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Addressing Cardiovascular Risk Factors in People with Diabetes – National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)

November 12th, 2019 4:46 pm

For patients with diabetes, cardiovascular disease should be a top priority.

Nathan D. Wong, PhD, director of the Heart Disease Prevention Program at the University of California, Irvine, is a co-author of the Heart Disease and Diabetes chapter in the NIDDK publication Diabetes in America, 3rd Edition. Here he talks about the importance of broadening the clinical focus of diabetes care from hemoglobin A1C to also include other risk factors for cardiovascular disease common in patients with diabetes.

Q: Why is it so important to talk about heart disease with patients who have diabetes?

A:More than two-thirds of patients with diabetes will die of cardiovascular-related illnesses such as coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure, and peripheral arterial disease. For women with diabetes, the risks for different forms of cardiovascular disease are three to seven times greater compared with women who do not have diabetes. For men with diabetes, the risk is two to three times greater.

We are doing a poor job of managing heart disease in people with diabetes in this country and throughout the world, despite many advances in therapies over the past 30 years. We still have a very small percentage of people with diabetesfewer than one in fivewho meet appropriate targets for hemoglobin A1C, blood pressure, and LDL cholesterol; even fewer additionally meet the recommendations for physical activity, a healthy diet, nonsmoking status, and body mass index.

Many of these factors have an impact on risk for certain microvascular complications associated with diabetes such asretinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy. But these factors also affect risk for macrovascular complications such as heart disease and stroke.

Q: How does cardiovascular risk differ for type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

A:When people are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, they often already have hypertension and dyslipidemia. For people with type 1 diabetes, the diagnosis generally comes when theyre much younger, so they arent yet at significant cardiovascular risk. Theres a true opportunity to help prevent them from developing cardiovascular risks in the first place, rather than trying to catch up with these factors after theyve developed and are more difficult to control.

Q: What are the benefits of keeping all the cardiovascular risk factors at target levels?

A: The Steno 2 clinical trial found a 53% risk reduction in cardiovascular outcomes for people with type 2 diabetes who were intensively treated for risk factors, compared with participants in the control group. In a follow-up paper, the researchers reported on mortality rates after 13 years. They found it was significantly lower for the intensively treated group. Just 30% had died, compared with 50% of the conventionally treated group.

In an observational study, we pooled data on people with diabetes from three different clinical trials to show an approximately 60% lower risk for developing coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes who were at target levels for LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, and hemoglobin A1C. This suggests we can possibly reduce the risk of future heart attacks or strokes by more than half, if we ensure that these factors are controlled.

Q: What does this mean for diabetes care?

A:We still have a lot of work to do to get the word out that diabetes is really a cardiovascular condition. Most people with diabetes are not dying from retinopathy or neuropathy; they are dying from cardiovascular disease. This is not to trivialize the microvascular complications. Obviously, neuropathy or retinopathy can significantly affect quality of life. But in terms of what a person with diabetes eventually will die of, its cardiovascular disease. Patients and their health care providers really have to better understand that controlling diabetes is much more than controlling blood sugar.

Certainly, managing glucose is critical to prevent microvascular complications, in particular. There is strong epidemiologic data that adverse cardiovascular outcomes are greater in people with higher levels of hemoglobin A1C, but the evidence is less striking for improving cardiovascular outcomes from glucose control alone. And in fact, the ACCORD trialactually showed increased cardiovascular mortality to occur when targets were set too aggressively for hemoglobin A1C.

Q: How can the message on cardiovascular risk factors reach more health care professionals?

A:I think theres tremendous opportunity to advance professional education to help improve cardiovascular outcomes in people with diabetes. And this, of course, can be accomplished with lifestyle changes. But few people with diabetes see a dietician and/or exercise physiologist as frequently as they should to help them with theirdiabetes self-management. These allied health care providers are not traditionally part of the health care team as much as they should be, because reimbursement is not always available for their services. Physicians need to know that these resources exist, and that they can also prescribe lifestyle improvements such as walking or eating more vegetables.

At professional meetings, I've asked for a raise of hands: How many of you physicians have heard of the American Medical Association? Virtually all of them have. Then I ask, How many of you have heard of theAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics? Very few have, yet this is a very powerful group. Specifically, the Academys Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutrition dietetic practice group includes close to 10,000 people around the country. The American College of Sports Medicine includes exercise physiologists. But there's a disconnect. We need to help physicians know that these other providers, who are key to patients success in managing their diabetes and cardiovascular risks, exist.

Q: How can cardiologists contribute to better care for patients with diabetes?

A:The American College of Cardiology advocates for cardiologists to learn more about how to manage diabetes. This is largely fueled by the fact that we now have newer medications that are shown to reduce cardiovascular events in people with diabetes. These drugs are not the most powerful A1C-lowering agents, but theyre the only agents shown to have benefits in terms of cardiovascular outcomes. The sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, in particular, have the dramatic effect of reducing heart failure-related hospital stays by more than 30%. Equally exciting are the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists, which seem to have more of an anti-atherosclerotic effect.

Both of these therapies have been incorporated into several guidelines. The American College of Cardiology, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, the American Diabetes Association, and the American Heart Association recommend these therapies specifically for people with pre-existing diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

But its mainly the specialty community that has started to use these therapies. We need to increase efforts to communicate the value and the indications of these therapies among primary care providers, too.

Q: What advice do you have for health care professionals so that they can better help their patients with diabetes manage the cardiovascular risk factors?

A:Providers and patients with diabetes alike need to understand that cardiovascular disease should be their main concern. It takes a concerted approach to manage all the relevant risk factors to significantly improve outcomes. Were talking about a multidisciplinary cardio-diabetes care team that includes lifestyle specialistsdieticians and physical activity expertsas well as other appropriate specialists, including the endocrinologist and the cardiologist, and, in many cases, the primary care provider at the center of the patients care.

Health care professionals also need to motivate patients to take greater charge in their health care.Shared decision-making is very important in starting new therapies and managing lifestyle changes.

What has been your experience addressing cardiovascular risk in your patients with diabetes? Tell us below in the comments.

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Addressing Cardiovascular Risk Factors in People with Diabetes - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)


The Russian Military Will Soon Assign Soldiers Based on Their "Genetic Passports" – The National Interest Online

November 12th, 2019 4:45 pm

Key Point: the Russian military will be using genetics to assess that most unpredictable of human qualities: how a person will react in combat.

Want to be a Russian paratrooper or tank commander? Then youd better hope you have the right genes.

The Russian military will be assigning soldiers based on their genetic passports.

The project is far-reaching, scientific, fundamental, Alexander Sergeyev, the chief of Russias Academy of Sciences, told Russian news agency TASS back in the summer (English translation here). Its essence is to find such genetic predispositions among military personnel, which will allow them to be properly oriented according to military specialties.

It is a question of understanding at the genetic level who is more prone to, for example, to service in the fleet, who may be more prepared to become a paratrooper or a tankman.

Advances in medical technology are making genetic testing a common medical procedure. It is used to detect genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis, or the risk of developing certain diseases such as colorectal cancer. Pregnant women can also choose to be tested to determine whether their baby has genetic abnormalities such as Down syndrome.

But Russian President Vladimir Putin has embraced genetics with a passion. In March, the Kremlin issued a decree that called for implementation of genetic certification of the population, taking into account the legal framework for the protection of data on the personal human genome and the formation of the genetic profile of the population. Ostensibly this is to protect Russias population against chemical and biological attack, as well as safeguard Russias genetic patrimony from Western spies and saboteurs.

It has also spurred fears that Russia is edging towards a Nazi-style eugenics program in which certain groups, such as those Russians of Slavic ancestry, will be favored.

Either way, the Russian military will be using genetics to assess that most unpredictable of human qualities: how a person will react in combat. The project involves not only the assessment of the physiological state, but also the prediction of human behavior in stressful, critical situations that are associated with the military profession, says Sergeyev, Russia's chief scientist. Resistance to stress, the ability to perform physical and mental operations under the conditions of this stress, and so onall this may be contained in a soldiers genetic passport.

It is not just soldiers who will be genetically profiled. In December 2018, another Russian scientist announced that cosmonauts will be tested. The first area is the research into the humans genetics from the viewpoint of using it in the selection [for the cosmonaut program], said Lyudmila Buravkova, deputy director of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems at the Russian Academy of Sciences. The second area is the attempt to remedy genetic errors as much as this should be done before a flight.

To be clear, many militaries use some kind of testing, such as the U.S. militarys Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), to determine whether someone is qualified for military service, and whether they are suitable for certain positions such as technical jobs. The U.S. military collects DNA from soldiers to identify their bodies if they are killed. The Defense Health Agency told the National Interest that the U.S. military does not use genetic testing to assign personnel.

Thats not surprising, given that genetic testing would certainly raise concerns over privacy and racial profiling. A civil rights issue that isnt likely to be a cause of furor in an authoritarian society like Russia.

The bigger question is whether an army can decide whether someone is better suited to be a pilot, a rifleman or a cook based on their genetic profile.

Michael Peck is a contributing writer for the National Interest. He can be found on Twitter and Facebook.

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The Russian Military Will Soon Assign Soldiers Based on Their "Genetic Passports" - The National Interest Online


Scientists Measure Mouse Personality and Map Traits to Their Genetics – SciTechDaily

November 12th, 2019 4:45 pm

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich, Germany, together with colleagues at the Weizmann Institute of Sciencein Israel have developed a computational method to objectively measure the personality of mice living in a semi-natural, group environment.

Just like humans, every mouse is different. Some are quick to explore a new environment while others prefer to stay within the comfort of their nest. Some prefer to stay close to their cage-mates, while others prefer to be alone. These unique characteristics of an individual remain fairly stable through life and define their personality. In humans, personality can be measured using multiple-choice questionnaires to derive personality scores but how can one measure personality in animals?

Oren Forkosh and Stoyo Karamihalev, together with other colleagues collected huge amounts of data by analyzing video footage taken of groups of mice. To do this, they dyed the fur of each mouse a different color allowing them to track the groups of mice behaving undisturbed. Each video was analyzed for a repertoire of 60 behaviors, such as how close a mouse stays to other mice, if they chase one another or run away, or the time spent in the nest or eating.

Some mice are curious and explore every new hiding place. Others are more anxious and prefer to stay in their nest. Credit: MPI f. Molecular Genetics

The scientists developed a mathematical algorithm that sought stable traits that were able to discriminate individuals based on differences in behavior. This method works somewhat in the same way as personality tests in humans in which people are often assessed on five dimensions, however, it specifically searches for traits that are consistent over time. In mice, the algorithm identified four trait-like dimensions that could capture and describe the behavior of mice. To test that these traits were stable, the researchers mixed up the groups and found that while some of the behaviors had changed, the personalities of the mice were still stable. Using advanced RNA-sequencing tools and genetically modified mouse strains, the researchers were also able to show that individual differences captured in these traits corresponded to a variety of differences in gene expression in the mouse brain and could identify mice with different genetic makeup.

This method has the potential to greatly advance our knowledge beyond what is possible using the current simplified methods for assessing behavior and toward stable and consistent differences in personality. It opens up the possibility to study how personality is affected by genes, drugs, aging, etc., how it is represented and maintained by the brain, and how it contributes to mental health and disease, explains Karamihalev, together with Oren Forkosh one of the first authors of the study published in Nature Neuroscience. This is a good first step in the direction of better pre-clinical methods for assessing individual differences in behavior and physiology, says Alon Chen, the principal investigator for this study. Our hope is that such approaches will aid in the effort toward a more personalized psychiatry.

Reference: Identity domains capture individual differences from across the behavioral repertoire by Oren Forkosh, Stoyo Karamihalev, Simone Roeh, Uri Alon, Sergey Anpilov, Chadi Touma, Markus Nussbaumer, Cornelia Flachskamm, Paul M. Kaplick, Yair Shemesh and Alon Chen, 4 November 2019, Nature Neuroscience.DOI: 10.1038/s41593-019-0516-y

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Scientists Measure Mouse Personality and Map Traits to Their Genetics - SciTechDaily


Science of the Merino day shines light on genetics – The West Australian

November 12th, 2019 4:45 pm

Identifying the best genetics within a Merino flocks variation will sort out the massive difference between the top and bottom performers, according to the Australian Merino Sire Evaluation Association.

In terms of profitability, AMSEA has identified that the top 25 per cent performers of a flock would make $31 per ewe per year more than the bottom 25 per cent.

AMSEA was founded in 2000 to oversee and create policy for all sire evaluation trials in Australia, through a national committee.

Sorting the most profitable Merino genetics was the hot topic at the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Developments Science of the Merino Sheep Field Day at Katanning last Tuesday, November 29.

The event attracted 35 visitors to DPIRDs Katanning Research Facility, including woolgrower participants, researchers and industry representatives who had a first-hand glimpse of the Yardstick Merino Sire Evaluation Trial.

AMSEA executive officer Ben Swain welcomed participants to the trial, which was established in 1989 to compare the breeding performance of Merino sires by evaluating their progeny.

A consistent ewe base is joined to trial sires via an artificial insemination program, and the resulting progeny are evaluated to assess a sires breeding performance for a large number of traits, which are important to breeders and commercial producers, he said.

The results assist in the selection of sires suitable for a large range of breeding objectives.

Mr Swain said Yardstick was one of 10 active Merino sire evaluation sites located across Australia.

Yardstick works to breed sheep that are to be well-grown and structurally sound, he said.

There needs to be a balance between wool and body size in order to provide the typical dual-purpose WA Merino type.

Mr Swain said typically, when run commercially, a Merino ewes body weight would be 10 times the greasy fleece weight.

Visually, the wool should be medium length, of attractive crimp, bright and white, uniform over the body and with no evidence of fleece rot, he said.

Head and hock cover is of little importance.

Mr Swain said there were 5000 different businesses influencing ram genetics across Australia, including 1000 stud Merino breeders and 4000 commercial woolgrowers.

We estimate 22 per cent of commercial woolgrowers breed their own rams, bringing to the fore of why it is important to use Yardstick analysis as a profitability incentive, he said.

Scaddan stud Merino breeder David Vandenberghe, of Wattle Dale stud, had two sires progeny groups in the Yardstick trial at the field day.

He said through his participation in MerinoSelect and the trial, he was able to identify a 2018-drop ram which was a multiple trait leader.

From the Merinoselects animal ID website, Wattle Dale 182067 recorded 10 trait leading measurements including 14.3 YWT, 35.5 YCFW, 21.2 ACFW, -2.3 YFD, plus all six indexes including a DP+ of 212.

We will enter this ram in Yardstick and will be anxious to see how its progeny will perform in due process, Mr Vandenberghe said.

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Science of the Merino day shines light on genetics - The West Australian


GenomeSmart and NorthBay Healthcare Launch Pilot to Improve Access to Genetic Testing with GenomeBrain – BioSpace

November 12th, 2019 4:45 pm

Nov. 12, 2019 14:00 UTC

LOS ALTOS, Calif. & FAIRFIELD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- GenomeSmart, a Silicon Valley-based company delivering the first and only AI-powered genetic risk assessment and test recommendation platform to improve access to genetic testing, announced today that NorthBay Healthcare, an independent nonprofit health system in Northern California, has selected the GenomeBrain Platform for a pilot program planned to improve the routine use of genetic testing in patient care.

Weve looked at many options to support our providers but the GenomeBrain Platform offered us more of the critical features we wanted plus gave us the ability to customize to our needs, said Lori Muir, Oncology Services Director. NorthBay Healthcare is dedicated to delivering best-in-class oncology care to the patients we serve and we believe ensuring easy access to genetic testing is a critical part of those vital services. Were looking forward to working with GenomeSmart to support our providers in better identifying patients for testing, efficiently tracking available tests, and speeding access to hereditary risk results.

"This approach to screening patients will make it much easier for people to understand why and when genetic testing can impact their healthcare decisions. We are bridging an educational gap that, until now, has made access to genetic testing difficult. Our patients will no longer wonder if genetic testing is right for themthey will know before they even come in to see me," added Karen Vikstrom, MS, Certified Genetic Counselor, NorthBay Healthcare.

The NorthBay Healthcare pilot program will be completed in conjunction with the NorthBay Breast Cancer Program. The pilot is designed to ensure patients with breast cancer receive treatment based on genetic risk and to scale testing into routine care for healthy women and men to identify potential hereditary risks, ensuring appropriate access to screening and care programs. The GenomeBrain Platform will be incorporated into the current patient workflow and evaluated for effectiveness and ease of use.

The GenomeBrain Platform is accessed online through a mobile phone, tablet, or desktop device. The simplified experience first builds a patient profile, including their relevant personal medical history, family medical history, ethnicity and age, and then instantly matches them to the appropriate genetic tests based on the latest medical guidelines for genetic testing. GenomeBrain uses AI to ingest large amounts of data from patient history, genetic tests available on the market, and medical guidelines to simplify a cumbersome manual process that usually takes days to less than ten minutes on average.

Were thrilled to be partnering with NorthBay Healthcare on this important initiative, said Sanjay Sathe, CEO and co-founder, GenomeSmart. The NorthBay teams agility and interest in innovative approaches to care make them the ideal partner for us. They are able to implement efforts quickly and provide personalized care to their local community that rivals many larger urban-based institutions, all for the betterment of their patients.

About GenomeSmart

GenomeSmart is on a mission to make genetic testing available to everyone. In May 2019, the company launched GenomeBrain, the first and only AI-powered genetic risk assessment and test recommendation platform that matches and identifies people who could benefit from genetic testing. The affordable GenomeBrain Platform multi-functional solution is available to help genetic counselors, physicians, hospital systems, genetic testing labs, insurance companies, and corporations improve the effective use of genetic testing to save lives, improve quality and reduce costs of healthcare.

About NorthBay Healthcare

NorthBay Healthcare opened its first hospital in 1960 and remains Solano Countys only locally based, locally managed nonprofit health system. NorthBay Medical Center in Fairfield and NorthBay VacaValley Hospital in Vacaville offer 24-hour emergency care, intensive care, and sophisticated surgical and diagnostic services. NorthBay Cancer Center, located on the Vacaville campus, opened more than 30 years ago. NorthBay Healthcare is a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, giving its patients access to world-renowned physicians and Mayo Clinic research.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191112005437/en/

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GenomeSmart and NorthBay Healthcare Launch Pilot to Improve Access to Genetic Testing with GenomeBrain - BioSpace


Deal Helps Bring Genetic Information to Mainstream Medicine – Medical Device and Diagnostics Industry

November 12th, 2019 4:44 pm

Since Invitaes inception a decade ago, the firm has been working for the proactive use of genetic information in mainstream medicine. The San Francisco, CA-based company has been using M&A activity to help bring companies under its tent to help make this goal a reality.

On Monday, the genetic-testing specialist made more progress on this front by announcing it would put down $50 million to acquire Clear Genetics, a company that develops digital counseling software.

San Francisco, CA-based Clear Genetics has developed Gia, a chatbot that equips patients with actionable information throughout the genetic testing process and provides guidance for understanding test results.

Invitae said Gia can guide patients regarding consent, personalized risk assessment, insurance benefits, pre/post-test education and understanding their test results, all through an intuitive online conversation. Patients are able to ask Gia questions throughout the process, and the chatbox uses natural language processing to respond with the resources they need. Gia is currently being used by customers in Invitae's direct channel.

In a release, Sean George, co-founder and CEO of Invitae said, For genetics to truly go mainstream, patients and clinicians need automated workflow solutions like those Clear Genetics has created. In working with the Clear Genetics team over the past year, we have first-hand experience with the value of their patient-centric services. With their capabilities, we will greatly enhance our ability to provide a streamlined customer experience, enable scaled clinician education and support, and arm genetics experts with the tools they need to keep up with the exploding demand for genetic information in healthcare.

Taking genetics mainstream is a lofty goal, but through a wide range of acquisitions, Invitae is quickly accomplishing this task. Just a few months ago the company reported it signed an agreement to acquire Singular Bio, a non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPS) specialist for $55 million.

Two years ago, Invitae landed two deals acquiring both Good Start Genetics and CombiMatrix, two companies that specialize in screening prospective parents and newborns. During a 2017 earnings call discussing the deals, George said these acquisitions were the beginning of genetics being broadly available to all and accessible to all in mainstream medicine.

Invitaes 3Q19 earnings paint the picture the companys strategy is significant inroads in reaching this goal. Looking at the numbers, the company generated revenue of $57. million in 3Q19, which represented a 51% increase over 3Q18 revenue of $37.4 million.

Ten years ago, when we started Invitae [we wanted] to get genetic information incorporated into mainstream medical use for everyone around the world in modernized economies, George said during Invitaes 3Q19 earnings call, according to a Seeking Alpha Transcript. While we have many years to go, the transformation of the genetics industry is underway. And we believe our 26th quarter of on average double-digit quarter-over-quarter growth serves as an indication of a new trajectory, a new model for personalized medicine as we move this industry beyond the more than 1.7 million people in the U.S. diagnosed with cancer per year into all of the equally impactful genetic disorders affecting those we serve.

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Deal Helps Bring Genetic Information to Mainstream Medicine - Medical Device and Diagnostics Industry


Your hatred of heart-healthy veggies could be genetic – WTVR CBS 6 News

November 12th, 2019 4:44 pm

If certain vegetables have always made you gag, you may be more than a picky eater. Instead, you might be what scientists call a super-taster: a person with a genetic predisposition to taste food differently.

Unfortunately, being a super-taster doesnt make everything taste better. In fact, it can do the opposite.

Super-tasters are extremely sensitive to bitterness, a common characteristic of many dark green, leafy veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, to name a few.

The person who has that genetic propensity gets more of the sulfur flavor of, say, Brussels sprouts, especially if theyve been overcooked, said University of Connecticut professor Valerie Duffy, an expert in the study of food taste, preference and consumption.

So that [bitter] vegetable is disliked, and because people generalize, soon all vegetables are disliked, Duffy said. If you ask people, Do you like vegetables? They dont usually say, Oh yeah, I dont like this, but I like these others. People tend to either like vegetables or not.

In fact, people with the bitter gene are 2.6 times more likely to eat fewer vegetables than people who do not have that gene, according to a new study presented Monday at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association.

We wanted to know if genetics affected the ability of people who need to eat heart-healthy foods from eating them, said study author Jennifer Smith, a registered nurse who is a postdoc in cardiovascular science at the University of Kentucky School of Medicine.

While we didnt see results in gene type for sodium, sugar or saturated fat, we did see a difference in vegetables, Smith said, adding that people with the gene tasted a ruin-your-day level of bitterness.

Our sense of taste relies on much more than a gene or two. Receptors on our taste buds are primed to respond to five basic flavors: salty, sweet, sour, bitter and umami, which is a savory flavor created by an amino acid called glutamate (think of mushrooms, soy sauce, broth and aged cheeses).

But its also smelling through the mouth and the touch, texture and temperature of the food, Duffy said. Its very difficult to separate out taste from the rest. So when any of us say the food tastes good, its a composite sensation that were reacting to.

Even our saliva can enter the mix, creating unique ways to experience food.

When we come to the table, we dont perceive the food flavor or the taste of food equally, Duffy said. Some people live in a pastel food world versus others who might live in a more vibrant, neon food world. It could explain some of the differences in our food preference.

While there are more than 25 different taste receptors in our mouth, one in particular has been highly researched: the TAS2R38, which has two variants called AVI and PAV.

About 50% of us inherent one of each, and while we can taste bitter and sweet, we are not especially sensitive to bitter foods.

Another 25% of us are called non-tasters because we received two copies of AVI. Non-tasters arent at all sensitive to bitterness; in fact food might actually be perceived as a bit sweeter.

The last 25% of us have two copies of PAV, which creates the extreme sensitivity to the bitterness some plants develop to keep animals from eating them.

When it comes to bitterness in the veggie family, the worst offenders tend to be cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, bok choy, arugula, watercress, collards and cauliflower.

Thats too bad, because they are also full of fiber, low in calories and are nutrient powerhouses. Theyre packed with vitamins A and C and whats called phytonutrients, which are compounds that may help to lower inflammation.

Rejecting cruciferous or any type of vegetable is a problem for the growing waistline and health of America.

As we age as a population, vegetables are very important for helping us maintain our weight, providing all those wonderful nutrients to help us maintain our immune system and lower inflammation to prevent cancer, heart disease and more, Duffy said.

Food scientists are trying to develop ways to reduce the bitterness in veggies, in the hopes we can keep another generation of super-tasters from rejecting vegetables.

Theres been some success. In fact, the Brussels sprouts we eat today are much sweeter than those our parents or grandparents ate. Dutch growers in the 90s searched their seed archives for older, less bitter varieties, then cross-pollinated them with todays higher-yielding varieties.

People who already reject vegetables might try to use various cooking methods that can mask the bitter taste.

Just because somebody carries the two copies of the bitter gene doesnt mean that they cant enjoy vegetables, Duffy said. Cooking techniques such as adding a little fat, a little bit of sweetness, strong flavors like garlic or roasting them in the oven, which brings out natural sweetness, can all enhance the overall flavor or taste of the vegetable and block the bitterness.

Your hatred of heart-healthy veggies could be genetic - WTVR CBS 6 News


The Europe next generation sequencing market is expected to reach US$ 7,685.4 Mn in 2025 from US$ 1,633.4 Mn in 2017 – Yahoo Finance

November 12th, 2019 4:44 pm

The market is estimated to grow with a CAGR of 21. 4% from 2018-2025. The growth of the next generation sequencing market is primarily attributed to the technological advancements in sequencing and an extensive use of genomics for medical applications.

New York, Nov. 12, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Reportlinker.com announces the release of the report "Europe Next Generation Sequencing Market to 2025 - Regional Analysis and Forecasts by Product; Service; Application; & End User, and Country" - https://www.reportlinker.com/p05794719/?utm_source=GNW However, nonexistence of skilled professionals and high risks associated with genetic data.

On the other hand, an extensive use of genomics for medical applications is likely to have a positive impact on the growth of the Europe next generation sequencing market in the coming years.The genomics is comprised of various technologies such next generation sequencing (NGS), genome editing, gene synthesis and more.These technologies have been utilized for achieving various discoveries for the betterment of the health conditions across the living organisms.

The next generation sequencing is widely used in the field of the medical to understand the genetic composition of the patients.The use of NGS has been utilized for the alteration of plants and animals for the desired physical and genetic changes.

The technology is used to produce biomarkers.The biomarkers are widely used in clinical research and clinical practice.

NGS is among the important developments in genomic technologies, the technology is used for the discovery of oncogenic biomarker and diagnostics. NGS enables in discovery of biomarker and identifying the genetic diseases. In addition, the NGS is used for the developing precision medicine for individuals genomic information to offer targeted treatment to the individual. NGS have capability of sequencing large sections of a persons genome in very short period of time and can also aid in formulation of precision medicine. Next generation sequencing technology is among the major driver of precision medicine and has improved its accuracy, speed, and cost. Developments in whole genome sequencing has enabled the identification of genes required in the large number of diseases, and biomarkers that indicate disease severity to treatment are gradually being characterized. Therefore, the use of the NGS for the discovery of biomarker have benefited for the early diagnosis and differentiating in disease types. Likewise, precision medicine enables in treatment of the diseases NGS plays significant role for both the application by creating an array of opportunities in future.In 2017, the consumables segment held a largest market share of 64.0% of the next generation sequencing market, by product. The segment is growing due to the consumables offered by various companies are widely accepted by the consumers and it provides accuracy and precision in the preparation of the NGS. Furthermore, the similar segment is anticipated to witness the fastest growth rate during the forecast period, 2018 to 2025.In 2017, the resequencing segment held a largest market share of 66.0% of the next generation sequencing market, by technology. This segment is also expected to dominate the market in 2025 as the rising funding by various government bodies and usage of NGS in the resequencing and targeted sequencing. Furthermore, the genome sequencing segment is anticipated to witness the fastest growth rate during the forecast period, 2018 to 2025.Diagnostics segment is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 22.0% during the forecast period owing to the growth of the technological advancements such as sequencing machines in the developed and developing regions. Moreover, the similar segment held the largest market share of 34.0% for the application segment in the next generation sequencing market and is likely to dominate the market in coming forecast period.In 2017, the academic & research institutes segment held a largest market share of 45.2% of the next generation sequencing market, by end user. This segment is also expected to dominate the market in 2025. Moreover, the similar segment is anticipated to witness the fastest growth rate of 21.9% during the forecast period, 2017 to 2025. This higher growth rate of the segment owing to the providing the references for further researches are likely to propel the growth of the research centers segment in the coming future.Some of the major primary and secondary sources for next generation sequencing included in the report are, Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Developing an European - American NGS Network (DEANN), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and among others.Read the full report: https://www.reportlinker.com/p05794719/?utm_source=GNW

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The Europe next generation sequencing market is expected to reach US$ 7,685.4 Mn in 2025 from US$ 1,633.4 Mn in 2017 - Yahoo Finance


Dr. Ram Dandillaya: Take Control of Your Health Today with a Precise and Personalized Assessment – csq.com

November 12th, 2019 4:44 pm

Extending the Healthy Human Life Span

For millennia, humans have dreamed about extending their lives. Today, medical assessments are available that can impact longevity, identify risks for disease, and provide early diagnosis for serious diseases, including insights into critical areas such as coronary artery disease, neurovascular disease, dementia, cancer, and metabolic disease.

Looking at the past 30 years medical practice, we can see that the physician is the integrator of data: He takes a family history and performs a physical exam and basic blood work to make an assessment of the patients health. The tools are familiar: blood pressure cuff, thermometer, and otoscope (checking ears and nose).

The next generation of medicine has machine learning and artificial intelligence as the integrators of data alongside the physician. Inputs involve more detailed information to analyze current health status, including whole-genome sequencing, whole-body and brain MRI (imaging), and advanced bloodwork, all to reveal a precision, personalized, and integrated look at potential risks as well as immediate issues.

[To read more of Dr.Ram Dandillaya s thought leadership click here]

Measure What Matters

If we compare how we measure and monitor our cars, finances, social media, and a myriad of other aspects of our lives to how often and detailed we measure our health status, we might see where preventive measures might help extend our lives.

Craig Venter co-founded Human Longevity Inc. in 2013 and established the Health Nucleus in 2015, a serene and sophisticated research and discovery center based in La Jolla, Calif. By implementing whole-genome sequencing with whole-body and brain imaging and a full and complete set of blood tests, the health assessment these companies offer is truly data driven. That is, unlike more recreational DNA kits, we believe that the code should be assessed with all 6B base pairs. Its not a superficial exam, but rather a deep assessment integrating all results to achieve one of the most precise and personalized assessments available.

An example of our work may be seen in a recent study soon to be published that reviewed 1,190 healthy clients who visited the Health Nucleus. Many received the peace of mind that they are on track with their health: exercising, maintaining a healthy weight, eating nutritious foods, and finding balance in their lives. We also found that a significant portion actually had findings that required medical attention.

Highlights include:

1.7% confirmed cancers otherwise not previously known

2.5% brain and aortic aneurysms, several of which requiredfollow-upinterventions

7% with moderate to severe cardiovascular risk with significant calcified plaque in the coronary arteries

16% with aberrant cardiac structure or function findings

29% with elevated liver fat, which may indicate a risk for developing type 2 diabetes

86% genetic carriers for recessive diseases

17% have a rare genetic mutation

No longer a dream, assessing ones health in these critical areas is not only extremely pertinent to most people but is especially important for addressing chronic, age-related diseases, many of which may be positively impacted by behavior changes, including changes in diet and lifestyle.

On staff at Health Nucleus as chief medical officer is Thomas Caskey, MD, FACP, FACMG, FRSC. A world-renowned expert in clinical genetics, he is part of the team that reviews genetic data and offers advice to our clients through our genetic counselors and medical team. Dr. David Karow serves as president and chief innovation officer and has published numerous papers on early prostate cancer detection through noninvasive, advanced MRI. More recently, he has focused on integrating imaging and genomic biomarkers for identifying disease risk long before disease onset. Recommendations from functional medicine physicians, especially when it comes to taking next steps in improving health, are also important future attributes for the Health Nucleus assessment.

As a cardiologist, my practice Atelier Health is based in Beverly Hills and I have adopted the Health Nucleus protocol with my patients. Using the same testing, I access MRI technology locally, and the Health Nucleus provides the blood, genetic, and image integration to produce a Health Intelligence Report, which I deliver to my patients approximately six weeks after the initial assessment, during a return-of-results session in my office. One of the reasons I am looking forward to providing this assessment to my clients is found in reviewing past client experiences at the Health Nucleus facility. Three in particular show the benefits of how this early assessment provides benefits from peace of mind, from revealing genetic predisposition to early diagnosis of cancer.

One client, Nick B. credits forward-thinking technologists, medical professionals, and scientists who are creating a 21st century approach to healthcare. Human Longevity, through their Health Nucleus assessment, gave me access to the technologies required to detect and prevent diseases of all forms. What followed on from this visit was a complete transformation in my approach to my own health and wellnessfrom the way I eat to my exercise routine, the supplements I take, and how I interact with my own GP doctor back at home.

Bill F. was looking to live a long life, but more importantly a long, healthy life. Instead of just seeking health insurance, he sought health assurance and declared that he wanted to be active and productive until 100. After the experience, Bill noted, Thankfully they found no problems with [my] brain, cholesterol, or balance, although I learned I needed to lose weight and build muscle mass, and I saw I was susceptible to deep vein thrombosis.

Joe N., a Health Nucleus client, recalled how the Health Nucleus discovered a 2.8cm tumor on his left kidney, only four months after he went through his annual physical. He reports, Because the cancer was caught early, I was fortunately able to have the tumor quickly removed through an outpatient ablation procedure, thus avoiding inevitable chemo and radiation treatments. I now have new baseline metrics for my whole genome, brain health, internal organs, and cardiovascular system that empower me to be even more proactive in managing my health.

The goal of Atelier Health is to deliver the highest-quality medical care by focusing on technology designed to optimize the health span. With the understanding that the root causes of many diseases are based on both genetic and lifestyle factors, the Atelier Health/Health Nucleus partnership is a unique one. The practice also offers traditional concierge medical care. The initial evaluation process generally involves an extensive history and physical followed by a thorough battery of tests. This process may take one or two days, depending on the extent of testing.

[For more on Atelier Healths approach click here]

The integration of genetic analysis, advanced imaging, and biomarkers in a multispecialty platform allows for comprehensive care in both health and disease states. This 360-degree view of the patient creates meaningful discussion centered around cutting-edge therapeutics, nutrition, and fitness.

View post:
Dr. Ram Dandillaya: Take Control of Your Health Today with a Precise and Personalized Assessment - csq.com


DNA Nudge app review: can this wristband tell you the best diet for your genes? – The Times

November 12th, 2019 4:44 pm

After a super-fast DNA test developed by scientists at Imperial College, Helen Rumbelow trialled their new gadget it lets people choose food to suit their genes

The Times,November 12 2019, 12:01am

Will it be my grandmothers cancer, or the family weakness for Alzheimers that will get me in the end? Our genes contain instructions for our death as well as our life, but they have always played dumb. Until now.

Now I can wear a wristband with my genetic vulnerability for fatal diseases coded into it. Which is by turns futuristic and kind of terrifying. For me, its like shaking hands with my heart attack scheduled for 2050: Nice to get to know you at last!

Weird, but I soon get used to it when I take the wristband shopping. Its the opposite experience to taking a toddler, endlessly pestering for sweeties, to the supermarket. When I aim the tiny scanner of the DNA Nudge wristband

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The rest is here:
DNA Nudge app review: can this wristband tell you the best diet for your genes? - The Times


The Reality of 3-Parent Babies – Parentology

November 12th, 2019 4:44 pm

Start talking about 3-parent babies and thoughts may turn to science fiction. But, the technology to create a so-called 3-parent baby has been available since the 1990s; it just hasnt been put to use much, or studied.Thats about to change, as the technology has been revived and refined.

The updated technique, called mitochondrial replacement therapy, is being used in conjunction with In vitro fertilization (IVF), both as a way of avoiding some genetic diseases, and a method for ensuring IVF implantation success. The results for the latter havent been promising. However, with little tracking or longterm studies, the repercussions for babies born through this technology are unknown.

Through technology, a 3-parent baby has the DNA of a third person (another woman) added through IVF.

Originally, Dr. Jacques Cohen came up with a cytoplasm transfer in the late 1990s. The procedure used the cytoplasm (the material inside a cell, excluding the nucleus) of a donor egg injected into the host egg, and then fertilized. It produced a zygote that had mitochondrial DNA from the donor and nuclear DNA from the host parents.

According to Nu Sci Mag, Dr. Jacques Cohen reported in his book, Human Preimplantation Embryo Selection, the creation of 17 babies by this procedure, of which one was miscarried, and another was aborted.

The other 15 babies, unfortunately, werent tracked to learn the longterm implications of the DNA mix.

When the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] shut down the practice of cytoplasm transfer in 2001, labeling it a biological product and therefore within their domain, the clinic of Dr. Cohen lost the funding and support to pursue follow-up studies on the 15 other chimeras, Nu Sci reported.

So, while these babies dont exactly have three parents, they do have extra DNA from an additional party besides their host parents. Living things that contain such extra, genetically distinct DNA are known by another name: chimeras.

Chimeras do also occur naturally. A form of chimerism termed tetragametic occasionally (the American Journal of Medical Genetics estimates as many as 8% of fraternal twins have this) occurs when non-identical twins share a blood supply before birth. It can also occur with vanishing twin syndrome, in which one baby is born, but has cells from its now vanished sibling.

Another type of chimerism can happen when a patient receives a blood marrow transplant, then produces blood cells with DNA different from their original DNA. And, mothers often carry cells from the babies they carried, even years after their children are born.

Because chimeras are rare, they remain relatively unstudied. Chimeras born through mitochondrial replacement therapy are even rarer. The implications, both for the health of the baby and the genetic load down the germline, remain mysterious.

One of the justifications for implementing this new, improved fertility technology is to help implantation. Many women undergoing IVF endure two or more expensive and harrowing cycles of it. Ensuring implantation on the first try is a laudable goal.

A new study out of Ukraine suggests it doesnt work so well. There are only two clinics worldwide performing the 3-parent procedure (its currently banned in the US), and the study results, presented at a meeting of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine in Philadelphia, showed only one in 109 procedures led to a baby.

One Zero Medium reported that US experts are negative on the 3-parent baby efficacy for implantation.

Dr. David Keefe, an obstetrician-gynecologist at NYU Langone Health, told One Zero Medium the results are evidence that faulty mitochondria are not to blame for the quality of a womans eggs or infertility. They basically point out that it doesnt work.

Keefe suggests that tried-and-true options, like egg donation and surrogacy, are still the best bets if traditional IVF doesnt work.

The real justification for the procedure might be trying to avoid genetic diseases by adding different DNA into the equation. A baby born through what some US doctors term mitochondrial donation (the procedure was performed in Mexico) was born free of a familial disease called Leigh Syndrome, which always leads to the death of the infant. The family had already lost two children and had suffered four miscarriages because of the disorder.

The result is a baby with 0.1% of their DNA from the donor (mitochondrial DNA) and all the genetic code for things like hair and eye colour from the mother and father, the BBC reported.

Unfortunately, the parents also refused to have their baby tracked. This is problematic, because very little is known about the future health consequences of the procedure.

Mitochondria might be powerful, but theyre also involved in metabolic, immune, neural, and psychiatric function. Earlier this year, researchers published a paper showing that mitochondrial DNA is closely tied to the DNA in the nucleus, meaning it might not be possible to use just any egg donor. A mismatch could cause health problems for the child later in life, Keefe told One Zero Medium.

A recent article in Nature pointed out that scientists, because of lack of tracking and very low sample sizes in existing research, are still in the dark about the impact on babies born from a 3-parent situation.

Scientists dont know what amount of diseased mitochondria would cause noticeable symptoms, or even disease, in a child created using genetic material from two women, Nature reported. But studies in mice have shown that mixtures of mitochondria can result in neurological disorders or metabolic conditions.

Nu Sci MagOne Zero MediumNatureBBCScience Mag

Continued here:
The Reality of 3-Parent Babies - Parentology


Washington State’s Veterinary Association Announces Annual Award Winners – NBC Right Now

November 12th, 2019 4:43 pm

SNOQUALMIE, Wash., Nov. 12, 2019 /PRNewswire/ --The Washington State Veterinary Medical Association (WSVMA) held the Pacific Northwest Veterinary Conference in Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 27 Sept. 29. Veterinarians, veterinary staff, and citizens were honored at WSVMA's award ceremonies on Friday, Sept. 27.

Dr. Christine Wilford, veterinarian at Island Cats Veterinary Hospital in Mercer Island, Wash., received the 2019 Veterinarian of the Year Award. The award is presented in recognition of an outstanding career in veterinary medicine and contributions made to their practice, stakeholders, and other service directly benefiting their community. Dr. Wilford is a consummate, caring, and dedicated professional who created the national model to address the free-roaming cat reproduction and resulting kitten mortality through her founding of the Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Project, based in Lynnwood, Wash. She also served the Western Washington veterinary community through service in the Puget Sound Veterinary Medical Association as president and chair of their long-time, high-quality continuing education program.

Dr. Bryan K. Slinker, interim Provost of Washington State University (WSU) and former Dean of WSU's College of Veterinary Medicine, received the 2019 Distinguished Achievement award. The award was presented to recognize Dr. Slinker's dedication and outstanding contributions to the veterinary profession and Washington veterinarians through multiple accomplishments, including the work of the Paul G. Allen School to eliminate rabies by 2030, growing the College through new departments and capital projects, enhancing training for veterinary students by developing partnerships with humane societies, and establishing a One Health partnership with Univ. of Washington to provide side-by-side healthcare for people with pets who are experiencing homelessness.

The Clinical Simulation Center Team at Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine was awarded the 2019 Faculty Member of the Year Award. The Center is led by Dr. Julie Cary and team members Dr. Robert Keegan and Lethea Russell, LVT. The Clinical Simulation Center includes experiential, simulation training in clinical communication, basic surgical skills, anesthesia and critical care activities, and ultrasound and endoscopy diagnostic skills.

Jess Hanson, licensed veterinary technician at Olympia Veterinary Specialists The Cancer Center, received the 2019 Distinguished Veterinary Staff Award. Mr. Hanson is recognized for his outstanding animal handling skills, exceptional technical skills, compassionate and educational interactions with animal families and staff, and his unparalleled high level of staff leadership.

Veterinarians, technicians and staff from the organization Feral Cats Spay/Neuter Project (FCS/NP), Lynnwood, Wash., were presented the 2019 WSVMA Humane Animal Welfare Award in recognition of their exemplary service to the organization and the community. FCS/NPwas the first free standing clinic that is dedicated to providing free spay/neuter surgery for free-roaming cats in a safe, high quality, humane environment.

Jay Jones, long-tenured professional at Hill's Pet Nutrition in Kent, Wash., received the 2019 Allied Industry Partner Award in recognition of his quiet, yet dedicated and faithful service to Washington veterinarians and their patients.

The WSVMA is a statewide, not-for-profit, professional organization for the benefit of veterinary medicine. The WSVMA has over 1,800 members, representing veterinarians, veterinary students and a broad spectrum of veterinary practice. The Association's mission is to "advance the cause of veterinary medicine to better the lives of those touched by it." Visit the WSVMA Web site, http://www.wsvma.org, to learn more about the association, veterinary medicine, and animal care.

Washington State's Veterinary Association Announces Annual Award Winners - NBC Right Now


Nagaraja named Distinguished Veterinary Microbiologist of the Year – Manhattan Mercury

November 12th, 2019 4:43 pm

T.G. Nagaraja, distinguished professor of veterinary microbiology at Kansas State University, has been named the 2019 Distinguished Veterinary Microbiologist of the Year by the American College of Veterinary Microbiologists. This award was presented at the organizations annual meeting Nov. 4 in Chicago.

I am truly humbled by the award, Nagaraja said. It is special because this recognition is from my peers. I have had a lot of help in my research career some outstanding graduate students, very good laboratory help and excellent collaborators.

Nagaraja is a member of the diagnostic medicine and pathobiology department faculty in the K-State College of Veterinary Medicine. His appointment is 70% research and 30% teaching. His research expertise is in gut microbiology, focused primarily on the role of rumen microbes in function and dysfunction of the rumen, and on foodborne pathogens, particularly Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and salmonella in cattle. His research is a blend of basic and applied studies and involves collaborative interactions with epidemiologists, molecular biologists, pathologists and ruminant nutritionists.

Included in Nagarajas teaching responsibilities are veterinary bacteriology, and mycology lecture and laboratory for sophomore Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students, ruminant digestive physiology for freshman Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students and two graduate courses, rumen metabolism and rumen microbiology. Additional responsibilities include serving as the College of Veterinary Medicines director of the graduate programs in pathobiology and veterinary biomedical science.

Nagaraja and his graduate students have been responsible for several seminal findings, including describing that the feeding of distillers grain was positively associated with prevalence of E. coli O157, a major foodborne human pathogen, in cattle. In addition, he and his associates were the first to identify and describe the role and importance of the toxin leukotoxin, produced by Fusobacteroum necrophorum that causes liver abscesses in cattle. Nagarajas group also developed an experimental model to study liver abscess in cattle by inoculating F. necrophorum via ultrasound-guided, percutaneous catheterization of the portal vein, which allowed for the demonstration that leukotoxinis can be used to protect the animal against liver abscesses. This led to the development of a U.S. Department of Agriculture-licensed leukotoxoid-based vaccine to prevent liver abscesses in feedlot cattle.

In addition, Nagaraja has developed experimental models to induce bloat and acidosis, two major digestive problems in cattle. The experimental models were instrumental for testing and identifying new compounds to control bloat and acidosis in feedlot cattle, describing the effects of antibiotics like lasalocid, monensin and virginiamycin on ruminal microbes and fermentation to better understand their modes of action.

Nagaraja and his associates have produced more than 216 peer-reviewed articles, 115 invited national and international presentations, 19 book chapters and 20 review papers and symposium proceedings on food safety research. As a mentor, he has supervised 19 doctoral students, 21 masters students and four Master of Public Health students. His work has resulted in eight U.S. patents.

Excerpt from:
Nagaraja named Distinguished Veterinary Microbiologist of the Year - Manhattan Mercury


How does geospatial mapping protect Pennsylvania’s pigs from disease outbreaks? – The Pig Site

November 12th, 2019 4:43 pm

Tell a swine or poultry producer that their animals are sick and the first question they ask is, How?

Thanks to researchers at the University of Pennsylvanias School of Veterinary Medicine (Penn Vet), producers can now get an answer to that pressing question fast or even stop disease from encroaching past their property lines altogether.

Run by Penn Vets Dr Meghann Pierdon, the programme relies on geospatial information systems (GIS) to pinpoint current and emerging disease hotspots, share information about outbreaks with producers, and strategise community approaches to control potentially devastating diseases. Pierdon uses the GIS data to update a secure website with a map that illustrates, in near-real time regions, where pigs or birds have tested for disease and identify areas that may be at risk. The database is updated quarterly to be sure everything is accurate and communication is open to producers.

In 2012, nearly a quarter of the swine monitored by Penn Vets swine disease mapping programme, called the Pennsylvania Regional Control Program (PRCP), were on farms testing positive for disease. Since participating in the PRCP, which is operated by Pierdon and funded by the Pennsylvania Pork Producers Council, that number has declined to 15 percent; 17 percent if Ohio and Indiana are included.

As a result of its success, industry participation in the PRCP has doubled to include more than 100 farmer, hauler, feed and genetics companies and veterinarian members across the Commonwealth.

The idea is to provide usable data so farmers can take the information and make informed production decisions.

For example, we can set up protected zones where we only want negative pigs, says Pierdon. Producers can then make appropriate decisions based on that information, such as, being careful if buying feeders from infected areas or preventing a feed truck that was on a farm with active disease from going directly to their farm to help cut the disease spread."

Several years ago, the first swine disease Pierdon tracked was porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome (PRRS). Today, an emerging pathogen, porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus (PED), has caught her attention.

Most of the GIS data is drawn from Pennsylvania farms but, since neither commerce nor disease heed state lines, she also gathers information from Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey.

On the pig side, a vet or producer fills in a template with basic data like the farms address, where the pigs came from and where they will go next.

The PRCP has been instrumental in helping the industry understand the scope and impact of this new PED disease and in implementing the best biosecurity measures to stop the spread of the deadly virus, she said.

While it is endemic, PRRS is preventable, Pierdon says. The idea is to decrease the number of farms that are impacted by an outbreak. Then a producer can clean it up and not have to worry that it will come back, she adds.

Most recently, Pierdons GIS mapping has played an integral part in safeguarding Pennsylvania poultry farms from the recent outbreak of Coryza in the Commonwealth. Similar to a head cold in humans, coryza is a bacterial contagious disease of poultry that presents with secretion of mucus deposits in the mouth and throat. The implications for production on farms whose birds have contracted the disease, however, are serious.

It cropped up in December 2018 and progressed in number of cases until late Spring, says Pierdon. While it slowed this summer, she is noticing and mapping an uptick in the number of cases now.

In addition to providing on-farm outreach and support, Penn Vet also works with federal and state agencies. While government tracks foreign disease threats like foot-and-mouth, Pierdons focus is on monitoring diseases that loom as a threat to farmers but are not reportable to the government. It really is all about improving and implementing biosecurity, she says, adding that the data she gathers helps agencies understand how industry is structured.

There have also been what Pierdon calls nibbles of interest in applying her GIS programme to help safeguard other agricultural industries, mainly aquaculture and honeybees.

No matter where the system is deployed, the main objective is to decrease the amount of disease spread and give producers control over safeguarding their farms or operations.

Were not just looking to respond to the disease in the moment, but ultimately, provide biosecurity solutions that can protect our animals, our people, and our environment from the next big, bad bug.

Excerpt from:
How does geospatial mapping protect Pennsylvania's pigs from disease outbreaks? - The Pig Site


Veterinary Webinar Provides Education about CBD Products for Pets – CBD Today

November 12th, 2019 4:43 pm

An educational webinar for veterinarians about CBD products and use of cannabidiol (CBD) products for pets with various medical conditions was presented by Dr. Zac Pilossoph, chief medical officer for Cansultants, Inc.

Sponsored by the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) on its YouTube channel, Dr. Pilossoph also discussed the status of medical cannabis recommendations for veterinarians in the U.S. The presentation was titled, The Cannabis Pet Industry: Whats to Know and Whats for Show.

The presentation started off with a primer on the endocannabinoid system, which Pilossoph said, should be thought of as a homeostatic regulator system found in humans and chordates, or animals with a spineincluding animals such as horses, birds, and reptiles that often are overlooked when CBD treatment for pets is considered.

Dr. Pilossoph commented that one of the reasons he took up education around cannabis-based medicines and their use in veterinary treatment was because he felt frustration from not having learned about the endocannabinoid system earlier, and the lack of instruction available to medical students and doctors.

I felt frustrated, how Id never learned this in school, he explained.

Going on to cite published studies about the effects of CBD (and cannabis-based medicines), Pilossoph said there have been several studies, going back to the 1980s, that show cannabis had beneficial effects for several conditions including glaucoma, inflammation, and nausea, as well as having proven anti-bacterial properties.

In veterinary medicine, studies of cannabis- or hemp-based treatments are hard to find, but a wealth of anecdotal evidence has presented, as pet owners attest to the results they have seen when self-treating pets with CBD.

Pilossoph noted that such a trend among pet owners, by itself, should encourage more clinical studies to be conducted to identify the beneficial components in CBD (and other plant compounds). He added that a there have been studies conducted on dogs that indicated CBD could provide anti-inflammatory benefits for osteoarthritis and seizures.

Other plant compounds that work in synergy with cannabinoids create the entourage effect, Pilossoph said further. Terpenes and flavonoids, he said, seem to enhance the effects of cannabinoids in cannabis- and hemp-based medications.

The entourage effect exists, he said, which would suggest that full-spectrum formulations might provide greater therapeutic benefits.

Pilossoph hoped that product manufacturers would harness the power of raw hemp, as a resource for full spectrum CBD extract that would also contain only trace amounts of THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive compound in cannabis. Hemp contains less than 0.3 percent levels of THC.

He made the point that while products might vary between human and veterinary, the endocannabinoid system functions similarly for all species. Products labeled pet CBD, he explained, contained the same CBD extract as what is used in human products. Variations in formulations, he said, typically had more to do with ingredients added to make treats and tinctures palatable to animals.

He specifically mentioned veterinary CBD tincture PetCBD as the only formulation that he knew of that had been developed by a veterinarian, Dr. Tim Shu. Dr. Shu, who is no longer actively practicing, is the founder and chief executive officer at PetCBD.

However, Pilossoph stressed that he could not recommend specific products and that his information should be considered strictly educational.

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has issued a three-page statement outlining its position on veterinarians recommendations for CBD use with pets. Pilossoph summed it up by saying that the association suggested avoiding making recommendations for CBD use until the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) establishes product quality control regulations.

Pilossoph offered a basic, stepwise outline to help chose CBD products for pets:

Dr. Pilossoph also warned pet owners to avoid giving pets edible treats (with or without CBD) produced for humans mostly due to ingredients in human products that might be harmful for animals, like chocolate or artificial sweetener Xylitol. He singled out Xylitol as being potentially fatal for pets.

Continued here:
Veterinary Webinar Provides Education about CBD Products for Pets - CBD Today


Why we need to be prepared for African Swine Fever – Jill Lopez

November 12th, 2019 4:43 pm

The World Organization for Animal Healthrecently announcedthat 25% of the worlds pigs are expected to die from African swine fever (ASF), a highly contagious disease that causes hemorrhages in pigs. ASF has not yet made its way to the United States.

Dr. John Deen, a professor in theCollege of Veterinary Medicineat the University of Minnesota reports, that African Swine Fever has caused a major realignment of animal agriculture. It has spread throughout China and neighboring countries, resulting in less pigs and pork. More than 60% of the worlds pigs were in these countries, with pork being the preferred meat for consumption. Estimates of a 50% reduction in pigs in Southeast Asia are due to pigs killed by the disease, as well as farmers liquidating their herds out of fear of infection.

According to Deen, rebuilding the swine herd will not only take time but a transformation in the ways that pigs are reared.

The University of Minnesota's College of Veterinary Medicine is helping the Chinese industry identify methods to protect and expand their herds.

Read the rest here:
Why we need to be prepared for African Swine Fever - Jill Lopez


UMD researchers identify liver cells that could be key for fighting fungal infections – The Diamondback

November 12th, 2019 4:43 pm

Meiqing Shi motioned toward the window of his first floor office, pointing to the trees and plants outside of the University of Marylands veterinary medicine center. Fungi, he said, is all around out there.

In the dirt here, in the park, the veterinary medicine professor said. [Its] everywhere.

For many, fungus isnt dangerous the immune system can kill it or it might just sleep in the lungs. But for those with a compromised immune system, such as the elderly or people with HIV, fungus introduced to the body can cause an infection and potentially be fatal.

Shi is part of a team at this university that discovered a mechanism in the liver that can inhibit the spread of fungi in the bloodstream. They uncovered that cells in the liver, called Kupffer Cells, can engulf the fungal cells and filter it from the bloodstream.

The liver is already known to be an organ that supports digestion and metabolism, said Donglei Sun, the first author on the paper, which was published last month. But scientists in his field are also beginning to recognize the organs importance to the immune system.

Past research suggested the liver can filter bacteria and viruses, Sun said. But the teams recent discovery proves that the liver can also engulf fungi.

Whether its coming from the lung and disseminating into the blood or if its systemic and just already in the blood, the ability for the liver to kind of clear everything is just really important, said Ashley Strickland, a doctoral student and member of the research team.

[Read more: UMD researchers identify liver cells that could be key for fighting fungal infections]

Sun said that the use of intravital microscopy was key to identifying this liver capability. Rather than using a static slide, this tool allows scientists to see the cells in motion, using a window implanted in the live animal to image it in real time.

We are using a unique technique, and we are able to show exactly how the cells are moving, how the cells are interacting with the pathogen, Sun said.

The researchers were able to watch cell activity in a live mouse that they put to sleep. A supplementary video attached to the research paper showed that the Kupffer Cells captured most fungal cells.

Similar experiments might be conducted in-vitro in a culture dish or test tube which can be somewhat artificial, Strickland said. Intravital microscopy, though, offers something more realistic, she said.

You dont really get to see the dynamic and the kinetics and how it really is, Strickland said. You can theorize and you can interpret but you dont actually know.

[Read more: Takoma Park gas station becomes the first in the country to go all-electric]

Strickland observes the effects of fungal infections in mice. When theyre infected, their brains become dome-like because of all of the inflammation, she said

Cryptococcus neoformans, one of the fungi the team researched, targets the brain, she said. And once it makes its way there, it can spread quickly.

That inflammation is just not good for the brain as an organ, she said. If its not treated, its I think 100 percent fatal.

Now that the team has discovered the livers ability to fight fungal infections, Shi said the next step is figuring out how to harness that power to help protect people who are at risk and have weakened immune systems.

We know that theres a mechanism there, Shi said. How can we take advantage [and] use the mechanism for defense?

View original post here:
UMD researchers identify liver cells that could be key for fighting fungal infections - The Diamondback


Veterinary Software Market Size is projected to reach $728 million by 2025 | OGAnalysis – The Denton Chronicle

November 12th, 2019 4:43 pm

The $410 million global Veterinary Software Market is set to emerge rapidly, building synergies between IT, internal medicine and animal welfare, notes Ayesha Salma in the new report, research analyst at OGAnalysis.

Management suite of animal hospitals and veterinary clinics are increasingly seeking different Veterinary Software products to ease the task of maintaining electronic medical records, treatment procedures, appointments and other hospital administration protocols.

Huge research and development investments across veterinary software markets including development of innovative solutions and IT services will shape the medium term outlook of veterinary software market. For instance, IDEXX Laboratories, an American veterinary diagnostics company invests around $120 million on R&D activities.

Request Sample @ https://www.oganalysis.com/sample/216518

Growing incidence rates of diseases among livestock, growth in pet animal owners and welfare societies will be the key contributors to global Veterinary Software Market size over the forecast period to 2025.

On the other hand, high costs involved in deployment of veterinary software and shortage of skilled veterinary personnel act as veterinary software market restraints.

User-friendly veterinary software products witness huge attention from vendors and consumers

A significant volume of veterinary software consumers and vendors are depicting interest in user-friendly software products. Practice management software modules with cloud-based delivery mode hold major market value amid benefits of single platform to access medical information by researchers, practitioners and patients. Major companies involved in cloud based solutions are IDEXX Laboratories, VETport, ezyVet Limited and Carestream.

Further, marketing strategies practiced by cloud-based PMS vendors like VETport such as free trials & zero cost installation are penetrating markets with relative ease.

Browse Veterinary Software Market Research Report @ https://www.oganalysis.com/industry-reports/216518/veterinary-software-market

Ongoing Strategic partnerships and collaborations with research organizations and universities

Veterinary software companies are primarily focusing on developing joint ventures and collaborations with research universities for diversifying their product portfolio.

In July 2019, Simulations Plus, Inc. has entered into a new 5 years Research Collaboration Agreement with the USFDA Center for Veterinary Medicine.

In May 2018, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine signs partnership agreement with ezyVet to use the cloud-hosted veterinary PMS solution.

Top 10 companies contributing towards market growth include Animal Intelligence Software, Brittons Wise Computers, ClienTrax, Carestream, FirmCloud Corporation, Henry Schein, IDEXX Laboratories, Patterson Companies, Timeless Veterinary Systems, and Vetter Software.

Rapid adaptation of veterinary software digital equipment is observed across hospitals, clinics and laboratories

End-users holding the major market share including hospitals, clinics and laboratories are increasingly adapting diverse ranges of digital software equipments to enhance diagnosis and support animal health programmes. For instance, Idexx Laboratories provides Catalyst blood chemistry equipment, VetLyte Electrolyte Analyzer, ProCyte CBC, UA Analyzer, SNAPShot, and SNAPPro to hospitals in North Dakota and the US.

Request for Special Discount on Veterinary Software Market report @ https://www.oganalysis.com/discount/216518

Government animal welfare policymakers support veterinary software market growth

Government animal welfare authorities are supporting the veterinarians and companies through incentives and stringent guidelines for promotion of veterinary software globally, which is anticipated to contribute significantly to the market growth.

World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) works with the veterinary community to support animal health by providing funds for the development of high quality veterinary software equipments.

On regional scale, Americas and EU stand as market frontiers

The surging pet care market value and rising per capita animal healthcare expenditure across Americas and EU influences the veterinary software market growth. For instance, In US, the pet owners spend an average of about $140 per month on their pets with US pet insurance industry worth estimated to be nearly $2 billion by 2022.

As of 2018, an estimated 80 million European households owned a pet with anticipated market value for pet care products reaching 5.3 billion Euros, with United Kingdom as the peer market holders.

Further, presence of large number of trainers and practitioners across these regions contribute to long term market opportunity. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, about 113,394 veterinarians are present in North America.

Related Reports

Veterinary Vaccines Market: https://www.oganalysis.com/industry-reports/217757/veterinary-vaccines-market

Veterinary Surgical Instruments Market: https://www.oganalysis.com/industry-reports/216519/veterinary-surgical-instruments-market

Animal Health Market: https://www.oganalysis.com/industry-reports/217681/animal-health-market

Small Animal Imaging Market: https://www.oganalysis.com/industry-reports/216476/small-animal-imaging-market

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See more here:
Veterinary Software Market Size is projected to reach $728 million by 2025 | OGAnalysis - The Denton Chronicle


Have you heard of variant Chinese pseudorabies? – National Hog Farmer

November 12th, 2019 4:43 pm

I'm not really a gambler, but I would be willing to wager you would be hard pressed these days to attend a swine industry meeting and not hear the words African swine fever. It's definitely top of mind for the global pork industry as it rightly should be. Scientists are now estimating that a quarter of the world's pigs could be wiped out from the highly contagious hemorrhagic viral disease.

However, when one of our industry's leading researchers on ASF transmission in feed took a break from discussing the virus at South Dakota State University's Swine Day to focus on another one that is concerning her, my ears perked up.

Pseudorabies is another virus Megan Niederwerder is allowed to work with at Kansas State University's biosafety level 3 facility and the assistant professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology in the College of Veterinary Medicine, says it's a variant strain of Chinese pseudorabies, HeN1, that has her worried.

"Historically, China has had classic pseudorabies which is what previously circulated in the United States until it was eradicated from U.S. commercial swine in 2004. But since 2011, a variant strain of pseudorabies emerged in China which seems to have higher morbidity, higher mortality," Niederwerder says. "They also detected it in herds that were vaccinated with the Bartha-K61 strain, which had historically protected pigs against pseudorabies."

In 2013, one of the first publications came out documenting this new variant strain of Chinese pseudorabies and soon after it emerged in about nine provinces in China. A more-recent publication shows that the variant strains can now be found in more than 20 provinces.

"The variant strain of pseudorabies virus seems to be spreading throughout China and the Bartha vaccine strain does not seem to be as protective against this variant strain of Chinese pseudorabies," Niederwerder says.

Niederwerder says there are risks that this new pseudorabies may be introduced into other parts of the world where nave pigs would be highly susceptible to disease and that there are concerns that pseudorabies has the potential to be considered a zoonotic pathogen.

"Pseudorabies is a herpesvirus. It can affect dogs and cats, many different mammalian species, but historically humans have been considered resistant to infection with sporadic cases reported," Niederwerder says.

Niederwerder says the emerging infectious disease should be on the global swine industry's radar and that the risks for virus introduction should be investigated for prevention strategies.

In addition to ASFV, HeN1 and classical swine fever are two viruses Niederwerder is currently studying at K-State on their ability to survive in feed ingredients subjected to environmental conditions simulating transoceanic shipment. She hopes to have that research published before the end of the year.

Go here to read the rest:
Have you heard of variant Chinese pseudorabies? - National Hog Farmer


Housing shortage addressed in public meetings with university, city, county officials – The Aggie

November 12th, 2019 4:43 pm

Representatives from UC Davis, city council, county board of supervisors hosted a yearly meeting on campus, special focus on student housing efforts

An annual public meeting between county, city and university representatives was hosted at the UC Davis Genome Center Auditorium on Oct. 17, during which officials discussed the measures currently underway to address a shortage of available housing in Davis. University officials delivered a follow-up presentation during the next city council meeting on Oct. 22.

The university was represented by Chancellor Gary May, Vice Chancellor for Finance, Operations and Administration Kelly Ratliff and Associate Chancellor Karl Engelbach, according to the meeting notes. Mayor Brett Lee and Mayor Pro Tempore Gloria Partida, as well as council members Lucas Frerichs, Dan Carson and Will Arnold, represented the city government, while supervisors Dan Saylor and Jim Provenza represented the county.

At the meeting, May delivered a presentation that both highlighted the universitys recent successes and cited efforts currently underway to build new student housing. May cited UC Davis recent rankings among other public universities in the U.S. including placing fifth in the country by the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education ranking, fourth by Money Magazine and 11th by US News. He noted that UC Davis continues to rank first in the world for Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine and that UC Davis Medical Center was ranked the number one hospital in Sacramento.

After touching on some of the administrations efforts to address mental health and food insecurity among students, May moved on to the subject of housing. According to Mays presentation, the university has set the goal of 6,000 new beds by 2025. In early November, the university released a report detailing the progress of each of its new housing developments toward meeting this goal.

Lee, representing the city, presented a table of data on the status of several pending, under-construction and completed housing developments in the city. The table included several student-oriented housing developments that had completed the planning review stage and were pending construction, including Nishi, Lincoln 40 and Davis Live. The pending developments would add 3,348 new beds to student housing. The chart also noted the recently completed Sterling 5th St Apt., slated to provide 540 beds by completion.

Lee also noted other major developments within the city that targeted individuals, families and members of the workforce. In total, completed and pending developments listed on Lees chart would add 4,567 new beds of available housing in the city upon completion. Lee said he expects all of the pending construction to be completed between two to five years from now, according to the Davis Enterprise.

A lot more housing will be hitting the market soon, Lee said, according to the Enterprise.

Supervisor Don Saylors presentation focused mainly on the countys participation in specific services offered on the UC campus, including CalFresh and mental health resources under the Mental Health Services Act.

He did note several projects that may improve the commute of off-campus students, including an improvement project on I-80 that seeks to reduce traffic congestion through Davis and the launch of the Causeway Connect bus project. This will institute fully electric buses traveling between the UC Davis campus and the Sacramento medical center, with additional limited stops in Davis and Sacramento. The projected is targeted to launch in April 2020.

During the Oct. 22 city council meeting, administrators from Davis delivered a follow-up report on the colleges finances, which paid special attention to how UC Davis plans to address some of the housing pressures posed during the on-campus meeting.

Megan Glide Villasenor, assistant director at UC Davis Shared Services Center, pointed to a goal set by UC President Janet Napolitanos 2016 Student Housing Initiative which sought to add 14,000 new available beds in student housing across the UC system. Villasenor said that the UC system had exceeded that goal, with a projected 15,161 new beds added system-wide by Fall 2020. UC Davis will have instituted 2,190 of that number, according to Villasenor.

Davis has actually been an integral part of reaching the target we set for the fall of 2020, Villasenor said.

After the administrators presentation, Lee stressed the importance of continued collaboration between the university and city officials to address housing issues in the city.

The goal here is to mitigate some of the impacts that the student population has, but we need to be smart about it and work in partnership, Lee said.

Written by: Tim Lalonde city@theaggie.org

Housing shortage addressed in public meetings with university, city, county officials - The Aggie


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