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Ophthalmology – lahey.org

October 7th, 2019 3:41 am

Lahey Hospital & Medical Centers Department of Ophthalmology serves the needs of patients by providing comprehensive medical care. We seek to foster an environment of high caliber professionalism in order to exceed our patients expectations.

A team of more than 70 medical professionals provides a full range of eye care. Nearly 20 ophthalmology and optometry specialists work in proximity to each other, allowing interchange of talent. Examination rooms are adjacent to the operating suite to facilitate care.

In addition to providing routine eye examinations, staff diagnose and treat all aspects of eye disease in adolescents, adults and seniors. These include cataracts, glaucoma, cornea and external disease, laser vision correction, trauma, low vision, retinal and vitreous disease, oculoplastics and neuro-ophthalmology.

Patient undergoing an eye exam.The Department of Ophthalmology provides comprehensive eye care and complete medical and surgical treatment. The foundation of the department is an experienced, highly motivated staff whose mission has multiple goals:

Dr. Edward Connolly, who joined Lahey in 1969, and Dr. Joseph Bowlds, who joined in 1972, founded Ophthalmology Services at the then Lahey Clinic. The department was initially located on Commonwealth Avenue in Boston. Over the next 14 years, optometrists and ophthalmologists were hired.

By 1994, when the department was located in Burlington, it consisted of six full-time ophthalmologists, one part-time ophthalmologist, and five full-time optometrists. Today, the departments unique multidisciplinary approach to patient care involving the collaboration of ophthalmology and optometry specialists with different areas of expertise allows for cross-fertilization of talent, producing the very best in comprehensive patient care.

The Eye Institute, a dynamic eye care center housed within the Department of Ophthalmology, was conceived in the summer of 1994 as part of the re-engineering of the ophthalmology program, led by F. Denton Wertz III, MD, then the chair of the department. After opening at Lahey Medical Center, Peabody the Institutes comprehensive approach to vision care and medical and surgical diseases of the eyes made it popular with patients. In addition to providing state-of-the-art diagnostic capabilities in all areas of vision care, it is situated adjacent to the operating suite, facilitating the very best in care.

Ophthalmology services are also available through Lahey at its Arlington site, located at the former Symmes Hospital. In addition, a program providing subspecialized ophthalmology care for patients in Bermuda is currently under development.

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Ophthalmology - lahey.org


Vision Loss, Sudden – Eye Disorders – Merck Manuals …

October 7th, 2019 3:40 am

Sudden loss of vision without eye pain

Blindness in one eye lasting minutes to hours

Ultrasonography of the carotid arteries

Echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart)

Continuous monitoring of heart rhythm

Almost instantaneous, complete loss of vision in one eye

In people with risk factors for atherosclerosis (such as high blood pressure, abnormal blood lipids, or cigarette smoking)

Measurement of ESR (a blood test), C-reactive protein, and platelets

In people with risk factors for this disorder (such as diabetes, high blood pressure, a tendency for blood to clot excessively, or sickle cell disease)

Vitreous hemorrhage (bleeding into the vitreous humorthe jellylike substance that fills the back of the eyeball)

In people who have had specks, strings, or cobwebs in their field of vision (floaters) or who have risk factors for vitreous hemorrhage (such as diabetes, a tear in the retina, sickle cell disease, or an eye injury)

Usually loss of the entire field of vision (not in just one or more spots)

Examination by an ophthalmologist

Sometimes ultrasonography of the retina

Sometimes headache, pain while combing the hair, or pain in the jaw or tongue when chewing

Sometimes aches and stiffness in the large muscles of the arms or legs (polymyalgia rheumatica)

Measurement of ESR, C-reactive protein, and platelets

Biopsy of the temporal artery

In people with risk factors for this disorder (such as diabetes or high blood pressure) or in people who have had an episode of very low blood pressure, which sometimes causes fainting

Measurement of ESR, C-reactive protein, and platelets

Sometimes biopsy of temporal artery

Sometimes carotid artery Doppler (ultrasound of the neck veins) and echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart)

Macular hemorrhage (bleeding around the maculathe most sensitive part of the retina) resulting from age-related macular degeneration

Usually in people known to have age-related macular degeneration or in people with risk factors for blood vessel disorders (such as high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, or abnormal blood lipids)

Ocular migraine (migraines that affect vision)

Shimmering, irregular spots that drift slowly across the field of vision of one eye for about 10 to 20 minutes

Sometimes blurring of central vision (what a person is looking at directly)

Sometimes a headache after the disturbances in vision

Often in young people or in people known to have migraines

Sudden, spontaneous flashes of light that can look like lightning, spots, or stars (photopsias) that occur repeatedly

Loss of vision that affects one area, usually what is seen out of the corners of the eye (peripheral vision)

Loss of vision that spreads across the field of vision like a curtain

Sometimes in people with risk factors for detachment of the retina (such as a recent eye injury, recent eye surgery, or severe nearsightedness)

Usually loss of the same parts of the field of vision in both eyes

In people with risk factors for these disorders (such as high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, diabetes, abnormal blood lipids, and cigarette smoking)

Sometimes slurred speech, impaired eye movements, muscle weakness, and/or difficulty walking

Ultrasonography of the carotid arteries

Echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart)

Continuous monitoring of heart rhythm

Sudden loss of vision with eye pain

Severe eye ache and redness

Headache, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light

Disturbances in vision such as seeing halos around lights

Measurement of pressure inside the eye (tonometry)

Examination of eye's drainage channels with a special lens (gonioscopy), done by an ophthalmologist

Often a grayish patch on the cornea that later becomes an open, painful sore

Eye ache or a foreign object (body) sensation

Sometimes in people who have an infection after an eye injury or who have slept with their contact lenses in

Culture of a sample taken from the ulcer, done by an ophthalmologist

Optic neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve), which can be related to multiple sclerosis

Usually mild pain that may worsen when the eyes are moved

Partial or complete loss of vision

Eyelids and corneas that appear normal

Vision Loss, Sudden - Eye Disorders - Merck Manuals ...


Board of Veterinary Medicine

October 7th, 2019 3:40 am

This process is used for the Boards that are administered in the Business Standards Division.The various Programs administered in the Division use a similar process.

Frequently Asked Questions about Complaint Process


When filing or responding to a complaint, be as thorough as possible. You may attach additional documents to the complaint form to ensure that all pertinent information has been included. The Screening Panel meeting is NOT a hearing, but is a time for the panel to consider the complaint and response. Attendance is your choice. If you attend the panel may ask additional questions. Please notify this office prior to the meeting if you plan to attend.

After acomplainthas been filed against a licensed individual...

The Compliance Office will send a letter of acknowledgment to the person who filed the complaint (Complainant), and a letter requesting a response (with a copy of the complaint) to the licensee against whom the complaint was filed.

The Licensee may submit a written response addressing the complaint to the Compliance Office. The process continues whether or not a response is submitted. The Complainant is not entitled to a copy of the response.

The Compliance Office will notify the Licensee and Complainant regarding the date and time of any meeting during which the case will be discussed.

Complaints remain confidential unless aNotice of Proposed Board Actionis issued, which is a public document along with all subsequent legal filings.

MEETINGSClosed Meeting-During a Closed Meeting only the Licensee, the Complainant, and/or attorneys for either can be in attendance. Minutes of Closed Meetings are not public documents.

Open Meeting-A public meeting which anyone can attend. The minutes of Open meetings are public documents and made available online via the specific Boards webpage.(Adjudication Panel meetings are usuallyopen.)

Individuals may attend a meeting in person or by telephone. Please notify this office prior to the meeting if you plan to attend the meeting.

Screening Panel:A committee comprised of members of the Board. The Screening Panels function is to determine the preliminary action(s) to take on a complaint. Possible preliminary actions include dismissal, investigation, or a finding of Reasonable Cause.

The complaint and response (if any) are submitted to the Screening Panel members.The Screening Panel meeting isnota hearing, but rather a committee meeting to review and discuss the complaint and response to determine if disciplinary action is warranted.


If the Screening Panel dismisses a complaint, the complaint can be dismissedwithorwithout prejudice(see definitions below).

Dismissal With Prejudice-The complaint is dismissed and cannot be considered by the Screening Panel in the future.

Dismissal Without Prejudice-The complaint is dismissed but may be considered by the Screening Panel in the future if there are ever allegations of a similar nature.


Only a member of the Screening Panel can request an investigation of a complaint. If an investigation is requested by the Screening Panel, the case is assigned to an investigator who may request an interview with the Licensee, the Complainant, and/or other individuals. Upon completion of the investigation, a written report is submitted to the Screening Panel, which will then determine if there isReasonable Causeto proceed with disciplinary action.

Reasonable Cause-A finding by the Screening Panel that evidence exists that a violation of statutes and rules has occurred which warrants proceeding with disciplinary action.

IfReasonable Causeis found, the Department Counsel issues aNotice of Proposed Board Action(Notice) to the Licensee. Once a Notice is issued, it is public information. A proposedStipulationmay be included with the Notice.

Notice-A legal document from the Departments Legal Counsel which sets forth the Departments factual assertions, the statutes or rules relied upon, and advising the licensee of the right to a hearing.

Stipulation- A tentative agreement for settlement of the case. A Stipulation is not finalized until approved by the Adjudication Panel.

The Licensee may either sign theStipulationor contest the proposed action by requesting an administrativeHearing(a legal process before a Hearing Examiner). If the Licensee wishes to request a hearing, written request must be received within twenty (20) days from receipt of the Notice. Failure to either sign a Stipulation or request a hearing within twenty (20) days may result in the issuing of a Final Order of Default against the licensee.

Default- the licensees acceptance of the disciplinary action demonstrated by failing to participate in the process


Adjudication Panel-A committee comprised of members of the Board who areNOTon the Screening Panel. The Adjudication Panel determines the final outcome of a case.

The Adjudication Panel reviews the record to determine appropriate sanctions. A Final Order is issued by the Adjudication Panel, completing the complaint process.


Current license status and information regarding disciplinary action(s) againsta licensee can be accessed online at:https://ebiz.mt.gov/pol/

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Board of Veterinary Medicine


Genetic Medicine | List of High Impact Articles | PPts …

October 5th, 2019 6:47 pm

Genetic medicine is the integration and application of genomic technologies allows biomedical researchers and clinicians to collect data from large study population and to understand disease and genetic bases of drug response. It includes genome structure, functional genomics, epigenomics, genome scale population genomics, systems analysis, pharmacogenomics and proteomics. The Division of Genetic Medicine provides an academic environment enabling researchers to explore new relationships between disease susceptibility and human genetics. The Division of Genetic Medicine was established to host both research and clinical research programs focused on the genetic basis of health and disease. Equipped with state-of-the-art research tools and facilities, our faculty members are advancing knowledge of the common genetic determinants of cancer, congenital neuropathies, and heart disease.

Related Journals of Genetic Medicine

Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Translational Biomedicine, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Journal, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Electronic Journal of Biology, Molecular Enzymology and Drug Targets, Journal of Applied Genetics, Journal of Medical Genetics, Genetics in Medicine, Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine, Reproductive Medicine and Biology, Romanian journal of internal medicine

Originally posted here:
Genetic Medicine | List of High Impact Articles | PPts ...


Microscope Imaging Station. Stem Cells: Cells with potential.

October 5th, 2019 6:46 pm

These heart cells were grown from mouse stem cells.

Stem cells have captured the public's attention because of their potential to revolutionize ourtreatment of many debilitating diseases and injuries. Using stem cells, we may someday be able to repair spinal cord injuries or replace diseased organs, although such therapeutic treatments are probably a long way off. The study of stem cells is relatively newthey were discovered in 1976, and human embryonic stem cells finally isolated in 1998so scientists still have much to learn about them.

Right now, researchers are still learning how to generate and grow stem cells. But simply knowing how to culture the cells in the lab isnt enough. Scientists also need to understand and control how stem cells differentiate to become specific cell types. If researchers can decode the signals that govern differentiation, they may be able to take charge of the process, directing a culture of cells to become a specific cell typeheart, neuron, skin, liver, or whatever kind is needed.

Cultivation of stem cells from days-old embryos

Progress....and hurdles

Treatments for a few particular diseases have emerged as exciting possibilities on the forefront of stem cell research. Parkinsons results from the death of a specific type cell in the brain. Scientists have succeeded in easing the condition in rats by injecting them with embryonic stem cells that then turned into the missing neurons. Researchers hope to develop a similar treatment for diabetes, which is caused by the destruction of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

Though there has been progress in developing new stem cell-based therapies, researchers caution that many hurdles remain. For example, its unclear whether implanted stem cells can, after differentiating, revert to their previous state and then cause cancer. Another problem involves our natural immune response to foreign cells in the body. Patients currently receiving stem cell treatments, such as bone marrow transplants, must take drugs to prevent their immune system from attacking the newly introduced cells. Scientists may be able to address this problem by creating banks of embryonic stem cells, each of which is slightly different genetically. The cells best suited to a patients genetic makeup would then be used to grow new cells for transplantation, in hopes that this would lessen the immune response.

Embryonic stem cells can be grown in culture dishes. A pinkish solution provides the sugars and other compounds the cells need to grow.

Next: Looking forward

Go here to read the rest:
Microscope Imaging Station. Stem Cells: Cells with potential.


Neural Stem Cells – Stemcell Technologies

October 5th, 2019 6:46 pm

The Central Nervous System

The mature mammalian central nervous system (CNS) is composed of three major differentiated cell types: neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Neurons transmit information through action potentials and neurotransmitters to other neurons, muscle cells or gland cells. Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, collectively called glial cells, play important roles of their own, in addition to providing a critical support role for optimal neuronal functioning and survival. During mammalian embryogenesis, CNS development begins with the induction of the neuroectoderm, which forms the neural plate and then folds to give rise to the neural tube. Within these neural structures there exists a complex and heterogeneous population of neuroepithelial progenitor cells (NEPs), the earliest neural stem cell type to form.1,2 As CNS development proceeds, NEPs give rise to temporally and spatially distinct neural stem/progenitor populations. During the early stage of neural development, NEPs undergo symmetric divisions to expand neural stem cell (NSC) pools. In the later stage of neural development, NSCs switch to asymmetric division cycles and give rise to lineage-restricted progenitors. Intermediate neuronal progenitor cells are formed first, and these subsequently differentiate to generate to neurons. Following this neurogenic phase, NSCs undergo asymmetric divisions to produce glial-restricted progenitors, which generate astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. The later stage of CNS development involves a period of axonal pruning and neuronal apoptosis, which fine tunes the circuitry of the CNS. A previously long-held dogma maintained that neurogenesis in the adult mammalian CNS was complete, rendering it incapable of mitotic divisions to generate new neurons, and therefore lacking in the ability to repair damaged tissue caused by diseases (e.g. Parkinsons disease, multiple sclerosis) or injuries (e.g. spinal cord and brain ischemic injuries). However, there is now strong evidence that multipotent NSCs do exist, albeit only in specialized microenvironments, in the mature mammalian CNS. This discovery has fuelled a new era of research into understanding the tremendous potential that these cells hold for treatment of CNS diseases and injuries.

Neurobiologists routinely use various terms interchangeably to describe undifferentiated cells of the CNS. The most commonly used terms are stem cell, precursor cell and progenitor cell. The inappropriate use of these terms to identify undifferentiated cells in the CNS has led to confusion and misunderstandings in the field of NSC and neural progenitor cell research. However, these different types of undifferentiated cells in the CNS technically possess different characteristics and fates. For clarity, the terminology used here is:

Neural Stem Cell (NSCs): Multipotent cells which are able to self-renew and proliferate without limit, to produce progeny cells which terminally differentiate into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. The non-stem cell progeny of NSCs are referred to as neural progenitor cells.

Neural Progenitor Cell: Neural progenitor cells have the capacity to proliferate and differentiate into more than one cell type. Neural progenitor cells can therefore be unipotent, bipotent or multipotent. A distinguishing feature of a neural progenitor cell is that, unlike a stem cell, it has a limited proliferative ability and does not exhibit self-renewal.

Neural Precursor Cells (NPCs): As used here, this refers to a mixed population of cells consisting of all undifferentiated progeny of neural stem cells, therefore including both neural progenitor cells and neural stem cells. The term neural precursor cells is commonly used to collectively describe the mixed population of NSCs and neural progenitor cells derived from embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells.

Prior to 1992, numerous reports demonstrated evidence of neurogenesis and limited in vitro proliferation of neural progenitor cells isolated from embryonic tissue in the presence of growth factors.3-5 While several sub-populations of neural progenitor cells had been identified in the adult CNS, researchers were unable to demonstrate convincingly the characteristic features of a stem cell, namely self-renewal, extended proliferative capacity and retention of multi-lineage potential. In vivo studies supported the notion that proliferation occurred early in life, whereas the adultCNS was mitotically inactive, and unable to generate new cells following injury. Notable exceptions included several studies in the 1960s that clearly identified a region of the adult brain that exhibited proliferation (the forebrain subependyma)6 but this was believed to be species-specific and was not thought to exist in all mammals. In the early 1990s, cells that responded to specific growth factors and exhibited stem cell features in vitro were isolated from the embryonic and adult CNS.7-8 With these studies, Reynolds and Weiss demonstrated that a rare population of cells in the adult CNS exhibited the defining characteristics of a stem cell: self-renewal, capacity to produce a large number of progeny and multilineage potential. The location of stem cells in the adult brain was later identified to be within the striatum,9 and researchers began to show that cells isolated from this region, and the dorsolateral region of the lateral ventricle of the adult brain, were capable of differentiating into both neurons and glia.10

During mammalian CNS development, neural precursor cells arising from the neural tube produce pools of multipotent and more restricted neural progenitor cells, which then proliferate, migrate and further differentiate into neurons and glial cells. During embryogenesis, neural precursor cells are derived from the neuroectoderm and can first be detected during neural plate and neural tube formation. As the embryo develops, neural stem cells can be identified in nearly all regions of the embryonic mouse, rat and human CNS, including the septum, cortex, thalamus, ventral mesencephalon and spinal cord. NSCs isolated from these regions have a distinct spatial identity and differentiation potential. In contrast to the developing nervous system, where NSCs are fairly ubiquitous, cells with neural stem cell characteristics are localized primarily to two key regions of the mature CNS: the subventricular zone (SVZ), lining the lateral ventricles of the forebrain, and the subgranular layer of thedentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation (described later).11 In the adult mouse brain, the SVZ contains a heterogeneous population of proliferating cells. However, it is believed that the type B cells (activated GFAP+/PAX6+ astrocytes or astrogliallike NSCs) are the cells that exhibit stem cell properties, and these cells may be derived directly from radial glial cells, the predominant neural precursor population in the early developing brain. NPCs in this niche are relatively quiescent under normal physiological conditions, but can be induced to proliferate and to repopulate the SVZ following irradiation.10 SVZ NSCs maintain neurogenesis throughout adult life through the production of fast-dividing transit amplifying progenitors (TAPs or C cells), which then differentiate and give rise to neuroblasts. TAPs and neuroblasts migrate through the rostral migratory stream (RMS) and further differentiate into new interneurons in the olfactory bulb. This ongoing neurogenesis, which is supported by the NSCs in the SVZ, is essential for maintenance of the olfactory system, providing a source of new neurons for the olfactory bulb of rodents and the association cortex of non-human primates.12 Although the RMS in the adult human brain has been elusive, a similar migration of neuroblasts through the RMS has also been observed.13 Neurogenesis also persists in the subgranular zone of the hippocampus, a region important for learning and memory, where it leads to the production of new granule cells. Lineage tracing studies have mapped the neural progenitor cells to the dorsal region of the hippocampus, in a collapsed ventricle within the dentate gyrus.10 Studies have demonstrated that neurogenic cells from the subgranular layer may have a more limited proliferative potential than the SVZ NSCs and are more likely to be progenitor cells than true stem cells.14 Recent evidence also suggests that neurogenesis plays a different role in the hippocampus than in the olfactory bulb. Whereas the SVZ NSCs play a maintenance role, it is thought that hippocampal neurogenesis serves to increase the number of new neurons and contributes to hippocampal growth throughout adult life.12 Neural progenitor cells have also been identified in the spinal cord central canal ventricular zone and pial boundary15-16, and it is possible that additional regional progenitor populations will be identified in the future.

In vitro methodologies designed to isolate, expand and functionally characterize NSC populations have revolutionized our understanding of neural stem cell biology, and increased our knowledge of the genetic and epigenetic regulation of NSCs.17 Over the past several decades, a number of culture systems have been developed that attempt to recapitulate the distinct in vivo developmental stages of the nervous system, enabling theisolation and expansion of different NPC populations at different stages of development. Here, we outline the commonly used culture systems for generating NPCs from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), and for isolating and expanding NSCs from the early embryonic, postnatal and adult CNS.

Neural induction and differentiation of pluripotent stem cells: Early NPCs can be derived from mouse and human PSCs, which include embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), using appropriate neural induction conditions at the first stage of differentiation. While these neural differentiation protocols vary widely, a prominent feature in popular embryoid body-based protocols is the generation of neural rosettes, morphologically identifiable structures containing NPCs, which are believed to represent the neural tube. The NPCs present in the neural rosette structures are then isolated, and can be propagated to allow NPC expansion, while maintaining the potential to generate neurons and glial cells. More recently, studies have shown that neural induction of PSCs can also be achieved in a monolayer culture system, wherein human ESCs and iPSCs are plated onto a defined matrix, and exposed to inductive factors.18 A combination of specific cytokines or small molecules, believed to mimic the developmental cues for spatiotemporal patterning in the developing brain during embryogenesis, can be added to cultures at the neural induction stage to promote regionalization of NPCs. These patterned NPCs can then be differentiated into mature cell types with phenotypes representative of different regions of the brain.19-24 New protocols have been developed to generate cerebral organoids from PSC-derived neural progenitor cells. Cerebral organoids recapitulate features of human brain development, including the formation of discrete brain regions featuring characteristic laminar cellular organization.25

Neurosphere culture: The neurosphere culture system has been widely used since its development as a method to identify NSCs.26-29 A specific region of the CNS is microdissected, mechanically or enzymatically dissociated, and plated in adefined serum-free medium in the presence of a mitogenic factor, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) and/or basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). In the neurosphere culture system, NSCs, as well as neural progenitor cells, begin to proliferate in response to these mitogens, forming small clusters of cells after 2 - 3 days. The clusters continue to grow in size, and by day 3 - 5, the majority of clusters detach from the culture surface and begin to grow in suspension. By approximately day seven, depending on the cell source, the cell clusters, called neurospheres, typically measure 100 - 200 m in diameter and are composed of approximately 10,000 - 100,000 cells. At this point, the neurospheres should be passaged to prevent the cell clusters from growing too large, which can lead to necrosis as a result of a lack of oxygen and nutrient exchange at the neurosphere center. To passage the cultures, neurospheres are individually, or as a population, mechanically or enzymatically dissociated into a single cell suspension and replated under the same conditions as the primary culture. NSCs and neural progenitor cells again begin to proliferate to form new cell clusters that are ready to be passaged approximately 5 - 7 days later. By repeating the above procedures for multiple passages, NSCs present in the culture will self-renew and produce a large number of progeny, resulting in a relatively consistent increase in total cell number over time. Neurospheres derived from embryonic mouse CNS tissue treated in this manner can be passaged for up to 10 weeks with no loss in their proliferative ability, resulting in a greater than 100- fold increase in total cell number. NSCs and neural progenitors can be induced to differentiate by removing the mitogens and plating either intact neurospheres or dissociated cells on an adhesive substrate, in the presence of a low serum-containing medium. After several days, virtually all of the NSCs and progeny will differentiate into the three main neural cell types found in the CNS: neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. While the culture medium, growth factor requirements and culture protocols may vary, the neurosphere culture system has been successfully used to isolate NSCs and progenitors from different regions of the embryonic and adult CNS of many species including mouse, rat and human.

Adherent monolayer culture: Alternatively, cells obtained from CNS tissues can be cultured as adherent cultures in a defined, serum-free medium supplemented with EGF and/or bFGF, in the presence of a substrate such as poly-L-ornithine, laminin, or fibronectin. When plated under these conditions, the neural stem and progenitor cells will attach to the substrate-coated cultureware, as opposed to each other, forming an adherent monolayer of cells, instead of neurospheres. The reported success of expanding NSCs in long-term adherent monolayer cultures is variable and may be due to differences in the substrates, serum-free media andgrowth factors used.17 Recently, protocols that have incorporated laminin as the substrate, along with an appropriate serum-free culture medium containing both EGF and bFGF have been able to support long-term cultures of neural precursors from mouse and human CNS tissues.30-32 These adherent cells proliferate and become confluent over the course of 5 - 10 days. To passage the cultures, cells are detached from the surface by enzymatic treatment and replated under the same conditions as the primary culture. It has been reported that NSCs cultured under adherent monolayer conditions undergo symmetric divisions in long-term culture.30,33 Similar to the neurosphere culture system, adherently cultured cells can be passaged multiple times and induced to differentiate into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes upon mitogen removal and exposure to a low serum-containing medium.

Several studies have suggested that culturing CNS cells in neurosphere cultures does not efficiently maintain NSCs and produces a heterogeneous cell population, whereas culturing cells under serum-free adherent culture conditions does maintain NSCs.17 While these reports did not directly compare neurosphere and adherent monolayer culture methods using the same medium, growth factors or extracellular matrix to evaluate NSC numbers, proliferation and differentiation potential, they emphasize that culture systems can influence the in vitro functional properties of NSCs and neural progenitors. It is important that in vitro methodologies for NSC research are designed with this caveat in mind, and with a clear understanding of what the methodologies are purported to measure.34-35

Immunomagnetic or immunofluorescent cell isolation strategies using antibodies directed against cell surface markers present on stem cells, progenitors and mature CNS cells have been applied to the study of NSCs. Similar to stem cells in other systems, the phenotype of CNS stem cells has not been completely determined. Expression, or lack of expression, of CD34, CD133 and CD45 antigens has been used as a strategy for the preliminary characterization of potential CNS stem cell subsets. A distinct subset of human fetal CNS cells with the phenotype CD133+ 5E12+ CD34- CD45- CD24-/lo has the ability to form neurospheres in culture, initiate secondary neurosphere formation, and differentiate into neurons and astrocytes.36 Using a similar approach, fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS)- based isolation of nestin+ PNA- CD24- cells from the adult mouse periventricular region enabled significant enrichment of NSCs(80% frequency in sorted population, representing a 100-fold increase from the unsorted population).37 However, the purity of the enriched NSC population was found to be lower when this strategy was reevaluated using the more rigorous Neural Colony-Forming Cell (NCFC) assay.38-39 NSC subsets detected at different stages of CNS development have been shown to express markers such as nestin, GFAP, CD15, Sox2, Musashi, CD133, EGFR, Pax6, FABP7 (BLBP) and GLAST40-45. However, none of these markers are uniquely expressed by NSCs; many are also expressed by neural progenitor cells and other nonneural cell types. Studies have demonstrated that stem cells in a variety of tissues, including bone marrow, skeletal muscle and fetal liver can be identified by their ability to efflux fluorescent dyes such as Hoechst 33342. Such a population, called the side population, or SP (based on its profile on a flow cytometer), has also been identified in both mouse primary CNS cells and cultured neurospheres.46 Other non-immunological methods have been used to identify populations of cells from normal and tumorigenic CNS tissues, based on some of the in vitro properties of stem cells, including FABP7 expression and high aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) enzyme activity. ALDH-bright cells from embryonic rat and mouse CNS have been isolated and shown to have the ability to generate neurospheres, neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in vitro, as well as neurons in vivo, when transplanted into the adult mouse cerebral cortex.47-50 NeuroFluor CDr3 is a membrane-permeable fluorescent probe that binds to FABP7 and can be used to detect and isolate viable neural progenitor cells from multiple species.42-43

Multipotent neural stem-like cells, known as brain tumor stem cells (BTSCs) or cancer stem cells (CSCs), have been identified and isolated from different grades (low and high) and types of brain cancers, including gliomas and medulloblastomas.51-52 Similar to NSCs, these BTSCs exhibit self-renewal, high proliferative capacity and multi-lineage differentiation potential in vitro. They also initiate tumors that phenocopy the parent tumor in immunocompromised mice.53 No unique marker of BTSCs has been identified but recent work suggests that tumors contain a heterogenous population of cells with a subset of cells expressing the putative NSC marker CD133.53 CD133+ cells purified from primary tumor samples formed primary tumors, when injected into primary immunocompromised mice, and secondary tumors upon serial transplantation into secondary recipient mice.53 However, CD133 is also expressed by differentiated cells in different tissues and CD133- BTSCs can also initiate tumors in immunocompromised mice.54-55 Therefore, it remains to bedetermined if CD133 alone, or in combination with other markers, can be used to discriminate between tumor initiating cells and non-tumor initiating cells in different grades and types of brain tumors. Recently, FABP7 has gained traction as a CNS-specific marker of NSCs and BTSCs.42-43, 57

Both the neurosphere and adherent monolayer culture methods have been applied to the study of BTSCs. When culturing normal NSCs, the mitogen(s) EGF (and/or bFGF) are required to maintain NSC proliferation. However, there is some indication that these mitogens are not required when culturing BTSCs.57 Interestingly, the neurosphere assay may be a clinically relevant functional readout for the study of BTSCs, with emerging evidence suggesting that renewable neurosphere formation is a significant predictor of increased risk of patient death and rapid tumor progression in cultured human glioma samples.58-60 Furthermore, the adherent monolayer culture has been shown to enable pure populations of glioma-derived BTSCs to be expanded in vitro.61

Research in the field of NSC biology has made a significant leap forward over the past ~30 years. Contrary to the beliefs of the past century, the adult mammalian brain retains a small number of true NSCs located in specific CNS regions. The identification of CNS-resident NSCs and the discovery that adult somatic cells from mouse and human can be reprogrammed to a pluripotent state,62-68 and then directed to differentiate into neural cell types, has opened the door to new therapeutic avenues aimed at replacing lost or damaged CNS cells. This may include transplantation of neural progenitors derived from fetal or adult CNS tissue, or pluripotent stem cells. Recent research has shown that adult somatic cells can be directly reprogrammed to specific cell fates, such as neurons, using appropriate transcriptional factors, bypassing the need for an induced pluripotent stem cell intermediate.69 Astroglia from the early postnatal cerebracortex can be reprogrammed in vitro to neurons capable of action potential firing, by the forced expression of a single transcription factor, such as Pax6 or the pro-neural transcription factor neurogenin-2 (Neurog2).70 To develop cell therapies to treat CNS injuries and diseases, a greater understanding of the cellular and molecular properties of neural stem and progenitor cells is required. To facilitate this important research, STEMCELL Technologies has developed NeuroCult proliferation and differentiation kits for human, mouse and rat, including xenofree NeuroCult-XF. The NeuroCult NCFC Assay provides a simple and more accurate assay to enumerate NSCs compared to the neurosphere assay. These tools for NSC research are complemented by the NeuroCult SM Neuronal Culture Kits, specialized serum-free medium formulations for culturing primary neurons. Together, these reagents help to advance neuroscience research and assist in its transition from the experimental to the therapeutic phase.

Read more:
Neural Stem Cells - Stemcell Technologies


Stem cells: The secret to change | Science News for Students

October 5th, 2019 6:46 pm

Inside your body, red blood cells are constantly on the move. They deliver oxygen to every tissue in every part of your body. These blood cells also cart away waste. So their work is crucial to your survival. But all that squeezing through tiny vessels is tough on red blood cells. Thats why they last only about four months.

Where do their replacements come from? Stem cells.

These are a very special family of cells. When most other cells divide, the daughter cells look and act exactly like their parents. For example, a skin cell cant make anything but another skin cell. The same is true for cells in the intestine or liver.

Not stem cells. Stem cells can become many different types. That is how an embryo grows from a single fertilized egg into a fetus with trillions of specialized cells. They need to specialize to make up tissues that function very differently, including those in the brain, skin, muscle and other organs. Later in life, stem cells also can replace worn-out or damaged cells including red blood cells.

The remarkable abilities of stem cells make them very exciting to scientists. One day, experts hope to use stem cells to repair or replace many different kinds of tissues, whether injured in accidents or damaged by diseases. Such stem cell therapy would allow the body to heal itself. Scientists have found a way to put specialized cells to work repairing damage, too. Together, these cell-based therapies might one day make permanent disabilities a thing of the past.

One unusual type of stem cell offers special promise for such therapeutic uses. For the recent development of this cell type, Shinya Yamanaka shared the 2012 Nobel Prize in medicine.

Meet the family

Blood stem cells live inside your bones, in what is called marrow. There, they divide over and over. Some of the new cells remain stem cells. Others form red blood cells. Still others morph into any of the five types of white blood cells that will fight infections. Although blood stem cells can become any one of these specialized blood cells, they cannot become muscle, nerve or other types of cells. They are too specialized to do that.

Another type of stem cell is more generalized. These can mature into any type of cell in the body. Such stem cells are called pluripotent (PLU ree PO tint). The word means having many possibilities. And its not hard to understand why these cells have captured the imaginations of many scientists.

Until recently, all pluripotent cells came from embryos. Thats why scientists called them embryonic stem cells. After an egg is fertilized, it divides in two. These two cells split again, to become four cells, and so on. In the first few days of this embryos development, each of its cells is identical to all the others. Yet each cell has the potential to develop into any specialized cell type.

When the human embryo reaches three to five days old, its cells start to realize their potential. They specialize. Some will develop into muscle cells or bone cells. Others will form lung cells or maybe the cells lining the stomach. Once cells specialize, their many possibilities suddenly become limited.

By birth, almost all of a babys cells will have specialized. Each cell type will have its own distinctive shape and function. For example, muscle cells will be long and able to contract, or shorten. Red blood cells will be small and plate-shaped, so they can slip through blood vessels with ease.

Hidden among all of these specialized cells are pockets of adult stem cells. (Yes, even newborns have adult stem cells.) Unlike embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells cannot transform into any and every cell type. However, adult stem cells can replace several different types of specialized cells as they wear out. One type of adult stem cell is found in your marrow, making new blood cells. More types are found in other tissues, including the brain, heart and gut.

Among naturally occurring stem cells, the embryonic type is the most useful. Adult stem cells just arent as flexible. The adult type also is relatively rare and can be difficult to separate from the tissues in which it is found. Although more versatile, embryonic stem cells are both difficult to obtain and controversial. Thats because harvesting them requires destroying an embryo.

Fortunately, recent discoveries in stem cell research now offer scientists a third and potentially better option.

The search for answers

In 2006, Shinya Yamanaka discovered that specialized cells like those in skin could be converted back into stem cells. Working at Kyoto University in Japan, this doctor and scientist induced or persuaded mature cells to become stem cells. He did this by inserting a specific set of genes into the cells. After several weeks, the cells behaved just like embryonic cells. His new type of stem cells are called induced pluripotent stem cells, or iP stem cells (and sometimes iPS cells).

Yamanakas discovery represented a huge leap forward. The iP stem cells offer several advantages over both embryonic and adult stem cells. First, iP stem cells are able to become any cell type, just as embryonic stem cells can. Second, they can be made from any starting cell type. That means they are easy to obtain. Third, in the future, doctors would be able to treat patients with stem cells created from their own tissues. Such cells would perfectly match the others, genetically. That means the patients immune system (including all of its white blood cells) would not attack the introduced cells. (The body often mounts a life-threatening attack against transplanted organs that come from other people because they dont offer such a perfect match. To the body, they seem foreign and a potentially dangerous invader.)

Scientists the world over learned of the technique developed by Yamanaka (who now works at the Gladstone Institutes which is affiliated with the University of California, San Francisco). Many of these researchers adopted Yamanakas procedure to create their own induced pluripotent stem cells. For the first time, researchers had a tool that could allow them to make stem cells from people with rare genetic diseases. This helps scientists learn what makes certain cell types die. Experts can also expose small batches of these diseased cells to different medicines. This allows them to test literally thousands of drugs to find out which works best.

And in the future, many experts hope induced stem cells will be used to replace adult stem cells and the cells of tissues that are damaged or dying.

Therapies take patients and patience

Among those experts is Anne Cherry, a graduate student at Harvard University. Cherry is using induced stem cells to learn more about a very rare genetic disease called Pearson syndrome. A syndrome is a group of symptoms that occur together. One symptom of Pearson syndrome is that stem cells in bone marrow cannot make normal red blood cells. This condition typically leads to an early death.

Cherry has begun to study why these stem cells fail.

She started by taking skin cells from a girl with the disease. She placed the cells in a test tube and added genes to turn them into stem cells. Over several weeks, the cells began to make proteins for which the inserted genes had provided instructions. Proteins do most of the work inside cells. These proteins turned off the genes that made the cells act like skin cells. Before long, the proteins turned on the genes to make these cells behave like embryonic stem cells.

After about three months, Cherry had a big batch of the new induced stem cells. Those cells now live in Petri dishes in her lab, where they are kept at body temperature (37 Celsius, or 98.6 Fahrenheit). The scientist is now trying to coax the induced stem cells into becoming blood cells. After that, Cherry wants to find out how Pearson syndrome kills them.

Meanwhile, the patient who donated the skin cells remains unable to make blood cells on her own. So doctors must give her regular transfusions of blood from a donor. Though life-saving, transfusions come with risks, particularly for someone with a serious disease.

Cherry hopes to one day turn the girls induced stem cells into healthy new blood stem cells and then return them to the girls body. Doing so could eliminate the need for further transfusions. And since the cells would be the girls own, there would be no risk of her immune system reacting to them as though they were foreign.

Sight for sore eyes

At University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Iqbal Ahmad is working on using stem cells to restore sight to the blind. A neuroscientist someone who studies the brain and nervous system Ahmad has been focusing on people who lost sight when nerve cells in the eyes retina died from a disease called glaucoma (glaw KOH muh).

Located inside the back of the eye, the retina converts incoming light into electrical signals that are then sent to the brain. Ahmad is studying how to replace dead retina cells with new ones formed from induced pluripotent stem cells.

The neuroscientist starts by removing adult stem cells from the cornea, or the clear tissue that covers the front of the eye. These stem cells normally replace cells lost through the wear and tear of blinking. They cannot become nerve cells at least not on their own. Ahmad, however, can transform these cells into iP stem cells. Then, with prodding, he turns them into nerve cells.

To make the transformation, Ahmad places the cornea cells on one side of a Petri dish. He then places embryonic stem cells on the other side. A meshlike membrane separates the two types of cells so they cant mix. But even though they cant touch, they do communicate.

Cells constantly send out chemical signals to which other cells respond. When the embryonic stem cells speak, the eye cells listen. Their chemical messages persuade the eye cells to turn off the genes that tell them to be cornea cells. Over time, the eye cells become stem cells that can give rise to different types of cells, including nerve cells.

When Ahmads team implanted the nerve cells into the eyes of laboratory mice and rats, they migrated to the retina. There, they began replacing the nerve cells that had died from glaucoma. One day, the same procedure may restore vision to people who have lost their sight.

Another approach

In using a bodys own cells to repair injury or to treat disease, stem cells arent always the answer. Although stem cells offer tremendous advances in regenerating lost tissue, some medical treatments may work better without them. Thats thanks to the chemical communication going on between all cells all of the time. In some situations, highly specialized cells can act as a conductor, directing other cells to change their tune.

In 2008, while working at the University of Cambridge in England, veterinary neurologist Nick Jeffery began a project that used cells taken from the back of the nose. But Jeffery and his team were not out to create stem cells. Instead, the scientists used those nasal cells to repair damaged connections in the spinal cord.

The spinal cord is basically a rope of nerve cells that ferry signals to and from the brain and other parts of the body. Injuring the spinal cord can lead to paralysis, or the loss of sensation and the inability to move muscles.

Like Ahmad, some researchers are using stem cells to replace damaged nerve cells. But Jeffery, now at Iowa State University in Ames, doesnt think such techniques are always necessary to aid recovery from spinal injuries. Stem cell transplantation, points out Jefferys colleague, neuroscientist Robin Franklin, is to replace a missing cell type. In a spinal injury, the nerve cells arent missing. Theyre just cut off.

Nerve cells contain long, wirelike projections called axons that relay signals to the next cell. When the spine is injured, these axons can become severed, or cut. Damaging an axon is like snipping a wire the signal stops flowing. So the Cambridge scientists set out to see if they could restore those signals.

Jeffery and his fellow scientists work with dogs that have experienced spinal injuries. Such problems are common in some breeds, including dachshunds. The team first surgically removed cells from the dogs sinuses or the hollow spaces in the skull behind the nose. These are not stem cells. These particular cells instead encourage nerve cells in the nose to grow new axons. These cells help the pooches maintain their healthy sense of smell.

The scientists grew these sinus cells in the lab until they had reproduced to large numbers. Then the researchers injected the cells into the spinal cords of two out of every three doggy patients. Each treated dog received an injection of its own cells. The other dogs got an injection of only the liquid broth used to feed the growing cells.

Over several months, the dogs owners repeatedly brought their pets back to the lab for testing on a treadmill. This allowed the scientists to evaluate how well the animals coordinated their front and hind feet while walking. Dogs that had received the nasal cells steadily improved over time. Dogs that received only the liquid did not.

This treatment did not result in a perfect cure. Nerve cells did reconnect several portions of the spinal cord. But nerve cells that once linked to the brain remained disconnected. Still, these dog data indicate that nasal cells can aid in recovering from a spinal cord injury.

Such new developments in cellular research suggest that even more remarkable medical advancements may be just a few years away. Yamanaka, Cherry, Ahmad, Jeffery, Franklin and many other scientists are steadily unlocking secrets to cellular change. And while you cant teach an old dog new tricks, scientists are finding out that the same just isnt true of cells anymore.

cornea The clear covering over the front of the eye.

embryo A vertebrate, or animal with a backbone, in its early stages of development.

gene A section of DNA that carries the genetic instructions for making a protein. Proteins do most of the work in cells.

glaucoma An eye disease that damages nerve cells carrying signals to the brain.

immune cell White blood cell that helps protect the body against germs.

molecule A collection of atoms.

neuron (or nerve cell) The basic working unit of the nervous system. These cells relay nerve signals.

neuroscientist A researcher who studies neurons and the nervous system.

paralysis Loss of feeling in some part of the body and an inability to move that part.

retina The light-sensitive lining at the back of the eye. It converts light into electrical impulses that relay information to the brain.

sinus An opening in the bone of the skull connected to the nostrils.

spinal cord The ropelike collection of neurons that connect the brain with nerves throughout the body.

tissue A large collection of related, similar cells that together work as a unit to perform a particular function in living organisms. Different organs of the human body, for instance, often are made from many different types of tissues. And brain tissue will be very different from bone or heart tissue.

transfusion The process of transferring blood into one person that had been collected from another.

Word Find (click here to enlarge puzzle for printing)

Excerpt from:
Stem cells: The secret to change | Science News for Students


An Overview of Stem Cell Research | The Center for …

October 5th, 2019 6:46 pm

Post Date: 04/2005, Updated 08/2009Author: CBHD Research Staff

In November of 1998, scientists reported that they had successfully isolated and cultured human embryonic stem cellsa feat which had eluded researchers for almost two decades. This announcement kicked off an intense and unrelenting debate between those who approve of embryonic stem cell research and those who are opposed to it. Some of the most prominent advocates of the research are scientists and patients who believe that embryonic stem cell research will lead to the development of treatments and cures for some of humanitys most pernicious afflictions (such as Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease, heart disease, and diabetes). Among the most vocal opponents of the research are those who share the desire to heal, but who object to the pursuit of healing via unethical means. CBHDs view is that because human embryonic stem cell research necessitates the destruction of human embryos, such research is unethicalregardless of its alleged benefits. Ethical alternatives for achieving those benefits should be actively pursued, and have demonstrated a number of promising preclinical and clincial results without the ethical concers present with embryonic stem cells.

Human embryonic stem cells are the cells from which all 200+ kinds of tissue in the human body originate. Typically, they are derived from human embryosoften those from fertility clinics who are left over from assisted reproduction attempts (e.g., in vitro fertilization). When stem cells are obtained from living human embryos, the harvesting of such cells necessitates destruction of the embryos.

Adult stem cells (also referred to as non-embryonic stem cells) are present in adults, children, infants, placentas, umbilical cords, and cadavers. Obtaining stem cells from these sources does not result in certain harm to a human being.

Fetal stem cell research may ethically resemble either adult or embryonic stem cell research and must be evaluated accordingly. If fetal stem cells are obtained from miscarried or stillborn fetuses, or if it is possible to remove them from fetuses still alive in the womb without harming the fetuses, then no harm is done to the donor and such fetal stem cell research is ethical. However, if the abortion of fetuses is the means by which fetal stem cells are obtained, then an unethical means (the killing of human beings) is involved. Since umbilical cords are detached from infants at birth, umbilical cord blood is an ethical source of stem cells.

Yes. In contrast to research on embryonic stem cells, non-embryonic stem cell research has already resulted in numerous instances of actual clinical benefit to patients. For example, patients suffering from a whole host of afflictionsincluding (but not limited to) Parkinsons disease, autoimmune diseases, stroke, anemia, cancer, immunodeficiency, corneal damage, blood and liver diseases, heart attack, and diabeteshave experienced improved function following administration of therapies derived from adult or umbilical cord blood stem cells. The long-held belief that non-embryonic stem cells are less able to differentiate into multiple cell types or be sustained in the laboratory over an extended period of timerendering them less medically-promising than embryonic stem cellshas been repeatedly challenged by experimental results that have suggested otherwise. (For updates on experimental results, access http://www.stemcellresearch.org.)

Though embryonic stem cells have been purported as holding great medical promise, reports of actual clinical success have been few. Instead, scientists conducting research on embryonic stem cells have encountered significant obstaclesincluding tumor formation, unstable gene expression, and an inability to stimulate the cells to form the desired type of tissue. It may indeed be telling that some biotechnology companies have chosen not to invest financially in embryonic stem cell research and some scientists have elected to focus their research exclusively on non-embryonic stem cell research.

Another potential obstacle encountered by researchers engaging in embryonic stem cell research is the possibility that embryonic stem cells would not be immunologically compatible with patients and would therefore be rejected, much like a non-compatible kidney would be rejected. A proposed solution to this problem is to create an embryonic clone of a patient and subsequently destroy the clone in order to harvest his or her stem cells. Cloning for this purpose has been termed therapeutic cloningdespite the fact that the subject of the researchthe cloneis not healed but killed.

Underlying the passages of Scripture that refer to the unborn (Job 31:15; Ps. 139:13-16; Lk. 1:35-45) is the assumption that they are human beings who are created, known, and uniquely valued by God. Genesis 9:6 warns us against killing our fellow human beings, who are created in the very image of God (Gen. 1:26-27). Furthermore, human embryonic lifeas well as all of creationexists primarily for Gods own pleasure and purpose, not ours (Col. 1:16).

Many proponents of human embryonic stem cell research argue that it is actually wrong to protect the lives of a few unborn human beings if doing so will delay treatment for a much larger number of people who suffer from fatal or debilitating diseases. However, we are not free to pursue gain (financial, health-related, or otherwise) through immoral or unethical means such as the taking of innocent life (Deut. 27:25). The history of medical experimentation is filled with horrific examples of evil done in the name of science. We must not sacrifice one class of human beings (the embryonic) to benefit another (those suffering from serious illness). Scripture resoundingly rejects the temptation to do evil that good may result (Rom. 3:8).

No forms of stem cell research or cloning are prohibited by federal law, though some states have passed partial bans. Private funds can support any practice that is legal, whereas federal funds cannot be used for research on embryonic stem cell lines unless they meet the guidelines set forth by the National Institutes of Health in July 2009. For the latest developments you can stay informed via CBHD's newsblogwww.bioethics.com and thecoalition site http://www.stemcellresearch.org.

Editor's Note: This piece was originally published by Linda K. Bevington, MA, by CBHD in April 2005 under the title "Stem Cell Research and 'Therapeutic' Cloning: A Christian Analysis." The piece was subsequently revised and updated by CBHD research staff in August 2009.

Posted 4/2005, Updated 8/2009

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An Overview of Stem Cell Research | The Center for ...


Dr. Neil Riordan, Cell Therapy Expert – RMI Clinic | Stem …

October 5th, 2019 6:46 pm

Neil Riordan, PA, PhD is one of the early pioneers and experts in applied stem cell research. Dr. Riordan founded publicly traded company Medistem Laboratories (later Medistem Inc.) which was acquired by Intrexon in 2013.

He is the founder and chairman of Medistem Panama, Inc., a leading stem cell laboratory and research facility located in the Technology Park of the prestigious City of Knowledge in Panama City, Panama. Medistem Panama (est. 2007) is at the forefront of research on the effects of adult stem cells on the course of several chronic diseases and conditions. The stem cell laboratory at Medistem Panama is fully licensed by the Ministry of Health of Panama.

Human umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hUCT-MSCs) that were isolated and grown at Medistem Panama to create master cell banks are currently being used in the United States. These cells serve as the starting material for cellular products used in MSC clinical trials for two Duchennes muscular dystrophy patients under US FDAs designation of Investigational New Drug (IND) for single patient compassionate use. (IND 16026 DMD Single Patient) These trials are the first in the United States to use hUCT-MSCs. Translational Biosciences, a fully-owned subsidiary of Medistem Panama is currently conducting phase I/II clinical trials for multiple sclerosis, autism and rheumatoid arthritis.

Dr. Riordan is founder, chairman and chief science officer of the Stem Cell Institute in Panama, which specializes in the treatment of human diseases and conditions with adult stem cells, primarily human umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Established in 2007, Stem Cell Institute is one of the oldest, most well-known and well-respected stem cell therapy clinics in the world.

He is co-founder and chief science officer of the Riordan Medical Institute (RMI). Located in the Dallas-Fort Worth area city of Southlake, Texas, RMI specializes in the treatment of orthopedic conditions with autologous bone marrow-derived stem cells combined with amniotic tissue products developed by Dr. Riordan.

He is also the founder of Aidan Products, which provides health care professionals with quality nutraceuticals. Dr. Riordans team developed the product Stem-Kine, the only nutritional supplement that is clinically proven to increase the amount of circulating stem cells in the body for an extended period of time. Stem-Kine is currently sold in 35 countries.

Dr. Riordan has published more than 70 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals. In the stem cell arena, his colleagues and he have published more than 20 articles on multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, heart failure, rheumatoid arthritis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, autism, and Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome. In 2007, Dr. Riordans research team was the first to discover and document the existence of mesenchymal-like stem cells in menstrual blood. For this discovery, his team was honored with the Medical Article of the Year Award from Biomed Central. Other notable journals in which Dr. Riordan has published articles include the British Journal of Cancer, Cellular Immunology, Journal of Immunotherapy, and Translational Medicine.

In addition to his scientific journal publications, Dr. Riordan has authored two books about mesenchymal stem cell therapy: Stem Cell Therapy: A Rising Tide: How Stem Cells Are Disrupting Medicine and Transforming Lives and MSC (Mesenchymal Stem Cells): Clinical Evidence Leading Medicines Next Frontier. Dr. Riordan has also written two scientific book chapters on the use of non-controversial stem cells from placenta and umbilical cord.

Dr. Riordan is an established inventor. He is the inventor or co-inventor on more than 25 patent families, including 11 issued patents. His team collaborates with a number of universities and institutions, including National Institutes of Health, Indiana University, University of California, San Diego, University of Utah, University of Western Ontario, and University of Nebraska.

He has made a number of novel discoveries in the field of cancer research since the mid-1990s when he collaborated with his father, Dr. Hugh Riordan, on the effects of high-dose intravenous vitamin C on cancer cells and the tumor microenvironment. This pioneering study on vitamin Cs preferential toxicity to cancer cells notably led to a 1997 patent for the treatment of cancer with vitamin C. In 2010, Dr. Riordan was granted an additional patent for a new cellular vaccine for cancer patients.

Neil Riordan, PA, PhD earned his Bachelor of Science at Wichita State University and graduated summa cum laude. He received his Masters degree at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Dr. Riordan completed his education by earning a Ph.D. in Health Sciences at Medical University of the Americas.

Dr. Neil Riordan, Cell Therapy Expert - RMI Clinic | Stem ...


Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) | PromoCell

October 5th, 2019 6:46 pm

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC), also termed Mesenchymal Stromal Cells, are multipotent cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types and have the capacity for self renewal. MSC have been shown to differentiate in vitro or in vivo into adipocytes, chondrocytes, osteoblasts, myocytes, neurons, hepatocytes, and pancreatic islet cells. Optimized PromoCell media are available to support both the growth of MSC and their differentiation into several different lineages. Recent experiments suggest that differentiation capabilities into diverse cell types vary between MSC of different origin.

PromoCell hMSC are harvested from normal human adipose tissue,bone marrow, andumbilical cord matrix (Whartons jelly) of individual donors.

The cells are tested for their ability to differentiate in vitro into adipocytes, chondrocytes, and osteoblasts. OurhMSC show a verified marker expression profile that complies with ISCT* recommendations, providing well characterized cells.

*ISCT (International Society for Cellular Therapy) Cytotherapy (2006) Vol. 8, No. 4, 315-317

NEW: Our hMSC are now also available from HLA-typed donors.

Available formats:

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Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) | PromoCell


Beware Stem Cell Clinics that Offer Untested Treatments …

October 5th, 2019 6:45 pm

Stem cell treatments are all the rage. Since theyre mostly illegal in the US, patients have been going to other countries for treatment (stem cell tourism). The claims are grandiose, but the evidence to support those claims is thin gruel.

What are stem cells?

Embryonic stem cells are the cells in the early embryo that develop into all the different types of cells needed to make a baby. The idea was Hey, lets harness that. If stem cells can grow a whole baby, we ought to be able to use them to fix anything that goes wrong. They could replace cells or entire organs anywhere in the body that have been harmed by disease or injury. Simple idea, but not so easy to implement. For stem cells to be useful, we would have to figure out how to get them to where they are needed, control their differentiation to produce the type of cells we want, and make sure they didnt go elsewhere and create problems or develop into malignant tumors.

Research on embryonic stem cells was hampered by public objections and government restrictions. But that didnt matter so much, because researchers soon learned that they could harvest stem cells from adults. Adult stem cells are found throughout the body. They have a repair function in the organs where they are found. To some extent, they can be artificially induced to behave more like embryonic stem cells, with the potential to develop into types of cells other than just the cells of the organ where they were found.

There are various types of adult stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have properties that make them particularly popular for therapy. They are derived from placenta, umbilical cord, fat cells, or muscle cells. They can differentiate into various cell types but not into blood cells.

In preliminary clinical studies, stem cells have shown promise for a number of conditions, from knee osteoarthritis to heart failure. But the quantity, quality, and consistency of the evidence is low. There are safety concerns. MSCs have caused malignant tumors in mice. The cells are manipulated in the lab with products that could cause immune reactions or transmit zoonoses. They potentially could create mesenchymal tissues at sites where they are not wanted.

FDA warnings

There have been reports of serious adverse effects from stem cell treatments, including blindness, paralysis, and tumors.[i]The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved only a limited number of stem cell-based products[ii]for certain indications including certain blood cancers and some inherited metabolic and immune system disorders.

The FDA is concerned that vulnerable patients are getting stem cell treatments that are illegal and potentially harmful. They have issued consumer warnings:[iii]

If you are considering stem cell treatment in the U.S., ask your physician if the necessary FDA approval has been obtained or if you will be part of an FDA-regulated clinical study. This also applies if the stem cells are your own. Even if the cells are yours, there are safety risks, including risks introduced when the cells are manipulated after removalThere is a potential safety risk when you put cells in an area where they are not performing the same biological function as they were when in their original location in the body Cells in a different environment may multiply, form tumors, or may leave the site you put them in and migrate somewhere else.

And they warn that if youre considering treatment in another country you should:

Joe Rogans interview of Dr. Neil Riordan and Mel Gibson

On The Joe Rogan Experience, Rogan interviewed Mel Gibson and Dr. Neil Riordan.[iv]

Riordan operates a stem cell clinic in Panama. Mel Gibson raved about how Riordan had healed him and his father, and Rogan gave his own testimonial about how stem cell injections had cured his shoulder pain. Riordan claimed that he has gotten miraculous results for a variety of diseases in patients the medical establishment had given up on.

Riordan is not a medical doctor: he trained as a PA (physician assistant) and has a PhD. He has supported some questionable treatments like IV vitamin C for cancer. He ran a stem cell clinic in Costa Rica that was shut down by the government because his treatments were not supported by evidence. So he moved to Panama, where government regulation is more permissive.

He claims to have a revolutionary method of using stem cells. Umbilical cord MSCs are isolated, then grown and manipulated in his lab. He selects the ones most likely to work by analyzing them for 1200 different molecules that they express, and he rejects 90% of umbilical cords. He has identified golden cells that always seem to work. He says his cells are a high-quality product grown in the laboratory and certified to be safe and free of infectious diseases. He claims that his stem cells will not differentiate into other types of cells; I question that. MSCs clearly candifferentiate: thats what defines them as stem cells.

The book

He told Rogan amazing stories (a hopeless quadriplegic restored to full function!) and said the details and the evidence are in his book, Stem Cell Therapy, A Rising Tide: How Stem Cells are Disrupting Medicine and Transforming Lives.[v]I read his book. It is essentially a litany of anecdotes. It is impressive and tugs at the heartstrings: he reports amazing cures of patients with spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis (MS), heart failure, the frailty of aging, respiratory disorders, arthritis, orthopedic conditions, ulcerative colitis, diabetes, lupus, and even autism! But the plural of anecdote is not data. Good scientists know ten anecdotes are no better than one and a thousand are no better than ten. To find out if a treatment works, no number of anecdotes can ever constitute proof. It is essential to test the treatment in properly designed randomized controlled clinical trials.

Riordans miracle stories are marred by inconsistency. Patients were treated with a variety of methods, often more than one at a time. He provides copious references, but they are mostly about other kinds of stem cells therapies, preclinical animal studies, basic science, and speculative opinions. He doesnt actually have any controlled studies to support the specific kind of stem cell therapy he is providing (at up to $38,000 a pop!).

He thinks a dysfunction or lack of MSCs is the root cause of most diseases including cancer, which he says is a last-ditch effort to heal a non-healing wound. I dont think so!

There is a very telling statement in Arnold Caplans Introduction to the book. He says,

This book is not what I pleaded with Neil to writeI have, for many years, begged him to give us outcome reports of his many patients: what they have as clinical problems, what they walk in with, and the longitudinal outcomes after the cell infusions.

Controlled clinical studies are very expensive, but Riordan could easily have published case series of patients with a given disease treated with a well-defined treatment protocol, providing all the details of successes and failures, to allow for peer review. He could have published his procedures for selecting his golden cells, which would have allowed other researchers to try to replicate and validate his results.

Is this really stem cell treatment?

Technically, stem cell therapy may be a misnomer. It doesnt depend on MSCs differentiating into mature tissue cells. It depends on the cells producing useful secretions.

it has been clearly demonstrated that MSCs home to sites of inflammation or tissue injury and secrete considerable levels of both immunomodulatory and trophic agents. This indicates that their therapeutic capacities are not associated with the ability of MSCs to differentiate into different end-stage mesenchymal cell types and thus the term stem is not essential to describe these cells. [vi]

Perhaps MSC should stand for medicinal signaling cells. In Riordans book he claims to have isolated the signaling secretions and put them in what he calls Magic Juice. He says it works even better than using the cells. If his Magic Juice is anywhere near as effective as he claims, pharmaceutical companies should be clamoring to develop it into a patentable drug.

He hasnt published much. PubMed lists his articles; they are mainly about orthomolecular medicine and about subjects only peripherally related to his MSC treatments. Only one article[vii]addresses the treatment he is currently using. It is a feasibility study of MS with 20 subjects and no control group.

Bottom line

As the International Society for Stem Cell Research says, Stem cell therapy for a majority of conditions is still at a preclinical phase, yet many clinics worldwide routinely and illegally provide untested and dangerous stem cell therapy to desperate and vulnerable patients, for large sums of money.[viii]

Even well-proven stem cell therapies can lead to tumor formation, tissue rejection, autoimmunity, permanent disability, and death.[ix]Unproven and unregulated therapies could be even more risky. Buyer beware!

If Riordans method works, it is unethical of him not to publish and share his data with the world. If it doesnt work, he is fleecing vulnerable patients. If it can be proven to work, Ill be delighted. Id love to get some of that Magic Juice! But Ill wait until it has been tested.










This article was originally published as a SkepDoc column in Skeptic magazine.

Dr. Hall is a contributing editor to both Skeptic magazine and the Skeptical Inquirer. She is a weekly contributor to the Science-Based Medicine blog and is one of its editors. She has also contributed to Quackwatch and to a number of other respected journals and publications. She is the author of Women Arent Supposed to Fly: The Memoirs of a Female Flight Surgeon and co-author of the textbook, Consumer Health: A Guide to Intelligent Decisions.

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Beware Stem Cell Clinics that Offer Untested Treatments ...


4. The Adult Stem Cell | stemcells.nih.gov

October 5th, 2019 6:43 pm

For many years, researchers have been seeking to understand the body's ability to repair and replace the cells and tissues of some organs, but not others. After years of work pursuing the how and why of seemingly indiscriminant cell repair mechanisms, scientists have now focused their attention on adult stem cells. It has long been known that stem cells are capable of renewing themselves and that they can generate multiple cell types. Today, there is new evidence that stem cells are present in far more tissues and organs than once thought and that these cells are capable of developing into more kinds of cells than previously imagined. Efforts are now underway to harness stem cells and to take advantage of this new found capability, with the goal of devising new and more effective treatments for a host of diseases and disabilities. What lies ahead for the use of adult stem cells is unknown, but it is certain that there are many research questions to be answered and that these answers hold great promise for the future.

Adult stem cells, like all stem cells, share at least two characteristics. First, they can make identical copies of themselves for long periods of time; this ability to proliferate is referred to as long-term self-renewal. Second, they can give rise to mature cell types that have characteristic morphologies (shapes) and specialized functions. Typically, stem cells generate an intermediate cell type or types before they achieve their fully differentiated state. The intermediate cell is called a precursor or progenitor cell. Progenitor or precursor cells in fetal or adult tissues are partly differentiated cells that divide and give rise to differentiated cells. Such cells are usually regarded as "committed" to differentiating along a particular cellular development pathway, although this characteristic may not be as definitive as once thought [82] (see Figure 4.1. Distinguishing Features of Progenitor/Precursor Cells and Stem Cells).

Figure 4.1. Distinguishing Features of Progenitor/Precursor Cells and Stem Cells. A stem cell is an unspecialized cell that is capable of replicating or self renewing itself and developing into specialized cells of a variety of cell types. The product of a stem cell undergoing division is at least one additional stem cell that has the same capabilities of the originating cell. Shown here is an example of a hematopoietic stem cell producing a second generation stem cell and a neuron. A progenitor cell (also known as a precursor cell) is unspecialized or has partial characteristics of a specialized cell that is capable of undergoing cell division and yielding two specialized cells. Shown here is an example of a myeloid progenitor/precursor undergoing cell division to yield two specialized cells (a neutrophil and a red blood cell).

( 2001 Terese Winslow, Lydia Kibiuk)

Adult stem cells are rare. Their primary functions are to maintain the steady state functioning of a cellcalled homeostasisand, with limitations, to replace cells that die because of injury or disease [44, 58]. For example, only an estimated 1 in 10,000 to 15,000 cells in the bone marrow is a hematopoietic (bloodforming) stem cell (HSC) [105]. Furthermore, adult stem cells are dispersed in tissues throughout the mature animal and behave very differently, depending on their local environment. For example, HSCs are constantly being generated in the bone marrow where they differentiate into mature types of blood cells. Indeed, the primary role of HSCs is to replace blood cells [26] (see Chapter 5. Hematopoietic Stem Cells). In contrast, stem cells in the small intestine are stationary, and are physically separated from the mature cell types they generate. Gut epithelial stem cells (or precursors) occur at the bases of cryptsdeep invaginations between the mature, differentiated epithelial cells that line the lumen of the intestine. These epithelial crypt cells divide fairly often, but remain part of the stationary group of cells they generate [93].

Unlike embryonic stem cells, which are defined by their origin (the inner cell mass of the blastocyst), adult stem cells share no such definitive means of characterization. In fact, no one knows the origin of adult stem cells in any mature tissue. Some have proposed that stem cells are somehow set aside during fetal development and restrained from differentiating. Definitions of adult stem cells vary in the scientific literature range from a simple description of the cells to a rigorous set of experimental criteria that must be met before characterizing a particular cell as an adult stem cell. Most of the information about adult stem cells comes from studies of mice. The list of adult tissues reported to contain stem cells is growing and includes bone marrow, peripheral blood, brain, spinal cord, dental pulp, blood vessels, skeletal muscle, epithelia of the skin and digestive system, cornea, retina, liver, and pancreas.

In order to be classified as an adult stem cell, the cell should be capable of self-renewal for the lifetime of the organism. This criterion, although fundamental to the nature of a stem cell, is difficult to prove in vivo. It is nearly impossible, in an organism as complex as a human, to design an experiment that will allow the fate of candidate adult stem cells to be identified in vivo and tracked over an individual's entire lifetime.

Ideally, adult stem cells should also be clonogenic. In other words, a single adult stem cell should be able to generate a line of genetically identical cells, which then gives rise to all the appropriate, differentiated cell types of the tissue in which it resides. Again, this property is difficult to demonstrate in vivo; in practice, scientists show either that a stem cell is clonogenic in vitro, or that a purified population of candidate stem cells can repopulate the tissue.

An adult stem cell should also be able to give rise to fully differentiated cells that have mature phenotypes, are fully integrated into the tissue, and are capable of specialized functions that are appropriate for the tissue. The term phenotype refers to all the observable characteristics of a cell (or organism); its shape (morphology); interactions with other cells and the non-cellular environment (also called the extracellular matrix); proteins that appear on the cell surface (surface markers); and the cell's behavior (e.g., secretion, contraction, synaptic transmission).

The majority of researchers who lay claim to having identified adult stem cells rely on two of these characteristicsappropriate cell morphology, and the demonstration that the resulting, differentiated cell types display surface markers that identify them as belonging to the tissue. Some studies demonstrate that the differentiated cells that are derived from adult stem cells are truly functional, and a few studies show that cells are integrated into the differentiated tissue in vivo and that they interact appropriately with neighboring cells. At present, there is, however, a paucity of research, with a few notable exceptions, in which researchers were able to conduct studies of genetically identical (clonal) stem cells. In order to fully characterize the regenerating and self-renewal capabilities of the adult stem cell, and therefore to truly harness its potential, it will be important to demonstrate that a single adult stem cell can, indeed, generate a line of genetically identical cells, which then gives rise to all the appropriate, differentiated cell types of the tissue in which it resides.

Adult stem cells have been identified in many animal and human tissues. In general, three methods are used to determine whether candidate adult stem cells give rise to specialized cells. Adult stem cells can be labeled in vivo and then they can be tracked. Candidate adult stem cells can also be isolated and labeled and then transplanted back into the organism to determine what becomes of them. Finally, candidate adult stem cells can be isolated, grown in vitro and manipulated, by adding growth factors or introducing genes that help determine what differentiated cells types they will yield. For example, currently, scientists believe that stem cells in the fetal and adult brain divide and give rise to more stem cells or to several types of precursor cells, which give rise to nerve cells (neurons), of which there are many types.

It is often difficultif not impossibleto distinguish adult, tissue-specific stem cells from progenitor cells, which are found in fetal or adult tissues and are partly differentiated cells that divide and give rise to differentiated cells. These are cells found in many organs that are generally thought to be present to replace cells and maintain the integrity of the tissue. Progenitor cells give rise to certain types of cellssuch as the blood cells known as T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, and natural killer cellsbut are not thought to be capable of developing into all the cell types of a tissue and as such are not truly stem cells. The current wave of excitement over the existence of stem cells in many adult tissues is perhaps fueling claims that progenitor or precursor cells in those tissues are instead stem cells. Thus, there are reports of endothelial progenitor cells, skeletal muscle stem cells, epithelial precursors in the skin and digestive system, as well as some reports of progenitors or stem cells in the pancreas and liver. A detailed summary of some of the evidence for the existence of stem cells in various tissues and organs is presented later in the chapter.

It was not until recently that anyone seriously considered the possibility that stem cells in adult tissues could generate the specialized cell types of another type of tissue from which they normally resideeither a tissue derived from the same embryonic germ layer or from a different germ layer (see Table 1.1. Embryonic Germ Layers From Which Differentiated Tissues Develop). For example, studies have shown that blood stem cells (derived from mesoderm) may be able to generate both skeletal muscle (also derived from mesoderm) and neurons (derived from ectoderm). That realization has been triggered by a flurry of papers reporting that stem cells derived from one adult tissue can change their appearance and assume characteristics that resemble those of differentiated cells from other tissues.

The term plasticity, as used in this report, means that a stem cell from one adult tissue can generate the differentiated cell types of another tissue. At this time, there is no formally accepted name for this phenomenon in the scientific literature. It is variously referred to as "plasticity" [15, 52], "unorthodox differentiation" [10] or "transdifferentiation" [7, 54].

To be able to claim that adult stem cells demonstrate plasticity, it is first important to show that a cell population exists in the starting tissue that has the identifying features of stem cells. Then, it is necessary to show that the adult stem cells give rise to cell types that normally occur in a different tissue. Neither of these criteria is easily met. Simply proving the existence of an adult stem cell population in a differentiated tissue is a laborious process. It requires that the candidate stem cells are shown to be self-renewing, and that they can give rise to the differentiated cell types that are characteristic of that tissue.

To show that the adult stem cells can generate other cell types requires them to be tracked in their new environment, whether it is in vitro or in vivo. In general, this has been accomplished by obtaining the stem cells from a mouse that has been genetically engineered to express a molecular tag in all its cells. It is then necessary to show that the labeled adult stem cells have adopted key structural and biochemical characteristics of the new tissue they are claimed to have generated. Ultimatelyand most importantlyit is necessary to demonstrate that the cells can integrate into their new tissue environment, survive in the tissue, and function like the mature cells of the tissue.

In the experiments reported to date, adult stem cells may assume the characteristics of cells that have developed from the same primary germ layer or a different germ layer (see Figure 4.2. Preliminary Evidence of Plasticity Among Nonhuman Adult Stem Cells). For example, many plasticity experiments involve stem cells derived from bone marrow, which is a mesodermal derivative. The bone marrow stem cells may then differentiate into another mesodermally derived tissue such as skeletal muscle [28, 43], cardiac muscle [51, 71] or liver [4, 54, 97].

Figure 4.2. Preliminary Evidence of Plasticity Among Nonhuman Adult Stem Cells.

( 2001 Terese Winslow, Lydia Kibiuk, Caitlin Duckwall)

Alternatively, adult stem cells may differentiate into a tissue thatduring normal embryonic developmentwould arise from a different germ layer. For example, bone marrow-derived cells may differentiate into neural tissue, which is derived from embryonic ectoderm [15, 65]. Andreciprocallyneural stem cell lines cultured from adult brain tissue may differentiate to form hematopoietic cells [13], or even give rise to many different cell types in a chimeric embryo [17]. In both cases cited above, the cells would be deemed to show plasticity, but in the case of bone marrow stem cells generating brain cells, the finding is less predictable.

In order to study plasticity within and across germ layer lines, the researcher must be sure that he/she is using only one kind of adult stem cell. The vast majority of experiments on plasticity have been conducted with adult stem cells derived either from the bone marrow or the brain. The bone marrow-derived cells are sometimes sortedusing a panel of surface markersinto populations of hematopoietic stem cells or bone marrow stromal cells [46, 54, 71]. The HSCs may be highly purified or partially purified, depending on the conditions used. Another way to separate population of bone marrow cells is by fractionation to yield cells that adhere to a growth substrate (stromal cells) or do not adhere (hematopoietic cells) [28].

To study plasticity of stem cells derived from the brain, the researcher must overcome several problems. Stem cells from the central nervous system (CNS), unlike bone marrow cells, do not occur in a single, accessible location. Instead, they are scattered in three places, at least in rodent brainthe tissue around the lateral ventricles in the forebrain, a migratory pathway for the cells that leads from the ventricles to the olfactory bulbs, and the hippocampus. Many of the experiments with CNS stem cells involve the formation of neurospheres, round aggregates of cells that are sometimes clonally derived. But it is not possible to observe cells in the center of a neurosphere, so to study plasticity in vitro, the cells are usually dissociated and plated in monolayers. To study plasticity in vivo, the cells may be dissociated before injection into the circulatory system of the recipient animal [13], or injected as neurospheres [17].

The differentiated cell types that result from plasticity are usually reported to have the morphological characteristics of the differentiated cells and to display their characteristic surface markers. In reports that transplanted adult stem cells show plasticity in vivo, the stem cells typically are shown to have integrated into a mature host tissue and assumed at least some of its characteristics [15, 28, 51, 65, 71]. Many plasticity experiments involve injury to a particular tissue, which is intended to model a particular human disease or injury [13, 54, 71]. However, there is limited evidence to date that such adult stem cells can generate mature, fully functional cells or that the cells have restored lost function in vivo [54]. Most of the studies that show the plasticity of adult stem cells involve cells that are derived from the bone marrow [15, 28, 54, 65, 77] or brain [13, 17]. To date, adult stem cells are best characterized in these two tissues, which may account for the greater number of plasticity studies based on bone marrow and brain. Collectively, studies on plasticity suggest that stem cell populations in adult mammals are not fixed entities, and that after exposure to a new environment, they may be able to populate other tissues and possibly differentiate into other cell types.

It is not yet possible to say whether plasticity occurs normally in vivo. Some scientists think it may [14, 64], but as yet there is no evidence to prove it. Also, it is not yet clear to what extent plasticity can occur in experimental settings, and howor whetherthe phenomenon can be harnessed to generate tissues that may be useful for therapeutic transplantation. If the phenomenon of plasticity is to be used as a basis for generating tissue for transplantation, the techniques for doing it will need to be reproducible and reliable (see Chapter 10. Assessing Human Stem Cell Safety). In some cases, debate continues about observations that adult stem cells yield cells of tissue types different than those from which they were obtained [7, 68].

More than 30 years ago, Altman and Das showed that two regions of the postnatal rat brain, the hippocampus and the olfactory bulb, contain dividing cells that become neurons [5, 6]. Despite these reports, the prevailing view at the time was that nerve cells in the adult brain do not divide. In fact, the notion that stem cells in the adult brain can generate its three major cell typesastrocytes and oligodendrocytes, as well as neuronswas not accepted until far more recently. Within the past five years, a series of studies has shown that stem cells occur in the adult mammalian brain and that these cells can generate its three major cell lineages [35, 48, 63, 66, 90, 96, 104] (see Chapter 8. Rebuilding the Nervous System with Stem Cells).

Today, scientists believe that stem cells in the fetal and adult brain divide and give rise to more stem cells or to several types of precursor cells. Neuronal precursors (also called neuroblasts) divide and give rise to nerve cells (neurons), of which there are many types. Glial precursors give rise to astrocytes or oligodendrocytes. Astrocytes are a kind of glial cell, which lend both mechanical and metabolic support for neurons; they make up 70 to 80 percent of the cells of the adult brain. Oligodendrocytes make myelin, the fatty material that ensheathes nerve cell axons and speeds nerve transmission. Under normal, in vivo conditions, neuronal precursors do not give rise to glial cells, and glial precursors do not give rise to neurons. In contrast, a fetal or adult CNS (central nervous systemthe brain and spinal cord) stem cell may give rise to neurons, astrocytes, or oligodendrocytes, depending on the signals it receives and its three-dimensional environment within the brain tissue. There is now widespread consensus that the adult mammalian brain does contain stem cells. However, there is no consensus about how many populations of CNS stem cells exist, how they may be related, and how they function in vivo. Because there are no markers currently available to identify the cells in vivo, the only method for testing whether a given population of CNS cells contains stem cells is to isolate the cells and manipulate them in vitro, a process that may change their intrinsic properties [67].

Despite these barriers, three groups of CNS stem cells have been reported to date. All occur in the adult rodent brain and preliminary evidence indicates they also occur in the adult human brain. One group occupies the brain tissue next to the ventricles, regions known as the ventricular zone and the sub-ventricular zone (see discussion below). The ventricles are spaces in the brain filled with cerebrospinal fluid. During fetal development, the tissue adjacent to the ventricles is a prominent region of actively dividing cells. By adulthood, however, this tissue is much smaller, although it still appears to contain stem cells [70].

A second group of adult CNS stem cells, described in mice but not in humans, occurs in a streak of tissue that connects the lateral ventricle and the olfactory bulb, which receives odor signals from the nose. In rodents, olfactory bulb neurons are constantly being replenished via this pathway [59, 61]. A third possible location for stem cells in adult mouse and human brain occurs in the hippocampus, a part of the brain thought to play a role in the formation of certain kinds of memory [27, 34].

Central Nervous System Stem Cells in the Subventricular Zone. CNS stem cells found in the forebrain that surrounds the lateral ventricles are heterogeneous and can be distinguished morphologically. Ependymal cells, which are ciliated, line the ventricles. Adjacent to the ependymal cell layer, in a region sometimes designated as the subependymal or subventricular zone, is a mixed cell population that consists of neuroblasts (immature neurons) that migrate to the olfactory bulb, precursor cells, and astrocytes. Some of the cells divide rapidly, while others divide slowly. The astrocyte-like cells can be identified because they contain glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), whereas the ependymal cells stain positive for nestin, which is regarded as a marker of neural stem cells. Which of these cells best qualifies as a CNS stem cell is a matter of debate [76].

A recent report indicates that the astrocytes that occur in the subventricular zone of the rodent brain act as neural stem cells. The cells with astrocyte markers appear to generate neurons in vivo, as identified by their expression of specific neuronal markers. The in vitro assay to demonstrate that these astrocytes are, in fact, stem cells involves their ability to form neurospheresgroupings of undifferentiated cells that can be dissociated and coaxed to differentiate into neurons or glial cells [25]. Traditionally, these astrocytes have been regarded as differentiated cells, not as stem cells and so their designation as stem cells is not universally accepted.

A series of similar in vitro studies based on the formation of neurospheres was used to identify the subependymal zone as a source of adult rodent CNS stem cells. In these experiments, single, candidate stem cells derived from the subependymal zone are induced to give rise to neurospheres in the presence of mitogenseither epidermal growth factor (EGF) or fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2). The neurospheres are dissociated and passaged. As long as a mitogen is present in the culture medium, the cells continue forming neurospheres without differentiating. Some populations of CNS cells are more responsive to EGF, others to FGF [100]. To induce differentiation into neurons or glia, cells are dissociated from the neurospheres and grown on an adherent surface in serum-free medium that contains specific growth factors. Collectively, the studies demonstrate that a population of cells derived from the adult rodent brain can self-renew and differentiate to yield the three major cell types of the CNS cells [41, 69, 74, 102].

Central Nervous System Stem Cells in the Ventricular Zone. Another group of potential CNS stem cells in the adult rodent brain may consist of the ependymal cells themselves [47]. Ependymal cells, which are ciliated, line the lateral ventricles. They have been described as non-dividing cells [24] that function as part of the blood-brain barrier [22]. The suggestion that ependymal cells from the ventricular zone of the adult rodent CNS may be stem cells is therefore unexpected. However, in a recent study, in which two molecular tagsthe fluorescent marker Dil, and an adenovirus vector carrying lacZ tagswere used to label the ependymal cells that line the entire CNS ventricular system of adult rats, it was shown that these cells could, indeed, act as stem cells. A few days after labeling, fluorescent or lacZ+ cells were observed in the rostral migratory stream (which leads from the lateral ventricle to the olfactory bulb), and then in the olfactory bulb itself. The labeled cells in the olfactory bulb also stained for the neuronal markers III tubulin and Map2, which indicated that ependymal cells from the ventricular zone of the adult rat brain had migrated along the rostral migratory stream to generate olfactory bulb neurons in vivo [47].

To show that Dil+ cells were neural stem cells and could generate astrocytes and oligodendrocytes as well as neurons, a neurosphere assay was performed in vitro. Dil-labeled cells were dissociated from the ventricular system and cultured in the presence of mitogen to generate neurospheres. Most of the neurospheres were Dil+; they could self-renew and generate neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes when induced to differentiate. Single, Dil+ ependymal cells isolated from the ventricular zone could also generate self-renewing neurospheres and differentiate into neurons and glia.

To show that ependymal cells can also divide in vivo, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was administered in the drinking water to rats for a 2- to 6-week period. Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) is a DNA precursor that is only incorporated into dividing cells. Through a series of experiments, it was shown that ependymal cells divide slowly in vivo and give rise to a population of progenitor cells in the subventricular zone [47]. A different pattern of scattered BrdU-labeled cells was observed in the spinal cord, which suggested that ependymal cells along the central canal of the cord occasionally divide and give rise to nearby ependymal cells, but do not migrate away from the canal.

Collectively, the data suggest that CNS ependymal cells in adult rodents can function as stem cells. The cells can self-renew, and most proliferate via asymmetrical division. Many of the CNS ependymal cells are not actively dividing (quiescent), but they can be stimulated to do so in vitro (with mitogens) or in vivo (in response to injury). After injury, the ependymal cells in the spinal cord only give rise to astrocytes, not to neurons. How and whether ependymal cells from the ventricular zone are related to other candidate populations of CNS stem cells, such as those identified in the hippocampus [34], is not known.

Are ventricular and subventricular zone CNS stem cells the same population? These studies and other leave open the question of whether cells that directly line the ventriclesthose in the ventricular zoneor cells that are at least a layer removed from this zonein the subventricular zone are the same population of CNS stem cells. A new study, based on the finding that they express different genes, confirms earlier reports that the ventricular and subventricular zone cell populations are distinct. The new research utilizes a technique called representational difference analysis, together with cDNA microarray analysis, to monitor the patterns of gene expression in the complex tissue of the developing and postnatal mouse brain. The study revealed the expression of a panel of genes known to be important in CNS development, such as L3-PSP (which encodes a phosphoserine phosphatase important in cell signaling), cyclin D2 (a cell cycle gene), and ERCC-1 (which is important in DNA excision repair). All of these genes in the recent study were expressed in cultured neurospheres, as well as the ventricular zone, the subventricular zone, and a brain area outside those germinal zones. This analysis also revealed the expression of novel genes such as A16F10, which is similar to a gene in an embryonic cancer cell line. A16F10 was expressed in neurospheres and at high levels in the subventricular zone, but not significantly in the ventricular zone. Interestingly, several of the genes identified in cultured neurospheres were also expressed in hematopoietic cells, suggesting that neural stem cells and blood-forming cells may share aspects of their genetic programs or signaling systems [38]. This finding may help explain recent reports that CNS stem cells derived from mouse brain can give rise to hematopoietic cells after injection into irradiated mice [13].

Central Nervous System Stem Cells in the Hippocampus. The hippocampus is one of the oldest parts of the cerebral cortex, in evolutionary terms, and is thought to play an important role in certain forms of memory. The region of the hippocampus in which stem cells apparently exist in mouse and human brains is the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus. In mice, when BrdU is used to label dividing cells in this region, about 50% of the labeled cells differentiate into cells that appear to be dentate gyrus granule neurons, and 15% become glial cells. The rest of the BrdU-labeled cells do not have a recognizable phenotype [90]. Interestingly, many, if not all the BrdU-labeled cells in the adult rodent hippocampus occur next to blood vessels [33].

In the human dentate gyrus, some BrdU-labeled cells express NeuN, neuron-specific enolase, or calbindin, all of which are neuronal markers. The labeled neuron-like cells resemble dentate gyrus granule cells, in terms of their morphology (as they did in mice). Other BrdU-labeled cells express glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) an astrocyte marker. The study involved autopsy material, obtained with family consent, from five cancer patients who had been injected with BrdU dissolved in saline prior to their death for diagnostic purposes. The patients ranged in age from 57 to 72 years. The greatest number of BrdU-labeled cells were identified in the oldest patient, suggesting that new neuron formation in the hippocampus can continue late in life [27].

Fetal Central Nervous System Stem Cells. Not surprisingly, fetal stem cells are numerous in fetal tissues, where they are assumed to play an important role in the expansion and differentiation of all tissues of the developing organism. Depending on the developmental stage of an animal, fetal stem cells and precursor cellswhich arise from stem cellsmay make up the bulk of a tissue. This is certainly true in the brain [48], although it has not been demonstrated experimentally in many tissues.

It may seem obvious that the fetal brain contains stem cells that can generate all the types of neurons in the brain as well as astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, but it was not until fairly recently that the concept was proven experimentally. There has been a long-standing question as to whether or not the same cell type gives rise to both neurons and glia. In studies of the developing rodent brain, it has now been shown that all the major cell types in the fetal brain arise from a common population of progenitor cells [20, 34, 48, 80, 108].

Neural stem cells in the mammalian fetal brain are concentrated in seven major areas: olfactory bulb, ependymal (ventricular) zone of the lateral ventricles (which lie in the forebrain), subventricular zone (next to the ependymal zone), hippocampus, spinal cord, cerebellum (part of the hindbrain), and the cerebral cortex. Their number and pattern of development vary in different species. These cells appear to represent different stem cell populations, rather than a single population of stem cells that is dispersed in multiple sites. The normal development of the brain depends not only on the proliferation and differentiation of these fetal stem cells, but also on a genetically programmed process of selective cell death called apoptosis [76].

Little is known about stem cells in the human fetal brain. In one study, however, investigators derived clonal cell lines from CNS stem cells isolated from the diencephalon and cortex of human fetuses, 10.5 weeks post-conception [103]. The study is unusual, not only because it involves human CNS stem cells obtained from fetal tissue, but also because the cells were used to generate clonal cell lines of CNS stem cells that generated neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes, as determined on the basis of expressed markers. In a few experiments described as "preliminary," the human CNS stem cells were injected into the brains of immunosuppressed rats where they apparently differentiated into neuron-like cells or glial cells.

In a 1999 study, a serum-free growth medium that included EGF and FGF2 was devised to grow the human fetal CNS stem cells. Although most of the cells died, occasionally, single CNS stem cells survived, divided, and ultimately formed neurospheres after one to two weeks in culture. The neurospheres could be dissociated and individual cells replated. The cells resumed proliferation and formed new neurospheres, thus establishing an in vitro system that (like the system established for mouse CNS neurospheres) could be maintained up to 2 years. Depending on the culture conditions, the cells in the neurospheres could be maintained in an undifferentiated dividing state (in the presence of mitogen), or dissociated and induced to differentiate (after the removal of mitogen and the addition of specific growth factors to the culture medium). The differentiated cells consisted mostly of astrocytes (75%), some neurons (13%) and rare oligodendrocytes (1.2%). The neurons generated under these conditions expressed markers indicating they were GABAergic, [the major type of inhibitory neuron in the mammalian CNS responsive to the amino acid neurotransmitter, gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA)]. However, catecholamine-like cells that express tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, a critical enzyme in the dopamine-synthesis pathway) could be generated, if the culture conditions were altered to include different medium conditioned by a rat glioma line (BB49). Thus, the report indicates that human CNS stem cells obtained from early fetuses can be maintained in vitro for a long time without differentiating, induced to differentiate into the three major lineages of the CNS (and possibly two kinds of neurons, GABAergic and TH-positive), and engraft (in rats) in vivo [103].

Central Nervous System Neural Crest Stem Cells. Neural crest cells differ markedly from fetal or adult neural stem cells. During fetal development, neural crest cells migrate from the sides of the neural tube as it closes. The cells differentiate into a range of tissues, not all of which are part of the nervous system [56, 57, 91]. Neural crest cells form the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), including the network of nerves that innervate the heart and the gut, all the sensory ganglia (groups of neurons that occur in pairs along the dorsal surface of the spinal cord), and Schwann cells, which (like oligodendrocytes in the CNS) make myelin in the PNS. The non-neural tissues that arise from the neural crest are diverse. They populate certain hormone-secreting glandsincluding the adrenal medulla and Type I cells in the carotid bodypigment cells of the skin (melanocytes), cartilage and bone in the face and skull, and connective tissue in many parts of the body [76].

Thus, neural crest cells migrate far more extensively than other fetal neural stem cells during development, form mesenchymal tissues, most of which develop from embryonic mesoderm as well as the components of the CNS and PNS which arises from embryonic ectoderm. This close link, in neural crest development, between ectodermally derived tissues and mesodermally derived tissues accounts in part for the interest in neural crest cells as a kind of stem cell. In fact, neural crest cells meet several criteria of stem cells. They can self-renew (at least in the fetus) and can differentiate into multiple cells types, which include cells derived from two of the three embryonic germ layers [76].

Recent studies indicate that neural crest cells persist late into gestation and can be isolated from E14.5 rat sciatic nerve, a peripheral nerve in the hindlimb. The cells incorporate BrdU, indicating that they are dividing in vivo. When transplanted into chick embryos, the rat neural crest cells develop into neurons and glia, an indication of their stem cell-like properties [67]. However, the ability of rat E14.5 neural crest cells taken from sciatic nerve to generate nerve and glial cells in chick is more limited than neural crest cells derived from younger, E10.5 rat embryos. At the earlier stage of development, the neural tube has formed, but neural crest cells have not yet migrated to their final destinations. Neural crest cells from early developmental stages are more sensitive to bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) signaling, which may help explain their greater differentiation potential [106].

The notion that the bone marrow contains stem cells is not new. One population of bone marrow cells, the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), is responsible for forming all of the types of blood cells in the body. HSCs were recognized as a stem cells more than 40 years ago [9, 99]. Bone marrow stromal cellsa mixed cell population that generates bone, cartilage, fat, fibrous connective tissue, and the reticular network that supports blood cell formationwere described shortly after the discovery of HSCs [30, 32, 73]. The mesenchymal stem cells of the bone marrow also give rise to these tissues, and may constitute the same population of cells as the bone marrow stromal cells [78]. Recently, a population of progenitor cells that differentiates into endothelial cells, a type of cell that lines the blood vessels, was isolated from circulating blood [8] and identified as originating in bone marrow [89]. Whether these endothelial progenitor cells, which resemble the angioblasts that give rise to blood vessels during embryonic development, represent a bona fide population of adult bone marrow stem cells remains uncertain. Thus, the bone marrow appears to contain three stem cell populationshematopoietic stem cells, stromal cells, and (possibly) endothelial progenitor cells (see Figure 4.3. Hematopoietic and Stromal Stem Cell Differentiation).

Figure 4.3. Hematopoietic and Stromal Stem Cell Differentiation.

( 2001 Terese Winslow, Lydia Kibiuk)

Two more apparent stem cell types have been reported in circulating blood, but have not been shown to originate from the bone marrow. One population, called pericytes, may be closely related to bone marrow stromal cells, although their origin remains elusive [12]. The second population of blood-born stem cells, which occur in four species of animals testedguinea pigs, mice, rabbits, and humansresemble stromal cells in that they can generate bone and fat [53].

Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Of all the cell types in the body, those that survive for the shortest period of time are blood cells and certain kinds of epithelial cells. For example, red blood cells (erythrocytes), which lack a nucleus, live for approximately 120 days in the bloodstream. The life of an animal literally depends on the ability of these and other blood cells to be replenished continuously. This replenishment process occurs largely in the bone marrow, where HSCs reside, divide, and differentiate into all the blood cell types. Both HSCs and differentiated blood cells cycle from the bone marrow to the blood and back again, under the influence of a barrage of secreted factors that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration (see Chapter 5. Hematopoietic Stem Cells).

HSCs can reconstitute the hematopoietic system of mice that have been subjected to lethal doses of radiation to destroy their own hematopoietic systems. This test, the rescue of lethally irradiated mice, has become a standard by which other candidate stem cells are measured because it shows, without question, that HSCs can regenerate an entire tissue systemin this case, the blood [9, 99]. HSCs were first proven to be blood-forming stem cells in a series of experiments in mice; similar blood-forming stem cells occur in humans. HSCs are defined by their ability to self-renew and to give rise to all the kinds of blood cells in the body. This means that a single HSC is capable of regenerating the entire hematopoietic system, although this has been demonstrated only a few times in mice [72].

Over the years, many combinations of surface markers have been used to identify, isolate, and purify HSCs derived from bone marrow and blood. Undifferentiated HSCs and hematopoietic progenitor cells express c-kit, CD34, and H-2K. These cells usually lack the lineage marker Lin, or express it at very low levels (Lin-/low). And for transplant purposes, cells that are CD34+ Thy1+ Lin- are most likely to contain stem cells and result in engraftment.

Two kinds of HSCs have been defined. Long-term HSCs proliferate for the lifetime of an animal. In young adult mice, an estimated 8 to 10 % of long-term HSCs enter the cell cycle and divide each day. Short-term HSCs proliferate for a limited time, possibly a few months. Long-term HSCs have high levels of telomerase activity. Telomerase is an enzyme that helps maintain the length of the ends of chromosomes, called telomeres, by adding on nucleotides. Active telomerase is a characteristic of undifferentiated, dividing cells and cancer cells. Differentiated, human somatic cells do not show telomerase activity. In adult humans, HSCs occur in the bone marrow, blood, liver, and spleen, but are extremely rare in any of these tissues. In mice, only 1 in 10,000 to 15,000 bone marrow cells is a long-term HSC [105].

Short-term HSCs differentiate into lymphoid and myeloid precursors, the two classes of precursors for the two major lineages of blood cells. Lymphoid precursors differentiate into T cells, B cells, and natural killer cells. The mechanisms and pathways that lead to their differentiation are still being investigated [1, 2]. Myeloid precursors differentiate into monocytes and macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, megakaryocytes, and erythrocytes [3]. In vivo, bone marrow HSCs differentiate into mature, specialized blood cells that cycle constantly from the bone marrow to the blood, and back to the bone marrow [26]. A recent study showed that short-term HSCs are a heterogeneous population that differ significantly in terms of their ability to self-renew and repopulate the hematopoietic system [42].

Attempts to induce HSC to proliferate in vitroon many substrates, including those intended to mimic conditions in the stromahave frustrated scientists for many years. Although HSCs proliferate readily in vivo, they usually differentiate or die in vitro [26]. Thus, much of the research on HSCs has been focused on understanding the factors, cell-cell interactions, and cell-matrix interactions that control their proliferation and differentiation in vivo, with the hope that similar conditions could be replicated in vitro. Many of the soluble factors that regulate HSC differentiation in vivo are cytokines, which are made by different cell types and are then concentrated in the bone marrow by the extracellular matrix of stromal cellsthe sites of blood formation [45, 107]. Two of the most-studied cytokines are granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and interleukin-3 (IL-3) [40, 81].

Also important to HSC proliferation and differentiation are interactions of the cells with adhesion molecules in the extracellular matrix of the bone marrow stroma [83, 101, 110].

Bone Marrow Stromal Cells. Bone marrow (BM) stromal cells have long been recognized for playing an important role in the differentiation of mature blood cells from HSCs (see Figure 4.3. Hematopoietic and Stromal Stem Cell Differentiation). But stromal cells also have other important functions [30, 31]. In addition to providing the physical environment in which HSCs differentiate, BM stromal cells generate cartilage, bone, and fat. Whether stromal cells are best classified as stem cells or progenitor cells for these tissues is still in question. There is also a question as to whether BM stromal cells and so-called mesenchymal stem cells are the same population [78].

BM stromal cells have many features that distinguish them from HSCs. The two cell types are easy to separate in vitro. When bone marrow is dissociated, and the mixture of cells it contains is plated at low density, the stromal cells adhere to the surface of the culture dish, and the HSCs do not. Given specific in vitro conditions, BM stromal cells form colonies from a single cell called the colony forming unit-F (CFU-F). These colonies may then differentiate as adipocytes or myelosupportive stroma, a clonal assay that indicates the stem cell-like nature of stromal cells. Unlike HSCs, which do not divide in vitro (or proliferate only to a limited extent), BM stromal cells can proliferate for up to 35 population doublings in vitro [16]. They grow rapidly under the influence of such mitogens as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) [12].

To date, it has not been possible to isolate a population of pure stromal cells from bone marrow. Panels of markers used to identify the cells include receptors for certain cytokines (interleukin-1, 3, 4, 6, and 7) receptors for proteins in the extracellular matrix, (ICAM-1 and 2, VCAM-1, the alpha-1, 2, and 3 integrins, and the beta-1, 2, 3 and 4 integrins), etc. [64]. Despite the use of these markers and another stromal cell marker called Stro-1, the origin and specific identity of stromal cells have remained elusive. Like HSCs, BM stromal cells arise from embryonic mesoderm during development, although no specific precursor or stem cell for stromal cells has been isolated and identified. One theory about their origin is that a common kind of progenitor cellperhaps a primordial endothelial cell that lines embryonic blood vesselsgives rise to both HSCs and to mesodermal precursors. The latter may then differentiate into myogenic precursors (the satellite cells that are thought to function as stem cells in skeletal muscle), and the BM stromal cells [10].

In vivo, the differentiation of stromal cells into fat and bone is not straightforward. Bone marrow adipocytes and myelosupportive stromal cellsboth of which are derived from BM stromal cellsmay be regarded as interchangeable phenotypes [10, 11]. Adipocytes do not develop until postnatal life, as the bones enlarge and the marrow space increases to accommodate enhanced hematopoiesis. When the skeleton stops growing, and the mass of HSCs decreases in a normal, age-dependent fashion, BM stromal cells differentiate into adipocytes, which fill the extra space. New bone formation is obviously greater during skeletal growth, although bone "turns over" throughout life. Bone forming cells are osteoblasts, but their relationship to BM stromal cells is not clear. New trabecular bone, which is the inner region of bone next to the marrow, could logically develop from the action of BM stromal cells. But the outside surface of bone also turns over, as does bone next to the Haversian system (small canals that form concentric rings within bone). And neither of these surfaces is in contact with BM stromal cells [10, 11].

It is often difficultif not impossibleto distinguish adult, tissue-specific stem cells from progenitor cells. With that caveat in mind, the following summary identifies reports of stem cells in various adult tissues.

Endothelial Progenitor Cells. Endothelial cells line the inner surfaces of blood vessels throughout the body, and it has been difficult to identify specific endothelial stem cells in either the embryonic or the adult mammal. During embryonic development, just after gastrulation, a kind of cell called the hemangioblast, which is derived from mesoderm, is presumed to be the precursor of both the hematopoietic and endothelial cell lineages. The embryonic vasculature formed at this stage is transient and consists of blood islands in the yolk sac. But hemangioblasts, per se, have not been isolated from the embryo and their existence remains in question. The process of forming new blood vessels in the embryo is called vasculogenesis. In the adult, the process of forming blood vessels from pre-existing blood vessels is called angiogenesis [50].

Evidence that hemangioblasts do exist comes from studies of mouse embryonic stem cells that are directed to differentiate in vitro. These studies have shown that a precursor cell derived from mouse ES cells that express Flk-1 [the receptor for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in mice] can give rise to both blood cells and blood vessel cells [88, 109]. Both VEGF and fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) play critical roles in endothelial cell differentiation in vivo [79].

Several recent reports indicate that the bone marrow contains cells that can give rise to new blood vessels in tissues that are ischemic (damaged due to the deprivation of blood and oxygen) [8, 29, 49, 94]. But it is unclear from these studies what cell type(s) in the bone marrow induced angiogenesis. In a study which sought to address that question, researchers found that adult human bone marrow contains cells that resemble embryonic hemangioblasts, and may therefore be called endothelial stem cells.

In more recent experiments, human bone marrow-derived cells were injected into the tail veins of rats with induced cardiac ischemia. The human cells migrated to the rat heart where they generated new blood vessels in the infarcted muscle (a process akin to vasculogenesis), and also induced angiogenesis. The candidate endothelial stem cells are CD34+(a marker for HSCs), and they express the transcription factor GATA-2 [51]. A similar study using transgenic mice that express the gene for enhanced green fluorescent protein (which allows the cells to be tracked), showed that bone-marrow-derived cells could repopulate an area of infarcted heart muscle in mice, and generate not only blood vessels, but also cardiomyocytes that integrated into the host tissue [71] (see Chapter 9. Can Stem Cells Repair a Damaged Heart?).

And, in a series of experiments in adult mammals, progenitor endothelial cells were isolated from peripheral blood (of mice and humans) by using antibodies against CD34 and Flk-1, the receptor for VEGF. The cells were mononuclear blood cells (meaning they have a nucleus) and are referred to as MBCD34+ cells and MBFlk1+ cells. When plated in tissue-culture dishes, the cells attached to the substrate, became spindle-shaped, and formed tube-like structures that resemble blood vessels. When transplanted into mice of the same species (autologous transplants) with induced ischemia in one limb, the MBCD34+ cells promoted the formation of new blood vessels [8]. Although the adult MBCD34+ and MBFlk1+ cells function in some ways like stem cells, they are usually regarded as progenitor cells.

Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells. Skeletal muscle, like the cardiac muscle of the heart and the smooth muscle in the walls of blood vessels, the digestive system, and the respiratory system, is derived from embryonic mesoderm. To date, at least three populations of skeletal muscle stem cells have been identified: satellite cells, cells in the wall of the dorsal aorta, and so-called "side population" cells.

Satellite cells in skeletal muscle were identified 40 years ago in frogs by electron microscopy [62], and thereafter in mammals [84]. Satellite cells occur on the surface of the basal lamina of a mature muscle cell, or myofiber. In adult mammals, satellite cells mediate muscle growth [85]. Although satellite cells are normally non-dividing, they can be triggered to proliferate as a result of injury, or weight-bearing exercise. Under either of these circumstances, muscle satellite cells give rise to myogenic precursor cells, which then differentiate into the myofibrils that typify skeletal muscle. A group of transcription factors called myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) play important roles in these differentiation events. The so-called primary MRFs, MyoD and Myf5, help regulate myoblast formation during embryogenesis. The secondary MRFs, myogenin and MRF4, regulate the terminal differentiation of myofibrils [86].

With regard to satellite cells, scientists have been addressing two questions. Are skeletal muscle satellite cells true adult stem cells or are they instead precursor cells? Are satellite cells the only cell type that can regenerate skeletal muscle. For example, a recent report indicates that muscle stem cells may also occur in the dorsal aorta of mouse embryos, and constitute a cell type that gives rise both to muscle satellite cells and endothelial cells. Whether the dorsal aorta cells meet the criteria of a self-renewing muscle stem cell is a matter of debate [21].

Another report indicates that a different kind of stem cell, called an SP cell, can also regenerate skeletal muscle may be present in muscle and bone marrow. SP stands for a side population of cells that can be separated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis. Intravenously injecting these muscle-derived stem cells restored the expression of dystrophin in mdx mice. Dystrophin is the protein that is defective in people with Duchenne's muscular dystrophy; mdx mice provide a model for the human disease. Dystrophin expression in the SP cell-treated mice was lower than would be needed for clinical benefit. Injection of bone marrow- or muscle-derived SP cells into the dystrophic muscle of the mice yielded equivocal results that the transplanted cells had integrated into the host tissue. The authors conclude that a similar population of SP stem cells can be derived from either adult mouse bone marrow or skeletal muscle, and suggest "there may be some direct relationship between bone marrow-derived stem cells and other tissue- or organ-specific cells" [43]. Thus, stem cell or progenitor cell types from various mesodermally-derived tissues may be able to generate skeletal muscle.

Epithelial Cell Precursors in the Skin and Digestive System. Epithelial cells, which constitute 60 percent of the differentiated cells in the body are responsible for covering the internal and external surfaces of the body, including the lining of vessels and other cavities. The epithelial cells in skin and the digestive tract are replaced constantly. Other epithelial cell populationsin the ducts of the liver or pancreas, for exampleturn over more slowly. The cell population that renews the epithelium of the small intestine occurs in the intestinal crypts, deep invaginations in the lining of the gut. The crypt cells are often regarded as stem cells; one of them can give rise to an organized cluster of cells called a structural-proliferative unit [93].

The skin of mammals contains at least three populations of epithelial cells: epidermal cells, hair follicle cells, and glandular epithelial cells, such as those that make up the sweat glands. The replacement patterns for epithelial cells in these three compartments differ, and in all the compartments, a stem cell population has been postulated. For example, stem cells in the bulge region of the hair follicle appear to give rise to multiple cell types. Their progeny can migrate down to the base of the follicle where they become matrix cells, which may then give rise to different cell types in the hair follicle, of which there are seven [39]. The bulge stem cells of the follicle may also give rise to the epidermis of the skin [95].

Another population of stem cells in skin occurs in the basal layer of the epidermis. These stem cells proliferate in the basal region, and then differentiate as they move toward the outer surface of the skin. The keratinocytes in the outermost layer lack nuclei and act as a protective barrier. A dividing skin stem cell can divide asymmetrically to produce two kinds of daughter cells. One is another self-renewing stem cell. The second kind of daughter cell is an intermediate precursor cell which is then committed to replicate a few times before differentiating into keratinocytes. Self-renewing stem cells can be distinguished from this intermediate precusor cell by their higher level of 1 integrin expression, which signals keratinocytes to proliferate via a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase [112]. Other signaling pathways include that triggered by -catenin, which helps maintain the stem-cell state [111], and the pathway regulated by the oncoprotein c-Myc, which triggers stem cells to give rise to transit amplifying cells [36].

Stem Cells in the Pancreas and Liver. The status of stem cells in the adult pancreas and liver is unclear. During embryonic development, both tissues arise from endoderm. A recent study indicates that a single precursor cell derived from embryonic endoderm may generate both the ventral pancreas and the liver [23]. In adult mammals, however, both the pancreas and the liver contain multiple kinds of differentiated cells that may be repopulated or regenerated by multiple types of stem cells. In the pancreas, endocrine (hormone-producing) cells occur in the islets of Langerhans. They include the beta cells (which produce insulin), the alpha cells (which secrete glucagon), and cells that release the peptide hormones somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide. Stem cells in the adult pancreas are postulated to occur in the pancreatic ducts or in the islets themselves. Several recent reports indicate that stem cells that express nestinwhich is usually regarded as a marker of neural stem cellscan generate all of the cell types in the islets [60, 113] (see Chapter 7. Stem Cells and Diabetes).

The identity of stem cells that can repopulate the liver of adult mammals is also in question. Recent studies in rodents indicate that HSCs (derived from mesoderm) may be able to home to liver after it is damaged, and demonstrate plasticity in becoming into hepatocytes (usually derived from endoderm) [54, 77, 97]. But the question remains as to whether cells from the bone marrow normally generate hepatocytes in vivo. It is not known whether this kind of plasticity occurs without severe damage to the liver or whether HSCs from the bone marrow generate oval cells of the liver [18]. Although hepatic oval cells exist in the liver, it is not clear whether they actually generate new hepatocytes [87, 98]. Oval cells may arise from the portal tracts in liver and may give rise to either hepatocytes [19, 55] and to the epithelium of the bile ducts [37, 92]. Indeed, hepatocytes themselves, may be responsible for the well-know regenerative capacity of liver.

Chapter 3|Table of Contents|Chapter 5

Historical content: June 17, 2001

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4. The Adult Stem Cell | stemcells.nih.gov


ADSC My WordPress Blog

October 5th, 2019 6:42 pm

With office locations in Los Angeles, Encino, Rancho Cucamonga, Lancaster, Beverly Hills, Studio City, and San Francisco, Advanced Stem Cell Institute prides itself on helping people to achieve optimal health with the use of stem cell injections throughout California.

At our stem cell therapy center, we can help guide you through the stem cell therapy process. To determine if youre a good candidate, we must review your medical history. Once we review this and discuss with you your current ailments and/or medical conditions, we can make professional decisions on whether stem cell therapy is right for you. If approved, we will develop a custom treatment plan that is mapped out for you, so you can understand the process ahead.

Learn More About Stem Cell Injections

Stem cell injections have been proven to help a variety of types of patients. Advanced Stem Cell Institute is your best option to improve the quality of your life by providing the best stem cell operations through the most innovative non-surgical methods. Many painful conditions are treated including degenerative arthritis, sports injuries, migraines, spinal stenosis, tendonitis, ligament injuries, whiplash, erectile dysfunction, and failed back surgery to name a few!

The state-of-the-art stem cell therapy options at Advanced Stem Cell Institute are incredibly successful. We have over seven years of experience providing the best stem cell treatment and natural pain management and are recognized members of the American Academy of Regenerative Medicine, American Academy of Orthopedic Medicine, and American Academy of Pain Management.

Ultimately, stem cell injections are a great alternative to surgery, and we have many financing options so you can get the treatment you need no matter your financial situation. If youre looking for the best alternative medicine and joint pain relief around, look no further than Advanced Stem Cell Institute. Advanced Stem Cell Institute has locations in Los Angeles, Encino, Rancho Cucamonga, Lancaster, Beverly Hills, Studio City, and San Francisco. Contact us today, and we will get you set up with a consultation!

About Cord Stem Cell Therapy

Cord stem cell therapy is among some of the most powerful. Cord blood from the umbilical cord and placenta has rich cells that can repair and restore different parts of the body easily. These oxygen-rich cells from the placenta go to the baby, allowing it to have nutrient dense blood which helps it to grow. The umbilical cord itself has two types of stem cells cord tissue stem cells and cord blood stem cells. Cord stem cell therapy has been proven to help treat countless diseases.

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ADSC My WordPress Blog


Stem Cell Therapy to effectively treat chronic diseases

October 5th, 2019 6:42 pm

Stem Cell Therapy is a non-invasive therapy, which is in oral capsules form that digests through the small intestine. Stem Cell Therapy starts with a selection of organ general cells from the Sheep. Able sheep placenta capsules are protein and hormone free. There is no animal sacrifice or blood utilized for this purpose. Able sheep placenta oral stem cells offer the best quality program for cellular nourishment. Our oral stem cells can help with general nutritional support needs without any side effect. From a nutritional standpoint, Able sheep placenta oral stem cells can show an improvement within the first month. Able oral stem cells in capsule form are compatible with the human body and are not recognized as foreign. They are digested through the small intestines and in turn distributed to where is needed for nutritional support. The organ itself can retain its vigor and vitality from a nutritional standpoint.

Able oral stem cell therapy in capsule form can be taken for nutritional support and to help with health ailments naturally. Able oral stem cells are free of hormones and proteins and its main ingredients of high-quality sheep placenta and Salmon can help foremost with the immune system and neurologically. Other benefits are a digestive system, mental alertness, sleep pattern, etc. Able oral stem cells use a micro extract technology and offer the highest quality ingredients for maximum results. The cellular nourishment is both internal and external in giving you vitality and great looking skin.

Our live cell therapy, oral stem cells can help reduce joint pain, knee pain, hips, back, and inflammation. It can also help with mental alertness, physical movement, digestive system, sleep pattern, high blood pressure and the immune system in general.The Able oral stem cells program is recommended for up to six to eight months and the dosage can be between one to three capsules per day.(Direct cure claims cannot be made).

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Stem Cell Therapy to effectively treat chronic diseases


Clinical trial of stem cell therapy for traumatic spinal cord …

October 5th, 2019 6:42 pm

April 27, 2018

Mayo Clinic is enrolling patients in a phase 1 clinical trial of adipose stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury caused by trauma. The researchers already have approval from the Food and Drug Administration for subsequent phase 2A and 2B randomized control crossover trials.

Participants in the phase 1 clinical trial must have experienced a trauma-related spinal cord injury from two weeks to one year prior to enrollment. They will receive intrathecal injections of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells. No surgery or implantable medical device is required.

"That is the most encouraging part of this study," says Mohamad Bydon, M.D., a consultant in Neurosurgery specializing in spinal surgery at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and the study's director. "Intrathecal injection is a well-tolerated and common procedure. Stem cells can be delivered with an implantable device, but that would require surgery for implantation and additional surgeries to maintain the device. If intrathecal treatment is successful, it could impact patients' lives without having them undergo additional surgery or maintain permanently implantable devices for the rest of their lives."

To qualify for the trial, patients must have a spinal cord injury of grade A or B on the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Impairment Scale. After evaluation at Mayo Clinic, eligible patients who enroll will have adipose tissue extracted from their abdomens or thighs. The tissue will be processed in the Human Cellular Therapies Laboratories, which are co-directed by Allan B. Dietz, Ph.D., to isolate and expand stem cells.

Four to six weeks after the tissue extraction, patients will return to Mayo Clinic for intrathecal injection of the stem cells. The trial participants will then be evaluated periodically for 96 weeks.

Mayo Clinic has already demonstrated the safety of intrathecal autologous adipose-derived stem cells for neurodegenerative disease. In a previous phase 1 clinical trial, with results published in the Nov. 22, 2016, issue of Neurology, Mayo Clinic researchers found that therapy was safe for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The therapy, developed in the Regenerative Neurobiology Laboratory under the direction of Anthony J. Windebank, M.D., is moving into phase 2 clinical trials.

Dr. Windebank is also involved in the new clinical trial for people with traumatic spinal cord injuries. "We have demonstrated that stem cell therapy is safe in people with ALS. That allows us to study this novel therapy in a different population of patients," he says. "Spinal cord injury is devastating, and it generally affects people in their 20s or 30s. We hope eventually that this novel therapy will reduce inflammation and also promote some regeneration of nerve fibers in the spinal cord to improve function."

Mayo Clinic's extensive experience with stem cell research provides important guidance for the new trial. "We know from prior studies that stem cell treatment can be effective in aiding with regeneration after spinal cord injury, but many questions remain unanswered," Dr. Bydon says. "Timing of treatment, frequency of treatment, mode of delivery, and number and type of stem cells are all open questions. Our hope is that this study can help answer some of these questions."

In addition to experience, Mayo Clinic brings to this clinical trial the strength of its multidisciplinary focus. The principal investigator, Wenchun Qu, M.D., M.S., Ph.D., is a consultant in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Mayo Clinic's Minnesota campus, as is another of the trial's investigators, Ronald K. Reeves, M.D. Dr. Dietz, the study's sponsor, is a transfusion medicine specialist. Also involved is Nicolas N. Madigan, M.B., B.Ch., BAO, Ph.D., a consultant in Neurology at Mayo Clinic's Minnesota campus.

The study team is in discussions with U.S. military medical centers to enroll patients, and discussing additional collaboration with international sites, potentially in Israel or Europe, for future phases of the study.

"At Mayo Clinic, we have a high-volume, patient-centered multidisciplinary practice," Dr. Bydon says. "That allows us to do the most rigorous scientific trial that is in the best interests of our patients."

Mayo Clinic. Adipose Stem Cells for Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury (CELLTOP). ClinicalTrials.gov.

Staff NP, et al. Safety of intrathecal autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells in patients with ALS. Neurology. 2016;87:2230.

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Clinical trial of stem cell therapy for traumatic spinal cord ...


Stem Cell Therapy | Achieve Vitality Regenerative Wellness

October 5th, 2019 6:42 pm

In accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, please be aware of the following:Federal regulations require us to advise you that all review, testimonials, and/or endorsements of any kind reflect on the personal experience of those individuals who have expressed their own personal opinions and that those opinions and experiences may not be representative of what every consumer may personally experience with the endorsement.All reviews and testimonials are the sole opinions, findings, and/or experiences of the people sharing their stories. They are not compensated in any way.These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We are required to inform you that there is no intention, implied or otherwise that these statements be used in the cure, diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, and/or prevention of disease.These testimonies do not imply that similar results would or could happen to you.These testimonials are not intended to diagnose, for specific illness or conditions, nor as treatment to eliminate diseases or other medical conditions or complications.We make no medical claim as to the benefits of anything to improve medical conditions.

Stem cells are powerful building blocks. They have the ability to help your body from the inside out without medications or surgery. At Achieve Vitality, we focus on helping you. We believe that the power that created you can heal you.

See the original post here:
Stem Cell Therapy | Achieve Vitality Regenerative Wellness


Stem Cell Therapy Specialist – Chesterfield, MO & Columbia …

October 5th, 2019 6:42 pm

What are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can self-replicate then develop into many different types of cells and tissue. Adult stem cells continuously divide and grow into new cells to repair and replace tissues that are old, damaged, or diseased.

There are different types of adult stem cells. Some produce one specific tissue, while others can replicate several types of cells. Stem cell therapy utilizes adult stem cells that can repair multiple tissues.

When a concentrated amount of stem cells are injected directly into damaged tissues, the stem cells regenerate and repair the damage by producing the new cells.

The stem cells used for your injection come from your own body. One type, mesenchymal cells, are particularly effective for orthopedic conditions and sports injuries because they regenerate cells common in musculoskeletal tissues, including bones, tendons, cartilage, and ligaments.

Your doctor at Bluetail Medical Group extracts adult mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow in your hip. After processing and concentrating the stem cells, your doctor injects them into the damaged tissues using ultrasound-guided imaging.

Stem cell therapy has successfully treated many orthopedic conditions, including tendon, ligament, and muscle injuries, joint damage, and nerve pain.

These are just a few examples of health problems treated with stem cell therapy at Bluetail Medical Group:

As experts in regenerative medicine, the team at Bluetail Medical Group are available to talk with you about whether stem cell therapy may help your condition.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) uses growth factors naturally found in your blood platelets to promote healing, trigger new tissue growth, and enhance the activity of stem cells. When your injury or disease is extensive, or you have degenerative joint disease, a tendon tear, or osteoarthritis, your doctor may add PRP to your stem cell injection.

Like stem cell therapy, PRP is made on-site from your blood. Your doctor draws a blood sample and processes it in a centrifuge that separates platelets from other blood components. This concentrated sample of platelets can be combined with your stem cell injection for accelerated healing.

If youre not getting the results you want from your current treatment, it may be time to consider stem cell therapy. Call Bluetail Medical Group or book an appointment online.

Stem Cell Therapy Specialist - Chesterfield, MO & Columbia ...


Stem Cell Therapy FAQS | National Stem Cell Centers

October 5th, 2019 6:42 pm

Broadly speaking, there are two basic kinds of stem cells: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. As the name implies, embryonic stem cells come from embryos. These kinds of cells are known as pluri-potential, meaning that they can become anything required to create a human body. Embryonic stem cells are taken from unwanted embryos, and as such, are highly controversial. Embryonic stem cell use is highly regulated and has also been associated with certain kinds of tumor formation.

Adult stem cells, on the other hand, come from adults. Adult stem cells are harder to isolate, but still retain many (but not all) of their undifferentiated properties, allowing them to become nerve, skin, bone, cartilage and other tissues as needed, depending on the specific type of tissue they are recovered from. Bone marrow adult stem cells (mesenchymal stem cells), for instance, come from the mesodermal sections of the human body and can form into cartilage and bone.

Evidence suggests that they are also capable of differentiating into other tissues like connective tissues (ligaments, muscle, tendons), blood vessels, fatty tissues, nerve and blood vessels. Bone marrow stem cells are not as prevalent in the body and usually need to be cultured (encouraged to multiply in the lab) so that there are enough to work with.

Fortunately, human fat cells also have mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) which can be more easily harvested and separated from fat cells for use. Because the ratio of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is over a thousand times greater in fat cells than bone marrow, these usually do not need to be cultured and can be obtained from fatty deposits in the patients body.

Original post:
Stem Cell Therapy FAQS | National Stem Cell Centers


Safeguarding your sight – Harvard Health

October 5th, 2019 6:41 pm

Although aging puts people at greater risk for serious eye disease and other eye problems, loss of sight need not go hand in hand with growing older. Practical, preventive measures can help protect against devastating impairment. An estimated 40% to 50% of all blindness can be avoided or treated, mainly through regular visits to a vision specialist.

Regular eye exams are the cornerstone of visual health as people age. Individuals who have a family history of eye disease or other risk factors should have more frequent exams. Don't wait until your vision deteriorates to have an eye exam. One eye can often compensate for the other while an eye condition progresses. Frequently, only an exam can detect eye disease in its earliest stages.

You can take other steps on your own. First, if you smoke, stop. Smoking increases the risk of several eye disorders, including age-related macular degeneration. Next, take a look at your diet. Maintaining a nutritious diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables and minimal saturated fats and hydrogenated oils, promotes sound health and may boost your resistance to eye disease. Wearing sunglasses and hats is important for people of any age. Taking the time to learn about the aging eye and recognizing risks and symptoms can alert you to the warning signs of vision problems.

Although eyestrain, spending many hours in front of a television or computer screen, or working in poor light does not cause harmful medical conditions, it can tire the eyes and, ultimately, their owner. The eyes are priceless and deserve to be treated with care and respect and that is as true for the adult of 80 as it is for the teenager of 18.

Myth: Doing eye exercises will delay the need for glasses.

Fact: Eye exercises will not improve or preserve vision or reduce the need for glasses. Your vision depends on many factors, including the shape of your eye and the health of the eye tissues, none of which can be significantly altered with eye exercises.

Myth: Reading in dim light will worsen your vision.

Fact: Although dim lighting will not adversely affect your eyesight, it will tire your eyes out more quickly. The best way to position a reading light is to have it shine directly onto the page, not over your shoulder. A desk lamp with an opaque shade pointing directly at the reading material is the best possible arrangement. A light that shines over your shoulder will cause a glare, making it more difficult to see the reading material.

Myth: Eating carrots is good for the eyes.

Fact: There is some truth in this one. Carrots, which contain vitamin A, are one of several vegetables that are good for the eyes. But fresh fruits and dark green leafy vegetables, which contain more antioxidant vitamins such as C and E, are even better. Antioxidant vitamins may help protect the eyes against cataract and age-related macular degeneration. But eating any vegetables or supplements containing these vitamins or substances will not prevent or correct basic vision problems such as nearsightedness or farsightedness.

Myth: It's best not to wear glasses all the time. Taking a break from glasses or contact lenses allows your eyes to rest.

Fact: If you need glasses for distance or reading, use them. Attempting to read without reading glasses will simply strain your eyes and tire them out. Using your glasses won't worsen your vision or lead to any eye disease.

Myth: Staring at a computer screen all day is bad for the eyes.

Fact: Although using a computer will not harm your eyes, staring at a computer screen all day will contribute to eyestrain or tired eyes. Adjust lighting so that it does not create a glare or harsh reflection on the screen. Also, when you're working on a computer or doing other close work such as reading or sewing, it's a good idea to rest your eyes briefly every hour or so to lessen eye fatigue. Finally, people who stare at a computer screen for long periods tend not to blink as often as usual, which can cause the eyes to feel dry and uncomfortable. Make a conscious effort to blink regularly so that the eyes stay well lubricated and do not dry out.

Disclaimer:As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date of last review on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

The rest is here:
Safeguarding your sight - Harvard Health


Immune system | healthdirect

October 4th, 2019 9:47 am

Your immune system defends the body from infection. It is made up of a complex network of cells, tissues and organs in your body. An underactive or overactive immune system can cause health issues.

The immune system is found in:

The lymphatic system allows immune cells to travel between tissues and the bloodstream. The lymphatic system contains lymphocytes (white blood cells; mostly T cells and B cells), which try to recognise any bacteria, viruses or other foreign substances in your body and fight them.

Lymph nodes are found in certain areas such as the base of the neck and the armpit. They become swollen or enlarged in response to an infection.

The skin and mucous membranes are the first line of defence against bacteria, viruses and other foreign substances. They act as a physical barrier, and they also contain immune cells.

When your skin has a cut, harmful microbes (tiny particles) can enter and invade your body. The cut triggers certain immune cells in the bloodstream that try to destroy the invaders.

In an infection, white blood cells identify the microbe, produce antibodies to fight the infection, and help other immune responses to occur. They also 'remember' the attack.

This is how vaccinations work vaccines expose your immune system to a dead or weakened microbe or to proteins from a microbe, so that your body is able to recognise and respond very quickly to any future exposure to the same microbe.

Overactivity of the immune system is related to disorders such as allergies and autoimmune diseases.

Allergies involve an immune response to something considered harmless in most people, such as pollen or a certain food.

Autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, occur when your immune system attacks normal components of the body.

Underactivity of the immune system, or immunodeficiency, can increase your risk of infection. You may be born with an immunodeficiency, or acquire it due to medical treatment or another disease.

See more here:
Immune system | healthdirect


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