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Bone marrow – Wikipedia

November 10th, 2018 5:44 am

Bone marrow is a semi-solid tissue which may be found within the spongy or cancellous portions of bones.[2] In birds and mammals, bone marrow is the primary site of new blood cell production or hematopoiesis.[3] It is composed of hematopoietic cells, marrow adipose tissue, and supportive stromal cells. In adult humans, bone marrow is primarily located in the ribs, vertebrae, sternum, and bones of the pelvis.[4] On average, bone marrow constitutes 4% of the total body mass of humans; in an adult having 65 kilograms of mass (143 lb), bone marrow typically accounts for approximately 2.6 kilograms (5.7lb).[5]

Human marrow produces approximately 500 billion blood cells per day, which join the systemic circulation via permeable vasculature sinusoids within the medullary cavity.[6] All types of hematopoietic cells, including both myeloid and lymphoid lineages, are created in bone marrow; however, lymphoid cells must migrate to other lymphoid organs (e.g. thymus) in order to complete maturation.

Bone marrow transplants can be conducted to treat severe diseases of the bone marrow, including certain forms of cancer such as leukemia. Additionally, bone marrow stem cells have been successfully transformed into functional neural cells,[7] and can also potentially be used to treat illnesses such as inflammatory bowel disease.[8]

The composition of marrow is dynamic, as the mixture of cellular and non-cellular components (connective tissue) shifts with age and in response to systemic factors. In humans, marrow is colloquially characterized as "red" or "yellow" marrow (Latin: medulla ossium rubra, Latin: medulla ossium flava, respectively) depending on the prevalence of hematopoetic cells vs fat cells. While the precise mechanisms underlying marrow regulation are not understood,[6] compositional changes occur according to stereotypical patterns.[9] For example, a newborn baby's bones exclusively contain hematopoietically active "red" marrow, and there is a progressive conversion towards "yellow" marrow with age. In adults, red marrow is found mainly in the central skeleton, such as the pelvis, sternum, cranium, ribs, vertebrae and scapulae, and variably found in the proximal epiphyseal ends of long bones such as the femur and humerus. In circumstances of chronic hypoxia, the body can convert yellow marrow back to red marrow to increase blood cell production.[10]

At the cellular level, the main functional component of bone marrow includes the progenitor cells which are destined to mature into blood and lymphoid cells. Marrow contains hematopoietic stem cells which give rise to the three classes of blood cells that are found in circulation: white blood cells (leukocytes), red blood cells (erythrocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes).[11]

The stroma of the bone marrow includes all tissue not directly involved in the marrow's primary function of hematopoiesis.[6] Stromal cells may be indirectly involved in hematopoiesis, providing a microenvironment that influences the function and differentiation of hematopoeietic cells. For instance, they generate colony stimulating factors, which have a significant effect on hematopoiesis. Cell types that constitute the bone marrow stroma include:

The bone marrow stroma contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs),[11] also known as marrow stromal cells. These are multipotent stem cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types. MSCs have been shown to differentiate, in vitro or in vivo, into osteoblasts, chondrocytes, myocytes, marrow adipocytes and beta-pancreatic islets cells.

The blood vessels of the bone marrow constitute a barrier, inhibiting immature blood cells from leaving the marrow. Only mature blood cells contain the membrane proteins, such as aquaporin and glycophorin, that are required to attach to and pass the blood vessel endothelium.[13] Hematopoietic stem cells may also cross the bone marrow barrier, and may thus be harvested from blood.

The red bone marrow is a key element of the lymphatic system, being one of the primary lymphoid organs that generate lymphocytes from immature hematopoietic progenitor cells.[14] The bone marrow and thymus constitute the primary lymphoid tissues involved in the production and early selection of lymphocytes. Furthermore, bone marrow performs a valve-like function to prevent the backflow of lymphatic fluid in the lymphatic system.

Biological compartmentalization is evident within the bone marrow, in that certain cell types tend to aggregate in specific areas. For instance, erythrocytes, macrophages, and their precursors tend to gather around blood vessels, while granulocytes gather at the borders of the bone marrow.[11]

Animal bone marrow has been used in cuisine worldwide for millennia, such as the famed Milanese Ossobuco.[citation needed]

The normal bone marrow architecture can be damaged or displaced by aplastic anemia, malignancies such as multiple myeloma, or infections such as tuberculosis, leading to a decrease in the production of blood cells and blood platelets. The bone marrow can also be affected by various forms of leukemia, which attacks its hematologic progenitor cells.[15] Furthermore, exposure to radiation or chemotherapy will kill many of the rapidly dividing cells of the bone marrow, and will therefore result in a depressed immune system. Many of the symptoms of radiation poisoning are due to damage sustained by the bone marrow cells.

To diagnose diseases involving the bone marrow, a bone marrow aspiration is sometimes performed. This typically involves using a hollow needle to acquire a sample of red bone marrow from the crest of the ilium under general or local anesthesia.[16]

Bone marrow derived stem cells have a wide array of application in regenerative medicine.[17]

Medical imaging may provide a limited amount of information regarding bone marrow. Plain film x-rays pass through soft tissues such as marrow and do not provide visualization, although any changes in the structure of the associated bone may be detected.[18] CT imaging has somewhat better capacity for assessing the marrow cavity of bones, although with low sensitivity and specificity. For example, normal fatty "yellow" marrow in adult long bones is of low density (-30 to -100 Hounsfield units), between subcutaneous fat and soft tissue. Tissue with increased cellular composition, such as normal "red" marrow or cancer cells within the medullary cavity will measure variably higher in density.[19]

MRI is more sensitive and specific for assessing bone bone composition. MRI enables assessment of the average molecular composition of soft tissues, and thus provides information regarding the relative fat content of marrow. In adult humans, "yellow" fatty marrow is the dominant tissue in bones, particularly in the (peripheral) appendicular skeleton. Because fat molecules have a high T1-relaxivity, T1-weighted imaging sequences show "yellow" fatty marrow as bright (hyperintense). Furthermore, normal fatty marrow loses signal on fat-saturation sequences, in a similar pattern to subcutaneous fat.

When "yellow" fatty marrow becomes replaced by tissue with more cellular composition, this change is apparent as decreased brightness on T1-weighted sequences. Both normal "red" marrow and pathologic marrow lesions (such as cancer) are darker than "yellow" marrow on T1-weight sequences, although can often be distinguished by comparison with the MR signal intensity of adjacent soft tissues. Normal "red" marrow is typically equivalent or brighter than skeletal muscle or intervertebral disc on T1-weighted sequences.[20][9]

Fatty marrow change, the inverse of red marrow hyperplasia, can occur with normal aging,[21] though it can also be seen with certain treatments such as radiation therapy. Diffuse marrow T1 hypointensity without contrast enhancement or cortical discontinuity suggests red marrow conversion or myelofibrosis. Falsely normal marrow on T1 can be seen with diffuse multiple myeloma or leukemic infiltration when the water to fat ratio is not sufficiently altered, as may be seen with lower grade tumors or earlier in the disease process.[22]

Bone marrow examination is the pathologic analysis of samples of bone marrow obtained via biopsy and bone marrow aspiration. Bone marrow examination is used in the diagnosis of a number of conditions, including leukemia, multiple myeloma, anemia, and pancytopenia. The bone marrow produces the cellular elements of the blood, including platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells. While much information can be gleaned by testing the blood itself (drawn from a vein by phlebotomy), it is sometimes necessary to examine the source of the blood cells in the bone marrow to obtain more information on hematopoiesis; this is the role of bone marrow aspiration and biopsy.

The ratio between myeloid series and erythroid cells is relevant to bone marrow function, and also to diseases of the bone marrow and peripheral blood, such as leukemia and anemia. The normal myeloid-to-erythroid ratio is around 3:1; this ratio may increase in myelogenous leukemias, decrease in polycythemias, and reverse in cases of thalassemia.[23]

In a bone marrow transplant, hematopoietic stem cells are removed from a person and infused into another person (allogenic) or into the same person at a later time (autologous). If the donor and recipient are compatible, these infused cells will then travel to the bone marrow and initiate blood cell production. Transplantation from one person to another is conducted for the treatment of severe bone marrow diseases, such as congenital defects, autoimmune diseases or malignancies. The patient's own marrow is first killed off with drugs or radiation, and then the new stem cells are introduced. Before radiation therapy or chemotherapy in cases of cancer, some of the patient's hematopoietic stem cells are sometimes harvested and later infused back when the therapy is finished to restore the immune system.[24]

Bone marrow stem cells can be induced to become neural cells to treat neurological illnesses,[7] and can also potentially be used for the treatment of other illnesses, such as inflammatory bowel disease.[8] In 2013, following a clinical trial, scientists proposed that bone marrow transplantation could be used to treat HIV in conjunction with antiretroviral drugs;[25][26] however, it was later found that HIV remained in the bodies of the test subjects.[27]

The stem cells are typically harvested directly from the red marrow in the iliac crest, often under general anesthesia. The procedure is minimally invasive and does not require stitches afterwards. Depending on the donor's health and reaction to the procedure, the actual harvesting can be an outpatient procedure, or can require 12 days of recovery in the hospital.[28]

Another option is to administer certain drugs that stimulate the release of stem cells from the bone marrow into circulating blood.[29] An intravenous catheter is inserted into the donor's arm, and the stem cells are then filtered out of the blood. This procedure is similar to that used in blood or platelet donation. In adults, bone marrow may also be taken from the sternum, while the tibia is often used when taking samples from infants.[16] In newborns, stem cells may be retrieved from the umbilical cord.[30]

The earliest fossilised evidence of bone marrow was discovered in 2014 in Eusthenopteron, a lobe-finned fish which lived during the Devonian period approximately 370 million years ago.[31] Scientists from Uppsala University and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility used X-ray synchrotron microtomography to study the fossilised interior of the skeleton's humerus, finding organised tubular structures akin to modern vertebrate bone marrow.[31] Eusthenopteron is closely related to the early tetrapods, which ultimately evolved into the land-dwelling mammals and lizards of the present day.[31]

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Bone marrow - Wikipedia


Mosaic (genetics) – Wikipedia

November 10th, 2018 5:44 am

In genetics, a mosaic, or mosaicism, involves the presence of two or more populations of cells with different genotypes in one individual who has developed from a single fertilized egg.[1][2] Mosaicism has been reported to be present in as high as 70% of cleavage stage embryos and 90% of blastocyst-stage embryos derived from in vitro fertilization.[3]

Genetic mosaicism can result from many different mechanisms including chromosome non-disjunction, anaphase lag, and endoreplication.[3] Anaphase lagging is the most common way by which mosaicism arises in the preimplantation embryo.[3] Mosaicism can also result from a mutation in one cell during development in which the mutation is passed on to only its daughter cells. Therefore, the mutation is only going to be present in a fraction of the adult cells.[2]

Genetic mosaics may often be confused with chimerism, in which two or more genotypes arise in one individual similarly to mosaicism. However, the two genotypes arise from the fusion of more than one fertilized zygote in the early stages of embryonic development, rather than from a mutation or chromosome loss.

Different types of mosaicism exist, such as gonadal mosaicism (restricted to the gametes) or somatic mosaicism.

Somatic mosaicism occurs when the somatic cells of the body are of more than one genotype. In the more common mosaics, different genotypes arise from a single fertilized egg cell, due to mitotic errors at first or later cleavages.

In rare cases, intersex conditions can be caused by mosaicism where some cells in the body have XX and others XY chromosomes (46, XX/XY).[4][5] In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, where a fly possessing two X chromosomes is a female and a fly possessing a single X chromosome is a sterile male, a loss of an X chromosome early in embryonic development can result in sexual mosaics, or gynandropmorphs.[6][7] Likewise, a loss of the Y chromosome can result in XY/X mosaic males.[8]

The most common form of mosaicism found through prenatal diagnosis involves trisomies. Although most forms of trisomy are due to problems in meiosis and affect all cells of the organism, there are cases where the trisomy occurs in only a selection of the cells. This may be caused by a nondisjunction event in an early mitosis, resulting in a loss of a chromosome from some trisomic cells.[9] Generally this leads to a milder phenotype than in non-mosaic patients with the same disorder.

An example of this is one of the milder forms of Klinefelter syndrome, called 46/47 XY/XXY mosaic wherein some of the patient's cells contain XY chromosomes, and some contain XXY chromosomes. The 46/47 annotation indicates that the XY cells have the normal number of 46 total chromosomes, and the XXY cells have a total of 47 chromosomes.

Around 30% of Turner's syndrome cases demonstrate mosaicism, while complete monosomy (45, X) occurs in about 5060% of cases.

But mosaicism need not necessarily be deleterious. Revertant somatic mosaicism is a rare recombination event in which there is a spontaneous correction of a mutant, pathogenic allele.[10] In revertant mosaicism, the healthy tissue formed by mitotic recombination can outcompete the original, surrounding mutant cells in tissues like blood and epithelia that regenerate often.[10] In the skin disorder ichthyosis with confetti, normal skin spots appear early in life and increase in number and size over time.[10]

Other endogenous factors can also lead to mosaicism including mobile elements, DNA polymerase slippage, and unbalanced chromosomal segregation.[11] Exogenous factors include nicotine and UV radiation.[11] Somatic mosaics have been created in Drosophila using Xray treatment and the use of irradiation to induce somatic mutation has been a useful technique in the study of genetics.[12]

True mosaicism should not be mistaken for the phenomenon of Xinactivation, where all cells in an organism have the same genotype, but a different copy of the X chromosome is expressed in different cells. The latter is the case in normal (XX) female mammals, although it is not always visible from the phenotype (like it is in calico cats). However, all multicellular organisms are likely to be somatic mosaics to some extent.[13]

Somatic mutation leading to mosaicism is prevalent in the beginning and end stages of human life.[11] Somatic mosaics are common in embryogenesis due to retrotransposition of L1 and Alu transposable elements.[11] In early development, DNA from undifferentiated cell types may be more susceptible to mobile element invasion due to long, un-methylated regions in the genome.[11] Further, the accumulation of DNA copy errors and damage over a lifetime lead to greater occurrences of mosaic tissues in aging humans. As our longevity has increased dramatically over the last century, our genome may not have had time to adapt to cumulative effects of mutagenesis.[11] Thus, cancer research has shown that somatic mutations are increasingly present throughout a lifetime and are responsible for most leukemia, lymphomas, and solid tumors.[14]

One basic mechanism which can produce mosaic tissue is mitotic recombination or somatic crossover. It was first discovered by Curt Stern in Drosophila in 1936. The amount of tissue which is mosaic depends on where in the tree of cell division the exchange takes place. A phenotypic character called "Twin Spot" seen in Drosophila is a result of mitotic recombination. However, it also depends on the allelic status of the genes undergoing recombination. Twin spot occurs only if the heterozygous genes are linked in repulsion i.e. trans phase. The recombination needs to occur between the centromere the adjacent gene. This gives an appearance of yellow patches on the wild type background in Drosophila. another example of mitotic recombination is the Bloom's syndrome which happens due to the mutation in the blm gene. The resulting BLM protein is defective. the defect in RecQ an helicase facilitates the defective unwinding of DNA during replication and is thus associated with the occurrence of this disease.[15][16]

Germline or gonadal mosaicism is a special form of mosaicism, where some gametesi.e., sperm or oocytescarry a mutation, but the rest are normal.[17][18]

The cause is usually a mutation that occurred in an early stem cell that gave rise to all or part of the gametes.

This can cause only some offspring to be affected, even for a dominant disease.

Genetic mosaics can be extraordinarily useful in the study of biological systems, and can be created intentionally in many model organisms in a variety of ways. They often allow for the study of genes that are important for very early events in development, making it otherwise difficult to obtain adult organisms in which later effects would be apparent. Furthermore, they can be used to determine the tissue or cell type in which a given gene is required and to determine whether a gene is cell autonomous. That is, whether or not the gene acts solely within the cell of that genotype, or if it affects the entire organism of neighboring cells which do not themselves contain that genotype.

The earliest examples of this involved transplantation experiments (technically creating chimeras) where cells from a blastula stage embryo from one genetic background are aspirated out and injected into a blastula stage embryo of a different genetic background.

Genetic mosaics are a particularly powerful tool when used in the commonly studied fruit fly, where specially-selected strains frequently lose an X[7] or a Y[8] chromosome in one of the first embryonic cell divisions. These mosaics can then be used to analyze such things as courtship behavior,[7] female sexual attraction,[19] and the autonomy or non-autonomy of particular genes.

Genetic mosaics can also be created through mitotic recombination. Such mosaics were originally created by irradiating flies heterozygous for a particular allele with X-rays, inducing double-strand DNA breaks which, when repaired, could result in a cell homozygous for one of the two alleles. After further rounds of replication, this cell would result in a patch, or "clone" of cells mutant for the allele being studied.

More recently the use of a transgene incorporated into the Drosophila genome has made the system far more flexible. The flip recombinase (or FLP) is a gene from the commonly studied yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae which recognizes "flip recombinase target" (FRT) sites, which are short sequences of DNA, and induces recombination between them. FRT sites have been inserted transgenically near the centromere of each chromosome arm of Drosophila melanogaster. The FLP gene can then be induced selectively, commonly using either the heat shock promoter or the GAL4/UAS system. The resulting clones can be identified either negatively or positively.

In negatively marked clones the fly is transheterozygous for a gene encoding a visible marker (commonly the green fluorescent protein or GFP) and an allele of a gene to be studied (both on chromosomes bearing FRT sites). After induction of FLP expression, cells that undergo recombination will have progeny that are homozygous for either the marker or the allele being studied. Therefore, the cells that do not carry the marker (which are dark) can be identified as carrying a mutation.

It is sometimes inconvenient to use negatively marked clones, especially when generating very small patches of cells, where it is more difficult to see a dark spot on a bright background than a bright spot on a dark background. It is possible to create positively marked clones using the so-called MARCM ("mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker", pronounced [mark-em]) system, developed by Liqun Luo, a professor at Stanford University, and his post-doc Tzumin Lee who now leads a group at Janelia Farm Research Campus. This system builds on the GAL4/UAS system, which is used to express GFP in specific cells. However a globally expressed GAL80 gene is used to repress the action of GAL4, preventing the expression of GFP. Instead of using GFP to mark the wild-type chromosome as above, GAL80 serves this purpose, so that when it is removed by mitotic recombination, GAL4 is allowed to function, and GFP turns on. This results in the cells of interest being marked brightly in a dark background.[20]

In 1929, Alfred Sturtevant studied mosaicism in Drosophila.[6] A few years later, In the 1930s, Curt Stern demonstrated that genetic recombination, normal in meiosis, can also take place in mitosis.[21][22] When it does, it results in somatic (body) mosaics. These are organisms which contain two or more genetically distinct types of tissue.[23] The term "somatic mosaicism" was used by C.W. Cotterman in 1956 in his seminal paper on antigenic variation.[11]

See the article here:
Mosaic (genetics) - Wikipedia


Placenta | Amniotic tissue is not stem cell therapy – Dr …

November 10th, 2018 5:44 am

There is a fascination among some patients with umbilical cord, amniotic fluid/membrane, and placenta membrane as a means of getting the best, or the most stem cells, in stem cell therapy treatment.

In the opinion of researchers cited in this article, that fascination and the supportive claims are unfounded. Further, the treatments mentioned and advertised in some doctors office as amniotic stem cell therapy is in fact not even stem cell therapy.

I am going to discuss amniotic stem cell therapy, which is in fact amniotic tissue treatment, placenta treatments and umbilical cord stem cell therapy in this article.

Marc Darrow MD, JD. Thank you for reading my article. You can ask me your questions about stem cell therapy using the contact form below.

The Interventional Orthopedics Foundation is a non-profit that provides CME-accredited courses that teach simple to advanced injection skills.

In a December 2015 press release, the Foundation issued a warning about faulty stem cell products after testing placental tissue-derived products. The warning: The products contained no live stem cells.

Here are the five key points published in that press release:

Every day here in Los Angeles, you can see advertisements for seminars and webinars for LIVE amniotic stem cell therapy. What do they base this on?

It is based on research saying one thing and amniotic stem cell therapy marketers saying another. Here is an example of one study:

On the release of a 2012 study examining the theory that Amniotic stem cells derived from donated amniotic fluid could be stored in banks, shipped to doctors and researchers, and used for various therapies, study author Dr. Pascale Guillot of the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College of London described amniotic stem cells this way:

Amniotic fluid stem cells are intermediate between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. They have some potential to develop into different cell types but they are not pluripotent.

Pluripotent cells can give rise to all of the cell types that make up the body. To make amniotic cells pluripotent they have to be genetically modified. Genetically modified stem cells are drugs and must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Dr. Guillot and her research team in fact were trying to turn stem cells from amniotic fluid into pluripotent stem cells by way of culturing. The purpose was to get them to a point where they could replace embryonic stem cells for laboratory testing. That they succeeded lead some in the amniotic/stem cell therapy business to believe that donated amniotic stem cells, taken from a caesarian section delivery donor, could be persevered, freeze-dried, and then shipped out to doctors offices as stem cell therapy injections for osteoarthritis.

So as mentioned, this often cited 2012 study was not about joint degeneration but as Dr. Guillot pointed out . . . We are particularly interested in exploring their use in genetic diseases diagnosed early in life or other diseases such as cerebral palsy, and further replacing the need for embryonic stem cells. Of course embryonic stem cell research is fraught with ethical challenges and limited supply.

Dr Paolo De Coppi, from the UCL Institute of Child Health in London, who jointly led the study with Dr Guillot, said: This study confirms that amniotic fluid is a good source of stem cells. The advantages of generating pluripotent cells without any genetic manipulation make them more likely to be used for therapy.

Read again This study confirms that amniotic fluid is a good source of stem cells, BUT FOR research looking at genetic pediatric disorders and how these stem cells can be harvested and stored for future research for genetic engineering.

We are often asked if we can use stored cord blood in our treatments. Umbilical cord blood is different from bone marrow stems cells. Cord stem cells are hematopoietic stem cells (which can differentiate only into blood cells), and not pluripotent stem cells (such as stem cells from bone marrow, which can differentiate into any type of tissue).The research surrounding the use of Cord Blood centers around blood and immune diseases such as leukemia, certain cancers and anemia. Speculation that cord blood stem cells may help with brain trauma injuries, cognitive disorders, and autism is being tested in the medical research.

This is the gray line with Amniotic/Placenta stem cells.A company the markets amniotic stem cells as injections and as mail order service says this:Researchers have discovered that the amniotic fluid has an extremely high concentration of stem cells, even more than bone marrow in adults. When processed at an FDA regulated lab, the biologic material ends up containing significant regenerative properties, such as growth factors, hyaluronic acid and stem cell activators.

Now on the same website the treatment is called: Amniotic derived stem cell activator injections

There is no argument that amniotic fluid contains stem cells, perhaps more so than bone marrow derived stem cells, BUT, from placenta to your joint pain the stem cells get lost along the way.

By name they are something that activates stem cells. But how? According to the makers of oral supplements sold as stem cell activators, they are protein building blocks that rejuvenate aging stem cells by way of DNA telemore support. The claim is you may live longer.

In stem cell therapy, stem cell activators are the building block or the scaffold which the stem cells begin its repair.

We are going to examine a 2013 study produced by MiMedx Group, Inc., a company that describes itself as the global premier processor, marketer, and distributor of human amniotic tissue.This study was also produced in conjunction with the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Stanford University School of Medicine, the Georgia Institute of Technology. And the Angiogenesis Foundation. It was published in the International journal of wound healing.This is not a light-weight study.

Where are the stem cells in this study?

The researchers never say that the processed amniotic membrane have any. What they do say is that they stimulateHuman bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells already present in the body to multiple. (So does dextrose Prolotherapy and Platelet Rich Plasma).

Q. So what are stem cell activators?A. They are growth factors that help your own bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells multiply.

Q. So where are the amniotic stem cells?A. There are none

Researchers have discovered that the amniotic fluid has an extremely high concentration of stem cells, even more than bone marrow in adults. When processed at an FDA regulated lab, the biologic material ends up containing significant regenerative properties, such as growth factors, hyaluronic acid and stem cell activators. They do not survive the processing, only the remnants of their ability to activate bone marrow stem cells.

But isnt this still a great selling point for amniotic stem cell activator therapy?

No because there is already a well proven stem cell activator that works well and is a fraction of the cost, Platelet Rich Rich Plasma and dextrose prolotherapy.

Doctors from George Washington University and the University of Southern California went into this question with an open mind. Lets point out that we are NOT talking about stem cell therapy we are talking about placenta tissue preparation.

Here is what their study suggests:A review of the small number of reported studies revealed a high degree of variability in placental cell types, placental tissue preparation, routes of administration, and treatment regimens, which prohibits making any definitive conclusions. Currently, the clinical use of placenta is limited to only commercial placental tissue allografts, as there are no placenta-derived biological drugs approved for the treatment of orthopaedic sports medicine conditions in the United States.1

This April 2017 study is not very robust in its clinical recommendations.

So where did all this hype come from?

Doctors at Rush University School of Medicine wrote this in 2016 in the American journal of sports medicine:

Alter their biological properties?

With these type of research I would find it difficult to convince my patients, who are always eager for research to support their decision to undergo our treatments that the scientific community is as excited about amniotic/placenta stem cells as a potential help for their osteoarthritis.

1 McIntyre JA, Jones IA, Danilkovich A, Vangsness Jr CT. The Placenta: Applications in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2017 Apr 1:0363546517697682.

2 Riboh JC, Saltzman BM, Yanke AB, Cole BJ. Human Amniotic MembraneDerived Products in Sports Medicine: Basic Science, Early Results, and Potential Clinical Applications. The American journal of sports medicine. 2016 Sep;44(9):2425-34.

Here is the original post:
Placenta | Amniotic tissue is not stem cell therapy - Dr ...


Companion Animal Hospital – Veterinarian in Blythewood, SC

November 10th, 2018 5:43 am

If you live in Blythewood or the surrounding area and need a trusted veterinarian to care for your pets look no further. Dr. Brian Gallery and Dr. Cara McKinnon are licensed SC veterinarian, treating small animals. Your pets health and well being are very important to us, and we take every possible measure to give your animals the care they deserve.

Dr. Gallery is a native of Columbia. He graduated from Heathwood Hall Episcopal High School,Lewis and Clark College, and The University of Georgia College ofVeterinary Medicine. Dr. Gallery enjoys meeting both first time andexperienced pet owners, and has a special interest in both canine andfeline medicine.

Dr. McKinnon is originally from Douglas, Ga. She graduatedfrom Coffee County High School, Valdosta State University, and TheUniversity of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. McKinnon enjoysall surgical cases and is especially interested in dental surgery, lasersurgery and soft tissue surgery.

Companion Animal Hospital is a fullservice veterinary hospital offering vaccines and annual check ups as wellas emergency and surgical care. We always gladly accept new clients, andlove to talk to new owners about their pets! In addition to veterinaryservices Companion Animal Hospital also offers daily grooming, bathing, andboarding in a fully climate controlled kennel with multiple oversized runs.

At Companion Animal Hospital, we treat your pets like the valued family members they are.

Dr. Brian Gallery and Dr. Cara McKinnonBlythewood Veterinarian | Companion Animal Hospital | (803) 786-2412

120 Blythewood Rd.Blythewood, SC 29016

Read the original:
Companion Animal Hospital - Veterinarian in Blythewood, SC


Vets in Blythewood, SC – Local Vets and Veterinary Clinics …

November 10th, 2018 5:43 am

Our specialists are available on an appointment basis Monday through Friday to see pets as a referral from your primary veterinarian. We have an excellent team of specialists who are board-certified in Orthopedic Surgery, Soft Tissue Surgery, and Neurology!

While our doors may not be open 24/7, our hospital is always staffed with veterinary personnel capable of handling any emergency situation, as well as specialists who are available on call after hours for the most critical of patients.

VCA Animal Specialty Center of South Carolina serves the local community of Columbia, South Carolina, as well as reaching out across the state, and even into the state of Georgia. Although many of our doctors have been practicing much longer, VCA has been serving this area for over five years!

Everyone on our staff believes that the better we get to know your pets, the better we can provide the best possible care for them. In fact, when you come in, you'll see exactly why our veterinarians are praised for their kind and thorough care. We'll give you and your pet all the time you need, and never rush through a consultation.

More here:
Vets in Blythewood, SC - Local Vets and Veterinary Clinics ...


How You Can Increase Your Longevity

November 10th, 2018 5:40 am

If you live longer than the average person, then you could be said to havelongevity. Striving for your maximum potential age is thegoal oflongevity. This potentially can be reached by practicing healthy behaviors and attitudes.

Longevity is defined as "long life" or "a great duration of life." The term comes from the Latin word longaevits. In this word, you can see how the words longus (long) and aevum (age) combine into a concept that means an individual who lives a long time.

The most important part of this definition is the comparative nature of it. Long life implies longer than somethingand that something is the average lifespan.

Biologists sometimes define longevity as the average lifespan expected under ideal conditions. It's hard to say what's ideal. Plenty of medical research is ongoing about the "right" amount and type of exercise to get, the best diet to eat to maximize longevity, and whether certain pharmaceuticals or supplements can help improve your longevity.

Lifespans have increased pretty dramatically over the last century or so, in large part due to advances in medicine that have nearly eliminated certain deadly infectious diseases.

The average baby born in 1900 lived about a half-century. Nowadays, the life expectancy of people in the United States is nearly 79 years on average81 years for women and 76 years for men, and in some countries, life expectancy is even longer.

It's very possible that humanity's true longevity might be much higher. Humans might live longer if they can create the ideal conditions of a healthy diet and exercise.

You may think that your genes determine your longevity, but the truth is genetics account for a maximum of 30 percent of your life expectancy. The rest comes from your behaviors, attitudes, environment, and a little bit of luck.

You may have heard about various life extension techniques. Keep in mind that none of them have been proven in humans and most are just theories. The only proven way to live longer is to live a healthy life.

If you want to beat the average and maximize your longevity, what should you do? Here's a list of things to consider:

Make a commitment today to make one healthy change a week. Before you know youll be feeling better and on the road to longevity.

See the rest here:
How You Can Increase Your Longevity


Live forever or die trying. r/longevity – reddit

November 10th, 2018 5:40 am

Let us continue our funding efforts for our future health. Our regular donations will help to speed up Scientific Research to prevent and reverse age-related diseases. You can consider following research groups suggested by members or any other research group working on longevity.

SENS Research Foundation: They fund research that uses regenerative medicine to repair the damage underlying the diseases of aging (about SENS)

LEAF/lifespan.io Various Campaigns such as Become a Lifespan Hero, NAD+ Mouse Project, MouseAge Project

Other options: LEAF on Amazon Smile, eBay, Humble Bundle

Crowdfunding project for the translation of the book Ending Aging (by Aubrey de Grey) into Portuguese.See Donation link and leafscience.org Article

Dog Aging Project: "The University of Washingtons Dog Aging Project is dedicated to promoting healthy aging in people and their companion animals."

National Institute on Aging (NIA) : "NIA, one of the 27 Institutes and Centers of NIH, leads the federal government in conducting and supporting research on aging and the health and well-being of older people". (mission)

The Longevity Research Institute. "They are designing and launching mouse studies for interventions.." read more on this Reddit Comment


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The Longevity Summit 2018 | The Economist Events

November 10th, 2018 5:40 am

In 2017, for the first time, The Economist brought together Asian business leaders, political decision-makers and health-care entrepreneurs to discuss how to make longevity a source of healthy innovation. At the Longevity Summit 2018, The Economist will build on this momentum to foster thinking on the topic of living to 100.

The event will answer the following key questions:

About the 2018 summit:

The worlds over-60 population is already nearing a billionand its still growing. Low fertility rates and increasing life expectancy have the United Nations predicting that by 2050 there will be 2.1 billion of these older people, and around half of them will live in Asia.

Longevity is a polarising issue. Optimists enthuse about advances in biotechnology and the market power of a silver economy; doomsayers fear skyrocketing health-care costs and inadequate workforces. A more plausible, middle position is to see the challenges associated with an ageing population as inextricably linked with their solutions. Governments and businesses need healthy populations to sustain demand, productivity and growth. And as people age, they want to stay healthy, engaged and purposeful. Happily, these are complementary demands.

But across Asia, progress in meeting the challenges of ageing has been patchy. Japan and Singapore have made great strides in helping their populations cope with longevity. Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea are catching up by embracing new ideas and policy solutions. Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia enjoy demographic buoyancy, with younger populations for the moment, but in the coming decades they will face the same pressures as their greying neighbours. What lessons can Asias longevity leaders share when it comes to engaging the over-60 population in the economy and society? Can the longevity dividend offset the costs of increased demand for health care and social services?

Originally posted here:
The Longevity Summit 2018 | The Economist Events


Fat Stem Cell Therapy: The Impact of Aging, Disease, and …

November 9th, 2018 3:42 am

POSTED ON 5/2/2014 IN Healthy Lifestyles BY Christopher Centeno

Fat stem cell therapy continues to explode, with literally 20 new clinics popping up every week. I blogged awhile back that fat stem cells taken from overweight patients are not as potent as fat taken from thinner patients. Three new studies published this past few months add to that discussion. The focus of the recent investigations are how disease, aging, and weight impacts fat stem cells. The first study looked at fat stem cells from patients with cardiovascular disease. First the good news, when fat stem cells from older patients with heart disease were compared to those from older patients without heart disease, there wasn't a difference in the ability of the fat stem cells to make new blood vessels. Now the bad news, fat stem cells from older patients in both categories were less able to make new blood vessels when compared to fat stem cells from younger patients. The second study also looked at fat stem cells and aging. The "money shot" graph from that paper is above. Regrettably this study wasn't very sophisticated and made little effort to look at stem cell quality like the first. They also only looked at the nucleated cell count in the fat, which is a very rough metric of the stem cells in the fat (only a very small portion of the nucleated cells are stem cells). For more information on what these numbers mean, see my Doctor-Patient Guide to what stem cell numbers mean. What did they find? This rough metric of a fat stem cell count declined substantially after age 40. After that age, it dropped to a bit more than half of the value that they found in women under 40. Finally, a third interesting study looked at the lifespan of fat stem cells from normal weight, obese, and post bariatric surgery patients. Interestingly, the stem cells from obese patients had a shorter lifespan and were less healthy than either the stem cells from the normal weight or post weight loss surgery patients. Basically, being overweight hurt the DNA of the fat stem cells. The upshot? Fat stem cells are impacted by aging and being overweight. Being older and heavy is likely a double whammy for your cells. While some of these issues can be dealt with via dosing (administer more fat stem cells), the third study showed that cellular DNA damage was accumulating in the fat stem cells of patients who were overweight. Therefore solving the issue in some patients may not be as easy as just increasing the dose.

The rest is here:
Fat Stem Cell Therapy: The Impact of Aging, Disease, and ...


Diabetes – Lab Tests Online

November 8th, 2018 5:45 am

NOTE: This article is based on research that utilizes the sources cited here as well as the collective experience of the Lab Tests Online Editorial Review Board. This article is periodically reviewed by the Editorial Board and may be updated as a result of the review. Any new sources cited will be added to the list and distinguished from the original sources used.

Sources Used in Current Review

Khardori, R. (Updated 2014 September 15). Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Medscape Drugs & Diseases [On-line information]. Available online at http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/117739-overview through http://emedicine.medscape.com. Accessed September 2014.

Khardori, R. (Updated 2014 September 16). Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Medscape Drugs & Diseases [On-line information]. Available online at http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/117853-overview through http://emedicine.medscape.com. Accessed September 2014.

Patel, S. and Reddy, D. (Updated 2012 September 18). Gestational Diabetes Testing Protocol. Medscape Drugs & Diseases [On-line information]. Available online at http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2049380-overview through http://emedicine.medscape.com. Accessed September 2014.

Nichols, G. (2014 September 24). The Existential Question of Prediabetes. Medscape Multispecialty [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/831930 through http://www.medscape.com. Accessed September 2014.

Drobnik, J. and Schwartz, R. (Updated 2013 July 25). Dermatologic Manifestations of Hemochromatosis. Medscape Drugs & Diseases [On-line information]. Available online at http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1104743-overview through http://emedicine.medscape.com. Accessed September 2014.

(2012 July). Prediabetes, What You Need to Know. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse [On-line information]. Available online at http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/prediabetes_ES/ through http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov. Accessed September 2014.

(Updated 2014 February 12). Your Guide to Diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse [On-line information]. Available online at http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/type1and2/index.aspx through http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov. Accessed September 2014.

(2014 June). Causes of Diabetes. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse [On-line information]. Available online at http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/causes/Causes_of_Diabetes_508.pdf through http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov. Accessed September 2014.

(Updated 2014 July 28). National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2014. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/pubs/statsreport14.htm through http://www.cdc.gov. Accessed September 2014.

(Updated 2014 September 10). Diagnosis of Diabetes and Prediabetes. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse [On-line information]. Available online at http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/diagnosis/ through http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov. Accessed September 2014.

(Updated 2014 August 27). Monogenic Forms of Diabetes: Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus and Maturity-onset Diabetes of the Young. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse [On-line information]. Available online at http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/mody/index.aspx through http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov. Accessed September 2014.

Parkin, C. (2013 February). LADA, the Other Diabetes, Can Be Hard to Spot. Diabetes Forecast [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.diabetesforecast.org/2013/feb/lada-the-other-diabetes-can-be-hard-to-spot.html through http://www.diabetesforecast.org. Accessed September 2014.

(2013 September). Gestational Diabetes: What You Need to Know. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/gestational_ES/ through http://www.diabetes.niddk.nih.gov. Accessed September 2014.

(2014 January). Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes 2014. Diabetes Care Volume 37, Supplement 1 [On-line information]. Available online at http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/37/Supplement_1/S14.full.pdf+html through http://care.diabetesjournals.org. Accessed September 2014.

(2014 January). Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Care Volume 37, Supplement 1 [On-line information]. Available online at http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/37/Supplement_1/S81.full.pdf+html through http://care.diabetesjournals.org. Accessed September 2014.

(2013 September). Gestational Diabetes. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/Gestational-Diabetes through http://www.acog.org. Accessed September 2014.

Copeland, K. et. al. (2013 January 28). Management of Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics v 131 (2) [On-line information]. Available online at http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/131/2/364.full?sid=d1840c80-287b-43ca-ac9c-68b0b1d5dfa8 through http://pediatrics.aappublications.org. Accessed September 2014.

(Reviewed 2013 August 2). Hemochromatosis. American Diabetes Association [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.diabetes.org/living-with-diabetes/complications/related-conditions/hemochromatosis.html through http://www.diabetes.org. Accessed September 2014.

Gebel, E. (2010 May). Another Kind of Diabetes: MODY, Often misdiagnosed, the disease is caused by a faulty gene. Diabetes Forecast [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.diabetesforecast.org/2010/may/another-kind-of-diabetes-mody.html through http://www.diabetesforecast.org. Accessed September 2014.

Gebel, E. (2010 May). The Other Diabetes: LADA, or Type 1.5, Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults is gradually being understood. Diabetes Forecast [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.diabetesforecast.org/2010/may/the-other-diabetes-lada-or-type-1-5.html through http://www.diabetesforecast.org. Accessed September 2014.

(2014 July). Overview of Diabetes in Children and Adolescents. From the National Diabetes Education Program [On-line information]. Available online at http://ndep.nih.gov/media/Overview-of-Diabetes-Children-508_2014.pdf through http://ndep.nih.gov. Accessed September 2014.

(October 2014) U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Draft Recommendation Statement. Abnormal Glucose and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Adults: Screening. Available online at http://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Document/RecommendationStatementDraft/screening-for-abnormal-glucose-and-type-2-diabetes-mellitus through http://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org. Accessed November 22, 2014.

July 25, 2013. Lisa Nainggolan. ACOG Issues New Practice Bulletin on Gestational Diabetes. Medscape News. Available online at http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/808409 through http://www.medscape.com. Accessed October 29.

July 01, 2014. Brown, HL. ACOG Guidelines at a Glance: Gestational Diabetes. Available online at http://contemporaryobgyn.modernmedicine.com/contemporary-obgyn/content/tags/acog-guidelines/acog-guidelines-glance-gestational-diabetes-mellitus through http://contemporaryobgyn.modernmedicine.com. Accessed October 2014.

Soures Used in Previous Reviews

Thomas, Clayton L., Editor (1997). Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, PA [18th Edition].

Pagana, Kathleen D. & Pagana, Timothy J. (2001). Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference 5th Edition: Mosby, Inc., Saint Louis, MO.

(1995-2004). Diabetes Mellitus. The Merck Manual of Medical Information-Second Home Edition [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.merck.com/mmhe/sec13/ch165/ch165a.html?qt=Diabetes&alt=sh through http://www.merck.com.

(2005 January). Diagnosis of Diabetes. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, NIH Publication No. 05-4642 [On-line information]. Available online at http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/diagnosis/index.htm through http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov. Reaccessed 2/20/08.

All About Diabetes. American Diabetes Association [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.diabetes.org/about-diabetes.jsp through http://www.diabetes.org. Reaccessed 2/20/08.

National Diabetes Fact Sheet. Centers for Disease Control [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/pubs/factsheet.htm through http://www.cdc.gov.

Jonnalagadda, S. (2004 February 19). Serum ketones. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003498.htm.

Magee, C. (2005 December 9, Updated). Ketones urine. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003585.htm.

(2003). Ketone testing. National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry, Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines [On-line information]. PDF available for download at http://www.nacb.org/lmpg/diabetes/5_diabetes_keytone.pdf#search='%2C%20ketone%20diabetes' through http://www.nacb.org.

National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse: National Diabetes Statistics (2005). Available online at http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/statistics/ through http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov.

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Recommendations and Rationale: Screening for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (February 2003). Available online at http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/3rduspstf/gdm/gdmrr.htm through http://www.ahrq.gov.

American Diabetes Association. Executive summary: standards of medical care in diabetes2010. Jan 2010. Diabetes Care 33: S4-S10.

(January 2010) The Endocrine Society Statement on the use of A1c for Diabetes Diagnosis and Risk Estimation. PDF available for download at http://www.endo-society.org/advocacy/upload/TES-Statement-on-A1C-Use.pdf through http://www.endo-society.org. Accessed January 2010.

(Updated 2011 May 5). Basics about Diabetes. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/consumer/learn.htm through http://www.cdc.gov. Accessed May 2011.

(2011). National Diabetes Fact Sheet, 2011. CDC [On-line information]. PDF available for download at http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/pubs/pdf/ndfs_2011.pdf through http://www.cdc.gov. Accessed May 2011.

(Updated 2010 October). Type 2 Diabetes Fact Sheet. National Institutes of Health [On-line information]. Available online at http://report.nih.gov/NIHfactsheets/Pdfs/Type2Diabetes(NIDDK).pdf through http://report.nih.gov. Accessed May 2011.

Khardori, R. (Updated 2011 May 19). Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Medscape Reference [On-line information]. Available online at http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/117853-overview through http://emedicine.medscape.com. Accessed May 2011.

Moore, T. (Updated 2011 April 13). Diabetes Mellitus and Pregnancy. Medscape Reference [On-line information]. Available online at http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/127547-overview through http://emedicine.medscape.com. Accessed May 2011.

Mayo Clinic Staff (2011 March 9). Diabetes. MayoClinic.com [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/diabetes/DS01121/METHOD=print through http://www.mayoclinic.com. Accessed May 2011.

Grenache, D. (Updated 2011 April). Diabetes Mellitus. ARUP Consult [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.arupconsult.com/Topics/DiabetesMellitus.html#tabs=0 through http://www.arupconsult.com. Accessed May 2011.

Kerr, M. (Updated 2009 June 23) ADA 2009: New Blood Test Bridges Time Gap Between Serum Glucose and Hemoglobin A1c. Medscape Medical News [On-line information]. Available online at http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/704358 through http://www.medscape.com. Accessed May 2011.

American Diabetes Association. Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes2011. Diabetes Care January 2011 34:S11-S61. Available online at http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/34/Supplement_1/S11.full throughhttp://care.diabetesjournals.org.

Metzger BE, et al. International association of diabetes and pregnancy study groups recommendations on the diagnosis and classification of hyperglycemia in pregnancy. Diabetes Care 2010; 33: 676-82.

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Diabetes - Lab Tests Online


List of Diabetes, Type 2 Medications (165 Compared …

November 8th, 2018 5:45 am

About Diabetes, Type 2: Type 2 diabetes is characterized by "insulin resistance" as body cells do not respond appropriately when insulin is present. This is a more complex problem than type 1, but is sometimes easier to treat, since insulin is still produced, especially in the initial years. Type 2 may go unnoticed for years in a patient before diagnosis, since the symptoms are typically milder (no ketoacidosis) and can be sporadic. However, severe complications can result from unnoticed type 2 diabetes, including renal failure, and coronary artery disease. Type 2 diabetes was formerly known by a variety of partially misleading names, including "adult-onset diabetes", "obesity-related diabetes", "insulin-resistant diabetes", or "non-insulin-dependent diabetes" (NIDDM). It may be caused by a number of diseases, such as hemochromatosis and polycystic ovary syndrome, and can also be caused by certain types of medications (e.g. long-term steroid use). About 90-95% of all North American cases of diabetes are type 2, and about 20% of the population over the age of 65 is a type 2 diabetic. The fraction of type 2 diabetics in other parts of the world varies substantially, almost certainly for environmental and lifestyle reasons. There is also a strong inheritable genetic connection in type 2 diabetes: having relatives (especially first degree) with type 2 is a considerable risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes. The majority of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus are obese - chronic obesity leads to increased insulin resistance that can develop into diabetes, most likely because adipose tissue is a (recently identified) source of chemical signals (hormones and cytokines).

See original here:
List of Diabetes, Type 2 Medications (165 Compared ...


Diabetes | Womenshealth.gov

November 8th, 2018 5:45 am

Diabetes is a disease in which blood sugar (glucose) levels in your body are too high. Diabetes can cause serious health problems, including heart attack or stroke, blindness, problems during pregnancy, and kidney failure. About 15 million women in the United States have diabetes, or about 1 in every 9 adult women.1

Diabetes is a disease caused by high levels of blood sugar (glucose) in your body. This can happen when your body does not make insulin or does not use insulin correctly.

Insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas, an organ near your stomach. Insulin helps the glucose from food get into your body's cells for energy. If your body does not make enough insulin, or your body does not use the insulin correctly, the glucose stays and builds up in your blood.

Over time, this extra glucose can lead to prediabetes or diabetes. Diabetes puts you at risk for other serious and life-threatening health problems, such asheart disease, stroke, blindness, and kidney damage.

The three main types of diabetes are:

A risk factor is something that puts you at a higher risk for a disease compared to the average person.

Risk factors fortype 1 diabetesin women and girls include:

Risk factors fortype 2 diabetesin women and girls include:4

If you have any of these risk factors, talk to your doctor about ways to lower your risk for diabetes. You can also take theDiabetes Risk Testand talk about the results with your doctor.

Type 1 diabetesusually develops in children and young adults, but it can happen at any age.5 It is more common in non-Hispanic whites and non-Hispanic blacks than in Hispanic populations.6 About 5% of people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes.1If you have a parent or sibling with the disease you may be more likely to develop type 1 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetesis more common in adults, especially in people who are 45 and older, have a family history of diabetes, or have overweight or obesity. About 9095% of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes.Type 2 diabetes is becoming more common in children and teens, which may be because more of them have overweight and obesity.7,8,9

Yes. It is more common for certain racial and ethnic groups to have diabetes. This affects women who are:

Learn more about risk factors for diabetes.

Diabetes affects women and men in almost equal numbers. However, diabetes affects women differently than men.

Compared with men with diabetes, women with diabetes have:12

Yes. The longer you have type 2 diabetes, the higher your risk for developing serious medical problems from diabetes. Also, if you smoke and have diabetes, you are even more likely to develop serious medical problems from diabetes, compared with people who have diabetes and do not smoke.14

The extra glucose in the blood that leads to diabetes can damage your nerves and blood vessels. Nerve damage from diabetes can lead to pain or a permanent loss of feeling in your hands, feet, and other parts of your body.15

Blood vessel damage from diabetes can also lead to:

Women with diabetes are also at higher risk for:

Researchers do not know the exact causes of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Researchers do know that inheriting certain genes from your family can raise your risk for developing diabetes. Obesity is also a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Smoking can also cause type 2 diabetes. And the more you smoke the higher your risk for type 2 diabetes and other serious health problems if you already have diabetes.16

Weight loss can help control type 2 diabetes so that you are healthier. Quitting smoking can also help you control your blood sugar levels. Being a healthy weight and not smoking can help all women be healthier.

But, obesity and smoking do not always cause diabetes. Some women who are overweight or obese or smoke never develop diabetes. Also, women who are a normal weight or only slightly overweight can develop diabetes if they have otherrisk factors, such as a family history of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetessymptoms are usually more severe and may develop suddenly.

Type 2 diabetesmay not cause any signs or symptoms at first. Symptoms can develop slowly over time. You may not notice them right away.

Common signs and symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes include:

Maybe. You should be tested for diabetes if you are between 40 and 70 years old and are overweight or obese. Your doctor may recommend testing earlier than age 40 if you also have otherrisk factors for diabetes. Also, talk to your doctor about diabetes testing if you havesigns or symptomsof diabetes. Your doctor will use a blood test to see if you have diabetes.

If the testing shows that your blood sugar levels are high, you can begin making healthy changes to your eating habits and getting more physical activity to help prevent diabetes.

Prediabetes means your blood sugar (glucose) level is higher than normal, but it is lower than the diabetes range. It also means you are at higher risk of getting type 2 diabetes andheart disease.

As many as 27 million American women have prediabetes.17 If you have prediabetes, you can make healthy changes, such as doing some type of physical activity on most days, to lower your risk of getting diabetes and return to normal blood sugar levels. Losing 7% of your body weight (or 14 pounds if you weigh 200 pounds) can lower your risk for type 2 diabetes by more than half. If you have prediabetes, get your blood glucose checked every year by a doctor or nurse.4

Diabetes treatment includes managing your blood sugar levels to control your symptoms. You can help control your blood sugar levels by eating healthy and getting regular physical activity.

With type 1 diabetes, you also will need to take insulinthrough shots or an insulin pump. Insulin cannot be taken as a pill.

Type 2 diabetes treatment also may include taking medicine to control your blood sugar.Over time, people with type 2 diabetes make less and less of their own insulin. This may mean that you will need to increase your medicines or start taking insulin shots to keep your diabetes in control.

Learn more about controlling diabetes at theNational Diabetes Education Programwebsite.

Researchers do not know how to prevent type 1 diabetes. Researchers are still looking for ways to prevent type 1 diabetes in women and girls by studying their close relatives who have diabetes.

Yes. Many studies, including the largeDiabetes Prevention Programstudy, have proven that you can prevent diabetes by losing weight. Weight loss through healthy eating and more physical activity improves the way your body uses insulin and glucose.

Learnhow to eat healthier and get more physical activity.

Yes. If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you can have a healthy pregnancy. If you have diabetes and you want to have a baby, you need to plan ahead,beforeyou get pregnant.

Talk to your doctor before you get pregnant. He or she can talk to you about steps you can take to keep your baby healthy. This may include a diabetes education program to help you better understand your diabetes and how to control it during pregnancy.

For more information about diabetes, call the OWH Helpline at 1-800-994-9662 or contact the following organizations:

This content is provided by the Office on Women's Health.

Excerpt from:
Diabetes | Womenshealth.gov


Type 2 Diabetes – Symptoms, Treatment, and More

November 8th, 2018 5:45 am

Type 2 diabetes is a progressive, chronic disease related to your body's challenges with regulating blood sugar. It is often associated with generalized inflammation. Your pancreas produces the hormone insulin to convert sugar (glucose) to energy that you either use immediately or store. With type 2 diabetes, you are unable to use that insulin efficiently. Although your body produces the hormone, either there isn't enough of it to keep up with the amount of glucose in your system, or the insulin being produced isn't being used as well as it should be, both of which result in high blood sugar levels.

While this can produce different types of complications, good blood sugar control efforts can help to prevent them. This relies heavily on lifestyle modifications such as weight loss, dietary changes, exercise and, in some cases, medication. But, depending on your age, weight, blood sugar level, and how long you've had diabetes, you may not need a prescription right away. Treatment must be tailored to you and, though finding the perfect combination may take a little time, it can help you live a healthy, normal life with diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is most common is those who are genetically predisposed and who are overweight, lead a sedentary lifestyle, have high blood pressure, and/or have insulin resistance due to excess weight. People of certain ethnicities are more likely to develop diabetes, too. These include: African Americans, Mexican Americans, American Indians, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and Asian Americans. These populations are more likely to be overweight and have high blood pressure, which increases the risk of developing diabetes.

As you age, you are also at increased risk of developing diabetes.

A poor diet and smoking can also affect your risk.

There are many complications of diabetes. Knowing and understanding the signs of these complications is important. If caught early, some of these complications can be treated and prevented from getting worse. The best way to prevent complications of diabetes is to keep your blood sugars in good control. High glucose levels produce changes in the blood vessels themselves, as well as in blood cells (primarily erythrocytes) that impair blood flow to various organs.

Complications of diabetes are broken into two categories: microvascular (damage to the small blood vessels) and macrovascular (damage to the large blood vessels). They can include:

Often people don't experience symptoms of diabetes until their blood sugars are very high. Symptoms of diabetes include: increased thirst, increased urination, increased hunger, extreme fatigues, numbness and tingling in the extremities (hands and feet), cuts and wounds that are slow to heal, and blurred vision. Some people also experience other less common symptoms including weight loss, dry itchy skin, increased yeast infections, erectile dysfunction, and acanthosis nigricans (thick, "velvety" patches found in the folds or creases of skin, such as the neck, that is indicative of insulin resistance).

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, don't ignore them. Make an appointment to see your doctor. The earlier diabetes is caught, the more likely you can prevent complications.

A diagnosis of diabetes can be done using a variety of blood tests.

If you are at increased risk of diabetes, have symptoms of diabetes, or have pre-diabetes (a major warning sign for diabetes), your doctor will check to see if you have diabetes. Your doctor may also check to see if you have diabetes if you are over the age of 45, have a family history of the disease, are overweight, or if you are at increased risk for another reason. The tests used to check for diabetes are the same tests used to check for pre-diabetes.

Fasting blood sugar test: This test checks your blood sugar when you haven't eaten for at least eight hours. A fasting blood sugar above 126 could be indicative of diabetes. Your doctor will re-check this to determine if you have diabetes.

Glucose tolerance test: This is a test that checks how you respond to sugar. You will be given a sample of sugar (75 grams over the course of two hours). If your blood sugar is above target after that time, you may be diagnosed with diabetes.

Hemoglobin A1c: This test checks your blood sugar over the course of three months.

If your blood sugar is above 6.5 percent, you may be considered to have diabetes.

Random blood sugar test: Your doctor can do this test if you are experiencing symptoms of diabetesincrease thirst, fatigue, increased urination. If your blood sugar is above 200mg/dL, you may be considered to have diabetes.

If you have no symptoms and any of these tests are positive, the American Diabetes Association recommends that a new blood sample be drawn to confirm a diagnosis.

While you can't change getting older, your family history, or ethnicity, you can work on ways to reduce your weight and waist circumference, increase your activity, and lower your blood pressure.

Eating a balanced diet that is rich in fiber, non-starchy vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fat can help get you to your goal weight and reduce your waist size and body mass index (BMI). Reducing your intake of sweetened beverages (juices, sodas) is the easiest way to lose weight and reduce blood sugars. If you are someone who has high blood pressure and are salt sensitive, aim to reduce your intake of sodium; do not add salt to your food, read package labels for added sodium, and reduce your intake of fast food and take out. Don't go on a diet. Instead, adapt a healthier way of eating, one that you'll enjoy for a long time.

Exercising regularly, about 30 minutes a day or 150 minutes per week, can also help to reduce your weight and blood pressure. Finally, if you smoke, aim to quit. Smoking can increase your risk of stroke, blood pressure, and heart attack, and quitting can reduce your risk of diabetes.

The good news is that if you have diabetes, you have a great amount of control in managing your disease. Although it can be difficult to manage a disease on a daily basis, the resources and support for people with diabetes is endless. It's important for you to receive as much education as possible so that you can take advantage of all the good information that is out there (and weed out the bad).

Don't let others let you feel like a diabetes diagnosis means you are doomed.

All people with diabetes should also be seen by an ophthalmologist after diagnosis. Diabetes can affect the eyes before it is even diagnosed. After the initial session, people should be seen every two years if there are no issues, or more often if there are.

In addition, people with diabetes should have a comprehensive foot exam by a podiatrist once they are diagnosed or if they are experiencing issues, such as tingling of the feet, pain, sores, hammer toes, thick dry skin, or fungal nails.

A registered dietitian and/or certified diabetes educator will educate you on how to eat for diabetes and provide you the tools you need to self-manage your diabetes.

Some other doctors you may want to or have to add to your list as the disease progresses include a cardiologist (to make sure your heart is working efficiently and you have no blockages in your arteries), a vascular doctor (a doctor who specializes in veins and circulatory issues), and a therapist to help you cope with your diagnosis.

What you eat plays a major part in your diabetes controland your weight. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in non-starchy vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats can help you improve your nutrition, lose weight, and lower your blood sugars.

These dedicated Verywell sections can help you improve your diabetes diet know-how:Type 2 Diabetes DietDietitian Advice and Recipes

It isn't always easy to start an exercise regimen, but once you get into a groove, you may be surprised at how much you enjoy it. Find a way to fit activity into your daily routine. Even a few minutes a day goes a long way. The American Diabetes Association recommends that adults with diabetes should perform at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity per week (spread over at least three days with no more than two consecutive days without exercise). You don't have to start with this right away, though. Start with five to 10 minutes per day and go from there. To stay motivated, find a buddy, get a fitness tracker, or use another measurement tool that can help you see your progress.

The American Diabetes Association recommends that blood sugars be 80mg/dL-130mg/dL before meals and less than or equal to 180mg/dL two hours after meals. Blood sugar targets are individualized based on a variety of factors such as age, length of diagnosis, if you have other health issues, etc. For example, if you are an elderly person, your targets maybe a bit higher than someone else. Ask your physician what targets are right for you.

Read: High and Low Blood Sugar: Managing the Ups and Downs

The above tips are important for you. But it's also crucial to allow yourself time to cope with the diagnosis and commit to making lifestyle changes that will benefit you forever. The good news is the diabetes is a manageable disease; the tough part is that you must think about it daily. Consider finding supportsomeone that you can talk to about your strugglesbe that a friend, another person with diabetes, or a loved one. This may seem trivial, but it truly can help you take control of diabetes so that it doesn't control you. Some next steps that may help you to get on the right track at this early stage in your journey:

Diabetes is a chronic condition that must be managed daily, but it is manageable. You can live a long, healthy life with diabetes if you adapt a healthy lifestyle. By choosing to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and quit smoking, and seeing your doctors regularly, you will increase your energy, feel better, and maybe even feel great.

Many people with diabetes also have other conditions such as sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Once they change their lifestyle, many of these other symptoms improve or go away. You are in the driver's seat. You have the ability to control diabetes.

And go easy on yourself: Sometimes you can be doing everything perfectly and your blood sugars start to creep up. Because diabetes is a progressive disease, your body slowly stops making insulin over time. If you've had diabetes for a very long time, try not to be discouraged if your doctor has to increase your medication or discusses insulin with you. Continue to do what you can to improve your health.

Excerpt from:
Type 2 Diabetes - Symptoms, Treatment, and More


Diabetes | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

November 8th, 2018 5:45 am

In the 1950s, about 1 in 5 people died within 20 years after being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, formerly known as juvenile diabetes. Almost all of them developed diabetic retinopathy, which accounted for about 12% of new cases of blindness between the ages of 45 and 74. People with diabetes relied on inaccurate urine tests to track their blood sugar. They used crude animal-derived insulins to control it.

In 1983, NIH began the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, which enrolled 1,441 people with type 1 diabetes. This landmark study was stopped early because the results so clearly showed that careful control of blood sugar reduced eye, kidney, and nerve complications by 50% to 75%. In a follow-up study 10 years later, researchers learned that rates of heart disease and stroke had declined by half.

Today, people with type 1 diabetes are living longer and healthier lives. New technologies help them keep tight control of their blood sugar using continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps that deliver rapid-acting, bioengineered human insulin.

We also know a lot more about type 2 diabetes. We know that family history, obesity, and physical inactivity are risk factors for this condition, formerly known as adult-onset diabetes. NIH-funded research has shown that type 2 diabetes can be delayed or prevented. Basic lifestyle interventions modest weight loss and regular exercise slash type 2 diabetes risk by 58% over 3 years in people with pre-diabetes. Despite this good news, type 2 diabetes still accounts for 90% of diabetes cases nationwide and has been increasing at an alarming rate due to the rise in obesity in the United States.

Previous: Depression

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Diabetes | National Institutes of Health (NIH)


Diabetes – familydoctor.org

November 8th, 2018 5:45 am

Although diabetes cant be cured, you can still live a long and healthy life. The single most important thing you can do is control your blood sugar level. You can do this by eating right, exercising, maintaining a healthy weight, and, if needed, taking oral medicines or insulin.

Your doctor will test your blood sugar every 3 months with an A1C test. Also, you can test your blood sugar on your own throughout the day. You will need to use a blood glucose monitor to check it on your own. This involves pricking your finger for blood and putting a test strip in the blood to get the results. If your blood sugar gets too low, you might feel tired, experience problems with muscle coordination, sweat, have difficulty thinking or speaking clearly, twitch, feel like youre going to faint, become pale, lose consciousness, or have a seizure. At the earliest sign of any of these symptoms, eat or drink something that will raise your blood sugar fast. This could include candy, juice, milk, or raisins. If you dont feel better in 15 minutes or if monitoring shows that your blood sugar level is still too low, eat or drink another item to raise your blood sugar fast. Always keep a supply of these items on hand for emergencies.

You may not know if your blood sugar is too high unless you test it yourself. However, you may experience common symptoms such as frequent urination, extreme thirst, blurry vision, and feeling tired. Some factors unrelated to food can make your blood sugar high. This includes not taking your insulin correctly, overeating at a meal, illness, having hormonal changes, and stress.

If your blood sugar level is too high and you take insulin, you may need to take an extra dose of rapid- or short-acting insulin to return it to normal. Your doctor can tell you how much insulin you need to take to lower your blood sugar level.

See the original post here:
Diabetes - familydoctor.org


Diabetes Quiz: Symptoms & Signs of Diabetes Mellitus & Insipidus

November 8th, 2018 5:45 am

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MedicineNet: Diabetes Mellitus<https://www.medicinenet.com/diabetes_mellitus/article.htm>

WebMD: Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes <http://diabetes.webmd.com/guide/diabetes-warning-signs>

MedTerms: Insulin <http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=3989>

WebMD: Obesity Overview <https://www.webmd.com/diet/tc/obesity-overview>

WebMD: Obesity - Health Risks of Obesity <https://www.webmd.com/diet/tc/obesity-health-risks-of-obesity>

MedicineNet: Prediabetes Could You Have It? <https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=57580>

MedicineNet: Type 2 Diabetes Pictures Slideshow <https://www.medicinenet.com/type_2_diabetes_pictures_slideshow/article.htm>

WebMD: Diabetes Symptoms and Types <http://diabetes.webmd.com/guide/diabetes_symptoms_types>

WebMD: Diabetes and Infection <http://diabetes.webmd.com/guide/infections-linked-diabetes>

WebMD: Understanding Diabetes The Basics <http://diabetes.webmd.com/guide/understanding-diabetes-basics>

MedicineNet: Diabetes Insipidus <https://www.medicinenet.com/diabetes_insipidus/article.htm>

NIH: Diabetes Insipidus <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001415/>

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Diabetes Quiz: Symptoms & Signs of Diabetes Mellitus & Insipidus


Optometrists / Eye Doctors near Sylvester, GA – Eye Doctor

November 7th, 2018 8:45 am

Dr. Feagin's Biography Dr. William H. Feagin completed his undergraduate work at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, Alabama, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Physiological Optics. He earned his Doctor of Optometry degree, from the University of Alabama School of Optometry in Birmingham, Alabama and earned his Juris Doctor degree at the Jones School of Law. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Optometry. Dr. Feagins education, advanced training and more than 37 years of experience, combined with his passion for superior patient care, allow him to make the best recommendations for his patients individual vision needs. His specialties include co-management of patients with ocular disease such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and management of chronic conditions such as dry eye and blepharitic lid disease. He is a member of the American Optometric Association, the Alabama Optometric Association, the American Board of Optometry and the Alabama State Bar. Dr. Feagin grew up in Enterprise, AL, approximately 30 miles from Dothan where he has been a longtime resident. He is active in Harvest Church Dothan. Outside of work he enjoys attending college football and basketball games, as well as playing golf, going to the beach and traveling.

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Optometrists / Eye Doctors near Sylvester, GA - Eye Doctor


Regenerative Medicine | Stem Cell Therapy | Huntsville AL

November 6th, 2018 4:43 am

Stem cell therapy takes advantage of the special healing quality of stem cells. These cells can help repair damaged tissues in the body. Stem cells are found in your bone marrow. The Sports Medicine physicians at The Orthopaedic Center specialize in both BMAC and PRP treatments.

Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) treatment, also known as Bone Marrow Concentrate (BMC) treatment is a non-surgical regenerative treatment for various orthopedic injuries, including moderate to severe osteoarthritis and tendon injures. BMAC is a concentrate of regenerative stem cells obtained from the patients own bone marrow. The physician removes a small amount of the patients bone marrow and uses it to generate a powerful concentrate that is injected into the treatment area.

Unlike other cells of the body, bone marrow cells are undifferentiated, which means they have the ability to transform themselves into a variety of tissue types. When injury occurs, the quantity of regenerative cells needed for tissue regeneration may be inadequate. With BMAC, the injection of regenerative cells provides a more robust healing of damaged tissue and aids in growth and repair by accelerating the bodys natural healing mechanism. While the full benefits of BMAC are still unknown, BMAC has been shown to reduce swelling, relieve pain, and enhance healing of articular cartilage and bone.

Numerous conditions can be considered for treatment with BMAC. Currently, moderate to severe osteoarthritis and severe tendon injuries show promising results.

Knee Osteoarthritis is currently the best indication. Others are listed below.

In general, PRP may be more appropriate for mild to moderate osteoarthritis or tendon injuries. BMAC may be reserved for more challenging cases such as moderate to severe osteoarthritis or when more potent effects are desired.

With the patient sedated, the bone marrow aspiration site is locally numbed so minimal pain is felt. Bone marrow is removed from the back of the pelvis (hip) at the posterior iliac crest. The concentration of bone marrow (stem cells and healing components), also known as the bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC), is injected into the treatment area. Patients go home the same day.

Unlike cortisone/steroid shots which simply mask symptoms (and may damage tissue with repeated injections), BMAC targets the root of the problem and attempts to heal the tissue.

Most patients require only a single BMAC treatment. However, if a patient experiences significant relief that plateaus, they may consider a second BMAC injection months later.

For the first 2-3 days, swelling and discomfort may occur in the injected area. By the end of the first week, these symptoms usually begin to resolve. Physical therapy is started within a few days of the treatment, to optimize BMAC effects and facilitate recovery. Patients respond to BMAC treatment along varying timelines.

Bone marrow derived cancer (such as lymphoma) and active systemic infection are contra-indications. Other types of cancer may be a contra-indication and approval must be obtained from the patients oncologist.

No. While there is evidence showing the positive effects of BMAC treatment on tendon, soft tissue, and cartilage injuries, BMAC is not covered by insurance companies at this time.

Most patients notice some level of improvement by 2-6 weeks following their BMAC treatment. Increases in stability and strength are typically reported, along with the decreases in pain. A second level of benefit may be obtained between 6 weeks and 3 months following BMAC. Patients should remain active with a physical therapy program and strengthen surrounding muscles during this period.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is produced from your own blood. Platelets are cells in our body that contain growth factors. These growth factors stimulate the normal wound healing process, such as when your skin heals after a scrape. For PRP treatments, we concentrate your platelets (to over 5x more platelets than your normal blood) and deliver them to the area of interest, to help heal injured tissue. Some PRP treatments are done under ultrasound guidance to confirm placement of the PRP in the correct tissue.

PRP is indicated for injuries that have failed to heal despite traditional treatments. PRP treatments can be performed in any musculoskeletal structure, including muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments. Some examples include: partial tendon tears, muscle strains, ligament sprains/partial tears, articular cartilage injury, and chronic tendon injuries.

To prepare PRP, blood is taken from your arm with a special kit. This is similar to a normal blood draw. The blood is then placed in a centrifuge that separates the platelets from the blood, creating the PRP. The entire PRP treatment process takes about 45 minutes.

Many patients achieve successful outcomes with only one treatment, especially for soft-tissue problems. In some cases, a series of three treatments is required to achieve significant results. This is particularly true for joint treatments. Each treatment is spaced several weeks apart. There is no limit to the number of treatments you can have; however, if youre not seeing significant improvement after three treatments, you should consider other forms of treatment.

Since your own blood is used, there is no risk for transmitted blood-infections. PRP has a strong antibacterial effect so the risk of local infection is minimal. It is possible to have increased soreness or pain for several days after the treatment. You may be prescribed pain medication to help with this.

PRP treatment is a fairly new procedure, and most insurance companies have not incorporated it yet to their list of approved procedures and do not consider it a reimbursable expense. PRP treatment fees include the PRP kit, blood draw, use of centrifugation machine, disposable equipment, ultrasound guidance (if needed), and the actual procedure. A splint for support may be indicated in some cases (additional fee, likely with some insurance coverage).

PRP stimulates healing of the injured tissue by activating your bodys natural healing potential. On average, patients report more than 50% improvement at 6 weeks and up to 100% improvement at 12 weeks after treatment. PRP treatment may eliminate the need for other treatments such as long-term medication or surgery.

Excerpt from:
Regenerative Medicine | Stem Cell Therapy | Huntsville AL


Regenerative Medicine – Beacon Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine

November 6th, 2018 4:43 am

Regenexxprovides various regenerative medicine options that facilitate healing, without surgical intervention. Dr. Henry Stiene (non-spine) and Dr. John Brannan (treatment of the spine) are the exclusive providers ofRegenexxtreatments in the Tri-State Area.

Beacon Orthopaedics currently has seven physicians that provide regenerative medicine for patients. These are non-invasive or minimally invasive options that can help patients heal faster without surgery. A popular regenerative medicine option is PRP (platelet rich plasma) therapy. PRP Therapy utilizes a patients own blood to rebuild and heal a damaged tendon or cartilage in the body. This type of regenerative therapy can help relieve pain in the affected area and also jump starts the healing process.PRP is most commonly used to treat patients with osteoarthritis in the hip, knee or shoulder. Patients seeking regenerative medicine for chronic tendonitis in the ankle or elbow often choose PRP treatments as well. More conservative methods of treatment are typically attempted first, such as rest, medication, physical therapy, etc., but when those methods fail, PRP is often a good solution.

Stem cells therapy is increasing in popularity. As with other forms of regenerative medicine, stem cell treatments can fix joint, tendon, or other pains without surgery.Stem cells are basic human cells that have the capability of creating new cells in the body. When applied to regenerative medicine, this means they can be used to create new healthy bone, tissue, etc. Stem cell procedures are now being used in orthopedics, often to treat bone fractures, healing ligaments or tendons, regenerating articular cartilage in arthritic joints, and replacing degenerative vertebral disks.

Prolotherapy (short for proliferant therapy) is a regenerative treatment used to treat pain arising from joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and the connective tissue that holds these structures together. Pain from these structures may be due to injury, overuse, normal wear and tear (degeneration) and nerve injury or irritation.

Prolotherapy uses solutions such as concentrated dextrose that produce a minor injury or inflammation to these structures. Connective tissue such as ligaments and tendon have a very poor blood supply and this severely limits the ability of these tissues to heal themselves as living tissue needs a healthy blood supply to maintain nourishment and repair itself.

Perineural InjectionTherapy (PIT) is a proven safe, effective treatment for patients who may not be goodcandidates for joint replacement surgery or biologic options such as stem cell injections or PRP. Perineural injections are used for treating inflamed and injured nerves causing chronic pain. This pain is often due to trauma, arthritis, sports, overuse, occupational, and surgical injuries. For additional information, please click here.

*Dr. Henry Stiene and Dr. John Brannan are the exclusiveRegenexx providers in the Greater Cincinnati Area. To schedule a consultation with either physician, please call (513) 354-3700.

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Regenerative Medicine - Beacon Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine


Syracuse Regenerative Medicine – rsmmd.com

November 6th, 2018 4:43 am

Regenerative injection therapy for tendons, ligaments, muscles and spine conditions.

About Regenerative Injection Therapies (RIT).

Regenerative injections broadly deals with the use of biologic materials to enhance the body's own repair mechanisms to help heal previously non-reparable tissues. The goal of these non-surgical procedures is to help heal the source of pain, not to simply mask it. The exact mechanism is evolving, but science points toward enhancing and stimulating healing and stabilizing factors of the local tissues.

Regenerative injection treatments offer a viable alternative for individuals considering elective orthopedic surgery or joint replacement due to arthritis or injury. Patients experience very little down time and they typically avoid the long, painful rehabilitation periods that can follow surgery. Since 2014, Regenerative Spine & Musculoskeletal Medicine has provided state of the art regenerative cellular therapies to help patients find relief from pain without invasive surgeries.

The Procedures:


This treatment involves injecting a proliferant (usually dextrose) into weakened or injured joints, ligaments, or tendons. With a precise injection of a mild irritant solution directly on the site of injury, prolotherapy creates a mild, controlled inflammation that stimulates the bodys natural healing mechanism to lay down new tissue on the weakened area. Additional treatments repeat the process, allowing a gradual build-up of tissue to help restore strength to the area and relieve pain. Injection sessions are done 3-6 weeks apart, and usually a series of 3 injection sessions is done and then the response is assessed. The average number of treatment sessions is between 3 and 6.

Perineural Injections:

Peri-neural injections involves injecting diluted dextrose solutions superficially along the pathway of chronically inflamed nerves. They can be used for any part of the body where nerve pain exists. After the first treatment, pain relief may initially last for a period of four hours to four days. Repeated treatments (usually 6-8 sessions) are necessary, given every 1-3 weeks.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP):

During PRP therapy, a small vial of your own blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other blood components. This highly concentrated platelet-rich layer contains growth factors and a variety of cells. Growth factors stimulate local cells for tissue repair and remodeling. Your PRP is injected into and around the area of injury. Several injections may be done at the injured site at one time to fully treat the area. Many times only one injection is needed. If there is an incomplete response to treatment additional injections may be advised.

Cell Therapy:

Stem cells(MSCs) are readily available and can be harvested from your bone marrow through a needle. Once injected into an area of injury, MSCs secrete bioactive molecules to modulate repair and offer the potential to regenerate injured cartilage, ligament, tendons, or muscle. MSCs can be thought of as the manager of your bodys innate healing potential. Many times only one injection is needed. If there is an incomplete response to treatment additional injections may be advised.

Lipoaspirate (Fat) Graft:

Lipo aspirate therapy is a gentle process that uses your body's own fat tissue to cushion and support areas of injury or damage as your body heals itself. The fat is taken from the stomach, flank or thigh areas using a local anesthetic. It is especially effective for areas where there are soft tissue defects such as tears or arthritis. This type of injection is used in collaboration with PRP or bone marrow aspirate cell injections, which deliver growth factors to the injured area.

Alpha 2 Macroglobulin (A2M):

A2M is a naturally occurring molecule found in your blood that acts as a powerful protector against cartilage breakdown and progression of arthritis. A small vial of your own blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge to separate the blood components, then is injected. A2M attaches to and removes the destructive enzymes that damage cartilage cells in the joint. The A2M is soothing to the joint and acts like a natural anti-inflammatory.

What parts of the body can benefit from regenerative treatments?

Spinal Injections:

Spinal procedures can be performed with dextrose, platelet/growth factors, or cellular therapy for those who wish to avoid the effects of steroids. Epidural nerve blocks, spine ligaments, facet joint, sacroiliac joint and intervertebral disc injections with platelets/growth factors may be performed. The injection is performed in the same manner as conventional spine injections with the use of x-ray guidance to ensure accurate placement of the treatment.

Joint, tendon, ligament, muscle Injections:

Musculoskeletal injections can be performed with dextrose, platelet/growth factors, or cellular therapy for those who wish to avoid the effects of steroids. Whenever appropriate the injection is performed with the use of x-ray or ultrasound guidance along with full safety and sterile precautions.

What conditions can benefit from regenerative injections?

Will insurance cover my Regenerative Injection?

Insurance companies will not pay for the cost of the Regenerative treatment. The cost of your injection can be discussed after your visit once you and the provider have decided on the most appropriate treatment option for you.

What sets Regenerative Spine & Musculoskeletal Medicine apart from others?

As the popularity of RIT grows, other medical professionals are beginning to perform these procedures, with great variation in training and background. Rene S. Melfi, M.D. is a physician specializing in non-surgical spine, orthopedic and musculoskeletal performance and function. With three national board certifications and Fellowship training in interventional spine and musculoskeletal medicine, Dr. Melfi has been performing spine and orthopedic injections since 2002. Dr. Melfi is also certified in Integrative Medicine and Acupuncture, and offers suggestions to enhance your results with recommendations for proper nutrition and supplements.

Your procedure at Regenerative Spine & Musculoskeletal Medicine is carefully chosen based on review of the latest evidence based medicine. Image guidance with x-ray or ultrasound is used, when appropriate, to confirm accurate placement of cellular therapy to optimize your results.

Call today for your appointment and a premier experience in Regenerative Injection therapy in Central New York 315-701-4000.

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Syracuse Regenerative Medicine - rsmmd.com


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