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Jerry Sloan will be remembered for his longevity – The Sports Daily

May 23rd, 2020 3:41 pm

One of the finest coaches in the history of the National Basketball Association died on Friday at the age of 78. What Jerry Sloan will be remembered for the most is one characteristic. That is simply his longevity.

We live in an era where general managers press the panic button whenever a team goes through a four of five game losing streak. To think that Jerry Sloan lasted 22 seasons as the head coach of Utah is quite simply unthinkable. However for 1809 regular season games, it was Sloan behind the Utah bench, and the Jazz went on to win 1127 of them.

The passing of Sloan comes at a time when his Jazz squad has recently generated some degree of fame. It was Sloan who led the Jazz attack while on the sidelines, as he tried mightily to beat the powerful Chicago Bulls led by Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen. For basketball fans who have been born since 2000, and did not get to see Sloan in his prime as a head coach, you might have had your opportunity to do so in recent weeks through the ESPN Documentary The Last Dance.

Yes, Sloan had great talent himself. He had the opportunity to coach hall of famers John Stockton and Karl Malone. Just how good were this duo? Malone is second all-time in points behind Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Stockton is the NBA all-time leader in assists and steals.

However what might be shocking to NBA fans of past and present is that Sloan never once was named the head coach of the year. Even though he had a career winning percentage of .603, and .623 with the Jazz.

Sloan will go down in history as one of the finest basketball coaches of all-time. The only coaches with more wins are Don Nelson, Lenny Wilkens, and Gregg Popovich. That is the kind of company Sloan is a part of and deserves to be.

See more here:
Jerry Sloan will be remembered for his longevity - The Sports Daily


Beware the bugs of war – Daily Pioneer

May 22nd, 2020 8:49 am

It is time countries start paying attention to bio-security needs to protect their people and economies from potential risks

Genetic engineering is the frontier science of the 21st century and Chinahas been one of the leaders of the game. We already know of genetically-modified babies born in Macao, China. We also know of an US engineer Juan Carlos claiming that he had created the worlds first human-monkey hybrid embryo in a lab in China, because it was impossible to carry out such pioneering research in his home country due to legal regulations. China is fast becoming the worlds capital for controversial science, with marked ethical lapses in medical research, including genetic modification of life forms. The same wealth of knowledge has been applied on microorganisms as well, to enable better therapeutic drugs and other proteins for treatment modalities as well as for capacity-building in the field of potential biological warfare.

How zoonotic viruses infect humans has been a major focus of modern virology. We know that SARS and MERS came from bats but that doesnt convince one that the COVID-19 is of similar origin. US Intelligence says the Coronavirus is not genetically modified nor did an organism escape the lab. Professor Shan-Lu Liu at the Ohio State University says there is no credible evidence of gene tweaking. The virus genome sequence is available and had it been altered, we would have seen signs of gene alteration, insertion, deletion, or changes at the nucleotide bases. He added that the salient points in the sequence that differ from bat viruses appear natural, as the genes at those sites are scattered randomly like they would be, in nature. However, scientists say they cannot rule out genetic work by a proficient team of bio-technologists taking appropriate measures to cover up. Also, outcomes of such research to diagnose genomic intervention cannot be arrived at quickly as they would be very elaborate.

It has been observed that genetic changes to a virus usually result in attenuation, which had earlier led to the belief that the risks of viral bio-attacks were low. Most suspected agents for bio-terrorism have been toxin-releasing bacteria like Anthrax. But scientists have now identified certain viruses as potential candidates for bio-terrorism like the Pox virus, Dengue virus, Ebola virus, Lassa fever virus and a few more.

A report in October 2003 said that a US Government-funded project had created an extremely virulent form of mousepox that kills all mice even if they have been on anti-viral drugs or vaccinated. The research brings forth the prospect of pox viruses being turned into lethal organisms even for people who have been vaccinated. Scientists say such research is risky as pox viruses have been known to cross species. But further work has not stopped as scientists say their work is necessary to explore what bio-terrorists might do.

Research found many of the modified viruses were not contagious and if they escaped from a lab they could not cause ecological chaos by wiping out a species. However, such discovery also meant that bio-terrorists might attempt to use the same trick to modify a virus with the motive of using it only on targeted person/s and not rebounding on the attackers, hence meeting the main criterion of a bio-weapon.

With the availability of complete genetic sequences of various organisms, theres increasing concern about abuse of such data. The possibilities of mixing and matching traits from different organisms and combining these with insights drawn from human genomics to target some ethnic groups are very real. It is known that certain ethnic groups are more susceptible to some pathogens than others and genetic variations in some people manifest as varied disease susceptibility to microorganisms and even their response to medicines.

DNA shuffling, yet another technology with potential for bio-weapon development was used by scientist Stemmer to develop a new strain of E.coli that had reduced sensitivity to the antibiotic Cefotaxime. Such a scenario has the potential of leaving a patient resistant to treatment.

The genetic modification of life forms has been a controversial practice. There should be stringent regulations in place for genetic research work where permissions are granted only when the positives outweigh the negatives. The current pandemic is a stark reminder of the threat bio-weaponised micro-organisms can pose and the possibility of misuse of research laboratories, with instances of human survival threats breaking upon us. There is dire need for biotechnology regulations to be firmed up and an international regulatory body being formed with stringent ethical mandates. The current pandemic brings to light the necessity to revisit the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) formed in 1975 and reset the rules according to the current context. It is time countries start paying attention to bio-security needs to protect their people and economies from potential risks. There should be due strength-weakness analysis of our animal and public health systems and appropriate bio-security protocols must be put in place. This is an area that has been overlooked for decades and must now be revived for the health and survival of our nation/s and species.

(The writer is an author and a doctor by profession)

The rest is here:
Beware the bugs of war - Daily Pioneer


Feed Your Mind with FDA’s New Education Initiative on Genetically Engineered Foods – Stockhouse

May 22nd, 2020 8:49 am

SILVER SPRING, Md., May 20, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- You have probably heard of GMOs or genetically modified organisms, but how much do you know about them? GMO is a common term used by consumers to describe foods that have been created through genetic engineering. While GMOs have been available to consumers since the early 1990s and are a common part of today's food supply, research shows consumers have limited knowledge and understanding about what GMOs are, why they are used, and how they are made.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), launched Feed Your Mind, a new Agricultural Biotechnology Education and Outreach Initiative. The Initiative aims to increase consumer awareness and understanding of genetically engineered foods or GMOs. Find answers to your questions and help educate others with Feed Your Mind's science-based educational resources, like web pages, fact sheets, infographics, and videos.

What are GMOs? "GMO" is a common term used to describe a plant, animal, or microorganism that has had its DNA changed through a process scientists call genetic engineering. Most of the GMO crops grown today were developed to help farmers prevent crop loss. There are ten GMO crops currently grown and sold in the U.S.: alfalfa, apples, corn, cotton, papayas, potatoes, soybeans, summer squash, and sugar beets.

Are GMOs safe to eat? Many federal agencies play an important role in ensuring the safety of GMOs. FDA, USDA, and EPA work together to ensure that crops produced through genetic engineering are safe for people, animals, and the environment. Collaboration and coordination among these agencies help make sure food developers understand the importance of a safe food supply and the rules they need to follow when creating new plants through genetic engineering.

Look for "Bioengineered food" on food labels Soon, you may see the term "bioengineered food" on certain food packaging. Congress used "bioengineered food" to describe certain types of GMOs when it passed the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard. The Standard establishes requirements for labeling foods people eat that are bioengineered or may have bioengineered ingredients. It also defines bioengineered foods as those that contain detectable genetic material that has been modified through certain lab techniques and cannot be created through conventional breeding or found in nature.

To learn more about the Feed Your Mind Initiative, visit http://www.fda.gov/feedyourmind.

Contact: Media: 1-301-796-4540 Consumers: 1-888-SAFEFOOD (toll free)

View original content to download multimedia:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/feed-your-mind-with-fdas-new-education-initiative-on-genetically-engineered-foods-301062642.html

SOURCE U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Feed Your Mind with FDA's New Education Initiative on Genetically Engineered Foods - Stockhouse


One of the World’s Most Powerful Scientists Believes in Miracles – Scientific American

May 22nd, 2020 8:49 am

When I talk to my students aboutthe tempestuous relationship between science and religion, I like to bring up the case of Francis Collins. Early in his career, Collins was a successful gene-hunter, who helped identify genes associated with cystic fibrosis and other disorders. He went on to become one of the worlds most powerful scientists. Since 2009, he has directed the National Institutes of Health, which this year has a budget of over $40 billion. Before that he oversaw the Human Genome Project, one of historys biggest research projects. Collins was an atheist until 1978, when he underwent a conversion experience while hiking in the mountains and became a devout Christian. In his 2006 bestselling bookThe Language of God, Collins declares that he sees no incompatibility between science and religion. The God of the Bible is also the God of the genome, he wrote. He can be worshipped in the cathedral or in the laboratory. Collins just won the$1.3 million Templeton Prize, created in 1972 to promote reconciliation of science and spirituality. (See my posts on the Templeton Foundationhereandhere). This news gives me an excuse to post an interview I carried out with Collins forNational Geographicin 2006, a time whenRichard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and others were vigorously attacking religion. Below is an edited transcript of my conversation with Collins, which took place in Washington, D.C. I liked Collins, whom I found to be surprisingly unassuming for a man of such high stature. But I was disturbed by our final exchanges, in which he revealed a fatalistic outlook on humanitys future. Collins, it seems, haslots of faith in God but not much in humanity. John Horgan

Horgan:How does it feel to be at the white-hot center of the current debate between science and religion?

Collins:This increasing polarization between extremists on both ends of the atheism and belief spectrum has been heartbreaking to me. If my suggestion that there is a harmonious middle ground puts me at the white-hot center of debate--Hooray! Its maybe a bit overdue.

Horgan:The danger in trying to appeal to people on both sides of a polarized debate is--

Collins:Bombs thrown at you from both directions!

Horgan:Has that happened?

Collins[sighs]: The majority have responded in very encouraging ways. But some of my scientific colleagues argue that its totally inappropriate for a scientist to write about religion, and we already have too much faith in public life in this country. And then I get someverystrongly worded messages from fundamentalists who feel that I have compromised the literal interpretation of Genesis 1 and call me a false prophet. Im diluting the truth and doing damage to the faith.

Horgan:Why do you think the debate has become so polarized?

Collins:It starts with an extreme articulation of a viewpoint on one side of the issue and that then results in a response that is also a little bit too extreme, and the whole thing escalates. Every action demands an equal and opposite reaction. This is one of Newtons laws playing out in an unfortunate public scenario.

Horgan:I must admit that Ive become more concerned lately about the harmful effects of religion because of religious terrorism like 9/11 and the growing power of the religious right in the United States.

Collins:What faith hasnotbeen used by demagogues as a club over somebodys head? Whether it was the Inquisition or the Crusades on the one hand or the World Trade Center on the other? But we shouldnt judge the pure truths of faith by the way they are applied any more than we should judge the pure truth of love by an abusive marriage. We as children of God have been given by God this knowledge of right and wrong, this Moral Law, which I see as a particularly compelling signpost to His existence. But we also have this thing called free will which we exercise all the time to break that law. We shouldnt blame faith for the ways people distort it and misuse it.

Horgan:Isnt the problem when religions say,Thisis the only way to truth? Isnt that what turns religious faith from something beautiful into something intolerant and hateful?

Collins:There is a sad truth there. I think we Christians have been way too ready to define ourselves as members of an exclusive club. I found truth, I found joy, I found peace in that particular conclusion, but I am not in any way suggesting that that is the conclusion everybody else should find. To have anyone say, My truth is purer than yours, that is both inconsistent with what I see in the person of Christ andincrediblyoff-putting. And quick to start arguments and fights and even wars! Look at the story of the Good Samaritan, which is a parable from Jesus himself. Jews would have considered the Samaritan to be a heretic, and yet clearly Christs message is:Thatis the person who did right and was justified in Gods eyes.

Horgan:How can you, as a scientist who looks for natural explanations of things and demands evidence, also believe in miracles, like the resurrection?

Collins:My first struggle was to believe in God. Not a pantheist God who is entirely enclosed within nature, or a Deist God who started the whole thing and then just lost interest, but a supernatural God who is interested in what is happening in our world and might at times choose to intervene. My second struggle was to believe that Christ was divine as He claimed to be. As soon as I got there, the idea that He might rise from the dead became a non-problem. I dont have a problem with the concept that miracles might occasionally occur at moments ofgreatsignificance where there is a message being transmitted to us by God Almighty. But as a scientist I set my standards for miracles very high. And I dont think we should try to convince agnostics or atheists about the reality of faith with claims about miracles that they can easily poke holes in.

Horgan:The problem I have with miracles is not just that they violate what science tells us about how the world works. They also make God seem too capricious. For example, many people believe that if they pray hard enough God will intercede to heal them or a loved one. But does that mean that all those who dont get better arent worthy?

Collins:In my own experience as a physician, I have not seen a miraculous healing, and I dont expect to see one. Also, prayer for me is not a way to manipulate God into doing what we want Him to do. Prayer for me is much more a sense of trying to get into fellowship with God. Im trying to figure out what I should be doing rather than telling Almighty God whatHeshould be doing. Look at the Lords Prayer. It says, Thywill be done. It wasnt, Our Father who are in Heaven, please get me a parking space.

Horgan:Many people have a hard time believing in God because of the problem of evil. If God loves us, why is life filled with so much suffering?

Collins:That isthemost fundamental question that all seekers have to wrestle with. First of all, if our ultimate goal is to grow, learn, discover things about ourselves and things about God, then unfortunately a life of ease is probably not the way to get there. I know I have learned very little about myself or God when everything is going well. Also, a lot of the pain and suffering in the world we cannot lay at Gods feet. God gave us free will, and we may choose to exercise it in ways that end up hurting other people.

Horgan:The physicist Steven Weinberg, who is an atheist, has written about this topic. He asks why six million Jews, including his relatives, had to die in the Holocaust so that the Nazis could exercise their free will.

Collins:If God had to intervene miraculously every time one of us chose to do something evil, it would be a very strange, chaotic, unpredictable world. Free will leads to people doing terrible things to each other. Innocent people die as a result. You cant blame anyone except the evildoers for that. So thats not Gods fault. The harder question is when suffering seems to have come about through no human ill action. A child with cancer, a natural disaster, a tornado or tsunami. Why would God not prevent those things from happening?

Horgan:Some theologians, such as Charles Hartshorne, have suggested that maybe God isnt fully in control of His creation. The poet Annie Dillard expresses this idea in her phrase God the semi-competent.

Collins:Thats delightful--and probably blasphemous! An alternative is the notion of God being outside of nature and of time and having a perspective of our blink-of-an-eye existence that goes both far back and far forward. In some admittedly metaphysical way, that allows me to say that the meaning of suffering may not always be apparent to me. There can be reasons for terrible things happening that I cannot know.

Horgan:I think youre an agnostic.


Horgan:You say that, to a certain extent, Gods ways are inscrutable. That sounds like agnosticism.

Collins:Im agnostic about Gods ways. Im not agnostic about God Himself. Thomas Huxley defined agnosticism as not knowing whether God exists or not. Im a believer! I have doubts. As I quote Paul Tillich: Doubt is not the opposite of faith. Its a part of faith. But my fundamental stance is that God is real, God is true.

Horgan:Im an agnostic, and I was bothered when in your book you called agnosticism a copout. Agnosticism doesnt mean youre lazy or dont care. It means you arent satisfied with any answers for what after all are ultimate mysteries.

Collins:That was a putdown that should not apply to earnest agnostics who have considered the evidence and still dont find an answer. I was reacting to the agnosticism I see in the scientific community, which has not been arrived at by a careful examination of the evidence. I went through a phase when I was a casual agnostic, and I am perhaps too quick to assume that others have no more depth than I did.

Horgan:Free will is a very important concept to me, as it is to you. Its the basis for our morality and search for meaning. Dont you worry that science in general and genetics in particularand your work as head of the Genome Project--are undermining belief in free will?

Collins:Youre talking about genetic determinism, which implies that we are helpless marionettes being controlled by strings made of double helices. That is so far away from what we know scientifically! Heredity does have an influence not only over medical risks but also over certain behaviors and personality traits. But look at identical twins, who have exactly the same DNA but often dont behave alike or think alike. They show the importance of learning and experience--and free will. I think we all, whether we are religious or not, recognize that free will is a reality. There are some fringe elements that say, No, its all an illusion, were just pawns in some computer model. But I dont think that carries you very far.

Horgan:What do you think of Darwinian explanations of altruism, or what you callagape, totally selfless love and compassion for someone not directly related to you?

Collins:Its been a little of a just-so story so far. Many would argue that altruism has been supported by evolution because it helps the group survive. But some people sacrifically give of themselves to those who are outside their group and with whom they have absolutely nothing in common. Like Mother Teresa, Oscar Schindler, many others. That is the nobility of humankind in its purist form. That doesnt seem like it can be explained by a Darwinian model, but Im not hanging my faith on this.

Horgan:If only selflessness were more common.

Collins:Well, there you get free will again. It gets in the way.

Horgan:What do you think about the field of neurotheology, which attempts to identify the neural basis of religious experiences?

Collins:I think its fascinating but not particularly surprising. We humans are flesh and blood. So it wouldnt trouble me--if I were to have some mystical experience myself--to discover that my temporal lobe was lit up. Id say, Wow! Thats okay! That doesnt mean that this doesnt have genuine spiritual significance. Those who come at this issue with the presumption that there is nothing outside the natural world will look at this data and say, Ya see? Whereas those who come with the presumption that we are spiritual creatures will go, Cool! There is a natural correlate to this mystical experience! How about that! I think our spiritual nature is truly God-given, and may not be completely limited by natural descriptors.

Horgan:What if this research leads to drugs or devices for artificially inducing religious experiences? Would you consider those experiences to be authentic? You probably heard about the recent report from Johns Hopkins that the psychedelic drug psilocybin triggered spiritual experiences.

Collins:Yes. If you are talking about the ingestion of an exogenous psychoactive substance or some kind of brain-stimulating contraption, that would smack of not being an authentic, justifiable, trust-worthy experience. So that would be a boundary I would want to establish between the authentic and the counterfeit.

Horgan:Some scientists have predicted that genetic engineering may give us superhuman intelligence and greatly extended life spans, and possibly even immortality. We might even engineer our brains so that we dont fear pain or grief anymore. These are possible long-term consequences of the Human Genome Project and other lines of research. If these things happen, what do you think would be the consequences for religious traditions?

Collins:That outcome would trouble me. But were so far away from that reality that its hard to spend a lot of time worrying about it when you consider all the truly benevolent things we could do in the near term. If you get too hung up on the hypotheticals of what night happen in the next several hundred years, then you become paralyzed and you fail to live up to the opportunities to reach out and help people now. That seems to be the most unethical stance we could take.

Horgan:Im really asking, Does religion requires suffering? Could we reduce suffering to the point where we just wont need religion?

Collins:In spite of the fact that we have achieved all of these wonderful medical advances and made it possible to live longer and eradicate diseases, we will probably still figure out ways to argue with each other and sometimes to kill each other, out of our self-righteousness and our determination that we have to be on top. So the death rate will continue to be one per person by one means or another. We may understand a lot about biology, we may understand a lot about how to prevent illness, and we may understand the life span. But I dont think we will figure out how to stop humans from doing bad things to each other. That will always be our greatest and most distressing experience here on this planet, and that will make us long the most, perhaps, for something more.

Further Reading:

In Defense of Disbelief: An Anti-Creed

Can Faith and Science Coexist?

Richard Dawkins Offers Advice for Donald Trump, and Other Wisdom

What Should We Do With Our Visions of Heaven and Hell?

Mind-Body Problems(free online book, also available asKindle e-bookandpaperback).

See original here:
One of the World's Most Powerful Scientists Believes in Miracles - Scientific American


Kleo Pharmaceuticals and Celularity Enter into Research Collaboration to Rapidly Develop Allogeneic NK Cell Combination Therapies for COVID-19 and…

May 22nd, 2020 8:49 am

NEW HAVEN, Conn., May 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kleo Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a leading company in the field of developing next-generation, fully synthetic bispecific compounds designed to emulate or enhance the activity of biologics, and Celularity, Inc., a leading developer of allogeneic, or off-the-shelf, natural killer (NK) cell therapies, today announced a preclinical research collaboration to rapidly advance synergistic combinations of each companys technology platform as potential treatments for COVID-19 and multiple myeloma.

The collaboration comes at an opportune time for both companies. Earlier this year, Kleo received IND authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to test its CD38-targeting antibody recruiting molecule (ARMTM) in combination with autologous NK cells in a clinical study. In early April, Celularity received FDA authorization to evaluate one of its allogeneic NK cell products, CYNK-001, in COVID-19 infected adults. CYNK-001 is the only cryopreserved allogeneic, off-the-shelf Natural Killer (NK) cell therapy being developed from placental hematopoietic stem cells. It also is being investigated as a treatment for acute myeloid leukemia (AML), multiple myeloma (MM), and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM).

We look forward to working with Celularity to advance the ARMTM technology platform across multiple drug programs, said Doug Manion, MD, CEO of Kleo Pharmaceuticals. Celularitys cryopreserved allogeneic NK cells easily combine with the ARMTM platform, which is expected to facilitate NK cell targeting toward cancerous tumors or sites of viral infection. Celularitys CEO Robert Hariri, MD, PhD added, We quickly realized the advantages of Kleos synthetic bifunctional technology, and the synergistic potential between ARMTM molecules and our allogeneic NK cells. The speed and modularity of the Kleo platform allow for the development of ARMTM-allogeneic NK cell combination therapies across a wide variety of indications.

When used in combination with NK cells, ARMTM molecules behave similarly to chimeric antigen receptors, though their synthetic nature eliminates the need for genetic engineering. ARMTM molecules associate with NK cells via IgG antibodies bound to a first moiety, while also containing an interchangeable and customizable second moiety. Selection of the second moiety can be used to confer affinity of an ARMTM-NK cell complex against a biological target, such as the spike protein of COVID-19 particles or CD38 expressed on the surface of multiple myeloma hematologic tumors, ultimately facilitating NK-cell mediated destruction of target cells. This modular design allows ARMTM molecules to be broadly applicable across a range of drug programs.

About Kleo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Kleo Pharmaceuticals is a unique biotechnology company developing next-generation, bispecific compounds designed to emulate or enhance the activity of biologics based on the groundbreaking research of its scientific founder Dr. David Spiegel at Yale University. Kleos compounds are designed to direct the immune system to destroy cancerous or virally infected cells and are currently in development for the treatment of various diseases, including multiple myeloma and COVID-19. Compared to biologics, Kleos compounds are smaller and more versatile, leading to potentially improved safety and efficacy. They are also much faster and more efficient to design and produce, particularly against novel targets. Kleo develops drug candidates based on its proprietary technology platforms, all of which are modular in design and enable rapid generation of novel immunotherapies that can be optimized against specified biological targets and combined with existing cell- or antibody-based therapies. These include Antibody Recruiting Molecules (ARMs) and Monoclonal Antibody Therapy Enhancers (MATEs). Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Company (NYSE:BHVN) and PeptiDream Inc. (Nikkei:PPTDF) are investors in Kleo Pharmaceuticals. For more information visit http://kleopharmaceuticals.com.

About Celularity

Celularity, headquartered in Warren, N.J., is a clinical-stage cell therapeutics company delivering transformative allogeneic cellular therapies derived from the postpartum human placenta. Using proprietary technology in combination with its IMPACT platform, Celularity is the only company harnessing the purity and versatility of placental-derived cells to develop and manufacture innovative and highly scalable off-the-shelf treatments for patients with cancer, inflammatory and age-related diseases. To learn more, please visit http://www.celularity.com.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements involve substantial risks and uncertainties, including statements that are based on the current expectations and assumptions of the Company's management. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included in this press release regarding the Company's plans and objectives, expectations and assumptions of management are forward-looking statements. The use of certain words, including the words "estimate," "project," "intend," "expect," "believe," "anticipate," "will, "plan," "could," "may" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements are made as of this date and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


LifeSci Advisors (Investors)

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Kleo Pharmaceuticals (Media)

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Celularity Inc. Media Contact:

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Read the original here:
Kleo Pharmaceuticals and Celularity Enter into Research Collaboration to Rapidly Develop Allogeneic NK Cell Combination Therapies for COVID-19 and...


Feed Your Mind: FDA’s New Education Initiative On Genetically Engineered Foods – Latin Times

May 22nd, 2020 8:49 am

You have probably heard of GMOs or genetically modified organisms, but how much do you know about them? GMO is a common term used by consumers to describe foods that have been created through genetic engineering. While GMOs have been available to consumers since the early 1990s and are a common part of today'sfood supply, research shows consumers have limited knowledge and understanding about what GMOs are, why they are used, and how they are made.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), launchedFeed Your Mind, a newAgricultural Biotechnology Education and Outreach Initiative. The Initiative aims to increase consumer awareness and understanding of genetically engineered foods or GMOs.Find answers to your questions and help educate others withFeed Your Mind'sscience-based educational resources, like web pages, fact sheets, infographics, and videos.

What are GMOs?

"GMO" is a common term used to describe a plant, animal, or microorganism that has had its DNA changed through a process scientists call genetic engineering. Most of the GMO crops grown today were developed to help farmers prevent crop loss. There areten GMO cropscurrently grown and sold in the U.S.: alfalfa, apples, corn, cotton, papayas, potatoes, soybeans, summer squash, and sugar beets.

Are GMOs safe to eat?

Many federal agencies play an important role in ensuring the safety of GMOs. FDA, USDA, and EPA work together to ensure that crops produced through genetic engineering aresafe for people, animals, and the environment. Collaboration and coordination among these agencies help make sure food developers understand the importance of safe food supply and the rules they need to follow when creating new plants through genetic engineering.

Look for "Bioengineered food" on food labels

Soon, you may see the term "bioengineered food" on certain food packaging. Congress used "bioengineered food" to describe certain types of GMOs when it passed theNational Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard. The Standard establishes requirements for labeling foods people eat that are bioengineered or may have bioengineered ingredients. It also defines bioengineered foods as those that contain detectable genetic material that has been modified through certain lab techniques and cannot be created through conventional breeding or found in nature.

Read the rest here:
Feed Your Mind: FDA's New Education Initiative On Genetically Engineered Foods - Latin Times


There’s Something That Makes These Graduate Instructors Special – UVA Today

May 22nd, 2020 8:49 am

University of Virginia students are hardly surprised when their classes are led by graduate student teachers. After all, most large public universities encourage graduate students to teach as part of their training.

But ask around: Theres something that makes graduate teachers at UVA special.

They are confident enough to invite their students to explore ideas and create knowledge along with them, and to challenge them at the same time.

To highlight and honor the Universitys graduate students for their commitment to, and excellence in, undergraduate instruction, UVAs Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost initiated the University-wide Graduate Teaching Awards in 1990. This years 15 winners, chosen at the end of the semester, who come from doctoral programs across Grounds, have achieved this special recognition for going beyond expectations, seamlessly marrying the pedagogical with the practical, focusing on interdisciplinary work and mentoring students.

Nominated by their departments and chosen by a diverse faculty committee, these graduate teachers, from biomedical engineering to psychology to English, emerged as this years best, bringing passion and caring to their disciplines while contributing to the Universitys mission of ensuring that undergraduates become scholars and engaged citizens.

The departments nomination materials included anonymous student comments in response to the graduate instructors classes. In them, students recognize the budding professors as some of the best teachers theyve encountered at UVA.

Now in her fourth year of teaching, Dunphy has achieved something unusual: She helps teach courses that cross not only three disciplines biology, engineering and data science but also two schools the schools of Engineering and of Data Science, the latter being UVAs newest school.

Her faculty mentor, biomedical engineering professor Jason Papin, called her the quintessential contributor to our teaching mission. She has gone out of her way to contribute to the learning of undergraduate and graduate students as a graduate teacher, guest lecturer and research mentor.

Best graduate teacher I think Ive ever had. She should be a professor.

- student of Laura Dunphy

He further noted in his nomination that Dunphy was the first-ever graduate teacher for both courses, Systems Bioengineering, Modeling, and Experimentation and Data Science, and worked hard to shape the expectations for future graduate teachers.

Applying her core teaching principles safety, fun and learning Dunphy said, I always start the lecture by discussing cool models that I have built in the past: bacterial growth in space, apoptosis, etc. Throughout the class period, I bring key concepts about model-building back to simple biological systems. By the end of the lecture, students feel confident selecting their own modeling approaches to answer research questions.

A widely experienced teacher in situations from undergraduate statistics labs to Universitywide lectures on child psychopathology, Mauer wrote in her personal teaching statement: It is my goal as an educator to empower students to be critical consumers of culture. I design courses that develop students ability to question societal norms and become agents of culture change ... [and] challenge my students to actively engage with the world around them.

Mauers self-designed Community Psychology practicum for first-year graduate students asked them first to examine their own privilege and identity, then moved them off-Grounds to listen to Charlottesville residents and collaborate on jointly developed projects.

Mauers consummate dedication to meaningful engagement has taken her beyond her department to intensive professional development opportunities. At the Center for Teaching Excellence, she taught other graduate teachers inclusive and contemplative pedagogical practices to help engage their undergraduates in discussion of challenging topics.

The challenging, thought-provoking questions were groundbreaking for me and my peers to think about how we go about our daily lives the good, the bad, and what we can change.

- student of Victoria Mauer

After serving as the Ph.D. intern for violence prevention in the Office of the Dean of Students, Mauer designed and team-taught an undergraduate course, Making it Stick: Changing the Culture of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence.

Students were profoundly affected, according to their evaluations. One praised the multifaceted perspectives we were exposed to and engaged with; there was not one correct answer and having the opportunity to agree, disagree, and challenge what we know and do not know was very worthwhile for me. Another called it a class I feel that everyone at UVA should take, as the topic of gender-based violence is pertinent to our culture right now.

Psychology professor Melvin Wilson noted that Mauer creates opportunities for students to have difficult dialogues across difference in her efforts to advance understanding and social justice in the classroom.

Called a detective, an enchanter and like an encyclopedia, Sam Lemley shows his students both the wonder and the instruction in Renaissance and Enlightenment texts. Lemley uses literature to help students discover science, culture and the nature of knowledge.

Since 2015, Lemley has taught numerous English department courses. Hes been a graduate teacher, including head graduate teacher, for the first half of the survey course required for all English majors. He created his own literature course, Reading Renaissance Science, and taught a first-year writing course on travel writing.

If I could have Sam as my graduate teacher for every English class Ive taken at the University, Id be so happy! wrote one grateful student in a course evaluation.

Feedback and constructive criticism on papers by Sam truly allowed me to improve as a writer.

- student of Sam Lemley

I involve my students in the serendipity and thrill of primary source research and encourage them to build tangible links with strange pasts, using objects, images, and digital archives, Lemley explained in his teaching statement.

His English classes have taken first-year undergraduates and graduate students alike out of the classroom to examine physical texts in UVAs Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library.

In a time when public life seems particularly strained and skepticism about knowledge is high, Lemleys teaching brilliantly addresses students of all ages and kinds, from the classroom to the library to public lectures, websites, Instagram, Facebook, and national media, wrote English professor Elizabeth Fowler in supporting his nomination. I cant think of another graduate student who has contributed so much to the educational mission at the heart of the University.

Morgenstern entered the Ph.D. program with two years of experience teaching in public and private school in Philadelphia. Now, she can add to her repertoire serving as a graduate teacher for a range of college courses: Introduction to Anthropology, Language and Gender and Language and Society, as well as leading the departments teaching workshop for incoming graduate students.

In a course she developed, Technology, Language, and Society, Morgenstern carried out her teaching philosophy of making opportunities for the student as critic and creator.

By far my favorite graduate teacher ever, wrote one student in a course evaluation.

Professor Daniel Lefkowitz observed, I had the impression of extraordinary student interest in, engagement with, and command of the subject material. The classroom was alive with activity and conversation and yet it was also carefully structured, he wrote in nominating her for the award.

Morgensterns course was so successful that two of her students arranged to continue studying internet discourse with her this spring. She also created a research assistant position in fall 2018 and hired a first-year student. They have worked together for two years and now intend to co-write a paper.

[Morgenstern] created an atmosphere where I was able to feel comfortable bonding with my classmates, which led to much more open and frank discussions where everyone felt comfortable enough to participate.

- student of Michelle Morgenstern

In Morgensterns nomination packet, students overwhelmingly commented that she took time get to know each person, and that she went far beyond expectations to advise them about their personal development, future research and graduate school.

Her department concurred, calling her an inspiration for her fellow graduate students and for the faculty.

Even as an undergraduate, Fread was a natural: She served as a teaching assistant for biochemistry courses and mentored several undergraduate researchers. After five years in her Ph.D. program, Fread has proven herself a consummate teacher.

Her success comes from her obvious love of science and its applications, her nominators wrote.

In her courses, Biomedical Applications of Genetic Engineering and Stem Cell Engineering, Fread aimed to provide a bridge from lecture material to scientific applications in the current biotechnology field, she wrote in her teaching statement. It is relatively straightforward to tell a student what to do and train them how a mechanism works on paper, but I place an emphasis on the question why. What does this technique allow us to do? How can we modify it to work for our specific scientific question?

Biomedical engineering professor Brent French, who nominated her for the teaching award, wrote that Fread positively impacted the future of countless undergraduate and graduate students through her contributions to the Science Policy Initiative in 2017-2018, where she helped bring in external speakers and served on the initiatives first executive board.

In the genetic engineering course she taught, Fread seemed to have an unlimited capacity to nurture the undergrads, French said.

[Having Kristen Fread as the teacher] is the reason I did so well in this course.

- student of Kristen Fread

Lab-based experiences are key for Fread: I actively challenge my students to become independent scientists, she wrote. And they have: Six of her mentees have presented at scientific conferences, and one co-wrote a publication with her.

One student evaluation described her as the best graduate teacher Ive ever had.

As her department noted, Fread set new standards for excellence as a graduate teacher in our department and in our university.

Called by one student a great guy comedian, philosopher, big brother the whole package, Jeff Carroll created an atmosphere conducive to thoughtful discussion, even at 8 a.m. on Fridays.

Carroll a veteran course instructor by the time he began his Ph.D. program relies on two principal pedagogical lessons he learned from his father, also a teacher, the doctoral candidate wrote in a teaching statement: First, foster an inclusive classroom environment. Second, although cliche, learning should be fun.

Forming his core values from personal experience growing up in an under-resourced area, Carroll wrote that above all, he aims to meet students where they are, by removing perceived barriers so that students unfamiliar with college feel at home: he requires students to call him by his first name and never by title, for example.

[He] made intimidating philosophical concepts approachable.

- student of Jeff Carroll

The result is not only a collaborative classroom atmosphere but also a place for personal and intellectual growth. Observing his teaching in Political Philosophy and Philosophical Problems in Law, philosophy professor A. John Simmons noted, Jeffs classes are well-organized and always aimed at getting students to take away a few key points (rather than wandering through the material). His presentation is clear and careful, but delivered with a nice, dry wit that his students plainly enjoy.

The clarity and order of Jeffs classes very effectively model the principal virtues that we hope our students will develop: clear-headed, well-organized thinking, applied to a range of theoretical and practical problems.

Dinsmores classes invited students to be co-creators of knowledge, wrote sociology professor Josipa Roksa.

Dinsmore has taught Gender and Society and Race and Ethnic Relations, and served as a teaching assistant for courses covering a range of topics, including inequality, family, health and childhood.

My goal is for each student to leave the class experienced in engaging reflectively with their own social positions and posing questions about the institutions they inhabit, Dinsmore wrote in her teaching statement. I strive for my students to engage with sociology not as passive consumers, but as potential researchers who can contribute to public and scholarly conversations on inequality.

Taking this class is one of the most memorably positive academic experiences I will take with me far past graduation.

- student of Brooke Dinsmore

Dinsmore is the true definition of a teacher; someone who is there to kindly instruct, but also listen; to be there as a person, not just as a figure of authority, one student wrote in a course evaluation.

Another concluded that Dinsmore was the best instructor Ive had at UVA in my three years thus far. She she exceeded any biases/expectations I had. She was approachable, funny, clearly knowledgeable.

I take to heart the phrase, All history is local, wrote Garrett in her teaching statement. In her classes, she aimed to shed new light upon modern-day race, class, and gender relations that some students have taken for granted for at least 18 years of their life. ... My goal as an instructor is to have students understand the historical roots of familiar aspects of their everyday lives.

In teaching America to 1865, Garrett took students out of the classroom to historical sites in Charlottesville to help students make these connections.

Her department highlights Garretts innovative teaching, including her extraordinary work helping students become better writers.

I learned so much about how to better my writing and craft an argument, which will be so valuable throughout college and beyond.

- student of Alexi Garrett

Garrett passes out a 12-page guide at the beginning of the semester that clearly lays out her expectations, but also guides students to translate their ideas into clear, evidence-based prose, associate professor Jeffrey Rossman wrote. The quality and quantity of feedback Alexi offers on her students writing assignments is legendary.

Not only did Garrett go above and beyond to make sure students were prepared for every assignment, she always created a safe environment for expressing critique and opinions, several students wrote in their course evaluations.

From her first experience as a graduate teacher of Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering Lab in 2017, Gustitus-Graham has collaborated with course instructors to develop her teaching methods and course materials, becoming a graduate teacher whom faculty rely upon and students love. She was a phenomenal instructor and made me excited to come to lab every week, one student wrote in a course evaluation.

In her role as teaching intern in spring 2019, Sarah co-taught the introductory Environmental Engineering lecture course with associate professor Teresa Culver.

Ill say as a female engineering student, it meant a lot to me that everyone teaching this class was female. That made me feel like I belonged here.

- student of Sarah Gustitus-Graham

Gustitus-Graham built her curriculum, Culver wrote, to foster creativity, critical thinking, and communication skills. The students noticed that Gustitus-Graham and Culver worked well together: Really enjoyed learning about the different aspects of environmental engineering [and] how Prof. Culver and Sarah switched off lecturing, too, one wrote in the course evaluation.

From another student evaluation: This was my favorite engineering class this semester; both of my instructors are lovely people, and our graduate teacher was really helpful.

On the very first day of class, it was really startling to have an engineering class where I could look at my instructors and think, Wow, that could be me someday.

Takayama Hasegawa has taught for four years, working with undergraduates most recently in Introduction to Econometrics and International Trade: Theory and Policy. Her successes include her impact on students one former student asked to be her research assistant and helped her with her research this term and on other international graduate students as a panelist at teaching workshops.

At UVA, the native of Japan teaches in her second language, always seeking to hone her communication with her students. When guest-teaching economics professor John McLarens seminar class session on her own research, Takayama Hasegawa, he noted, made a point of reading comments submitted by students on the texts ahead of time and bringing them up in her presentation, referring to students by name.

She is funny and fun to be around, which easily translates into her discussion sections and office hours always being filled with students!

- student of Haruka Hasegawa

Students in various classes remarked on her thoughtfulness and joy in teaching. Called universally loved and the best graduate teacher I have ever had in the Economics Department, Takayama Hasegawa is incredibly knowledgeable, approachable and most importantly excited to help all students.

Some might say Maitra has had an unenviable task: teaching calculus to non-majors. His department explains that in these courses, graduate teachers have a delicate task. They must interest and challenge their students without leaving behind those who need more help.

Maitra has recognized this challenge, writing in his teaching statement: Every class I teach and every verbal or digital interaction with my students enriches my own mathematical education. I will always aim to convey the very spirit that I appreciate about mathematics. To grow through errors is our responsibility this communication is crucial; I try to create an inclusive and amicable learning environment driven by questioning and problem-solving.

[Maitra] is the endearing, amazing teacher I never knew I needed to reignite my love of math.

- student of Sarasij Maitra

Students love Maitra for this approach: hes passionate, informative and helpful, making the class fun.

I cannot heap enough praise onto Sarasij Maitra, one student wrote in a course evaluation, an amazing person, mentor, and teacher.

An undergraduate mentor and researcher who studies how malaria evolves to become drug-resistant, Jennifer McDaniels as a graduate teacher has had a huge positive impact on hundreds of UVA students, her department nomination said. Across five semesters, she instructed lab sections of Introduction to Biology I and II, courses with more than 800 students.

McDaniels stands out as one of the most dedicated and empathetic graduate teachers Ive encountered, a student who is truly an ambassador for this large introductory course, wrote assistant professor Jessamyn Manson in nominating her.

[McDaniels] stands out as one of the most dedicated and empathetic graduate teachers Ive encountered.

- Jessamyn Manson, assistant professor of biology

Associate professor Robert Cox added, Words like excellent, thoughtful, kind, approachable, friendly, awesome, and the best are repeated dozens of times in her evaluations.

McDaniels credits her success to a guiding principle: To foster an inclusive classroom community while affirming each students scientist identity.

As a minority in STEM, I proactively work to champion untapped voices and create a space for nondominant cultures to also thrive, she wrote in her teaching statement.

For example, After overhearing a group ignore a shy student, I bolstered her point by replying, Anna, that is a great idea! In real time, I saw her posture change. She re-presented her idea with greater detail and more authority. I treat each students discovery as significant and relevant, prompting students to discover more.

As a graduate teacher for required literature courses or as instructor for his own seminar on Asian American poetry, Wei navigates classroom discussions by, in his words, taking a myriad approach much of it collaborative [which] honors students sense of excitement, confusion, and identification, inviting meaningful, surprising encounters with poetry without imposing a single correct interpretation, and striving to treat students as fellow knowledge producers.

In response to this approach, one student wrote in a course evaluation, We were encouraged to break the mold on traditional writing conventions.

[Joe Wei] gave us the bandwidth to share creative ideas and build off one another without being afraid of being wrong.

- student of Joseph Wei

Students found discussions fun and not too rigid. Hes very knowledgeable and wants to learn from us, too.

Associate professor Mrinalini Chakravorty sees Wei as well-attuned to his students sensibilities, adding, Across the board, Joes students enthusiastically praised his teaching: the course content, his approachability, and the overall usefulness of the class. Indeed, one student lamented that she was sad to have this class end, while another urged Joe to continue to teach because he has a gift. In short, it was clear from the playful respect they had for him that Joe is beloved of his students.

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There's Something That Makes These Graduate Instructors Special - UVA Today


Menu of solutions, no silver bullet, to feed the world – FeedStrategy.com

May 22nd, 2020 8:49 am

There is no silver bullet to the ability to feed a global population of more than 9 billion people by 2050. There is a menu of solutions across many sectors of the food economy, according to Jack Bobo, CEO of food consultancy firm Futurity, who spoke May 21 during Alltechs ONE Virtual Experience.

When it comes to sustainability, the ideas of local sustainability vs. global sustainability are often very different from each other, Bobo said.

When we think about local sustainability, thats really how most consumers think about sustainability, because theyre thinking about farmers using less fertilizer and less insecticide and producing things in a way that doesnt have runoff into the local environment, he said. They want to have less of an impact of agriculture on the land.

But, he pointed out, methods such as organic agriculture result in 20-30% less food for a given amount of land.

Imagine for a moment that the entire world were organic: What would that mean? he asked. Well, the main thing it would mean is that we just wouldnt have any forest anymore, because we would need 20% to 30% more land in order to produce the food we have. And 40% of all the land on earth is already used for agriculture. So that would have a devastating impact.

For this reason, the concept of global sustainability is the opposite of local sustainability.

Its about prioritizing intensive agriculture in one place in order to protect the environment somewhere else, he said. That could mean more intensive livestock production through contained animal feeding where you see the environmental impact locally of that intensive agricultural production. But what you dont see is that you dont need to have more animals going out into in Brazil, where they have to cut down forests in order to make way for expanded livestock production. So, you dont see the land protected; you only see the local impact. This comparison between local and global sustainability is part of the different story that were telling.

But, Bobo said we need local and global sustainability; neither one is right or wrong.

Its really about choices and consequences, he said. But there are consequences to the choices we make.

Those choices the menu of solutions will be different across various regions or sectors, and they will all work together to create a better food production system to feed the world.

Rather than thinking about sustainability as farming is the problem, I like to think that Im just happy that consumers and conservationists are now joining farmers on this journey of sustainability, because we could use their help, he said. And instead of framing it as agriculture is the problem to be solved, we need to help them to understand that agriculture is the solution to the problem.

Some of the solutions Bobo discussed include:

Shifting diets: For many, if we would all just become vegan or vegetarian, we wouldnt have any problems, he said.

But, while there is a need for a healthier diet in the developed world, in low-income regions, people eat more protein as their income increases.

So, even if we do shift diets in the United States and Europe and places like that, people are going to be shifting their diets in a way that increases the impact of agriculture in most places around the world, he said.

Food waste: One-third of all the food produced is lost to food waste, Bobo said. The good news is that people are much more focused on this issue than they were 20 years ago. But, in the developed world, that waste is post-consumer whereas in the developing world, the waste happens along the supply chain.

Addressing food waste is hard, because food waste is not one problem. Food waste is a thousand problems, he said. Food waste doesnt just occur in the field. It doesnt just occur in storage. It doesnt just occur during distribution. It occurs at all of these different points along the supply chain.

Cover crops: While organic farmers have advocated for cover crops for decades, big data has shown a return on investment that has larger farmers also adopting this low-tech solution.

Cover crops are adding some nutrients theyre reducing soil erosion, he said.

Gene editing and genetic engineering: These are more high-tech solutions to increasing crop production and lowering environmental impact. Plants can be genetically engineered to be resistant to insect damage or be more tolerant to drought, for example.

There are all sorts of solutions to the problems of agriculture. And they occur, whether its organic, high tech, or otherwise, he said.

Alternative proteins: Whether its companies that create alternative proteins through fermentation, cellular technology or plant-based products, they are all competing for market share instead of working together toward a solution.

When we think about trying to feed the world in 2050, the market opportunity is $1 trillion dollars just in the protein space, he said. Who really believes that plant-based meat is going to become a trillion-dollar industry in just 30 years? And even if, somehow, they did become a trillion-dollar industry, so what? We wouldnt lose a single cow, we wouldnt lose any cattle. Wed still be producing all of that food in the same way that we did, and hopefully, in a much, much more environmentally friendly way.

Excerpt from:
Menu of solutions, no silver bullet, to feed the world - FeedStrategy.com


Conformable self-assembling amyloid protein coatings with genetically programmable functionality – Science Advances

May 22nd, 2020 8:49 am


Functional coating materials have found broad technological applications in diverse fields. Despite recent advances, few coating materials simultaneously achieve robustness and substrate independence while still retaining the capacity for genetically encodable functionalities. Here, we report Escherichia coli biofilm-inspired protein nanofiber coatings that simultaneously exhibit substrate independence, resistance to organic solvents, and programmable functionalities. The intrinsic surface adherence of CsgA amyloid proteins, along with a benign solution-based fabrication approach, facilitates forming nanofiber coatings on virtually any surface with varied compositions, sizes, shapes, and structures. In addition, the typical amyloid structures endow the nanofiber coatings with outstanding robustness. On the basis of their genetically engineerable functionality, our nanofiber coatings can also seamlessly participate in functionalization processes, including gold enhancement, diverse protein conjugations, and DNA binding, thus enabling a variety of proof-of-concept applications, including electronic devices, enzyme immobilization, and microfluidic bacterial sensors. We envision that our coatings can drive advances in electronics, biocatalysis, particle engineering, and biomedicine.

Surface modification of materials is an essential aspect of engineering and technology fields including electronics, biomedicine, catalysis, textiles, and industrial equipment (16). The application of diverse coatings is one of the major methods through which either surface properties of a substrate are changed or completely new properties to a finished product are imparted. Some advanced coating materials that have recently been developed include polyelectrolytes, proteins, polydopamine, and polyphenols (2, 714); however, certain limitations have prevented the widespread adoption and practical use of these materials. For example, although polydopamine and polyphenol coatings are substrate independent, both coating types are unstable in certain application environments: Polydopamine coatings suffer from easy detachment in polar solvents, whereas polyphenol coatings exhibit pH-dependent disassembly (7, 15).

Protein-based coating materials (e.g., bovine serum albumin, hydrophobins, and mussel foot proteins) have attracted considerable attention because of their outstanding biocompatibility, biodegradability, and environmental friendliness (11, 12, 16, 17). Amyloid proteins are particularly appealing as a potential source of bioinspired coatings, as their characteristic -sheet structures exhibit high tolerance toward high temperature, organic solvents, and harsh pH conditions (18, 19). Recent work demonstrated that phase transition lysozyme (PTL), an amyloid protein coating material, could coat the surface of virtually any substrates and have outstanding robustness; however, it is notable that the applications reported for PTL to date have mainly exploited its intrinsic chemical properties (i.e., the aforementioned -sheet structures) rather than its potentially genetically engineerable functionalities (10, 20, 21).

In nature, bacteria use biofilms to robustly coat an enormous number of surfaces, and these coatings promote cellular survival in harsh environments (22, 23). Fundamental studies have revealed that biofilms produced by Escherichia coli contain amyloid nanofibers, which are self-assembled by secreted monomers of the CsgA protein (the major protein component within the biofilms); these nanofibers provide mechanical strength and structural integrity to biofilms (Fig. 1A) (2426). In addition, a molecular dynamics study recently suggested that CsgA, owing to its unique protein sequence and structural features, should strongly adhere to both polar and nonpolar surfaces (27). For practical applications, multiple studies have shown that genetically engineered CsgA fusion proteins can be used as underwater adhesives, nanoparticle (NP) assembly scaffolds, patternable materials, biomimetic mineralization, and medical hydrogels (2832). In light of their intrinsic adherence toward diverse substrates as well as the fact that a variety of functional peptides and protein domains could be rationally inserted in the CsgA protein through a modular genetic strategy without disrupting their self-assembly into -sheet structures, we rationalized that engineered CsgA fusion proteins could be used as a coating platform to endow materials with diverse functionalities. Conceivably, such genetically engineered CsgA-based coatings would likely achieve precise performance for myriad applications, likely far surpassing the scope of existing protein coating materials such as PTL and bovine serum albumin. However, exploiting the genetically programmable functionality of CsgA amyloid proteins as a coating material have not been widely explored.

(A) Illustration of natural E. coli biofilms, in which self-assembled CsgA nanofibers constitute the major protein component. (B) Modular genetic design of genetically engineered CsgA proteins enabled by rationally fusing desired fusion domains at the C terminus of CsgA. (C) Illustrations of producing diverse protein coatings via a solution-based fabrication approach for various applications based on genetically engineered functionalities such as electronic devices, enzyme immobilization, and microfluidic sensor (from top to bottom).

Here, we report a proteinaceous coating material platform based on genetically programmable CsgA fusion amyloid nanofibers. We successfully used a simple, aqueous solutionbased fabrication method based on the amyloid protein self-assembly to generate thin-film materials that can conformably coat substrates with highly diverse compositions (e.g., polymeric, metal oxide, inorganic, and metal) and varied shapes (flat, round, pyramid, the interior of a microfluidic device, and even irregular or asymmetric structures). We demonstrate that these coating materials can be further decorated with various molecules and nano-objects such as fluorescent proteins, enzymes, DNA probes, and NPs. The robust coating materials maintained their integrity and functionality, even after exposure to various common organic solvents such as acetone and hexane or after high-temperature challenge. Last, we exploited the process simplicity, flexibility, and functional customization of our coating materials in proof-of-concept demonstrations for electronic devices including a touch switch and a pressure sensor, immobilized multienzyme systems for bioconversion production applications, as well as a hybrid amyloid/DNAzyme microfluidic sensor (Fig. 1, B and C). We anticipate that our genetically engineered CsgA coating materials, which are substrate independent, ultrastable, and afforded precisely with tailor-made and tunable functionality, will find broad application in electronics, biocatalysis, particle engineering, and biomedicine.

Leveraging a modular genetic design, we constructed four genetically engineered CsgA variants: CsgAHis-tag, CsgASpyTag, CsgASnoopTag, and CsgADNA binding domain (DBD) (Fig. 1B). We expressed our engineered CsgA proteins as inclusion bodies using E. coli BL21(DE3) as a host and purified the proteins following a typical guanidine denaturation protocol for amyloid proteins (28, 30); this approach markedly reduced batch-to-batch variation and impurities. To produce coating materials, we dissolved the purified proteins in an aqueous solution and directly immersed diverse substrates into this protein solution overnight. We first conducted detailed characterization to confirm the coating-forming ability of the CsgA fusion proteins. We chose plates made of unmodified poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE)a classical adhesion-resistant materialas the test substrate. After immersion of the substrate in fresh-made CsgAHis-tag monomer (His-tag fused at the C terminal of the CsgA protein) solution overnight, water contact angle tests showed that the contact angle of CsgAHis-tag nanofibercoated PTFE was 72.7 2.7, whereas that of bare PTFE was 110.2 3.2 (Fig. 2A). To test the coating effect, we first incubated the bare and coated PTFE in the presence of solution containing nickelnitrilotriacetic acid (Ni-NTA)decorated red-emitting quantum dots (QDs) (allowing thorough interactions between Ni-NTAdecorated QDs and CsgAHis-tag nanofibers) and subjected them to copious amount of water to remove nonspecific binding (33).

(A) Top: Digital images and water contact angles (inset) of bare and CsgAHis-tagcoated PTFE; bottom: digital images of bare and coated PTFE substrates after incubation with QD solution and illumination under UV light. Photo credit: Yingfeng Li, ShanghaiTech University. (B) AFM height image of CsgAHis-tagcoated PTFE. (C) XPS spectra of bare and CsgAHis-tagcoated PTFE, CPS representing counts per second. (D) Schematic showing stability tests consisting of a water contact angle test and a QD binding test. (E) Water contact angle comparison of CsgAHis-tag coatings on PTFE substrates after organic solvent exposure. (F) Digital image of challenged CsgAHis-tagcoated PTFE substrates after incubation with QD solution and illumination under UV light. Photo credit: Yingfeng Li, ShanghaiTech University. (G) Water contact angles of bare and CsgAHis-tagcoated diverse polymer substrates. (H) Water contact angles of bare and CsgAHis-tagcoated various inorganic substrates.

The coated sample displayed bright and uniform red fluorescence under ultraviolet (UV) illumination, whereas the bare PTFE sample showed almost no fluorescence (Fig. 2A). This vast difference in fluorescence intensity was also verified quantitatively through photoluminescence spectroscopy (fig. S1A). Moreover, as revealed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging, CsgAHis-tag nanofiber coatings were formed on the PTFE substrate (Fig. 2B and fig. S1B). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was also performed to further analyze the surface composition after nanofiber coating, revealing newly appeared N 1s and O 1s peaks at 399 and 531 eV, respectively, thereby confirming the coating of CsgAHis-tag proteins on the PTFE substrate (Fig. 2C). Collectively, these results validate the nanofiber coatingforming ability of the genetically engineered CsgA proteins.

To demonstrate the stability of CsgAHis-tag nanofiber coatings in organic solvents, we conducted two kinds of tests: contact angle and QD binding (Fig. 2D). We first measured the contact angles of coated PTFE substrates before and after contact with common organic solvents including hexane, acetone, and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). After immersion in these solvents for 24 hours, the contact angles of the substrates underwent almost no changes, indicating that our coatings had outstanding chemical endurance in these harsh solvents (Fig. 2E). Furthermore, digital images showed that CsgAHis-tagcoated PTFE substrates anchored with Ni-NTA QDs still displayed red fluorescence after contact with the aforementioned common organic solvents, again highlighting the organic solvent tolerance of our nanofiber coatings (Fig. 2F). The CsgAHis-tag proteins also have outstanding environmental tolerance even after long-term exposure to both acidic and basic aqueous solutions as described in a previous study (30).

We next assessed the thermal stability of CsgAHis-tag nanofiber coatings. To such ends, we first used NanoDSF (differential scanning fluorimetry) to determine melting temperatures of proteins using their intrinsic fluorescence change during a programmed temperature gradient increase (34). The fluorescence intensity change of a protein sample is directly correlated to the structural change (e.g., unfolding) of the protein over the heating process. Briefly, our NanoDSF analysis of CsgAHis-tag nanofibers and control bovine serum albumin proteins in solution revealed that whereas the serum albumin proteins began to unfold at ~65C, the CsgAHis-tag nanofibers had impressive thermal stability, as indicated by the steady fluorescence intensity even at 95C (fig. S2A). Moreover, the attenuated total reflectionFourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectrum of the challenged CsgAHis-tag nanofiber sample showed that the typical -sheet structures (absorption peak at ~1625 cm1) were still retained in the nanofiber structures after heating in a 90C oven for 24 hours (fig. S2B). In addition, water contact angle analysis and QD binding test indicated that CsgAHis-tag nanofibers were still completely coated over on the PTFE substrates even after challenge at 90C for 24 hours (fig. S2C). These data thus reveal that our CsgAHis-tag protein coatings have outstanding thermal stability.

Biodegradability under appropriate protease conditions is considered as one of the attractive material attributes for protein-based coatings (17). To assess whether our CsgAHis-tag protein coatings have such on-demand biodegradability, we chose two enzymes, trypsin from bovine pancreas and fungal protease from Aspergillus oryzae (protease AO), in our studies. Thioflavin T (ThT; an amyloid specific dye) assay was used to monitor the digestion process of CsgAHis-tag nanofibers. As illustrated in fig. S2 (D and E), the decreasing fluorescence intensities indicate the gradual disappearance of the -sheet structures over time, suggesting the structural instability of CsgAHis-tag nanofibers under trypsin or protease AO digestion conditions. We next challenged the stability of CsgAHis-tag nanofiber coatings by incubating the CsgAHis-tag nanofibercoated PTFE plate in the two enzyme solutions (trypsin, 2.5 mg/ml; fungal protease, 55 U/g) for 24 hours and assessed the morphological and physicochemical properties with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and water contact angle analysis, respectively. SEM images showed that very little amount of nanofibers was found on the substrate surface and water contact angle analysis revealed that the enzyme-treated substrates restored their hydrophobicity after nanofiber coating digestions (fig. S2, F to H). These data convincingly demonstrate that our CsgAHis-tag nanofiber coatings can be degraded in the presence of proteases. Collectively, our coating materials have strong environmental robustness while retaining their on-demand biodegradability, and thus can broaden the application scope of existing protein-based coating materials.

To establish that our CsgAHis-tag nanofiber coatings can be applied to other substrates, we coated several typical material substrates, including common organic polymers [polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET)] and inorganics [indium tin oxide (ITO), Si, Au, stainless steel 304, fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO), and glass]. Our results from water contact angle analysis revealed that CsgAHis-tag nanofibers were successfully coated on each of these substrates (Fig. 2, G and H). These applications convincingly demonstrate the substrate-independent nature of the genetically engineered CsgA protein coatings.

The apparently very broad substrate scope for our coatings raises interesting questions about the molecular interactions that occur between nanofibers and substrates. Previous molecular simulation research has demonstrated that the unique structural features as well as its unique amino acid sequence and diversity of the CsgA protein enable its strong adhesion capacity for both polar and nonpolar substrates (27). Therefore, on the basis of the above contact angle test results, we speculated that the hydrophobic residues within the CsgA protein such as alanine, proline, and valine could provide adhesion to hydrophobic surfaces such as PTFE and PDMS through hydrophobic interactions; that aromatic amino acids such as tyrosine, phenylalanine, and histidine may contribute to adhesion to PS and PET surfaces through - stacking interactions; and that charged and polar amino acids such as arginine, lysine, and glutamine could form strong interactions with oxides through electrostatic interactions (35).

Having illustrated the coating formation capacity as well as their basic physicochemical properties of genetically engineered CsgA coatings, we next focused on establishing proof of concept for multiple programmable functions for the CsgA fusion protein coatings.

Flexible and wearable electronics play critical roles in our daily lives, and the introduction of metal NPbased conductive coatings within such devices is definitely a key step (36, 37). Existing conventional top-down approaches to obtain metal NP coatings often require high temperature and sometimes suffer from low interfacial adhesion (36, 37). Gold enhancement is a promising bottom-up process for fabricating Au-based conductive coatings (38, 39). However, this process preliminarily requires the ability to anchor Au NPs to the targeted substrates (38, 39). Such NPs can then be used to heterogeneously catalyze further Au deposition and form NP-structured coatings in an aqueous AuCl4 and hydroxylamine solution. In the previous section, we confirmed that CsgAHis-tag coatings could anchor Ni-NTAcapped QDs on substrates. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images confirmed that CsgAHis-tag nanofibers could firmly bind Ni-NTAcapped Au NPs (fig. S3A). We thus reasoned that our Au NPbound CsgA nanofiber coatings could theoretically lead to a gold enhancement process on the surface of a substrate, potentially forming Au coatings consisting of closely packed NPs.

To test the feasibility of our concept, we first incubated a CsgAHis-tagcoated three-dimensional (3D)printed pyramid with Ni-NTAcapped Au NPs. After assembly for 30 min, we transferred this pyramid into a gold enhancement solution (AuCl4 and hydroxylamine), allowing chemical reduction (Fig. 3A). Photographic images showed that the surface color of the pyramid was successfully changed from pristine white to typical tan (Fig. 3B). The above experimental results thus showed the feasibility of our fabrication process. The simple Au coating technique could be easily applied to various substrates, including polyimide (PI), PDMS, PET, PTFE, and PP, highlighting the substrate independence and conformability features of our nanofiber coatings (fig. S3B).

(A) Schematic showing the fabrication of Au coatings based on CsgAHis-tag coatings. (B) Digital images of pristine and Au-coated CsgAHis-tagmodified 3D printed pyramids. Photo credit: Yingfeng Li, ShanghaiTech University. (C) Digital (left) and SEM (right) images of an Au interdigital electrode fabricated by a CsgAHis-tag coatingenabled gold enhancement process assisted by a patterned waterproof sticker. Photo credit: Yingfeng Li, ShanghaiTech University. (D) XPS spectrum of the Au interdigital electrode. (E) Capacitance change of the Au interdigital electrode with different distances between the electrode and a finger; the inset digital images indicate different distances. Photo credit: Yingfeng Li, ShanghaiTech University. (F) Digital images of the Au interdigital electrode as the sensing element in a touch switch. Photo credit: Yingfeng Li, ShanghaiTech University. (G) Digital (left) and SEM (right) images of pristine (top) and Au-coated textiles (bottom). Photo credit: Yingfeng Li, ShanghaiTech University. (H) Schematic diagram of a pressure sensor fabricated by Au-coated textiles along with an Au interdigital electrode (inset) and the corresponding current variation (I/I0) under different pressures. (I) Current variation as a function of time at two pressures (the inset digital images indicate the two different types of pressure applied). Photo credit: Yingfeng Li, ShanghaiTech University.

Having demonstrated the feasibility of conformable Au coating technique using the CsgAHis-tag protein as functional coating proteins, we next explored the fabrication of diverse electronic devices with increasingly complex functionalities. We first generated patterned Au coatings by first fabricating CsgAHis-tag coatings with commercially available patterned waterproof stickers, then incubating the substrates in an Au NP solution followed by an Au enhancement process (see the Supplementary Materials). Accordingly, we fabricated an interdigital electrode consisting of patterned Au coatings on a PDMS substrate that conformably stuck to the outer surface of a 50-ml centrifugation tube (Fig. 3C). As expected, SEM and AFM images indicated that the coating was composed of NPs, and further XPS analysis confirmed the appearance of Au element on the surface (Fig. 3, C and D, and fig. S3C). To demonstrate the potential application of this interdigital electrode, we carefully tested the capacitance change of the electrode when a finger approached and then moved away from the electrode. As illustrated in Fig. 3E, as a finger gradually began touching the electrode, the capacitance correspondingly decreased. Likewise, when the finger was removed, the capacitance was restored to the original value.

This behavior is attributed to the higher dielectric constant of the human body as compared to air: a higher dielectric constant reflects lower capacitance. In this way, such an electrode could be used as the sensing unit of a touch switch (40). We therefore linked this electrode to a circuit including a power source, a commercially available signal processing chip, and a light-emitting diode (LED). As shown in Fig. 3F, when no finger was in contact with the electrode, the LED was off; however, when a finger touched the electrode, the circuit was connected and the LED was on.

To assess the mechanical stability of the conductive Au coatings, we applied an abrasion test for our CsgAHis-tagenabled Au conductive coatings following a previous approach for coating structures (37, 41). Specifically, we first attached a soft PET fabric on the Au-coated PET plate, followed by placing a 2-kg counterweight on the fabric. We then moved the fabric against the conductive surface of PET plates. As illustrated in fig. S4A, the sheet resistance had almost no change (~23 ohms/sq) even after 500 cycles of abrasion. In addition, although SEM images showed the abrasion traces on the surfaces, the morphology of the conductive layers consisting of highly packed irregular Au NPs remained unchanged (fig. S4, B to D). These findings highlight the mechanical robustness of our conductive coatings on the PET plates. Because CsgAHis-tag coatings are vulnerable to enzymatic digestions, we next used trypsin and protease AO to challenge the Au conductive coatings. The sheet resistance and the microstructures of conductive coatings had negligible changes after incubation with the enzyme solutions for 24 hours, indicating the strong resistance of Au coatings to proteolytic digestion (fig. S5, A and B). It is likely that the extremely compact Au coatings above the nanofiber coatings could hinder the direct contact of enzymes with CsgAHis-tag nanofiber coatings and thus protected the nanofiber layers from enzymatic digestion.

Motivated by the impressive durability of CsgAHis-tag nanofiberenabled Au conductive coatings, we next turned to explore more exciting applications based on such coatings. We first coated PET textiles with CsgAHis-tag nanofibers and then fabricated Au-coated conductive textiles (fig. S6A). Photographic and SEM images indicated the vast differences between textiles in apparent color and micromorphology after the formation of Au coatings (Fig. 3G). Furthermore, energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) result implied the uniform distribution of Au on the textile surface, and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis showed that the in situ generated Au NPs were closely anchored on the entire PET textile (fig. S6, B and C). We next constructed a pressure sensor based on our Au-coated PET textiles (Fig. 3H, inset). Briefly, we first used the Au-coated PET textile to cover the aforementioned PDMS-based Au interdigital electrode and sealed it with 3M VHB tape. The constructed pressure sensor worked as designed following a specific working principle as follows: When a certain pressure that led to the compression of the hierarchical porous textile was applied, the contact area between the textile and electrode was increased, so the contact electric current increased correspondingly under a constant voltage. When the external pressure was removed, the textile recovered from the deformation because of its inert elasticity, and the current returned to the initial state (42). The large surface area and sufficient surface roughness of the Au-coated textile, as revealed by SEM and EBSD images (Fig. 3H and fig. S6C), reliably reflect the changes in contact resistance resulting from an external stimulus.

We next carefully conducted several critical tests on the prepared pressure sensor. The sensitivity of the pressure sensor is defined as S = (I/I0) /P, where I is the relative current change, I0 is the current without external pressure, and P is the applied pressure (42). In the range from 1.25 to 17.50 kPa, the relation between the change in current and the applied pressure was linear, and the sensitivity S was 8.3 kPa1 (Fig. 3H). Figure 3I shows two representative current profiles (I/I0) under two different pressures (5 kPa and finger press). After 300 cycles of bending (1-cm bending radius) or 500 cycles of repeated 5-kPa presses, the values of I/I0 under various external pressures had negligible changes, emphasizing the stable performance of the pressure sensor (tables S1 and S2). In general, our pressure sensor has high sensitivity (8.3 kPa1), mechanical flexibility (300 bends), and cycle stability (500 cycles).

Functional protein-immobilized particles have a broad spectrum of applications in biosensor, biocatalysis, and drug delivery (4345). However, existing approaches for protein-based conjugation of microparticles are largely based on nonspecific interactions (e.g., electrostatic interactions in enzyme immobilization on silica) (46). Accordingly, these systems typically lack specificity and functional tunability. Note that CsgA is a genetically engineerable protein, so it can be appended with a variety of functional tags. We next explored the functional flexibility of CsgA coatings for diverse applications ranging from fluorescent coating materials to enzymatic immobilization on spherical particles for optimized bioconversion reactions. To this end, we first developed CsgASpyTag (SpyTag fused at the C terminus of CsgA)/CsgASnoopTag (SnoopTag fused at the C terminus of CsgA)coated SiO2 microparticles as a platform to enable easy and flexible conjugation reaction systems (Fig. 4A). SpyTag and SnoopTag can covalently conjugate with their partners, SpyCatcher and SnoopCatcher, respectively (47, 48). Therefore, our CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag coatings should be suitable for ligation of corresponding SpyCatcher- and SnoopCatcher-fused proteins.

(A) Illustration of CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag (1:1, weight ratio)coated microparticles. (B) SEM images of a CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag-coated SiO2 microparticle. (C) Schematic showing fluorescent proteins conjugated on CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag nanofiber (top) and fluorescence microscopy images of corresponding fluorescent proteinconjugated CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag-coated microparticles. (D) Schematic showing the immobilization of LDHSpyCatcher and GOXSnoopCatcher on a CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag-coated microparticle. (E) Illustration of a dual-enzyme reaction system enabled by LDHSpyCatcher and GOXSnoopCatcher co-conjugated microparticles. (F) Conversion ratio of l-tert-leucine in two different microparticle systems (LDHSpyCatcher and GOXSnoopCatcher co-conjugated together on CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag coatings versus LDHSpyCatcher-conjugated CsgASpyTag coatings along with GOXSnoopCatcher-conjugated CsgASnoopTag coatings) during a 3-hour reaction period. (G) Conversion ratio of l-tert-leucine in the CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag coating system over five cycles of 3-hour reactions.

SEM images showed that the SiO2 microparticle surface was successfully covered with CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag nanofibers (Fig. 4B). Furthermore, the fluorescence spectra revealed that, compared to pristine particles, CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag-coated microparticles exhibited an obvious enhancement in fluorescence intensity at 480 nm induced by the specific interaction between ThT molecules and -sheet structures (fig. S7A). ATR-FTIR analysis of CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag-coated microparticles showed an obvious absorption peak at ~1625 cm1 corresponding to a -sheet structure (fig. S7B) (49). In addition, XPS analysis of CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag-coated microparticles revealed characteristic peaks of amide bonds originating from the coated proteins (fig. S7C). All the above results highlighted that the surface of SiO2 microparticles could be modified by our CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag nanofiber coatings. Subsequent fluorescence microscopy images showed that these nanofiber-coated SiO2 microparticles displayed uniform bright red, green, and merged yellow fluorescence, confirming that SpyCatcher-fused mCherry (mCherrySpyCatcher) and SnoopCatcher-fused GFP (GFPSnoopCatcher) were successfully conjugated on the particle surfaces (Fig. 4C). Note that the microspheres stacking to each other displayed heterogeneous fluorescence strength in the image, which was likely due to their different focal planes under the fluorescence microscopy. Collectively, these results illustrate an alternative way of using nanofiber-coated microparticles to realize diverse applications.

We next applied a similar strategy to achieve multienzyme immobilization coupling with coenzyme regeneration. To this end, we first constructed SpyCatcher domainfused leucine dehydrogenase (LDH; EC1.4.1.9; LDHSpyCatcher) and SnoopCatcher domainfused glucose oxidase (GOX; EC1.1.3.4; GOXSnoopCatcher) and coimmobilized on the CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag-coated SiO2 microparticle (Fig. 4D). In this proof-of-concept reaction system, trimethylpyruvic (TMP) acid was converted into the high-value chemical l-tert-leucine by LDH from the soil bacterium Lysinibacillus sphaericus, a reaction that requires NADH [reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)] as a coenzyme. Moreover, GOX from Bacillus subtilis can regenerate NADH by oxidizing low-value glucose into gluconic acid (Fig. 4E) Therefore, these two enzymes could assemble into an NADH-recycling system (Fig. 4E). We chose LDHSpyCatcher and GOXSnoopCatcher conjugated onto CsgASpyTag- and CsgASnoopTag-coated microparticles, respectively, as a control group. We used high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to analyze the conversion ratio of l-tert-leucine.

As shown in Fig. 4F, in the first 3-hour reaction, the conversion ratio of l-tert-leucine in the CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag coating system was about 50%, whereas there was only 30% conversion in the control system. We speculate that the substantial disparity may lie in substrate channeling (50). That is, in the CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag coating system, the generated NADH could be immediately consumed by adjacent LDHSpyCatcher on the same particle surface. However, in the control system, the produced NADH would not be used until it arrived at the surface of LDHSpyCatcher-conjugated particles, thereby resulting in a slower reaction rate.

To demonstrate the recyclable use of these immobilized enzymes, we recollected the enzyme-conjugated CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag-coated microparticles via simple centrifugation. We then transferred these particles into a new reaction solution and again assessed the conversion ratio of l-tert-leucine. We found that the ratio did not significantly change over a series of five reaction cycles of 3 hours each (Fig. 4G). These experimental results demonstrate that our genetically engineered protein coatings are highly suitable for biocatalytic applications.

RNA-cleaving fluorogenic DNAzyme (RFD) is a well-established technology for detecting bacteria, and the ability to immobilize RFD probes on material surfaces such as the interiors of microfluidic devices is highly demanded because it could enable substantial improvements in the efficiency and speed of detection (5153). Our genetically engineered CsgA fusion coatings represent a potentially alternative approach. We produced CsgADBD proteins with a C-terminally fused DNA-binding domain (DBD) originally from Vibrio fischeri (fig. S8A) (54). We aimed to use this tailored protein to modify the surface of a microfluidic channel and bind E. colispecific RFD probes. We expected that upon interaction with target molecule(s) present in the supernatants of E. coli bacteria, these bound RFD probes would be converted into an active state that can catalyze the cleavage of the fluorogenic substrate, thereby producing a detectable fluorescent signal on the interiors of the microfluidic channel (Fig. 5A) (52).

(A) Schematic diagram of a DNAzyme-bound CsgADBD-coated microfluidic sensor device and an illustration of the DNAzyme detection mechanism. (B) Digital image of the microfluidic device. Photo credit: Yingfeng Li, ShanghaiTech University. (C) Fluorescence intensity of RFD-functionalized CsgADBD- and CsgAHis-tagcoated interiors of microfluidic channels upon exposure to supernatants from E. coli cultures of various cell densities. (D) 3D image of the RFD-functionalized CsgADBD coatings activated by E. coli culture (OD600 = 1) supernatants on the microfluidic channel.

To demonstrate the feasibility of our general design, we first incubated CsgADBD nanofibers with RFD probes. Agarose gel electrophoresis analysis indicated that CsgADBD nanofibers were able to bind these probes (fig. S8B). A standard PDMS microfluidic device was used for this experiment (Fig. 5B). We first coated the interior of a microfluidic channel and then conducted a Ni-NTAcapped QD binding test (the His-tag used for purification of CsgADBD protein can also be used to bind these QDs). The fluorescence microscopy image indicated that the channel interiors were homogeneously modified by CsgADBD proteins (fig. S8C). We next tested the detection performance by injecting a filtered supernatant from an E. coli culture into the channel and found that the CsgADBD-coated channel generated a strong fluorescent signal, whereas a control channel with a CsgA coating did not (Fig. 5C). Moreover, the fluorescence intensity increased linearly with the number of E. coli cells present in the samples [measured as OD600 (optical density at 600 nm); Fig. 5C]. In addition, 3D reconstructed images from fluorescence microscopy further confirmed that the resulting fluorescence was on the channel surface (Fig. 5D). These results establish proof of concept for the use of our genetically engineered protein coatings in diagnostic devices to monitor specific infectious pathogens.

In summary, we demonstrate that genetically engineered CsgA fusion proteins can be used as a functional coating system. These coatings have substrate universality, ultrastability, and genetically programmable functions. We also confirm that genetically engineered CsgA fusion protein nanofibers can modify various substrates with different compositions, sizes, shapes, and structures and show that these coatings exhibit outstanding chemical robustness. Moreover, these protein coatings offer flexible genetically programmable functionalization (e.g., NP anchoring, protein conjugation, and DNA binding). By combining the coatings with various fabrication processes, we established multiple proof-of-concept applications, including touch switching, pressure sensing, enzyme immobilization, and microfluidic sensors for bacterial detection. Given these unique coating features and the development of protein conjugation technologies, our genetically engineered CsgA fusion protein nanofiber coatings should serve as a versatile surface functionalization platform for electronics, biocatalysis, textiles, biomedicine, and other application areas.

All genes were synthesized by GENEWIZ and then amplified by polymerase chain reaction. The DNA fragment was cloned into pet-22b vectors (Nde I and Xho I sites) using one-step isothermal Gibson assembly. All constructs were sequence-verified by GENEWIZ.

For CsgAHis-tag, CsgASpyTag, CsgASnoopTag, or CsgADBD protein, the corresponding plasmid was transformed into BL21(DE3) E. coli competent cell. The bacterial seed was grown for 16 hours at 37C in shaking flasks (220 rpm/min) containing 20 ml of LB medium supplemented with carbenicillin (50 g/ml). The culture was then added into 1 liter of LB and grown to OD600 ~1.0. Protein expression was induced with 0.5 mM isopropyl--D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) at 37C for 45 min. Cells were collected by centrifugation for 10 min at 4000g at 4C. The cell pellet was then lysed in 50 ml of GdnHCl [8 M, 300 mM NaCl, 50 mM K2HPO4/KH2PO4 (pH 8)] for 12 hours at room temperature. Supernatants of the lysates were collected at 12,000g for 30 min before loading in a His-Select Ni-NTA column. The column was washed with KPI [300 mM NaCl, 50 mM K2HPO4/KH2PO4 (pH 8)] buffer and 40 mM imidazole KPI buffer and then eluted with 300 mM imidazole KPI buffer.

For mCherrySpyCatcher, GFPSnoopCatcher, LDHSpyCatcher, or GOXSnoopCatcher protein, the corresponding plasmid was transformed into BL21(DE3) E. coli competent cell. Cell seeds were cultured for 16 hours at 37C in LB broth containing carbenicillin (50 g/ml). The culture solution was then added into 1 liter of LB and grown to OD600 ~0.6. Protein expression was induced with 0.5 mM IPTG for 12 hours at 16C. Cells were collected by centrifugation for 10 min at 4000g at 4C. The collected cell pellets were then resuspended in KPI solution (50 ml) containing lysozyme (1 mg/ml) and incubated on ice for 30 min before ultrasound disruption. The purification follows the same procedure used for purification of the genetically engineered CsgA proteins. The purified proteins were stored at 4C for later use.

To enable coating formation, given substrates (plates, pyramids, or textiles) were directly immersed in fresh eluted CsgAHis-tag monomer (1 mg/ml) solution. After 16 hours of incubation at room temperature (~25C), proteins could form nanofiber coatings on substrates. The coated substrates were then washed by deionized H2O and dried by clean N2 and finally stored in a desiccative cabinet (~25C) for further use.

To coat microparticles with functional proteins, 1 ml of CsgASpyTag, CsgASnoopTag, or CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag (1:1, weight ratio) monomer solution (1 mg/ml) was added into 2-ml tube containing 100 l of SiO2 aqueous solution (25 mg/ml). After 16 hours of incubation at room temperature (~25C), microparticles were collected by centrifugation for 5 min at 1000g and washed by deionized H2O followed by further centrifugation. This process was repeated for three times to remove the loosely bound proteins. The coated microparticles were then stored in a 4C refrigerator for further use.

PDMS channel was first fabricated by replica molding of a glass model and then pressed on the surface of a clean glass slide. To coat the PDMS microfluidic device channel, fresh eluted CsgADBD monomer solution was directly injected into the channel using a syringe and incubated for 16 hours at room temperature (~25C). The microfluidic channel was then washed by deionized H2O through injection. The microfluidic device was stored in the refrigerator (4C) for further use.

Synthesis of Ni-NTAcapped QDs was performed following a previous report (33). To ensure thorough QD binding on protein-coated flat substrates, the substrates were immersed in the aqueous QD solution (ca. 500 nmol/ml) at room temperature (~25C) and incubated for 30 min. The substrates were then washed by deionized H2O and dried by high-pressure N2 for further characterization. To ensure QD binding in a microfluidic device, QD solution was injected into the channel using a 1-ml syringe. After incubation for 30 min at room temperature (~25C), the channel was washed by deionized H2O for further characterization.

For the stability test of CsgAHis-tag coatings in organic solvents, 30 ml of acetone, hexane, or DMSO was poured into a 9-cm glass culture dish containing the CsgAHis-tagcoated PTFE substrates. After challenge at room temperature (~25C) for 24 hours, the PTFE substrates were washed by deionized H2O and dried by high pressure N2 for further characterization. For the high temperature challenge, CsgAHis-tagcoated PTFE substrates were directly placed in an oven (90C) for 24 hours and then taken out for further characterization.

CsgAHis-tagcoated PTFE substrates or Au-coated PET substrates were placed in 9-cm culture dishes containing 30 ml of solution of trypsin (2.5 mg/ml) from bovin pancreas or fungal protease (55 U/g) from A. oryzae (protease AO). After incubation at 37C for 24 hours, substrates were washed by deionized H2O and dried by high-pressure N2 for further characterization. For ThT assay, 100 l of enzyme solution (trypsin, 2.5 mg/ml or fungal protease, 55 U/g) was added into the 96-well microplate containing 100 l of CsgAHis-tag nanofiber protein solution (0.5 mg/ml). ThT was then added to a concentration of 20 M. Fluorescence was measured every 0.5 min after shaking 5 s with a BioTek Synergy H1 microplate reader (excitation at 438 nm, emission at 495 nm, and cutoff at 475 nm) at 37C.

Preparation of Ni-NTAcapped Au NPs was based on a previous report (33). To perform a gold enhancement process, CsgAHis-tag nanofibercoated pyramid or textile substrates were first immersed into Ni-NTAcapped Au NP solution. After incubation at room temperature (~25C) for 30 min, the substrates were washed with deionized H2O and dried by high-pressure N2. The substrates were then transferred into a 50-ml gold enhancement solution containing AuCl4 (50 mg/ml) and hydroxylamine (100 mg/ml). After reaction for 10 min at room temperature (~25C), substrates were washed by deionized H2O and dried by high-pressure N2.

To prepare patterned Au coatings including interdigital electrode, substrates were first covered by waterproof stickers followed by producing patterned CsgAHis-tag nanofiber coatings through protein solution incubation. The patterned CsgAHis-tag nanofiber coatings were then bound with Ni-NTAcapped Au NPs, followed by a standard gold enhancement procedure described above. After drying, the stickers were carefully peeled off using a tweezer to produce the patterned CsgAHis-tag nanofiberenabled Au coatings.

Bare PET fabric was attached on the Au conductive coatings formed on a PET plate, followed by placing a 2-kg counterweight on the fabric. The abrasion test was achieved by moving the bare PET fabric. Sheet resistance of PET-based conductive coatings was measured with a four-probe ohmmeter (HPS 2523).

The capacitance of the interdigital electrode was measured with an LCR (inductance, capacitance, and resistance) meter (HG2817A) at a voltage of 1 V and a frequency of 100 kHz at room temperature (~25C). To fabricate the pressure sensor, Au-coated PET textile was covered on the PDMS-based Au interdigital electrode. Then, the textile and bottom Au electrode were sealed with a 3M VHB tape. Functional performances of the pressure sensor including current change under different pressures were assessed with an electrochemical work station (CHI 660E) at room temperature (~25C).

For fluorescent protein conjugation, 1 ml of mCherrySpyCatcher/GFPSnoopCather (1:1, weight ration) aqueous solution (1 mg/ml) was added into a 2-ml tube containing the CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag-coated SiO2 microparticles. After incubation for 1 hour at room temperature (~25C), fluorescent proteinconjugated microparticles were collected by centrifugation for 5 min at 1000g and washed by KPI solution followed by further centrifugation. This process was repeated for three times to remove those unreacted loosely bound fluorescent proteins.

For enzyme immobilization, 1 ml of LDHSpyCatcher, GOXSnoopCather, or LDHSpyCatcher/GOXSnoopCather (1:1, weight ration) aqueous solution (1 mg/ml) was added into a 2-ml tube containing the CsgASpyTag-, CsgASnoopTag-, or CsgASpyTag/CsgASnoopTag-coated SiO2 microparticles, respectively. After incubation for 1 hour at room temperature (~25C), the enzyme-immobilized microparticles were collected by centrifugation for 5 min at 1000g and washed by 100 mM phosphate buffer followed by further centrifugation. This process was repeated for three times to remove those unreacted loosely bound enzymatic proteins.

The enzyme-immobilized microparticles were resuspended in 100 l of 100 mM phosphate buffer, 50 l of LDHSpyCatcher immobilized microparticles, and 50 l of GOXSnoopCatcher immobilized microparticles added into the reaction solution, or 100 l of LDHSpyCatcher/GOXSnoopCatcher immobilized microparticles was directly pipetted into the reaction solution. The reaction mixture containing 50 mM glucose, 0.1 mM NAD+, 50 mM ammonium chloride, 50 mM TMP acid, and 100 mM phosphate buffer (pH 8.0) was fixed with a final volume of 1 ml. The reaction was then conducted at 37C under continuous shaking in a microplate reader.

To analyze the yield of l-tert-leucine, a 20-l sample was filtered with a 220-nm syringe filter and analyzed by reversed-phase HPLC using a 1200 Series chromatograph and ZORBAX SB-C18 column (4.6 mm 150 mm, 5 m) at 35C. The mobile phase composed of 2 mM CuSO4 was set with a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. Quantitative analysis of the l-tert-leucine was monitored with a UV spectra detector at 210 nm (55).

The yield of l-tert-leucine was determined using the following equation=Practical concentration of L-tert-leucineTheoretical concentration of L-tert-leucine(50mM)100%

For recyclable usage of the enzymes, the LDHSpyCatcher/GOXSnoopCatcher immobilized microparticles were collected by centrifugation for 5 min at 1000g after each round of reaction. The microparticles were then resuspended in 100 l of 100 mM phosphate buffer and pipetted into a new reaction solution for another new round of reaction. The yield of l-tert-leucine in the new reaction system was determined following the same equation.

The synthesis of RFD probes was based on a protocol described in a previously published study (52). The microfluidic channel was then homogeneously coated with CsgADBD proteins following a typical fabrication protocol described in the coating fabrication process.

To ensure thorough binding of RFD probes onto the protein coatings on the microfluidic channel, DNAzyme in 100 mM tris-HCl (pH 8.0) and 0.2 mM EDTA binding buffer was injected into the microfluidic channel. After incubation for 2 hours at room temperature (~25C), the channel was washed with 1 ml of injected 100 mM tris-HCl to remove loosely bound RFD probes.

E. coli K12 (MG1655) cell culture with different cell densities (OD600) was injected into the channels after filtration using a 220-nm PTFE filter. The channel was monitored by fluorescence microscopy, and the relative fluorescence intensity was calculated using the imaging software of the fluorescence microscopy.

Samples were tested with Asylum MFP-3D-Bio using the tapping mode with AC160TS-R3 cantilevers (Olympus, k 26 N/m, 300 kHz). The data are presented in Fig. 2B and figs. S1B, S2C, and S8A.

The water contact angle of samples was tested with a contact angle goniometer (SL200KS). The substrate was placed on the stage, and 1-l droplet of water was dropped onto the surface of the substrate. The data are presented in Fig. 2 (A, F, G, and H) and fig. S2 (C, G, and H).

XPS spectrum was obtained with Thermo Fisher Scientific ESCALAB 250 Xi. The data are presented in Figs. 2C and 3D and fig. S7C.

NanoDSF curve was obtained with NanoTemper Prometheus NT.48. The data are presented in fig. S2A.

Samples were coated with Au for 30 s with an SBC-12 sputter coater. SEM images including EBSD and EDS images were acquired with JEOL 7800 Prime or JSM-6010. The data are presented in Figs. 3 (C and G) and 4B and figs. S2 (F to H), S4 (B to D), S5B, and S6 (A to C).

TEM images were obtained on an FEI T12 transmission electron microscope operated at 120-kV accelerating voltage. The data are presented in fig. S3A.

Protein-coated microparticles, bare microparticles, or protein nanofibers were put on the ATR crystal directly. Spectra were recorded from 1700 to 1600 cm1 using a nominal resolution of 2 cm1 with Spectrum Two (PerkinElmer). The data are presented in figs. S2B and S7B.

Fluorescence imaging was performed on an Olympus IX83, Leica DMi8, or LSM 710 fluorescence microscope. Cy5 channel of Leica DMi8 was used to image RFD. The data are presented in Figs. 4C and 5D and fig. S8C.

Photoluminescence spectra were collected using HORIBA FL-3 with excitation at 350 nm. The data are presented in figs. S1A and S7A.

Acknowledgments: We thank X. Wang for AFM training. AFM characterization was executed at the Analytical Instrumentation Center (AIC), and SEM and TEM characterization were performed at the Electron Microscopy Center (EMC) at School of Physical Science and Technology (SPST), ShanghaiTech University. Funding: This work was partially sponsored by the Commission for Science and Technology of Shanghai Municipality (grant no. 17JC1403900), the Joint Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Program No. U1932204), and the National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (grant no. 2018YFA0902804). C.Z. also acknowledges start-up funding support from ShanghaiTech University and 1000 Youth Talents Program, granted by the Chinese Central Government. Author contributions: C.Z. conceived the concept and directed the research. C.Z., Y.L., and K.L. designed and conducted the experiments and data analysis. X.W. synthesized QDs and performed TEM. M.C. participated in coating fabrication process. P.G. and J.Z. fabricated microfluidic devices. F.Q. participated in protein purification. C.Z., Y.L., and K.L. wrote the manuscript with help from all authors. Competing interests: The authors have filed a provisional patent based on this work with the China Intellectual Property Office (PCT/CN2018/085988). The authors declare no other competing interests. Data and materials availability: All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or the Supplementary Materials. Additional data related to this paper may be requested from the authors.

Conformable self-assembling amyloid protein coatings with genetically programmable functionality - Science Advances


Climate change and coronavirus: Is the Covid-19 pandemic really a surprise? – DailyO

May 22nd, 2020 8:49 am

Walking towards the school gate, as I adjusted the N-99 face mask on my four-year-old, I felt deeply disturbed. The AQI numbers in our city had soared to hazardous levels and the air pollution was causing worrisome adverse effects on the tiny lungs of our children.

Pollution was not the only cause for anxiety. The extreme weather conditions, the rise of vector-borne diseases like dengue and chikungunya, the continuing emergence of novel viruses, the increasing resistance of infectious agents to medication: everything was pointing towards an extremely grim future in the world of health. The thought of our children being the bearers of such a future perplexed me, both as a mother and as a pulmonologist.

Thus started my exploration of the obvious, yet oft-ignored, changes taking place in our ecosystems and led me to my research on climate change.

The AQI numbers in our city had soared to hazardous levels and the air pollution was causing worrisome adverse effects on the tiny lungs of our children. (Photo: Reuters)

The direct effects of climate change on our health are easy to guess. The average global temperature of the earth, which has increased by 1C since the pre-industrial era, is rising at a rate of 0.2C per decade. It may soon reach a level that is irreversible (2.5C above the pre-industrial average). 95 per cent of this global warming is being caused by greenhouse gases, the atmospheric levels of which are increasing alarmingly due to human activities. This global warming is causing melting of ice masses, the rise of sea levels and major alterations in regional precipitation patterns, resulting in unprecedented and extreme weather conditions heatwaves, wildfires, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and snow-storms. These natural calamities are leading to deaths, diseases, malnutritionand mental health issues. Extreme temperatures are causing heat strokes, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Greenhouse effects are leading to diseases because of air pollution.

But what is more important and less obvious is the gradual and persistent damage that is being caused by climate change to the natural habitats and ecosystems of the world, and its quietyet devastating effects on our health.Think about it why are we having newer and frequent viral infections to deal with? Why are our children falling sick so often? Why is every simple viral cough leading to bronchitis? Why is the prescription of anti-inflammatory inhalers, medicines that were reserved for asthmatics, increasing rampantly?

Climate change, human behaviour and emerging infections

75 per cent of emerging infectious diseases, like Influenza, HIV/AIDS, Ebola, SARSand MERS are zoonotic. It means that they exist in animals but can be transmitted to humans.Most of them are caused by viruses predominantly RNA viruses.

Loss of Biodiversity: Climate change and land loss cause loss of habitat, leading to extinction or relocation of native species, with growing predominance of invasive, resilient species. These become likely to harbour and transmit pathogens (so-called reservoir hosts). In a healthy ecosystem, where biodiversity is high, multiple species dilute the effect of the reservoir species, the so-called dilution effect. Studies on hantavirus, West Nile virus etc. have shown strong links between low biodiversity and high rates of viral transmission.

The average global temperature of the earth, which has increased by 1C since the pre-industrial era, is rising at a rate of 0.2C per decade. (Photo: Reuters)

Migration of species: Global warming causes many species to migrate away from the equator and toward higher altitudes, bringing them in contact with new pathogens, to which they have not evolved resistance. These animals are also stressed and immunosuppressed, hence more susceptible to infection.

Contact with humans: Disruption of pristine forests by anthropogenic activities like mining,road building, urbanisation and livestock ranching brings people into closer contact with forest species, increasing the interaction between them. Ebola fever has had several outbreaks in Africa since 1970 because of increased interaction of local population with fruit bats due to population growth and encroachment into forest areas. Kyasanur forest disease, once limited to Karnataka, has spread to adjacent states over the last five years, because of conversion of forests into plantations and paddy fields, that has brought the locals nearer to monkeys.

Intermediate hosts and inter-species transmission: Although most of the novel viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, are generalist viruses that infect many different hosts, jumping into human species from wildlife species is not easy because of significant biological barriers. Transmission from mammalian species which are genetically closer to humans (the intermediate hosts), like pigs, is easier. Pig farming around forests facilitated the transmission of Nipah virus from bats in Malaysia, and civet cats sold in wet markets transmitted SARS-CoV from bats in China.

The market connection: In informal wet markets, animals are slaughtered, cut up and sold on the spot. The Wuhan wet market soldnumerous wild animals - live pangolins, wolf pups, crocodiles, foxes, civets. Wet markets in Africa sell monkeys, bats, birds, etc. They are a perfect platform for cross-species transmission of pathogens as novel interactions with a range of species occur in one place. 39per cent of the early cases in the SARS outbreak were wildlife food handlers, likely connected to the wet market of Guangdong, China.

The Wuhan wet market sold numerous wild animals, making it a perfect platform for cross-species transmission of pathogens.

Human transmission: Once inside new hosts, most viruses, fortunately, adapt, replicate and transmit inefficiently. Out of the 1,399 recognised human pathogens, 500 are transmissible between humans, and only 100to 150 are sufficiently transmissible to cause epidemics or pandemics. Restrictions occur at many cellular levels like entry into host cells by receptor binding, trafficking within cell, genome replication and gene expression. Each barrier requires a corresponding genetic change or mutation in the virus. RNA viruses, especially single-stranded RNA viruses like coronavirus, replicate rapidly and are prone to mutations due to lack of a proofreading mechanism. Only after extensive replications and re-assortments in the genome of H3N2 influenza A virus, was it capable of causing the 1968 pandemic.

Human behavioural changes: Factors like international travel, international trade of wildlife, urbanisation, and increase in population density further facilitate transmission.

Covid-19: What do we know?

In late December 2019, Wuhan Centre for Disease Control and Prevention detected a novel coronavirus in two hospital patients with atypical pneumonia. It sent the samples to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for further investigation. The genomic sequence of the virus, eventually named SARS-CoV-2, was 96 per cent identical to that of a coronavirus identified in horseshoe bats in a bat-cave in Yunnan during virus-hunting expeditions. It belonged to the SARS group of coronaviruses.

The expeditions were carried out by the Director of the Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Wuhan Laboratory, Shi Zhengli (nicknamed Chinas Bat-woman) and her team, from 2004 for over 16 years, in an attempt to isolate the SARS coronavirus. They discovered hundreds of bat-borne coronaviruses with incredible genetic diversity in bat-caves deep inside forests. In bat dwellings, constant mixing of different viruses creates a great opportunity for dangerous new pathogens to emerge and the bats turn into flying factories of new viruses.

But bats were not present at the Wuhan wet market. The wild pangolin, sold for its exotic meat and medicinal scales, became suspect as an intermediate host when a SARS-CoV-2 like coronavirus was discovered in pangolins that were seized in illegal trade markets in southern China.

Whether or not the SARS-CoV-2 was accidentally or deliberately released from the Wuhan Laboratory is a debate not proven. None of the coronaviruses that were under study in this laboratory were identical to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Also, researchers believe that the spike proteins present on the viral surface, that target the ACE2 receptors on human cells, are so effective in binding the virus to the cells, that they could have developed only by natural selection and not by genetic engineering. When computer simulations were carried out, the mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 genome did not work well in binding the virus to human cells, leading to the argument that if scientists were to deliberately engineer the virus, they would not choose mutations that computer models suggested did not work.

A recent analysis done in China estimates that there are now more than 30 strains of the virus spread across the globe.(Photo: Reuters)

Whatever the origin of the virus, the response to develop what is needed to control the present outbreak remains the same, as do the policies needed to prevent such outbreaks in the future.

A recent analysis done in China estimates that there are now more than 30 strains of the virus spread across the globe. This means that it has already mutated 30 times, which filters down to roughly one mutation every two weeks. More studies are needed to determine the effects of these mutations on the virulence and transmissibility of the virus. But going by the rapidity with which Covid is taking over the world, it should be an easy guess.

So really, is the Covid-19 pandemic a surprise? Not at all. It was coming, and so will others.

Covid-19 has thrown us into a world of turmoil and uncertainty. The impacts on health and economy have been devastating. The only thing that is flourishing is nature! Maybe nature will make us see what innumerable climate-related world conferences could not. It is there for us to appreciate in its full glory the blue skies, the clean air, the blooming flowers, the variety of birds and the wild creatures returning to claim the land that was once theirs. Nature is sending us a message. It would do us good to heed to it.

Also read| I don't believe you: Donald Trump, world's biggest climate change denier

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Climate change and coronavirus: Is the Covid-19 pandemic really a surprise? - DailyO


RNA and DNA Extraction Kit Market Supply and Demand with Size (Value and Volume) by 2028 – Cole of Duty

May 22nd, 2020 8:49 am

Global RNA and DNA Extraction Kit Market: Overview

RNA and DNA extraction plays a crucial role in cancer genetic studies, which involves mutation analysis, comparative genomic hybridization, and microsatellite analysis. The rising incidences of cancer globally are creating a need for the advanced RNA and DNA extraction kit and are expected to drive market growth in the coming years.

Based on the product, the market is expected to segregate into RNA extraction kit and DNA extraction kit. Of these, the DNA extraction kit segment is expected to account for the leading share in the overall RNA and DNA extraction kit market. Additionally, the applications of DNA extraction kits mainly in the genetic engineering of animals and plants in pharmaceutical manufacturing. This is expected to fuel growth of RNA and DNA extraction kit market.

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Global RNA and DNA Extraction Kit Market: Notable Developments

Some of the key players in the global RNA and DNA extraction kit market include Agilent Technologies Inc., Merck KGaA, Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., and QIAGEN. Introduction of new products is benefiting growth of the global RNA and DNA extraction kit market.

Global RNA and DNA Extraction Kit Market: Drivers and Restraints

The rise and progress in customized drug have helped social insurance experts create exact sub-atomic focused on treatment dependent on a persons hereditary cosmetics and prescient information explicit to patients. The advancement of customized medication requires genome-mapping investigations of separated cells, which can be completed with the assistance of DNA and RNA extraction kits. DNA extraction kits are utilized to recognize quality polymorphisms identified with sickness or medication digestion though RNA extraction kits are utilized to break down RNA combination in separated cells. With the expanding appropriation of customized prescription, the demand for RNA and DNA extraction kits will likewise develop.

There is a developing rate of malignant growth over the globe. The inside and out understanding of tumor hereditary qualities given by trend-setting innovations in malignant growth research has empowered the advancement of novel treatments to battle disease-causing qualities. The virtue, amount, and nature of separated RNA assume a huge job in the accomplishment of RNA examination and examination and consequent capacity of specific quality articulation. RNA extraction likewise helps in recognizing circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and non-intrusive observing of cutting edge malignant growths.

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Global RNA and DNA Extraction Kit Market: Regional Outlook

On the basis of region, the RNA and DNA extraction kit market is segmented into North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East & Africa. Of these, North America is expected to dominate the global RNA and DNA extraction kit market owing to robust innovation procedures running in the region. This factor is expected to offer robust growth opportunities to key players in RNA and DNA extraction kit market. Additionally, increasing demand for the automated systems coupled with the rising need for the RNA and DNA extraction kit across the extraction kits especially in the medical diagnosis is expected to drive growth of the market in coming years.

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TMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.


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RNA and DNA Extraction Kit Market Supply and Demand with Size (Value and Volume) by 2028 - Cole of Duty


Yeast fermentation may be the answer to creating rare cannabinoids – Leafly

May 22nd, 2020 8:49 am

From a purely chemical standpoint, a cannabinoid is a cannabinoid and a THC molecule is a THC molecule, no matter how its produced, whether in a lab or grown on a farm. From a legal perspective, a cannabinoid is a cannabinoidat least in Canada. Production and distribution of CBD is held to the same standards as the psychoactive compounds in cannabis.

However, in the US, THC and CBD are legally distinct. After the 2018 Farm Bill passed, hemp and cannabis with extremely low percentages of THCless than 0.3%became federally legal. So while non-psychoactive cannabinoids may act, look, and quack like ducks, they might turn out to be swans.

This possibility has researchers and companies salivating at the medical possibilities and potential profits of the less common cannabinoids contained in cannabis plants. These rarer cannabinoids appear at such low levels that its impractical to extract large quantities from marijuana plants. But a little genetic engineering, a lot of research, and a few metal tanks full of yeast bacteria could make mass-production possible.

Yeast fermentation is an age-old process, familiar to most as a source of beer or bread. But in the scientific community, its known as one of the primary bacteria used to produce biopharmaceuticals (the other is E. coli).

Today, the scientific race is on to study specific cannabinoids other than THC or CBD as treatments for illnesses such as epilepsy. And the commercial race is on to provide those cannabinoids to research institutions.

From a researchers perspective, it doesnt matter how the cannabinoid is produced. Consistency and reliability of supply are required, not sunlight and dirt. While yeast has to be genetically modified to produce a cannabinoid, the end product is genetically identical to its plant-produced counterpart.

While there is no safety or efficacy concern, from a consumer perspective, substance origin can matterif you know about it. But once cannabinoids have been harvested and refined into an oil, its impossible to tell whether they came from a plant or a test tube. They all quack like ducks.

Theres so much territory to explore. Were just taking the first steps, said Cynthia Bryant, the Chief Business Officer at Demetrix, a US company focusing on the potential medical benefits of non-psychoactive cannabinoids for the US pharmaceutical market.

Based out of California, Demetrix is working toward large-scale, non-farming cannabinoid production. And they think yeast fermentation will take them there.

The technology works very well to produce a rare cannabinoid, said Bryant. Once they are up and running, they will be able to quickly and regularly produce large amounts of specific cannabinoids, setting up a supply chain thats reliable enough for pharmaceutical research and medicines. Sales could include oils and crystalized powders for research, clinical trials, and eventually, as active ingredients in medications.

Over a hundred different cannabinoids can be extracted from cannabis plants, but many exist at such low levels that they have never been studied as isolated medical ingredients.

Demetrix has identified the first so-called rare cannabinoid that they want to bring to market. Bryant wouldnt name the specific cannabinoid the company plans to release to market next year, citing trade secrets, and said only that theyve discovered some useful effects.

Insulin, the first biopharmaceutical, was once extracted from pig pancreases. In the late 1970s scientists cloned the gene that makes the human body produce insulin, cut out a piece of DNA from a yeast cell, and inserted the engineered gene into its place. Instead of producing alcohol, the yeast cells became tiny factories that produced insulin.

Suddenly, it was exponentially easier and cheaper to manufacture insulin. The new method was fast, consistent, and scalable, allowing it to be replicated at commercial levels. It is also completely safe. Todays yeast fermentation process is similar, if significantly advanced.

Demetrix mail orders synthetically produced DNA sequences of the enzymes in cannabis that have been identified as instigators of natural cannabinoid production. Scientists then insert the DNA sequence into yeast cells, reprogramming their purpose. The specific methods used to do this vary from company to company and are considered trade secrets. But the general tack of using a microorganism to produce a specific molecule is common across the field.

The modified yeast cultures are then left to ferment and grow in tanks, multiplying and producing large amounts of the desired cannabinoid. Workers then extract the cannabinoids from the yeast slurry, isolate, and purify them.

I think theres going to be a huge need for these cannabinoids, said Bryant. The more cannabinoids are studied, the more medical solutions might be found. So its a good thing that the fermentation field is crowdedand that cannabinoid plant extraction is also plowing forward, Bryant explained. Competition will bring down prices and increase availability, she said. We need all of the various sources.

Far north of Demetrixs Berkeley, CA, base, Canadian company Hyasynth is just about ready for full-scale production of fermented cannabinoids, said Kevin Chen, Hyasynths CEO.

Hyasynth also mail orders DNA sequences, slots them into yeast genomes, and extracts the desired compounds from the slurry to produce medical grade cannabinoids for sale to pharmaceutical companies.

Its the modern way, said Chen, who extolled the same virtues of fermentation over farming as Demetrix does: scale, consistency, speed, and, most especially, specificity. We have full control over which cannabinoid we produce and which we dont.

Fermentation is a process that takes five days, instead of the three months it would take to plant and grow marijuana to use for enzyme extraction, he said. Farming can be difficult. Once you nail down your specific splicing method, fermentation is easy.

Engineered cannabinoids may be superior for pharmaceutical purposes, but not everyone will want cannabis grown in tanks or tubes, Chen acknowledges.

Were not too worried about people rejecting our product, said Chen. Were using yeast to manufacture things, but the yeast isnt what were selling.

From the standpoint of personal preference, not all cannabinoids are equal. Some consumers might prefer a holistic, whole-plant product. Some might only care about results.

Do people care that it comes from a different place? Absolutely, said Chen. But different methods of cannabinoid production are suited to different purposes, and fermentation seems poised to win in a pharmaceutical ingredient contest. It is differentin many ways its better.

Celia Gorman is a science journalist and video editor based out of New York. She holds a master's in digital journalism from the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism and previously worked as an Associate Editor at tech magazine IEEE Spectrum, where she developed and ran an award-winning video section.

Yeast fermentation may be the answer to creating rare cannabinoids - Leafly


COVID-19 impact: CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes Market Key Players, Product and Production Information analysis and forecast to 2027 -…

May 22nd, 2020 8:49 am

The report on the CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market provides a birds eye view of the current proceeding within the CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market. Further, the report also takes into account the impact of the novel COVID-19 pandemic on the CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market and offers a clear assessment of the projected market fluctuations during the forecast period. The different factors that are likely to impact the overall dynamics of the CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market over the forecast period (2019-2029) including the current trends, growth opportunities, restraining factors, and more are discussed in detail in the market study.

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COVID-19 impact: CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes Market Key Players, Product and Production Information analysis and forecast to 2027 -...


$5 million supports research into neglected tropical diseases Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis – Washington University School of…

May 22nd, 2020 8:48 am

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Grants fund studies of parasitic infections affecting millions worldwide

Makedonka Mitreva, PhD, (right) works with Hyeim Jung, a doctoral student in her lab at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Mitreva has received two grants totaling $5 million to develop genomic tools to study two types of parasitic infection that are endemic in Peru and parts of sub-Saharan Africa. The research could help fight drug-resistant parasitic infections and build maps to track drug-resistant parasites.

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have received two grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) totaling more than $5 million to study two types of parasitic worm infection that cause devastating illness in millions of people worldwide.

The two infections are on the World Health Organizations (WHO) list of neglected tropical diseases, a group of about 20 illnesses that together affect more than 1 billion people. One project will focus on onchocerciasis, commonly known as river blindness, caused by a parasitic roundworm spread by black flies that live and reproduce near rivers. The second project will target fascioliasis, caused by a foodborne parasitic flatworm commonly found in cattle-farming operations.

Led by Makedonka Mitreva, PhD, a professor of medicine and of genetics, both projects involve large-scale genome sequencing of the parasites to develop genetic tools to help monitor the infections spread and track resistance these parasites already have developed against drugs intended to eradicate them. The genomic information also could lead to new therapies to combat the drug-resistant strains.

These parasites are becoming very good at evading the drugs that target them, and we have no idea how they are doing that, said Mitreva, also a research member of the McDonnell Genome Institute at Washington University School of Medicine. We need a better understanding of these parasites genomes so we can discover how they resist standard drugs. That knowledge then could result in identification of genetic markers that predict whether a drug will fail to effectively treat infected individuals, thus guiding the design of new treatments.

In collaboration with Miguel Cabada, MD, of the University of Texas in Galveston, Mitreva is studying fascioliasis in the highlands of Peru, where farmers and their families are often in close contact with infected livestock. Cabada, who also runs a clinic in Cusco, Peru, treats adults and children with fascioliasis infection, caused by the flatworm Fasciola hepatica. A drug called triclabendazole is the first-line treatment for fascioliasis, but resistance to the treatment is widespread in livestock and a growing problem among people who become infected.

This parasite burrows through the intestinal wall and makes its way to the liver and bile ducts, Mitreva said. It causes substantial liver damage. This sets up a long-term, chronic infection that can really have an impact on nutritional status, leading to anemia and weight loss.

Children are especially vulnerable to fascioliasis infections, which can contribute to malnutrition and lifelong consequences, including stunted growth, dysfunctional brain development and impaired immune systems. In the Andes Mountains of Peru and Bolivia, an estimated 70% of children are infected.

The researchers will sequence the genomes of fascioliasis parasites that are sensitive and resistant to triclabendazole in an effort to identify genetic reasons for the resistance and to develop a quick test to distinguish between drug-susceptible and drug-resistant worms.

In collaboration with Warwick Grant, PhD, of La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia, Mitreva is studying river blindness in parts of sub-Saharan Africa. River blindness is caused by the parasitic roundworm Onchocerca volvulus, which is spread by black flies.

This roundworm can make its way to the eye and cause permanent blindness in some people, Mitreva said. The parasites migrate through the skin, causing nodules and extreme itching. Not all strains of the worm cause blindness that can depend on the geographic area that the worm comes from.

The drug ivermectin has been used to treat and prevent river blindness for decades. It is often given to entire communities as part of mass drug-administration programs to prevent the disease in areas where the parasite has a long history of being endemic.

We need better diagnostic tools to understand which strains dont respond well to ivermectin, identify where those strains are and develop maps of infection patterns, Mitreva said. We would like to develop ways to predict areas where the parasites are most likely to recur and, in contrast, areas where the disease is likely to be well controlled and public health officials can safely stop the long-running, mass drug-administration programs.

Being able to stop giving these drugs to entire communities may lift some of the evolutionary pressure that drives the development of drug resistance, according to the researchers. The tools they aim to develop will be suitable for genetic epidemiology. For example, should the parasite return after mass drug administration, such tools would allow the researchers to trace the likely source of the recurrence.

While these two parasites are very different in how they are spread and in the specific damage they cause, the human populations they affect overlap considerably, Mitreva said. We hope our projects can help understand these parasites better, so we can make meaningful contributions to reducing the devastating burden they place on so many people in developing countries worldwide.

Washington University School of Medicines 1,500 faculty physicians also are the medical staff of Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals. The School of Medicine is a leader in medical research, teaching and patient care, ranking among the top 10 medical schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Through its affiliations with Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals, the School of Medicine is linked to BJC HealthCare.

See the article here:
$5 million supports research into neglected tropical diseases Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis - Washington University School of...


UBC scientist identifies a gene that controls thinness – UBC Faculty of Medicine – UBC Faculty of Medicine

May 22nd, 2020 8:48 am

Why can some people eat as much as they want, and still stay thin?

In a study published today in the journal Cell, Life Sciences Institute Director Dr. Josef Penninger and a team of international colleagues report their discovery that a gene called ALK (Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase) plays a role in resisting weight gain.

We all know these people, who can eat whatever they want, they dont exercise, but they just dont gain weight. They make up around one per cent of the population, says senior author Penninger, professor in the Faculty of Medicines department of medical genetics and a Canada 150 research chair.

Dr. Josef Penninger

We wanted to understand why, adds Penninger. Most researchers study obesity and the genetics of obesity. We just turned it around and studied thinness, thereby starting a new field of research.

Using biobank data from Estonia, Penningers team, including researchers from Switzerland, Austria, and Australia, compared the genetic makeup and clinical profiles of 47,102 healthy thin, and normal-weight individuals aged 20-44. Among the genetic variations the team discovered in the thin group was a mutation in the ALK gene.

ALKs role in human physiology has been largely unclear. The gene is known to mutate frequently in several types of cancer, and has been identified as a driver of tumour development.

Our work reveals that ALK acts in the brain, where it regulates metabolism by integrating and controlling energy expenditure, says Michael Orthofer, the studys lead author and a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Molecular Biology in Vienna.

When Penningers team deleted the ALK gene in flies and mice, both were resistant to diet-induced obesity. Despite consuming the same diet and having the same activity level, mice without ALK weighed less and had less body fat.

As ALK is highly expressed in the brain, its potential role in weight gain resistance make it an attractive mark for scientists developing therapeutics for obesity.

The team will next focus on understanding how neurons that express ALK regulate the brain at a molecular level, and determining how ALK balances metabolism to promote thinness. Validating the results in additional, more diverse human population studies will also be important.

Its possible that we could reduce ALK function to see if we did stay skinny, says Penninger. ALK inhibitors are used in cancer treatments already, so we know that ALK can be targeted therapeutically.

The study was supported by the Estonian Research Council, the European Union Horizon 2020 fund, and European Regional Development Fund, the von Zastrow Foundation, and the Canada 150 Research Chairs Program.

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UBC scientist identifies a gene that controls thinness - UBC Faculty of Medicine - UBC Faculty of Medicine


Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Have Delivered Their First Results–But Their Promise Is Still Unclear – Scientific American

May 22nd, 2020 8:48 am

As coronavirus vaccines hurtle through development, scientists are getting their first look at data that hint at how welldifferent vaccines are likely to work. The picture, so far, is murky.

On May 18, US biotech firm Moderna revealed the first data from a human trial: its COVID-19 vaccine triggered an immune response in people, and protected mice from lung infections with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The results which the company, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, announced in apress release were widely interpreted as positive and sent stock prices surging. But some scientists say that because the data havent been published, they lack the details needed to properly evaluate those claims.

Tests of other fast-tracked vaccines show that they have prevented infections in the lungs of monkeys exposed to SARS-CoV-2 but not in some other parts of the body. One a vaccine being developed at the University of Oxford, UK, that is also in human trials protected six monkeys from pneumonia, but the animals noses harboured as much virus as did those of unvaccinated monkeys, researchers reported last week in a bioRxiv preprint. A Chinese group reported similar caveats about its own vaccines early animal tests this month.

Despite uncertainties, all three teams are pressing ahead with clinical trials. These early studies are meant mainly to test safety, but larger clinical trials designed to determinewhether the vaccines can actually protect humansfrom COVID-19 could report in the next few months.

Still, the early data offer clues as to how coronavirus vaccines might generate a strong immune response. Scientists say that animal data will be crucial for understanding how coronavirus vaccines work, so that the most promising candidates can be identified quickly and then refined. We might have vaccines in the clinic that are useful in people within 12 or 18 months, says Dave OConnor, a virologist at the University of WisconsinMadison. But were going to need to improve on them to develop second- and third-generation vaccines.

Modernas vaccine, which is being co-developed with the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in Bethesda, Maryland, began safety testing in humans in March. The vaccine consists of mRNA instructions for building the coronaviruss spike protein; it causes human cells to churn out the foreign protein, alerting the immune system. Althoughsuch RNA-based vaccinesare easy to develop, none has yet been licensed anywhere in the world.

In its press release, the company reported that 45 study participants who received one or two doses of the vaccine developed a strong immune response to the virus. Researchers measured virus-recognizing antibodies in 25 participants, and detected levels similar to or higher than those found in the blood of people who have recovered from COVID-19.

Tal Zaks, Modernas chief medical officer, said in a presentation to investors that these antibody levels bode well for the vaccine preventing infection. If you get to the level of people who had disease, that should be enough, Zaks said.

But its not at all clear whether the responses are enough to protect people from infection, because Moderna hasnt shared its data, says Peter Hotez, a vaccine scientist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. Im not convinced that this is really a positive result, Hotez says. He points to a May 15bioRxiv preprint3that found that most people who have recovered from COVID-19 without hospitalization do not produce high levels of neutralizing antibodies, which block the virus from infecting cells. Moderna measured these potent antibodies in eight trial participants and found their levels to be similar to those in recovered patients.

Hotez also has doubts about the Oxford teams first results, which found that monkeys produced modest levels of neutralizing antibodies after receiving one dose of the vaccine (the same regime that is being tested in human trials). It looks like those numbers need to be considerably higher to afford protection, says Hotez. The vaccine is a made from a chimpanzee virus that has been genetically altered to produce a coronavirus protein.

Hotez says that the vaccine being developed by Sinovac Biotech in Beijing seems to have elicited a more promising antibody response in macaque monkeys that received three doses, as reportedin a May 5 paper inScience. That vaccine is comprised of chemically inactivated SARS-CoV-2 particles.

No one yet knows the precise nature of the immune response that protects people from COVID-19, and the levels of neutralizing antibodies made by the monkeys in the Oxford Study might be enough to protect people from infection, says Michael Diamond, a viral immunologist at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, who is a member of Modernas scientific advisory board. If not, a second injection would probably boost levels appreciably. What we dont know is how long theyll last, he adds.

Still more questions hover over experiments showing that vaccines can protect animals from infection. Moderna said its vaccine stopped the virus replicating in the lungs of mice. The rodents had been infected with a version of the virus that was genetically modified to let it attack mouse cells, which are not ordinarily susceptible to SARS-CoV-2, according to Zakss presentation. But the mutation affects the protein that most vaccines, including Modernas, use to stimulate the immune system, and this could change the animals response to infection.

The Oxford monkeys were given an extremely high dose of virus after receiving the vaccine, says Sarah Gilbert, an Oxford vaccinologist who co-led the study with Vincent Munster, a virologist at NIAIDs laboratories in Hamilton, Montana. This could explain why the vaccinated animals had just as much SARS-CoV-2 genetic materials in their noses as control animals, even though the vaccinated monkeys didn't develop any signs of pneumonia. Administering high doses ensures that the animals are infected with the virus, but it might not replicate natural infections. The Oxford study did not measure whether the virus was still infectious, Diamond says, and the genetic material could represent virus particles inactivated by the monkeys immune response, or the viruses the researchers administered, rather than an ongoing infection.

Still, the result is a concern that raises the possibility that vaccinated people could still spread the virus, says Douglas Reed, an aerobiologist at the University of Pittsburgh Center for Vaccine Research in Pennsylvania. Ideally, you want a vaccine that would protect against disease and against transmission, so that we can kind of break the chain, he says.

One way to find out whether vaccines can prevent transmission would be to study them in animals that are naturally susceptible to the virus and seem capable of spreading it, such as ferrets and hamsters, says Reed. He and other researchers also point out that macaques display only mild symptoms of coronavirus infection, and they wonder whether vaccines should be trialled in animals that develop more severe disease.

Although assessing vaccines potential efficacy is difficult, the latest data are clearer on safety, say researchers. The Moderna vaccine caused few severe and no lasting health problems in trial participants. The vaccinated Oxford and Sinovac monkeys did not develop an exacerbated disease after infection a key fear, because an inactivated vaccine for the related coronavirus that causes SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) showed signs of this in macaques.

Stanley Perlman, a coronavirologist at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, says that the animal studies conducted so far can tell vaccine developers only so much. People are doing as best they can, he says. None of the data that hes seen should dissuade developers from pressing on with trials in humans to determine whether the vaccines work, he says.

Moderna will soon begin a phase II trial involving 600 participants. It hopes to begin a phase III efficacy trial in July, to test whether the vaccine can prevent disease in high-risk groups, such as health-care workers and people with underlying medical problems. Zaks said that further animal studies, including some in monkeys, were under way, and that it wasnt yet clear which animal would best predict whether and how the vaccine works.

The Oxford team has already enrolled more than 1,000 people in its UK trial. Some volunteers have received a placebo, so the trial could allow researchers to determine whether the vaccine works in humans over the coming months. The lack of safety problems in the teams monkey study was reassuring, Gilbert says.

We dont really need any more data from animal trials to continue, she says. If we get human efficacy, weve got human efficacy, and thats what matters.

This article is reproduced with permission and wasfirst publishedon May 19 2020.

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Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Have Delivered Their First Results--But Their Promise Is Still Unclear - Scientific American


DNA May Not Be the Blueprint for Life Just a Scrambled List of Ingredients – SciTechDaily

May 22nd, 2020 8:48 am

DNA may not be lifes instruction book, but just a jumbled list of ingredients.

University of Maryland researcher develops potentially revolutionary framework for heredity and evolution in which inheritable information is stored outside the genome.

The common view of heredity is that all information passed down from one generation to the next is stored in an organisms DNA. But Antony Jose, associate professor of cell biology and molecular genetics at the University of Maryland, disagrees.

In two new papers, Jose argues that DNA is just the ingredient list, not the set of instructions used to build and maintain a living organism. The instructions, he says, are much more complicated, and theyre stored in the molecules that regulate a cells DNA and other functioning systems.

Jose outlined a new theoretical framework for heredity, which was developed through 20 years of research on genetics and epigenetics, in peer-reviewed papers in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface and the journal BioEssays. Both papers were published on April 22, 2020.

Joses argument suggests that scientists may be overlooking important avenues for studying and treating hereditary diseases, and current beliefs about evolution may be overly focused on the role of the genome, which contains all of an organisms DNA.

DNA cannot be seen as the blueprint for life, Jose said. It is at best an overlapping and potentially scrambled list of ingredients that is used differently by different cells at different times.

For example, the gene for eye color exists in every cell of the body, but the process that produces the protein for eye color only occurs during a specific stage of development and only in the cells that constitute the colored portion of the eyes. That information is not stored in the DNA.

In addition, scientists are unable to determine the complex shape of an organ such as an eye, or that a creature will have eyes at all, by reading the creatures DNA. These fundamental aspects of anatomy are dictated by something outside of the DNA.

Jose argues that these aspects of development, which enable a fertilized egg to grow from a single cell into a complex organism, must be seen as an integral part of heredity. Joses new framework recasts heredity as a complex, networked information system in which all the regulatory molecules that help the cell to function can constitute a store of hereditary information.

Michael Levin, a professor of biology and director of the Tufts Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology and the Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University, believes Joses approach could help answer many questions not addressed by the current genome-centric view of biology. Levin was not involved with either of the published papers.

Understanding the transmission, storage and encoding of biological information is a critical goal, not only for basic science but also for transformative advances in regenerative medicine, Levin said. In these two papers, Antony Jose masterfully applies a computer science approach to provide an overview and a quantitative analysis of possible molecular dynamics that could serve as a medium for heritable information.

Jose proposes that instructions not coded in the DNA are contained in the arrangement of the molecules within cells and their interactions with one another. This arrangement of molecules is preserved and passed down from one generation to the next.

In his papers, Joses framework recasts inheritance as the combined effects of three components: entities, sensors and properties.

Entities include the genome and all the other molecules within a cell that are needed to build an organism. Entities can change over time, but they are recreated with their original structure, arrangement and interactions at the start of each generation.

That aspect of heredity, that the arrangement of molecules is similar across generations, is deeply underappreciated, and it leads to all sorts of misunderstandings of how heredity works, Jose said.

Sensors are specific entities that interact with and respond to other entities or to their environment. Sensors respond to certain properties, such as the arrangement of a molecule, its concentration in the cell or its proximity to another molecule.

Together, entities, sensors and properties enable a living organism to sense or know things about itself and its environment. Some of this knowledge is used along with the genome in every generation to build an organism.

This framework is built on years of experimental research in many labs, including ours, on epigenetics and multi-generational gene silencing combined with our growing interest in theoretical biology, Jose said. Given how two people who contract the same disease do not necessarily show the same symptoms, we really need to understand all the places where two people can be differentnot just their genomes.

The folly of maintaining a genome-centric view of heredity, according to Jose, is that scientists may be missing opportunities to combat heritable diseases and to understand the secrets of evolution.

In medicine, for instance, research into why hereditary diseases affect individuals differently focuses on genetic differences and on chemical or physical differences in entities. But this new framework suggests researchers should be looking for non-genetic differences in the cells of individuals with hereditary diseases, such as the arrangement of molecules and their interactions. Scientists dont currently have methods to measure some of these things, so this work points to potentially important new avenues for research.

In evolution, Joses framework suggests that organisms could evolve through changes in the arrangement of molecules without changes in their DNA sequence. And in conservation science, this work suggests that attempts to preserve endangered species through DNA banks alone are missing critical information stored in non-DNA molecules.

Jose acknowledged that there will be much debate about these ideas, and experiments are needed to test his hypotheses. But, he said, preliminary feedback from scientists like Levin and other colleagues has been positive.

Antony Joses generalization of memory and encoding via the entity-sensor-property framework sheds novel insights into evolution and biological complexity and suggests important revisions to existing paradigms in genetics, epigenetics and development, Levin said.



A framework for parsing heritable information by Antony M. Jose, 22 April 2020, Journal of the Royal Society Interface.DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2020.0154

Heritable Epigenetic Changes Alter Transgenerational Waveforms Maintained by Cycling Stores of Information by Antony M. Jose, 22 April 2020, BioEssays.DOI: 10.1002/bies.201900254

Research in Antony Joses laboratory is supported by the National Institutes of Health (Award Nos. R01GM111457 and R01GM124356). The content of this article does not necessarily reflect the view of this organization.

Here is the original post:
DNA May Not Be the Blueprint for Life Just a Scrambled List of Ingredients - SciTechDaily


New data suggest people arent getting reinfected with the coronavirus – Science News

May 22nd, 2020 8:48 am

People who test positive again for the coronavirus, despite having already recovered from COVID-19, arent being reinfected, a new study finds.

Reports of patients dischargedfrom hospitals in South Korea testing positive after their apparent recovery hadraised concerns that people could get infected by the virus in the short term morethan once or that the infection could come back. But diagnostic tests for the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 rely on detecting theviruss genetic material (SN: 4/17/20).A positive result does not indicate whether a person is shedding virusescapable of infecting cells which would signal an active infection.

Now, a May 19 report from theKorean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that samples fromreinfected patients dont have infectious viruses. The finding hints that the diagnostic tests are picking upon the genetic material from noninfectious or dead viruses. That lack of infectious virus particles meansthese people arent currently infected and cant transmit the coronavirus toothers, the researchers say.

Its good news, says AngelaRasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University. It appears people are notbeing reinfected, and this virus is not reactivating.

In thestudy, researchers tried to isolate infectious coronaviruses from samples takenfrom 108 people who retested positive. All of those samples tested negative. When the scientists examined 23 of those patients for antibodiesagainst the coronavirus, almost all had neutralizing antibodies that can stop the virus from getting intocells (SN: 4/28/20). That immuneresponse may protect a person from getting reinfected, at least in the short term.

The team also tracked down790 contacts of 285 people who retested positive. Of those contacts, 27 testedpositive for the coronavirus. Twenty-four of those were cases that officialshad previously confirmed. Officials also identified three new cases, all ofwhom either had contact with the Shincheonji religious group which was hit particularly hard inthe early days of the pandemic or aconfirmed case in their family. No new cases appeared to stem from repeatpositive patients, a sign those patients arent contagious.

Now, we can largely stopworrying about reinfection and address the next big questions, Rasmussen says.How protective are immune responses in recovered patients, and how long doesimmunity last?

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New data suggest people arent getting reinfected with the coronavirus - Science News


Are we wired for romance? – University of California

May 22nd, 2020 8:48 am

If youve ever been a newlywed, you know the tingly euphoria of saying I do and starting a life with your spouse. This is romantic love, Western style. We often chalk it up to chemistry, an ill-defined connection of hearts and minds. Groundbreaking research at UC Santa Barbara finds we were closer than we knew.

For the first time, researchers have explored the neural and genetic connections to romantic love in newlyweds. By using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and genetic analysis of 19 first-time newlyweds, Bianca Acevedo and her collaborators showed that romantic love maintenance is part of a broad mammalian strategy for reproduction and long-term attachment that is influenced by basic reward circuitry, complex cognitive processes and genetic factors.

In short, were hard-wired to sustain romantic love to maintain a successful marriage and the family unit, thanks to neurotransmitters like dopamine and a suite of genetic mutations.

This is the first study to examine the neural and genetic correlates of romantic love maintenance, said Acevedo, a research scientist at UC Santa Barbaras Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences and the lead author of After the Honeymoon: Neural and Genetic Correlates of Romantic Love in Newlywed Marriages in the journal Frontiers in Psychology.

The study showed that the maintenance of love is not only associated with activation of subcortical regions but also higher order centers of the brain, she said. Also, for the first time we provide evidence that the propensity to sustain romantic love may be affected by genetic variability. Specifically, the genes we examined are associated with pair-bonding behaviors including fidelity and sexual behaviors; and social behaviors such as trust, eye-gazing and attachment.

To test their hypothesis that romantic love is a developed form of the mammalian drive to find and keep mates, the researchers performed fMRI scans of the brains of the members of the study group 11 women and eight men. Participants were shown alternating images of their partners and a neutral acquaintance they knew well.

At the start of each session, the subjects were instructed to recall non-sexual events with the person whose face was displayed. While still in the scanner, participants rated their moods to verify that the evoked emotions corresponded to the target image.

The participants were tested around the time of marriage and a year later.

In addition, they provided saliva samples for testing of vasopressin, oxytocin and dopamine genes implicated in pair bonding in non-human mammals, such as voles.

Our findings showed robust evidence of the dopamine reward systems involvement in romantic love, Acevedo said. This system is interesting because it is implicated in motivation, energy, working for rewards, and is associated with corresponding emotions such as excitement, euphoria and energy, as well as frustration if the drive is thwarted.

Acevedos current research builds on her work on empathy and altruism and its correlates in the brain.

Empathy has its roots in social bonding, she explained. In our previous work we showed that although humans express sentiments such as empathy and altruism towards strangers and non-close others, brain responses to partners are stronger. Thus, there is specificity. Romantic love is somewhat different in that it may or may not include empathy or altruism, but in healthy partnerships it does.

For some romantics, it might seem a tad clinical to chalk up our feelings of love and commitment to biochemistry. Acevedo, however, said gene mutations and brain activity are only components of romance and belonging.

Humans are creative and clever, she said. Romantic love inspires people to know how to put a smile on their partners face. By making our partners happy we not only keep our relationships stable, but we also derive joy from such events.

In the brain, Acevedo continued, this is shown as increased reward activation when people are shown images of a partner smiling and they are told that something wonderful has happened to the partner. People know this intuitively. They know that romance goes a long way in finding and keeping a preferred mate. Thats why there is multibillion-dollar industry built on it from dating sites, to lingerie to Hallmark cards, chocolate and diamond rings.

And besides, our chemical impulses dont buy flowers or cook dinner.

Love is basic but complex, Acevedo said. We are wired to love, but it takes work to find and keep love alive."

Nancy L. Collins, a professor in UC Santa Barbaras Psychological and Brain Sciences, was a co-author of After the Honeymoon. She is also director of the UC Santa Barbara Close Relationship Lab. Other authors are Michael J. Poulin of the University of Buffalo and Lucy L. Brown of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.

The rest is here:
Are we wired for romance? - University of California


Doctors race to understand rare inflammatory condition associated with coronavirus in young people – Science Magazine

May 22nd, 2020 8:48 am

A girl in New Delhi gets a nasal swab to test for the new coronavirus. A rare Kawasaki diseaselike illness linked to the virus is sickening young people.

By Jennifer Couzin-FrankelMay. 21, 2020 , 4:10 PM

Sciences COVID-19 reporting is supported by the Pulitzer Center.

Three children at one London hospital in mid-April, followed the next day by three at anotherfor Elizabeth Whittaker, a pediatric infectious disease doctor at Imperial College London, those first cases raised an alarm. The youngsters had fevers, rashes, stomach pain, and, in some cases, heart problems, along with blood markers that characterize COVID-19 in adults, including one associated with clotting. But in most, nasal swabs failed to reveal any virus.

I dont understandthey look like they have coronavirus, Whittaker recalls thinking. Doctors nonetheless suspected a link. Within days, a survey turned up 19 additional cases across England, and an alert on 27 April asked doctors to be on the lookout for such symptoms in children. Soon after, dozens more cases surfaced in New York along with smaller clusters elsewhere, bolstering a connection to the pandemic. Reports of children on life support and some deaths put parents on edgeand were especially disheartening after earlier signs that COVID-19 largely spares children from serious illness.

It is another surprise from a virus that hasproffered many, and projects worldwide are gearing up to study it. They are combing the blood and sequencing the genomes of patientsand the virus, if it can be isolated from themto search for clues to what makes some children susceptible and how to head off the worst symptoms. Theres hope that whats learned from young patients might help the many adults in whom COVID-19 also triggers a grievous overreaction of the immune system.

In some respects, Its absolutely not shocking to see this, says Rae Yeung, a rheumatologist and immunologist at the Hospital for Sick Children, whose center treated 20 children over the past 3 weeks with similar symptoms.Many pathogens occasionally trigger a similar hyperactive immune response in children, known as Kawasaki disease. Its symptoms vary but include rash, fever, and inflammation in medium-size blood vessels. Children can suffer heart problems. In rare cases, blood pressure plummets and shock sets in.

Doctors disagree on whether the variant linked to COVID-19 is Kawasaki disease or something new, with some experts calling it multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. But as with Kawasaki disease, most recover with treatment, including steroids and immunoglobulins, which calm the immune system.

In linking the inflammatory syndrome to COVID-19,Were going on more than just a hunch, says Jesse Papenburg, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Montreal Childrens Hospital, in a city thats seen about 25 children with the condition. Kawasaki disease is rare, ordinarily affecting just one to three in every 10,000 children in Western countries, though its more common in children with Asian ancestry. The spikes recorded so far, in COVID-19 hot spots like northern Italy and New York City, track the novel coronavirus march around the world. And although a minority of these children test positive for SARS-CoV-2, a studypublished inThe Lancetby a team in Bergamo, Italy, reported that eight of 10 children with the Kawasaki-like illness had antibodies to the virus, indicating they had been infected. Positive antibody tests have been reported in sick children elsewhere, too.

It was obvious that there was a link, says Lorenzo DAntiga, a pediatrician at the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital who led the study. The new coronavirus can elicit a powerful immune response, which he thinks may explain why shock and a massive immune reaction called a cytokine storm are more common in the COVID-19linked cases than in textbook Kawasaki disease. And a time lag between infection and the Kawasaki-like illness could explain why many of the affected children show no evidence of the virus. The immune systems overreaction may unfold over weeks, though virus could also be hiding somewhere in the body.

Theres clearly some underlying genetic component that puts a small number of children at risk, says Tom Maniatis, founding director of Columbia Universitys Precision Medicine Initiative. New York state is investigating 157 cases, and Maniatis is also CEO of the New York Genome Center, which is pursuing whole-genome sequencing of affected children and their parents, as well as sequencing the virus found in children, with family consent. Finding genes that heighten risk of the illness or of developing a severe case could point to better treatments or help identify children who may take a sudden turn for the worse.

Genetics may also help explain a puzzle: why the illness hasnt been reported in Asian countries, even though Kawasaki disease is far more common in children with Asian ancestry. The virus own genetics may be important; an analysis last month indicatedthe predominant viral variant in New York was brought by travelers from Europe. Its also possible that the Kawasaki-like illness is so rare that it only shows up in COVID-19 hotbeds. The areas that have been hardest hit by coronavirus are the areas reporting this syndrome now, says Alan Schroeder, a critical care physician at Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital at Stanford University, which has seen one potentially affected child, a6-month-old baby, who healed quickly.

Yeung is pursuing ways to flag children with COVID-19 who are at risk of this complication. She co-leads an international consortium thats banking blood from affected children both before and after treatment and screening for various markers, including the cytokine molecules that indicate a revved-up immune system. They are also searching for gene variants known to predict poor outcomes in Kawasaki disease. Theres also core COVID stuff that needs to be measured, Yeung says, such as markers of heart function and levels of D-dimer, a protein fragment in the blood that indicates a tendency toward clotting and that surges in many sick adults.

Another project, called DIAMONDSand originally designed to improve diagnostics of pathogens based on patterns of immune response in children with fevers,is recruiting children across Europe with the Kawasaki-like complication, along with those who have run of the mill COVID-19 symptoms. Scientists will study blood for pathogensnot just SARS-CoV-2and the behavior of immune cells such as T cells and B cells.

We have to do a deep dive into the immunology of those patients, says Elie Haddad, a pediatric immunologist and scientist at the St. Justine University Hospital Center who,with Yeung and Susanne Benseler at Alberta Childrens Hospital, is leading Canadian research efforts on the new syndrome. These deep dives may also clarify the immune system chaos seen in many sick adults. Children are cleaner, Haddad points outtheyre less likely to have other health burdens, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, that can make it harder to tease out the virus impact on the immune system.

Its possible, too, that the illness affects adults as well but is harder to tease out from their other symptoms. A global effort studying COVID-19 in adults, called the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium, will look at adults clinical data and blood samples,Whittaker says, to see, is this a uniquely pediatric problem?

Eager as they are to understand this new face of the pandemic, doctors want to avoid overstating the hazards. We need to identify early and we need to intervene early in treating these children, Yeung says. But she also urges calm. The kids were seeing so far, she stresses, they respond to the treatments were giving.

Read the original:
Doctors race to understand rare inflammatory condition associated with coronavirus in young people - Science Magazine


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