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Could these senolytic drugs halt the spread of COVID-19? – Health Europa

June 12th, 2020 3:45 am

Professor Michael P Lisanti, Chair in Translational Medicine at the University of Salford, has been an active research scientist for more than 30 years and is an expert in the field of cellular senescence. He tells HEQ about the potential of readily available, low cost, MHRA- and FDA-approved drugs to possibly treat and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Senolytic drugs can be used to prevent or reverse ageing. There have been studies in mice that have shown that if you use a genetic trick, you can reverse ageing-associated disease characteristics but the problem is you cant do that in humans, so you would need a drug. We set out to identify drugs that would selectively kill senescent cells, but not harm normal cells; for this purpose, we developed a drug screen where we looked at various agents which prohibit cancer stem cell activity and we came across azithromycin, which selectively killed senescent cells with efficiency of nearly 97% and did not harm the normal cells. When we looked at the literature, we saw that patients with cystic fibrosis had been treated with azithromycin cystic fibrosis is similar to accelerated ageing as a disease, because theres a huge amount of inflammation and fibrosis and it dramatically increased their lifespan and their survival rates.

Fibrosis is normally an ageing-associated disease characteristic: its what kills patients with cystic fibrosis, because their lungs become stiff and can no longer expand and contract, in order to breathe. The azithromycin was also behaving as an antifibrotic, removing or preventing the formation of senescent myofibroblast cells; so we actually had proof In previous studies that our drug was actually a senolytic. If you reread the literature with senolytic glasses, you realise that the proof of its efficacy in humans is already there.

Another study in Japan looked at azithromycin based on its activity in cystic fibrosis patients and then applied these finding to patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The control group survival rate in that paper was 25%, but on azithromycin it was nearly 80%. There is evidence in the published literature that its either preventing or removing fibrosis which is consistent with our data, but nobody thought about cystic fibrosis or about idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis as diseases of senescence: they thought it was preventing the formation of the myofibroblasts, but we believe it was killing the myofibroblasts, which are now known to be senescent cells.

The reason you want to get rid of the senescent cells is because they are actually contagious. They secrete IL-6, which is an inflammatory mediator; and they make other cells senescent by diffusion of the inflammatory mediators, which explains why as you get older you accumulate more and more senescent cells. By the time youre 40 or 50 years old, you have aches and pains and you feel stiffness: these are a symptom that you are beginning to accumulate senescent cells.

All of this is very reminiscent of what happens in patients with COVID-19. Fatality rates are much higher in older patients and in patients with ageing-associated diseases, such as diabetes or coronary artery disease. IL-6 levels have been shown to be the best predictor for whether or not a patient will to wind up on a respirator and these patients may die from inflammation in the lung and the resulting fibrosis. It all sounds similar to a very acute episode of either cystic fibrosis or of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

The virus has something called a host receptor, which allows the virus to bind the surface of the cells and then get internalised. For COVID-19, there are two proposed host receptors: one is CD-26, which is a marker of senescence; and the other one is ACE-2, which is also increased during senescence. This would suggest that the virus is preferentially targeting cells with markers of senescence.

We think of senescent cells as old and not very energetic, but they have to secrete a lot of inflammatory mediators, like IL-6, so they actually have very active protein metabolism and they do a lot of protein synthesis IL-6 is a protein and they produce inflammatory mediators of the senescence associated secretory phenotype (SASP). Therefore, the virus would want to invade a cell that is better at protein synthesis in order to make more copies of itself and the necessary viral spiked glycoproteins, to package the viral RNA or DNA for viral replication. This virus is seeking out the cells that are the best at making protein, to make more copies of itself, so it gets in the cell and takes over.

The predilection for fatalities in patients with advanced chronological age suggests there is a connection with senescence; and azithromycin, which appears to be working in clinical trials, is a senolytic and an antifibrotic. Certain antibiotics of the azithromycin class of which there are many are inhibitors of protein synthesis. The same is true of tetracyclines like doxycycline. These drugs would inhibit protein synthesis, so they would block IL-6 production and also block viral replication. Azithromycin has been shown to inhibit Zika virus and Ebola virus replication; and doxycycline has been shown to inhibit Dengue virus replication. Any drug which is a protein synthesis inhibitor, like certain classes of antibiotics, would also inhibit viral replication not because of any characteristics specific to the virus, but because its inhibiting protein synthesis, which is required for their viral replication.

The question, then, is why we cant use these drugs now in the clinic. In the United States, if a drug is prescribed off-label, its perfectly legal: the FDA approves a drug after Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 clinical trials for a particular indication. Then because the drug already went through Phase 1, which is a safety trial, it can be legally prescribed for any other disease indication off-label. The FDA will not actually have to directly approve doxycycline or azithromycin for treatment of COVID-19, because doctors can already prescribe it.

In a time of crisis, we need to practise what people are calling battlefield medicine, where we think outside the box. Theres already evidence in the published literature that these antibiotics have the protein synthesis inhibition side effect and have already been shown to inhibit viral replication. The problem in this country is people are rightfully afraid of antibiotic resistance. Its the kind of thing that has been ingrained in the mindset of doctors in the UK. However, I think we need to rethink the whole use of antibiotics to target viral infections. In fact, if you look in the literature for herpes virus (HSV), its already been shown that erythromycin, which is another protein synthesis inhibitor, is used either orally or as a cream to treat herpes outbreaks.

If we could give NHS workers either doxycycline or azithromycin prophylactically, the viral load would likely be gone or severely diminished. This would prevent the spread of the virus from one person to another, protecting clinicians against people who come to the hospital; and could also be used to treat patients. But, I think the key here is to avoid the fibrosis and the inflammation, which starts with the fever. When a patient comes down with a fever, they should immediately give them the doxycycline or the azithromycin, which will shut down IL-6 production and shut down the viral replication; so the patient is less likely to transmit the disease to healthcare workers.

All these drugs are very inexpensive the cost of doxycycline is 10 pence a day; azithromycin is also very cheap, because it came off patent in 2017 so these drugs could be used for prophylaxis and for treatment. Then potentially we could relax some of the social distancing and we could all go back to work. The problem is were not going to have vaccines for another 12 to 24 months, so we need something now thats already safe, thats MHRA- or FDA-approved for at least one indication. It may be something that can be used in conjunction with social distancing: some people dont have extra space in their house where they can really isolate, so then they could take an antibiotic like doxycycline or azithromycin to reduce viral loads. This would reduce the stress on the healthcare system, because if you treat people in the early stages and it works, they wont get to the ventilator stage and the problem is when you get to the ventilator stage, the patients lungs have effectively turned to cement from all the fibrosis, so the chances of getting people off the ventilator is rather low. Its very serious once you get to the ICU, so you want to prevent the onset of respiratory symptoms, by treating patients as soon as possible with an antibiotic that will shut down viral replication.

Doxycycline is the number one drug prescribed worldwide for any indication: its used for malaria, its mainly used for acne; and people will take it for six months at a time without any real issues, except maybe some stomach upset. People with acne rosacea take it for their whole life, especially in very disfiguring cases usually they recommend a drug holiday for a week or two, every six months. Doxycycline was approved first in 1967. Its not a senolytic, but it does inhibit IL-6 and it inhibits viral replication; and it has been shown by other people to be an anti-ageing drug as well. Both of these drugs are very cheap; and they should be in abundant supply worldwide.

SARS-CoV-1, the precursor for COVID-19, shows the same pattern of infection. They conducted experiments in humans and mice and saw that, for example, young mice will become infected, but it doesnt cause any real disease there is no inflammation or fibrosis; and a very mild pneumonia but if they use older mice aged 12 to 14 months, they see very severe inflammation, fibrosis and death. This is due to the induction of a very strong inflammatory response, which includes the IL-6. This original mouse model could be used to test this hypothesis regarding senolytics, but as these drugs are already FDA-approved, we can do that in parallel. The problem is its a question of time; and the longer we wait, the more people are infected, when we could just shut it down now. We could use patients already in hospital, you would have instant clinical trials. This is battlefield medicine. We should take advantage of the patient population with drugs that have very few side effects, and conduct clinical trials on a large scale.

I think people are in a state of helplessness. They dont know what to do, and the solution could be right under our noses. What were doing is not working, for many patients, and we need to change something; and the first step would be propagate the idea of field clinical trials. We can record all the data from the treatment of the patients as it progresses thousands of people have the disease and it could be a multicentre trial, the most important thing is to get something going now.

Much research into the treatment of COVID-19 is currently focused on the drugs chloroquine and azithromycin; and the FDA has granted an emergency licence for the use of chloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients. The European Medicines Agency has not yet followed suit, asserting that more research should be conducted; and some researchers have highlighted concerns over toxicity issues associated with chloroquine and its derivative, hydroxychloroquine.

Patients who are prescribed chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine normally would have to take a test for a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD) [an hereditary condition which increases the risk of haemolysis when chloroquine is administered]; and there are other issues with both chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. I think the side effects may outweigh the benefits, because its not an inhibitor of viral replication; its an inhibitor of viral entry. If the patient is already sick, they already had the viral entry, then chloroquine will not necessarily shut down the viral replication. It only works for patients who have not already been infected.

In the clinical data from the French trial of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, the chloroquine did relatively little by itself and that has been called into question in terms of the effects. The combination with azithromycin was much more effective, but they didnt test azithromycin alone, which would probably be sufficient; because even if viral entry does occur, as long as the viral replication is inhibited, the virus will not propagate. We believe that the hydroxychloroquine isnt necessary; and we can reduce the risk to older patients by eliminating the hydroxychloroquine.

Azithromycin has some very mild side effects, but theyre not very prevalent; if they had been prevalent the drug would have been pulled off the market. There was some controversy as to the reproducibility of the studies regarding its side effects: multiple studies were done and some are positive, some are negative, so theres still a warning out there but the side effects only really occur with high doses of azithromycin, which would not be needed in this case. If azithromycin did cause problems for a patient they could switch to doxycycline, or they could start with doxycycline in the first place. These are just two examples of classes of drugs; there are other drugs which inhibit protein synthesis: erythromycin is in the same class as azithromycin, and it inhibits protein synthesis. It doesnt have the senolytic activity, but it would still inhibit the IL-6 and the viral replication.

The same is the case for the tetracyclines these are classes of drugs which are relatively similar and interchangeable, so if we run out of doxycycline, we would still have minocycline, tetracycline and all these other variations which have a similar effect on protein synthesis. The main issue with doxycycline is patients can experience some stomach upset or some nausea, but this can be alleviated by using a probiotic.

That would be the primary role of these drugs. Based on the results of clinical trials, the NHS could implement its usage. For example, ICU staff could receive it first, as they are in contact with patients that pose the most severe risk. Hospital staff right now are probably terrified of catching it, so why not take a prophylactic antibiotic, which has a chance of preventing infection? Im sure theyre doing a great job taking care of the patients, but it is traumatic to be under all this stress constantly. Its very stressful to be in such a high pressure situation, where youre afraid for your own life, but youre also trying to help other people at the same time. Then, you have your family at home and you dont want to also make them sick either. Healthcare workers are the people who are at the greatest risk; and already weve seen a reduction in NHS staff levels around one in four NHS staff are not at work, because they have either been infected or are isolating because they have symptoms.

We dont want to lose too many of the doctors and nurses in this crisis, so this would be helpful for everyone especially for preventing the further spread to shut down viral replication and contagion. Anything that can be done to reduce the viral load will reduce the contagion. They can do trials with young healthy volunteers who are asymptomatic, but it would be better to do it with the NHS staff who would need it most as a preventative approach for prophylaxis. We have recently proposed and published this prophylaxis strategy in a Letter to the Editor at the British Medical Journal (BMJ), which is widely read by GPs and consultants in the UK.

1 Letter to the Editor, British Medical Journal: https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m1252/rr-20

2 Lisanti, Sotgia et al. (2020). Senescence, ageing and potential COVID-19 treatments. Aging-US. https://www.aging-us.com/article/103001/text

Professor Michael P Lisanti, MD-PhD, FRSA, FRSBChair in Translational MedicineSchool of Science, Engineering & EnvironmentUniversity of Salford+44 (0)1612 950 240M.P.Lisanti@salford.ac.uk

This article is from issue 13 of Health Europa. Clickhere to get your free subscription today.

Read the original:
Could these senolytic drugs halt the spread of COVID-19? - Health Europa


The coronavirus vaccine frontrunners have emerged. Here’s where they stand – BioPharma Dive

June 12th, 2020 3:45 am

Scientists, drugmakers and governments are moving with unprecedented speed to deliver a vaccine to protect against the new coronavirus.

The fastest of them have already delivered preliminary data from human studies, and further results from others should come quickly as the year progresses.

The goal, at least in the U.S., is to have a vaccine ready for use in some fashion by the end of the year, or early next. Doing so would be a scientific feat with few parallels. No vaccine has ever been developed so quickly, never mind manufactured for the world.

Use the buttons below to highlight events in each company's timeline. Solid dots indicate events which have occurred, while striped bars indicate company estimates for when an event will occur. Current projections assume clinical development succeeds and progresses on time, neither of which are certain to happen.

Use the dropdown to highlight events in each company's timeline. Solid dots indicate events which have occurred, while striped bars indicate company estimates for when an event will occur.

First volunteer given vaccine



Nami Sumida/BioPharma Dive

Researchers' success or failure could determine whether the virus becomes endemic, recurring in countries around the world year after year, or is ultimately checked.

With the health of their citizens at stake, governments are investing enormous sums of money into vaccine research and development, and to prepare for manufacturing and distributing what will likely need to be hundreds of millions of doses necessary to keep infection at bay.

With modern-day Manhattan Projects underway, vaccines have become an issue of national security, raising questions of global equity and medicine access.

In the U.S., the Trump administration has unveiled "Operation Warp Speed," pledging billions of dollars of funding and support for an initial, and as yet unconfirmed, slate of candidates.

There's no guarantee the first successful vaccine will come from the U.S., however. Some of the leading candidates are being developed overseas, with projects by China's CanSino Biologics and the University of Oxford in the U.K. the furthest along.

The rest of the world might not be so lucky.

As Emory University vaccines expert Walter Orenstein said in an interview with BioPharma Dive, "It's not like we can expect 7 billion doses the day after licensure so we can vaccinate the whole world." Yet, to truly curb circulation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in humans, getting vaccines to nations wealthy and poor will be a vital mission.

For scientists, many questions remain unanswered.

The first trials to produce data have avoided any safety issues that can sideline a project for good, and have established they can stimulate an immune response. But what about less common side effects only detectable in massive trials? How good will vaccines be at preventing actual infections?

The next six to nine months should produce a flurry of data, early answers and fresh questions, making it difficult to keep track. Here's where things stand for nine of the most advanced, most promising, or best funded vaccine candidates in the pipeline.

Read the rest here:
The coronavirus vaccine frontrunners have emerged. Here's where they stand - BioPharma Dive


Regulating marine genetic resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction – The Daily Star

June 12th, 2020 3:45 am

June 8 has been marked as World Ocean Day by United Nations. This year's theme 'Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean' is indication of proper management and regulation of ocean resources. The area possesses more than 60% of the earth surface with abundance of diverse living and non-living resources having rich variety of organisms. Such valuable resources are potentials for invention of new medicine and drugs, cosmetic, consumption products and other possibilities for greater contribution to humankind in future. UNEP published that compounds from deep seabed organisms have been used as basis for potent cancer fighting drugs, commercial skin protection products providing higher resistance to ultraviolet and heat exposure, and for preventing skin inflammation, anti-viral compounds and anti-allergy agents. Therefore, regulation of the ocean commons and its resources is imminent for the greater interest of international community as a whole in general and developing countries in particular.

One of the significant challenges recently explored by these nations is regulating rich marine genetic resources (MGRs) particularly in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) which includes high sea covering water column of the ocean beyond 200nm from the baseline and the Area which consists of the ocean floor, sea bed and subsoil of area beyond outer limits of continental shelf. The reason includes that a number of products are already in the market and more are in the process from these MGRs. This is surely an opportunity for nations and companies who have capable technologies. But the confrontation is that exploration and exploitation of MGRs from ABNJ cannot be questioned before any forum under existing international legal mechanism. Another concern is the indiscriminate use of such bio components and contamination of their conservation and sustainable use would possibly limit the benefit for future generations and for all nations.

The complexity has further been condensed due to the division of States on the question of freedom of high sea versus common heritage of mankind. UNCLOS, although considered as the constitution of ocean, is silent on this point perhaps for the reason that very little was known about genetic qualities of organisms found on deep seabed or on the high sea during its adoption.

Nations are adamant on their position. Bangladesh, India, China and other G-77 members have raised their concern and regularly participating at the UN working groups and negotiation processes to place their justified demands on regulating MGRs within the spectrum of common heritage principle. According to them, the resources should be governed in the similar model of International Seabed Authority under Part XI of UNCLOS. Their argument has further been justified by the UNU-IAS Report which suggested that in exploring and exploiting mineral resources including polymetallic nodules, biological resources are intrinsically linked with mineral resources in the deep sea ecosystem.

Therefore, sampling of biological resources may be occurred and would certainly be easy task and hence it has been suggested that several features of Part XI may be extended to MGRs. The support for common heritage and ISA modeled regulation would allow entitlements to the benefits arising out. It seems that the whole debate between countries on common heritage of mankind dividing the world during 1970s had been reinvigorated in the present context. USA, EU, Japan and Korea are asserting that principle of freedom of high sea is governing MGRs and bioprospecting. Arguments put forwarded that activities related to the exploration and exploitation of marine biological resources can be performed without specific regulations since part VII of UNCLOS governs very well.

It is undeniable that there exists a gap in regulating MGRs of ABNJ. Therefore, efforts have been undertaken by UN since 2004 onwards. UN General Assembly (UNGA) established an Ad Hoc Open Ended Informal Working Group to study issues pertinent to conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond the areas of national jurisdiction (BBNJ Working Group). In 2011, the Working Group recommended UNGA to initiate a process in order to address that a legal instrument be brought under UNCLOS for conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction. BBNJ working group held its final session in 2015 and forwarded recommendation to UNGA on elements of draft text to be adopted under UNCLOS. For the said purpose, organizational session was held in 2018 which set the plan of organising four intergovernmental conference sessions. Three sessions were held and fourth one was postponed. After the forth one, nations will find some possible way out.

We are not well aware about the resources in deep sea and their potential use for curbing global challenges. But it is quite certain that with the advancement of science and technology, nations will be aware and largely benefit from ocean resources that belong to all. Hence, it is imminent to sustainably use the ocean particularly regulate MGRs in ABNJ. Developing and other disadvantageous nations must continue their efforts to place common heritage regime. The role of Bangladesh in this regard would be well recognised.

The writer is Assistant Professor, School of Law, Brac University.

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Regulating marine genetic resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction - The Daily Star


Vaccines have saved millions of lives, but history shows missteps can prove deadly – The Boston Globe

June 12th, 2020 3:45 am

Gottsdanker was one of 120,000 children inadvertently injected with the live infectious poliovirus from a vaccine manufactured by a northern California laboratory. About 70,000 people developed muscle weakness, 164 were severely paralyzed including Gottsdanker and 10 died.

Now, as President Trump vows to distribute a COVID-19 vaccine by years end under a program called Operation Warp Speed, she worries that the ambitious plan could backfire. Despite the remarkable success of vaccines in the 20th century, several immunization efforts even Salks triumph over polio have harmed some of the people they were supposed to protect. Health experts say haste or carelessness played a role in those missteps.

It horrifies me, said Gottsdanker, 70, a retired college professor in Lancaster, Calif., who uses a wheelchair, has multiple health problems, and would welcome a coronavirus vaccine, as long as it has been proven safe. What people dont realize is that when a person catches a disease through a vaccine, it wont just affect them then. It will affect their entire life.

Some scientists who have worked on vaccines, as well as historians who have studied them, share her concern. If a poorly designed or manufactured vaccine is distributed, they argue, it could erode public confidence in vaccines in general and exacerbate declining rates of childhood immunizations, already a serious problem.

But Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, which is involved in Operation Warp Speed, said the Star Trek-evoking name reflects technological breakthroughs that have made it possible to develop and test vaccines on humans faster than ever.

The Cambridge biotech Moderna, he noted, began testing the first potential COVID-19 vaccine in a clinical trial a mere 63 days after company scientists obtained the genetic sequence for the virus. Moderna is injecting genetic material that instructs cells to make proteins that provoke an immune response. Researchers have explored that approach for several years, but it has yet to produce an approved vaccine.

Its not about cutting corners when it comes to safety and efficacy, said Collins, who discovered the genes associated with a number of diseases and led the Human Genome Project of the 1990s. The warp speed part is to figure out how to do all the right things but cut out the delay. I want to be very reassuring about that.

Trump unveiled the program on May 15 at a Rose Garden news conference. The aim, he said, was to make hundreds of millions of doses of a vaccine available by years end through a partnership between the government and drug companies. Traditionally, vaccines take years, if not decades, to develop. Trump likened the new effort to the World War II-era Manhattan Project, which produced the first nuclear weapons.

Although Trump questioned the safety of vaccines before he became president he repeatedly cited a discredited link between childhood vaccines and autism the scientific evidence that their benefits far outweigh risks is overwhelming.

Dr. Paul Offit, author of The Cutter Incident: How Americas First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis, a 2005 book about Gottsdanker and other children infected with the live poliovirus, wrote that no single medical advance had a greater impact on human health."

Vaccines have completely or largely eliminated such dreaded diseases as measles, diphtheria, rubella (German measles), whooping cough, and polio in the United States. Smallpox, a scourge estimated to have killed 500 million people worldwide, was officially declared eradicated in 1979, according to the World Health Organization.

Nonetheless, that remarkable record has occasionally been marred by blunders in which haste conspired with problems in design or manufacturing to produce a vaccine that was ineffective or dangerous.

No episode illustrates the high stakes more than the largely forgotten debacle at Cutter Laboratories in Berkeley, Calif., one of the worst pharmaceutical disasters in history.

Polio terrified Americans in the 1950s, when it ranked second only to the atomic bomb as the biggest fear in public opinion polls. Deadly summer outbreaks prompted parents to keep children away from swimming pools and movie theaters. Photographs of young polio survivors with heavy braces on withered legs or bed-ridden in iron lungs fueled the urgency to find a vaccine.

On April 12, 1955, scientists announced that the Salk vaccine made from a killed poliovirus had been tested on nearly 2 million children and was safe and effective. Six days later, Anne Gottsdanker and her 7-year-old brother, Jerry, were injected with the vaccine by their pediatrician. It had been manufactured by Cutter, one of five companies that obtained Salks formula.

But Cutters vaccine contained the live poliovirus, not a killed one to stimulate an immune response without making people sick. The company had departed from Salks safe production protocols as it hurried to make the vaccine, including how long the virus must be treated with formaldehyde to inactivate it.

Mass production is actually the hardest part of making a vaccine, Offit, author of the Cutter book, said in an interview. He directs the Vaccine Education Center at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia and is co-inventor of a vaccine to prevent rotavirus infections, which cause diarrhea. Cutter, he said, made it badly.

Jerry Gottsdanker didnt get sick, but Anne lost complete use of her right leg and most of her left leg.

A suit filed against Cutter by her family and that of another injured child went to trial in 1957 in Oakland, Calif. The legendary personal injury lawyer Melvin Belli represented the Gottsdanker family. He had Anne walk with her crutches in front of the jury.

It was embarrassing," she recalled. Of her paralyzed legs, she said, You dont lose the feeling, but the motor neurons are killed off. You tell your leg to move, and it just goes, Really? You want me to do what?'

The jury awarded the two children and their families a total of $147,300 in damages.

Cutters devastating mistake led to rigorous government regulations of vaccines. But the legal precedent also discouraged drug firms from making vaccines for other diseases, Offit said. That trend that has only begun to change with the COVID-19 epidemic. As of last year, only four major drug companies were manufacturing vaccines.

In 1976, there was a different kind of vaccine debacle.

That February, an Army recruit at Fort Dix in New Jersey died from the flu, and other recruits fell ill. Two weeks later, health officials blamed a new form of swine flu that appeared to be eerily similar to the strain that caused the 1918 Spanish flu. That pandemic is blamed for at least 50 million deaths worldwide, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

President Gerald Ford hastily convened a group of scientists to assess the situation and in March announced a government-funded plan to vaccinate every man, woman, and child in the United States." More than 40 million people soon got vaccinated, including Ford, who was photographed smiling as the White House doctor jabbed him.

But it turned out that the 1976 flu wasnt related to the 1918 virus. People who were infected suffered only a mild illness. The vaccine, however, caused side effects in some children, including high fevers and sore arms. And several hundred people who were inoculated developed Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare disorder in which the bodys immune system attacks nerves, although it remains uncertain whether the vaccine was responsible.

Some critics accused Ford of manufacturing a public health emergency to boost his reelection prospects, but David Oshinsky, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, said he believes Ford sincerely wanted to avert an epidemic. Nonetheless, Oshinsky said, the rush to deploy an ill-conceived vaccine undermined the faith that many Americans had in science, sowing the seeds of todays anti-vaccine movement.

There are public opinion polls that say 50 percent of people will take a COVID-19 vaccine when it comes out, said Oshinsky, director of the Division of Medical Humanities at the NYU School of Medicine, who recently cowrote an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association about the dangers of rushing a vaccine. That means that 50 percent wont take it, and that has a direct correlation with the anti-vaccine movement gaining traction as a result of what happened in 1976.

A recent episode on the other side of the world illustrates how a vaccine can backfire if isnt rolled out cautiously.

In 2016, the government of the Philippines began a massive campaign to inoculate nearly 1 million schoolchildren with the first vaccine for dengue fever. A painful mosquito-borne tropical disease, dengue afflicts hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Sanofi, the French pharmaceutical giant, had worked on the vaccine for 20 years and tested it on more than 35,000 children. The company shared its results in a 2015 article in the New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Scott Halstead, a Bethesda, Md., physician who is considered one of the worlds foremost authorities on viruses spread by mosquitoes, remembers reading the results with growing alarm.

In children who had never been exposed to the dengue virus, the vaccine created antibodies that actually appeared to worsen the disease if the youngsters were later infected, he said. Indeed, young children who received the vaccine and later caught dengue were more likely to be hospitalized with severe illness than those who hadnt been vaccinated.

Halstead wrote several articles in scientific journals and even made a video to warn the Philippine government not to distribute the vaccine, called Dengvaxia. Nonetheless, government officials moved forward with the immunization campaign. About a year and a half later, Sanofi announced that it had found evidence that the vaccine did in fact increase the risk of hospitalization in children with no prior exposure, and the program was halted.

The government revoked the license for the vaccine. It also filed criminal charges against Sanofi officials and former and current Philippine health officials over 10 deaths that it said were linked to use of the vaccine. A public backlash against vaccines contributed to major outbreaks of measles in the Philippines.

Halstead fears something similar could happen if a COVID-19 vaccine is rushed.

Theres enormous pressure to come up with a vaccine, said Halstead, 90, who has written an unpublished paper on challenges facing the creation of a COVID-19 vaccine. This, unfortunately, is a complicated virus, and its going to require more care. Thats why its so important to remember history."

Collins, the head of the NIH, said scientists involved in Operation Warp Speed are aware of historical problems with several vaccines. But he said vaccine development has changed so much in recent years that some concerns are unwarranted. For example, he said, there couldnt be another Cutter incident with a COVID-19 vaccine because none of the formulas under serious consideration by federal officials uses a killed virus.

Instead, scientists in the government and at drug companies and academic laboratories are collaborating on a mix of cutting-edge approaches. They include vaccines that rely on genetic material, called messenger RNA, to teach a persons immune system to defend against the coronavirus, and vaccines that use a harmless virus as a Trojan horse to deliver the genetic sequence for the coronavirus into human cells to produce an immune response.

There are more than 120 coronavirus vaccines in development worldwide, and Collins said that if everything goes right, he thinks one could start being rolled out by years end. That would require drug companies to manufacture huge quantities of vaccines before the completion of clinical trials and to discard them if the vaccines dont pass muster, he said.

To make that financially tenable, the government is bankrolling some private efforts. In the case of Moderna, the federal Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority pledged up to $483 million in April to help the biotech manufacture a messenger RNA vaccine, before the first phase of the clinical trial was even completed. The government made the commitment even though no mRNA vaccine has ever been approved.

But that doesnt mean youre going to go forward if you see a safety problem or an efficacy problem, Collins said.

With COVID-19 blamed for the deaths of more than 100,000 Americans and a lockdown that is only starting to ease, I dont think anyone wants us to be on Operation Slow Boat," Collins said. We are anxious to get it done, but not to compromise on safety.

Jonathan Saltzman can be reached at jonathan.saltzman@globe.com

Continue reading here:
Vaccines have saved millions of lives, but history shows missteps can prove deadly - The Boston Globe


Dental Fitting Market 2019 Break Down by Top Companies, Countries, Applications, Challenges, Opportunities and Forecast 2026 – Cole of Duty

June 10th, 2020 6:52 pm

A new market report by Market Research Intellect on the Dental Fitting Market has been released with reliable information and accurate forecasts for a better understanding of the current and future market scenarios. The report offers an in-depth analysis of the global market, including qualitative and quantitative insights, historical data, and estimated projections about the market size and share in the forecast period. The forecasts mentioned in the report have been acquired by using proven research assumptions and methodologies. Hence, this research study serves as an important depository of the information for every market landscape. The report is segmented on the basis of types, end-users, applications, and regional markets.

The research study includes the latest updates about the COVID-19 impact on the Dental Fitting sector. The outbreak has broadly influenced the global economic landscape. The report contains a complete breakdown of the current situation in the ever-evolving business sector and estimates the aftereffects of the outbreak on the overall economy.

Get Sample Copy with TOC of the Report to understand the structure of the complete report @ https://www.marketresearchintellect.com/download-sample/?rid=207365&utm_source=COD&utm_medium=888

The report also emphasizes the initiatives undertaken by the companies operating in the market including product innovation, product launches, and technological development to help their organization offer more effective products in the market. It also studies notable business events, including corporate deals, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, partnerships, product launches, and brand promotions.

Leading Dental Fitting manufacturers/companies operating at both regional and global levels:

Sales and sales broken down by Product:

Sales and sales divided by Applications:

The report also inspects the financial standing of the leading companies, which includes gross profit, revenue generation, sales volume, sales revenue, manufacturing cost, individual growth rate, and other financial ratios.

The report also focuses on the global industry trends, development patterns of industries, governing factors, growth rate, and competitive analysis of the market, growth opportunities, challenges, investment strategies, and forecasts till 2026. The Dental Fitting Market was estimated at USD XX Million/Billion in 2016 and is estimated to reach USD XX Million/Billion by 2026, expanding at a rate of XX% over the forecast period. To calculate the market size, the report provides a thorough analysis of the market by accumulating, studying, and synthesizing primary and secondary data from multiple sources.

To get Incredible Discounts on this Premium Report, Click Here @ https://www.marketresearchintellect.com/ask-for-discount/?rid=207365&utm_source=COD&utm_medium=888

The market is predicted to witness significant growth over the forecast period, owing to the growing consumer awareness about the benefits of Dental Fitting. The increase in disposable income across the key geographies has also impacted the market positively. Moreover, factors like urbanization, high population growth, and a growing middle-class population with higher disposable income are also forecasted to drive market growth.

According to the research report, one of the key challenges that might hinder the market growth is the presence of counter fit products. The market is witnessing the entry of a surging number of alternative products that use inferior ingredients.

Key factors influencing market growth:

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Thank you for reading this article. You can also get chapter-wise sections or region-wise report coverage for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.

To summarize, the Dental Fitting market report studies the contemporary market to forecast the growth prospects, challenges, opportunities, risks, threats, and the trends observed in the market that can either propel or curtail the growth rate of the industry. The market factors impacting the global sector also include provincial trade policies, international trade disputes, entry barriers, and other regulatory restrictions.

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Market Research Intellect provides syndicated and customized research reports to clients from various industries and organizations with the aim of delivering functional expertise. We provide reports for all industries including Energy, Technology, Manufacturing and Construction, Chemicals and Materials, Food and Beverage and more. These reports deliver an in-depth study of the market with industry analysis, market value for regions and countries and trends that are pertinent to the industry.

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Market Research Intellect

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See the original post:
Dental Fitting Market 2019 Break Down by Top Companies, Countries, Applications, Challenges, Opportunities and Forecast 2026 - Cole of Duty


Coronavirus daily news updates, June 9: What to know today about COVID-19 in the Seattle area, Washington state and the world – Seattle Times

June 10th, 2020 6:52 pm

Editors note:This is a live account of COVID-19 updates fromTuesday,June 9,as the day unfolded. Click here to see updates from Wednesday, June 10.Tofind resources and the latest extended coverage of the pandemic,click here.

Across the country and around the world, more people are forgoing physical distancing. Its not just the George Floyd protests, which have drawn floods of demonstrators economies are starting to reopen and people are inching back toward their normal routines.

Meanwhile, the protests continue, and medical experts reiterate their warnings that tear gas and pepper spray can increase the spread of respiratory viruses.Local businesses in Washington face unprecedented financial challenges as theystruggle to recover from both the effects of the pandemic and recent looting, although many owners of the hardest-hit businesses have been quick to voice support for the protests.

Throughout Tuesday, on this page, well post updates from Seattle Times journalists and others on the pandemic and its effects on the Seattle area, the Pacific Northwest and the world. Updates from Monday can be foundhere, and all our coronavirus coveragecan be found here.

The following graphic includes the most recent numbers from the Washington State Department of Health, released Tuesday.

The agonizing tale of the coronavirus outbreak on the carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt starting in March led to the infection of hundreds of crew members, an emergency stop in Guam, the removal of the ships captain and the resignation of the acting Navy secretary.

But while the Navy and civic leaders in Guam struggled to quell the spread of the virus, naval officials and researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began a medical investigation into the outbreak, the results of which were released Tuesday.

The study found that, among a few hundred service members who volunteered to be tested and questioned about their experiences onboard and while in Guam, more than a third had enough functioning antibodies to the coronavirus to indicate they could have some protection against the virus, at least for a limited time.

Some were still showing the presence of neutralizing antibodies, which block the virus from binding to cells, three months after the onset of symptoms.

The New York Times

The coronavirus pandemic has caused most rents in the Seattle area to stagnate,though theyre falling for the least-expensive apartments, according to data from analytics firm RealPage.One neighborhood West Seattle is seeing especially sharp cuts, according to landlords and property managers, thoughnotjust from the pandemic.

Overall, in the Seattle-Bellevue-Everett area, May asking rentswere nearly the same as they were a year ago, averagingjust under $1,900, whereas before the pandemic, rents were up nearly 5% year-over-year in the area.RealPage looks at effective asking rents, which include advertised discounts offered by landlords and property managers to entice new tenants to ink a deal, like one month of free rent.

The bigslide has beenamong the least-expensive properties, where May asking rents were off 0.8% compared with a year earlier, to an average of $1,518. Rents for apartments near Boeing offices and factories in Renton and Everett were also down, by as much as 3.1%. The company recently announcedcuts of almost 10,000 jobs in Washington state.

Still, even national landlords with huge luxury portfolios are sweeteningdeals to close contracts. Astatewide eviction moratorium and ban on rent increases have keptarea renters in their apartments and slowed demand.

Read the full story here.

Katherine K. Long

King County and other local organizations announced Tuesday they're planning to partner with free coronavirus-testing campaigns led by Beyonc and her mother, Tina Knowles Lawson.

The partnership a part of Knowles Lawson's#IDIDMYPART campaign and Beyoncs BeyGood initiative will provide two days of free drive-thru COVID-19 testing in South King County cities, "where Black and brown communities are suffering disproportionately from coronavirus," said a statement from the county.

Attendees will also receive community care packages, diapers and toiletries for free.

I could not be prouder and elated that organizations in King County, Washington, stepped up in such a responsible way, Knowles Lawson said in the statement. It is imperative that we remember during these difficult times, when we are fighting for social justice, that we are also in a pandemic that is killing people at an alarming rate. We are dealing with two diseases that are disproportionately ravaging the Black community; COVID-19 and racism. We have to do all we can to combat both.

The first day of free testing will take place on June 13 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. atHealthPoint Administration at 955 Powell Ave. Southwest in Renton. The second day will take place June 14 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Sea Mar Community Health Medical Centerat 31405 18th Ave. South in Federal Way.

Weve always known that Black and brown communities face barriers to quality healthcare compared to white communities, said Hamdi Mohamed, King County policy advisor for the Executive Office of Equity and Social Justice, in the statement. We see it in high maternal mortality rates for Black women, we see it in disproportionately high populations of uninsured people in communities of color, and we see it now in the COVID-19 crisis, as people of color are being affected at a rate nearly two-and-a-half times higher than that of whites."

More information about the testing is available here.

Elise Takahama

In negotiations with players to resume a season shut down by the coronavirus pandemic, Major League Baseball is administering self-inflicted wounds from which it might never fully recover, no matter how tight the pennant races or majestic the play, Seattle Times sports columnist Larry Stone writes.

Stone, a lifelong baseball fanatic, has reflexively fought back against criticism of the sport over the years. "But," he writes, "youre on your own this time, fellas."

Read Stone's full column here.

U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Seattle, and at least 14 other Democratic members of Congress planned to ask a court to require greater COVID-19 safety measures at an Amazon warehouse in New York, in a legal brief supporting workers who sued the company last week.

Employees at Amazons Staten Island distribution center known as JFK8 alleged in the suit that the company did not adequately inform them of disease outbreaks in the facility and maintained oppressive productivity requirements, among other conditions that contributed to the spread of COVID-19 and the death of one of the plaintiffs family members.

The lawmakers urged the judge to issue an emergency injunction under New York state labor law and common law, citing inaction by federal workplace safety regulators and noting their own legislative efforts will take time to enact and implement.

Read the full story here.

Benjamin Romano

Around the world, in varying stages, people are cautiouslyventuring out to shop, eat, vote, protest and more.

See more images from today of a world coping with a new version of daily life.

Courtney Riffkin

Herd immunity is when a virus can no longer spread easily because enough people are immune to it. That lowers the chances of the virus jumping from person to person and reaching those who havent been infected yet.

People can become immune to certain viruses after surviving infection or being vaccinated. Typically, at least 70% of a population must be immune to achieve herd immunity. But how long immunity lasts varies depending on the virus, and its not yet known how long COVID-19 survivors might have that protection.

Here's what to know about herd immunity and whether it could work with COVID-19.

The Associated Press

The Vienna Philharmonic returned home, and its famous strings purred for the first time since March 10.

Its 2,854-seat Musikverein, considered by many the worlds most beautiful concert hall, was filled with only 100 people Friday for the first of three days of programs with Daniel Barenboim. Because of the negligible number, tickets were distributed to family, friends and donors for among the first performances by a major orchestra since the pandemic paused the season.

The three-month gap was difficult for members of the orchestra, which is considered in the music world to rank among the best.

Even if we are not allowed to play a concert, we want to do some recordings or just to play for ourselves, because we are quite convinced that we need to play as an orchestra, said DanielFroschauer, a first violinist and the orchestra chairman. The best soccer teams like Real Madrid, they have to play together.

Read the full story here.

The Associated Press

OLYMPIA Gov. Jay Inslee has extended through Aug. 1 an emergency proclamation intended to protect workers at high risk of COVID-19 from losing their jobs or income.

The order applies to workers 65 or older, as well as people of any age with underlying conditions that could put them at risk if they got infected with the virus.

Among other things, the order bars employers from permanently replacing high-risk workers.

It mandates that high-risk workers be given a choice of alternative work settings, such as working remotely.

High-risk workers can also use leave they've accrued or unemployment benefits if an alternate work assignment isnt feasible and the employee cant safely work.

Joseph O'Sullivan

State health officials confirmed 313 new COVID-19 cases in Washington on Tuesday, as well as 15 additional deaths.

The update brings the states totals to 24,354 cases and 1,176 deaths, according tothe state Department of Healths (DOH) data dashboard. The dashboard reports 3,747 people hospitalized in Washington.

So far, 415,054 tests for the novel coronavirus have been conducted in the state, per DOH. Of those, 5.9% have come back positive.

King County, the state's most populous, has reported 8,529 positive test results and 580 deaths, accounting for a little less than half of the state's death toll.

Scott Greenstone

The coronavirus pandemic continues to rage in Yakima County, with the total number of cases closing in on 5,000.

The Yakima Health District reported 215 more infections Monday, bringing the total of confirmed cases to 4,929.

The Yakima Herald-Republic reported deaths from COVID-19 remained at 96.

We are a hot spot for COVID-19, health district spokeswoman Lilian Bravo said.

Read the story here.

The Associated Press

The World Health Organization walked back its comments that asymptomatic people rarely spread the new coronavirus.

Less than 24 hours after Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, the head of the WHO's emerging disease and zoonosis unit, said that asymptomatic transmission was "very rare" in response to a journalist's question the organization held a press conference Tuesday morning to clarify its position.

But the comment from Monday had already spread widely and been seized upon by conservatives and others to bolster arguments that people do not need to wear masks or maintain social distancing precautions.

The episode sparked criticism of WHOs public health messaging and highlighted just how fraught and easily politicized such work remains months into the pandemic.

I wasnt stating a policy of WHO or anything like that, Kerkhove said. We do know that some people who are asymptomatic, or some people who do not have symptoms, can transmit the virus on.

It was not the intent of WHO to say there is a new or different policy, added Mike Ryan, head of emergency programs for WHO. There is still too much unknown about this virus and still too much unknown about its transmission dynamics.

While asymptomatic transmission does occur, no one knows for sure how frequently that happens. Studies and models have suggested many of those infected never show symptoms. And it remains an open question whether they are a large force driving transmission. At the same time, however, some countries using contact tracing to work backward from confirmed cases have not found many instances of asymptomatic spread, WHO officials noted.

Full story here.

The Washington Post

Moscow emerged from a strict lockdown Tuesday with the city government citing a slowdown in the coronavirus outbreak and critics expressing concerns over the potential for a new wave of infections in the Russian capital.

As of Tuesday, Moscow residents are no longer required to stay at home or obtain electronic passes for traveling around the city, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said Monday. All restrictions on taking walks, using public transportation or driving have been lifted as well.

The sudden ending of restrictions imposed in late March comes weeks before a nationwide vote on a constitutional change that would allow President Vladimir Putin to stay in power until 2036 and was condemned by Kremlin critics as premature and politically motivated.

The lifted lockdown measures not only permitted Moscow residents to move about, but allowed beauty parlors to reopen Tuesday. Outdoor terraces of cafes and restaurants, as well as museums and dental clinics, are set to open on June 16. Kindergartens, gyms and indoor spaces of cafes and restaurants will be allowed to operate starting June 23.

The fight isnt over yet, Sobyanin said in a video address Monday. Nevertheless, I would like to congratulate you on our common victory and a big step towards returning to a full-fledged life.

Read the story here.

The Associated Press

The British government on Tuesday backed away from plans to have all primary school children return to school in England before the summer holidays, following concerns by principals that they could not meet coronavirus social distancing requirements if everyone returned.

Education Secretary Gavin Williamson admitted that the goal for Englands approximately 5 million primary schoolchildren from age 4 to 11 was not possible, given constraints related to classroom sizes, the need for social distancing and inadequate numbers of teachers.

While we are not able to welcome all primary children back for a full month before the summer, we continue to work with the sector on the next steps, Williamson told lawmakers.

Although many of Englands primary schools have been open this entire spring for the children of key workers including health care professionals, delivery drivers and journalists the Conservative government had planned to get all younger children back in stages. Britains school year normally runs until late July.

Read the story here.

The Associated Press

An indicator of new business starts is running ahead of last years pace at the national level, though in Washington state it still trails.

According to the Census Bureau, applications for new tax IDs, which it considers a sign of new business formation, have turned upward in recent weeks.

When calculated as a rolling average over four weeks, the U.S. figure now surpasses the level at this time last year. Washington state has been slower to relax restrictions imposed because of the coronavirus pandemic, and new business formation has been slower to recover.

For more charts on the coronavirus economy and other economic news, click here.

Rami Grunbaum

For the past few weeks, the United States has been wrestling through two tough conversations with itself about two pandemics though the volume got turned way up on the one about racism and health care workers, particularly those of color, are living in the middle of both.

Racism is the biggest public health crisis of our time, one Black surgeon at UW explained during a recent march.

Read the full story here.

Brendan Kiley

Washington state health officials confirmed 312 new COVID-19 cases yesterday. Globally, the pandemic is worsening, with countries on Sunday reporting the biggest-ever one-day total of cases. Track the spread of the virus here.

"We need to get open, because were hemorrhaging cash." Seattle-area small businesses are facing unprecedented challenges, staggered first by coronavirus closures, then by looting.

Here come the masks, Washington hopes. A federal agency's approval of a coveted N95 mask from China paves the way for the state to complete its huge order.

The shutdowns prevented about 60 million coronavirus infections in the U.S, researchers say, and easing them brings new risks. As Washington state creaks back open again, here's our county-by-county guide to what you can do, from haircuts to horse races.

You can go to Canada ... if you're family. The country is easing border restrictions a bit, but requiring a quarantine period.

Kris Higginson

View post:
Coronavirus daily news updates, June 9: What to know today about COVID-19 in the Seattle area, Washington state and the world - Seattle Times


Metal Fiducial Marks Market Emerging Trends, Strong Application Scope, Size, Status, Analysis and Forecast to 2025 – Cole of Duty

June 10th, 2020 6:51 pm

A recent research on Metal Fiducial Marks market, now available with Market Study Report, LLC, is a thorough study on the latest market trends prevailing in the global business sphere. The report also offers important details pertaining to market share, market size, profit estimations, applications and statistics of this industry. The report further presents a detailed competitive analysis including growth strategies adopted by key players of the industry.


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The Metal Fiducial Marks market report is a thorough analysis of this industry vertical. The report predicts the renumeration and growth rate over the forecast timeline. It also elaborates on the key aspects of Metal Fiducial Marks market including market size, industry share held by various regions, and sales accrued by different product segments. An elaborate representation of growth indicators and challenges of this industry vertical is also entailed in the report.

Understanding the Metal Fiducial Marks market with respect to the geographical landscape:

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Other takeaways of the Metal Fiducial Marks market report are listed below:




For More Details On this Report: https://www.marketstudyreport.com/reports/global-metal-fiducial-marks-market-2020-by-manufacturers-regions-type-and-application-forecast-to-2025

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Metal Fiducial Marks Regional Market Analysis

Metal Fiducial Marks Segment Market Analysis (by Type)

Metal Fiducial Marks Segment Market Analysis (by Application)

Metal Fiducial Marks Major Manufacturers Analysis

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See more here:
Metal Fiducial Marks Market Emerging Trends, Strong Application Scope, Size, Status, Analysis and Forecast to 2025 - Cole of Duty


Patient uses fat stem cells to repair his wrist – CNN

June 10th, 2020 6:49 pm

He was tired of the daily pain that made even shaking someone's hand almost unbearable.

Marlette lost his arm in an accident when he was a teenager, but as an active kid, he didn't this slow him down. He continued to play football and golf, running track and even wrestling.

But over time, the strain on his remaining arm and wrist took a toll.

So to relieve his pain, he traveled from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to Munich, Germany, with the hopes that a special procedure using stem cells could make a difference.

"There's no cartilage," Marlette said of his wrist. "I'm bone-on-bone. It is constantly inflamed and very sore."

As Marlette grew older, even the simplest things, like tucking in his shirt or putting on a jacket, became incredibly painful.

Regenerating hope

Marlette developed cysts and holes in the bones of his wrist. Doctors prescribed anti-inflammatory medications, but they only managed the pain, doing nothing to actually heal the problem. One day, his doctor, Dr. Bob Van Demark at Sanford Health in South Dakota, where Marlette works in finance, saw a presentation by Dr. Eckhard Alt.

It was about a new treatment using stem cells.

"Following an infection or wound or trauma," Alt said, "there comes a call to the stem cells in the blood vessels, which are silent, and nature activates those cells."

Stem cells are located throughout our bodies, like a reserve army offering regeneration and repair. When we're injured or sick, our stem cells divide and create new cells to replace those that are damaged or killed. Depending on where the cells are in the body, they adapt, becoming specialized as blood cells, muscle cells or brain cells, for example.

Alt was the first person to use adipose tissue, or fat, as a prime source of stem cells, according to Dr. David Pearce, executive vice president for research at Sanford health.

"He observed that the simplest place to get some stem cells is really from the fat," said Pearce. "Most of us could give some fat up, and those stem cells don't have to be programmed in any way, but if you put in the right environment, they will naturally turn into what the cell type around them is."

Fat tissue has a lot of blood vessels, making it a prime source of stem cells, and Alt recognized that stem cells derived from adipose tissue are also particularly good at becoming cartilage and bone.

Bone marrow is another source of stem cells, but these easily turn into blood and immune cells. Stem cells from fat have another fate.

"Fat-derived stem cells have a different lineage they can turn into, that is really cartilage and bone and other sort of connective tissues," said Pearce.

Van Demark traveled to Alt's Munich clinic along with some doctors from Sanford, which is now partnering with Alt on clinical trials in the United States. Marlette's doctor was impressed with what he saw and recommended the treatment to his patient.

Marlette paid his own way to Munich, where he would receive an injection of stem cells from his own fat tissue.

"I had one treatment, and my wrist felt better almost within the next couple weeks," Marlette said. "Through the course of the next seven months, it continued to feel better and better."

One injection was enough for this ongoing improvement.

"We see (from an MRI scan) that those cysts are gone, the bone has restructured, the inflammation is gone, and he formed ... new cartilage," said Alt.

MRIs confirmed what he was feeling: The cartilage had begun to regenerate in his wrist. Because the procedure uses autologous cells, which are cells from the patient's own body, there's little to no chance of rejection by the body's immune system.

A controversial past

Though the procedure worked for Marlette, the use of stem cells as a form of treatment is not without controversy or risk. In the US, they have been mired in controversy because much of the early research and discussion has been centered around embryonic and fetal stem cells.

Marlette traveled to Germany because approved treatments like this are not available in the United States. Clinics have popped up across the country, but they lack oversight from the Food and Drug Administration.

Dr. Robin Smith, founder of the Stem for Life Foundation, first began working in this field 10 years ago. According to Smith, there were 400 clinical trials for stem cells when she first started; now, there are 4,500. She partnered with the Vatican to hold a stem cell conference last year.

"We're moving toward a new era in medicine," said Smith, who was not involved in this research. "(We are) recognizing cells in our body and immune system can be used in some way -- manipulated, redirected or changed at the DNA level -- to impact health and cure disease. It is an exciting time."

Dr. Nick Boulis is a neurosurgeon with Emory University in Atlanta. His team ran the first FDA-approved clinical trials in the US to inject stem cells in the spinal cords of patients with ALS, better known as Lou Gehrig's disease, and he isn't surprised to see procedures like the one at Alt's clinic in Germany have success.

"Joints and bones heal," Boulis said. "The nervous system is very bad at healing. It doesn't surprise me that we're seeing successes in recapitulating cartilage before we're seeing successes in rebuilding the motherboard."

Smith also cautioned patients to do their research, especially about the types of cells being used. "When you have a health problem, and you need a solution, sometimes you don't have three five, seven years to get there," she said, referencing the slow progression of regulations in places like the United States.

"So really ,look for places that have the regulatory approval of the country they're in. Safety has to be number one," she said.

Alt's Munich clinic was approved by the European equivalent of the FDA, the European Medicines Agency. Through the partnership with Sanford, the health group is now launching clinical trials in America, focusing on rotator cuff injuries, a common shoulder injury. This is the first FDA-approved trial of its kind.

Further down the line, Alt hopes to see stem cells used for such issues as heart procedures and treating the pancreas to help diabetics. For him, the growth is limitless.

"I think it will be exponential," he said. "It will be the same thing (we saw) with deciphering the human genome. The knowledge will go up exponentially, and the cost will go exponentially down. For me, the most exciting thing is to see how you can help patients that have been desperate for which there was no other option, no hope, and how well they do."

For Marlette, it has meant a wrist free from pain and a life free from pain medication.

Since the procedure in August, he hasn't taken any of the anti-inflammatory drugs. "I have more range of motion with my wrist, shaking hands didn't hurt anymore," he said. "My wrist seems to continue to improve, and there's less and less pain all the time."

More here:
Patient uses fat stem cells to repair his wrist - CNN


FDA Warns About Stem Cell Therapies | FDA

June 10th, 2020 6:49 pm


Researchers hope stem cells will one day be effective in the treatment of many medical conditions and diseases. But unproven stem cell treatments can be unsafeso get all of the facts if youre considering any treatment.

Stem cells have been called everything from cure-alls to miracle treatments. But dont believe the hype. Some unscrupulous providers offer stem cell products that are both unapproved and unproven. So beware of potentially dangerous proceduresand confirm whats really being offered before you consider any treatment.

The facts: Stem cell therapies may offer the potential to treat diseases or conditions for which few treatments exist. Sometimes called the bodys master cells, stem cells are the cells that develop into blood, brain, bones, and all of the bodys organs. They have the potential to repair, restore, replace, and regenerate cells, and could possibly be used to treat many medical conditions and diseases.

But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is concerned that some patients seeking cures and remedies are vulnerable to stem cell treatments that are illegal and potentially harmful. And the FDA is increasing its oversight and enforcement to protect people from dishonest and unscrupulous stem cell clinics, while continuing to encourage innovation so that the medical industry can properly harness the potential of stem cell products.

To do your part to stay safe, make sure that any stem cell treatment you are considering is either:

And see the boxed section below for more advice.

The FDA has the authority to regulate stem cell products in the United States.

Today, doctors routinely use stem cells that come from bone marrow or blood in transplant procedures to treat patients with cancer and disorders of the blood and immune system.

With limited exceptions, investigational products must also go through a thorough FDA review process as investigators prepare to determine the safety and effectiveness of products in well-controlled human studies, called clinical trials. The FDA has reviewed many stem cell products for use in these studies.

As part of the FDAs review, investigators must show how each product will be manufactured so the FDA can make sure appropriate steps are being taken to help assure the products safety, purity, and strength (potency). The FDA also requires sufficient data from animal studies to help evaluate any potential risks associated with product use. (You can learn more about clinical trials on the FDAs website.)

That said, some clinics may inappropriately advertise stem cell clinical trials without submitting an IND. Some clinics also may falsely advertise that FDA review and approval of the stem cell therapy is unnecessary. But when clinical trials are not conducted under an IND, it means that the FDA has not reviewed the experimental therapy to help make sure it is reasonably safe. So be cautious about these treatments.

About FDA-approved Products Derived from Stem Cells

The only stem cell-based products that are FDA-approved for use in the United States consist of blood-forming stem cells (hematopoietic progenitor cells) derived from cord blood.

These products are approved for limited use in patients with disorders that affect the body system that is involved in the production of blood (called the hematopoietic system). These FDA-approved stem cell products are listed on the FDA website. Bone marrow also is used for these treatments but is generally not regulated by the FDA for this use.

All medical treatments have benefits and risks. But unproven stem cell therapies can be particularly unsafe.

For instance, attendees at a 2016 FDA public workshop discussed several cases of severe adverse events. One patient became blind due to an injection of stem cells into the eye. Another patient received a spinal cord injection that caused the growth of a spinal tumor.

Other potential safety concerns for unproven treatments include:

Note: Even if stem cells are your own cells, there are still safety risks such as those noted above. In addition, if cells are manipulated after removal, there is a risk of contamination of the cells.

When stem cell products are used in unapproved waysor when they are processed in ways that are more than minimally manipulated, which relates to the nature and degree of processingthe FDA may take (and has already taken) a variety of administrative and judicial actions, including criminal enforcement, depending on the violations involved.

In August 2017, the FDA announced increased enforcement of regulations and oversight of stem cell clinics. To learn more, see the statement from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., on the FDA website.

And in March 2017, to further clarify the benefits and risks of stem cell therapy, the FDA published a perspective article in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The FDA will continue to help with the development and licensing of new stem cell therapies where the scientific evidence supports the products safety and effectiveness.

Know that the FDA plays a role in stem cell treatment oversight. You may be told that because these are your cells, the FDA does not need to review or approve the treatment. That is not true.

Stem cell products have the potential to treat many medical conditions and diseases. But for almost all of these products, it is not yet known whether the product has any benefitor if the product is safe to use.

If you're considering treatment in the United States:

If you're considering treatment in another country:

Read more here:
FDA Warns About Stem Cell Therapies | FDA


Lunch Forum Reopens: The Woodlands Lunch Forum to Host Longevity and Health Event – Woodlands Online

June 10th, 2020 6:48 pm

Larry Deckerhoff, trusted adviser to companies and entrepreneurs in The Woodlands (Texas), announced the continuation of The Woodlands Lunch Forum Series with a luncheon event scheduled for Friday, 10 July 2020 atAmerigos Grille25250 Grogans Park Drive in The Woodlands. The Forum is scheduled to start at 11:30 AM and last an hour and a half. Mr. Deckerhoff indicated,

The theme of this Lunch Forum is Advanced Health for the New Millennium, Immunotherapy and Rejuvenation Focus on Supercharged Immune Systems During Troubled Times. Among our featured speakers will be Ralph Fucetola JD, President of The Woodlands own Institute for Health Research. He will be joined by two experts in rejuvenation and immunotherapies. The short presentations will leave plenty of time to reconnect and enjoy the extraordinary cuisine at Amerigos Grille.

Interested participants are requested to RSVP to stephen.contreras1@hotmail.com the requested donation of $70.00 includes a three course gourmet lunch. Donations in excess of luncheon value are tax-deductible.

Speakers include: Ralph Fucetola JD President, the Institute for Health Research http://www.InHeRe.org Bill Hayes, NutraSpace http://www.NutraSpace.com Elliot Gorog, Health Matching Accounts http://www.healthmatchingaccounts.com

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Lunch Forum Reopens: The Woodlands Lunch Forum to Host Longevity and Health Event - Woodlands Online


Lunch Forum Series Reopens: The Woodlands Lunch Forum Series to Host Longevity and Health Event July 10th at Amerigo’s Grille – Woodlands Online

June 10th, 2020 6:48 pm

THE WOODLANDS, TX - Larry Deckerhoff, trusted adviser to companies and entrepreneurs in The Woodlands (Texas), announced the continuation of The Woodlands Lunch Forum Series with a luncheon event scheduled for Friday, 10 July 2020 at Amerigos Grille, 25250 Grogans Park Drive in The Woodlands. The Forum is scheduled to start at 11:30 AM and last an hour and a half. Mr. Deckerhoff indicated,

Meet You After the Pandemic Reopening

The theme of this Lunch Forum is Advanced Health for the New Millennium, Immunotherapy and Rejuvenation Focus on Supercharged Immune Systems During Troubled Times. Among our featured speakers will be Ralph Fucetola JD, President of The Woodlands own Institute for Health Research. He will be joined by two experts in rejuvenation and immunotherapies. The short presentations will leave plenty of time to reconnect and enjoy the extraordinary cuisine at Amerigos Grille.

The Institute, which was founded in 1998, and focuses on leading edge, natural and nutritional support for vigorous aging and powerful immunity, announces the reopening of its The Woodlands office.

The Institute President will introduce advanced approaches to health and longevity through the featured speakers who are positioned to inform and enlighten, in cooperation with NutraSpace, Health Matching Accounts and Natural Solutions Foundation.

Interested participants are requested to RSVP to stephen.contreras1@hotmail.com the requested donation of $75.00 includes a three course gourmet lunch. Donations in excess of luncheon value are tax-deductible.

Speakers include: Ralph Fucetola JD President, the Institute for Health Research http://www.InHeRe.org Bill Hayes, NutraSpace http://www.NutraSpace.com Elliot Gorog, Health Matching Accounts http://www.healthmatchingaccounts.com

The President of the Institute concluded:

We look forward to a growing presence in The Woodlands community as our alliances with local and regional companies and researchers continue to mature. Our research interests include areas as diverse as longevity nutrition, immunotherapy and autism retrieval. While we expect that the latest pandemic from China, COVID-19, will be contained, holistic approaches to stimulating natural immunity remain highly relevant and are a significant area of Institute interest.

Here is the original post:
Lunch Forum Series Reopens: The Woodlands Lunch Forum Series to Host Longevity and Health Event July 10th at Amerigo's Grille - Woodlands Online


Will long snapper Kam Canaday have the longevity as Greg Warren? – Behind the Steel Curtain

June 10th, 2020 6:48 pm

Part 16 of our 90-part series assuming the roster does not change before we are complete which will break down each player of the Steelers current 90-man roster in alphabetical order. This series will encompass many aspects of each players game and their current role with the team. At the end, Ill give some projected stats as well as their chances to make the 53-man roster.

This time we spotlight Steelers Long Snapper:

Position: LSHeight: 6 4Weight: 245 lbsCollege: Portland StateDraft: UDFA, 2016 (Cardinals)

16 Games played

Expires in 2021

$1,135,00 salary cap number (0.57% of total cap)

$450,000 dead money

$685,000 cap savings if cut

Lock. Believe it or not Canaday actually has some competition heading into camp, linebacker/long snapper Christian Kuntz. That being said, cutting Canaday would set the team back nearly $500k so I highly doubt hes going anywhere unless he completely forgot how to snap the ball.

Hows this for expert analysis, I predict Canaday won't botch a single snap... Long snapping stats are fun... Give me a break...

16 Games played

Kameron Canaday, has been a fine long snapper for the Steelers. The best thing we can say about him is that we haven't had to talk about him since he came to the team in 2017. Much like his predecessor, Greg Warren he has been consistent and low maintenance. You can't ask for anything more from your long snapper.

Ola AdeniyiMarcus AllenTyson AlualuTrajan BandyZach BannerJ.T. BarrettJohn BattleJordan BerrySaeed BlacknallBreon BordersChris BoswellAntoine Brooks Jr.Isaiah BuggsDevin BushDeon Cain

Original post:
Will long snapper Kam Canaday have the longevity as Greg Warren? - Behind the Steel Curtain


Aon warns pensions not to over-react to Covid-19 mortality spike – Artemis.bm

June 10th, 2020 6:48 pm

Insurance and reinsurance broker and consultancy Aon has warned UK pension schemes not to over-react to the recent short-term spike in mortality rates in the country, as the impact to longevity risk assumptions may not be as significant as it seems.Aons Risk Settlement Group, which deals with pension risk transfer, including the buy-in and buy-out side as well as longevity reinsurance and longevity swaps, says that overall the longevity markets are continuing to function effectively despite the impacts of COVID-19.

Of course, the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has caused a significant spike in excess mortality rates in almost every country affected. In the United Kingdom the increase in excess mortality as a result of the pandemic has been among the highest, with the country perhaps the hardest hit.

Aon does not believe this warrants any significant changes in assumption over the forward-mortality rate at this time, though.

Instead, the broker cautioned UK pension schemes against over-reacting to the elevated short-term mortality data when it comes to setting their long-term mortality assumptions.

Tim Gordon, partner and head of Demographic Horizons in Aons Risk Settlement Group, explained, Were emerging from the initial wave of the global COVID-19 pandemic with no effective vaccine and with some critical aspects still unknown. Some people may therefore assume that life expectancy must have reduced, but this is not necessarily the case.

While there are potential outcomes of this crisis that could reduce life expectancy, including the possible impact of economic recession, there are also potential outcomes that could result in higher life expectancy. These could include increased spending on health and social care, and a potential hardening of the UK to future pandemics.

Pension schemes look closely at mortality rate data, modeling and indications to help in setting their assumptions related to longevity risk exposure and also funding needs.

Decisions related to entering into pension risk transfer are made on these basis, while longevity exposure drives the need for hedging and de-risking solutions to reduce exposure to pensioners living longer than anticipated.

So, with excess mortality rates having spiked due to the Covid-19 pandemic, pensions may be thinking they can reduce their longevity assumption and expect to offset longevity de-risking decisions, but this isnt necessarily the case.

Gordon continued, On top of this, the socio-economic profile of pension schemes means that their liabilities are typically partially insulated from the variations we see in national mortality statistics. Accordingly, it would be premature now to make major changes to best estimate longevity assumptions in either direction. Indeed, it is reasonable for median best estimate assumptions to remain broadly unchanged.

Martin Bird, senior partner and head of Aons Risk Settlement Group, added, Longevity markets have continued to function efficiently over the course of the crisis to date, with bulk annuities and longevity swap transactions continuing apace. Trustees and sponsors have, in our experience, taken the view that risk settlement forms part of their long-term risk management strategy and have been comfortable with proceeding with transactions, despite the turbulence from COVID-19. In fact, in some cases, agile clients have been able to take advantage of pricing opportunities, such as those arising from increased credit spreads earlier in the crisis.

More than ever, it is important for schemes to keep their wits about them when entering a potential transaction. Particular features in the current environment are the need to understand the consequences of different on-risk dates and the potential for regret risk as well as ensuring that investment portfolios are adequately stress-tested to guard against any later liquidity problems.

Reinsurance markets remain open for longevity risk transfer and pension de-risking business at this time, with this area of the market well-capitalised still and likely to continue to be for the foreseeable future.

However, the capital markets still remains ready to assist to a degree and there continues to be appetite for longevity exposure in some life ILS fund strategies.

Read about many historical longevity swap and reinsurance transactions in our Longevity Risk Transfer Deal Directory.

Excerpt from:
Aon warns pensions not to over-react to Covid-19 mortality spike - Artemis.bm


Black Winemaker Launches ‘Love-Infused’ Wine After Loss Of Wife – Essence

June 10th, 2020 6:48 pm

Breaking into the wine business is no easy feat especially if youre Black. In fact, there are only approximately 50 black-owned wineries globally, so the journey from winemaker to now president of the Association of African American Vintners was of course met with many challenges.

But none of them could stop Phil Long.

Not even a global pandemic or the loss of his wife and co-founder, Deborah, a year ago to cancer.

Through blood, sweat and tears Long was able to push their dream forward, and fulfill what they started in a garage years ago with the creation of Longevity Wines what he likes to call, a love infused brand. Now with a unique partnership with Bronco Wine Co., the makers of Charles Shaw wines for Trader Joes, Long is able to spread the love and distribute his cabernet sauvignon and chardonnay nationally.

In this interview with ESSENCE, Long shares the inspiration behind his new collection, his hopes for making the wine industry more inclusive and further plans for expansion.

You began your wine journey making wine in the garage with your wife Debra. Because Longevity is defined as a love-infused brand is it inspired by her?

The Longevity brand is absolutely inspired by Debrashe even came up with the name. When I suggested Long Family Cellars, she asked me to look around and tell her what part of our family was helping us make wine? Obviously, the name became Longevity, which is both a play on our last name and a reference to our enduring love for each other and for sharing great wine.

When Deborah and I were dating, I started giving her glass hearts for Valentines Day. Everything in her life became hearts: heart rocks, heart jewelry, heart everything. When we rebranded in 2009, I designed the current label with the intricate heart that contains more hearts along with grapevines and grapes to truly represent who we are. Today, that heart is the icon of our brand and the symbol of our love story.

What makes Longevity stand out against the rest?

Its the heart on the bottle that draws people into our love affair with wine and with each other. Then, they celebrate their own love stories with the delicious wine inside. But its not just about the brand, which has been in many TV shows and movies, its also the fact that this $16 wine competes in the rating arena with wines priced upwards of $50.

What was the creative process behind developing the Longevity collection?

At some point in our journey, we decided that we should have at least one wine named after each family member; that meant one for Debra (Deb-ru-vee), one for me (Phil-osophy) and one for our precious little Havanese pup, PressTon. We still have those three wines on the tasting menu today. They represent no less than 10 different varieties of grapes we use to blend and also to make single varietal wines depending on the quantity available. Those wines have become our signature wines.

What are the changes you feel the wine industry needs to make to be more inclusive?

The fact is African American winemakers make up only one tenth of one percent of the wine industry. In the world of statistics, that rounds down to zero. I think we need to focus on increasing awareness of the fact that African American winemakers do exist and that we produce great wines. Id like to see wineries across the country building a diverse workforce with education programs, internships and scholarships.

Whats one thing about wine that you want to educate Black people on?

In my parents house, there was this tall bottle of Chianti with a basket bowl at the bottom of it. Thats about all I knew about wine growing up. When I went to college, I didnt even know that wine was an industry or a career path. I would like to educate not only African Americans about the world of wine, but all Americans who dont have access to information about this delicacy and its industry. Wine can be a rewarding career.

How do you plan on expanding your company?

Longevity is in the fortunate position to have partnered with Bronco Wine Company to launch our brand nationally. I am now producing California wines on a much larger scale to meet the needs of a national brand. We are still producing our reserve wines in our Livermore Valley facility and every bottle of nationally distributed wine encourages customers to visit our Livermore Valley tasting room.

Continue reading here:
Black Winemaker Launches 'Love-Infused' Wine After Loss Of Wife - Essence


pandemic-restrictions-arent-stopping-us-heres-what you need to know – Longevity LIVE

June 10th, 2020 6:48 pm

Pandemic trends show that despite some restrictions many countries are experiencing, were still finding many ways to move. According to Garmin trends data, yes. Most of the worlds daily step count has decreased significantly. However, this is not the whole picture, since many people have developed new routines with different types of exercises to stay active. So just because were experiencing a pandemic, it doesnt mean were sitting on our behind all day.

There has been a massive shift in the way people are moving across the globe. An earlier report by Garmin saw remarkable changes in the types of sports and exercises people were choosing to do. Moreover, Garmin states that simply looking at the step count wont tell a complete story. We know that this number is down in every country, but it doesnt necessarily mean people are exercising less. Think about it. There could be a lady who lives in a tiny flat in Italy, who hasnt been able to walk much at all. But we dont know what shes doing in her flat to keep active. For all we know, she could be cycling indoors for 20km a day. Thats why Garmin has taken this into consideration in their new pandemic trend report. In fact, it could even mean that many people are moving more.

We need to get an accurate picture of how people are moving around the world. Fortunately, Garmins wearable devices can tell us how people are moving, and not just if theyre moving. We do know that the total worldwide steps decreased by 12% in April 2020. However, steps from just workout activities increased by 24%. This means that more people are exercising but in different ways. This makes up for the suppression of normal daily movement during the pandemic.

Its crazy to think that years from today, were going to look back at this pandemic and remember April as the month COVID-19 hit us. Coronavirus extended its debilitating reach to nearly every country, culture, and community on Earth. Theres no denying the fact that the pandemic has impacted our daily lives phenomenally. Besides that, we thought it would be interesting to report back on the effects its having on human activity.

According to the Garmin report, we see a clear reflection of the pandemics crippling global power. Especially when you compare April 2020 to April last year. Aggregated data from millions of Garmin users shows a worldwide decrease of 12% in average daily steps.

Note that Garmin applied a fixed data scale to every country in the world. For this reason, results are magnified for countries with lower population counts and stricter stay-at-home orders. For example, the U.S. compared to Uzbekistan. While Uzbekistan is nowhere near the U.S. in the number of coronavirus cases. It has a bigger percentage decrease because there are fewer people and stricter lockdown rules.

Although the data shows were not walking as much as before, we are moving quite a bit. People are keeping fit during this pandemic, by completing home workouts and other forms of activity to compensate. We cant deny the fact that its certainly become a lot more interesting when it comes to exercise. People are demonstrating a lot of creativity.

We can see that theres a clear reduction in general movement, but when we take a deeper look at the data. Things get a bit more enticing. Garmin reports that a portion of these total worldwide steps come from uploaded activities like running, cycling and hiking. With 20 built-in activity apps on Garmin devices, they were able to accurately detect this data.

This means that if we look at just the steps coming from these logged activities. We can find the opposite trend.On average, steps from logged activities were up 24% worldwide. To sum up, people have started to engage in unique exercise activities to make-up for lost steps in their everyday routines. Not bad for being locked in your home due to a pandemic.

Whether its true, pandemic or not, come hell-high-water, people are getting their exercise in.

The question remains, what is everybody doing to stay fit during the pandemic?

Based on the data, its clear that Garmin users are turning to activities that are most viable depending on their geographic location. Some of these activities are highlighted in our previous post on pandemic trends inthe U.S. and Europe. However, this new data gives us a complete global picture.

The picture below shows activities that saw the largest increase in each country. This is when we compare April 2020 to April 2019.

From what we can see, it seems that most countries have taken to indoor cycling. Apparently, Australians and Canadians both seem to agree that walking is the best activity during life in quarantine. But China, Mexico, South Africa and a handful of other countries have all turned to fitness equipment workouts. But what kind of fitness equipment workouts? Garmin says that indoor cardio accounts for 50% of these workouts. Last year duringDuring the same time period, over 50% of the activities in this category were strength training. Thats very interesting, the pandemic has definitely forced people to make adjustments to their usual routine.

Remember when everybody was raving about strength training? Well, now we have to adapt and look into doing some more cardio too. Moreover, this shift indicates that weve made a shift from gym-structured workouts to home-based find-a-way workouts. Although its evident that a vast majority of people cycle indoors, Garmin took it a step further. They decided to consult a couple of Garmin pro athletes to collect some qualitative context. Interestingly, they said that certain areas like France are not able to cycle outside. says U.S. triathlete Taylor

As a result of the pandemic, many who never did indoor cycling are now doing it five times per week.

The triathlete also said that many athletes are spending more time on platforms like Zwift. He said that their training group meets once every 2 weeks to do a session together. Its a great way to keep yourself motivated to keep moving when having regular virtual sessions. Moreover, its a wonderful way to remain in contact even if it is only once a week. This is particularly important if youre used to meeting regularly with your training group of workout buddies at the gym.

Whilst the pandemic has pushed humanity toward some activities, it has decisively turned it away from others. In a previous article that focused on European trends, it noted that swimming had all but disappeared. As we compare April 2020 to April 2019, this looks to be a global trend too. The data shows significant decreases in swimming activity from the Americas to the Far East.

However, this doesnt mean that swimmers are just sitting all day. The data shows that in Australia 54% of the users who swam in April 2019 are instead running outdoors in April 2020. Then in China, 43% of the users swamin April of last year they were either running or cycling outside this year. In the U.S., pro triathletes are keeping up their fitness by working hard at home. Since most public pools are closed, theyre doing more gym-based strength workouts. If youre a swimmer, then you can even try to replicate some movements and muscle patterns of swimming.

When it comes to multisport training, hiking and golf theres been a massive decrease in multiple countries. But like swimmers, these guys are looking for alternatives. For example, in South Africa, 20% of the users who were golfing in April 2019 turned to indoor fitness workouts in April 2020. And then another 11% began indoor cycling.

The consensus seems to be that people are using this time to their advantage. Particularly if youre an athlete, wed imagine youre using this pandemic to prepare your body for when sports return. Its important to try to maintain your usual activity levels even if it means trying something new.

In conclusion, its obvious that we are finding a way to move no matter what. From the mainstream to a professional athlete, people are adapting routines but clearly not stopping them. If youre a runner but used to enjoy running with your teammates, then try listening to some podcasts or audiobooks while you run. Theres always a way to work around this pandemic.

Hold tight guys, team sports will return eventually. But for now, finding other ways to move on your own is your best bet. Fitness is just one of millions of routine adjustments being made around the world.

Snacking all day, making constant trips to the fridge? Yeah, we totally get where youre coming from.

The Impact of the Global Pandemic on Human Activity: Part III. Garmin. https://www.garmin.com/en-US/blog/fitness/the-impact-of-the-global-pandemic-on-human-activity-part-iii/

The Global Pandemic and Active Lifestyles: Part II. Garmin. https://www.garmin.com/en-US/blog/general/the-global-pandemic-and-active-lifestyles-part-ii/

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pandemic-restrictions-arent-stopping-us-heres-what you need to know - Longevity LIVE


COVID-19 Update: Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market is Expected to Grow at a Healthy CAGR with top players CohBar, TA Sciences, Unity…

June 10th, 2020 6:48 pm

Due to the pandemic, we have included a special section on the Impact of COVID 19 on the Longevity and Anti-senescence TherapyMarket which would mention How the Covid-19 is Affecting the Industry, Market Trends and Potential Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape, Key Regions and Proposal for Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market Players to battle Covid-19 Impact.

The Longevity and Anti-senescence TherapyMarket report is one of the most comprehensive and important data about business strategies, qualitative and quantitative analysis of Global Market. It offers detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market. The market analysts authoring this report have provided in-depth information on leading growth drivers, restraints, challenges, trends, and opportunities to offer a complete analysis of the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market.

Top Leading players covered in the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market report: CohBar, TA Sciences, Unity Biotechnology, AgeX Therapeutics?Inc, PowerVision Inc. and More

Get PDF Sample Report With Impact of COVID-19 on Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy [emailprotected] https://www.marketinforeports.com/Market-Reports/Request-Sample/83332

The report offers clear guidelines for players to cement a position of strength in the global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market. It prepares them to face future challenges and take advantage of lucrative opportunities by providing a broad analysis of market conditions. the global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market will showcase a steadyCAGR in the forecast year 2020 to 2024.

Product Type SegmentationHemolytic Drug TherapyGene TherapyImmunotherapyOther Stem Cell Therapies

Industry SegmentationHospitalMedical Service InstitutionDrug and Device Sales

Our Complimentary Sample Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market Report Accommodate a Brief Introduction of the research report, TOC, List of Tables and Figures, Competitive Landscape and Geographic Segmentation, Innovation and Future Developments Based on Research Methodology.

Inquire and Get Up to 30% DiscountBy Clicking Here!https://www.marketinforeports.com/Market-Reports/Request_discount/83332

Regions Covered in the Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market: The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt) North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada) South America (Brazil etc.) Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.) Asia-Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)

Years Considered to Estimate the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market Size:History Year: 2015-2019Base Year: 2019Estimated Year: 2020Forecast Year: 2020-2024

Highlights of the Report: Accurate market size and CAGR forecasts for the period 2019-2024 Identification and in-depth assessment of growth opportunities in key segments and regions Detailed company profiling of top players of the global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market Exhaustive research on innovation and other trends of the global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market Reliable industry value chain and supply chain analysis Comprehensive analysis of important growth drivers, restraints, challenges, and growth prospects

For More Information:https://www.marketinforeports.com/Market-Reports/83332/Longevity-and-Anti-senescence-Therapy-market

Customization of the Report:Market Info Reports provides customization of reports as per your need. This report can be personalized to meet your requirements. Get in touch with our sales team, who will guarantee you to get a report that suits your necessities.

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COVID-19 Update: Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market is Expected to Grow at a Healthy CAGR with top players CohBar, TA Sciences, Unity...


Chinese Company Linked To Tesla Says It Is Ready To Start Making Million-Mile EV Battery – Forbes

June 10th, 2020 6:48 pm

Electric motor on a Tesla Model X full electric car chassis demonstration model on display at ... [+] Brussels Expo in Brussels, Belgium. The platform is fitted with the electric motors for the rear and front wheels and shows the empty space in the middle where the battery packs are fitted on the production models. (Photo by Sjoerd van der Wal)

Concern over the longevity of the batteries powering Tesla electric cars seems to waning as the stock price pushes ever higher, and the Californa-based (for now) carmaker may soon offer drivers even more security in the form of a battery that will last for over a million miles worth of driving.

Chinese battery maker Contemporary Amperex Technology, better known as CATL, which inked a supply deal with Tesla in February, claims it is ready to produce a new battery that will likely outlast an owners time with the car - a situation that has ramifications beyond just driving on electricity.

To be clear, CATLs battery tech doesnt give drivers a million miles on a single charge (that day is still a ways off), rather, the company claims that the battery will work for over 1.2 million driven miles over the course of sixteen years, or about 75,000 miles a year. Driving range will ultimately be determined by the size of the battery pack fitted to the car, but current Tesla models are giving drivers between 250 and 390 miles of range before needing a recharge. depending on configuration and model.

Most car owners in the U.S. drive their cars less than 20,000 miles per year on average. According to the BBC, most EV makers currently warranty their batteries for 60,000 to 150,000 miles.

CATL says it has a two-year contract with Tesla to start putting the new battery in Model 3 units. Terms of the contract were not specified. A company spokesperson told Bloomberg that they stand ready to begin production pending any orders they receive and that the new battery will be a 10% premium over their regular offerings. The BBC reports that CATL is looking to start producing batteries at a plant to be constructed near the German town of Erfurt in 2021. Tesla is also building a new Gigafactory in Germany and hopes to have it up and running in 2021. CATL also indicated they will offer the new batteries to car companies besides Tesla.

After The Car

While a million mile battery sounds impressive, its unlikely that a large number of electric car owners will ever drive their vehicle that distance, and in time, the rest of the vehicle may end up as unusable due to wear and tear, accidents or other service-ending reasons. At the point, the still-useful battery could find service in another role - or possibly in another vehicle as a used electric vehicle market begins to form. The batteries could also be repurposed as home energy storage units or as part of a large-scale battery array that provides power to a community or as power backup for a remote hospital.

The Electric Achilles Heel - For Now

Electric cars (and soon: trucks) continue to gain in popularity, with the now-obvious benefits of impressive performance, quiet operation, less maintenance and low operational costs becoming selling points. But the key component of electric vehicles - the battery - still needs to overcome several hurdles before it can compete squarely with gas-driven machines. Battery costs, charging times, capacity and longevity remain challenging technological problems, and while those problems will likely be solved in the next decade or so, the companies that can up with the solutions stand to reap enormous rewards as all sectors of transportation begin to shift away from fossil fuels. The quest for ever better batteries is driving research and innovation at numerous companies around the globe, with an almost unlimited market as the prize. CATLs battery tech is yet another possible step towards that eventual future.

Want to comment? I post my articles on Twitter, my Facebook page and LinkedIn posts page. Im always interested in your feedback. Thanks for reading and please click Follow below to see new articles when they are posted on Forbes.com.

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Chinese Company Linked To Tesla Says It Is Ready To Start Making Million-Mile EV Battery - Forbes


Council resumes meetings open to the public – Portsmouth Daily Times

June 10th, 2020 6:48 pm

PORTSMOUTH Portsmouth City Council met Monday for their first meeting open to the press and public since COVID-19 precautions were established in March.

Council members and those present still practiced social distancing while the meeting took place at the Shawnee State University Ballroom. Council dispensed of the reading of the journal for May 26 and excused the absent member of council Tom Lowe.

From the legislative portion of the meeting council passed for first reading an ordinance enacting a new Chapter entitled Discrimination Prohibited, of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Portsmouth establishing a procedure to protect and safeguard the right and opportunity of all persons to be free from all forms of discrimination, including discrimination based on age, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or physical characteristics and an ordinance amending Section 125.03 (K) Procedures to Determine the Lowest and Best Bid for Construction of Public Improvements of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Portsmouth, Ohio, an Ordinance amending Chapter 171- Fair Housing Practices of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Portsmouth, Other items passed for their respective readings included an Ordinance amending Chapter 171- Fair Housing Practices of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Portsmouth, and an ordinance amending Section 541.08 Ethnic Intimidation of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Portsmouth.

An Ordinance authorizing approval of the consent legislation submitted by Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) determining the need for a guardrail project to update Type A end treatments along NHS routes within the corporation limits of Portsmouth and an ordinance authorizing the acceptance of the United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance funding, under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (EBMJAG) to establish a dedicated account for this grant and to authorize the appropriation of such funding as received, and an ordinance authorizing the acceptance of the United States Department of Justice, and An Ordinance authorizing the employees in the positions of Police Chief and Fire Chief be afforded the same rates for longevity as bargaining unit members within the respective departments were each waived of the three reading rule and were passed by council.

An item added to the agenda to amend the salary ordinance as amended by ordinance no. 87 of 2019 to reflect a 2.75% wage increase for FOP lodge no. 33 and a 2.5% for ASME local 1039 received as of Jan. 1 2020 a 2.75% wage increase retroactive to Jan. 1 2020 for nonunion employees longevity increases to nonunion employees as authorized per ordinance no. 66 of 2017, the addition of parks of recreation director per ordinance no. 71 of 2019 and a wage increase for position of police chief as per 2020 budget ordinance no. 7 and repeal ordinance no. 87 of 2019 was also passed for a first reading by council.

During statements and remarks from citizens regarding items not on the agenda, Sharon Bender addressed council in regards to the death at the Scioto County Jail. Bender said that although the issue is that of the county, people arrested by the Portsmouth Police also go to the jail. There are a lot of questions that need answered, and I think all people within the city of Portsmouth should be concerned that a man has died. I dont really know how more too express other than I think there are irregularities in the photos Ive seen of the man, said Bender. Bender stated that everyone in Portsmouth should be concerned because there is potential for family members of anyone in Portsmouth to find themselves at the jail and that we must demand answers and for the situation to be further addressed. Carrie Duncan also addressed council and voiced her concerns for systematic racism, calling on members of council to use their positions to promote unity.

During his Mayors report, Councilmen Johnson suggested that council be given each a copy of Ms. Duncans questions to answer during next meetings conference in order to follow Sunshine Laws.

Reach: Ivy Potter (740) 353-3101 Extension 1932

2020 Portsmouth Daily Times, all rights reserved

Follow this link:
Council resumes meetings open to the public - Portsmouth Daily Times


Fans Claim Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip Posted a Fake Photo for His Birthday – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

June 10th, 2020 6:48 pm

Celebrities and public figures using Photoshop is a common occurrence. But when its Queen Elizabeth accused of sharing altered photos, its sure to raise a few eyebrows.

The photo in question got posted to the official British royal family Instagram account on June 10 in honor of Prince Philips 99th birthday. Its a milestone birthday even by royal family standards and theyre known for longevity.

The picture of the queen and Philip standing outside Windsor Castle is making rounds on social media not because the Duke of Edinburgh turned 99, but rather because many royal fans are saying its a total fake.

Part of the reason the photo became instantly popular is that Her Majesty and Prince Philip dont take many photos together anymore, especially after the Duke of Edinburgh retired from his public duties in 2017. The picture is the first glimpse of Prince Philip since he was spotted leaving a London hospital on Christmas Eve 2019.

Meanwhile, Queen Elizabeth is still very active in public life and ruling even during the current global pandemic.

At first glance, the Duke of Edinburghs birthday snapshot looks totally normal. He and Queen Elizabeth are standing on the lush, green lawn of Windsor Castle where she and her husband have been holed up since quarantine guidelines became mandatory.

But upon closer inspection, fans are noticing that theres somethingstrange about the picture. Theyre saying it looks like a bad Photoshopattempt.

Look at [the queens] hands its clearly photoshopped. I havea feeling they werent even physically together for this photo, one Facebook userin a royalfamily fan group shared. The more I look at it the more I can see what is wrong withthe photo, another agreed.

The main complaint about the photo is that the shadows on Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip dont match the sunny background, giving it an odd appearance that seems fake. Could it be that the photo was taken in front of a green screen with the backdrop added later? Maybe.

My guess is that they took the picture indoors and thensuperimposed it over the outdoors of Windsor Castle. Either that or its somesort of 3D photo, one commenter explained.

Others claim the couple looks too healthy in the picture. They are too young in that pic. He is much more frail, another person said. Am I the only one who thinks he had his jacked padded to appear healthier? one follower wondered. Philips hair looks touched up too! added another.

Between the global pandemic and civil unrest, people are feeling very nervous all around the globe. The royal family released the photo partly to celebrate the Duke of Edinburghs birthday and partly to remind the United Kingdom that Her Majesty is still working and still in charge.

Photoshoppedor not, its a lovely photo and positive gesture from the royals.

Read the original here:
Fans Claim Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip Posted a Fake Photo for His Birthday - Showbiz Cheat Sheet


LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Sunday was just the beginning – The Auburn Plainsman

June 10th, 2020 6:48 pm

We are Auburn Students and Community for Change. The purpose of the protest on Sunday, June 7, was to amplify the call to justice for the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade and the countless Black people who have lost their lives at the hands of police brutality.

We are heartbroken and enraged for every community that has lost someone to the cruelty of both the police and the systems that consistently and unremorsefully uphold the polices reign over Black lives.

Auburn Students and Community for Change would like to thank everyone for attending Sunday's protest and standing in solidarity with the Black community.

We would also like to extend our appreciation to the many people that have contributed to and supported the protest that were unable to be present with us. Your support does not go unnoticed.

Even though the protest on Sunday has ended, the Black Lives Matter movement and Auburn 4 Changes protest against police brutality, discrimination, and racism does not end here. If you care about this movement, we challenge you to take action every day to educate yourself and support organizations working toward equity and justice.

To our Allies:

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable as you stand in solidarity, advocate, and uplift Black voices within our community!

Please stop looking to Black people to fill voids in your knowledge about social and criminal injustice. You have the world wide web to educate yourself. Use it, and in turn, educate your non-Black peers.

Please continue or start calling out your friends, family, coworkers and professors making racist remarks or discriminating against minorities. You have the power to hold your city and University accountable, and to bring about drastic structural change.

By not speaking up you show that you agree. Continue to have discussions with Black people and practice Cultural Humility above all.

To the Black community:

Our voices will no longer be silenced! Our presence will be felt!

This is not a sprint but a marathon. We must continue to support each other and not give space to those who try to create division within our community.

Continue educating yourselves and finding where and how you can contribute to our movement.

We have a long history of Black liberationism and organizing to draw from, and our current mental health is also key for the longevity of our movement, locally and worldwide. Please continue to allow yourself to feel angry and demand change. It is time people are held accountable.

Lastly, remember why we all march. Remember what we fight for.

Yes, we fight for an end to police violence in the Black community. But even more, we fight against the insidious system of racism and oppression that gave rise to the violent policing culture that has existed so long. The insidious system upon which America, this state, and this city were built, and which must be dismantled to bring about a liberated world for all.

We fight against these systems so our children, and their children and their children after that can live in an America that is true to the values it has so long espoused.

The protest on Sunday has ended, but it was just one event. We ask: what are you doing today to combat systems of oppression? What will you do tomorrow? We have a long road ahead of us and a lot of work to do. Lets go.

See the original post here:
LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Sunday was just the beginning - The Auburn Plainsman


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