations thereof or comparable terminology are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Also, forward-looking statements represent our management's beliefs and assumptions only as of the date hereof. Except as required by law, we assume no obligation to update these forward-looking statements publicly, or to update the reasons actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future.

The Company is subject to the risks and uncertainties described in its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the section entitled "Risk Factors" in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2016, and its Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q.

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Kristin Comella, US Stem Cell's CSO, Named to the List of Top 50 Functional and Integrative Medical Doctors By DrAxe ... - Baystreet.ca


NICE set to reject Pfizer’s leukaemia drug Besponsa – PMLiVE

August 24th, 2017 1:46 am

The National Institute of Healthcare and Excellence (NICE) is set to reject Pfizers orphan drug for leukaemia Besponsa (inotuzumab ozogamicin).

Pfizer issued a robust defence of its product, saying the UK cost-effectiveness watchdogs final appraisal determination had inappropriately assessed the drugs value.

The firm added that assumptions made during the process were inconsistent with previous appraisals of other medicines in the disease area.

David Montogomery, oncology medical director at Pfizer UK, said: [This] frustrating decision for inotuzumab ozogamicin is another example of how NICE is not appropriately assessing the value of modern cancer medicines, leaving patients without access to new treatments that could transform their lives.

We will continue to work with NICE in the hope that this decision can be overturned.

The cost-effectiveness watchdog was assessing Besponsas use to treat adults with Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph+) as well as Philadelphia chromosome negative (Ph-) relapsed or refractory B-cell CD22-positive B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL).

NICE compared Besponsa to the current usual treatment of fludarabine, cytarabine and granulocyte (FLAG) chemotherapy with idarubicin, but found clinical trial evidence did not show an overall survival benefit.

For its part Pfizer pointed to the INO-VATE trial, which showed Besponsa more than doubled complete remission rates (81% versus 29%).

When compared to chemotherapy the drug also showed that nearly four times as many patients were able to receive stem cell transplant (43% versus 11%).

NICE accepted more Besponsa patients went on to have a stem cell transplant, but said its cost-effectiveness estimates were too high, despite a patient access scheme being in place.

Besponsa has orphan status in Europe, where regulators approved it in June, and the treatment has just been licensed in the US, where it has breakthrough status.

NICEs negative final appraisal determination is now out for consultation and Pfizer plans to appeal the ruling, which is currently due to be finalised by 27 September.

Originally posted here:
NICE set to reject Pfizer's leukaemia drug Besponsa - PMLiVE


One Vet’s Opinion On Marijuana As Medicine For Your Pet – The Fresh Toast

August 24th, 2017 1:43 am

When it comes toCBD, or cannabis in general, little research has been done on cats and dogs. Are cannabis preparations safe for use in animals? Does marijuana affect pets the same way as humans? Many pet-owners are looking for something to support their animals health, but there is little quality control with respect to the numerous pet-focusedCBDproducts that are available in the medical marijuana sector and the hempCBDgrey market. And there arent many trusted, educated individuals who can provide professional guidance on cannabinoid therapies forpets.

To help pet-owners become better informed about the use of cannabis for their four-legged companions, Sarah Russo of ProjectCBDspoke withGary Richter,DVM, an integrative medicine veterinarian based in Oakland, Calif. Richter considers cannabis to be part of a holistic approach to animal medicine. Due to marijuanas Schedule I status, veterinarians are not allowed to write letters of recommendation for their clients or tell them where to obtain cannabis medicine. But Richter is able to speak about the benefits ofCBDand cannabis therapeutics forpets.

ProjectCBD:Can you tell us about your work? Based on what youve seen in your practice, what types of conditions may cannabis medicine alleviate inpets?

Richter:My practice applies western, complementary, and alternative approaches. That could include acupuncture, chiropractic, Chinese and western herbs, nutritional supplementation, and more. Animals can benefit from medical cannabis for many of the same reasons it helps peoplefor pain, seizure control, gastrointestinal disorders, anxiety-related issues. Weve also seen positive results withcancer.

ProjectCBD:Why is there a lack of research studies on cannabis in dogs and cats? What areas of cannabinoid medicine in animals would you like to see investigated moredeeply?

Richter:I think ultimately the reason for the lack of therapeutic-oriented research is because cannabis is federally illegal and theres no funding. Generally, its pharmaceutical companies that are putting most of the money into medical research. Once theres a legal pathway and money to be made in veterinary products, that research will happen. I would like to see more general research on the use of cannabis in animals, focusing on some of the ailments that it seems be the most effective forespecially gastrointestinal issues, pain, and inflammation. Many veterinary patients see dramatic effects with cannabis for these ailments. Cancer studies would be a much longer road and more challenging to puttogether.

ProjectCBD:What is your response when veterinarians say: There isnt enough scientific data to show cannabis is safe and effective for treatinganimals.

Richter:In a perfect world, we would benefit from more scientific information. However, the case reports and anecdotal evidence about the efficacy of cannabis medicine are already overwhelming. In veterinary medicine, practitioners typically have no problem using off-label medicationsthose not explicitly approved for use in dogs or cats. But mention medical cannabis, which has a mountain of evidence for efficacy in humans, and they suddenly say, You cant do that, theres been no research on dogs! Itsdisingenuous.

ProjectCBD:Is there a difference between the endocannabinoid system in a dog or a cat as compared to ahuman?

Richter:In the big picture, theyre very similar. One striking difference is there appears to be a greater concentration of cannabinoid receptors in the dogs brain than there are in most other animals. This is significant because it makes dogs more susceptible toTHCoverdose, potentially giving them a certain amount of neurologic impairment in the short-term. This phenomenon is known as static ataxia. Otherwise, when cannabis medicine is used effectively, their endocannabinoid system will act in the same way it would for ahuman.

ProjectCBD:IsTHCcombined withCBDbeneficial for pets? If so, whatCBD:THCratios do you suggest for yourclients?

Richter:It depends on both the condition thats being treated as well as the individual animal. Many people in the cannabis community have heard about theentourage effect. The ratio ofTHCtoCBDis an important part of that. There are conditions that respond better to medicine with a certain amount ofTHCin it. The ratios that I have used include hemp-basedCBDwith very littleTHC, as well asCBD-rich marijuana with a 20:1CBD:THCratio andTHC-dominant medicine with littleCBD. The research suggests that patients with cancer and chronic pain benefit from products that haveCBDandTHC, rather thanCBDalone. It reallydepends.

ProjectCBD:Do you see animals coming into the veterinary hospital after having too muchTHC? How much of a problem isthat?

Richter:Obviously whenever were talking aboutTHCand pets, dosing becomes very important. At no point is the goal for the pet to get stoned. If that happens, then it means theyve gotten too much. The aim is to give them enough cannabis to be effective, but not so much that theyre going to be negatively compromised. It is extremely uncommon to see an animal show negative signs when they have been properly dosed with cannabis as medicine. The worst effect would be drowsiness. If thats that case, the owner may have to decrease the dose. Its not uncommon for a dog, or sometimes a cat, to show up at a veterinary hospital having eaten a cannabis-infused edible that belonged to the owner. The good news is that cannabis toxicity is nonfatal and does not cause long-term effects. However, those animals that get into their owners stash may require immediate medical care. I have seen and heard of a couple of cases where pets did notsurvive.

ProjectCBD:But you just said that cannabis toxicity in nonfatal. Youve seen cases where an animal ate too much cannabis and actuallydied?

Richter:One case that I have personally seen was a dog that got into a bunch of cannabis edibles and the owner didnt bring his dog to the veterinarian immediately. They called us the following day. Unfortunately, the dog had vomited and aspirated while at home, his lungs filled with fluid, and he wound up dying from a systemic infection related to that. To be honest, if this dog had received medical treatment the day he ate cannabis, he almost certainly would have been fine. It was only because the owner waited, and by that time it was too late. It was very sad. But this type of event is really quiterare.

ProjectCBD:Whats your preferred way to administer cannabis medicine toanimals?

Richter:I prefer a liquid preparation, usually an oil. With liquids, its very easy to adjust the dosage. If youre giving something like a pill or an edible, it can be difficult to figure out how to titrate the right amount. Furthermore, theres every reason to believe thatCBDandTHCare going to be partially absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the tissues of the mouth, sublingually. If we put a liquid in an animals mouth, some of the medication will be absorbed directly and has a chance to be moreeffective.

ProjectCBD:A lot of people say they want to start giving cannabis orCBDmedicine to their pet, but theyre not quite sure about the right dose. Is there a good way to calculate the ideal amount for youranimal?

Richter:Theres a dosing range that you could start at. Its best to begin at the low end. Every few days, slowly increase the dose. If youve achieved the desired effect for whatever is being treated, then youre probably done. Just like people, animals will develop a tolerance for the psychoactive effects of theTHC. Over time they will be able to take more medicine without any demonstrable side effects. Medical cannabis is not the answer for all pets. Some animals do better on it than others, just likepeople.

ProjectCBD:In general, how knowledgeable are veterinarians about cannabistherapeutics?

Richter:This is a big problemthe lack of education. The California Veterinary Medical Board is very much against the use of medical cannabis for pets. They dont want veterinarians speaking with pet owners about it at all, except to say that it is bad and not to useit.

ProjectCBD:What is the legal status ofCBDas a medicine foranimals?

Richter:Cannabis is federally illegal across the board, includingCBDfrom hemp. Even in California, a trailblazing medical marijuana state, as a veterinarian Im not able to provide people with a medical marijuana recommendation for their pet. Nor am I able to provide them with cannabis products. But I can talk with people about how medical cannabis might benefit their animals. Unless something dramatic changes on the legal front, theres still going to be access problems for people looking to get medicinal cannabis for theirpets.

ProjectCBD:Any words of advice for someone who wants to treat their pet with cannabis orCBD?

Richter:If at all possible talk to a veterinarian. Cannabis is medicine and its dosing should be carefully calculated. Its important to know the concentration ofTHCandCBDin milligrams for ones pet. Once you have that information, you can look for a product that suits your pets needs. When in doubt, err on the side of under-dosing because you can always slowly increase the dose and monitor the effect. And make sure the medicine is free of mold, pesticides, and othercontaminants.

ProjectCBD:There are many hemp-basedCBDproducts on the market for pets. How do you feel about the quality of these products in general? What are your thoughts about hemp-derivedCBD?

Richter:I dont want to disparage hemp-basedCBDproducts because I think they do have a positive medical effect. Many people start with hemp products because of their relative ease of accessibility. But in many cases, we dont know the source of theCBDin these products. I recommend that people do their due diligence as they should with any vitamin or supplement. Call the company and ask where the product is coming from and how its being produced. There is no government oversight to make sure that these companies are selling authentic and safe products. A pet owners only other option is to get a card and go to a medical marijuana dispensary if they want something that may be more effective than hemp-derivedCBD. Ideally, you would look for a product that is organic and produced locally. You want to know how theCBDwas extracted and the full spectrum of cannabinoids that arepresent.

ProjectCBD:Are there any guidelines or recommendations you have for people who want to make their own cannabis preparations for theirpets?

Richter:Thats tricky. You wont know the concentration of cannabinoids in what you make at home, unless you have it analyzed. If you do use your own preparation, start with extremely minute dosing and slowly work your way up. Youd much rather under-dose thanoverdose.

ProjectCBD:Sometimes people who dont have medical complaints like to take cannabis as preventative medicine to maintain good health and well-being. Would you recommend something like that for ananimal?

Richter:Thats an excellent question I have often asked myself. The purpose of the endocannabinoid system is to maintain homeostasis within the body. Its logical to consider using cannabis as preventative medicine much in the same way that a person would take a multivitamin. If thats the case, I would consider keeping the dosage toward the very low end. We need to see more research on the use of cannabis as preventative medicine in people as well asanimals.

ProjectCBD:Are there any resources for people to educate themselves about cannabis medicine for pets or to find a cannabis friendly veterinarian in theirarea?

Richter:Firstly, I would say talk to your regular veterinarian about cannabis. Even if they cant give you the information, they may know someone in the area that can. Additionally, there is a national organization called the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA). It isnt a given that a member of theAHVMAincorporates medical cannabis into their practice, but most people who are open to it are also holistically minded. That would be a good place to find a veterinarian and to begin a conversation. For resources, a colleague of mine and I taught anonline course for Greenflower Media. The class provides a comprehensive description of how medical cannabis works in pets, ways to dose, and how to find a good product. And I have a book coming out later this year. Its calledIntegrative Health Care for Dogs and Cats. It has a whole section on medical cannabis, with dosing guidelines. A colleague of mine, Rob Silver, released a book last year calledMedical Marijuana and Your Pet.

ProjectCBD:Thank you for your time andinformation.

Take-Home Message:If you decide to give your pet cannabis medicine, get informed. The medicine you give your animal should have the same standards for anything you would put in your own body. Make sure the product is safe and tested for cannabinoid content, quality, and is free from any contaminants or additives. Seek guidance from a vet, if at all possible. Start your furry friend off on a low dose of cannabis medicine. And monitor the effects that cannabis has on their experience because, as George Eliot wrote, Animals are such agreeable friendsthey ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.

This story was originally published by Project CBD,a California-based nonprofit dedicated to promoting and publicizing research into the medical uses of cannabidiol (CBD) and other components of the cannabis plant.

Continue reading here:
One Vet's Opinion On Marijuana As Medicine For Your Pet - The Fresh Toast


The latest federal guidelines on prostate cancer screenings are important – The Hill (blog)

August 24th, 2017 1:43 am

Prostate cancer may be the most common non-skin cancer in the human race. Most men, if they live long enough, will develop the disease.

And yet, prostate cancer is also extremely unlikely to kill you. After five years, the survival rate is a whopping 98.6 percent. It's a paradox of medicine that we are only beginning to understand.

With prostate cancer treatment prone to significant impact to quality of life, a positive diagnosis for prostate-specific antigen, which is currently the disease's clearest marker, raises a difficult question for doctors: Is it wise to aggressively attack the tumor when treatment may be more dangerous than the disease?

With so much confusion about when to test and when to treat, the latest federal recommendations regarding prostate cancer screening from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) are incredibly important. They encourage thoughtful, informed conversations between primary care physicians and their patients in regards to the pros and cons of prostate cancer testing, and correct a dangerous trend of ignoring the disease completely.

Avoiding unnecessary risk

If prostate cancer could be treated without causing harm, every male would get tested regularly. Unfortunately, removal of tumors too often leads to impotence, incontinence and a range of other troubling outcomes, including the rare loss of life.

Because testing can also result in false positives, which can in turn lead to aggressive treatment, many men end up suffering from side effects without ever having been at risk for harm.

To help clarify such complex care situations, the U.S. Public Health Service established the USPSTF in 1984. Composed of experts in preventative medicine, the task force regularly evaluates the pros and cons of a wide range of tests and treatments, not just in cancer.

Based on the high risk of side effects that might damage quality of life, and the low risk of death from the cancer, as far back as 2008 the USPSTF recommended against screening for prostate cancer in men aged 75 or older, and in 2012 even recommended most men not get a PSA test. Sadly, in practice, those recommendations have been interpreted too bluntly.

Prostate cancer is deadly, for some

More than 28,000 Americans die from prostate cancer every year.

As an oncologic urologist, I treat prostate cancer patients daily. For those who have metastatic prostate cancer, where it spreads throughout the body, it is a terrible disease.

Recent studies have shown that since the earlier USPSTF recommendations, the number of patients diagnosed with high-risk prostate cancer the ones with advanced disease from day one have started to go up. Tragically, advanced disease is very difficult to cure.

While more data must be gathered, there appears to be an association between the national shift away from prostate cancer screening and a rise in patients diagnosed too late for us to heal them.

Thats why I'm encouraged that the USPSTF has released new draft recommendations, shifting from ruling out screening to advocating for individualized approaches, tailored to each patient, that arise from open conversations between patient and primary-care physician to address all pros and cons.

Those conversations will be important, and that shift towards recognizing the value of monitoring for some patients will encourage insurance companies to cover the test, as some had stopped doing so.

Better knowledge, better care

I regularly use robotic-assisted surgical tools and other techniques to limit side effects from prostate cancer treatment, and work with each patient and our team to develop a cancer plan that heavily weighs quality of life. However, for most prostate cancer patients, careful monitoring is still the best course of action, not treatment.

For those of us in urology, our experiences and a growing data set have convinced us that testing is critical, but the test does not dictate how to proceed. Instead, it informs decisions that also weigh each patient's individual history, genetics and wellbeing.

In the past, oncologists did not understand how to stratify prostate cancer patients according to risk, and we ended up treating too many patients who were never going to have a problem with the disease. Treatments continue to improve, as does the recognition of the critical importance of quality of life for cancer survivors.

All men should have a conversation with their primary care physician and urologist about prostate cancer, and the pros and cons of testing and treatment. With a shift away from urgent cancer removal to monitoring over time, medicine is arriving at a more balanced approach for prostate cancer. The latest USPSTF recommendations are a step in that direction, and a welcome change that, in time, will save lives.

Dr. Ahmad Shabsigh is a board-certified oncologic urologist at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute. In addition to diseases of the prostate, he treats a wide range of urological cancers.

The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the views of The Hill.

See the original post:
The latest federal guidelines on prostate cancer screenings are important - The Hill (blog)


Family medicine residents worked their way to Victoria – Victoria Advocate

August 24th, 2017 1:43 am

Deke Eberhard knew as a teen he probably wouldn't work in the lumber business started by his grandfather.

The childhood cancer survivor, who was born and raised in New Braunfels, had a different career path in mind.

He remembers leaving an appointment at a San Antonio hospital where he learned he had officially beat cancer.

"We're driving home and I said, 'Mom, I want to be a doctor,'" he recalled.

He would spend most of his 20s working toward that goal, and this summer, he joined the DeTar Family Medicine Residency program.

The DeTar Healthcare System program is affiliated with the Texas A&M Health Science Center and welcomed its first class of six in 2016.

This year, 2,000 medical school graduates applied for the three-year residency program in Victoria.

One hundred doctors were interviewed, and six physicians were selected.

During the next three years, the doctors work at the DeTar Family Medicine Center clinic as well as rotate through different specialties.

But a rigorous work schedule isn't new for these doctors, 12 now, several of whom earned master's degrees during medical school.

"It's not an easy road," said Eberhard, 32. "It's a lot of gut checking."

He's not the type to give up and advocates for finding a way to do what you love.

That kind of resolve and focus can be found in the doctors who have made it this far.

Dr. Frances Ebo-Anagor, 48, was born and raised in Nigeria to parents who were teachers.

"Education was a top priority," she said. She earned a bachelor's degree in medical lab sciences but didn't like being stuck in a lab.

Ebo and her husband moved to Toronto, and she went to nursing school.

She started working as an ICU nurse until a job fair drew her to move the family to Texas.

The mother of four worked as a nurse in Houston before going to medical school in the Caribbean, which was more affordable.

Ebo said becoming a doctor was always part of the plan, but after the death of her parents, she became more determined.

Her father died in 2009 because of high blood pressure.

"I was a nurse then, and I thought, 'You know what, I can do more,'" she said.

Her passion now is preventative medicine and treating the geriatric population.

The journey included going back to school and sitting in classes with students who were half her age.

But despite the challenges, she loves being a family medicine doctor.

She recently saw a patient in her late 70s who really didn't need another prescription. She was lonely and just wanted someone to listen and help her find ways to make friends.

"I have to be able to connect with them," she said. "You have to be really patient."

William R. Blanchard, CEO of DeTar Healthcare System, said the doctors in the program have expanded patient access to care during the past two years.

As part of the Region 5 Texas 1115 Medicaid Transformation Waiver, DeTar established the residency program to bring primary care physicians to an underserved area.

Blanchard said his goal is to continue the family medicine residency and add more residency programs in the future.

"We're extremely pleased with the quality of the physicians we've been able to supply the community through this residency and other recruitment efforts," he said.

See original here:
Family medicine residents worked their way to Victoria - Victoria Advocate


Trump administration halts study on coal mining’s impact on health – Roanoke Times

August 24th, 2017 1:43 am

The Trump administration ordered the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine to stop studying whether mountaintop removal mining in Central Appalachia poses a health risk to people living nearby.

The U.S. Department of Interiors Office of Surface Mining notified the National Academies in a letter Friday that it is halting the study while it reviews grants of more than $100,000. Regulators permitted the study panel to hold meetings scheduled for this week.

Virginia Tech crop and soil environmental sciences professor Lee Daniels is expected to present research in Lexington, Kentucky on Tuesday.

Last month, Susan Meacham, a professor of preventative medicine at Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine in Blacksburg presented findings from yearslong research that compares deaths and diseases in Virginias coalfields with other parts of the state.

The NAS study is serving a very important function in a very balanced and professional process, Meacham said. The NAS committees are highly respected, so we hope they will be able to continue the review and assessment of work currently available on surface mining and human health.

Meacham said listening to other presentations during her July appearance confirmed that there is a dearth of verified research on the effects of coal mining on community health.

A National Academies committee began holding meetings in March and was expected next spring to report on coals impacts on air, water and soil that could lead to health concerns, and to recommend areas of further research.

The committee has been hearing from university researchers and from state and federal regulators.

The Trump administration in May called for slashing tens of billions of dollars from the federal budget, including $122 million from the Interior Department.

The NAS said in a statement that the department cited the budget situation as prompting an agency-wide review of grants of more than $100,000.

The National Academies believes this is an important study and we stand ready to resume it as soon as the Department of the Interior review is completed, William Kearney, executive director, said in a statement. We are grateful to our committee members for their dedication to carrying forward with this study.

Daniels, a professor of crop and soil environmental sciences, is expected to talk with the committee Tuesday . He could not be reached for comment Monday.

The committee is looking at the relationship of surface coal mining with Central Appalachia residents health.

Meachams research initially was funded by the energy industry through the Appalachian Research Initiatives in Environmental Sciences project, which engaged a number of universities to look at different aspects of surface mining. VCOMs research into health differences was a small component.

Meacham said research is limited on the impact of mountaintop removal mining on health.

Her own work has found that deaths and illnesses from most chronic diseases are more prevalent in Virginias southwestern counties. However, that is not enough to say there is a cause and effect.

Rates for most chronic illnesses are higher in southwest Virginia than they are in neighboring counties that are similar geographically, and in other counties that share similar economic difficulties or that are as isolated from the rest of the state.

The environment plays some role in health, but so do other factors such as education, access to doctors, smoking, diet and exercise. She said it is not yet known whether the environment plays a greater role in health in coal-mining counties than elsewhere.

She is continuing to research that as well as look at ways to treat and prevent chronic illnesses in places with high rates.

Go here to see the original:
Trump administration halts study on coal mining's impact on health - Roanoke Times


Will Navicent McDonalds stay or go? | 13wmaz.com – 13WMAZ

August 24th, 2017 1:43 am

Will McDonald's stay or go at Navicent Health?

Chelsea Beimfohr, WMAZ 11:12 PM. EDT August 21, 2017

After a physicians group urged Navicent Health to consider breaking their lease with McDonald's, a Navicent rep says they are "considering all of their options."

Earlier this month, a registered dietician with The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine wrote a letter to the Macon-Bibb County Health Department, urging them to cut ties with fast food restaurants inside the hospital.

Monday night, PCRM attorney Leslie Rudloff presented the letter to the Bibb County Board of Health at a public meeting.

"If McDonald's did leave that space, we're asking that you consider replacing it with healthier options," says Rudloff. "We focus on preventative medicine through a plant based diet."

The group wants Navicent to break their lease with McDonald's, and promote a fast food-free hospital.

Anita Barkin, with the Department of Public Health, says the letter from PCRM asked the them to put a public statement on their website indicating that they are not in support of the McDonalds.

"It's really not within our jurisdiction to tell Navicent what type of food they should be offering at the Medical Center," says Barkin.

Barkin recommended to the Board of Health that the health department talk to Navicent about having more healthy options inside the hospital.

Board members didn't vote on the issue Monday night, because there weren't enough members present to vote.

But Tim Slocum with Navicent Health says the medical center is looking forward to having that conversation.

"We're all concerned with improving the health of our community, and certainly diet is one of those, so we're considering all of our options at this point," says Slocum.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine was founded in 1985 and claims 150,000 members worldwide.

According to The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine's website, their top priorities include ending the use of animals for medical testing, but they also work to promote healthy diets and lifestyles.

2017 WMAZ-TV

Read the rest here:
Will Navicent McDonalds stay or go? | 13wmaz.com - 13WMAZ


Alternative medicine: An opportunity for patients to be seen and heard – Rappahannock News

August 24th, 2017 1:43 am

I had to fight for my own health and fired many doctors

Conventional medicine refers to the health care system in which medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists, or therapists treat symptoms using drugs, radiation, or surgery. Alternative or complementary medicine, on the other hand, references medical treatments that are not considered orthodox by general medicine, such as herbalism, homeopathy, or acupuncture.

Complementary medicine techniques are the future of medicine at this point as more insurance companies are recognizing the values of preventative medicine, said Anne Williams, physical therapy specialist at Mountainside Physical Therapy and one of many local practitioners in a brisk, thriving alternative medicine community.

Williams believes the biggest problem with traditional medicine is that doctors are under so much stress to see so many patients that some they care for fail to receive the attention they need. This phenomenon may eventually cause a turn toward alternative medicine. Indeed, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health estimates that around 38 percent of adults (4 in 10) use some form of alternative medicine.

You have to evaluate the whole person, and that doesnt get done in a regular medicine system, she continued. I always see my patients as an individual puzzle. I try to fix that puzzle.

At Mountainside, Williams makes it her mission to focus on total health and healing, focusing on only one patient per hour, and she espouses a variety of therapy techniques.

Williams practices manual physical therapy, a special type of physical therapy delivered with the hands not a device or machine, as is done in many physical therapy practices. Williams says this technique physically alters patients abilities to perform an exercise or stretch a specific body part. In addition, she often welcomes into her practice those who offer Pilates, dance, aquatics, animal-assisted healing, art healing or nutrition classes to her clients.

Molly Peterson of Heritage Hollow Farms turned to alternative practitioners and doctors outside of her insurance network in her own struggle for wellness.

I had to fight for my own health and fired many doctors, she said. I had to self-research and be fiercely determined to be heard. Most of my health need answers came from beyond traditional medicine and was all out of pocket.

Peterson, who has turned to doctors in Illinois and Arizona as well as local herbalists like Teresa Boardwine of Green Comfort School of Herbal Medicine, says that alternative medicine provides an opportunity for patients to be seen and heard, as well as giving them another route for healing when general medicine fails to provide the answers. At her first consultation with Boardwine, she spent nearly two and a half hours talking about her health history. Teresa knew that all of that matters, Peterson says. Im not saying that general practitioners dont care, because they do. But thinking beyond the norm when you only have seven and a half minutes [with a patient] is hard.

Boardwine, who has owned her business for around 23 years, says herbalism, the study or practice of the medicinal and therapeutic use of plants, is accessible, grounded in the wisdom of the ages, and that traditional medicine can leave one lacking in wellness. Most people in the world turn to whats outside their door first not pharmaceuticals.

Boardwine says clients seek her out for assistance with a variety of self-diagnosed issues, including menopausal balancing, nervous system issues, depression, anxiety, exhaustion, and autoimmune conditions.

Boardwine believes that the beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the rural, agricultural lifestyle of Rappahannock County causes people to seek green ways of living and a holistic approach to healing. It has to be the willingness of an individual to go down that road [of herbalism], Boardwine explains. Clients seek me out because they want to not be overpowered by medication, and they want balance and nourishment.

Boardwine conducts both consultations with patients and hosts many different classes and programs to educate the community about the health benefits of herbs. Her students have included the likes of Colleen OBryant, who now sells her own herb-based products in Sperryvilles Wild Roots Apothecary, and Kathy Edwards, who focuses on naturopathic, or nutrition-based medicine, at her business located in Hearthstone School, Healing With Love and Nature.

Edwards first became interested in nutritional medicine after working at a health foods store and becoming certified by the American Naturopathic Medical Association. She, too, loves to help educate and empower people to take responsibility for their own health.

Holistic healing is not just about the physical. Its about body, mind, and spirit, Edwards explains.

In addition to helping her clients tailor their diets to their own particular medical needs, Edwards has also taught programs on raw food and practiced applied kinesiology, muscle response testing, and Reiki, an energy-based technique for stress reduction performed by laying the hands on or above the patient.

Edwards counsels her clients to eat organic: I always tell my clients to eat as close to nature as they can, she says.

Edwards also believes that people in Rappahannock may be more open to alternatives due to the environment surrounding the region. Its a very progressive area that is into gardening and health and is connected to nature. Its a wonderful community thats open to alternatives.

Cara Cutro, who owns Abracadabra Massage & Wellness in Sperryville, corroborated Edwards thoughts and lamented modern medicines disconnect with the spiritual part of each and every person. Clients come back to me because they get relaxed and connected to themselves [during their massage]. I would call that feeling of connection to life spirituality, and I bring that spirituality to clients through touch.

Teaching tarot card reading classes, specializing in energy healing, and administering massages that incorporate herbalism, Cutro says the concept of spirituality in medicine often gets a bad rap. However, she encourages her clients not to have contempt prior to investigation and to be open to alternative therapies that could bring them healing.

Cutro and many others are witness to the successes of alternative medicine: increased relaxation and self-knowledge of ones own health conditions. Moving forward, it may be a combination of both alternative and general medicine techniques that address the health needs of our community.

Do fight for your health. Do listen to your gut feelings. Do be OK with walking [away] from a doctor who doesnt hear you, see you, Peterson urges.

Williams hopes that all of us doctors, patients, and alternative practitioners and the like can capitalize upon Rappahannocks strong foundations in alternative medicine to fulfill her ultimate vision for the patient recovery process, prescribing: I dream of a community involved place where people could volunteer their time and efforts. Community involvement is important in the rehabilitative process, and people could benefit from rehabilitating others. There needs to be one central place where you can get your body cared for.

Read the rest here:
Alternative medicine: An opportunity for patients to be seen and heard - Rappahannock News


Id genes play surprise role in cardiac development – Medical Xpress

August 22nd, 2017 7:47 pm

Dr. Alexandre R. Colas is an assistant professor at SBP. Credit: James Short

Researchers from Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP), the Cardiovascular Institute at Stanford University and other institutions were surprised to discover that the four genes in the Id family play a crucial role in heart development, telling undifferentiated stem cells to form heart tubes and eventually muscle. While Id genes have long been known for their activity in neurons and blood cells, this is the first time they've been linked to heart development. These findings give scientists a new tool to create large numbers of cardiac cells to regenerate damaged heart tissue. The study was published in the journal Genes & Development.

"It has always been unclear what intra-cellular mechanism initiates cardiac cell fate from undifferentiated cells," says Alexandre Colas, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Development, Aging and Regeneration Program at SBP and corresponding author on the paper. "These genes are the earliest determinants of cardiac cell fate. This enables us to generate unlimited amounts of bona fide cardiac progenitors for regenerative purposes, disease modeling and drug discovery."

The international team, which included researchers from the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology in Italy, University Pierre and Marie Curie in France and the University of Coimbra in Portugal, combined CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, high-throughput microRNA screening and other techniques to identify the role Id genes play in heart development.

In particular, CRISPR played a crucial role, allowing them to knock out all four Id genes. Previous studies had knocked out some of these genes, which led to damaged hearts. However, removing all four genes created mouse embryos with no hearts at all. This discovery comes after a decades-long effort to identify the genes responsible for heart development.

"This is a completely unanticipated pathway in making the heart," says co-author Mark Mercola, Ph.D., professor of Medicine at Stanford and adjunct professor at SBP. "People have been working for a hundred years to figure out how the heart is specified during development. Nobody in all that time had ever implicated the Id protein."

Further study showed Id genes enable heart formation by turning down the Tcf3 and Foxa2 proteins, which inhibit the process, and turning up Evx1, Grrp1 and Mesp1, which support the process.

In addition to contributing a new chapter in the understanding of heart development, this study illuminates a powerful technique to screen for protein function in complex phenotypical assays, which was previously co-developed by Colas and Mercola. This technology could have wide-spread impact throughout biology.

"On a technical level, this project succeeded because it combined high-throughput approaches with stem cells to functionally scan the entire proteome for individual proteins involved in making heart tissue," says Mercola. "It shows that we can effectively walk through the genome to find genes that control complex biology, like making heart cells or causing disease."

Understanding this pathway could ultimately jumpstart efforts to use stem cells to generate heart muscle and replace damaged tissue. In addition, because Id proteins are the earliest known mechanism to control cardiac cell fate, this work is an important milestone in understanding cardiovascular developmental biology.

"We've been influenced by the skeletal muscle development field, which found the regulator of myogenic lineage, or myoD," says Colas. "For decades, we have been trying to find the cardiac equivalent. The fact that Id genes are sufficient to direct stem cells to differentiate towards the cardiac lineage, and that you don't have a heart when you ablate them from the genome, suggests the Id family collectively is a candidate for cardioD."

Explore further: Discovery of a key regulatory gene in cardiac valve formation

More information: Thomas J. Cunningham et al, Id genes are essential for early heart formation, Genes & Development (2017). DOI: 10.1101/gad.300400.117

More here:
Id genes play surprise role in cardiac development - Medical Xpress


Alternative medicine can kill you – Genetic Literacy Project

August 22nd, 2017 7:47 pm

Ross Pomeroy | August 18, 2017 | Real Clear Science

Chiropractic, homeopathy, acupuncture, juice diets, and other forms of unproven alternative medicine cannot cure cancer, no matter what some quacks might claim.

[A]s a newstudypublished in theJournal of the National Cancer Institutemakes painfully clear, as a treatment for cancer, alternative medicine does not cure; it kills.

A team of scientists from Yale University perused theNational Cancer Database, a collection of 34 million records of cancer patients along with their treatments and outcomes, to identify patients who elected to forgo conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery in favor of alternative medicine.

After five years, 78.3% of subjects who received conventional treatments were still alive, compared to only 54.7% of subjects who used alternative medicine. Even more startling, breast cancer patients who used alternative medicine were five times more likely to die. Colorectal cancer patients were four times more likely to die. Lung cancer patients were twice as likely to die.

The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion, and analysis. Read full, original post:Alternative Medicine Kills Cancer Patients, Study Finds

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Alternative medicine can kill you - Genetic Literacy Project


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