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ICR research showcased in major new Science Museum gallery documenting history of medicine – The Institute of Cancer Research

February 1st, 2020 4:46 am

Image: Professor Chris Lord andDr Stephen Pettitt next to the olaparib display in the Science Museum's medicine galleries

The Science Museum's new 24 millionmedicine galleriesshowcases pioneering research from The Institute of Cancer Research, London, as part of its story of modern medicine.

The new galleries, which have transformed the first floor of the world-famous museum, explore humanity's relationship with medicine and health through more than 500 years of history.

Included in the exhibition are extraordinary medical artefacts from the collections of Henry Wellcome and the Science Museum Group, including the world's first MRI scanner, Fleming's penicillin mould, a professional pianist's prosthetic arm and robotic surgery equipment.

Science MuseumLatesare adults-only, after-hours theme nights that take place in the museum on the last Wednesday of every month. Medicine Lates was held on Wednesday 29 January.

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The museum chose to showcase the ICR's pioneering research underpinning the development of targeted drug olaparib, which has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of women with breastand ovariancancers.

Olaparib's origins lie in ICR research into the BRCA genes in the 1990s, when our scientists tracked down the BRCA2 gene.

A decade after the identification of BRCA2, ICR researchers found that targeting a DNA repair protein called PARP was a potential way to kill cancer cells with a faulty BRCA gene. This helped lead to the development of olaparib, and other so-called PARP inhibitors.

The gallery features plates which replicate the original ICR experiment to successfully show that olaparib specifically kills cancer cells with defects in their BRCA genes, while leaving healthy cells unaffected.

You can see these in the Medicine and Bodies gallery, which explores how the search to understand more about the human body has transformed medicine.

Displayed alongside Crick and Watson's molecular DNA model, the plates represent how understanding the genetic basis of cancer has transformed our ability to treat it through the creation of targeted therapies.

Professor Chris Lord,Deputy Head of the Breast Cancer Now Toby Robins Research CentreandDivision of Breast Cancer Researchat the ICR (pictured above), said:

"The fact that the Science Museum have chosen to highlight PARP inhibitors in their new gallery is a real testament to how cancer research can genuinely lead to improvements in the treatment of the disease. We are immensely proud of this, as are the other labs across the world who also contributed to these discoveries."

"Despite PARP inhibitors now being highlighted in Science Museum, this is not the end for us we are still working very hard at the ICR to think about how we can improve the effectiveness of these drugs and to make sure that each patient receives the best possible treatment approach."

Daisy Henesy, the ICRs Public Engagement Officer, said:

"It's a thrill to see the ICR's research showcased alongside other huge advances in modern medicine, and richly deserved.

"I urge everyone to visit the new Science Museum galleries and have a look for yourself and don't forget to tweet us with any pictures @ICR_Londonand let us know what you think!"

Read the original:
ICR research showcased in major new Science Museum gallery documenting history of medicine - The Institute of Cancer Research


Friday Frontline: Cancer Updates, Research and Education on January 31, 2020 – Curetoday.com

February 1st, 2020 4:46 am

From NFL Hall of Famer Kurt Warner leading a recognition service for cancer caregivers during the Super Bowl to Tylenols key ingredient possibly being added to Californias proposition 65 list for chemicals that may cause cancer, heres what is making headlines in the cancer space this week.

We understand that they take their own journey, said Warner in a press release. They take on their own pain. They take on their own suffering. They are unselfishly giving of themselves in so many ways solely to have impact on so many that they are caring for.

Participants in the 30 Days of Cancer Prayer event are sent daily cancer prayer videos by phone, email or Facebook by well-known Christians, like Warner. The range of topics discussed and prayed over in the videos include finances, chemotherapy and multiple tumor types.

We live in a society where I feel like so many give simply due to an expectation of what they are going to receive, Warner explained. With caregivers we know that there is very little that they receive. That it is so much giving.

TrialJectory announced a new partnership with specialty cancer diagnostics companyPrecipio, Inc., to provide patients with cancer worldwide with a first-of-its-kind diagnostic and clinical trial-matching service combining the companies platforms.

While this partnership offers enormous benefits for both patients and physicians, it ultimately allows patients to take back control of their health and empowers them to make decisions that are right for them based on accurate information from advanced new technologies, said Tzvia Bader, TrialJectorys CEO and co-founder, in a press release.

TrialJectory is an A-based clinical trial matching platform that helps facilitate clinical trial searches and enrollment for patients with cancer and their physicians. Precipio is a platform that helps to create accurate diagnostic platforms by using all of the data from academic institutions, and providing that information to patients and physicians. The two combines are looking to their merger to help patients throughout the entirety of their cancer journey, from diagnosis to treatment.

Not only are patients entitled to receive an accurate diagnosis at the start of their battle with cancer, but they also deserve access to match and enroll in the best clinical trials available for their unique situation without having to struggle through the complex matching and enrollment process, explained Ilan Danieli, CEO of Precipio.

Five years after a group of patients were given synthetic psilocybin, the psychedelic compound of magic mushrooms, to help with cancer related depression and anxiety new research shows that they are still feeling the positive effects.

In the initial 2016 study, 80% of the patients reported their symptoms faded and the effects lasted up to 6 months a landmark finding at the time. In the follow up study, which included 15 patients, 80% were still experiencing significant improvement in their cancer-related depression and anxiety and nearly all of them attributed it to the psychedelic-assisted therapy.

Its a powerful experience that creates a lasting memory that involves them dealing with the demons of their cancer or their mortality, explained Dr. Stephen Ross, director of addiction psychiatry at New York Universitys Langone Medical Center, who led the 2016 study and co-authored the new research.

Although some patients in the follow up study noted the return of social anxiety, their fear of their cancer and own mortality did not.

Next Generation Sequencing for people with inherited ovarian or breast cancer will now be covered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

We recognize that cancer patients shoulder a heavy burden, so were leaving no stone unturned in supporting womens health and getting all patients the care, they need, stated CMS Administrator Seema Verma in a press release. Next Generation Sequencing testing provides clinically valuable information to guide patients and physicians in developing a personalized treatment plan.

Patients with inherited ovarian and breast cancer have a limited number of treatments, and for patients on Medicare even more so. Now, patients will have access to the genetic testing that allows patients access to personalized treatments that can better target their cancers.

This spring, California lawmakers will hold a public hearing to determine whether acetaminophen, the key active ingredient in Tylenol, should be added to the states list of chemicals that are known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity.

This falls under the states Proposition 65, otherwise known as the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986. The list includes arsenic, asbestos, cocaine, coke oven emissions, wood dust and over 900 other chemicals. However, acetaminophen marks a major possible addition to the list as its a key ingredient in drugs meant to relieve pain or reduce fever.

In addition to Tylenol, acetaminophen is also found in other over-the-counter medications, such as Alka-Seltzer Plus Liquid Gels, Dayquil, Dimetapp, Excedrin, Midol, Nyquil, Sudafed and Theraflu.Cancer risk associated with acetaminophen have only been associated in animal studies where mutations have been observed and indirect evidence in other studies where further study is ongoing. The Food and Drug Administration has not seen fit to issue a warning.

Original post:
Friday Frontline: Cancer Updates, Research and Education on January 31, 2020 - Curetoday.com


What the Axolotl’s Limb-Regenerating Capabilities Have to Teach Us – Discover Magazine

February 1st, 2020 4:46 am

As amphibians go, axolotls are pretty cute. These salamanders sport a Mona Lisa half-smile and red, frilly gills that make them look dressed up for a party. You might not want them at your soiree, though: Theyre also cannibals. While rare now in the wild, axolotls used to hatch en masse, and it was a salamander-eat-salamander world. In such a harsh nursery, they evolved or maybe kept the ability to regrow severed limbs.

Their regenerative powers are just incredible, says Joshua Currie, a biologist at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute in Toronto whos been studying salamander regeneration since 2011. If an axolotl loses a limb, the appendage will grow back, at just the right size and orientation. Within weeks, the seam between old and new disappears completely.

And its not just legs: Axolotls can regenerate ovary and lung tissue, even parts of the brain and spinal cord.

The salamanders exceptional comeback from injury has been known for more than a century, and scientists have unraveled some of its secrets. It seals the amputation site with a special type of skin called wound epithelium, then builds a bit of tissue called the blastema, from which sprouts the new body part. But until recently, the fine details of the cells and molecules needed to create a leg from scratch have remained elusive.

With the recentsequencingandassemblyof the axolotls giant genome, though, and thedevelopment of techniques to modify the creatures genes in the lab,regeneration researchers are now poised to discover those details. In so doing, theyll likely identify salamander tricks that could be useful in human medicine

Already, studies are illuminating the cells involved, and defining the chemical ingredients needed. Perhaps, several decades from now, people, too, might regrow organs or limbs. In the nearer future, the findings suggest possible treatments for ways to promote wound-healing and treat blindness.

The idea of human regeneration has evolved from an if to a when in recent decades, says David Gardiner, a developmental biologist at the University of California, Irvine. Everybody now is assuming that its just a matter of time, he says. But, of course, theres still much to do.

In a working limb, cells and tissues are like the instruments in an orchestra: Each contributes actions, like musical notes, to create a symphony. Amputation results in cacophony, but salamanders can rap the conductors baton and reset the remaining tissue back to order and all the way back to the symphonys first movement, when they first grew a limb in the embryo.

The basic steps are known: When a limb is removed, be it by hungry sibling or curious experimenter, within minutes the axolotls blood will clot. Within hours, skin cells divide and crawl to cover the wound with a wound epidermis.

Next, cells from nearby tissues migrate to the amputation site, forming a blob of living matter. This blob, the blastema, is where all the magic happens, said Jessica Whited, a regenerative biologist at Harvard University, in a presentation in California last year. It forms a structure much like the developing embryos limb bud, from which limbs grow.

This movie shows immune cells, labeled to glow green, moving within a regenerating axolotl fingertip. Scientists know that immune cells such as macrophages are essential for regeneration: When they are removed, the process is blocked.

Finally, cells in the blastema turn into all the tissues needed for the new limb and settle down in the right pattern, forming a tiny but perfect limb. This limb then grows to full size. When all is done, you cant even tell where the amputation occurred in the first place, Whited tellsKnowable Magazine.

Scientists know many of the molecular instruments, and some of the notes, involved in this regeneration symphony. But its taken a great deal of work.

As Currie started as a new postdoc with Elly Tanaka, a developmental biologist at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology in Vienna, he recalls wondering, Where do the cells for regeneration come from? Consider cartilage. Does it arise from the same cells as it does in the developing embryo, called chondrocytes, that are left over in the limb stump? Or does it come from some other source?

To learn more, Currie figured out a way to watch individual cells under the microscope right as regeneration took place. First, he used a genetic trick to randomly tag the cells he was studying in a salamander with a rainbow of colors. Then, to keep things simple, he sliced off just a fingertip from his subjects. Next, he searched for cells that stuck out say, an orange cell that ended up surrounded by a sea of other cells colored green, yellow and so on. He tracked those standout cells, along with their color-matched descendants, over the weeks of limb regeneration. His observations, reported in the journalDevelopmental Cellin 2016,illuminated several secrets to the regeneration process.

Regenerative biologist Joshua Currie labeled the cells in axolotls with a rainbow of colors, so that he could follow their migration after he amputated the tip of the salamanders fingertips. In this image, three days after amputation, the skin (uncolored) has already covered the wound. (Credit: Josh Currie)

For one thing, cell travel is key. Cells are really extricating themselves from where they are and crawling to the amputation plane to form this blastema, Currie says. The distance cells will journey depends on the size of the injury. To make a new fingertip, the salamanders drew on cells within about 0.2 millimeters of the injury. But in other experiments where the salamanders had to replace a wrist and hand, cells came from as far as half a millimeter away.

More strikingly, Currie discovered that contributions to the blastema were not what hed initially expected, and varied from tissue to tissue. There were a lot of surprises, he says.

Chondrocytes, so important for making cartilage in embryos, didnt migrate to the blastema (earlier in 2016, Gardiner and colleaguesreported similar findings). And certain cells entering the blastema pericytes, cells that encircle blood vessels were able to make more of themselves, but nothing else.

The real virtuosos in regeneration were cells in skin called fibroblasts and periskeletal cells, which normally surround bone. They seemed to rewind their development so they could form all kinds of tissues in the new fingertip, morphing into new chondrocytes and other cell types, too.

To Curries surprise, these source cells didnt arrive all at once. Those first on the scene became chondrocytes. Latecomers turned into the soft connective tissues that surround the skeleton.

How do the cells do it? Currie, Tanaka and collaborators looked at connective tissues further, examining the genes turned on and off by individual cells in a regenerating limb. In a 2018Sciencepaper, the team reported thatcells reorganized their gene activation profileto one almost identical, Tanaka says, to those in the limb bud of a developing embryo.

Muscle, meanwhile, has its own variation on the regeneration theme. Mature muscle, in both salamanders and people, contains stem cells called satellite cells. These create new cells as muscles grow or require repair. In a 2017 study inPNAS, Tanaka and colleagues showed (by tracking satellite cells that were made to glow red) that most, if not all, ofmuscle in new limbs comes from satellite cells.

If Currie and Tanaka are investigating the instruments of the regeneration symphony, Catherine McCusker is decoding the melody they play, in the form of chemicals that push the process along. A regenerative biologist at the University of Massachusetts Boston, she recently published arecipe of sorts for creating an axolotl limb from a wound site. By replacing two of three key requirements with a chemical cocktail, McCusker and her colleagues could force salamanders to grow a new arm from a small wound on the side of a limb, giving them an extra arm.

Using what they know about regeneration, researchers at the University of Massachusetts tricked upper-arm tissue into growing an extra arm (green) atop the natural one (red). (Credit: Kaylee Wells/McCusker Lab)

The first requirement for limb regeneration is the presence of a wound, and formation of wound epithelium. But a second, scientists knew, was a nerve that can grow into the injured area. Either the nerve itself, or cells that it talks to, manufacture chemicals needed to make connective tissue become immature again and form a blastema. In their 2019 study inDevelopmental Biology, McCusker and colleagues guided byearlier work by a Japanese team used two growth factors, called BMP and FGF, to fulfill that step in salamanders lacking a nerve in the right place.

The third requirement was for fibroblasts from opposite sides of a wound to find and touch each other. In a hand amputation, for example, cells from the left and right sides of the wrist might meet to correctly pattern and orient the new hand. McCusckers chemical replacement for this requirement was retinoic acid, which the body makes from vitamin A. The chemical plays a role in setting up patterning in embryos and has long been known to pattern tissues during regeneration.

In their experiment, McCuskers team removed a small square of skin from the upper arm of 38 salamanders. Two days later, once the skin had healed over, the researchers made a tiny slit in the skin and slipped in a gelatin bead soaked in FGF and BMP. Thanks to that cocktail, in 25 animals the tissue created a blastema no nerve necessary.

About a week later, the group injected the animals with retinoic acid. In concert with other signals coming from the surrounding tissue, it acted as a pattern generator, and seven of the axolotls sprouted new arms out of the wound site.

The recipe is far from perfected: Some salamanders grew one new arm, some grew two, and some grew three, all out of the same wound spot. McCusker suspects that the gelatin bead got in the way of cells that control the limbs pattern. The key actions produced by the initial injury and wound epithelium also remain mysterious.

Its interesting that you can overcome some of these blocks with relatively few growth factors, comments Randal Voss, a biologist at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. We still dont completely know what happens in the very first moments.

If we did know those early steps, humans might be able to create the regeneration symphony. People already possess many of the cellular instruments, capable of playing the notes. We use essentially the same genes, in different ways, says Ken Poss, a regeneration biologist at the Duke University Medical Center in Durham who describednew advances in regeneration, thanks to genetic tools, in the 2017Annual Review of Genetics.

Regeneration may have been an ability we lost, rather than something salamanders gained. Way back in our evolutionary past, the common ancestors of people and salamanders could have been regenerators, since at least one distant relative of modern-day salamanders could do it. Paleontologists have discovered fossils of300-million-year-old amphibians with limb deformities typically created by imperfect regeneration.Other members of the animal kingdom, such as certain worms, fish and starfish, can also regenerate but its not clear if they use the same symphony score, Whited says.

These fossils suggest that amphibians calledMicromelerpetonwere regenerating limbs 300 million years ago. Thats because the fossils show deformities, such as fused bones, that usually occur when regrowth doesnt work quite right. (Credit: Nadia B Frbisch et al./Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2014)

Somewhere in their genomes, all animals have the ability, says James Monaghan, a regeneration biologist at Northeastern University in Boston. After all, he points out, all animals grow body parts as embryos. And in fact, people arent entirely inept at regeneration. We can regrow fingertips, muscle, liver tissue and, to a certain extent, skin.

But for larger structures like limbs, our regeneration music falls apart. Human bodies take days to form skin over an injury, and without the crucial wound epithelium, our hopes for regeneration are dashed before it even starts. Instead, we scab and scar.

Its pretty far off in the future that we would be able to grow an entire limb, says McCusker. I hope Im wrong, but thats my feeling.

She thinks that other medical applications could come much sooner, though such as ways to help burn victims. When surgeons perform skin grafts, they frequently transfer the top layers of skin, or use lab-grown skin tissue. But its often an imperfect replacement for what was lost.

Thats because skin varies across the body; just compare the skin on your palm to that on your calf or armpit. The tissues that help skin to match its body position, giving it features like sweat glands and hair as appropriate, lie deeper than many grafts. The replacement skin, then, might not be just like the old skin. But if scientists could create skin with better positional information, they could make the transferred skin a better fit for its new location.

Monaghan, for his part, is thinking about regenerating retinas for people who have macular degeneration or eye trauma. Axolotls can regrow their retinas (though, surprisingly, their ability to regenerate the lens is limited to hatchlings). He is working with Northeastern University chemical engineer Rebecca Carrier, whos been developing materials for use in transplantations. Her collaborators are testing transplants in pigs and people, but find most of the transplanted cells are dying. Perhaps some additional material could create a pro-regeneration environment, and perhaps axolotls could suggest some ingredients.

Carrier and Monaghan experimented with the transplanted pig cells in lab dishes, and found they were more likely to survive and develop into retinal cells if grown together with axolotl retinas. The special ingredientseems to be a distinct set of chemicals that exist on axolotl, but not pig, retinas.Carrier hopes to use this information to create a chemical cocktail to help transplants succeed. Even partially restoring vision would be beneficial, Monaghan notes.

Thanks to genetic sequencing and modern molecular biology, researchers can continue to unlock the many remaining mysteries of regeneration: How does the wound epithelium create a regeneration-promoting environment? What determines which cells migrate into a blastema, and which stay put? How does the salamander manage to grow a new limb of exactly the right size, no larger, no smaller? These secrets and more remain hidden behind that Mona Lisa smile at least for now.


This article originally appeared in Knowable Magazine, an independent journalistic endeavor from Annual Reviews.

View original post here:
What the Axolotl's Limb-Regenerating Capabilities Have to Teach Us - Discover Magazine


Largest-ever study ties over 100 genes to autism – Health24

February 1st, 2020 4:46 am

More than 100 genes appear to be involved in autism spectrum disorders (ASD), according to the largest genetic study of the condition to date.

The study, involving over 50 centres around the globe, identified 102 genes associated with ASD including a few dozen that had not been recognised before.

Some of the genes are also associated with intellectual disabilities and developmental delays, the researchers said. But others are unique to ASD, and appear related to the social difficulties that mark the disorder.

Knowing the genes involved in ASD will help researchers better understand the causes and possibly develop new drug therapies for children with severe impairments, said senior researcher Joseph Buxbaum.

"Autism exists on a spectrum, and many people wouldn't need any new, targeted drug therapies because they're doing fine," said Buxbaum, who directs the Seaver Autism Center for Research and Treatment at Mount Sinai, in New York City.

But for children who are profoundly affected, he said, there could be promise in the "precision medicine" approach treatments that are tailored to individuals based on their characteristics, like the genes they carry.

ASD is a brain disorder that affects social skills, communication and behaviour control. In the United States, it affects one in 59 children, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The disorder is complex and varies widely from one person to the next. Some children have milder problems with socialising and communicating, while others are profoundly affected speaking little, if at all, and getting wrapped up in repetitive, obsessive behaviours, for example. Some children with ASD have intellectual disabilities, while others have average or above-average IQs.

Experts have long believed that a combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental exposures conspire to cause ASD but genes are the bigger factor. A recent study, of about two million people, estimated that genes account for 80% of the risk of ASD.

But the precise genes will vary among individuals, experts say.

"We realise that large studies like this as well as even larger ones will be needed to truly understand why we say, 'If you have seen one person with autism, you have seen one person with autism,'" said Dean Hartley.

Hartley, who was not involved in the new study, is senior director of genomic discovery and translational science at the non-profit Autism Speaks.

Previously, researchers had identified 65 genes associated with ASD. Buxbaum said his team was able to find more, in part, because of the study size: It involved over 35 000 people, including nearly 12 000 with ASD; the rest were their parents, unaffected siblings or other individuals without ASD.

Using newer analytic techniques, Buxbaum said, the researchers were able to zero in on 102 genes associated with ASD.

Some genes, he explained, are "high risk" and carry outright mutations. Most people with ASD possibly 80% would not harbor those, according to Buxbaum. Instead, they would carry "tiny, tiny changes across multiple genes," he said.

More research is needed to understand precisely what all these genes do. But most risk genes are active early in brain development, and have roles in regulating the activity of other genes or communication among brain cells, the investigators found.

The risk genes are also active in both "excitatory" and "inhibitory" neurons (nerve cells). That, Buxbaum said, shows that autism is not only related to one major type of brain cell but involves "many disruptions" in brain cell function.

The findings were published online in the journal Cell.

New targets for treatments

Dr Andrew Adesman is chief of developmental and behavioural paediatrics at Cohen Children's Medical Center, in New Hyde Park, New York. He said, "This study represents yet another major advance in our understanding of some of the underlying genetic causes for ASD."

At this point, though, he noted, it's not possible to root out the genetic cause in most children diagnosed with ASD.

Hartley agreed that the latest findings could eventually lead to new therapies. "This study importantly confirms previous biological pathways in autism, but has identified new biological processes possibly involved," he added. "These pathways are important for finding new targets for treatment and more personalised health care."

The hunt for ASD-related genes is not over, however. Buxbaum said he expects a "couple hundred more" will be found.

Image credit: iStock

See the original post here:
Largest-ever study ties over 100 genes to autism - Health24


Stem Cell Banking Outsourcing Market Competitive Research And Precise Outlook 2019 To 2025 – NY Telecast 99

February 1st, 2020 4:45 am

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Stem Cell Banking Outsourcing Market Competitive Research And Precise Outlook 2019 To 2025 - NY Telecast 99


Global Stem Cell Reconstructive Market 2019 Revenue, Opportunity, Forecast and Value Chain 2024 – Science of Change

February 1st, 2020 4:45 am

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See the original post here:
Global Stem Cell Reconstructive Market 2019 Revenue, Opportunity, Forecast and Value Chain 2024 - Science of Change


Cell Separation- Know Factors Driving the Market to Record Growth | Merck, Terumo, pluriSelect – Melanian News

February 1st, 2020 4:45 am

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If you are involved in the Cell Separation industry or intend to be, then this study will provide you comprehensive outlook. Its vital you keep your market knowledge up to date segmented by Applications Oncology research, Neuroscience research, Stem cell research & Microbiology and Immunology research, Product Types such as [, Gradient centrifugation, Surface markers separation, Fluorescence activated cell sorting & Magnetic cell sorting] and some major players in the industry. If you wish to customize study with different players/manufacturers according to target geography or needs regional or country segmented reports we can avail customization according to your requirement.

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Cell separation has gained importance in the fields of medicine and biology as it is an essential component of cellular therapy and disease diagnosis. The recent expansion of the field of cell separation is linked to an increase the mortality rate due to chronic diseases as majority of these diseases can be treated using cell-based therapies.Cell separation technologies involve the separation of cells from a heterogeneous cell mixture according to their intracellular or extracellular properties.Rising incidences of chronic diseases worldwide have accelerated the demand for cell-based therapies. Diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases require an understanding of complex cell behavior. This can be achieved through cell separation technologies, which involve the separation of cells based on specific properties.In 2017, the global Cell Separation market size was xx million US$ and it is expected to reach xx million US$ by the end of 2025, with a CAGR of xx% during 2018-2025.

The Global Cell Separation market report gives an exceptional and presentable analysis of the market size, patterns, division and lookout in the production and supply of Cell Separation with Global Scenario. It also talks the market size of different segments that are emerging and their progress features along with growth trends. Various stakeholders like investors, traders, suppliers, CEOs, Research & media, Global Director, Manager, President were involved in the primary data selection to come up with insights on Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threat to the business or competition.

Market Split by Product Type & Applications/End Users:

The report segments the Global Cell Separation Market on the basis of Types as follows: , Gradient centrifugation, Surface markers separation, Fluorescence activated cell sorting & Magnetic cell sortingOn the basis of Application/End-Users, the Global Cell Separation market is segmented into: Oncology research, Neuroscience research, Stem cell research & Microbiology and Immunology researchPlayers Covered in the Study: Mitenyi Biotec, BD Bioscience, STEMCELL Technologies Terumo, pluriSelect, Millipore (Merck) & Life Technologies

Regional Analysis Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, ASEAN Countries, India, Rest of Asia Pacific) North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico) Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Russia, Poland, Italy and Rest of Europe) Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, UAE, Israel, South Africa, Egypt and rest of Middle East) Latin America ( Colombia and Rest of LATAM Countries)

Enquire for customization in Report @:https://www.htfmarketreport.com/enquiry-before-buy/1258743-global-cell-separation-market-5

Stay up-to-date with Cell Separation market research offered by HTF MI. Know how emerging opportunities and influencing trends are shaping the industry to avails with market characteristics, size and growth, segmentation, regional breakdowns, competitive landscape, shares, trend and strategies. In this study, the years considered to estimate the market sizing of the Cell Separation are:

History Year: 2014-2019 | Base Year: 2019 | Forecast Year 2019 to 2024

Market Research Objectives:

To identify Global Cell Separation top manufacturers by % market share & emerging players by highest % growth rate to define, pronounce and examine the value, sales volume, market share, market competition, SWOT analysis, and development plans in the next few years.To highlight comprehensive information about the opportunities, drivers, total available market, industry-specific challenges and risks.To analyze the Cell Separation with respect to individual future prospects, growth trends and their involvement to the total market.To analyze developments scenario such as latest agreements, expansions, new product launches, and M&A activity happened in the market.Premeditated references for the new competitorsTactical endorsements of major business segments according to the market estimations and Industry experts view pointSupply/value chain analysis mapped with the latest trending technological advancements

Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @https://www.htfmarketreport.com/reports/1258743-global-cell-separation-market-5

There are 15 Chapters to display the Cell Separation Market

Chapter 1, to describe Definition, Specifications and Classification of Cell Separation, Applications of Global Cell Separation, Market Segment by Regions;Chapter 2, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type [,, Gradient centrifugation, Surface markers separation, Fluorescence activated cell sorting & Magnetic cell sorting], Market Trend by Application [Oncology research, Neuroscience research, Stem cell research & Microbiology and Immunology research];Chapter 3, to analyze the Manufacturing Cost analysis, Raw Material and Suppliers Influence, Process Analysis, Industry Chain Structure;Chapter 4, to show the Overall Market Analysis, Sales Analysis (Company Level), Sales Price Analysis (Company Level);Chapter 5, to display the Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of , Capacity and Production rate, Distribution, Export & Import, R&D expense and Raw Materials Sources Analysis; (if applicable)Chapter 6 and 7, to show the Regional Cell Separation Market Analysis that includes United States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia & India, Segment Market Analysis (by Type);Chapter 8, to analyze the Cell Separation Segment Market Analysis (by Application [Oncology research, Neuroscience research, Stem cell research & Microbiology and Immunology research]) Major Manufacturers Analysis;Chapter 9, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, Value/Supply Chain Analysis;Chapter 10, to analyze the Consumers Analysis of Cell Separation by region, type and application ;Chapter 11, to describe Cell Separation Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source;Chapter 12, 13, 14 and 15, to describe Cell Separation sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.

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Thanks for reading complete article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like America, West Europe, BRICS or Southeast Asia.

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More here:
Cell Separation- Know Factors Driving the Market to Record Growth | Merck, Terumo, pluriSelect - Melanian News


Lysosomal Storage Disease Treatment Market Growth 2020-2026 with Competitive Landscape and Top Regions | Takeda, Pfizer, Sanofi – Science of Change

February 1st, 2020 4:45 am

QY Researchs new report on the global Lysosomal Storage Disease Treatment market is a compilation of intelligent, accurate, and reliable research studies focusing on key subjects, including competition, dynamics, and segmentation.

The report on the global Lysosomal Storage Disease Treatment market is just the resource that players need to strengthen their overall growth and establish a strong position in their business. It is a compilation of detailed, accurate research studies that provide in-depth analysis on critical subjects of the global Lysosomal Storage Disease Treatment market such as consumption, revenue, sales, production, trends, opportunities, geographic expansion, competition, segmentation, growth drivers, and challenges.

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As part of geographic analysis of the global Lysosomal Storage Disease Treatment market, the report digs deep into the growth of key regions and countries, including but not limited to North America, the US, Europe, the UK, Germany, France, Asia Pacific, China, and the MEA. All of the geographies are comprehensively studied on the basis of share, consumption, production, future growth potential, CAGR, and many other parameters.

Market Segments Covered:

The key players covered in this studyTakedaPfizerSanofiBioMarinMerckActelion PharmaceuticalsEli Lilly

Market segment by Type, the product can be split intoEnzyme Replacement TherapyStem Cell TransplantationSubstrate Reduction TherapyOthers

Market segment by Application, split intoHospitalsClinicsStem Transplant CentersResearch OrganizationsOthers

Regions Covered in the Global Lysosomal Storage Disease Treatment Market:

The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt) North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada) South America (Brazil etc.) Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.) Asia-Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)

Highlights of the Report Accurate market size and CAGR forecasts for the period 2019-2025 Identification and in-depth assessment of growth opportunities in key segments and regions Detailed company profiling of top players of the global Lysosomal Storage Disease Treatment market Exhaustive research on innovation and other trends of the global Lysosomal Storage Disease Treatment market Reliable industry value chain and supply chain analysis Comprehensive analysis of important growth drivers, restraints, challenges, and growth prospects

The scope of the Report:

The report offers a complete company profiling of leading players competing in the global Lysosomal Storage Disease Treatment market with high focus on share, gross margin, net profit, sales, product portfolio, new applications, recent developments, and several other factors. It also throws light on the vendor landscape to help players become aware of future competitive changes in the global Lysosomal Storage Disease Treatment market.

Get Customized Report in your Inbox within 24 hours @https://www.qyresearch.com/customize-request/form/1494784/global-lysosomal-storage-disease-treatment-market

Strategic Points Covered in TOC:

Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product scope, market risk, market overview, and market opportunities of the global Lysosomal Storage Disease Treatment market

Chapter 2: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the global Lysosomal Storage Disease Treatment market which consists of its revenue, sales, and price of the products

Chapter 3: Displaying the competitive nature among key manufacturers, with market share, revenue, and sales

Chapter 4: Presenting global Lysosomal Storage Disease Treatment market by regions, market share and with revenue and sales for the projected period

Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 : To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions

About Us:QYResearch always pursuits high product quality with the belief that quality is the soul of business. Through years of effort and supports from huge number of customer supports, QYResearch consulting group has accumulated creative design methods on many high-quality markets investigation and research team with rich experience. Today, QYResearch has become the brand of quality assurance in consulting industry.

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Lysosomal Storage Disease Treatment Market Growth 2020-2026 with Competitive Landscape and Top Regions | Takeda, Pfizer, Sanofi - Science of Change


How to Improve Eyesight: 10 Natural Ways to Get Better Vision

February 1st, 2020 4:43 am

Getting regular eye checkups is just one of many ways you can improve your eyesight and prevent injuries or illnesses that could harm your vision. Keep reading to learn other ways you can improve your vision.

Vitamins A, C, and E, as well as the mineral zinc, contain antioxidants that can help prevent macular degeneration. Its a condition in which the macula the part of the eye that controls central vision deteriorates.

Food sources for these important nutrients include a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits, such as:

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and flaxseed, are also recommended for better eye health.

A few other nutrients are also keys to improving eyesight. Among them are lutein and zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids found in the retina. You can also find them in leafy green vegetables, broccoli, zucchini, and eggs.

Lutein and zeaxanthin can also be taken in supplement form. These carotenoids help protect the macula by improving pigment density in that part of the eye, and absorbing ultraviolent and blue light.

Yes, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can help your eyes, not just your waistline. Type 2 diabetes, which is more common in people who are overweight or obese, can cause damage to the tiny blood vessels in the eyes.

This condition is called diabetic retinopathy. Too much sugar circulating in your bloodstream injures the delicate walls of your arteries. Diabetic retinopathy causes the very small arteries in your retina the light-sensitive back part of the eye to leak blood and fluid into the eye, harming your vision.

Getting your blood sugar levels checked regularly and staying fit and trim can lower your odds of developing type 2 diabetes and its many complications.

Diabetes isnt the only disease that can affect your vision. Other conditions, such as high blood pressure and multiple sclerosis, can affect your eyesight. These conditions are linked to chronic inflammation, which can harm your health from head to toe.

Inflammation of the optic nerve, for example, can cause pain and even complete vision loss. While a disease such as multiple sclerosis cant be prevented, you can try to manage it with healthy habits and medications.

High blood pressure can be effectively treated with a heart-healthy diet, exercise and antihypertensive medications.

Whether youre playing racquetball, working in your garage, or doing a science experiment in school, its vital that you protect your eyes with appropriate eyewear.

Tough, protective eyewear is essential if there is a risk of chemicals, sharp objects, or materials such as wood shavings, metal shards, or even a stray elbow during a basketball game, entering your eye.

Many protective goggles are made with a type of polycarbonate, which is about 10 times tougher than other forms of plastic.

Shop for protective goggles.

Sunglasses arent just for looking cool. Wearing shades is one of the most important steps you can take when it comes to improving your eyesight. You want sunglasses that block out 99 to 100 percent of UVA and UVB radiation from sunlight.

Sunglasses help protect your eyes from conditions that stem from eye damage. These include cataracts, macular degeneration, and pterygium a growth of tissue over the white part of the eye. Pterygiums can lead to astigmatism, which can cause blurred vision.

Wearing a wide-brimmed hat can also help protect your eyes from sun damage.

Your eyes work hard during the day and need a break now and then. The strain can be especially intense if you work at a computer for long stretches at a time. To ease the strain, follow the 20-20-20 rule.

That means every 20 minutes, you should stop staring at your computer and look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

You know smoking is bad for your lungs and your heart, not to mention your hair, skin, teeth, and just about every other body part. That includes your eyes, too. Smoking dramatically raises your risk of developing cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Fortunately, your eyes, lungs, heart, and other body parts can start to recover from years of tobacco-induced harm within the first hours of quitting. And the longer you can avoid cigarettes, the more your blood vessels will benefit and inflammation will ease off throughout your eyes and the rest of you.

Some eye conditions are hereditary, so being aware of eye conditions that your parents or grandparents had can help you take precautions.

Hereditary conditions include:

Understanding your family history can help you take early precautions

Your eyes are especially vulnerable to germs and infections. Even things that just irritate your eyes can affect your vision. For those reasons, you should always wash your hands before touching your eyes or handling your contact lenses.

Its also super important to wash your hands and disinfect your contact lenses as instructed.

You should also replace your contact lenses as advised by the manufacturer or your doctor. Germs in your contact lenses can lead to bacterial infections of the eyes.

You may not associate washing your hands, eating your vegetables, or watching your weight as key steps toward better eyesight, but they all play a role.

Living a healthier lifestyle and protecting your eyes from the sun and foreign objects cant protect against every eye condition. But they can all lower your odds of developing a problem that could hurt your vision.

Go here to see the original:
How to Improve Eyesight: 10 Natural Ways to Get Better Vision


Is Eating More Plant-Based Foods the Secret to Eye Health? – The Beet

February 1st, 2020 4:43 am

There are a few spots in the body better designed than others. The skull is pretty good. Opposable thumbs are amazingly useful. But knees could use an overhaul, perhaps. And eyes? Theyre often in need of support before were old enough to read. But can a diet rich in plants help with eye health?

A little anecdote: When I was in the first grade, I wore glasses. Not just any old glassesbifocals, just like my grandmother. I had weird stuff going on like being near- and far-sighted at the same time, apparently. Everyone in the family wore glasses so it didnt seem like a big deal. But then, I lost them. (They were actually stolen and stepped on by Jimmy Bermans friend Steve when we were having a little fight on the playground. Six-year-old romance is complicated. But as far as my parents were concerned, I lost them, okay?) So, back to the optometrist, we went for a new prescription. Except, this time, he said I didnt need them.

Its not uncommon for sight to change, especially in a child. But to go from bifocals to eyeglass-free was unexpected. The doctor said that by high school my poor sight would return and Id need glasses again. That didnt happen. And now, some, ahem, thirty years since high school, and Im still 20/20even after sitting at a computer all day while everyone else is my family wears glasses.

The biggest difference between me and the rest of my family? I went vegan shortly after high school. And I didnt just give up animal products, I went deep into hippy food territorycarrot juice and steamed kale were daily feasts. And it turns out, they may have done my still-developing eyes a whole world of good.

Not only do eye-healthy foods like beta-carotene-rich carrots and sweet potatoes and dark leafy greens like kale help improve eyesight, but a poor diet can make eyesight worse, faster.

New findings published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology suggest the standard American diet, which is heavy in processed meat, fried foods, and sugar, can increase the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

According to the study, a standard meat-heavy diet increased the risk of macular degeneration by three-fold over healthier diets. Those who ate more fruits and vegetables (the study also included eating poultry, fish, and dairy in that subset) saw a decreased risk.

That decreased risk came with higher consumption of carrots and greens.

Foods that are part of the Western diet are less nutrient-dense, meaning they provide less of the beneficial nutrients needed for the eyes per calorie contents than such food as fruits and vegetables, study coauthor Amy Millen, Ph.D., of The State University of New York, Buffalos School of Public Health and Health Professions,said in an interview.

And she pointed to another correlation: inflammation. Foods generally considered unhealthythat Standard American Diet, once againdont just affect our weight or risk for heart disease or cancer. According to Millen, like all things, diet is connected to our eye health.

Most people understand that diet influences cardiovascular disease risk, and risk for obesity, but Im not sure how much the average person thinks about diet as connected to vision loss, said Millen. But what you eat to maintain good health is also related to what you eat to maintain good vision.

More here:
Is Eating More Plant-Based Foods the Secret to Eye Health? - The Beet


Group of specialists from Yucatn and the U.S. give eyesight to the blind – The Yucatan Times

February 1st, 2020 4:43 am

MRIDA, January 27, 2020.- Although diabetes stole her sight little by little for a space of three years, Yolanda Cab Chan, 49, never lost her desire to recover her vision, and now, thanks to the alliances for health between Mexico and the United States, she was able to see the light again.

This alliance is the sum of efforts between the System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF Yucatn) and specialists in optometry from the United States. Yolanda was part of the group of 14 local people chosen to be intervened, as part of the First Annual Retinopathy DiabeticDay.

I am happy to see again. Now I can sew by hand, help in the house and cook for my family as I did before, said Doa Yolanda, who lives with her husband and five children in the community of San Martn Hili, Tekax, Yucatn.

Yolanda explained that at age 29, her life changed when she was detected withdiabetes. With the passage of time, this disease also caused her to lose her sight and stopped her from doing what she liked so much: cooking for her family.

Its good that DIF and doctors in the United States support people. When they told me that I was going to be able to see again, I couldnt believe it, but today I am excited because I can see and I feel better than ever, she said.

Like Yolanda, another 13 people were practiced laser surgery at the facilities of the Regional Hospital of High Specialty of the Yucatan Peninsula (HRAEPY), with the participation of specialists from the Rosemberg School of Optometry, San Antonio , Texas, and Vision Care Ophtalmology Hospital, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, both in the United States.

Ana Jimnez Coral, head of the Department of Medical Services of the DIF Yucatan, reported that medical evaluations were performed on 67 patients from 23 municipalities. In the end, 14 patients were selected who, in addition to complying with medical requirements, due to the degree of involvement of retinopathy, required laser treatment.

With this project, we reiterate our commitment to improve the quality of life of the Yucatecans, with high quality medical services that help improve their health, she said.

Meanwhile, Jeannette Wong, a PhD in Optometry from the Rosemberg School of Optometry, said that diabetes is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide, and more than 80 percent of people with diabetes do not know that they are at great risk.

This condition can be prevented by timely informing patients with diabetes about the risks of the disease, with a timely diagnosis and with the appropriate treatment, said the specialist.

During three days, Dr. Joseph Pizzimment, a professor at the Rosemberg School of Optometry, along with a team of three students and one more resident, also came to Yucatn to offer their services free of charge to the population.

Doctors Mara Fernanda Castrejn Mario and Mara Alejandra Vale Oviedo also participated, as well as Retinologist Carlos Eduardo Estrada Reyes and Dr. Marco Antonio de la Fuente Torres, Head of Neurosciences Division of the Regional Hospital of High Specialty of the Yucatan Peninsula (HRAEPY).

The Yucatan TimesNewsroom


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Group of specialists from Yucatn and the U.S. give eyesight to the blind - The Yucatan Times


Rev. Robert Tucker: Presentation of the Lord – Torrington Register Citizen

February 1st, 2020 4:43 am

Rev Robert F, Tucker, St. Louis de Montfort Parish, Litchfield

Do you share the joy that Simeon and Anna did marveling at what they say about this forty-day old child of a poor and observant Jewish couple?

We are celebrating the fact that Mary and Joseph are bringing Jesus to the temple to fulfill the law on Jewish boys from the Torah. How amazed must these parents have been to see this couple, Simeon and Anna, recognizing in this six-week old child the Savior of the World!

This is our occasion to see that we must be the light of God because we were presented by our parents for Baptism. As we are now living in the year 2020, so we may need to let this presentation affect our sight. May we begin seeing 20-20 vision as we want 20-20 on our eye chart exam, so in 2020, we need to focus on Christ.

We are told in the second reading from Hebrews that, Christ became like his brothers and sisters in all things but sin. So with the light and hope of eternal life, we are asked to walk in the example of Jesus the way, the truth and the life. By prayer, effort and work, we are called to allow the Holy Spirit to move us as the Spirit did Simeon and Anna to recognize Jesus and to focus on Him and not on Self. May the words of Simeon affect our choices and decisions for living a 20-20 Christ focus as we live and believe that, Jesus is the light of Revelation to the Gentiles and a glory for your people, Israel.

A wealthy man was dying and called for the Priest. He stated, I never cared for church or you or the Lord, but Im about to die and I want to be sure of eternal matters and salvation. Do you suppose that if I gave $l million to the church and $100,000 to you personally I would get into heaven?

The priest replied, Listen Sir, I cant say for sure, but what do you have to lose? Its worth a try.

For the believer, it is not trying to buy your way but to live your way into heaven. The closer we are to God, the more aware we are of Gods presence in our everyday lives. Simeon and Anna could see with the eyes of their minds and hearts not only with human eyes and so had 20-20 faith focus. The better we know about God and strive to act in a faith-filled way, the more visible He will be for us.

Monday is the Feast of St. Blaise, the traditional day for the blessing of throats with blessed candles, so we might more willingly speak the light and word of God. The custom comes from a time when there were many blessings given to people to better practice their faith in the course of the year. This blessing of throats has continued for good health of the throat and speech.

Perhaps this blessing may give us the opportunity to watch over and improve our speech and to more often speak the truth. May we be more open to appreciate and be attentive to the voices of others. May we have a 20-20 faith focus outside self and more on God and others this week and month, with its extra day a leap year.

Rev. Robert Tucker: Presentation of the Lord - Torrington Register Citizen


Palestinian Photojournalist Loses His Eye After Being Hit in the Face by Israeli Tear Gas Canister – Hyperallergic

February 1st, 2020 4:43 am

Tear gas used against Palestinian protesters during the Great March of Return protests in Gaza in 2018 (Wikimedia Commons)

For the second time in three months, a Palestinian photojournalist has lost an eye in an attack by Israeli military forces. Attiya Darwish was hit by a tear gas canister in his face while covering protests at the Gaza Strip in December of 2018. After seeking medical treatment at several hospitals, he was told on Sunday, January 19, that he had lost all vision in his left eye.

Darwish, who worked as a photographer for the Palestinian Al-Rai News Agency, was injured while covering the weekly Friday protests in the Gaza Strip near the Israeli separation barrier, dubbed theGreat March of Return.

I was taking pictures like all other photojournalists, and wearing safety gear, until I suddenly felt something striking my face, the 32-year-old photographer told Palestinian news agenciesat a Gaza hospital after his injuryin 2018.

Hyperallergic has reached out to theIsrael Defense Forces spokesperson for comment.

Darwish suffered several fractures and broken bones in his face and jaw, and severe bleeding in his left eye and ear. Hislower jaw was later repaired and the broken bones in the left side of his face were replaced with a metal plate, but a scar in his left eye eventually caused an irreversible loss of sight, despite multiple surgeries in Jordan and Egypt.

Palestinian social media users responded to news about Darwishs injury with the hashtag #AttiyaEye. One tweet shows Darwishs left eye covered with bandaid with a caption that reads: #Attiyas eye, closed by order of the occupation forces.

In November of 2019, photographer Muath Amarneh lost his eye from a rubber bullet fired by Israeli soldiers. Amarnehwas wounded in his face while covering a protest in the occupied West Bank.

According to AlJazeera, Israels border police denied targeting Amarneh at the protest near the city of Hebron and said it had used nonlethal means to disperse the crowd.

In a social media campaign that went viral last November, photojournalists andactivists from around the world took photos of themselvescovering an eye with one hand in solidarity with Amarneh. The images were circulated under the hashtags #MuathEye, or #EyeOfTruth. The latter is now being used to show supportforDarwish as well.

According to Al Mezan Center for Human Rights in Gaza, more than 215 Palestinians have been killed during the Great March of Return demonstrations, including at least two journalists. Tens of thousands of others have been injured.

Despite his injury, Darwish pledged to return to work, saying, I will continue to bring the truth and broadcast the message of Palestinian photojournalists to the world.

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Palestinian Photojournalist Loses His Eye After Being Hit in the Face by Israeli Tear Gas Canister - Hyperallergic


Padma-Winning Legend Lost His Eye-Sight But Not the Art Within Him – The Better India

February 1st, 2020 4:43 am

Even before I learnt to write the alphabet, I was drawing and sketching. I dont even remember how old I was when I started.

It was Thirupurasundari, an architect based in Chennai, who said artisans before art to me in a recent interview. She emphasised the need to acknowledge artisans who work hard to produce their masterpieces. And therefore, I was not surprised at her excitement when artist Manohar Devadoss was honoured with the Padma Shri this Republic Day.


Padma Shri Manohar Devadoss is not only an artist par excellence but is also a writer and innovator. His most significant works were to capture the historic, social, and cultural heritage of Madurai and Chennai in his sketches, which in many ways, remain the only documentary evidence of the times gone by. Having lost his eyesight five years ago, Manohar feels honoured that he is still remembered and his work remains relevant.

He begins, Even before I learnt to write the alphabet, I was drawing and sketching. I dont even remember how old I was when I started.

He remembers visiting the local zoo when he was about three. After the visit, he took his brothers pencil and went on to sketch the giraffe in great detail. That was perhaps the beginning of his interest in art.

As he grew up, Manohar shares that he never faced any challenges while pursuing drawing.

In fact, he says, even if I were drawing and sketching before my examinations, my mother would urge me to study and tell me that I could return to my art once I finished studying.

The fact that his parents let him do what he wanted played a vital role in shaping his future. Manohar also attributes his interest in the arts to his parents, who were both excellent with their handiworkwhether it was his mothers embroidery or his fathers sketches.

He adds, chuckling, In my entire family, all cousins included, I was perhaps the best artist.

In 1957, he completed his graduation in Chemistry from American College in Madurai. It was on his fathers insistence that he took a year off and pursued arts, piano, and mathematics. In 1958, he moved to Madras and took up a job at Oldham Company as a chemist.

His first real work of art was a Christmas greeting card for his boss. He had sketched fisher folk and catamarans on it. In 1962, he visited London for three months as part of his job and was exposed to various kinds of art at museums and theatres there.

There came a time when I was going blind, and my vision was getting poorer by the day, so I asked Dr Badri of Shankar Netralaya to make me a powerful pair of glasses, somewhere between +26 to +28 so that I could continue sketching, he says.

He is often asked how he continues his work despite his physical question, and he has no answer. It just comes to me, he says.

Until his vision was perfect, Manohar would do sketches on the spot without any trouble, but when it started deteriorating, it was a challenge for him.

Professionally, I am a scientist, and that rational thinking ability is what I used when I sketched. I undertook each drawing like a project and completed it, he tells me.


One of the first things he did after getting his high powered glasses, was to create a portrait of his wifethe one he calls his most cherished piece of work. With these special glasses, I could immediately see better. The first thing I did was to make a portrait of my wifeMahema.

I can feel the love and the bond that he shared with his wife. I ask him if hed be willing to speak more about her and the relationship they shared, and he obliged.

With almost child-like enthusiasm, he narrates, Before Mahema and I were married, she had gone to watch a movieTo Kill A Mockingbird. In one of the scenes, a young boy takes a teddy bear to bed with him when he sleeps. I remember asking Mahema coyly if she took a teddy-bear to bed when she was younger.

He tells me that he was always amazed at her quick-wit. Her reply was, I did take one to bed when I was younger Mano, but I will be taking one to bed in two months from now. (They were to be married in two months from then.)

Taking inspiration from her words, Manohar sketched a teddy-bear and a doll seated on a bedthe dolls head resting on the teddy-bears arm. He tells me that he had presented this sketch to Mahema.

The couple was also a great team, publishing some powerhouse books that combined his artwork and her writing skills.

Their first book titled The Green Well Years came out in 1997. He says, It was an autobiographical novel and my way of paying tribute to Madurai, the city that nurtured me. The stories in the book were all inspired by my childhood friends and the life we led there. I would draw, and Mahema would write.

Although Mahema passed away almost a decade ago, she continues to be Manohars muse. His second book Dreams, Seasons & Promises was a book of poems in which he poignantly writes about his wife and her life.

In 2002, he published another biographical novel on Mahema titled A Poem to Courage. The city of Madurai and his wife, Mahema, continued to be his muses as he published his fourth book Multiple Facets of My Madurai in 2007.

Also Read: Sachin Backs Indias Blind Cricketers, Asks BCCI to Support Association

While most know Manohar as an artist par excellence, he allowed me a glimpse into the beautiful bond he shared with his wife. As we end our conversation, he says, I wish she [Mahema] were with me today. She would have been so proud and happy at this honour I received.

(Edited by Shruti Singhal)

Images Courtesy: Nividitha Louis & Naveen


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Padma-Winning Legend Lost His Eye-Sight But Not the Art Within Him - The Better India


Zenni Sets Its Sights on Super Bowl Advertising – Business Wire

February 1st, 2020 4:43 am

NOVATO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Zenni, the online optical industry leader, has an eye for Super Sunday and has set its sights on airing its new ad campaign featuring the NFC Champion 49ers George Kittle, exclusively on FOX affiliates televising the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 2. The ad will run exclusively in vision-centric media markets including GlenVIEW, IL (DMA #3 Chicago); Mountain VIEW, CA (#6 SF Bay Area); Memphis (#51) & Jackson (#176), TennesSEE; Sierra VISTA, AZ, (#62); TallahasSEE, FL (#109); LakeVIEW, OR (#135); PlainVIEW, TX (DMA #142); and ChEYEnne, WY (DMA #197).

Developed in concert with the Beasley Media Group and Scheme Engine, the 30-second spot showcases the All-Pro Tight End Kittle on and off the football field, including watching film and training while wearing a variety of stylish Zenni frames. Zenni became the official eyewear partner of the San Francisco 49ers in 2019.

As this is the 2020 Super Bowl, the timing could not be better for a leader in the online eyewear retail category to create buzz on the biggest sports day of the year with its newest brand ambassador. The commercial can be viewed and downloaded here.

Kittle delivers a monologue as a voice-over to the visual content. When I am in the zone, action and awareness merge. Times flies, self vanishes and performance goes through the roof. But, before I can actualize my vision, I need clarity. Zenni has changed the eyewear game so every fan can have access to truly affordable eyewear. Kittle concludes his monologue and the commercial by exclaiming, With Zenni in 2020, I have a championship vision!

Kittle is also featured in an alternate version of the spot promoting Zennis blue light-blocking lens technology called Blokz.

Our partnership with the San Francisco 49ers and new collaboration with George Kittle resulted in creative and compelling content that we wanted to share on the biggest stage possible, said Sean Pate, Brand Communications Officer, Zenni. We searched for a creative and timely execution and decided to air the commercial in media markets whose name had a connection to vision or sight in addition to all our owned media channels. At Zenni, weve always had a unique vision for how to conduct business.

In addition to its sponsorship with the San Francisco 49ers, the brand forged a landmark partnership with the Chicago Bulls in 2018 to serve as the iconic basketball franchises official eyewear partner and first jersey patch sponsor. Zenni partnered with the Bulls to leverage the teams relevance locally, nationally and globally, as Zenni aspires to have similar domestic and international significance.

In 2019, Zenni celebrated its sweet 16 birthday with more than 25 million pairs of glasses sold. Since its founding in 2003, the companys mission has focused on providing the highest quality prescription eyewear at a fraction of the cost of traditional retailers and delivers solely direct to consumer via its online store. With a complete prescription pair starting at just $6.95, and averaging $40, the company has brought convenience with massive price disruption to the traditional retail model.

About Zenni

Zenni Optical pioneered the online eyewear industry in 2003 with a mission to make prescription eyewear affordable and accessible to everyone. Based in Marin County, Calif., Zenni offers men, women, and children the freedom to express their personal style and individuality through high-quality prescription and protective eyewear curated with a sense for fashion and incredible selection. With over 29 million frames sold worldwide, a pair of Zennis is owned in every country across the globe. Zenni is proud to be the Official Eyewear of the San Francisco 49ers and Chicago Bulls. For more information, visit http://www.zenni.com or connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest.

See original here:
Zenni Sets Its Sights on Super Bowl Advertising - Business Wire


Massive effort to document the genetics of European forests bears fruit – Science Magazine

February 1st, 2020 4:42 am

A power drill helps a researcher extract a core from a tree included in the GenTree project.

By Elizabeth PennisiJan. 27, 2020 , 3:15 PM

Faced with deforestation, climate change, invasive pests, and new diseases, many trees are in trouble. Foresters and conservationists are scrambling to save them, but cant protect every stand of woods. And prioritizing which placesand even which individual treeswarrant preservation has been a challenge. For example, You want a lot of genetic diversity in a conservation area. The higher the diversity, the more the chances that the population will survive, says F. A. (Phil) Aravanopoulos, a forest geneticist at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. But robust data on the genetic diversity of trees can be scarce.

Now, a 4-year, $7.7 million effort to document the genetic diversity of forests in Europe is helping fill that gap. In a project dubbed GenTree, researchers from 14 countries measured, cored, and took DNA samples from 12 important tree species across Europe. No other continents forests have been documented so broadly and so comprehensively, says Nathalie Isabel, a forest geneticist and forester with Natural Resources Canada. The sampling is amazing.

The results, reported at a forest genetics conference this week in Avignon, France, could help conservationists, tree breeders, forest managers, and researchers trying to understand how forests will cope with climate change. The data trove will provide a solid base for a better understanding of the links between genetic diversity and increased adaptation and resilience of the European forests, says forest researcher Hernn Serrano-Len, who worked at the recently disbanded European Forest Institute Planted Forests Facility.

More than 42% of the European Unions land area is covered by forests and other wooded land. These areas provide wood, food, energy, and ecosystem services such as clean water and flood control, and are enjoyed by hunters, hikers, and birdwatchers. In a bid to improve forest management, in 2016 the European Unions Horizons 2020 program funded GenTree to document tree species of both economic and ecological importance. It is the first project to consider genetic diversity not only from the breeding side, but also from the conservation side, says project leader Bruno Fady, a forest geneticist at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research.

To assemble the data set, research teams looked at about 20 trees from each of the dozen tree species, which included maritime pine, Norway spruce, sessile oak, stone pine, and European beech. They took samples from 10 to 25 populations of each species, working to include individuals from across the trees range, and that survived in places with extreme environmental conditions, such as drought or late frosts. The researchers then sequenced active genes, as well as other DNA from across the genomes, to determine the range of genetic variation both within and between tree populations. The researchers also measured key traits such as annual growth, leaf surface area, seed germination rate, and resistance to disease, and analyzed the degree to which these traits were linked to specific gene variants.

A core that GenTree researchers extracted from a black poplar inthe Drmeregion ofFrancein 2017

Such data helped reveal how trees coped with their local environments; for example, identifying populations and individuals that were better adapted to drought or frost than others. A key revelation was just how much genetic variation exists in some populations. Theres a huge within-species diversity, which is rarely acknowledged in forestry and rarely used in management, Fady says. A single population of beech, for example, might contain high- and low-elevation trees that are as different genetically as trees living in forests that are hundreds of kilometers apart.

Such genetic insights can be very helpful in planning conservation programs, Isabel says. I wish we could have a North American project like that, she says.

The data might also come in handy for researchers thinking about how to help forests survive climate change. One possible strategy is to transplant trees from warmer climates into cooler areas undergoing warming, a process called assisted migration. In some cases, the genetic data could be key in deciding which seeds to plant in new areas, or how to breed hardier trees. But in others, the genetic data might indicate dont bother with assisted migration, Fady explains. You have enough seeds [with enough variation], and natural selection will play the role of the breeder, so the trees will be able to adapt to warming on their own.

The work also drives home the need for tree breeders to focus more on genetics, says David Neale, a forest geneticist at the University of California, Davis. They need to understand the genetic composition of the individual [tree], he says. Its not enough to say [the tree] came from this place in the world. Thats the level the foresters are working with right now.

Other results at the meeting suggest better genetic data can benefit commercial foresters. In onemodeling study, researchers found that pine forests grown from relatively expensive improved seed developed by breeders are likely to be worth the added cost, because the bred trees mature quickly and produce more wood. Its a negligible extra seedling cost, says Serrano-Leon, who predicts that tree breeding programs all over Europe will benefit from the [GenTree] data. It is an extraordinary resource.

*Correction, 28 January, 1:25 p.m.: An earlier version of this story misspelledNathalie Isabel's name.

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Massive effort to document the genetics of European forests bears fruit - Science Magazine


A new genetic analysis reveals that modern Africans have some Neandertal DNA too – Science News

February 1st, 2020 4:42 am

Africans today possess more Neandertal ancestry than previously thought, a new analysis shows, though still not as much as most people outside of Africa.

People who migrated out of Africa around 60,000 to 80,000years ago interbred with Neandertals. That set the stage for some human groupsto return toAfrica carrying Neandertal genes that spread throughout the continent, apparentlybecause those genes proved beneficial to ancient Africans, researchers reportJanuary 30 in Cell.

Sets of Neandertal gene variants inherited by modern Africans include genes involved in bolstering the immune system and modifying sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, geneticist Joshua Akey of Princeton University and his colleagues found. Those genes presumably spread quickly once introduced to African humans. A new statistical approach for detecting ancient genetic material thats still present in modern DNA, developed by Akeys team, enabled this discovery of genetic inheritance that has gone unnoticed until now.

The researchers new technique also detected a human journeyout of Africa roughly 100,000 to 150,000 years ago that led to the introductionof human genes into Neandertals via interbreeding. Some African DNA that appearedat first to have been inherited from Neandertals actually came from thoseancient humans when scrutinized more closely, the investigators say.

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Our work highlights how humans and Neandertals interactedfor hundreds of thousands of years, with populations dispersing out of and backinto Africa, Akey says. Remnants of Neandertal DNA survive in every modernhuman population studied to date.

Akeys team analyzed DNA from 2,504 present-day Africans,Europeans and East Asians. Each persons DNA was compared with DNA extracted byother researchers from Neandertal fossils found in Siberia and in southeasternEurope.

The new statistical program calculates the probability thatspecific segments of a persons DNA represent an inheritance of Neandertal DNAsegments. In contrast, previous approaches compared living peoples DNA to thatof Neandertals as well as to a modern African group assumed to lack Neandertalancestry, often Nigerias Yoruba people. But if those reference groups actuallypossess Neandertal DNA, as indicated by the new report, then earlier studiesunderestimated Neandertals genetic legacy.

Neandertals were humans closest evolutionary relatives,inhabiting parts of Europe and Asia from possibly morethan 800,000 years ago until around 40,000 years ago (SN: 5/15/19). Neandertal DNA accounts for, on average, about 0.5percent of individual Africans genetic inheritance, or genome, far more thanreported in earlier studies, Akeys team concludes. Most present-day peopleoutside Africa carry about three times as much Neandertal DNA as Africans do, theresearchers say. More than 94 percent of Neandertal DNA sequences detected intodays Africans have also been observed in non-Africans, they say.

Surprisingly, the new study also identifies comparable proportionsof Neandertal DNA in the genomes of modern Europeans and East Asians, about 1.7percent and 1.8 percent, respectively. Earlier studies had estimated that EastAsians possessed about 20 percent more Neandertal ancestry than Europeans.

Although the efficacy of Akeys statistical method awaitsindependent confirmation, it seems real to me, says paleogeneticist CarlesLalueza-Fox of the Institute of Evolutionary Biology in Barcelona. Along with a2012 study of Neandertal ancestry in modern North Africans, the new report bestfits a scenario in which human evolution after around 300,000 years agofeatured failed, partly successful and successful population movements out ofAfrica, hybridizationbetween genetically different Homopopulations and back-to-Africa migrations (SN: 10/5/16).

Akeys statistical approach provides an unprecedentedopportunity to detect Neandertal ancestry in people around the world, sayspaleogeneticist Cosimo Posth of the Max Planck Institute for the Science ofHuman History in Jena, Germany.

Other DNA evidence suggests that Homo sapiens and Neandertals interbredin Europe and Asia at least 50,000 years ago (SN: 9/21/16). But Neandertals didnt mate with ancient people inAfrica, Akeys group finds. Instead, the teams computer simulations indicatethat low levels of human migration from Europe to Africa over roughly the past 20,000years injected Neandertal DNA into African populations.

That conclusion stems from a geographic imbalance in sharedNeandertal DNA among people today. Africans exclusively share 7.2 percent oftheir Neandertal ancestry with Europeans, versus 2 percent with East Asians,the researchers find. That makes Europe a more likely launching ground forback-to-Africa migrations by humans carrying Neandertal genes.

The new findings call for the reevaluation of fossils andarchaeological discoveries both in and out of Africa, as well as more intense searchesfor ancient genes in modern Africans, says geneticist Sarah Tishkoff of theUniversity of Pennsylvania.

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A new genetic analysis reveals that modern Africans have some Neandertal DNA too - Science News


How to Argue with a Racist by Adam Rutherford review were all related – The Guardian

February 1st, 2020 4:42 am

Every Nazi had Jewish ancestors. Discovering this fact alone is worth the price of Adam Rutherfords engaging and enlightening new book. A geneticist by training, Rutherford is an accomplished writer who knows how to weave a fascinating tale from scientific data as he explains that our shared ancestry is far more recent than the small group of a pan-Africa species that left the continent 70,000 years ago.

It is a popular myth that there are more people alive today than have ever died. The current global population is about 7.8 billion and increasing at the rate of 220,000 each day. It has been estimated that there have been some 108 billion members of our species, Homo sapiens. The dead may outnumber the living by almost 100 billion, but as Rutherford points out, there are more people alive as you read this than on any other day in history.

Race does existprecisely because it isasocial construct, andracism isrealbecause peopleenact it

Assuming that generations are separated by 25 years, then in every generation back through time, the number of ancestors you have doubles: two parents, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents and so on. Going back just 1,000 years generates more than a trillion ancestors 1,099,511,627,776. This staggering number is nearly 10 times greater than all of the people who have ever lived. The solution to this apparent paradox is simple: family trees coalesce and collapse in on themselves as we go back in time, with many individuals occupying multiple positions.

The last common ancestor of all people with longstanding European ancestries lived only 600 years ago, in 1400. This long lost ancestor appears on every familys tree. If you hoped for a royal connection then you wont be disappointed: as Rutherford explains, anyone alive today with a British ancestral lineage is almost certainly descended from Edward III, and all of his regal ancestors, including William the Conqueror. It may sound far-fetched, but so did six degrees of separation the idea that everyone on the planet is six, or fewer, social connections away from each other.

Remarkably, we only need to travel back 1,000 years to reach a special moment in time dubbed the genetic isopoint. Every person alive at this point in 10th-century Europe who left descendants is an ancestor of all Europeans alive today. This mind-numbing concept is a mathematical and genetic certainty that is far removed from the ancestry, family trees and identity that we learn from such TV programmes as Who Do You Think You Are?. Logically, there must also be a global isopoint, a time when the entire population of the Earth were the ancestors of everyone alive today. There is, and it was just 3,400 years ago.

How ancestry and family trees actually work shows the concept of racial purity to be pure fantasy. For humans, Rutherford explains, there are no purebloods, only mongrels enriched by the blood of multitudes. So, like the rest of us, every white supremacist and racist has African, Indian, Chinese, Native American, Middle Eastern and Indigenous Australian ancestors to name but a few.

Human genetics is the study of the similarities and differences between people and populations. Although the idea that genetic variations between traditional racial groupings have any meaningful influence on behaviour or innate abilities has been widely discredited, papers are still being published in peer-reviewed journals in which the genetics for complex human traits is sliced and diced along racial lines.

Attempts to justify racism have long been rooted in science, more accurately pseudoscience. Rutherford understands that racism is a social phenomenon, but rightly believes that when science is warped, misrepresented or abused to justify hatred and prejudice it must be challenged. He focuses on what genetics says about skin colour, ancestry, intelligence, sporting prowess, and about so-called racial purity and superiority. And he attempts to equip the reader with the scientific tools necessary to tackle questions concerning race, genes and ancestry, as he explains what DNA does and does not reveal about the concept of race.

No one has ever agreed how many races there are, nor what their essential features might be. The emergence of the pseudoscientific approach to human taxonomy that relies on physical traits such as skin colour or physiognomy coincided with the empire building of European powers. Unsurprisingly, the invention of race occurred in an era of exploration, exploitation and plunder.

Skin colour may be the most obvious difference between people but it has little to do with the total amount of similarity or difference between individuals and between populations. If we accept that people are born with different innate capabilities and potential, then how these abilities cluster within and between populations has more to do with history and culture than DNA and biology. Studies reveal that genetic differences between populations do not account for differences in academic, intellectual, musical or sporting performance between those populations.

So-called racial differences are literally just skin deep: genetics and human evolutionary history do not support the traditional or colloquial concepts of race. As a result, Rutherford argues, we are prone to say race doesnt exist, or race is just a social construct. However, race does exist precisely because it is a social construct, and racism is real because people enact it. One has to admire his desire to challenge Jonathan Swifts dictum: Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired.

How to Argue with a Racist: History, Science, Race and Reality by Adam Rutherford is published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson (RRP 12.99). To order a copy go to guardianbookshop.com. Free UK p&p over 15.

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How to Argue with a Racist by Adam Rutherford review were all related - The Guardian


South Africa: wild animals at risk of ‘genetic pollution’ – The Guardian

February 1st, 2020 4:42 am

Lions, rhinos and cheetahs are among the wild species at risk of irreversible genetic pollution from breeding experiments, scientists have warned.

South African game farmers have increasingly been breeding novel trophy animals, including some freakishly-coloured varieties such as the black impala, golden wildebeest or pure-white springboks.

Some hunters pay more to bag unusual trophies, but now the South African government is under fire for permitting further gene manipulation ventures that scientists say could have a damaging effect on the continents wildlife.

Writing in the latest issue of the South African Journal of Science, a group of 10 senior wildlife scientists and researchers have criticised the government for quietly amending the countrys Animal Improvement Act last year to allow for the domestication and genetic improvement of at least 24 indigenous wildlife species including rare and endangered animals such as rhino, cheetah, lion, buffalo and several antelope species.

The researchers warn that: A logical endpoint of this legislation is that we will have two populations of each species: one wild and one domesticated domesticated varieties of wildlife will represent a novel, genetic pollution threat to South Africas indigenous wildlife that will be virtually impossible to prevent or reverse.

Lead author Prof Michael Somers, a senior researcher at the Mammal Research Institute at the University of Pretoria, says the government should scrap the controversial law amendment which lumps together rare and endangered species such as rhinos with rabbits and domesticated dog breeds.

Somers and his colleagues say the act typically provides for domesticated species to be bred and genetically improved to obtain superior domesticated animals with enhanced production and performance.

These animals can also be used for genetic manipulation, embryo harvesting, in-vitro fertilisation and embryo transfers, say the scientists.

They argue that the law will not improve the genetics of the affected wildlife species but rather will pose ecological and economic risks as it will be expensive and almost impossible to maintain a clear distinction between wild and domesticated species.

Somers and his colleagues say the government did not appear to have consulted either scientists, government wildlife agencies or the general public about the controversial move.

Last year, in response to concerns that the legal amendment would remove the listed species from the ambit of conservation legislation, the governments environment department issued a statement to emphasise that that game breeders would still have to comply with the National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act and regulations concerning threatened or protected species.

But Somers and his co-authors remain concerned, saying that in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, where there is close cooperation between game breeders and the provincial conservation organisation, the authorities still had difficulty keeping track of what happens on game farms and in enforcing legislation.

This new law will add to this difficulty, and will likely be less controlled in some other provinces, they said, adding that the genetic consequences of intensive or semi-intensive breeding of wildlife species were negative and considerable.

Intensive breeding through artificial (non random) selection of individuals for commercially valuable traits (eg horn size/shape, coat colour) represents humans taking over this natural process. Such artificial selection by humans is even more powerful than natural selection in creating distinct phenotypes within very short time frames.

Michael Bruford, a professor of biodiversity at the University of Cardiff and co-chair of the Conservation Genetics Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission, added his support to the concerns raised. The Convention on Biological Diversitys 2020 targets clearly state that signatory countries should minimise genetic erosion (loss of genetic diversity) in domestic, socio-economically and culturally valuable species, he said.

However you regard these species and they cannot reasonably be classified as domestic animals South Africas proposal will very likely lead to genetic erosion, in contravention of the CBD target, he added. This proposal also comes at a time of rapid environmental deterioration, when we need to be increasing the resilience of our species by ensuring they retain as much genetic diversity as possible.

Read the original:
South Africa: wild animals at risk of 'genetic pollution' - The Guardian


Terrace Global Announces Genetics Supply Agreement With Apollo Green for Acquisition of Genetics and Importation Into the European Union – Business…

February 1st, 2020 4:42 am

TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Terrace Global Inc. (Terrace Global or the Company) (TSXV:TRCE) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a genetics supply agreement (the Genetics Supply Agreement) with Apollo Green Inc. (Apollo Green) whereby the parties have entered into an exclusive relationship with respect to the acquisition and importation of high-THC genetics for the Companys medical cannabis operations in Portugal.

Terrace Global has commenced the process to acquire the requisite starting materials for the first phase of its greenhouse facilities in Portugal, which will be comprised of approximately 65,000 square feet of greenhouse facilities, a 5,000 square feet of E.U. GMP processing and drying facility and a 3,300 square feet administrative building.

Pursuant to the Genetics Supply Agreement, Terrace Global will be acquiring the following genetics: Chem Stallion (15-25% THC, 0.5-0.1% CBD), Twisted Grape (15-25% THC, 0.5-0.1% CBD) and Apollo Skunk (15-25% THC, 0.5-0.1% CBD). These genetics will add to Terrace Globals existing inventory of high CBD genetics which were acquired from Colorado and used in its outdoor cultivation in Uruguay.

We are pleased to be working with Apollo Green to develop our genetics inventory with a view to focusing on high-THC strains that we expect to be well received by the European Union medical cannabis market participants. Apollo Green has an extensive library of genetics that include a diverse set of market leading strains and cross-breeds, commented Francisco Ortiz von Bismarck, Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Being able to source these genetics is an important milestone in the development of European operations. Without quality genetics, there is no pathway to success in the burgeoning E.U. medical cannabis industry.

Apollo Green has been accumulating an extensive library of high-THC genetics and has benefited from its relationship with Ed Rosenthal. Mr. Rosenthal is a Global Advisor to Apollo Green and is a leading cannabis horticulture authority, author, educator, social activist and legalization pioneer.

Terrace Global is building a world-class cultivation facility in one of the most attractive countries from a regulatory and climate perspective. We will be working closely with the Company to see how these genetics perform by leveraging our extensive cultivation expertise, commented Tyler LeBlanc, Chief Executive Officer of Apollo Green. This is a meaningful partnership for us as we seek to grow our genetics and plantlet business globally. Terrace Global is the ideal partner given its extensive experience and international footprint in Uruguay, Portugal and Spain.

The Genetics Supply Agreement is subject to various conditions precedent, including the issuance of the applicable export and import permits from the regulatory authorities in Canada and Portugal.

About Terrace Global

Terrace Global is a multi-country operator (MCO) led by experienced cannabis entrepreneurs focused on the development and acquisition of international cannabis assets. Terrace Globals focus is on federally legal jurisdictions with existing domestic demand, low cost inputs and approved for exportation. Terrace Globals existing asset platform consists of: (1) a 33.75% indirect equity interest in one of the currently two recreational cannabis operations in Uruguay; (2) 100% of Oransur, S.A., a Uruguayan company producing high CBD hemp in Uruguay; (3) 100% of Terra Nova Produo e Comercializao de Produtos Natuis e Farmacuticos, Lda, a Portuguese company with a pre-license issued by INFARMED for the cultivation, importation, and exportation of medical cannabis in Portugal; and (4) 100% of Pharmabinoide S.L., a Spanish company producing and commercializing hemp in Spain. MariMed Inc. (OTCQX:MRMD), a multi-state cannabis operator in the U.S., dedicated to improving the health and wellness of people through the use of cannabinoids and cannabis products, owns approximately 6% of Terrace Global.

About Apollo Green

Apollo Green was among the first wave of Canadian businesses to submit an application to Health Canada for a cannabis cultivation and sales license. In July 2019, Apollo Green was granted three licenses for standard cultivation, standard processing and federal medical sales. Apollo Green currently supplies premium genetic solutions and superior plantlets to Cannabis producers globally, specializing in reducing risk, space, costs, and time to its B2B customers, in a state of the art fully operational facility about 20 minutes east of downtown Ottawa.


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Terrace Global Announces Genetics Supply Agreement With Apollo Green for Acquisition of Genetics and Importation Into the European Union - Business...


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