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Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment Market By Production, Manufacturer, Revenue Analysis And Forecast To 2029 – Bulletin Line

December 30th, 2019 3:50 am

Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment Market (2018) Report Provides an in-depth summary of Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment Market Status as well as Product Specification, Technology Development, and Key Manufacturers. The Report Gives Detail Analysis on Market concern Like Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment Market share, CAGR Status, Market demand and up to date Market Trends with key Market segments.

The latest report about the Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment market provides a detailed evaluation of the business vertical in question, alongside a brief overview of the industry segments. An exceptionally workable estimation of the present industry scenario has been delivered in the study, and the Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment market size with regards to the revenue and volume have also been mentioned. In general, the research report is a compilation of key data with regards to the competitive landscape of this vertical and the multiple regions where the business has successfully established its position.

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Leading manufacturers of Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment Market:

Alteogen Inc.Bristol-Myers Squibb CompanyEpirus Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.Johnson & JohnsonMomenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Mycenax Biotech Inc.Novartis AGOncobiologics, Inc.

Segment by RegionsNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndia

Segment by TypeAdalimumab BiosimilarCanakinumabGolimumabTocilizumab BiosimilarOthers

Segment by ApplicationClinicHospitalOthers

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Scope of The Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment Market Report:

This research report for Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment Market explores different topics such as product scope, product market by end users or application, product market by region, the market size for the specific product Type, sales and revenue by region forecast the Market size for various segments. The Report provides detailed information regarding the Major factors (drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges) influencing the growth of the Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment market. The Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment Market Report analyzes opportunities in the overall Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment market for stakeholders by identifying the high-growth segments.

A detailed overview of the geographical and competitive sphere of the Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment market:

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Table of Content of The Report

Chapter 1- Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment Industry Overview:

1.1 Definition of Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment

1.2 Brief Introduction of Major Classifications

1.3 Brief Introduction of Major Applications

1.4 Brief Introduction of Major Regions

Chapter 2- Production Market Analysis:

2.1 Global Production Market Analysis

2.1.1 Global Capacity, Production, Capacity Utilization Rate, Ex-Factory Price, Revenue, Cost, Gross and Gross Margin Analysis

2.1.2 Major Manufacturers Performance and Market Share

2.2 Regional Production Market Analysis

Chapter 3- Sales Market Analysis:

3.1 Global Sales Market Analysis

3.2 Regional Sales Market Analysis

Chapter 4- Consumption Market Analysis:

4.1 Global Consumption Market Analysis

4.2 Regional Consumption Market Analysis

Chapter 5- Production, Sales and Consumption Market Comparison Analysis

Chapter 6- Major Manufacturers Production and Sales Market Comparison Analysis

Chapter 7- Major Classification Analysis

Chapter 8- Major Application Analysis

Chapter 9- Industry Chain Analysis:

9.1 Up Stream Industries Analysis

9.2 Manufacturing Analysis

Continued here:
Systemic Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Treatment Market By Production, Manufacturer, Revenue Analysis And Forecast To 2029 - Bulletin Line


This time last year I laughed and cried with my body – Thrive Global

December 30th, 2019 3:49 am


My grand daughter is 6 years old and my goal is to be physically and mentally fit to enjoy her. Well after five years it was not going so well. I had a very serious sit down conversation with self last year around this time. No more minute resolutions. No more unmet goals. No more start and stop diets. I need help; this has been a 65 + year journey and things were not going as well as I had hoped. I downloaded a habit tracker and put short doable daily and weekly goals. For movement, I have the following daily goals:

I also have a weekly hot yoga class at 7 AM on Sunday mornings that I look forward to. The class is 90 minutes of stretching and meditating in the heat which is awesome for arthritis which is in various places in my body.

Over the year, I lost weight, my flexibility increased and my diet shifted as I no longer craved foods that were not good for me. Honestly, I did other things such as increase my prayers, meditation, breathing and affirmation practices. But the key was the physical movement it always accelerated all the other practices. While I did not always do every practice every day, the habit tracker helped me stay on target by starting my count over when I missed a practice.

This year both my mind and body are in a better place than last year. The goal for 2020 is to add real cardio and reap more relief for sleep and stress. I joined my local gym last month; my plan is to enroll in a few classes and add it to my habit tracker. Slow progress is still progress.

Weekly Prompt

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This time last year I laughed and cried with my body - Thrive Global


Scientists reveal what life in space does to your eyes – Inverse

December 30th, 2019 3:44 am

When astronaut Michael Barratt returned to Earth in October 2009, he revealed that something strange had happened during his eight months in microgravity on board the International Space Station: His vision had changed.

Before his sojourn above the Earth, Barratt needed glasses to see at a distance. But once he returned from his mission in space, the astronaut also needed reading glasses to see up-close.

Barratts curious case, as well as reports of similar changes from several other astronauts, launched a series of studies on the effects of spaceflight on vision. If humans are to spend any significant time in space, scientists need to know how time spent in the microgravity environment may alter our eyes and if the changes are permanent.

The cause of the changes Barratt experienced are still unclear, but scientists hypothesize that increased pressure caused by fluid going into astronauts heads as a result of being suspended in a microgravity environment could be reshaping their optic nerve changing the structure of their eyes.

In a study published this week in the journal JAMA Opthalmology, scientists recreated the weightlessness experienced by astronauts in space on 11 people here on Earth in an effort to better understand what effect the environment has on vision. The findings may help develop countermeasures to mitigate the effects of spaceflight on astronauts eyes better preparing them for longer flights in space.

The participants were kept on bedrest for 30 days, with their heads tilted down a state supposed to simulate the physiological effects of weightlessness in space. Any changes to their optical nerves observed over the course of the study were compared with data collected from 20 astronauts who had spent around 30 days in space from the years 2012 to 2018.

Over the 30-day period, the participants developed significant swelling of their optic nerve at the back of the eye due to a buildup of fluid around the brain. Although the effects were not entirely parallel with those seen in the astronauts, the differences between the two data sets may still provide insight on the phenomenon.

Contrary to past theories, the results suggest that increased intracranial pressure, or increased pressure around the brain, as a result of fluid build-up may not be the only cause of vision changes among astronauts. In fact, the Earth-bound participants intracranial pressure levels decreased with increased weightlessness.

The results also run contrary to the theory that gender may play a role in changes to vision during spaceflight. In one of the initial studies conducted between 2012 and 2018, NASA noted that half of the astronauts onboard the International Space Station had experienced changes in vision, but none of the female astronauts had developed the same symptoms.

This study, by contrast, involved six men and five women, and the female participants also experienced swelling of their retinas.

The study also found that participants developed more severe symptoms on their right eye versus their left. This reflects the earlier results obtained from the astronauts data, suggesting that there may be asymmetry in how each eye is affected.

The results dont answer the question of how long these effects may last. In Barratts case, he reported that his right eye was permanently altered by his time in space, while his left eye returned to its pre-space condition suggesting some of the effects of weightlessness on the body may remain for years after astronauts come back down to Earth.

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Scientists reveal what life in space does to your eyes - Inverse


Why lead is dangerous, and the damage it does – The Daily Progress

December 29th, 2019 12:52 pm

Everything is a toxin, or has the potential to be, in the field of toxicology. In the 1500s, Swiss physician Paracelsus, the father of toxicology, coined his famous dictum: What is there that is not poison? All things are poison and nothing is without poison. Solely the dose determines that a thing is not a poison.

Lead, however, is toxic at any dose. It serves no purpose in our bodies. Unlike most other toxins that our bodies can eliminate through metabolism and excretion, the body has no ability to purge lead.

As a clinical toxicologist, I care for children and adults who have been exposed to lead and assure that those individuals receive the best possible care. Lead can enter the body through a number of different routes, depending on the source of the element. Most commonly, it enters the body through ingestion or inhalation.

As an example, toddlers are constantly placing items, including their hands, in their mouths. If a toddler lives in an old home that was previously painted with leaded paint which was banned in the United States in 1978 for use in homes the child may ingest old lead paint chips or lead-contaminated dust from his hands on a daily basis, resulting in gastrointestinal absorption of lead. This is by far one of the most common causes for elevated blood lead level that I see in my clinic.

On the other hand, I have evaluated adults in our clinic who had elevated blood lead levels after inhaling lead vapor following heating of lead in poorly ventilated areas. A couple of those cases included a hobbyist who made his own lead musket balls in his basement for Revolutionary War and Civil War re-enactments and a military marksmen who was practicing target shooting with lead ammo. One of my patients who was pregnant was using a heat gun to strip lead paint in an old home and developed markedly elevated blood lead levels via inhalation, placing her fetus at risk since lead crosses the placenta.

Clinical effects of lead

The clinical effects from lead toxicity are potentially subtle and may be slow to emerge and may not be noticed initially. The timing of symptoms is based on the dose taken into the body and the time over which lead enters the body. A child who ingests a lead fishing sinker that is retained in the stomach may have a rapid rise in blood lead levels and become symptomatic over days with nausea, vomiting, confusion, and sedation. On the other hand, a child exposed to ingested dust contaminating the hands daily may develop few and subtle symptoms that take years to manifest, if at all.

Once lead enters the body, it first flows through the blood stream, where it slowly crosses into various organs such as the kidneys, muscles and brain.

Lead is bad for humans because it interferes with numerous enzymes inside the cells of these organs. This results in symptoms such as muscle and joint aches as well as constipation and overall fatigue. It damages our brains by interfering with how brain cells send messages and communicate. Lead decreases fertility in both males and females. It harms our kidneys and can result in hypertension later in life. Lead prevents our bodies from creating hemoglobin the molecule that carries oxygen in our red blood cells resulting in anemia.

Rather than being eliminated, much of the lead we absorb into our bodies becomes deposited in bones and stays with us for the rest of our lives. From those tissues and the blood, lead will eventually enter the bone where it is deposited and remains for the lifetime of most individuals. That is why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has clearly stated that no safe blood lead level in children has been identified.

Lead in the brain

Lead is a dangerous toxin for people of all ages. But it is especially dangerous for young children. In young developing brains it alters brain development and changes the architecture, ultimately causing learning problems and lower IQs. In the brain lead interferes with with the release of signaling molecules called neurotransmitters, it inhibits function of a receptor (N-methyl-D-aspartate-type glutamate receptor) vital for memory and forming new neural connections, and raises the levels of a messenger molecule called protein kinase C. Taken together, these effects diminish the number of synaptic connections during a critical early period of postnatal development.

There are numerous treatments, such as a process called chelation, which helps to eliminate lead from the body when an individual has been poisoned. Chelation is used when blood lead levels are above a specific critical threshold where such treatments might benefit. However, the first goal is to assure our population does not become exposed to toxins, especially lead.

Entities, such as the CDC, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and local state health departments work to decrease adult and child lead exposure. Public health initiatives over the past few decades in the U.S. have been successful in lowering our publics blood lead levels. Such public health preventative work to decrease lead exposure will reduce future adverse health outcomes in subsequent generations.

If you have questions about lead, view information at reliable sites, such your state health department, the CDC and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

The U.S. poison centers can also help to answer questions regarding lead poisoning, day or night (1-800-222-1222).

Christopher P. Holstege holds several leadership positions at the University of Virginia, including director of the Blue Ridge Poison Center and professor of emergency medicine and Pediatrics.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.

Read the original here:
Why lead is dangerous, and the damage it does - The Daily Progress


5 Common Winter Ailments to Be Wary Of – Kiowa County Press

December 29th, 2019 12:52 pm

The winter is arguably one of the more scenic times of the year, in addition to being the busiest. What with all we have going on this time of year, there simply isn't time to get sick. The good news? It's nearly all preventable. So, here are thecommon winter ailmentsto be wary of.

Perhaps the mostcommon winter ailmentis the common cold. Some signs that you may have a cold is if you are suffering from sneezing, coughing, a stuffy nose, and a sore throat. A common cold will typically last two to three days, but the sickness may last longer, depending on the individual. The best thing you can do for yourself is to get rest, drink fluids, and take over-the-counter medicine.

Another sickness you must be cautious of during the winter is the flu. The flu can spread easily becauseit's viral infection, ratherthan a bacterial one. You may have the flu if you have symptoms like a high fever, headache, exhaustion, coughing, fatigue, and more. The best way to avoid the flu is to be preventative and get the flu shot.

Excessive coughing can also lead to bronchitis, which occurs in the lungs. Two different types of bronchitis you can suffer from include chronic and acute. Seek medical attention if you notice coughing with mucus, a fever, shortness of breath, a wheezing sound when you breathe, or low energy.

During the winter months, you may also feel pain in your throat. While you could just have a sore throat, which is a symptom of the common cold, it may be more serious. Strep throat can be identified by the red tonsils with white spots that you'll develop. The pain may be more persistent for a longer period, too.

An insidious illness that wanders in the winter is pneumonia. Like bronchitis, pneumonia occurs in the lungs and will cause excessive coughing. While they have similar symptoms, pneumonia can be more serious, which is why visiting a doctor as soon as possible is essential.

5 Common Winter Ailments to Be Wary Of - Kiowa County Press


In sickness and in health: Access to nearby, quality health care is a growing priority in Greater Minnesota – Southernminn.com

December 29th, 2019 12:52 pm

In January 2017, the Minnesota State Demographic Center published the report Greater Minnesota: Refined & Revisited. The 68-page document took a hard look at the state outside the population hub of the metro area in order to identify trends driven by Minnesotas changing demographics.

Among the most significant is that Greater Minnesotans are aging faster than their urban counterparts. The findings noted residents of rural and small-town Minnesota are more than twice as likely to be age 80 or older than residents in urban parts of the state. More than 1 in 20 residents in rural and small-town areas in Minnesota were 80 or above, and 44 percent of rural residents were over 50 at the time of the report, compared to 32 percent of urban dwellers.

Unfortunately, as individuals age, they need more health care services, but rural residents are finding fewer care providers available to them. They also report higher rates of perceived fair and poor health and face higher mortality rates than do their urban counterparts. Thats according to the 2017 Minnesota Department of Healths Office of Rural Health publication, Snapshot of Health in Rural Minnesota.

All of those things put together just make [Greater Minnesota] a more complicated environment to provide health care in, says Carrie Henning-Smith, deputy director at the Us Rural Health Research Center, part of the Division of Health Policy and Management in the School of Public Health. Not better or worse, just more complicated.

Bringing doctors into rural Minnesota

The Us Rural Health Research Center studies access to and quality of health care and population health outcomes in rural areas. Its one of seven such health research centers across the country funded by the federal government to improve health outcomes in areas that have unequal access to providers, compared to more urban locations.

Although areas in Greater Minnesota with larger cities such as St. Cloud, Rochester, Duluth, or Mankato have robust health care systems that are easily accessible to nearby residents, more rural areas of the state do not. And as residents in those areas age, they often must travel farther and farther to seek health care.

During a recent trip to Worthington, a town of roughly 12,500 located in far southwestern Minnesota, U of M President Joan Gabel says one of the things she heard from local residents is that they need more help bringing doctors to the area. They asked her if there were ways in which the U could facilitate that?

Henning-Smith says recruiting health care providers to rural clinics is harder now than it was decades ago. Part of the reason is because those providers cant be as flexible in their daily practice as they can in bigger cities.

You cant specialize in any one particular population or health problem, Henning-Smith says about providers in smaller communities. You need to be able to do the full range of practice, and health providers arent always comfortable with that.

That full range of practice is often delivered by primary care doctors, who offer routine, preventative services on a regular basis, and also help patients better navigate the complex health care system. But according to the federal Health Resources & Services Administration, which tracks what are known as Health Professional Shortage Areas, Minnesota has 133 areas with a shortage of medical professionals, including primary care physicians. Only two such areas are in the metro the rest are in Greater Minnesota.

The HRSA lists Lonsdale/Erin/Shieldsville in Rice County, Oshawa in Nicollet County and St. Mary in Waseca County as medically underserved areas. Nearly every Minnesota county aside from the Twin Cities metro and Rochester area is listed as having to have a shortage of mental-health professionals as determined by federal guidelines.

Ironically, at the same time the state notes a shortage of doctors in Greater Minnesota, it also estimates there are between 250 and 400 foreign-trained doctors who cannot practice medicine here without first completing a U.S. residency. And finding a residency in the U.S. can be expensive, time-consuming, and difficult for a physician who may not be a native English speaker or familiar with this countrys medical requirements.

As a first step to helping foreign-trained doctors qualify for a U.S. residency, the U offers a program called BRIIDGE, or Bridge to Residency for Immigrant International Doctor Graduates through clinical Experience. This nine-month program is open to individuals who have a medical doctors degree or the international equivalent; who were born outside the U.S., but who have been permanent, lawful residents of Minnesota for at least two years; and who meet other requirements. BRIIDGE helps those who qualify complete pre-residency requirements so they can proceed to the next step in seeking U.S. licensure.

Michael Westerhaus, M.D., an assistant professor at the U of M Twin Cities campus and director of the program, says that in the first year, four out of four participants in BRIIDGE matched into Minnesota-based residencies. In year two, two of six have so far matched into residencies; the other four are currently applying.

Another related program in which the University participates, the International Medical Graduate Program, offers funding to help international doctors pursue their residencies. IMG was started by the Minnesota Department of Healths Office of Rural Health and Primary Care and currently funds six residency positions, three of which are at the medical school. Students who receive funding agree to work for five years in one of the states underserved areas after they complete their schooling.

Khaled Mohammed, M.D., who attended medical school in his native Egypt, is a current IMG-funded resident who expects to graduate from the medical school next spring. After 10 years of training in his home country, Mohammed came to the U.S. in 2011 for a research scholarship at the University of Pittsburgh. He went to the Mayo Clinic for a research fellowship in 2013, then enrolled in his residency at the U of M in 2017.

While his first two years in residency kept him in rotations in the Twin Cities, for his last year, he is planning an elective rotation in rural Minnesota, although hes not sure where yet. How that rotation goes will factor into where he practices after graduation. (He could also stay in the metro to practice in an underserved area through Childrens Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota and Hennepin Health care.)

After Im done with my elective, I will have an understanding about practicing in rural settings, Mohammed says.

Another program the U offers to help introduce medical professionals to practice areas in Greater Minnesota is the Rural Physician Associate Program (RPAP). RPAP was established in 1971 as a collaboration between the medical school and the Minnesota Legislature, in response to a shortage of medical providers in rural parts of the state even then.

Kirby Clark is a family physician who has been leading the program for the last two years. He said medical education has long been very metro-centric. The point of RPAP can be summed up in a quote that Clark attributes to the late Jack Verby, another family doctor who helped establish the program: You dont train somebody to work in forestry by training them in a lumberyard.

Clark explains: You want to get [students] serving in a community, learning in a community that looks like where theyre going to practice. RPAP places third-year medical school students on rotations for nine months in clinics across the state. Positions stretch from as far north as Roseau, near the Canadian border, to as far south as Luverne, near the South Dakota and Iowa borders. RPAP is optional, but allows students to meet their third-year requirements. Roughly 35 students, or 20 percent of the U of M-Twin Cities class, participate in the program each year.

Clark adds that about 50 percent of students who participate in RPAP will go on to work in rural clinics after residency.

Go here to see the original:
In sickness and in health: Access to nearby, quality health care is a growing priority in Greater Minnesota - Southernminn.com


U of T faculty, alumni and other members of university community named to Order of Canada – News@UofT

December 29th, 2019 12:52 pm

A pioneering zoologist who was among the first to study giraffes in the wild while championing gender equality.A church minister and politician who was part of Canadas early LGBTQ movement and performed one of the country's first same-sex marriages.And a professor in the Faculty of Medicine who's known around the world for his expertise on diabetes.

These are just a few of the University of Toronto community members faculty, alumni and supporters who recently joined or were promoted within the Order of Canada, one of the country'shighest civilian honours.

The latest appointees to the Order, and promotions within it, were announced today by Governor General Julie Payette herself a U of T alumna. The long list of honourees with ties to U of T include alumnae such asAnne Innis Dagg, a zoologist and feminist, andCheri DiNovo, areverend and former MPP. It also includes faculty such as Bernard Zinman, a professorin the department of medicine and a clinician-scientist at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute who was promoted to Officer of the Order for his contributions to diabetes research and for his development of advanced preventative therapies.

Prominent supporters of the university and its partners were recognized, too.

Heather Reisman, the founder, chair and CEO of Indigo, was promoted to Officer of the Order of Canada for her contributions to Canadian book publishing and children's literacy, and for her transformational philanthropy. Reisman and her husbandGerald Schwartzearlier this year donated $100 million to U of Tthe largest gift ever in the universitys history to establish the Schwartz Reisman Innovation Centre and the Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society.

Heather Reisman, the founder and CEO of Indigo, was promoted to Officer. She and her husband Gerry Schwartz earlier this year donated $100 million to U of T to establish theSchwartz Reisman Innovation Centre and the Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society(Richard Lautens/Toronto Star via Getty Images)

In addition toZinman,thelist of current or former U of T faculty who were named or promoted within the Order islengthy. It includes:

Donald Dingwell, a world-renowned volcanologist, was named an Officer of the Order for his contributions to the field of volcanology and for promoting scientific involvement in public policy.Now teaching in Germany, Dingwell began his academic career at U of T.

Mark Henkelman, a professor emeritus in the department of medical biophysics in the Faculty of Medicine, was named an Officer of the Orderfor his pioneering contributions to the field of medical imaging. He's a senior scientist emeritus at the Hospital for Sick Children, director of the Mouse Imaging Centre and a past winner of the Killam Prize for his substantial contributions to the health sciences.

Mel Watkins, a professor emeritus in the department of economics, was named a a Member of the Order forhis contributions as a political economist and for his advocacy of social justice. He was the chief author of the 1968 federal report, known as the Watkins Report,on the costs and benefits of foreign ownership of the Canadian economy.

Josef Svoboda with crew taking measurements, circa 1980s-90s (photo courtesy of Steve Jaunzems/University of Toronto Mississauga)

Josef Svoboda, a professor emeritus of biology at U of T Mississauga and an expert on Arctic ecology, was named an Officer of the Order for his pioneering research on tundra ecosystems and for his lifelong mentorship of scientists studying the Arctic.

Ken Greenberg,an urban designer, teacher, writer and former adjunct professor in the master of urban design program in the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, was named a Member of the Order.

Anthony Miller, a physician-epidemiologist and professor emeritus in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, was named a Member of the Order for his work in cancer epidemiology as well as cancer control policies and practices.

Robin McLeod, a professor of general surgery in the Faculty of Medicine, was named an Officer of the Order for her contributions to surgical oncology and innovations in clinical epidemiology and biostatistics.

Shoo Lee, a professor in obstetrics and gynaecology who is cross-appointed to pediatrics in U of T's Faculty of Medicine, was also appointed an Officer of the Order for his contributions in neonatal medicine.

Anthony Miller, a professor emeritus in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health who has also donated to funds supporting research at U of T, was named a Member of the Order for his contributions in cancer epidemiology, as well ascancer control policies and practices.

A number of prominent U of T alumni were also named to the Order, or promoted within its ranks, in the latest round but perhaps one of the more famililar names to the U of T community is Innis Dagg, who was named a Member of the Order.

The daughter ofHarold Innis, a political economist, communications studies pioneer and namesake of U of T's Innis College, Innis Dagg obtained a master's in genetics at U of T in 1956. Soon after, at 23, she arranged to stay at a farm in South Africa using only her initials in correspondence to avoid discrimination in order to study giraffes in the wild. She's credited with being the first westerner to conduct system observations of a large mammal in the wild, even before Jane Goodall and DianFossey studied primates.

After returning to Canada and facing sexism in her field,she promoted gender equality on top of continuing her ground-breaking scientific work. In addition to being named a Member of the Order of Canada,she's the subject of a recent documentary,The Woman Who Loved Giraffes.

Anne Innis Dagg, seen here at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago feeding a giraffe (photo by Elaisa Vargas)

DiNovo, another alumna, became involved in queer activism in the early 1970s. She served as an MPP for Parkdale High Park for 11 years until leaving politics to return to the church. The first LGBTQ critic in the history of the Ontario legislature, she was named a Member of the Order for her contributions to provincial politics and her lifelong advocacy of social justice.

Other U of T alumni were recognized for contributions to everything from health care to the arts and gymnastics.

Alumnus Larry Rosen, chairman and CEO of the menswear chain Harry Rosen, was appointed a Member of the Order for establishing one of Canada's most valuable retail brands.

Duncan Sinclair, who received his master of science degree at U of T and went on to assume senior academic positions at Queen's University, was appointed a Member of the Order for his contributions to health care.

U of T alumnaCheri DiNovowas the first LGBTQ critic in the history of the Ontario legislature (Bernard Weil/Toronto Star via Getty Images)

Sister Sue Mostellerwho received her bachelor's from St. Michael's College in 1968, was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada for her work helping people with intellectual disabilities.

Rev. James Scott, who graduated with a bachelors degreefrom Victoria College in religious studies, was named an Officer of the Order for his work in advancing reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and his advocacy of restorative justice.

Alumna Joyce Hisey was named a Member of the Order as a member for her contributions to figure skatingas a judge, referee and mentor.

Alumnus Stuart McGill was named a Member of the Order for his contributions to understanding the biomechanics of the spinal column and the development of rehabilitation programs.

Slava Corn, who graduated from U of T in 1967, was recognized for her contributions to gymnastics as a judge, administrator and volunteer (photo by Paul Cunningham/Corbis via Getty Images)

Beverly Thomson, who earned an undergraduate degree in psychology from U of T Mississauga, was named a Member of the Order in recognition of her contributions to the broadcast industry, volunteerism and support of health-care organizations.

Wayne Fairhead, a graduate of the master in education program who has taught at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, was named a Member of the Orderfor his leadership of the Sears Drama Festival and for inspiring youth to take up the theatre arts.

Daniel Hays, an alumnus and lawyer who was named to the Senate by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in 1984, was made an Officer of the Order for his contributions to the province of Alberta and distinguished public service, including in the Senate.

AlumnaSlava Cornwas named an Officer of the Order for her contributions to gymnastics as a judge, administrator and volunteer.

Did we miss anybody? If you know of an Order of Canada honouree with ties to U of T who was announced in this latest round but isn't mentioned above, please let us know at uoftnews@utoronto.ca.

See the article here:
U of T faculty, alumni and other members of university community named to Order of Canada - News@UofT


Health hacks this Christmas – Health and Happiness – Castanet.net

December 29th, 2019 12:52 pm

Photo: Contributed

Piling on the pounds at Christmas has long been the trade off for enjoying yourself during the festivities nobody wants to be a Scrooge with their food during the holidays.

I understand; the food at Christmas is delicious, the alcohol flows freely and gifts can often come in the form of a chocolate box.

Here are my health hacks for enjoying Christmas to the full, without the expanding waistline to match.

Keep track

Use an app like MyFitnessPal to track your calorie intake as accurately as possible. You dont even need a calorie goal; the sharply rising number is often enough to put you off your fifth mince pie.

Caution with your portions

Load your plate with vegetables, and promise yourself you can add seconds of meat, stuffing and potatoes if you really want it.

Chances are, youll be full and wont need to go back for more.

Think about your drink

Alcohol forms a large part of your calorie intake. As well as tracking it and being aware of the calories in your choices, choose sugar free mixers and limit fruit juice

Walk off the weight

Get out of the house for a walk with your family, or use it as a chance to re-centre yourself alone, in what can be a really hectic time.

As well as being great for your mental health, every step boosts your metabolism

Go low

When grocery shopping and cooking, aim to use low fat and sugar foods, such as dairy, spreads, salad dressings and oil.

Focus on the good stuff

Rather than seeing this as a restrictive approach to food, try and focus on the foods full of fibre, vitamins and healthy fats and protein, like turkey and all the seasonal vegetables on offer.

You can also try making healthier alternatives to classic Christmas recipes, such as low fat gingerbread men or chocolate protein balls.

Think before you eat

Ask yourself; am I eating this because Im hungry, because Im bored or because its in front of me? If its the latter two, stop. Suggest a game or a walk to break up the mindless munching.

Tis the season to be jolly

Take time to check in on your mental health.

With your routine out of whack, food, sleep and exercise taking a turn for the worse, and the added pressure of cooking, cleaning and overspending, Christmas can be tough.

Delegate jobs if youre struggling, and remind yourself of whats really important. Its only one day of the year; its really not worth stressing over.

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Health hacks this Christmas - Health and Happiness - Castanet.net


Stem Cell Banking Market 2020: Global Industry Overview By Size, Share, Trends, Growth Factors, Historical Analysis, Opportunities and Industry…

December 29th, 2019 12:51 pm

Zion Market Research analysts forecasts the latest report onGlobal Stem Cell Banking Market Is Expected to Reach Around USD 13.36 Billion By 2025, according to their latest report. The following report contains an interpretation of the marketing plan forStem Cell Banking Market. Global Stem Cell Banking Market Report concentrates on the strong analysis of the present state of Stem Cell Banking Market which will help the readers to develop innovative strategies that will act as a catalyst for the overall growth of their industry. (Sample Copy Here) This research report segments the Stem Cell Banking Market according to Type, Application and regions. It highlights the information about the industries and market, technologies, and abilities over the trends and the developments of the industries.

The Stem Cell Banking Market report also includes the bifurcation of the Stem Cell Banking Market based on the kind of service or product, technology, end-users, applications, and others. Further, it entails extensive data in relation to specific business & financial terms, predictable market growth, market strategies, and so on. Also, the report entails the Stem Cell Banking Market computed expected CAGR of the market founded on previous records concerning the Stem Cell Banking Market and existing market trends accompanied by future developments. Additionally, the report also encompasses clarification of key factors that are anticipated to considerably drive or obstruct the Stem Cell Banking Markets growth. It also divulges the future impact of enforcing regulations and policies on the expansion of the Stem Cell Banking Market.

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The data offered in the report will assist the customers in improving their ability to make precise decisions related to the business under Stem Cell Banking Market. The report also focuses on the ongoing and upcoming regulations and policies to be introduced by the government bodies, which may enhance or suppress the market growth. For making the information better understanding, the analysts and professionals have incorporated diagrams, statistical figures, flow charts, and examples in the global Stem Cell Banking Market report. Along with this, the report delivers analytical information through segmentation of the market at a geographical level

Additionally, the Stem Cell Banking Market report provides objective, unbiased evaluation and study of opportunities within the Stem Cell Banking Market with methodical market study report entailing a number of other market-associated fundamental factors. Our experienced industry analysts estimate the market share, supply chains, market sizing, growth opportunities, applications, cost, import & export, technologies, companies, and so on, with the only endeavor to aid our clients to make knowledgeable business decisions. Also, with a team of vibrant industry professionals, we provide our customers with a high-value market study that would assist them to understand about new market avenues together with pioneering approaches to take hold of the market share. It further entails the categorization of the Stem Cell Banking Market based on geography.

The Leading Market Players Covered in this Report are : Cord Blood Registry (CBR) Systems, Cordlife Group Limited, Cryo-Cell International, ViaCord, Cryo-Save, LifeCell International, StemCyte, Global Cord Blood Corporation, Vita34, Smart Cells International, and CryoHoldco

After the performance evaluation, the report also provides detailed information about the Stem Cell Banking Market applications. The experts presented the data analyzed in the report with the help of diagrams, tables, charts and diagrams to make the concept and analysis clearer for customers. In addition, a geographic market analysis of based on specific regions are also included in the report. A separate analysis of prevailing trends in the parent market, macro- and micro-economic indicators, and regulations and mandates is included under the purview of the study. By doing so, the report projects the attractiveness of each major segment over the forecast period. The report also features a complete qualitative and quantitative assessment by analyzing data gathered from industry analysts and market participants across key points in the industrys value chain.

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The worldwide Stem Cell Banking Market report has all the explicit information such as the Stem Cell Banking Market share, growth and development aspects, industrial policies, and Stem Cell Banking Market bifurcations mentioned in a smooth-tongued format. In comparison to all its rivals, our multiple tasking platform provide the specific Stem Cell Banking Market based on the end-users, product type, subtype, applications, regions, and so on. Even the Stem Cell Banking Market segments [Product, Applications, End-Users, and Major Regions] are also detailed out in the reports. The global study of the Stem Cell Banking Market is clearly penciled down in a simple and plain general report layout. One of the eye-catching features is the portrayal of the information such that some of the futuristic growth and development can be well understood and predicted right now itself.

This Report covers the manufacturers data, including: shipment, price, revenue, gross profit, interview record, business distribution etc., these data help the consumer know about the competitors better. This report also covers all the regions and countries of the world, which shows a regional development status, including market size, volume and value, as well as price data.Abstract

The report covers the conjecture and investigation for the Stem Cell Banking Market on a worldwide and provincial level.

The report incorporates the positive and the negative factors that are impacting the development of the market.

All the sections have been assessed dependent on the present and the future patterns.

The report incorporates the definite organization profiles of the noticeable market players.

Browse Press Release@https://www.zionmarketresearch.com/news/stem-cell-banking-market

The Stem Cell Banking Market report includes the leading advancements and technological up-gradation that engages the user to inhabit with fine business selections, define their future-based priority growth plans, and to implement the necessary actions. The global Stem Cell Banking Market report also offers a detailed summary of key players and their manufacturing procedure with statistical data and profound analysis of the products, contribution, and revenue.

This report focuses on price, sales, revenue and growth rate of each type, as well as the types and each type price of key manufacturers, through interviewing key manufacturers. Second on basis of segments by manufacturers, this report focuses on the sales, price of each type, average price of Stem Cell Banking Market, revenue and market share, for key manufacturers.

Following 15 Chapters represents the Stem Cell Banking Market globally:

Chapter 1,enlist the goal of global Stem Cell Banking Market covering the market introduction, product image, market summary, development scope,Stem Cell Banking Market presence;

Chapter 2,studies the key global Stem Cell Banking Market competitors, their sales volume, market profits and price of Stem Cell Banking Market in 2016 and 2025;

Chapter 3,shows the competitive landscape view of global Stem Cell Banking Market on the basis of dominant market players and their share in the market growth in 2016 and 2025;

Chapter 4,conducts the region-wise study of the global Stem Cell Banking Marketbased on the sales ratio in each region, and market share from 2016 to 2025;

Chapter 5,6,7,8 and 9demonstrates the key countries present in these regions which have revenue share in Stem Cell Banking Market;

Chapter 10 and 11describes the market based on Stem Cell Banking Market product category, wide range of applications, growth based on market trend, type and application 2016 to 2025;

Chapter 12shows the global Stem Cell Banking Market plans during the forecast period from 2016 to 2025 separated by regions, type, and product application.

Chapter 13, 14, 15mentions the global Stem Cell Banking Market sales channels, market vendors, dealers, market information and study conclusions, appendix and data sources.

The classification of the global Stem Cell Banking Market is done based on the product type, segments, and end-users. The report provides an analysis of each segment together with the prediction of their development in the upcoming period. Additionally, the latest research report studies various segments of the global Stem Cell Banking Market in the anticipated period.

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Every information given in the report is sourced and verified by our expert team and is collated with precision. To give a broad overview of the current global market trends and strategies led by key businesses, we present the information in a graphical format such as graphs, pie-charts with superior illustration.

astly, with a team of vivacious industry professionals, we offer our clients with high-value market research that, in turn, would aid them to decipher new market avenues together with new strategies to take hold of the market share.

Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.

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Stem Cell Banking Market 2020: Global Industry Overview By Size, Share, Trends, Growth Factors, Historical Analysis, Opportunities and Industry...


Whole-Person Healing: Celebrating 20 Years of Integrative Medicine at MSK – On Cancer – Memorial Sloan Kettering

December 29th, 2019 12:49 pm

Yoga therapist Tina Paul (back) and Lori Weisenberg-Catalano work on form.

Chief of the Integrative Medicine Service Jun Mao performs acupuncture on a patient.

Music therapist Alessandro Ricciarelli and an MSK Kids patient play the guitar.


The Integrative Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering is celebrating 20 years of incorporating complementary medicine into the care plans of people with cancer.Read on to learn about its first days and whats to come.

As a new millennium approached in 1999, another beginning was underway: the creation of the Integrative Medicine Service (IMS) at Memorial Sloan Kettering. The IMS was built on the premise that healing from cancer goes beyond standard medical treatments promoting wellness in mind and spirit can help people feel whole again, too.

For 20 years, the IMS staff has cared for hundreds of thousands of people with cancer and led studies that have furthered the field of integrative oncology. The program has always been rooted in evidence-based medicine, says IMS Chief Jun Mao. Unlike alternative medicine, which uses unproven methods instead of conventional treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, the IMS works with a persons primary MSK cancer care team to support them holistically. Specialized integrative medicine doctors consult with patients and create a road map for their therapeutic needs. Services such as fitness training, acupuncture, meditation, yoga, massage, music therapy, and more are tailored to the individuals symptoms and promote restoration.

The blend of programs at MSK was the brainchild of philanthropist Laurance Rockefeller, who was on MSKs Boards of Overseers and Managers for more than 50 years. He believed that we have to take care of quality-of-life issues for people affected by cancer, Dr. Mao says. The first IMS Chief, Barrie Cassileth, established the prototype for the IMS and later founded the Society for Integrative Oncology, a multidisciplinary international society with more than 500 members from over 30 countries.

Integrative Medicine

Our Integrative Medicine Service offers a range of wellness therapies that are designed to work together with traditional medical treatments. Visit us today.

Barrie wanted me to continue to build upon the strong foundation she created and take this program to the next level, Dr. Mao says. Mr. Rockefellers legacy is now being carried forward by his daughter Lucy R. Waletzky, an MSK Board member who continues to support the IMS.

Integrative medicine services at MSK are more accessible than ever. Today, patients can receive acupuncture at all of MSKs regional locations. Through telemedicine, they can consult with an IMS doctor and take mindfulness classes from home. They can also access an online video library of mind-body programs guided by IMS specialists, including a series of instructional tai chi videos. In 2019, the IMS began offering pediatric integrative medicine consultations through MSK Kids. The IMS continues to lead integrative oncology research. In April 2019, Dr. Maos team published findings showing that changes to sleep behavior and acupuncture can offer persistent relief for insomnia.

Dr. Mao envisions an even more robust future, with expanded in-person and digital offerings. MSKs About Herbs database, an online hub of information on vitamins and supplements, has had roughly seven million visitors from 194 countries over the past 15 years. We really want to harness the power of technology so that patients have access to MSKs experts and services at their fingertips, he says.

Original post:
Whole-Person Healing: Celebrating 20 Years of Integrative Medicine at MSK - On Cancer - Memorial Sloan Kettering


10 Habits to Create Less Stress in Your Daily Life (Part 2) – Thrive Global

December 29th, 2019 12:49 pm

Dr. Bojana Jankovic Weatherly is an award-winning physician, double board certified in internal and integrative medicine. After completing internal medicine residency, she did a fellowship in integrative medicine trained in functional medicine, nutrition and mindfulness. Her approach is rooted in evidence-based medicine that is personalized to each individual she works with. She partners with her patients to discover and address the root causes of their conditions and develops individualized plans to support and empower each unique individual to achieve her or his health goals. As part of her mission to deliver accessible, evidence-based health and wellness information, she created her website, drbojana.com, that features her videos, articles and recipes.

Dr. Bojana is the recipient of several patient satisfaction awards at Cedars-Sinai and was recognized as the Southern California Top Doctors Rising Star in 2016 and 2017 and awarded the Top Doctor recognition in 2018 and 2019 in New York.

Prior to starting her integrative and functional medicine practice, she worked as a primary care physician at Cedars-Sinai Medical Group and Crossover Health,providedexecutive healthcare at EHE and worked at Dr. Frank Lipmans Eleven Eleven Wellness.She was the Co-Founder of and served as the Chief Medical Officer of WellStart Health, a digital therapeutics start up for chronic disease prevention and reversal. She currently serves as their Medical Advisor.

A lifelong learner, she completed a fellowship in Integrative Medicine established by Dr. Andrew Weil at the University of Arizona and continues to train in functional medicine at The Institute for Functional Medicine. She completed her Internal Medicine residency at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and West LA Veterans Affairs in Los Angeles. She completed medical school, Master of Science (Experimental medicine) and Bachelor of Science (Biophysics Honors) degrees at University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Throughout her academic career, Dr. Bojana Jankovic Weatherly performed research in endocrinology and oncology, published papers in peer-reviewed journals and presented her work at academic conferences. She is the recipient of numerous honors and awards. She has also established herself as an educator and speaker, teaching medical students and residents, and speaking on health and wellness in academic and corporate settings, podcasts, and wellness events. She has also shared her medical expertise on Today Show and Rachael Ray.

In addition to serving on the Board of EWG, she serves on the Board of Directors and has been honored for her contribution by Lifeline New York, a nonprofit organization that provides support to Serbian hospitals and children in need, and is on the Board of Tryall Fund, a non-profit organization that promotes health and education in Jamaica.

Dr. Bojana loves spending time with her two children and husband in nature, experimenting in the kitchen, doing ballet barre and practicing mindfulness and yoga. Her not guilty pleasure: Reishi mushroom coffee in the morning. Guilty pleasure: anything with chocolate.

Dr. Bojana Jankovic Weatherly practices at 245 5th Avenue, 3rd Floor, NY, NY 10016.

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10 Habits to Create Less Stress in Your Daily Life (Part 2) - Thrive Global


How to Take Charge of Your Migraines – Thrive Global

December 29th, 2019 12:49 pm

Lets first talk about what migraines are. Migraine is a type of headache that can be quite disabling and can last from hours to several days. It is typically associated with nausea and vomiting, light and/or sound sensitivity, and tends to be characterized by throbbing pain on one side of the scalp. Other features may include vision disturbances, numbness or weakness of one part of the body or even vertigo. Migraines can occur several times per week, or once or twice per year.

Migraine headaches affect 12% of the US population and are up to3 times more common in women than in men(up to 6% of men and up to 17% of women have them. Theprevalence of migraines increases up until the age of 39. In a group of women aged 30-39, close to 1 in 4 may have a migraine.

Mechanisms leading to migraines are complex and not fully understood. Scientists believe that migraines result from a malfunction of neurons (nerve cells) that leads to a sequence of changes that lead to migraine symptoms described above. Both genetic and environmental factors are involved in migraines.

When it comes to migraine headaches, there are 2 basic approaches in conventional medicine when it comes to treating the symptoms.

A class of drugs known as triptans (e.g., sumatriptan (Imitrex), rizatriptan (Maxalt), or naratriptan (Amerge)), may be used to abort the symptoms once they start. Non-steroidal anti- inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve) may also be used.

Those who have frequent migraines may be on medications for migraine prevention, or even have Botox to help prevent migraines. Some of the oral medications that help prevent migraines include anti-seizure medications such as topiramate (Topamax), beta-blocker medications such as propranolol (Inderal), and anti-depressants such as amitriptyline (Elavil). In 2018, the FDA approved drugs that are calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) antagonists for migraine prevention. More data are needed to know the long term safety of these medications.

While it is important to get migraine symptoms under control, it is just as important to understand the root cause of migraines and identify any possible triggers. Many of my patients migraines are triggered by certain foods, by skipping meals or by alcohol.

Many of my patients find that their migraine frequency increases when they dont sleep well and their stress levels are high. Working with your qualified healthcare practitioner is key in both adequately addressing your symptoms but also identifying triggers, so that you reduce these symptoms and their frequency, or even completely eliminate them.

Prevention is key. Although it may take considerable detective work to understand what triggers your migraines, it is generally easier to prevent a migraine than it is to have to endure the symptoms and treat it.

Here are my top tips:

Here is a list of supplements you may want to ask your provider about, that can help reduce the frequency of migraines:

*Sublingual ginger and feverfew have been found torelieve migraine attacks.

None of the information in this article is a representation or warranty that any particular drug or treatment is safe, appropriate or effective for you, or that any particular healthcare provider is appropriate for you. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking help from a health care provider due to something you have read or seen in this article. Your reading/use of this article does not create in any way a physician-patient relationship, any sort of confidential, fiduciary or professional relationship, or any other special relationship that would give rise to any duties. This article does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, healthcare providers, procedures, or treatments, and if you rely on any of the information provided by this article, you do so solely at your own risk.

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How to Take Charge of Your Migraines - Thrive Global


The Kensington hotel hits the heights with the finest of London luxury – Yorkshire Post

December 29th, 2019 12:49 pm

South Kensington is the best of tourist London, condensed - great culture, brilliant food and characterful shops, all within walking distance.

But where to stay? One hotel puts itself front and centre of the pack.

The Kensington, housed in a magnificent white stuccoed building on Queen's Gate, a street lined with equally grand properties, is a five-star venue that - in a city with some extremely stiff competition - does luxury very well indeed.

Part of the Doyle Collection group, the place blends modern sleekness with Victorian splendour. The 150-room hotel is made up of four 19th century townhouses, mixing high-ceilinged spaciousness with a certain intimacy, aided by crackling open fires and a surfeit of comfortable armchairs in the lounge.

South Kensington tube station is just 10 minutes away on foot - the stop is easily reached from the major London stations. Our journey was a pleasant, brisk two hours to Euston from Manchester Piccadilly with Virgin Trains, which has now handed over to Avanti West Coast following a franchise change.

If our trip was anything to go by, it's definitely worth upgrading to First Class as a treat - the quiet carriage, complimentary food, comfortable seats and relaxing passenger lounges were everything train travel should be.

The Kensington has a couple of special touches, one of which is its on-site juicery - according to the literature, leaders in 'nutrition, health, fitness, beauty and integrative medicine' were commissioned to come up with recipes for restorative drinks. Accordingly, while checking in we were served two glasses of a concoction called London Greens - a blend of pear, spinach, cucumber, basil, lime and coconut water, which certainly achieved the stated aim of 'recovery and rehydration'.

The staff were overwhelmingly helpful - from collecting, storing and carrying bags to supplying recommendations and fetching bottles of mineral water from a seemingly endless supply. The Kensington is such a well-oiled machine that a brief shortage of cereal bowls at breakfast, where every morning whim is catered for, generated the atmosphere of a small crisis.

Our studio suite - a generously-proportioned space with shuttered windows leading to a small balcony, where The Kensington's flag fluttered over Queen's Gate - blended classic English decadence and Far East exoticism, enlivened with a smattering of eclectic artworks. The bathroom had classy Malin + Goetz toiletries and an enormous freestanding roll-top tub as its centrepiece, as if to challenge anyone not to turn on its gold taps for a long soak immediately.

The streets around The Kensington are blessed with some fine restaurants, so the hotel has stepped up to the mark with its own venue, Town House. The clientele is a mix of guests and diners who aren't staying the night, which at a hotel is always an encouraging sign - the atmosphere is relaxed, well-stocked bookshelves line the walls and, next door, the oak-panelled K Bar is the ideal spot for an aperitif before taking a table.

Executive chef Adi Mandokhot's a la carte menu caters for all tastes, in the best sense. Starters of tiger prawns, harissa aioli and lime, and Dorset crab on toast with watercress and apple, were thoughtful combinations of saltiness and sharp fruits, while mains of heritage rib eye steak from the Josper Grill were deeply satisfying, unashamedly marbled with fat, delivering bold flavours and served with a superbly buttery Barnaise sauce.

Desserts maintained the quality - a burnished apple tart tatin and a decadent chocolate bombe are some of the delights on offer.

The Kensington shares its Victorian heritage with the V&A, a short distance away from the hotel on foot. Simply one of the world's greatest museums dedicated to art and design, nobody need worry if they haven't bought a ticket to one of the blockbuster exhibitions - there are enough outstanding artefacts, from fashion to metalwork and beyond, to occupy anyone for days.

The Design Museum - easily reached via the tube to Kensington High Street - is a must as well, attracting its own sell-out shows such as the recent survey of director Stanley Kubrick's archives that wowed visitors with props and costumes from 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange and the rest of the cinema pioneer's canon.

Kensington might just have the recipe for a perfect weekend.

The Kensington, 109-113 Queen's Gate, South Kensington, London, SW7 5LP. Rooms from 290 per night, call 020 7589 6300 or visit http://www.doylecollection.com/hotels/the-kensington-hotel to book. Direct rail services to London Euston from Manchester Piccadilly run from early until late every weekday and at weekends, with full breakfasts, brunch, lunch and evening meals available for first class passengers. See http://www.avantiwestcoast.co.uk for times or to book tickets.

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The Kensington hotel hits the heights with the finest of London luxury - Yorkshire Post


Extinction Rebellion is using holacracy to scale its international movement – Quartz

December 29th, 2019 12:49 pm

One of the defining events of 2019 was Extinction Rebellion, the global protest movement bolstered by activists like Greta Thunberg to make the climate emergency a priority for governments around the world.

Since its founding in 2018, XR, as its known, has mobilized thousands of people in dozens of countries, brought sections of London, New York, and Sydney to a standstill, and spawned 3,000 arrests in the UK alone (purposeful arrests are a core part of its strategy).

While the movement has received its share of criticism as it has grown in size and powernamely around its lack of diversityits sheer numbers and degree of international press coverage point to an enviable level of operational success.

A key to this success? Choosing an effective organizational model early on, informed by the latest management science. XR is a decentralized network designed to resemble a holacracy, an operating structure for self-organization tested by tech companies like Google, Zappos, and Medium. Anyone can join XR so long as they adhere to its 10 core principles and values, including a commitment to nonviolence.

While holacracy, too, has received its share of criticism as it, too, has gained traction, the system is credited for providing a basic framework for effective self-organization. At a holacracy training session at Zappos, the online shoe retailer, in 2013, HolacracyOne co-founder Brian Robertson, who invented the system, described his creation as providing a rule system for anarchy.

Extinction Rebellions embrace of holacracy makes it the largest-scale use case to date, eclipsing Amazon-owned Zapposs high-profile trials with holacracy involving 1,500 employees. Like Zappos, which has quietly backed away from certain tenants of the system and has begun to experiment with its own, modified version of holacracy, XR is also taking a broader interpretation of holacracy.

Were not dogmatic about using holacracy; its an adaptive version, says Ronan Harrington, a UK political strategist who was personally recruited by XR co-founder Roger Hallam to join the movement.

XR is not formally engaging HolacracyOnes services. Instead, its leadership has trained itself using online videos and with guidance from advisors like Miki Kashtan, an international teacher of nonviolent communication and former McKinsey consultant Frederic Laloux, whose internationally bestselling book Reinventing Organizations profiles successful self-managed organizations, including HolacracyOne.

The defining feature of a holacracy is its circular hierarchical structure, which is quite different from the static pyramid hierarchies most organizations employ today. The flattened hierarchy, combined with a focus on granular roles over broader job titles, as well as distributed decision-making and clear frameworks for conflict resolution, makes holacracy a more dynamic and scalable option for self-organizing entities like XR.

Reflecting basic holacratic structure, XR has a number of core circles that focus on everything from finance and fundraising to legal, tech, and even the nature of self-organizing systems. The core circles send representatives to the main circle, led by XR co-founders Hallam and Gail Bradbrook. Feedback loops run quickly both down- and upstream. Those in core roles are empowered to make decisions as they see fit, so long as they consult with others who have expertise in order to make thoughtful decisions.

More complex decisions involve integrative decision making, a process where all proposals need to pass with no objection. When necessary, a rapid-response team makes faster decisions on strategy and other issues.

The movement has learned from the mistakes of Occupy Wall Street, which was weighed down by crowded general assemblies that made decisions by consensus, which quickly became a hindrance to progress. By contrast, holacracy is designed to protect against that kind of gridlock by empowering individuals to act with full sovereignty within the scope of their roles, while retaining a democratic bent through its governance and integrated decision-making processes.

Harrington notes that the average XR protester probably would not even know that they are operating within a holacracy (though the group does hold training sessions on holacracy in various local chapters). People know [holacracy] by the processes we have, he explains. For most people its their first experience in a self-organizing system.

Daniel Thorson, who has explored the concept of societal and ecological collapse through his podcast Emerge: Making Sense of Whats Next, participated in the UK protests this past autumn. While he wasnt initially aware of XRs holacratic design, he observed that anyone was empowered to act as they desired, so long as it was in accordance with the movements principles. He kept up-to-date on the campaigns UK strategy through a widely broadcast channel on Telegram, the encrypted messaging service. Transparent information flow is a core tenet of holacracy because it fosters trust, the lynchpin of all effective self-organized systems.

Thorson, who also participated in Occupy Wall Street, was struck by the way XR participants were noticeably more in control of their emotions than the Occupiers were, evidenced by a more cool-headed approach to protesting.

In Londons Trafalgar Square, youd come across a sign for therapeutic yoga and sound healing, right next to a table for the scientists of XR, and the Buddhists of XR, he said, referring to the mixture of the spiritual and the sacred within the context of the protest movement. At Occupy there would have been antipathy for that.

On Thorsons podcast following his visit to the UK, he interviewed Harrington, who pointed out that many XR protesters have done their shadow work, that is, healed traumas within themselves so they dont project dysfunctional conditioning onto others, namely law enforcement.

They have done inner work on antagonism, so they are projecting less onto the public, explained Harrington, noting the clear link between self-development and systems transformation. [When] an activist hasnt actually processed the rage and the anger that comes from issues with their mothers and fathers, they project that onto the system. And people feel that.

Thorson adds that the inherent discomfort associated with protesting can easily trigger unhealed emotional wounds. You can tell where trauma is if you get irritated, he says. There are so many opportunities for people to freak out. People were more angry and rageful at Occupy, whereas at XR people are pretty peaceful. Its more of a festival atmosphere.

The XR movement itself has its roots in the spiritual. In 2016, Bradbrook attended an ayahuasca ceremony in Costa Rica for activists with the intention of discerning the codes for social change. (Ayahuasca is a plant-based medicine thought to have a mind-opening effect.)

Not long after, Bradbrook, a former biophysicist, met Hallam, a former organic farmer who is pursuing a PhD at Kings College London centered on how to create social change; and together they began laying the groundwork for XR. The activists studied notable protest movements in modern history and determined that nonviolence, promoted by the likes of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., has by far been the most effective strategy. Their message was bolstered by the work of Jem Bendell, a professor of sustainability leadership at the University of Cumbria, who published a viral academic paper in July 2018 discussing the need for deep adaptation in the face of impending ecological collapse.

Using holacracy as an operating system, they scaled XR globally in relatively fast order, starting with the groups official founding in October 2018 and accelerating with mass protests in April and October of this year. The campaign has brought attention to the climate emergency, but it is still far from persuading political leaders to meet its demands, which include a commitment by the British government to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2025. Based on their academic research, XRs leaders predict it will take 3.5% of the population getting involved to affect systemic change.

As XR strategizes for its next phase in 2020, it is also integrating lessons Hong Kongs pro-democracy movement, which is leaderless out of necessity. We admire their Bruce Lee, be-like-water approach, says Harrington, though he is quick to note a core difference between the two is XRs commitment to non-violence. Either way, he says, Hong Kong shows us the value of keeping something in the news long enough.

Original post:
Extinction Rebellion is using holacracy to scale its international movement - Quartz


The Art of the Yoga Practice – Jewish Link of New Jersey

December 29th, 2019 12:49 pm

Stressful news comes in all shapes and sizes. For some it is sudden news of financial struggle, and for others it comes in the form of being laid off from a job. In this weeks parsha we read how Yaacov dealt with his own stressful news.

The defining moment had come. The brothers had to tell their father, Yaakov, that Joseph was alive. There was arguing amongst themselves as to how to deliver this news. For all these years, Yaakov believed his favorite son, Joseph, was dead. To bring out these facts now, including the background story, could have such an impact on Yaakov that the brothers feared it would kill him upon hearing the news.

A genius solution appeared. Yaakovs cherished granddaughter, Serach, would be brought in. She would sing the story of what happened to Joseph through her beautiful, comforting voice. Serachs song would tell the tale of Josephs sale into slavery and how he came to be alive. Her lovely voice would create a soft arrow that would go from the story of Josephs life and travel into the tender interior of Yaakovs heart, allowing Yaakovs body to remain alive as he took in this jarring news.

I know I have invented my own methods for slowing down the impact of difficult news. When I opened my email to read the feedback forms (criticism) from the womens yoga retreat I ran at Isabella Freedman Retreat Center, I covered my eyes and read the reviews through the cracks of light in between my fingers, stockading myself for the worst. If I started to read something really upsetting, I could close my fingers tight and block the view. Ninety-nine percent of the feedback forms came back outstanding; the crowd raved! But there was that one voice, ok, maybe several voices, that said I talked too much, as well as some other points of criticism that made me feel glad I was reading them through the cracks of light through my fingers.

I have a low threshold for criticism. Still, I have gotten better through the years, and I attribute my growing ability to tolerate uncomfortable feelings to the consistent physical practice of yoga and breathing. Yes, breathing! Intentional deep diaphragm breathing lowers cortisol stress hormones and supports the neocortex part of the brain to make logical decisions during times of stress.

Not long ago, my 92-year-old mother (thank God) spent a day preparing for an unpleasant minor procedure to be done the following day. By the time she arrived for the procedure, she was all riled up, and her blood pressure was way too high to move ahead. My mother told the doctor that she was not going home until the procedure was done, no matter what. So, they brought in a nurse to breath with her in an attempt to lower her blood pressure enough to complete the procedure. My determined mother became focused and quiet, taking deep rhythmic breaths with the nurse. As her breathing slowed, she moved out of her fight-or-flight state and into a state of calm. Within the hour, her blood pressure was rechecked, and this time the anesthesiologist felt safe enough to move ahead with the procedure.

Worrying about a single event coming up, as with my mother, is one thing. But we can find ourselves in an ongoing, constant state of fight or flight, not even being aware of it. This is all thanks to stress hormones. These horomones naturally lower by nighttime, but if we are living day-to-day as if there might be a disaster ready to happen at any moment, a high rate of stress hormones will circulate and wont slow down enough to get a good nights sleep. This, we do not want.

Practicing the yoga poses and breathing deeply in an intentional way is a simple yet powerful tool for creating positive changes in our physiology, all while supporting our nervous system in an effort to calm down. Through the physical practice of yoga, blood pressure rates lower. Muscle tensions are released. Cortisol stress hormone rates come down. Heart rate variability increases, as does the release of serotonin in the brain, which naturally creates a sense of well-being.

There are specialists whose disciplines tackle these issues: Dr. Nancy Lentine has a private practice in integrative family medicine, specializing in the endocrine hormone system. Stephen Cope is the founder and director of the Kripalu Institute for Extraordinary livinga research institute that examines the effects and mechanisms of yoga and meditation.

With tools to calm our physical body, there is more ability to tolerate the difficult emotions and feelings that will come in our life experiences and memories. In the story of Yaakov, the news was told to him slowly and sweetly. He was able to keep breathing, sustaining his own life. His intellect had a chance to process the shocking story of his son and he was able to contain and hold the strong feelings, setting himself up for success.

Whether you are new to the practice of yoga or a seasoned practitioner, now is the time to check out the yoga and meditation classes at Freedom Within Yoga Studio in Teaneck. For more information call 201-920-7408 or go to http://www.freedomwithinyoga.com.

Read the original here:
The Art of the Yoga Practice - Jewish Link of New Jersey


This Is How Human Head Transplants Could Be Achieved, According To A Neurosurgeon – IFLScience

December 29th, 2019 12:48 pm

The idea of transplanting a human head onto another persons body may sound like the stuff of science fiction and thats because it is. But while penning a fictional story about the worlds first cranial exchange, neuroscientist Bruce Mathew came up with an idea that he says could soon become a real-life procedure.

Speaking to The Telegraph, Mathew who was previously the clinical lead for neurosurgery at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust explained that a head could be grafted onto another body if the entire spinal cord is transplanted along with it.

Initially our intention was to just brainstorm an idea and it seemed rather silly, but then I realized, it actually isnt. If you transplant the brain and keep the brain and spinal cord together its actually not impossible, he said.

The spinal cord is the most profound thing imaginable. You need to keep the brain connected to the spinal cord. The idea that you cut the spinal cord is utterly ridiculous."

Obviously this is not an easy thing to do, and while recent advances have opened up the possibility of reattaching individual severed nerves, the prospect of connecting an entire spinal column is still some way out of reach.

Yet with surgical technologies improving at a rapid rate, Mathew says it is not entirely unrealistic to think that it will probably happen in the next 10 years.

At the moment, you can connect one or two nerves, but with robotics and artificial intelligence well soon be able to do 200 nerves, he explained.

Of course, there are likely to be many complications with such a procedure, as the recipients body will probably reject such a large amount of donor material. While Mathew hasnt figured out all the solutions in detail, he says that transferring gut bacteria along with the head and spinal cord, and stem cell transplants, may help to ensure that the transplant is accepted.

At present, Mathew has no plans to take his idea any further than the pages of his science fiction novel, although Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero has spent the last few years actively attempting to achieve a human head transplant.

In 2017 he announced that he had successfully transplanted the head of one human corpse onto another, and previously claimed to have grafted a donor head onto a monkey although the animal never regained consciousness and would probably have been paralyzed if it had, as the spinal cord remained unattached.

Despite this, Canavero apparently has a willing human donor, and of course, there are thousands of people (and sometimes just heads) across the world cryonically frozenin the hope medicine and technology of the future will be able to revive them. Perhaps it will happen one day, but we're not quite there yet.

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This Is How Human Head Transplants Could Be Achieved, According To A Neurosurgeon - IFLScience


Transplanting human heads on to another body possible by 2030 – Samaa News

December 29th, 2019 12:48 pm

A former neurosurgeon, who worked with the UKs National Health Service, has a surprising prediction for the next decade. He claims human head transplants will become a reality by 2030.

Dr Bruce Matthew said this during an interview with The Telegraph on December 21. He says the revelation came to him while he was working on a science-fiction novel with futurist author Michal J Lee.

Ifyou transplant the brain and keep the brain and spinal cord together itsactually not impossible. The spinal cord is the most profound thing imaginable.You need to keep the brain connected to the spinal cord. The idea that you cut the spinal cord isutterly ridiculous, he told The Telegraph.

Previous(unsuccessful) attempts at the controversial procedure focused on severing thespinal cord from the brain and then transplanting the head after connectingnerves, blood vessels and meninges (the covering of the brain and spinal cord).

This happened in2017 on a human corpse. Controversial Italian neurosurgeon Dr Sergio Canavero and DrXiaoping Ren of Harbin Medical University, China carried out the 18-hour procedurewhich was later slammed by scientists and bioethicists the world over.

Dr Matthew admits that the future process will be tricky because shifting the spinal cord intact is impossible.

It will take a number of advancements and incremental steps but it will probably happen in the next 10 years, said the former surgeon, who was a clinical lead for neurosurgery at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in the UK and has 25 years of experience.

Hesays the feat will be accomplished with the help of cryogenics (freezing deadbodies in nitrogen), robotics, stem cell therapy and artificial intelligence.

Who will head transplants help?

People with terminal illnesses whose brains are still intact, those with neurodegenerative muscle diseases, the rich who have already frozen their bodies it costs somewhere between $28,000 and $200,000 in hopes of reincarnation.

Basically,those with an intact brain.

Why are head transplants so controversial?

Apartfrom the medical limitations and lack of scientific research on the topic, thebiggest issue that arises is an ethical one.

Doesthe person remain the same person? Will identity also be transferred? DrMatthew says shifting the spinal cord means shifting a persons consciousness. Asfor DNA, hes proposed shifting stem cells from the patient to the donors bodyso a new colony of original DNA can be built.

Scientists also say the donor body runs the risk of being paralysed because of the procedure. Bioethicists say the surgery will have profound psychological, legal and moral complications.

Follow SAMAA English onFacebook,Twitter,andInstagram.

See more here:
Transplanting human heads on to another body possible by 2030 - Samaa News


Autologous Stem Cell and Non Stem Cell Based Therapies Market to Garner Brimming Revenues by 2023 – Industry Mirror

December 29th, 2019 12:48 pm

In autologous stem cell and non-stem cell based therapies, an individuals cell is cultured and then re-introduced to the donors body. Used for the treatment of various bone marrow diseases, autologous stem cell and non-stem cell based therapies allows patients to have normal bone marrow, which gets destroyed in chemotherapy. The various diseases that can be treated with the help of autologous stem cell and non-stem cell based therapies include: multiple myeloma, aplastic anemia, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, Parkinsons disease, Hodgkins lymphoma, thalassemia, and diabetes. Thus, the demand for this therapy is projected to rise over the coming years.

The report is a thorough analysis of theAutologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies Market. Comprising an in-depth analysis of the various factors boosting and inhibiting the growth of the market, this report is a key to making profitable decisions by investing in the correct segment and sub-segment, which is anticipated to make the most progress in the future.

Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies Market: Trends and Opportunities

One of the key drivers for this market is the rise in the prevalence of cancer and diabetes among people across all age groups. Moreover, the growing geriatric population is another factor, which is likely to create a heightened demand for autologous stem cell and non-stem cell based therapies. Favorable reimbursement policies across several nations are also aiding the growth of this market.

To obtain all-inclusive information on forecast analysis of Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies Market, Request a PDF Brochure Here https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=4001

Players in the market are striving to achieve therapies that are not only safe and effective but also affordable and easy to use. Players are also investing in extensive research and development so as to speed up the treatment process of autologous stem cell and non-stem cell based therapies. While currently this treatment is quite expensive, government bodies are expected to take up initiatives and make the therapy affordable in the years to come. This is expected to drive the market in the future.

On the other hand, challenges faced by the global autologous stem cell and non-stem cell based therapies market include risks and complications associated with the therapy, such as diarrhea, hair loss, nausea, severe infections, vomiting, heart complications, and infertility.

Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies Market: Geographical Analysis

By geography, North America, trailed by Europe is leading in the autologous stem cell and non-stem cell based therapies market, on account of the minimization of risks associated with the therapy. Also, these therapies are highly in demand owing to their ability to treat a large number of infectious diseases. The fact that autologous stem cell and non-stem cell based therapies do not require an outside donor, makes it more convenient and less infectious. All these factors are boosting the growth of the market in North America.

Asia Pacific is projected to show the most promising growth in the years to come with high demand from China, Vietnam, Malaysia, and India. The demand is expected to be high as autologous stem cell and non-stem cell based therapies help in the effective treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Sophisticated healthcare infrastructure and favorable tax and reimbursement policies are also expected to aid the growth of the Asia Pacific autologous stem cell and non-stem cell based therapies market.

Request for a Discount on Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies Market Report https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=D&rep_id=4001

Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies Market: Companies Mentioned

Some of the leading players operating in the autologous stem cell and non-stem cell based therapies market are Fibrocell Science, Inc., Aastrom Biosciences, Dendreon Corporation, NeoStem, Inc., BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics, Regeneus Ltd., and Genzyme Corporation.

This post was originally published on Industry Mirror

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Autologous Stem Cell and Non Stem Cell Based Therapies Market to Garner Brimming Revenues by 2023 - Industry Mirror


Heard on the Street: Nominate your favorite local businesses – Kankakee Daily Journal

December 29th, 2019 12:47 pm

Honor your favorite local businesses by nominating them in the first-ever Daily Journal Readers Choice Awards.

The public is invited to nominate their favorite local businesses in categories such as children and education, dining, entertainment, health and beauty, home services, places, shopping and vehicle dealer and services.

Once the nomination period ends, the public is again invited to vote for their favorite in each of the categories, Jan. 15 through Jan. 28.

Winners in each category will be announced and featured in the Daily Journal in February.

Olivet Nazarene University recently reimagined and revamped the Department of Computer Science and Emerging Technologies, formerly known as the Department of Computer Science.

Based on the advice of industry leaders, the Council of Software Programmers and the Universitys CSET Advisory Council, the Walker School of Engineering and Technology decided to modify requirements, expand course concentrations and add more certification options.

Changes to the curriculum and degree requirements will go into effect for the fall 2020 semester.

The program changes also will incorporate the universitys cybersecurity lab, housed in Reed Hall of Science.

Olivets department of CSET is an Amazon AWS Academy offering courses in cloud foundations, cloud architecture and cloud development. Students can pursue certifications in CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Security+, CompTIA Server+, CompTIA Linux+, AWS-CDA, AWS-CP, AWS-CSA, EC-CIH and EC-CEH and will become familiar with Python, Java, PHP, C and Assembly languages.

ONU offers three degrees in the department, a bachelor of arts degree in computing technology, a bachelor of science degree in computer science and emerging technologies and a bachelor of science degree in cybersecurity.

OAK Orthopedics, with offices in Bradley, Frankfort, New Lenox and Watseka, now offers diagnostic imaging and minimally invasive surgery using NanoScope by Arthrex.

This surgical technology, nano arthroscopy, an even less invasive form of arthroscopy, uses a small camera to find and repair joint problems.

For decades, arthroscopy has provided patients with a minimally invasive joint repair treatment option. Now, nano arthroscopy offers the next step in efficient and precision care for joint injuries and conditions.

The NanoScope is even smaller and more flexible than traditional arthroscopes, and OAK Orthopedics use it as a diagnostic tool with alternative views and a treatment tool.

This technology is going to optimize what we can do for our patients, said fellowship trained sports medicine surgeon Dr. Michael Corcoran of OAK Orthopedics. From navigating a tight or curved joint area to being able to access areas that are difficult to visualize even with an MRI, the NanoScope allows surgeons to see and treat problems in a more efficient way.

See more here:
Heard on the Street: Nominate your favorite local businesses - Kankakee Daily Journal


Vaccinations in California Rebound Less Than 5 Years After SB 277 According to New Study – California Globe

December 29th, 2019 12:47 pm

Less than 5 years after SB 277 was signed into law and removed personal belief vaccination exemptions for children in public schools, the number of vaccinated children in California has skyrocketed.

A recently released study in the the medical journal PLOS Medicine has found that measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines have seen a 3.3% increase in California, a similar declination of exemptions, and no major outbreak of diseases like the measles since the Disneyland case in 2014 the very incident that sparked passage of SB 277.

Vaccination rates have also shot up from 92.8% in 2015 to 95% in 2017.

Child vaccinations also saw the largest climb in high-risk counties, where vaccination rates went up nearly 10%.

This is really good news for California, said Dr. Richard Nguyen, a pediatrician. There had been an uptick of parents refusing to vaccinate their kids for all sorts of reasons, but now its getting back to normal.

Less kids are getting sick, and Ive actually been getting apologies from parents who had formerly cursed me out over having to be forced to vaccinate their kids because they believed the myth that they can cause autism or weaken them in some way. I actually got a voicemail last week from a mother of a child I do checkups on who said she was sorry for not believing me and other doctors after her daughter had a recent measles scare.

Recently passed laws such as the hotly contested SB 276, which cut back on the number of medical exemptions and now allows investigations on doctors who write more than 5 medical exemptions a year, also show that California lawmakers and citizens are gradually moving away from anti-vaccination beliefs.

A large reason for the growth is that its now almost forced, said John Graves, a policy expert in Los Angeles. Parents arent given the choice anymore. The vast majority of parents believe in vaccines and want them for their own children because they dont want an outbreak or to spread debilitating diseases. So parents who want to opt out are ostracized.

From the cases Ive seen, other parents understand if its for a religious purpose or because theres a medical reason like an allergy or something to the vaccine. Theyll just be more careful around the children who dont have vaccines. But nearly all parents cant stand those that dont want to do it for the hell of it, or if theyre misguided.

This is a health and wellness issue, and it always has been. If its not for a legitimate reason, most parents think the person who doesnt vaccinate doesnt love their child. Ive seen a lot of similarities between this and in the 70s and 80s when seat-belt buckling for children became a huge issue, when there were claims that the seat belts hurt their kids more than helped them.

But now were seeing the tide turn with those new studies. It just took a lot of time for some parents to start getting it.

Evan V. Symon is the Senior Editor for the California Globe. Prior to the Globe, he reported for the Pasadena Independent, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, and was head of the Personal Experiences section at Cracked. He can be reached at evan@californiaglobe.com.

Continue reading here:
Vaccinations in California Rebound Less Than 5 Years After SB 277 According to New Study - California Globe


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