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How to live longer: Five habits to adopt into your life to increase life expectancy – Express

March 21st, 2020 9:43 pm

Life expectancy is defined as the number of years remaining for an individual or a group of people at a given age. Longevity refers to the characteristics of the relatively long-life span of some members of a population. A persons life span is thought be largely determined by the combined effects of genetics and environmental factors. No matter where you live in the world, adopting these five habits will ensure a long, healthy and disease-free life.

Eating healthily

Consuming a diet with a wide variety of plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains and beans may increase a persons life longevity and reduce the risk of diseases.

Eating plenty of plant foods is likely to help a person live longer. In turn, reducing the amount of fat, refined carbohydrates, sugar and salt will also help to increase life.

The benefit of exercise is seen regardless of peoples weight, age, sex and health conditions such as heart disease and cancer.

Greater amounts of physical activity are associated with additional life expectancy gains.

Exercise helps a person breath better, reduces stress and gives people a more positive outlook to life, all of which increases life expectancy.

In fact, at the highest level of activity of 450 minutes of exercise per week equated to 4.5 extra years to ones life.

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How to live longer: Five habits to adopt into your life to increase life expectancy - Express


Coronavirus: Immunity your best bet, build it up – The Tribune India

March 21st, 2020 9:43 pm

Dr Sachin Mittal

Your immunity will be your biggest ally in the fight against coronavirus pandemic. A detailed analysis of the infection shows that those with underlying illness or weakened immunity are more susceptible to a worst outcome.

Immunity or immune system is our bodys ability to protect us against any type of illness or disease.

The immune system is not a single entity, an organ or a type of cell but a complex system with many components that create it, strengthen it or weaken it. The idea of having a stronger immunity is very desirable, so many people are running a random Google search to find ways to strengthen it.

Heredity and genetics also determine our immune system and that is something beyond our control. One must keep in mind there are no easy quick fix solutions but we can always work gradually to strengthen our bodys defence mechanism against any form of illness.

Heres how you can boost up your immune system:

Sleep like a baby

Dalai Lama once said sleep is the best meditation. We cannot underestimate the importance of recharging our batteries with a regular seven to eight hour sleep.

Greg McKeown, the author of bestseller Essentialism, calls it an asset that we need to protect.

Sleep helps restore our immune, nervous, skeletal and muscular systems.

Research shows that regular sound sleep is associated with longevity and sleep difficulties are associated with problems like depression, alcoholism, bipolar disorder but also a weakened immune system.

Smoking and substance abuse

Apart from increasing the risk of many cancers and heart diseases, smoking weakens immune system. Research shows that smoking not only decreases our adaptive and innate immune responses but also increases abnormal disease-causing immune response. So, it acts like a double-edged sword and kills our soldiers in the last line of defense against infection and illness. Excessive alcohol consumption is also detrimental. Both smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can damage the lungs and impact the mucosal immune system negatively. Mucosal immune system facilitates the body to identify pathogens and fight the infection. Thats the reason why alcohol or tobacco addicts fall prey to common cold or any form of viruses easily.


Mahatma Gandhi said: There is nothing that wastes the body like worry. Stress is another big culprit that weakens our immunity. Chronic stress leads to high levels of cortisol the stress hormone which interferes with T-cells (a type of blood cells important for immune response) and decreases production of protective antibodies, thus decreasing the bodys immune response. So, our body would perform well and heal well when it is not under stress. Lets take out some time everyday for meditation and breathing exercises, which are beneficial in lowering down our stress levels.

Eat well; exercise often

Immunity comes with fitness and balanced diet. A nutritious diet is vital. We should not eat just to fill our tummy or satisfy our palate but to nourish our body. As per My Plate nutrition guide, we should have half our plate filled up with fruits and vegetables and the remaining half should be divided into grains and proteins. Avoid any kind of fad or extreme diets. Equally important is staying physically active because that increases blood flow and recharges the white blood cells, which have the responsibility of searching and destroying the infection in the body.

Low to moderate exercise naturally lowers levels of stress hormone Cortisol and helps our immunity. Consistency and regularity matters a physical activity of minimum 30 to 45 minutes a day is recommended for 5 days a week for a healthy lifestyle.


While there is a lot of hype surrounding the so-called immune boosters, the evidence backing them is scanty. Yes, we need to ensure theres no deficiency of significant vitamin or micro nutrient like zinc, iron, selenium, etc. If we have any, then replenishing them will be helpful, though a balanced diet takes care of our nutrition needs. Vitamin D, which we get from the sunlight, plays an important role in bodys immunity. Research shows that Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased autoimmune diseases and higher chances of infection. So, getting some sunshine has real health benefits. Take expert help in its treatment as overenthusiastic supplementation and excess of it can have serious health consequences. If consuming any special foods for building immunity, have it in moderation. The bottom line is, there is no magic wand to enhance our immunity overnight. Work on your health holistically, and gradually you will be able to build up good immunity.

The writer is a Chandigarh-based endocrinologist

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Coronavirus: Immunity your best bet, build it up - The Tribune India


15 Good News Stories To Tackle The COVID-19 Sadness – IFLScience

March 21st, 2020 9:41 pm

For Earth, bleak times lay ahead. TheCOVID-19 diseaseis known to cause respiratory illness and fever, but some extra symptoms sweeping across the globe right now seem to be stress, fear, and anxiety. To provide some light relief in these dark times, weve collated 15 of our favorite good news stories to remind you that not everything is awful. Hold tight everybody, 2021 will come eventually.

The Super Pink Moon is comingYou might be stuck at home as part of your self-isolation, but luckily the night sky is about to put on quite a show as April sees the return of the Super Pink Moon. Full moons happen every month and were given different names by the Native Americans to map out the year based on significant events that ran in tandem with the occurrence of a full Moon. Aprils is known as the pink moon because it appeared at the same time as pink spring flowers. This Aprils will be a Super Pink Moon as it is the second supermoon of the year, a term used to describe the slightly enlarged appearance of the Moon as its fully illuminated by the Sun due to Earths position between the two. Quarantine or no, if you've got access to a window you should be able to catch sight of this beauty on April 7 and when you do, think of all the other people looking up at the same moon. Self isolation doesn't mean you're alone.

Mice have been cured of diabetesAn astonishing discovery at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has revealed that human stem cells could be successfully engineered to cure diabetes in mice, offering an avenue of hope for the treatment of this debilitating disease. They used human pluripotent stem cells, cells that have the capacity to become any cell in the body, to create insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells. The engineered stem cells supplemented the diabetic mices inability to produce insulin, curing them of the disease for 9 months to a year before relapse occurred.

Theres a new green fuel in townHydrogen fuel was fast shaping up to be a hopeful route for a zero-emissions means of running things, but its costly production in terms of energy was affecting hopes for it being a sustainable resource. A team in Tokyo has now managed to refine the process to yield 25 times more hydrogen than previous methods all while using thrifty ingredients including light and a specific kind of rust. Combined with all the solar power breakthroughs currently occurring, green energy is on the up.

A crash course in what not to do, according to one Stanford University psychologist.

Babies love baby talkEven if it makes your skin crawl to hear adults cooing over little uns, it turns out babies across the globe are universally partial to baby talk. The news comes fromStanford psychologist Michael Frank who led the largeststudyto date looking at how the different ways adults speak is received by babies across the world. While all babies were fans, older babies liked it best and even showed a preference for baby talk in their native language as they likely recognized it most even if they couldnt speak it yet. The overall winner was oohs and coos, so think twice before scorning your new-parent friends for embarrassing you in public the babies have spoken.

Important change in the winds for HIV treatmentShortly after a UK man became the second person cured of HIV a fantastic breakthrough in the treatment of this once devastating disease theres more good news in the UK as PrEP, a preventative drug that prevents HIV infection, will finally be available nationwide on the NHS having already been made available in Scotland. After a 3-year study involving 20,000 participants, the drug will be made available to those at higher risk of exposure from April. PrEP is already available in the US and you can find PrEP providers near you here.


Plasters finally take a step towards racial inclusivityMajor UK superstore Tesco has taken the long-awaited step to introduce skin tone diversity into their range of bandaids. Previously, widely available bandaids, or plasters in the UK, have mainly catered to Caucasian individuals and the racial oversight was brought to light by a moving Tweet from Domonique Apollon in April 2019 after he wore a bandaid suitable for his skin tone for the first time. Longtime readers of Malorie Blackman's literary series Noughts and Crosseswill appreciate this poignant detail becoming a reality, as will those watching the current BBC dramatization available to watch via iPlayer in the US (excellent for those self-isolating).

Universal flu vaccine passes integral stageWatchers of the Pandemic documentary on Netflix (we wouldnt recommend catching up now if you missed it) may remember the plight of flu-fighting epidemiologists as the constantly shape-shifting nature of influenza meant strains were annually moving beyond existing vaccinations. Now, a universal vaccine is becoming a reality as for the first time a vaccine, called FLU-v, has been developed that can induce immune responses that last at least six months. Phase I and II of the clinical trial have been approved meaning its safety for use in human subjects and we hotly await what comes next for the groundbreaking vaccine.

Top marks for lights out in dark sky nationSometimes a bit of darkness can be a good thing, and when it comes to nighttime, the tiny South Pacific island of Niue tops the charts. The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) is a non-profit working to protect our most precious natural spaces from light pollution, and this year chose Niue as the first entire country ever to be accredited as a Dark Sky Place. This classification recognizes responsible lighting policies that preserve the natural darkness of nighttime carrying with it endless benefits for the biological cycles of animals, plants and humans.


People hating on National Parks created beautiful artIn a glimmering example of you cant please everybody, artist Amber Share decided to take some of the best worst reviews of National Parks in America and turn them intotourism posters, showing that we can still make something funny in the face of people's negativity. You can see the whole collection on her Instagram account @subparparks, but a personal favorite has to be the above magnificent minimization of Yellowstone.

CRISPR may hold the key for curing genetic blindnessSurgeons at Oregon Health & Science Institute have attempted to use gene hacking to cure Leber congenital amaurosis, a genetic condition that leads to the onset of blindness in early childhood. By directly gene editing within the patients eye, researchers hope to ...take people who are essentially blind and make them see," according to researchers.

The Arctic seed vault in Svalbard is thrivingLast month saw an enormous glut of 60,000 seed samples added to the ever-growing collecting in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. Tucked beneath a mountain in Norway's Svalbard archipelago, the initiative began with hopes to create a Noahs ark for plant diversity to protect our green spaces should a global catastrophe occur up top. The collection now includes 1.05 million seed varieties including the first-ever donation from an indigenous US tribe. Nicknamed the "Doomsday vault", we may need it sooner than thought.

Sea sponges can sneeze, and the footage is amazingThe aah and choo of asneezing sea spongehas been caught on camera for the first time and the recording is hilarious. Stumbled upon almost by accident, the discovery came about while researchers were observing sea cucumbers and sea urchins sniffing the sea floor. The video shows the two-part sneeze of a tulip-shaped sponge as it expands before contracting, expelling particles as it goes. Researchers arent yet sure what the sneezes are in response to. Lets hope its not a case ofthe suds.

Vernal equinox brings early springThe times might be dark but for the Northern hemisphere, the days wont be, as spring arrives on March 19, the earliest date in 124 years. The variation in the date is the result of leap years and daylight savings time. It should be noted this is the astronomical definition of spring, which refers specifically to the position of Earth's orbit in relation to the Sun, so perhaps dont expect to hear a gay little spring song in your garden just yet.

Its possible some dinosaurs could GLOW IN THE DARKA titillating discovery published in the journal Historical Biology recently revealed that some dinosaurs may have glowed in the dark thanks to ultraviolet fluorescing feathers and horns. Many extant bird species are tetrachromats, defined by a fourth cone in their retina that means they can see the UV spectrum. Co-author Jamie Dunning's work on the photoluminescence of puffin beaks under UV light inspired the questions, could dinosaurs have this too? We'd like the answer to be yes, please. The only thing cooler than dinosaurs is glow-in-the-dark dinosaurs.

If you need more positivity in your life right now, take a look at these ingenious social distancing moments from around the world that will restore your faith in humanity.

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15 Good News Stories To Tackle The COVID-19 Sadness - IFLScience


How the national state of emergency will affect the economy – IOL

March 21st, 2020 9:41 pm

By Helmo Preuss Mar 16, 2020

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CAPE TOWN - It was currently too early to tell what the economic impact on South Africa of the national emergency measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus would be, as the South African Reserve Bank (Sarb) has not yet met to consider a repo rate cut, nor has the Treasury yet announced any fiscal policy support measures.

Nonetheless the containment measures announced by the South African government on 15 March, as well as those of other countries, was likely to lead to a contraction in economic activity in both the current quarter and the second quarter, with some economists even saying that we could have a contraction in the full year for the first time since 2009.

Nedbank chief economist Nicky Weimar said she had already expected the economy to remain in recession in the first quarter prior to outbreak of COVID19 and the national emergency/disaster declaration.

The first quarter decline will now just be deeper and likely to extend into the early part of the second quarter. Thereafter some improvement off a low base is still possible, if the world and South Africa manage to stop the spread of the pandemic and manage to treat the ill effectively. Prior to the pandemic, we had GDP growth of 0.7% for this year, then we revised it to 0.3% after China & Italy imposed their lockdowns. We will now have to re-examine our forecasts, but the risk of the economy contracting over 2020 is very high, Weimar said.

In response to a question on what she expected from the SARBs Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting this week, she said she was expecting a 150 basis points cut, as the US Federal Reserve had cut by that amount in the last fortnight.

John Ashbourne from the UK-based Capital Economics said it was too early to tell what the economic impact on South Africa of the national emergency measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus would be, but noted that the Treasury had limited fiscal maneuvering space.

For now, it seems like the economic effect will depend on how aggressive the containment measures are. In China - and, now, Italy - we have seen entire industries totally shut down. The Treasury just does not have a lot of firepower at the moment. From a stimulus perspective, I suspect that the SARB will have to act first. I am expecting a 50 basis points cut on Thursday, Ashbourne said.

He also expected a Moodys downgrade to junk status later in the year, but said it would have little impact.

The economic and financial dislocation caused by the virus will be much more significant than a downgrade, he added.

Bianca Botes, the Treasury Partner at Peregrine Treasury Solutions, said South Africa, in line with the rest of the world, was in for a rough ride that may take years to correct.

The national state of disaster of itself is not what will really impact economic growth, although funds that were budgeted for use elsewhere will now be redirected to assist in the management of the virus. The real economic impact will stem from the local and global viral fallout, and the fact that manufacturing, production and ultimately economic activity is grinding to a halt. The travel ban will also have adverse effects on our tourism industry. As a whole, South Africa, in line with the rest of the world, is in for a rough ride that may take years to correct, Botes said.

She said a Moodys downgrade has become more likely, as the reallocation of funds to manage the viral breakout, and the negative economic impact of the pandemic will have

adverse effects on the fiscal metrics and growth trajectory of South Africa.

In all likelihood, Treasury will look at easing tax in an effort to support business and consumers, although exactly what these tax cuts may look like is still uncertain. The SARB is likely to cut by at least 50 basis points given the economic challenges facing South Africa, with the Covid-19 outbreak exacerbating concerns especially given the fact that inflation is leaning towards the lower end of the band, leaving the central bank some room to ease rates somewhat aggressively, she concluded.

Stanford Mazhindu, the spokesperson of the trade union UASA said the school closures from Wednesday would have a major impact as there was a whole ecosystem that catered to school kids.

With schools being closed until after Easter, everyone in that chain will be affected including transportation people, people who sell food to them and students. Major events including the Jazz Festival in Cape Town have been cancelled. The impact this has on the finances of the organizers cannot be measured accurately right now, but there are big economic implications, Mazhindu said.

He was not sure whether Moodys would make a ratings decision at the end of March.

It might be that Moody's might decide not to rate South Africa or any other country for that matter while we are busy trying to contain the virus. Economic markets are struggling with a number of record breaking events taking place like the oil price crash, he noted.

The SARB at the moment would need to lower with at least 50 points. Bank of England and American Federal Reserve have lowered their policy rates in anticipation of the fall-out from the coronavirus and the low supply demand chain. We think the Reserve Bank should follow suit, he concluded.


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How the national state of emergency will affect the economy - IOL


Close Association Between Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy and Sarcopenia – Neurology Advisor

March 20th, 2020 8:51 pm

There is a close association between sarcopenia and diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), according to study results published in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice.

Sarcopenia may lead to reduced exercise and increased risk for microvascular complications in patients with diabetes mellitus, including nephropathy and retinopathy. Because there is little information on the association between sarcopenia and DPN, the goal of the current cross-sectional study was to explore this association. In addition, a cohort study was carried out to investigate the changes in muscle mass and nerve conduction velocity.

The cross-sectional study included 1794 individuals (937 men; mean age, 60.22 years). Of these, 183 patients (98 men; mean age, 59.08 years) were enrolled in the follow-up study with a median follow-up of 2.7 years.

All patients underwent nerve conduction tests and muscle mass index was calculated using the following formula: appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM; in kg) divided by height squared (HT2; in m2 [ASM/HT2]). The composite z scores for the sensory nerve conduction velocity (SCV) and motor nerve conduction velocity (MCV) were calculated. The changes in ASM/HT2, SCV, and MCV were calculated from the measurements approximately 2 years apart and changes in skeletal muscle were classified into 3 groups: a decrease in ASM/HT2 of >3%, a minor change within 3%, or an increase of >3%.

In men, the multivariate regression analysis showed that muscle mass index was positively associated with the median (=0.928; P <.001), ulnar (=1.462; P <.001), peroneal (=1.059; P =.001), and tibial MCV (=0.839; P =.001) among the motor neurons; the median (=1.499; P <.001), ulnar (=0.837; P =.044), peroneal (=2.090; P =.002), and sural SCV (=1.257; P =.014) among the sensory neurons; and the composite z scores of MCV (=0.197; P <.001) and SCV (=0.3000; P <.001).

Receiver operating characteristic analysis indicated that the optimal cutoff point for ASM/HT2 that indicated DPN was 7.09 kg/m2 (area under the curve, 0.605; 95% CI, 0.569-0.642; sensitivity, 53.1%; specificity, 72.3%).

No significant correlations were found between ASM/HT2 and MCV, SCV and neuropathy score, and DPN and sarcopenia in women.

In the follow-up cohort study, there was a strong positive association between 2-year changes in skeletal muscle and nerve conduction velocity. During the follow-up period, nerve conduction velocity increased in terms of the partial motor and sensory velocities with an increase in the muscle mass in men with diabetes. However, similar to the findings in the cross-sectional analysis, this phenomenon was generally not observed in women with diabetes.

The researchers noted several limitations to the study, including possible selection bias as the study was performed in a hospital and included mainly middle-aged adults with nonsevere diabetes. As such, the findings may not be generalizable to older patients.

The assessment of muscle mass may have clinical implications in the prevention of DPN in men with diabetes, concluded the researchers.


Zhang Y, Shen X, He L, Zhao F, Yan S. Association of sarcopenia and muscle mass with both peripheral neuropathy and nerve function in patients with type 2 diabetes [published online February 25, 2020]. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. doi:10.1016/j.diabres.2020.108096

This article originally appeared on Endocrinology Advisor

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Close Association Between Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy and Sarcopenia - Neurology Advisor


Six Benefits Of Acupuncture For Cancer Patients – Long Island Weekly News

March 20th, 2020 8:51 pm

By Elizabeth Martin

More than 39 percent of the population will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their life, so chances are, someone you know has had cancer. A 2019 study in JAMA Oncology found that acupuncture was significantly associated with lower pain levels for cancer patients. It seems that recently Eastern medicine, such as acupuncture, is integrating with Western medicine. The ongoing opioid crisis makes it more challenging to address cancer pain management, making acupuncture an alternative for pain.

One of the common side effects of chemotherapy is neuropathy, where nerve damage causes tingling, numbness and other sensations that can be extremely uncomfortable. This pain is often not treated or cant be treated with pain medication, but acupuncture proves to be a great alternative. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine help open the body up and heal by promoting the flow of Qi (our vital energy). Acupuncture helps to bring circulation and blood flow to certain areas, helping the body to heal itself.

As a practitioner, I hear over and over that cancer patients are apprehensive about taking another medication for the side effects of another medication. But acupuncture is a noninvasive way to treat these side effects. I already mentioned that acupuncture helps with neuropathy because it stimulates blood flow to the damaged nerves. With nausea and loss of appetite, acupuncturists can open up channels that lead to the stomach meridian to help the body work more efficiently and improve the flow of energy to that area.

When someone has insomnia, its a sign that the brain is not shutting off. Acupuncture tells the neurotransmitters in the brain to calm down and helps to reprogram your bodys own circadian rhythm. When we are working on patients with insomnia, most of the time we choose to work on the heart meridians, because the heart calms the mind, and in traditional Chinese medicine we believe it is connected to the mind and spirit.

Often, schedules are packed with doctors appointments, but a visit to the acupuncturist is one to look forward to. I wanted my office to feel like home, so I purposely designed my practice to be that way, touching on the five elements of Chinese Medicine: wood, water, fire, earth, and metal and making it a tranquil, medical spa-like atmosphere. Doctors often look at their patients like a number, rushing to get them in and out of the door, but during an acupuncture appointment at our practice, we make a point to spend the time to get to know our patients and help to talk them through the emotions they may be going through during their cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Elizabeth Martin

The theory is that acupuncture is compared to going for a runincreasing circulation, draining the lymph nodes, and releasing toxins. Whenever you get acupuncture, it releases neurotransmitters in the brain like serotonin and epinephrine, which helps boost energy levels and improve mood. At the practice we also use acupuncture to help treat allergies, as it goes back to my earlier point about opening the flow of Qi.

With the treatments and appointments that many cancer patients are already going to, they can often be afraid and apprehensive to try acupuncture while in treatment. But in fact, this is the best time to go. We often hear from our cancer patients that they felt overwhelmed with adding another appointment, but after coming to acupuncture they felt more relaxed, had less pain, and felt calmer after undergoing regular acupuncture treatments. Often the patients that were skeptical of acupuncture would take a break and very often when stopping acupuncture regularly, it caused their pain to return.

Acupuncture is only one pillar of Chinese Medicine, but other modalities include manual therapy, Chinese herbal medicine, and meditation practices like Qi gong. A recent meta-analysis in patients with cancer and insomnia showed that yoga, meditation, hypnosis, mindfulness-based stress reduction, and qi gong have a moderate effect on the improvement of sleep quality for up to three months. At my practice, we also do sound healing classes, which has been a great way to start meditation and can help reduce stress. This practice uses vibrations (vocal or instrumental-like gongs, Tibetan singing bowls and tuning forks) in order to relax your mind and body.

Elizabeth Martin is a board-certified licensed acupuncturist. She is the owner of Hands On Acupuncture and Massage Therapy PC on Long Island. Visit http://www.handsonacupuncture.com to learn more.

See the rest here:
Six Benefits Of Acupuncture For Cancer Patients - Long Island Weekly News


Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Market Industry Production and Demand, Competition News and Trends Forecasts to 2024 – Jewish Life News

March 20th, 2020 8:51 pm

With having published myriads of reports, Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Market Research imparts its stalwartness to clients existing all over the globe. Our dedicated team of experts deliver reports with accurate data extracted from trusted sources. We ride the wave of digitalization facilitate clients with the changing trends in various industries, regions and consumers. As customer satisfaction is our top priority, our analysts are available 24/7 to provide tailored business solutions to the clients.

In this new business intelligence report, Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Market Research serves a platter of market forecast, structure, potential, and socioeconomic impacts associated with the global Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment market. With Porters Five Forces and DROT analyses, the research study incorporates a comprehensive evaluation of the positive and negative factors, as well as the opportunities regarding the Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment market.

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The Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment market report has been fragmented into important regions that showcase worthwhile growth to the vendors Region 1 (Country 1, Country 2), region 2 (Country 1, Country 2) and region 3 (Country 1, Country 2). Each geographic segment has been assessed based on supply-demand status, distribution, and pricing. Further, the study provides information about the local distributors with which the market players could create collaborations in a bid to sustain production footprint.

The following manufacturers are covered:Achelios Therapeutics IncCelgene CorpCommence Bio IncGrunenthal GmbHImmune Pharmaceuticals IncKPI Therapeutics IncMedifron DBT Co LtdMitsubishi Tanabe Pharma CorpNovaremed LtdReata Pharmaceuticals IncRelief Therapeutics Holding AGViroMed Co Ltd

Segment by RegionsNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapan

Segment by TypeAntimunocelASP-8477BNV-222CapsaicinCBX-129801Others

Segment by ApplicationHospitalClinicOthers

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Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Market Industry Production and Demand, Competition News and Trends Forecasts to 2024 - Jewish Life News


Diabetic Neuropathy Market Application 2020 Industry Trends, Global Analysis, Business Growth & Demand, Top 5 Leading Players, Sectors &…

March 20th, 2020 8:51 pm

Diabetic Neuropathy Market Research Report 2020, is mostly driven by the improved taking on of Diabetic Neuropathy across small and medium-sized enterprises. Worldwide Diabetic Neuropathy Market quantifying the talk on those players at the interval. The report figures the limits and strong points of the players. To begin with the Diabetic Neuropathy Market report which covers market characteristics, industry structure and comitative landscape, the problems, desire concepts, along with business strategies market effectiveness.

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About Diabetic Neuropathy Market Report

This research report categorizes the global Diabetic Neuropathy Market by players/brands, region, type and application. This report also studies the global market status, competition landscape, Market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, sales channels, distributors and Porters Five Forces Analysis.

Market Competition by Top Key Players/Manufacturers:

Eli Lilly and Company, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Janssen Pharmaceuticals.

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Diabetic Neuropathy Market Dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide 2020-2026 Diabetic Neuropathy Market is analyzed across major global regions. CMI also provides customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas:

Major Highlights of the Diabetic Neuropathy Market Report:

Diabetic Neuropathy Market Overview, Market shares and strategies of key players, Sales Market Forecast, Manufacturing Analysis of Diabetic Neuropathy, Market Driving Factor Analysis of Diabetic Neuropathy, Market Competition Status by Major Manufacturers, Upstream and Downstream Market Analysis of Diabetic Neuropathy, and Cost and Gross Margin Analysis of Diabetic Neuropathy.

Why This Report is Useful? It helps:

1. The report will include the qualitative and quantitative analysis with Diabetic Neuropathy Market estimation and compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2020 and 20262. Assess the Diabetic Neuropathy production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk.3. Comprehensive analysis of market dynamics including factors and opportunities of the global Diabetic Neuropathy Market will be provided in the report4. Insights from this report will allow marketers and management authorities of companies to make informed decisions with respect to their future product launch, technology upgrades, market expansion, and marketing tactics.

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Further in the report, the Diabetic Neuropathy market is examined for Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin. These points are analyzed for companies, types, and regions. In continuation with this data, the sale price is for various types, applications and regions are also included. The Diabetic Neuropathy industry consumption for major regions is given. Additionally, type wise and application wise figures are also provided in this report.

In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of 2020-2026 Diabetic Neuropathy Market are as follows:History Year: 2015-2017Base Year: 2017Estimated Year: 2020Forecast Year 2020 to 2026

About Coherent Market Insights:

Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.

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Diabetic Neuropathy Market Application 2020 Industry Trends, Global Analysis, Business Growth & Demand, Top 5 Leading Players, Sectors &...


Kannalife, Inc. Receives Seventh Patent by Extending Patent Family to Australia for Its Novel Monotherapeutic Compounds to Treat CNS and PNS Disorders…

March 20th, 2020 8:51 pm

DOYLESTOWN, Pa., March 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kannalife, Inc. (Kannalife or the Company) (KLFE), a biopharmaceutical med-chem company specializing in the research and development of potent novel monotherapeutics, announced today that the Company has been issued Australian Patent AU2015204609B2 (the Patent) specific to Novel Functionalized 1,3-Benzene Diols and their Method of Use for the Treatment of Hepatic Encephalopathy. This patent grant marks the seventh patent that Kannalife has received to date on a worldwide basis.

Under the Patent, Kannalife will further explore the application and potential of new molecular entities (NMEs) across epilepsy, neuropathic pain, traumatic head injury, stroke, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), Post Cardiac Arrest Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, Epileptic Encephalopathy, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, Huntington's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Australias pharma market is expected to reach $32.1 billion in 2020, according to data from research and consulting firm GlobalData.1

"We are pleased to see our IP estate recognized in Australia as novel and proprietary. We see this as an important first step towards commercializing our lead drug candidate KLS-13019 in that market in thefuture," said Dean Petkanas, CEO of Kannalife.

KLS-13019 leads Kannalifes intellectual property estate of novel, monotherapeutic molecules (KLS Family), which are capable of acting as neuroprotective agents and have the potential to treat a range of diseases, including nervous system, oxidative stress, and neurodegenerative disorders.

Of the seven patents issued to Kannalife on this technology, two are U.S. patents and five are foreign patents claiming priority to Kannalifes original 2014 U.S. filing date through international application PCT/US2015/010827, which was published as WO2015/106108A2 titled, "Novel Functionalized 1,3-Benzene Diols and their Method of Use for the Treatment of Hepatic Encephalopathy (the PCT Patent). The seven patents consist of AU2015204609B2, and the following six patents:

The Company recently completed a STTR phase 1 study funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Healths National Institute on Drug Abuse. The study was performed in an animal model to evaluate the potential use of KLS-13019 as a potent, non-opioid alternative monotherapeutic in the prevention and reversal of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN).

Kannalife also has national phase patent applications based on the PCT Patent application pending in Canada, Brazil and India.

About KLS-13019KLS-13019 is Kannalifes leading proprietary, investigational, novel, monotherapeutic product for the potential treatment of a range of neurodegenerative and neuropathic pain disorders, beginning with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN). KLS-13019 has not been reviewed or approved for patient use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other healthcare authority in the world. Its safety and efficacy have not been confirmed by FDA-approved research.

About Kannalife, Inc.Kannalife, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical med-chem company focused on the development of proprietary and patented novel monotherapeutic molecules for patients suffering from unmet medical needs of neurodegenerative disorders - including chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN), a chronic neuropathy caused by toxic chemotherapeutic agents; hepatic encephalopathy (HE), a neurotoxic brain-liver disorder caused by excessive concentrations of ammonia and ethanol in the brain; mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), a disorder associated with single and repetitive impact injuries; and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a disease associated with highly repetitive impact injuries in professional and amateur sports.

The Company's KLS Family of proprietary molecules focuses on treating oxidative stress-related diseases such as HE, chronic pain from neuropathies like CIPN, and neurodegenerative diseases like CTE. Kannalife conducts its research and development efforts at the Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center of Bucks County in Doylestown, PA.

For more information about Kannalife, Inc., visit http://www.kannalife.com and visit the Companys Twitter page at @Kannalife.

Story continues

Forward-Looking StatementsThis press release may contain certain forward-looking statements and information, as defined within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and is subject to the Safe Harbor created by those sections. This press release contains statements about expected future events, the Companys business plan, plan of operations, the viability of the Companys drug candidates, and/or financial results that are forward-looking in nature and subject to risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements, by definition, involve risks and uncertainties. The Company does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act.

References1. Drug Development & Deliver. Australias Pharma Sector to Grow to $32.1 Billionhttps://drug-dev.com/australias-pharma-sector-to-grow-to-32-1-billion/


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Kannalife, Inc. Receives Seventh Patent by Extending Patent Family to Australia for Its Novel Monotherapeutic Compounds to Treat CNS and PNS Disorders...


Studies find potentially effective medicine for coronavirus treatment and prevention that’s readily available – TheBlaze

March 20th, 2020 8:50 pm

Three separate medical studies have found a potentially effective treatment for the coronavirus that could also be useful in preventing infections in some cases.

The coronavirus, known as COVID-19, is viewed as a particularly potent threat because there is currently no medical treatment and no preventative vaccine, so any hope of slowing down the spread and death rate could be significant.

What's the treatment? Multiple studies showed that the use of chloroquine to treat the coronavirus can lead to faster recovery and shorter hospital stays for patients.

Chloroquine is normally used as an anti-malarial drug, used for the prevention and/or treatment of malaria. It's available in the United States by prescription, and can be safely taken by men and women of all ages, including pregnant women.

Doctors in China and South Korea have observed that the coronavirus patients treated with chloroquine show reduced fever and better lung CT images, and so far research has not found any negative effects of the treatment.

From a study done in consultation with Stanford University School of Medicine, UAB School of Medicine, and the National Academy of Sciences:

UK catching on? The study noted that Europe may be aware of the potential use of chloroquine to treat coronavirus, shown by a recent move by the United Kingdom to add chloroquine to a list of medicines that can't be exported.

Read the original here:
Studies find potentially effective medicine for coronavirus treatment and prevention that's readily available - TheBlaze


What’s Still Left on the Shelves After All the Panic-Buying, According to People on Twitter – Our Community Now at Maryland

March 20th, 2020 8:50 pm

Courtesy of StockSnap on Pixabay

The massive panic-buying surge that stores and retailers saw across the nation has left store shelves looking like they were attacked by bears. Not all shelves are wiped clean though! There are plenty of areas of the store that are stocked up and ready to go. Wedid our share of internet sleuthing and have compiled a list of our favorite Tweets sharing what's still on the shelves.

The vegan selection seems to be going strong!

Weird hummus flavors ...

Gluten-free, anyone?

Some stores are getting creative!

Seriously, people, wash your hands!

This store, along with many others, is offering fresh baked goods with the new measure of individually wrapping everything.

Okay, people, lets not be gross.Please dont do this!

Our kind of store!

Naughty, naughty! This one is pretty funny.

Last, but not least, we can breathe a little easier knowing there is still CHOCOLATE!

Well, folks, there you have it! We may have to eat some weird tofu chocolate veggie sausage stir-fry for a while, but we can wash it down with some whiskey. Sadly, we still have no answer to the biggest shopping question right now When will there be more toilet paper?

What's the weirdest thing you have seen out there in the stores overthe last few days? Let us know in the comments, and again, if anyone knows where to get toilet paper, please let everyone in on your secret!

Excerpt from:
What's Still Left on the Shelves After All the Panic-Buying, According to People on Twitter - Our Community Now at Maryland


The coronavirus is killing far more men than women. But why? – Boston.com

March 20th, 2020 8:50 pm

With more than 200,000 coronavirus cases worldwide and thousands of deaths, a striking pattern is appearing in the hardest-hit countries: More men are dying than women.

No where is this trend more pronounced than in Italy. Men make up nearly 60% of people with confirmed cases of the virus and more than 70% of those who have died from covid-19, according to the countrys main public health research agency.

On the other end of the spectrum is South Korea, where about 61% of confirmed infections have been in women. Though far fewer patients have died, the majority of fatalities 54% were again in men.

As the pandemic escalates, epidemiologists and public health authorities are scrambling to understand who is most vulnerable and how to protect them. The data from countries such as Italy and South Korea show that the disease can take wildly different paths.

Exactly what makes a group vulnerable and how to protect them has experts mystified, said Carlos del Rio, chair of the department of global health at Emory University. This difference in mortality is creating a lot of anxiety, he added.

The outbreak of covid-19 in Italy is the deadliest in the world. As of March 17, more than 40,000 people there have been sickened with the virus, and 3,405 have died. That means that, based on these current and unavoidably incomplete figures, 8.2 percent of people infected in the country have died. That is more than double the global figure presented recently by the WHO.

Italys aging population is probably particularly susceptible to the disease, researchers say. With a median age of 46.5, according to the CIA World Factbook, it is the fifth oldest country in the world. And these elderly citizens are those who have become the sickest: People over the age of 70 represent more than 87% of deaths there.

Older people are typically hit harder with respiratory diseases, del Rio said. They are more likely to get pneumonia an infection that inflames the lungs and fills them with fluid or pus and to have underlying health conditions that could make them vulnerable to the virus.

With older people, del Rio said, sometimes it doesnt take very much to push you over the edge.

The gender disparity in illness and death is harder to explain. Even before the covid-19 pandemic reached Italy, early reports out of China suggested men were especially at risk. A study of 99 patients at a hospital in Wuhan, where the virus originated, found that men made up two-thirds of patients, and half of all the people who were hospitalized had chronic conditions such as heart disease or diabetes. More recent figures from Chinas Center for Disease Control, based on tens of thousands of cases, showed a strong gender breakdown of deaths, which were 64% male.

But the figures in Italy have been even more staggering. Nearly 60% of diagnoses have been in men, according to Italys top health research agency, Istituto Superiore di Sanit. Across the first 1,697 coronavirus deaths, 71% 1,197 were in men. Just 29%, or 493, were in women.

In a recent study published in the Lancet, meanwhile, the figures were even higher. It found that 80% of the deaths were in men and just 20% were in women.

It is certainly possible that as death tolls rise in other countries, the pattern of greater male deaths seen so far in Italy, China, and South Korea could shift. But so far, this is what the evidence shows in the two countries with the largest death tolls, Italy and China, and in a third country (South Korea) acclaimed for keeping very good tabs on the disease.

The honest truth is that today we dont know why covid-19 is more severe for men than women or why the magnitude of the difference is greater in Italy than China, said Sabra Klein, a professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. What we do know is that in addition to older age, being male is a risk factor for severe outcome and the public should be made aware.

The gendered death gap was also seen in the smaller SARS and MERS outbreaks, added Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University.

Its clearly something that has happened consistently with coronaviruses, it could inform clinical practices and improve patient outcomes, and its definitely a question worth investigating, she added.

These statistics could be a product of behavior, biology, or both, scientists say.

For one thing, demographic figures suggest many men have more health risks to begin with. In China, Italy and South Korea, women tend to live longer than men, according to the World Health Organization.

Men also drink and smoke more in all of these countries, particularly in China, where 48% of men above 15 smoke compared with just 2% of women, according to the WHO. Probably not coincidentally, men in these countries also tend to die more frequently from heart disease, cancer, diabetes and respiratory diseases between ages 30 and 70.

But there are also underlying biological differences between men and women that may make covid-19 worse in men, several researchers pointed out. Years of research have found that women generally have stronger immune systems than men and are better able to fend off infections. The X chromosome contains a large number of immune-related genes, and because women have two of them, they gain an advantage in fighting disease, according to a recent study in the journal Human Genomics. Studies have also found that estrogen was protective in female mice infected with the virus that caused the 2003 SARs outbreak. During that epidemic, men had a much higher case fatality rate than women.

When [a] severe outcome is caused by an inability to rapidly control the infection, then it is often adult males who suffer worse outcomes than females, Klein wrote in an email.

South Korea presents a stark contrast to Italy. Rapid action by public health authorities, who have administered coronavirus tests at a higher rate than any other country in the world, has slowed the spread of the outbreak there. As of March 19, the country had 8,565 confirmed cases and 91 deaths. As a result, its current case fatality rate of 1.06% is far below the global average.

That low death rate is testament to the countrys aggressive coronavirus response; Korean hospitals were not overloaded, as they are in Italy, and life treatment centers were set up for patients with milder symptoms.

But it is also a function of who is getting sick, del Rio said. Whereas the typical coronavirus patient in Italy and elsewhere is male and in his 60s, women represent more than 60% of infections in South Korea, and nearly a third of the cases there have been people between the ages of 20 and 29.

What were beginning to see is that the disease presents in multiple ways and its pretty mild in people who are young, del Rio said.

Young women are overrepresented in South Koreas coronavirus patient figures because of the demographics in the fringe religious sect Shincheonji Church of Jesus, where the countrys biggest coronavirus cluster took place.

South Korea saw a sudden spike in virus cases after an infection cluster emerged at a local branch of the church mid-February. Later that month, South Korean health authorities launched a testing blitz on more than 200,000 members of the church across the country.

In a briefing earlier this month, the countrys center for disease control director Jung Eun-Kyeong said the number of young female patients is high because women in their 20s and 30s make up a big portion of Shincheonji church membership.

Experts say the mass testing of the church members possibly gave rise to detection bias in epidemiological statistics surrounding South Koreas coronavirus outbreak.

If you test all members of a church the likelihood of disease detection in that group naturally goes up, said Choi Jae-wook, professor of Preventative Medicine at Korea University in Seoul. The skewed representation of young patients from the church cluster helped make South Koreas case fatality rate so low, Choi said.

It may be that more young people are getting sick in Italy as well, but because their symptoms are mild and the country has not been testing aggressively, those cases are not being counted, del Rio said.

The age and gender discrepancies could offer important insights into how the coronavirus interacts with hosts immune systems, said Andrew Pekosz, a virologist at Johns Hopkins. Symptoms like high fever and a bad cough suggest the virus triggers an extreme inflammatory response, in which the body counters attacks with an army of defensive cells.

Sometimes it can be those cells that are driving the disease, Peskov said, causing more damage than they are controlling infection.

Understanding this response, particularly as it unfolds differently in different demographics, may help researchers develop treatments, he added.

But Harlan Krumholz, a professor of cardiology and outcomes research at Yale Medical School, cautioned that comparing countries is a tricky endeavor. We dont know numerators or denominators. The information is not comparable, he said.

He said that the best information was probably from South Korea, because it tested so many people. Everywhere else is biased, he said, depending on who is doing the testing, who is considered severe enough to be hospitalized and how you determine whether a death is related to the virus or not.

He worries that insufficient data is hampering doctors, scientists and public officials, making it more difficult to have a real-time understanding of the extent of the disease and the most effective ways to respond.

We should be able to do this, he said. This is revealing our great ignorance in the midst of an information age.

Kaplan and Mooney reported from Washington Andy Kim from Seoul. Steven Mufson in Washington contributed to this report.

See the original post:
The coronavirus is killing far more men than women. But why? - Boston.com


‘Raise the line’: Osmosis videos educate the public and medical community on COVID-19 – Technical.ly DC

March 20th, 2020 8:50 pm

From actions to take to stop COVID-19 from spreading to the importance of flattening the curve, theres a lot to learn about infectious diseases these days.

As a health education company, Osmosis puts together videos and other learning content thats designed to be approachable. Alongside a platform designed for medical students and healthcare professionals, the company founded by former Johns Hopkins med school students has drawn an audience of more than 1.4 million subscribers for its widely available animated videos on YouTube.

So it makes sense that when COVID-19 began to spread, they created videos to explain the new disease. Its now become a package designed to provide public information, debunk myths and educate workers in healthcare.

Given that its a new virus and more is being learned all the time, Osmosis Chief Medical Officer Dr. Rishi Desaisaid the team took a distinct approach. Over the last three months, the team has been updating the videos with fresh knowledge, as well as adding new videos that provide education on general topics like how to clean surfaces, and clinic-specific instruction like how to wear N95 masks correctly.

Each of these updated videos carries with it key things you have to know, but we also try to address, What are the relevant things that people are hearing about right now in the news cycle? and add that squarely in the video, Desai said.

Theyre also putting out social media infographics to get at some of the more nuanced points of the crisis. For instance, they observed in Wuhan, China, that the actions taken to enforce social distancing didnt have an immediate effect on the number of rising cases. But results started to show two weeks later.

You can imagine someone with less resolve would say, OK, lets trying something else. For two long weeks they stuck with it and finally it started trailing off, Desai said.

It could be especially instructive for the U.S., where actions are being taken by governments even as cases are rising.

Weve seen this before. We know this is what happens, so lets share that through an infographic, he said.

It also means introducing new terms. Along with flattening the curve, Osmosis also has a video on how to raise the line, which goes over the importance of adding capacity in the healthcare system to treat an expected influx of patients through telemedicine and minimizing elective procedures.

In the realm of answering questions directly, Desai held Ask Me Anything sessions on YouTube that drew global inquiries.

A pediatric infectious disease physician who previously led Khan Academy Medicine, Desai was the fifth employee to join Osmosis. Previously, he worked as an epidemic intelligence officer at the Centers for Disease Control. In that role, he investigated outbreaks and how they spread by donning protective gear to seek out patients who had symptoms and tracing their contact history.

Given the past experience, Technical.ly asked about a prime public health message that folks should hear right now to help. He said the old adage, Dont just stand there, do something, is now turned on its head.

To stop the spread, now its Dont just do something, stand there, he said: The more people keep moving around, keep socializing or going to that one little gathering, it does put everyone at more and more risk.

Go here to see the original:
'Raise the line': Osmosis videos educate the public and medical community on COVID-19 - Technical.ly DC


We have been here before: A century before coronavirus, Hampton faced the Spanish flu – Seacoastonline.com

March 20th, 2020 8:50 pm

As the coronavirus becomes an ever-increasing discussion in our daily lives let us consider how Hampton in the past hunkered down to wait out the passing of epidemics and pandemics before the age of Wi-Fi, TV and social distancing and who was it who took care of the sick.

The doctors of Hampton played a key role in the community at all times but especially during a medical crisis; a broken bone, accident, mysterious death, pandemic outbreak, they would bring the needed comfort and confidence to those in distress.

Ill-equipped, with just his medical bag, no Spectra Shield Respirator mask from Foss Manufacturing, no Purell, special drugs, antibiotics, or even toilet paper (TP was invented in 1857 but was expensive so people preferred the Sears and Roebuck catalogue, a corn cob or a linen cloth), the doctor would enter the patients home to see if he could evaluate and help. He might have some Laudanum in his bag to ease the pain but not much more. At the end of the day, he would water his horse at the town pump on Exeter Road and perhaps finally wash his hands, minus soap and hot water, after a busy day. He would have probably visited with 50 patients in a day.

Dressed in a suit, tie and hat, Dr. Marvin Fisher Smith drove his buggy on the unpaved roads of Hampton to reach out to his patients. He came to Hampton in 1888 and died in 1916 before the Spanish flu pandemic hit Hampton and the world; but he would witness and administer to the Diphtheria epidemic of 1890-91 that closed schools, churches and meetings to contain the disease. He would come down with the disease himself but recover, later campaigning for vaccinations against disease. Through his efforts, Hampton preschools were inoculated as an annual ritual of preventative medicine.

In March of 1918, the Spanish flu pandemic hit the town of Hampton. Throughout the spring and summer cases of the flu were intermittent with no reported deaths but by Oct. 10, health officer Frank Long postponed all public meetings including schools, churches, and organizations with a large membership. There were a reported 200 people who became sick, many died in the town and beach. For most, the disease would last three days and deaths were usually from secondary infections like pneumonia. The well-liked pharmacist Victor G. Garland succumbed at 27 to the influenza after a heroic struggle, so too did Lottie Mace Reilly, George Storrow Ireland, and Mr. Warren M. Batchelder.

The Hampton Union reported that the epidemic of influenza seems to be under control. The ban on public meeting will be lifted on October 28, 1918.

At this time, Dr. E. Henry Thompson and Dr. Stanley M. Ward were the horse and buggy doctors of Hampton. There were two nurses hired by the town to assist the doctors during the flu pandemic.

As the flu pandemic raged in 1918, Hampton had a population of about 1250 people, the automobile was just beginning to share the roads with the horse and buggy, men and women were traveling around the country and to Italy and France to help with the war effort, and although the railroad did bring outsiders to the community there were not so many worldwide connections as there are today.

In Hampton 2020, the population is approximately 14,000. We are connected to the world and our borders are open, for the most part to all. We travel worldwide and love to meet in large numbers to cheer on our sports teams. We are a social body of people who like to shake hands and have close connections with each other.

A pandemic virus moves, silently and quickly. This one, coronavirus, targets the elderly and compromised. The Diphtheria epidemic and Spanish flu pandemic tended to attack the young but in the long run viruses do not discriminate.

In 1918, closures in the town lasted only a few weeks. A year later the town was celebrating the end of the war with large gatherings and parades to celebrate the end of WW1.

We too will weather this medical emergency as a community with the help of doctors, medicine, good decisions by our leaders and all of us doing our part.

We learn from the past that history does matter and although we are experiencing this trial under different circumstances from the pandemics and epidemics of the past, we as they were, are all in this together.

Take the time to evaluate for the future. Help others that are in need and be kind to each other.

If you wish to watch the video Hampton Voices from WW1 that documents a section about the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, visit http://www.hamptonhistoricalsociety.org to view the video on YouTube.

Read the original:
We have been here before: A century before coronavirus, Hampton faced the Spanish flu - Seacoastonline.com


Are supplements worth it? – Health and Happiness – Castanet.net

March 20th, 2020 8:50 pm

Photo: Contributed

Forty-five per cent of Canadians regularly take health products, such as vitamins, minerals or herbal remedies.

With annual sales at an estimated $1.4 billion in Canada, I ask:

A recentUniversity of Toronto study looked into the evidence supporting the use of supplements, such as vitamins, minerals and fish oils. Specifically, the study looked at the effect on the risk of heart-related illness.

It foundthere was no significant effect from taking supplements.Supplements dont help to prevent cardiovascular disease, and they come at a cost.

I take a look at the main vitamins and nutrients, and how you can ensure youre getting enough without paying excessively for the benefits.

The government only recommends a few supplements, depending on age. Vitamin D is recommended for all Canadians, because most of us are deficient due to a lack of sun exposure.

Vitamin D helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body, and is needed to keep bones, muscles and teeth healthy.

Being deficient in vitamin D can lead to rickets in children, which is a type of bone deformity. In adults, it can cause a condition called osteomalacia, which is a softening of the bones.

During summer, we should be able to get all the vitamin D we need from sunlight. However, as most Canadians are deficient in this vitamin, taking an oral supplement is a good idea.

Vitamin A and C are also recommended for children aged six months to five years old. Vitamin A helps your bodys natural defences, including keeping skin healthy, while vitamin C also helps maintain healthy skin, bone and blood vessels.

Eating a balanced diet full of fruit, vegetables and dairy (or alternatives fortified with vitamins), should ensure that you get all the vitamin A and C needed.

The recommendation to supplement childrens diets is due to the fact that more vitamin A and C are needed for growth and development.

Women trying for a baby, or in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, are recommended to take folic acid. This nutrient is important in the development of the brain and spinal cord in Fetuses.

Aside from pregnancy, there is no clinical need or benefit to taking folic acid, so it isnt recommended for anyone outside this category.

Other nutrients, such as calcium and iron, are also marketed by pharmaceutical companies as being essential to your health and well being.

While this is true calcium building strong bones, muscles and teeth, and iron essential for carrying oxygen around the body we should be reaching our daily targets if we eat a healthy, balanced diet.

Good sources of iron include meat, liver, beans, nuts, whole grains and green vegetables.

Women need more iron than men due to having periods and losing blood each month. Signs of iron deficiency anemia include feeling tired, out of breath or weak.

If you believe you may be deficient, go to your family doctor to get your blood levels checked.

Taking iron supplements without medical supervision isnt advised; iron can cause nasty side effects.

Calcium is also found in similar foods, as well as dairy products (or fortified alternatives). Taking too much calcium, in the form of supplements, can cause stomach pain and diarrhea, so again is not recommended without a physicians advice.

A few years ago, I challenged myself to eat the Daily Dozen a checklist of 12 types of food that you should incorporate into your diet each day.

I downloaded the app (Dr. Gregers Daily Dozen) and aimed to tick off all the food groups by the end of the day.

This is a great way of making sure youre getting all the right vitamins and nutrients to stay fit and healthy!

The list is as follows:

Download the app, or read of Dr. Gregers book, How Not to Die. Its a really informative read about how to use diet and exercise to prevent all the top causes of death.

Get in touch in the comments below, or via email, if you have any questions about supplements or how to reach your daily targets.

View original post here:
Are supplements worth it? - Health and Happiness - Castanet.net


Coronavirus: EU head hopes for Covid-19 vaccine by autumn – The National

March 20th, 2020 8:50 pm

The European Commission president has said she hopes a vaccine for coronavirus could be ready before the autumn as the bloc puts aside bureaucratic obstacles and races with the US and other geopolitical rivals to tackle the crisis.

Ursula von der Leyen, a former medical doctor, has said a vaccine against the novel coronavirus, known as Covid-19, could be prepared much faster in the face of the global pandemic.

Health authorities have said, however, that it would take another 18 months before the preventative medicine could be put on the market.

The EU has offered CureVac, a biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Tubingen, Germany, 80 million euros to develop a new vaccine to create immunity against Covid-19. The company has said it could begin trails with humans as early as June.

I hope that with this support, we can have a vaccine on the market, perhaps before autumn, Ms Von der Leyen said.

"As we are in a severe crisis, we all see that we are able to speed up any of the processes that are slow normally and take a lot of time and are very bureaucratic," Ms Von der Leyen told reporters later on Tuesday.

Representatives for CureVac have said a vaccine could be ready in time if the German regulator allowed it to fast-track its product. Developing a shot before the autumn would allow nations the opportunity to stop a second seasonal wave of the virus in its tracks.

However, national heath advisors across Europe and the United States have regularly warned a vaccine could not be prepared before the end of 2020.

Curevac has found itself at the centre of a spat between Europe and the United States after reports emerged in the German press that a US official had offered to pay for the rights to the Covid-19 vaccine.

A White House official was reported to have offered large sums of cash for the vaccine on the provision that it was only for the USA.

The biotech company has subsequently had to deny reports that the administration of US President Donald Trump had tried to get hold of the vaccine.

"There was and there is no takeover offer from the White House or governmental authorities. Neither to the technology nor to CureVac at all as a company," CureVac acting CEO Franz-Werner Haas said on Tuesday.

However it has emerged that the US airforce flew 500,000 COVID-19 testing kits from Italy on a C-17 transporter to Tennessee on Monday as Washington uses its resources to fight the spread of the virus within its borders.

At the same time, specialist doctors and medical equipment have arrived in Italy ready to help tackle the sharp spike in people with the disease, which has overwhelmed medical facilities.

The doctors bring with them first-hand experience of dealing with the coronavirus, having previously helped to tackle the original outbreak in China's Hubei province that killed more than 3,000 people. Tough quarantine measures have seen the rate of new cases in China dwindle, while in Europe the outbreak continues to spread.

Updated: March 19, 2020 01:39 AM

Read more from the original source:
Coronavirus: EU head hopes for Covid-19 vaccine by autumn - The National


FDA Urged to Approve Chloroquine to Treat COVID-19 – Breitbart

March 20th, 2020 8:50 pm

President Donald Trump said Thursday his administration willmake the malaria drug chloroquine available almost immediately to treat the COVID-19 infection, but it will only be available under the compassionate use program until the drug undergoes a clinical trial under the FDAs directive.

Studies are showing chloroquine can both prevent and treat coronavirus in the cells of primates, but it is not FDA-approved for COVID-19.

Some doctors report very encouragingresults quickly in very sick people, Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, told Breitbart News about research into chloroquine to treat the COVID-19 also known as SARS-CoV-2 respiratory illness.

Independent doctorsmay prescribe it off-label, but employed physicians might not be allowed to, by corporate administrators, because it is not FDA-approved for this indication, she added. No preventive or therapeutic meds are specifically approved for this.

As Breitbart Newss James Delingpole observed, a study document prepared by Dr. James Todaro and Attorney Gregory Rigano, in association with Stanford University School of Medicine and National Academy of Sciences Researchers, concluded:

Chloroquine can both prevent and treat malaria. Chloroquine can both prevent and treat coronavirus in primate cells (Figure 1 and Figure 2). According to South Korean and China human treatment guidelines, chloroquine is effective in treating COVID-19. Given chloroquines human safety profile and existence, it can be implemented today in the U.S., Europe and the rest of the world. Medical doctors may be reluctant to prescribe chloroquine to treat COVID-19 since it is not FDA approved for this use. The United States of America and other countries should immediately authorize and indemnify medical doctors for prescribing chloroquine to treat COVID-19. We must explore whether chloroquine can safely serve as a preventative measure prior to infection of COVID-19 to stop further spread of this highly contagious virus.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states:

Chloroquine is an antimalarial medicine available in the United States by prescription only Chloroquine can be prescribed for eitherprevention or treatmentof malaria. Chloroquine can be prescribed to adults and children of all ages. It can also be safely taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Dr. Martin J. Vincent, et al, also wrote in 2005 in a study published at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) when severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was found to have been caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV:

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV). No effective prophylactic or post-exposure therapy is currently available.

We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.

The researchers concluded that chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture.

Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection, they added.

The nice part is its been around for a long time, so we know that if things dont go as planned, its not going to kill anybody, Trump said at a press briefing.

Nevertheless, Dr. Stephen M. Hahn, commissioner of food and drugs at the Food andDrug Administration (FDA), wrote at USA Today Tuesday:

While the Food and Drug Administration is working full speed, in collaboration with public and private sector partners, to help diagnose, treat and prevent this disease, presently there are no FDA-approved products to prevent, treat or cure COVID-19.

Orient said:

We need to get the FDA out of the practice of medicine. Also, it can shut down U.S. productionlines for exceeding production quotas or aminor paperwork violation, but has no meaningful inspection ofplants in China, on which we are dependent for 90% of our drug supply, including antibiotics and other things needed to care for critically ill patients.

Hopefully the Trump administration is working on bringing essential manufacturing home, she concluded.

Meanwhile, Orient recommends that those with a fever only treat it after consultation with a doctor:

Fever is not a disease. It is an important defense mechanism. Very high fevers (say 105 degrees) can cause brain damage, and children can have seizures. But dont pop Tylenol or ibuprofen at the first sign of fever. Many of the casualties in the 1918 pandemic might have been caused by heavy use of aspirin. Like aspirin, popular nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS), such as ibuprofen, also have detrimental effects on blood clotting. Try lukewarm sponge baths for comfort.

Orient recommends that Americans only go to an emergency room or urgent care facility if they are severely ill. She explained:

There will be sick people there, and you might catch something. You also might end up with a big bill, say for a CT scan you didnt really need. And if you have the flu or a cold or COVID-19, and dont need IV fluids or oxygen, they cant do anything for you.

At home, Orient advises families to clean and disinfect surfaces such as doorknobs, telephones, computer keyboards, toilets, and countertops often.

Virus can persist there for days, she says.

She also urges Americans to ensure they are getting the vitamins they need.

Most people may be vitamin D deficient, she explains. Your need for vitamin C escalates with infection. Some 50 tons of vitamin C was shipped to Wuhan, and studies of effectiveness are underway.

See the rest here:
FDA Urged to Approve Chloroquine to Treat COVID-19 - Breitbart


New academic study reveals over-the-counter anti-malaria med Chloroquine may be highly effective at treating coronavirus – TechStartups.com

March 20th, 2020 8:50 pm

Update: Wednesday, March 18, 2020New controlled clinical study conducted by doctors in France shows that Hydroxychloroquine cures 100% of coronavirus patients within 6 days of treatment (covidtrial.io)

The coronavirus pandemic has so far claimed7,171 lives, with at least 182,603coronavirus cases reported and79,881 people recovered. Today, the NIH begins clinical trial of investigational vaccine for COVID-19. While the trial launched in record speed, public health officials have been stressing for weeks that a vaccine wont be ready for 12 to 18 months in the best circumstances.

However, there is good news today that an existing anti-viral medication may be effective at treating the COVID-19. According to anew academic studypresented by Thomas R. Broker, (Stanford PhD), James M. Todaro (Columbia MD), and Gregory J. Rigano, Esq., in consultation with Stanford University School of Medicine, UAB School of Medicine, and National Academy of Sciences researchers, shows that over the counter anti-malaria pills Chloroquine may be highly effective at treating coronavirus COVID-19.

In a research work published on Friday, recent guidelines from South Korea and China report that chloroquine is an effective antiviral therapeutic treatment against Coronavirus Disease 2019. Use of chloroquine (tablets) is showing favorable outcomes in humans infected with Coronavirus including faster time to recovery and shorter hospital stay. US CDC research shows that chloroquine also has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against coronavirus in the lab, while we wait for a vaccine to be developed. Chloroquine is an inexpensive, globally available drug that has been in widespread human use since 1945 against malaria, autoimmune and various other conditions, the authors said.

According to research by the US CDC, chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS coronavirus, both prophylactically and therapeutically. SARS coronavirus has significant similarities to COVID-19. Specifically, the CDC research was completed in primate cells using chloroquines well known function of elevating endosomal pH. The results show that We have identified chloroquine as an effective antiviral agent for SARS-CoV in cell culture conditions, as evidenced by its inhibitory effect when the drug was added prior to infection or after the initiation and establishment of infection. The fact that chloroquine exerts an antiviral effect during pre- and post-infection conditions suggest that it is likely to have both prophylactic and therapeutic advantages.


The U.S. CDC and World Health Organization have not published treatment measures against Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Medical centers are starting to have issues with traditional protocols. Treatments, and ideally a preventative measure, are needed. South Korea and China have had significantly more exposure and time to analyze diagnostic, treatment and preventative options. The U.S., Europe and the rest of the world can learn from their experience. According to former FDA commissioner, board member of Pfizer and Illumina, Scott Gotlieb MD, the world can learn the most about COVID-19 by paying closest attention to the response of countries that have had significant exposure to COVID-19 before the U.S. and Europe.[1]

As per the U.S. CDC, Chloroquine (also known as chloroquine phosphate) is an antimalarial medicine Chloroquine is available in the United States by prescription only Chloroquine can be prescribed for either prevention or treatment of malaria. Chloroquine can be prescribed to adults and children of all ages. It can also be safely taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers.[2]

CDC research also shows that chloroquine can affect virus infection in many ways, and the antiviral effect depends in part on the extent to which the virus utilizes endosomes for entry. Chloroquine has been widely used to treat human diseases, such as malaria, amoebiosis, HIV, and autoimmune diseases, without significant detrimental side effects.[3]

The treatment guidelines of both South Korea and China against COVID-19 are generally consistent, outlining chloroquine as an effective treatment.

Specifically, according to the Korea Biomedical Review, in February 2020 in South Korea, the COVID-19 Central Clinical Task Force, composed of physicians and experts treating patients agreed upon treatment principles for patients with COVID-19.[4] In China, the General Office of the National Health Commission, General Office of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as a Multi-Center Collaborative Group of Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology and Guangdong Provincial Health Comp and the China National Center for Biotechnology Development have established effective treatment measures based on human studies.[5]

Data from the drugs [chloroquine] studies showed certain curative effect with fairly good efficacy patients treated with chloroquine demonstrated a better drop in fever, improvement of lung CT images, and required a shorter time to recover compared to parallel groups. The percentage of patients with negative viral nucleic acid tests was also higher with the anti-malarial drug Chloroquine has so far shown no obvious serious adverse reactions in more than 100 participants in the trials Chloroquine was selected after several screening rounds of thousands of existing drugs. Chloroquine is undergoing further trials in more than ten hospitals in Beijing, Guangdong province and Hunnan province.[6]

According to the Korea Biomedical Review, the South Korean COVID-19 Central Clinical Task Force guidelines are as follows:

1. If patients are young, healthy, and have mild symptoms without underlying conditions, doctors can observe them without antiviral treatment;

2. If more than 10 days have passed since the onset of the illness and the symptoms are mild, physicians do not have to start an antiviral medication;

3. However, if patients are old or have underlying conditions with serious symptoms, physicians should consider an antiviral treatment. If they decide to use the antiviral therapy, they should start the administration as soon as possible:

chloroquine 500mg orally per day.

4. As chloroquine is not available in Korea, doctors could consider hydroxychloroquine 400mg orally per day (Hydroxychloroquine is an analog of chloroquine used against malaria, autoimmune disorders, etc. It is widely available as well).

5. The treatment is suitable for 7 10 days, which can be shortened or extended depending on clinical progress.

Notably, the guidelines mention other antivirals as further lines of defense, including anti-HIV drugs.

According to Chinas Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan, 7th Edition, the treatment guidelines are as follows:

1. Treatment for mild cases includes bed rest, supportive treatments, and maintenance of caloric intake. Pay attention to fluid and electrolyte balance and maintain homeostasis. Closely monitor the patients vitals and oxygen saturation.

2. As indicated by clinical presentations, monitor the hematology panel, routine urinalysis, CRP, biochemistry (liver enzymes, cardiac enzymes, kidney function), coagulation, arterial blood gas analysis, chest radiography, and so on. Cytokines can be tested, if possible.

3. Administer effective oxygenation measures promptly, including nasal catheter, oxygen mask, and high flow nasal cannula. If conditions allow, a hydrogen-oxygen gas mix (H2/O2: 66.6%/33.3%) may be used for breathing.

4. Antiviral therapies:

chloroquine phosphate (adult 18-65 years old weighing more than 50kg: 500mg twice daily for 7 days; bodyweight less than 50kg: 500mg twice daily for day 1 and 2, 500mg once daily for day 3 through 7)

Additionally, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology and the Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Commission issued a report stating Expert consensus on chloroquine phosphate for new coronavirus pneumonia: clinical research results show that chloroquine improves the success rate of treatment and shortens the length of patients hospital stay.[9] The report further goes on to cite research from the US CDC from 2005 as well as research from the University of Leuven University in Belgium regarding chloroquines effectiveness against SARS coronavirus at the cellular level.[10]

Like the South Korean guidelines, notably, other antivirals (e.g. anti-HIV drugs) are listed as further lines of defense. The most research thus far has been around chloroquine.

Chloroquine as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against COVID-19[11]

According to research by the US CDC, chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS coronavirus, both prophylactically and therapeutically. SARS coronavirus has significant similarities to COVID-19. Specifically, the CDC research was completed in primate cells using chloroquines well known function of elevating endosomal pH. The results show that We have identified chloroquine as an effective antiviral agent for SARS-CoV in cell culture conditions, as evidenced by its inhibitory effect when the drug was added prior to infection or after the initiation and establishment of infection. The fact that chloroquine exerts an antiviral effect during pre- and post-infection conditions suggest that it is likely to have both prophylactic and therapeutic advantages.

In conclusion, the study shows that chloroquine is effective in preventing SARS-CoV infection in cell culture if the drug is added to the cells 24 h prior to infection.

You can read the rest of the report here.

Read more from the original source:
New academic study reveals over-the-counter anti-malaria med Chloroquine may be highly effective at treating coronavirus - TechStartups.com


Lessons from South Korea on Covid-19 preventive measures – The East African

March 20th, 2020 8:50 pm

By AGGREY MUTAMBOMore by this Author

Authorities in South Korea have rued the missed chance they had in arresting the surge of coronavirus cases in their country, when they let a suspected patient walk back to her community.

By Tuesday this week, South Koreas Centres for Disease Control had reported 8,320 cases of Covid-19, 81 deaths and 1,401 fully recovered patients.

Though Seoul reported its first case of Covid-19 on January 20, officials say it shouldnt have spread this way.

It all began on February 18, when a woman only identified as Patient 31 checked into a South Korean hospital displaying symptoms associated with the new coronavirus. But the woman reportedly refused to take a Covid-19 test even after her doctor advised it.

It turned out she was a member of the Shincheonji, Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (SCJ), a highly secretive sect in South Korea and which the Korean CDC says two thirds of the Covid-19 cases in the country are associated with.The woman, 61, came from Daegu, a city in South Korea with about 2.5 million people, where the church has a significant following.

South Korean officials say the woman initially refused to take the test as she feared it could lead to her revealing her church members. She also insisted that she had not travelled overseas and had not contacted an infected person. The woman would later be forced back to the hospital after her condition became worse. But she had infected many more of her church members.The Church, began in 1984 by leader Lee Man-hee, who is seen as the only interpreter of the Book of Revelations, follows some secretive practices including keeping their membership to themselves. The Korean CDC, however, found the church had a branch in Wuhan in China, where the virus was first reported, and some members had travelled from there recently.

Inside South Korea, their members prayed close to each other, operated in secrecy, and accessed the church using a finger-print reading system. And as each member placed a finger on the same surface, it is possible the virus spread among members, before spreading to nearby communities. All this time, Korean authorities were legally barred from interfering with freedom of worship. Three days after Patient 31 showed up in hospital, South Koreas cases reached 346, becoming the biggest incidences reported outside China then.Korean officials last week reported more recoveries than infections. The country largely depended on lessons learnt from the missed opportunity, according to a report by the local CDC.The Churchs officials put out a statement denying they hindered preventive measures.

Controlling and preventing infectious diseases is a serious matter which is directly related to the health of people and may cause social anxiety from concerns of infection. The church is assisting in thorough investigation and diagnosis following the instructions of the health department, the Church says on a statement on its website.Whether their practices hindered prevention or not, reflects how deep religious beliefs and misinformation about medical facts may hinder combating the virus.

In east Africa, where coronavirus cases have risen, experts warned misinformation or dangerous beliefs could be just as harmful.

In Kenya, for example, authorities have in the past used force to implement some medical programmes like polio immunisation, especially in communities that follow stringent religious beliefs against medication. Others choose to believe their deities rather than advice from medical experts.

It appears to be in our nature to consistently appeal to supernatural forces whenever faced with a serious threat instead of taking practical measures to deal with emergent threats, Sunday Nation columnist Lukoye Atwoli, an associate professor of psychiatry at Moi University School of Medicine, said in his column.When it comes to public health, it is important to understand the science behind a problem in order to be able to control it.

In Korea, authorities began a programme where motorists can drive through a centre, give samples and be contacted later in case they test positive. That has helped reduce the rates of infections.

An analysis by the Poynter Institute last week found a series of misinformation concerning religion and races, where false purveyors claimed some religions can be good shields against Covid-19.

Religion is not a way to protect yourself against the new disease, the Institute observed.

These beliefs can keep infected people away from real treatment, and those who are at risk of contamination far from preventative measures, promoting real harm.Last year, the World Health Organisation had to appeal to Facebook to flag false information about vaccines, after the global health body was met with rising advocates against immunisation.

WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, Vaccine misinformation is a major threat to global health that could reverse decades of progress made in tackling preventable diseases.

Many debilitating and deadly diseases can be effectively prevented by vaccines. Think measles, diphtheria, hepatitis, polio, cholera, yellow fever, influenzaCovid-19 doesnt have a vaccine yet, but Dr Tedros admitted recently that misinformation about the virus was still a challenge.

In East Africa though, officials have also been pushed to advise against cash to prevent potential spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

Someone like a tout who collects cash all the time should put on disposable gloves, said Dr Diana Atwine, Ugandas Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health, in a series of public awareness tweets on Monday.

Money has been proven to be a great source of infections, she said.

In Nairobi, President Uhuru Kenyatta called on vendors to facilitated use of non-cash payments. But all the East African countries use public transport systems where service providers largely accept cash payments.

See the rest here:
Lessons from South Korea on Covid-19 preventive measures - The East African


Deaths climb to 4 in Illinois, Pritzker says grocery stores, interstates will never shut down – Alton Telegraph

March 20th, 2020 8:50 pm

A public service announcement about coronavirus prevention is displayed on an electronic traffic message board as an ambulance travels northbound on Chicagos Dan Ryan Expressway, Thursday, March 19, 2020. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

A public service announcement about coronavirus prevention is displayed on an electronic traffic message board as an ambulance travels northbound on Chicagos Dan Ryan Expressway, Thursday, March 19, 2020.

A public service announcement about coronavirus prevention is displayed on an electronic traffic message board as an ambulance travels northbound on Chicagos Dan Ryan Expressway, Thursday, March 19, 2020. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

A public service announcement about coronavirus prevention is displayed on an electronic traffic message board as an ambulance travels northbound on Chicagos Dan Ryan Expressway, Thursday, March 19, 2020.

Deaths climb to 4 in Illinois, Pritzker says grocery stores, interstates will never shut down

SPRINGFIELD As Gov. JB Pritzker announced three more COVID-19-related deaths and 134 new confirmed cases Thursday, he also expressly asserted that interstate highways, gas stations, grocery stores and other essential services will not close as a response to the pandemic.

I want to address some of the rumors that have been running around, Pritzker said. Essential services will not close. Interstates, highways and bridges will stay open. Grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations these sources of fundamental supplies will continue to operate.

There is no need to run out and hoard food, gas or medicine, he said. Buy what you need, within reason. There is enough to go around as long as people do not hoard. We will never shut these services down.

The governor made that statement at his daily COVID-19 briefing in Chicago, where he also announced the three deaths, a Will County resident in his 50s, a Cook County resident in her 80s and an out-of-state resident in her 70s who was in Sangamon County bringing the states confirmed death count to four.

He also announced temporary tax relief for some bar and restaurant owners and cautioned that a shutdown of schools could last longer than a March 31 scheduled reopen date.

I also think that parents should be contemplating the possibility that that might be extended, he said of the scheduled March 31 return date.

Pritzker also said the state is evaluating every day as to whether a shelter-in-place order might be necessary, as, he said, experts are advising, this is going to take longer than people have expected.

Pritzker said the effort is largely aimed at staying ahead of countries like Italy, where there are more than 40,000 confirmed cases and more than 3,400 deaths. Social distancing, or staying home, remains the most important preventative measure.

So when I make decisions about this, this is about how do we operate faster and better than Italy and other countries that have seen this grow exponentially for a very long period of time, he said, noting that lack of testing means an increased reliance on mathematicians extrapolating available data over the entire population.

And Im gonna continue to listen to the experts to do the right thing, that the triggers are really in what the experts are seeing, he said.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot ordered Thursday that any city resident confirmed as having or showing symptoms of COVID-19 must stay home or risk a citation. The suburban village of Oak Park issued a shelter-in-place order which starts Friday, but it allowed for several exemptions, including obtaining essential services such as grocery shopping or medical care.

Pritzker also said the number of confirmed cases now at 422 will continue to grow as testing ramps up. According to the Illinois Department of Public Healths new website, coronavirus.illinois.gov, a total of 3,151 people had been tested in the state as of Thursday.

The states capacity for testing has increased from about 200 people per day to more than 1,000 on Wednesday, Pritzker said, adding it will be two-plus thousand in the next few days.

But, he said, the expected increase in coronavirus cases is also due to the virus spread, not just the increase in testing. He said the virus can also be spread by people who have it but have not been tested or have not shown symptoms.

So we know this is growing substantially. And until there are more and more tests, we will be in this situation of just seeing the numbers rise because the testing is rising, Pritzker said. We hope that there will be a cresting. In some countries in Asia, theres been a cresting because theyve implemented some of the measures that we have implemented here. Weve done it earlier here, but that doesnt mean that were not going to see a lot of cases of COVID-19, and frankly more deaths.

Dr. Ngozi Ezike, IDPH director, said expansion of private testing labs will allow the agency to continue to target its testing at the most vulnerable populations, such as nursing home patients and the staff that care for them.

Pritzker said he called up members of the National Guard to help set up drive-thru testing sites among other logistical and transportation efforts.

The Guard is also doing critical work planning for the weeks and months ahead, including expanding our health care capacity by potentially refitting and reopening previously closed hospitals, he said.

In terms of concrete action in response to the virus Thursday, Pritzker signed another executive order relaxing insurance rules for telemedicine, which allows patients to see a doctor remotely, such as through a video call.

For Medicaid plans and those regulated by the Illinois Department of Insurance, the executive order calls for providers to be reimbursed at the same rate at which they are reimbursed for in-person visits, among other regulatory changes.

This order will allow more providers to get reimbursed for these services and allow patients more flexibility and safety in getting the medical guidance and care that they need, he said.

Pritzker said his staff also worked with grocery stores and retail industry advocates to implement senior shopping hours.

In economic action, Pritzker said he directed the Department of Revenue to defer sales tax payments for small- and medium-sized bars and restaurants that paid less than $75,000 in sales tax last year. Those businesses will not be charged late payment penalties or interest on payments due in March, April or May.

He also announced that the U.S. Small Business Administration has approved the states eligibility in all 102 counties for disaster assistance loans up to $2 million for small businesses facing financial hardship.

Read the original:
Deaths climb to 4 in Illinois, Pritzker says grocery stores, interstates will never shut down - Alton Telegraph


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