Main causes of rising cases of vision impairment
Eye conditions that can cause vision impairment and blindness such as cataract, trachoma and refractive error are the main focus of national prevention and other eye care strategies. But eye conditions that do not typically impair vision, including dry eye and conjunctivitis, must not be overlooked as they are among the main reasons for people to seek eye health care services in all countries, the report states.
The combination of a growing and ageing population will significantly increase the total number of people with eye conditions and vision impairment, since prevalence increases with age.
Other main drivers of the most common eye conditions include:
Access to services
Stronger integration of eye care is needed within national health services, including at primary health care level, to ensure that the eye care needs of more people are addressed, including through prevention, early detection, treatment and rehabilitation, the report found.
Dr Alarcos Cieza, who heads WHOs work to address blindness and vision impairment, says: Millions of people have severe vision impairment and are not able to participate in society to their fullest because they cant access rehabilitation services. In a world built on the ability to see, l eye care services, including rehabilitation, must be provided closer to communities for people to achieve their maximum potential.
The report states that all people living with blindness and severe vision impairment who cannot be treated are still able to lead independent lives if they access rehabilitation services. Options include optical magnifiers and reading use Braille, to smartphone wayfinders and orientation and mobility training with white canes.
Read the WHO World report on vision summaryor the full report.
Read the original here:
WHO launches first World report on vision