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Medsafe takes action to prevent the supply of illegally marketed medicine linked to liver harm – New Zealand Doctor Online

September 15th, 2020 11:07 am

Medsafe has withdrawn its prosecution of Promisia Integrative Ltd in relation to its product Arthrem, in return for an agreement that will see the product removed from supply.

The settlement means Promisia accepts it breached the Medicines Act and will now cease manufacturing, advertising and selling Arthrem which has been linked to serious cases of liver harm.

In turn, Medsafe has agreed to withdraw the nine charges laid in the District Court against the company last year.

The prosecution of Promisia Integrative Limited, began in January 2019, followed Medsafes earlier warnings to the company about the sale, supply and advertising of Arthrem.

The company was warned that its advertising of Arthrem breached the Medicines Act.

Promotional claims made by the Company about Arthrems use for arthritis effectively made the product a medicine, which was unapproved, and was in breach of the Act.

In 2018 Medsafe published two privileged statements made by the Director-General of Health warning of the possible link between the Artemisia annua extract contained in Arthrem and reports of liver harm in people using it.

Despite the warnings, Promisia continued to supply Arthrem both within New Zealand and overseas, resulting in Medsafe laying charges.

Medsafe Group Manager Chris James says a settlement was seen as preferable given the length of time likely to be involved in pursuing a prosecution.

Under the Medicines Act, a substance that is supplied for a therapeutic purpose and that is to be administered to human beings is (with some exceptions) a medicine and, except in closely limited circumstances, cannot be sold, supplied, distributed, or advertised unless first approved by Medsafe on behalf of the Minister of Health. Promisia was supplying Arthrem for a therapeutic purpose without the necessary approvals.

Medsafe contends that Arthrem was intended to be taken for a therapeutic purpose but was being marketed under the guise of a dietary supplement.

Mr James emphasised that this is an example where a potentially harmful product was illegally marketed to the public as a dietary supplement, with fewer safety controls, when it should have been subjected to the more rigorous controls required for medicines.


Promisia was first warned in 2016 that its advertising of Arthrem breached the Medicines Act because a therapeutic purpose was being claimed for the product.

Information on the safety issues relating to Arthrem can be found in the following links to the section 98 privileged statements: 15 Feb 2018; 27 Nov 2018. The New Zealand Pharmacovigilance Centre reported that up till 28 February 2020 it had received reports of 46 cases relating to adverse reactions reported in association with the use of Arthrem.

Medsafe operates an approval system for medicines that ensures they are safe, effective and of an acceptable quality.

The nine charges related to breaches of section 20 of the Medicines Act 1981; specifically, sections 20(2)(a) (selling) and 20(2)(c) (advertising).

The penalty, on successful prosecution, for a breach of section 20 is, for a body corporate, a fine not exceeding $100,000.

A product is a medicine if it comes within the definition of medicine in the Medicines Act 1981. Sections 3 and 4 of the Act are relevant.

See more here:
Medsafe takes action to prevent the supply of illegally marketed medicine linked to liver harm - New Zealand Doctor Online


Phoenix Specialty Mfg. Co. Focuses on Growth and Longevity – PRNewswire

September 15th, 2020 11:06 am

BAMBERG, S.C., Sept. 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --For more than a century, Phoenix Specialty has made small, precision components that are critical to a host of industries all made to the exact specifications of the customer. Phoenix is a fourth-generation family-owned company, with a long history of stability and growth. Built by people with a passion for service, quality and reliability, Phoenix has become a trusted supplier of specialty parts to OEMs around the world over the last 113 years.

Since its inception a century ago, a lot has changed. What hasn't changed, however, is Phoenix Specialty's commitment to reliability and dedication to excellence. The company has ensured its growth over the years by making significant investments in their equipment. Phoenix's in-house tool & die shop is home to many state-of-the-art CNC lathes, CNC milling machines and Wire-EDMs. Its production machining department also houses cutting edge equipment, including Swiss screw machines, water jets, CNC lathes, CNC milling machines and numerous stamping presses. Phoenix most recently announced its plans to expand operations in Bamberg County in a $5.5 million dollar investment. The expansion is projected to create 35 additional jobs over the next three years.

Made right here in the USA, Phoenix Specialty manufactures parts to exacting standards, for the most technically advanced industries of the 21st century. In fact, Phoenix became one of the first AS9000 certified company in the United States, and later achieved AS9100 accreditation.

In a time when supply chain disruptions are becoming more frequent, it would be hard to find a supplier more reliable than Phoenix Specialty. As an essential American-made supplier, Phoenix is dedicated to investing in the future of the industry, its people, customers and facilities. Even during tough economic times, Phoenix has proven their ability to stand the test of time.

Since 1907, Phoenix Specialty has been the leading supplier of custom parts to America's Original Equipment Manufacturers. Located in Bamberg, South Carolina, Phoenix delivers high-quality precision parts all made in the USA. Serving all industries, this business has manufactured millions of parts, for thousands of customers worldwide. With an extensive raw materials inventory and an in-house tool & die shop, Phoenix has the capability to produce specialty parts fast. Offering a written Risk-Free Promise and a Managed Inventory System, Phoenix Specialty has made sourcing custom components easy for more than a century.

For more information about Phoenix Specialty Mfg. Co., visit PhoenixSpecialty.com.

Contact Info:

Abby Lee, Marketing Assistant[emailprotected]7433 Main HighwayBamberg, SC 29003803.245.5116

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SOURCE Phoenix Specialty Mfg. Co.


See the article here:
Phoenix Specialty Mfg. Co. Focuses on Growth and Longevity - PRNewswire


Microbiome and Longevity: High Abundance of Longevity-Linked Muribaculaceae in the Gut of the Long-Living Rodent Spalax leucodon – DocWire News

September 15th, 2020 11:06 am

This article was originally published here

OMICS. 2020 Sep 9. doi: 10.1089/omi.2020.0116. Online ahead of print.


With a world population living longer as well as marked disparities in life expectancy, understanding the determinants of longevity is one of the priority research agendas in 21st century life sciences. To this end, the blind mole-rat (Spalax leucodon), a subterranean mammalian, has emerged as an exceptional model organism due to its astonishing features such as remarkable longevity, hypoxia and hypercapnia tolerance, and cancer resistance. The microbiome has been found to be a vital parameter for cellular physiology and it is safe to assume that it has an impact on life expectancy. Although the unique characteristics of Spalax make it an ideal experimental model for longevity research, there is limited knowledge of the bacterial composition of Spalax microbiome, which limits its in-depth utilization. In this study, using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing, we report the gut and skin bacterial structure of Spalax for the first time. The diversity between fecal and skin samples was manifested in the distant clustering, as revealed by beta diversity analysis. Importantly, the longevity-linked Muribaculaceae bacterial family was found to be the dominating bacterial taxa in Spalax fecal samples. These new findings contribute toward further development of Spalax as a model for longevity research and potential linkages between microbiome composition and longevity.

PMID:32907488 | DOI:10.1089/omi.2020.0116

Read more:
Microbiome and Longevity: High Abundance of Longevity-Linked Muribaculaceae in the Gut of the Long-Living Rodent Spalax leucodon - DocWire News


Adding this one simple food to your diet may help you live to 100, according to the world’s longest-living people – CNBC

September 15th, 2020 11:06 am

A few years ago, I traveled to Okinawa in Japan, Nicoya in Costa Rica, Ikaria in Greece, Loma Linda in California and Sardinia in Italy all "Blue Zones," or homes to thelongest-lived people to find out what centenarians ate to live to 100.

I also asked dozens of theworld's leading nutritionists and food scientists what we should eat to enjoy a long and healthy life, while also taking care of the environment.

One conclusion leaped out like a flashing neon sign (and might come as a shock to fans of the latest trendy diets): Of the top 10 recommended foods, half belonged to the bean family lentils, soybeans, peanuts, chickpeas and black beans.

On Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula, for example, the day might begin with a warm corn tortilla stuffed with savory black beans. On the Italian island of Sardinia, lunch might be a steaming bowl of minestrone, packed with fava beans, cranberry beans and chickpeas. On the Japanese island of Okinawa, dinner might include a tasty stir-fry with green beans, soybeans or mung bean sprouts.

Coincidental? I don't think so. A 2004 study of people 70 years or older in three different cultures around the world found that for every two tablespoons of beans a day individuals consumed, they reduced their risk of dying by 8%.

Other research has shown that beans not only provide the complex carbohydrates, proteins and trace minerals our bodies need, they also supply the fiber our microbiomes require, boosting our immune systems. That makes sense, because Blue Zone residents don't achieve their extraordinary longevity by relying on superior genes alone, but also by avoiding obesity, diabetes, heart disease, dementia and cancers better than the rest of us.

By contrast, nearly two thirds of Americans now report themselves to be overweight or obese, according to Gallup. And according to arecent Harvard study,we have a shorter average life expectancy than residents of nearly any other high-income nation largely because of our diets and lifestyles.

In every Blue Zone I've ever visited, generations of cooks have made beans a key ingredient in their most popular recipes.

Here are a few to make in your own kitchen:


Tender Bean, Potato and Onion Stew

(National Geographic | David McLain)

Featured in almost every Nicoyan meal, black beans contain high levels of anthocyanins and have 10 times the antioxidants of an equivalent serving of oranges. Rich and hearty, this one-pot meal is a staple in Costa Rica. It's easy to make and costs less than $1 a serving.

Cook time: 1 hourServings: 6




Chickpea Soup With Lemon and Herbs

(National Geographic | David McLain)

Greeks and Ikarians especially have mastered the art of blending lemon, olive oil and herbs. This simple recipe is a warming alternative to chicken soup in the winter and provides yet another way to creatively incorporate beans into your daily diet.

Cook time: 2 hours, 20 minutes; 45 minutes if using canned chickpeasServings: 6




Black-Eye Pea Salad With Mint and Onions

(National Geographic | David McLain)

This recipe represents one of my fondest revelations from cooking in Ikaria. I would never have thought to pair beans with vinegar and mint, but the result was a symphony of new and magical flavors. The vinegar not only adds the healthful digestion and immunity-boosting effects of fermentation and probiotics, but also helps maintain the texture of the beans so they don't disintegrate as leftovers.

Cook time: 1 hour if using dried beans; 10 minutes with canned beansServings: 8




Sweet Potato Black Bean Burgers

(National Geographic | David McLain)

This burger is a longevity powerhouse. Loaded with beans, greens, sweet potatoes and pepitas, it's the perfect example of a Blue Zonesinspired twist on a classic American comfort food.

Cook time: 35 minutesServings: 4


The Patty and Buns:

The Sauce:

The Toppings:


On top of being good for you, beans are cheap to produce and grow practically everywhere, from equatorial zones to northern regions, so they don't need to be transported vast distances to reach markets. They also don't require refrigeration and can be stored for a long time.

Beans are even healthy for the land itself, because they restore crucial nitrogen to the soil. Accounting for the environmental impacts of what we eat has become more urgent as Earth's climate crisis has worsened. The global food system now contributes more than a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions, primarily from livestock production.

Shifting our diets to favor plants over meat could be so important. If people followed standard dietary guidelines, we could reduce greenhouse gas emissions from food production by as much as 70%, according to a team from the University of Oxford.

So, what's the bottom line? Can we be good to both ourselves and the planet? Our research suggests we can. And the first step on that quest to achieve a long healthy life should be to embrace the simple magic of beans.

Dan Buettner is a longevity researcher, National Geographic Fellowand award-winning journalist. He is the author of"The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who've Lived the Longest" and "The Blue Zones Solution: Eating and Living Like the World's Healthiest People." His latest bestseller,"The Blue Zones Kitchen: 100 Recipes for Living to 100," fuses scientific reporting, National Geographic photography and recipes that may help you live to100.

Don't miss:

Adding this one simple food to your diet may help you live to 100, according to the world's longest-living people - CNBC


Exploring the health-wealth connection – Marin Independent Journal

September 15th, 2020 11:06 am

Dr. Sal Iaquinta

The song God Part II on the album Rattle and Hum by U2 has the lyrics: The rich get healthy, while the sick stay poor. Bono sung those words in 1988. Since then, a number of researchers have tackled what exactly is the link between wealth and health, and why.

At first glance, one would expect a simple explanation: people with more money live longer. Clearly such a relationship cannot be strictly linear, as people dont fall dead if they declare bankruptcy and at some point, wealth has a ceiling in which no matter how much more money you have to spend, you cant buy any more medicine or access to doctors.

Yet it isnt all about access either. Studies in European countries with free access to health care have still demonstrated that income disparities in longevity are considerable, so it is more than just access that creates the difference and that difference is significant.

A Harvard study examined de-identified tax records, the United States Census and the Medicare database, along with other population surveys, to try to determine the link between longevity and income in people age 40 or older. Obviously, they had to adjust the income and how it related to health for the retired group separately from those employed the higher earner at age 61 who retired at age 62 was kept a high earner at age 63 using their study design.

They looked at 14 years worth of data to see trends related to income both longitudinally per person and by each age group. For example, there were a lot of low-earning 40 year olds in every year that were studied. There were fewer 45 year olds in that same income percentile because some of them got better jobs and some of them died.

They found that men in the top 1% income bracket lived to 87.3 years old, a whole 14.6 years longer than men in the bottom 1% of income, living only 72.7 years. For women, the gap was narrower with the top 1% living until 88.9 years and the lowest 1% at 78.8 years.

During the period studied, they also found that the lifespan increased more for wealthier people than for poorer people. The disparity of being poor versus rich increased from 2001 to 2014 with the top 5% of earners adding three years to their lifespan, whereas the bottom 5% had no advance.

The studied databases also included zip codes, so the researchers were able to determine which parts of the country did better with longevity. New York and San Francisco had the longest life expectancy and places like Detroit fared far worse. In the lowest income brackets, the lifespan in Detroit is five years shorter than in San Francisco.

Then they looked at the data with available health information. No surprise, obesity and smoking lowered lifespan and exercising increased it. It is important to know that a woman who is a lifelong smoker on average has almost a 10-year shorter lifespan than one whom doesnt. These relationships were strongest in the lowest 25% of income earners. This age group suffers a higher incidence of heart disease and cancer than higher-income brackets, whereas automobile accidents and homicides are equal to the other income brackets.

Increased population density was associated with better longevity. The air might be fresher out in the country, but the folks are polluting themselves by smoking at a higher rate than their urban counterparts. At the same time, people in rural areas are more likely to be obese. Interestingly, increased access to health insurance didnt seem to make a significant difference joining Medicare at age 65 doesnt affect the trajectory of longevity, whereas income bracket and lifestyle does.

Your money or your life? Not really. The take-home lesson is that preventative health care getting people to quit smoking, maintain an ideal weight and exercise is far more important than just throwing money at building more hospitals and hiring more doctors.

Dr. Salvatore Iaquinta is a head and neck surgeon at Kaiser Permanente San Rafael and the author of The Year They Tried To Kill Me. He takes you on the Highway to Health every fourth Monday.

Go here to read the rest:
Exploring the health-wealth connection - Marin Independent Journal


Livermore Man Helping to Change the Face of Winemaking – NBC Bay Area

September 15th, 2020 11:06 am

Wine making was always a team effort for Phil and Debra Long. When they relocated from Southern California to Livermore and were seduced by the growing wine region -- dabbling in the time honored tradition of crushing and aging grapes -- it was together.

When the hobby outgrew the garage and transformed into a full-blown winery business, both had a hand in it. Debra worked the front of house, Phil toiled in the back crafting Cabernet Sauvignon and his own Debruvee blend.

"It was something we started together," said Phil, sitting in his now silent tasting room in Livermore, home base for his Longevity brand. "It was something we shared together."

Phil designed a heart label on the wine bottles, a tribute to the crystal hearts he used to buy his wife, which sparked her obsession with all-things heart shaped. The design of hearts and vines is even tattooed on his arm. Debra sat with him as he got the needle.

As another display of their romance, Phil installed a mural in the tasting with a picture of the two of them. He assured her she would be part of the business, even when she was diagnosed with cancer in 2016. Even when she died in 2019.

"I said that's never coming down," Long said. "You were the face, are the face and always will be the face."

With Debra now gone, Longevity winery sits firmly on Phil Long's shoulders. But because of COVID-19, his tasting room is now closed , and his long-planned launch of his own national white label line was delayed by the virus.

"All the sales meeting I had lined up, they started falling like dominoes," he recalled.

In the wake of the death of George Floyd, Long found a growing need for his voice. Not only is he one of the nation's few Black winemakers, he also serves as president of the Association of African American Vintners. It's a group that is minuscule in contrast to the behemoth of the wine industry.

"African-American wine makers and certified minority," he said, "you can count them on one hand."

As Long's own business saw a sales jump in response to the Black Lives Matter movement, so did his desire to promote Black owned wineries across the country. He said Black owned wineries currently make up just a tenth of one percent of the entire industry. His take on the statistic is that African-Americans don't come from a culture of winemaking. But he hopes that creating opportunities for young winemakers of color, will become the ground floor of a changing culture.

"It's our job now to say 'hey this is something we can do," Long said. "We can do it, and we can do it just as good."

As Long revives the national launch of his Longevity brand while also promoting virtual wine tasting packages and wine club sales. He acknowledges he's weathering a pandemic, a national soul-searching on equality, and the launch of his brand without his partner Debra.

But somewhere in that loss, is a roadmap for the future.

"For me, I think if I can be comfortable, and happy and continue to honor Debra's memory," Long said, "that's what's making it, to me."

Read the original here:
Livermore Man Helping to Change the Face of Winemaking - NBC Bay Area


Be Like Brady: 5 Functional Movements To Focus On For Athletic Longevity – mindbodygreen.com

September 15th, 2020 11:06 am

The term "functional movement" may sound new and complex, but the idea is actually pretty simple: that your training should include movements that are similar to those that you do every day. In the case of Brady himself, that means lots of motions that replicate the motion of throwing a footballbut for the average person, it's about finding exercises that support muscle balance.

Coutts recommended these moves, which focus on "things that are easy to do but are really essential for your spine health and keeping your body symmetrical." If you're a die-hard spin class attendee or a dedicated yogi, you may repeat those activities all week and assume that's enough movementbut Coutts encourages using a simple series like this one to support your body in addition to those favorite activities.

"I always talk to clients about being careful about doing just one activity," she told mbg. "I think when you do one activity over and over again that can lead to different kinds of dysfunction, especially if you're not doing anything to work the other muscles that you need from your body."

That doesn't mean you can't do to five classes a weekbut it's worth planning on including other quick trainings, in particular ones that support the muscle groups that will support your ability to continue those activities you love. "These are some core exercises," she shares. "We're always focusing on strengthening your glutes, strengthening your coreif you don't have those things, you're going to have issues with longevity."

Here are five easy foundational moves to start with or add to your existing routine.

Read the rest here:
Be Like Brady: 5 Functional Movements To Focus On For Athletic Longevity - mindbodygreen.com


Human-induced erosion could make some soils around the world unfarmable by the end of the century – ZME Science

September 15th, 2020 11:06 am

Human-induced soil erosion is a serious threat to global sustainability, endangering global food security, driving desertification and biodiversity loss, and degrading other vital ecosystem services, researchers say. According to a new study, erosion is affecting the longevity of the soils across the world.

Soils have underpinned the health and longevity of every society. They are a critical global resource, providing the basis of food production and storing and filtering our water resources. Soils also represent the largest organic carbon store and a platform for economic development. But pressures on the soil resource grow as food demands rise and land degradation increases.

To date, 36% of the worlds cultivable land has been farmed and in many areas of the world, conventional plow-based agriculture is accelerating local soil degradation. The UN estimates that 66% of the worlds soils suffer from some form of degradation. Human-induced erosion is estimated to outpace soil formation, which means we now have thinner soils.

Our soils are critically important and we rely on them in many ways, not least to grow our food, said lead author Dan Evans in a statement. There have been many headlines in recent years suggesting that the worlds topsoil could be gone in 60 years, but these claims have not been supported with evidence. This study provides the first evidence-backed, globally relevant estimates of soil lifespans.

A study by Lancaster University in collaboration with researchers from Changan University in China, and KU Leuven in Belgium, looked at soil erosion data from around the globe, spanning 255 locations across 38 countries on six continents. They calculated the time it would take for the top 30 cm of soil to erode at each locationthe soil lifespan.

They focused on that top layer of the soil as its usually rich in nutrients and organic matter, making it important for growing fibers, food, feedstock, and fuel. In their study, they included soils that are conventionally farmed as well as those managed with soil conservation techniques. That way they can see how changes to land-use practices can alter the lifespan of soil

The findings showed that 90% of the soils conventionally farmed around the world were thinning, with 16% having a lifespan of less than a century. At these sites, soil erosion is a significant threat to the soils capacity to grow food, support ecosystems, store and regulate water, cycle carbon and nutrients, and thus to the overall functioning of the soil system.

But there were reasons to be optimistic. The study showed soils managed with conservation strategies had a longer lifespan, promoting soil thickening. Only 7% of the conservation plot dataset had lifespans of less than 100 years, with nearly half exceeding 5,000 years and 39% exceeding 10,000 years

Soil is a precious resource and we cant afford to lose that much over a human lifetime, said co-author Jess Davies in a statement. We have the tools and practices to make a differenceemploying the appropriate conservation methods in the right place can really help protect and enhance our soil resource and the future of food and farming.

The researchers suggested using a set of strategies to extend soil lifespans and promoting annual soil gain, such as conservation and zero till practices, contour cultivation and terracing. These extend soil lifespans and may promote soil thickening, increasing the potential for water, carbon and nutrient storage, and thereby soil conditions.

The study was published in the journal Environmental Research Letters.

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Human-induced erosion could make some soils around the world unfarmable by the end of the century - ZME Science


Is Working Long Hours Worth It In Your Country? – Longevity LIVE – Longevity LIVE

September 15th, 2020 11:06 am

Weve all likely stayed later at work when weve been super busy or had to catch up on work, however sadly, in recent years, long working days and taking work home has become the norm for many employees. Not only is this causing employees to miss out on enjoying the pleasures of life and spending quality time with family and friends, but it also might not be worth it for your health or wealth.

Last year, Microsoft trialed a four-day workweek, resulting in a 40% boost in productivity, suggesting that perhaps it isnt necessary for employees to be working overtime. Putting their lives and soul into their job when the same amount of work can be done in a considerably shorter amount of time. Productivity can be enhanced through technology. Some businesses may discover that the path to increasing productivity isnt working hard but working smart. With innovation in software, such as accounting software for small businesses, business productivity is constantly evolving.

Here, well look at different countries overtime and compare it to how well a companys economy is performing to see if theres a correlation. Will it be more favorable to work overtime in certain countries based on the hours they work a week?

From the data, South Africas workweek is the longest at 2,209 hours a year. Considering the long hours workers are putting in, their economy is worth $349.4 billion, the 10th smallest of the countries analyzed. South Africans have been hailed as some of the hardest working across the world. Research shows they are three times more likely to work a 60-hour workweek than their American counterparts, despite labor laws forbidding more than 45 hours a week.

Mexicos economy is worth $1.27 trillion, Costa Rica $57.06 billion, Korea $1.63 trillion, and Russia $1.64 trillion. Although Costa Ricas GDP is relatively small in comparison to other countries, it is a small but stable country that wouldnt generate trillions of dollars. In June 2018, South Koreans were forced to cut down on the hours they were working to introduce a better work-life balance and help boost the falling birth rate. With so many more Koreans previously working 50 hours or more a week than other countries, the GDP doesnt outrank many others.

Germany works the fewest hours per week at 1,362 a year, with 4.3% of the population working 50 hours or more. Considering a significantly lower workweek than other countries, Germanys economy is the third largest at $3.86 trillion. At the start of 2018, millions of Germans won the right to reduce their workweek to 28-hours to help them achieve a good work-life balance and spend more time with their loved ones and doing things they enjoy. It seems that countries dont need to work long hours to get more work done Germany has been recognized as one of the most productive countries with a booming economy despite a cut in hours, striking the ideal work-life balance while being 27% more productive than the UK.

The second country to work the fewest hours was Denmark (1,392) with 2.3% working 50 hours or more. The third was Norway (1,416) with 2.9%, fourth was Netherlands (1,433) at 0.4%, and fifth was Iceland (1,469) at a higher 15.1%.

Iceland has the smallest economy at $23.91 billion, followed by Finland at $251.9 billion, Denmark at $324.9 billion, and the Netherlands at $902.36 billion. A 2017 report found that Norway is one of the most productive countries despite having one of the shortest working weeks.

Lead researcher at Expert Market, Adelle Kehoe, said: Our data has shown, both this year and last year when we first ran the study, that there is a definite correlation between a shorter working week and productivity.

Countries that have shorter working weeks, in general, are more productive, whereas countries which have a culture of presenteeism and long hours get less out of their teams.

Theres more to life than work hopefully, more countries will realize that long hours dont necessarily mean productivity.

Here are 11 tips for maintaining a healthy work-home life balance. Click here.

Lucy Desai is a content writer at QuickBooks, covering a wide variety of topics from accounting and finance, to business and software.












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Is Working Long Hours Worth It In Your Country? - Longevity LIVE - Longevity LIVE


Sixty-Something Could Be The Happiest Time Of Your Life – Longevity LIVE

September 15th, 2020 11:06 am

Sixty-something today has a completely different meaning today. In fact, it actually means being at your healthiest. Perhaps sixty-something could mean having more opportunities than ever before. Youre not getting old. Were being for real here. Think about 60-year-olds today, they often do the things 40-year-olds used to do. Moreover, its no longer a shock to hear about people working well into their 80s. Scientists believe this is because human lifespans might eventually extend to 150 or beyond. Insane right? So all those few of you who are sixty-something, youre technically spring chickens.

Experts in cognitive psychology are attempting to translate brain science for the public. This is so that we can better understand the neuroscience of aging and why it is changing. That moment when you get frustrated at yourself for losing your keys again. Or not being able to remember your friends name. Try not to beat yourself up over it. Even worse, dont blame your age! Neuroscience is discovering that us, sixty-something folk are actually just as smart now as we were in our youth.

You see, the study of the brain is a complex one. Mainly because we are always learning more about it and how it works. Information is ever-changing. Its a rapidly fast area of expertise and lots to study. Studies claim that two-thirds of the people over 65 who have ever lived are alive today (and three-quarters of those over 75). So theres definitely evidence that were healthier and living much longer than before. Were just as smart, if not more so too.

We need to start creating new perceptions of age in our minds. You can no longer picture stereotypical images of old frail ladies with walking sticks. Or grouchy old men in armchairs. Recent science argues for a very different vision of old age that sees our final decades as a resurgence. Maybe this is the time we truly live life. Perhaps were reborn when we reach sixty-something.

However, theres no doubt that there are going to be a few physical differences between an 80-year-olds and a 30-year-olds. But mentally there are some distinct advantages. For example, when you hit sixty-something you have much better control over your impulses. You also have the ability to delay gratification, to get along with others and make better decisions. This has a significant impact on the way your life unfolds.

I bet you wouldnt believe us if we told you thatlife after 75 can be a period of true intellectual growth? It is. According to research, at 80, the great cellist Pablo Casals was asked why he continued to practise so much. His reply was: Because I want to get better! Casals believed self-improvement was possible at any age and we agree. In fact, after youve reached sixty-something its been known to be a decade of true happiness. Why? Surveys show that aging and happiness often form a U-shaped curve. This is because the line dips slowly from your youth to your middle years. It then rises to your 40s and 50s.

However, about 1 in 3 people at sixty-something say theyre very happy. This is a bit more than those under 35. this is probably because youve finally learned to embrace all the good times and know that bad times will pass. However, the sixty-something decade can be difficult too. It depends on whether or not you choose to focus on those things. Sure, getting older can bring new challenges, like health, money worries and also the deaths of loved ones

This is not just because of their ability to be patient or embrace the good times. Its also because their brains, neurologically speaking, have gotten smarter and more aware. More often than not, whenever people are asked to pinpoint when in life they were happiest. If you ask any younger person most of them wont be able to tell you that they feel completely happy or content due to some worry or another.

Most people state that 82 is their happiest. I mean, wow, thats quite interesting. Is it really possible that we have to go our whole lives to truly learn what sustained happiness feels like? Thats why neuroscientists are trying to help raise that number by ten or even 20 years. Apparently, science says it can be done.

Thanks to Dr Daniel Levitin for the Daily Mail, weve got some myth-busting research to prove this. In fact, when you reach sixty-something, you are very far from losing your mind because in your golden years you are just entering our prime. Dr Daniels myth is:

MYTH:Memory declines steeply with age.

REALITY:It declines far less than you think.

Dr Daniel explains that the difference between a short-term memory lapse in a 70-year-old and one in a 20-year-old isnt what you think. He adds that hes taught undergraduates his entire career. And they make all kinds of short-term memory errors. In fact, they will walk into the wrong classroom; turn up to exams without a pencil; forget something that he taught two minutes ago. Guess what? These are very similar to the kinds of things 70-year-olds do. Or so we think.

Whats the difference between a twenty-something and a sixty-something mindset? Well, they each describe their memory loss differently. For example, a twenty-something will just think that theres a lot going on in their head. Or maybe they just need some more sleep. Whereas, when you reach an older age, your first thought is that you might be losing it. Like, youve got to be experiencing early-onset Alzheimers. Why is our first reaction simply to question the state of our brains health?

Youd be surprised at how life experience makes the brain significantly more powerful and smarter, and probably healthier. Thats just it though, as you experience more life. It brings you more wisdom. You are more likely to be in touch with what does or doesnt bring you joy and to be able to make choices accordingly. Thats the benefit of entering life as a sixty-something. We need to question why we have this perception of our elders as frail, forgetful, demented or even lost.

Were not saying thatAlzheimers and dementia-related memory impairments are not real. They are very real and very tragic. But just because you experience a burst of forgetfulness, in your short-term memory doesnt necessarily mean youve got a biological disorder.

According to neuroscientist Deborah Burke, of the Project on Cognition and Ageing at Pomona College, in California. When older sixty-something adults find it difficult to retrieve individual words, this is a by-product of atrophy in the left insula of the brain. This is the region associated with the phonological form of the word. What does this mean?

It means that at sixty-something, we dont actually forget the word itself, just the sound of it. Burke says this is why it feels as if its there on the tip of our tongues. Thats why as soon as somebody says the word, we recognise it immediately which means we have not forgotten the word. You wouldnt recognise the word at all if youd forgotten it.

So, as a matter of fact, we should be more gracious to our elders and sixty-something mentors. When they forget a word, note that they havent forgotten it. Its time to let go of those stereotypical grumpy old woman perceptions weve got going. We think thats probably why you get more tolerant and forgiving with age

It is possible that as you age and reach your sixty-something point in life, you might start to notice that your mind might not feel quite as sharp as before. But this doesnt necessarily mean your memory is declining. It might just mean youre taking slightly longer to recall names and facts, recognize patterns, or solve problems. However, on the upside, your vocabulary, knowledge, and long-term memory will likely only improve.

Recent studies state that the adult hippocampus is a part of the brain crucial to memory storage and retrieval. Apparently, this part of the brain grows 700 new neurons a day on average. Moreover, there seems to be no decline in that number with normal ageing. This same study conducted by Dr Daniel Levitin presents the following two myths:

MYTH:Older people are grumpy.

REALITY: Sixty-something folks are more affable than under-50s.

Lets face it. There is a common perception that youll enter a grumpy old man or woman phase in your sixty-something years. On the contrary, In fact, sixty-something adults are generally more concerned with making a good impression. They are more co-operative and get on easily with others. Moreover, this same study discovered that the chemical changes in the brain as it ages are more empathetic. Sixty-something people are often more understanding, forgiving, tolerant and accepting.

Whats even more interesting is how mood disorders, anxiety and behavioural problems decrease in the sixty-something years. These kinds of problems generally dont happen in your later years. I suppose we start to wisen up as we age and things dont feel as overwhelming because we know how to handle them. You should have formulated coping mechanisms into your sixty-something years. Interestingly, some people even describe their sixty-something years as a time of burning off their previously distressing mental states.

Take the singer and poet Leonard Cohen. He was amazed that his chronic depression, which no medication had been able to relieve, disappeared when he reached his 70s.

You see as you hit your sixty-something years, your brain level of practical intelligence peaks. Dealing with challenging situations in life happen often and those in their sixty-something years deal with them better than those younger than them. Logically we would just call this wisdom, which comes with age. However, in neuroscience wisdom is the ability to see patterns where others dont. It is when you are able to extract generalised common points from past experiences. Then you can use these to predict what is likely to happen next. That sounds pretty intelligent to me.

More importantly, we have the incredible ability to learn as we age. Its a myth to say that we cant continue learning. It just requires more time and patience and consistency to learn new things at the sixty-something mark and older.

Dont get us wrong, sleep is vital to our health. However, just because youre getting older and youve reached those sixty-something years doesnt mean youve got to sleep more.

Truth is that all of us, young or old, require at least eight hours of sleep a day. We all differ in our requirements, but as soon as you get less than five hours youll start showing major impairment. In fact, when we reach sixty-something and older we dont need more sleep. Its the changes in the ageing brain that make it difficult for older adults to get the sleep they need. Changes in neurochemistry, disruption of core body temperature rhythms and more frequent urination all lead to poor sleep quality and quantity.

Ultimately you want to make sleep a priority throughout your life despite your age. And when it is difficult to sleep, prioritize it even more. Poor sleep can increase the risks of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimers.

The bottom line is that when youre in your sixty-something years you need to prioritise sleep and practise good sleep habits. You also need to use your brain because its wiser and sharper than you think. Probably more so than ever before.

Beauty Product Review.If theres one tool that you need in your anti-aging beauty arsenal, its definitely oil serums. Heres why.

Dr Daniel Claims 70-Year-Olds And 20-Year-Olds Make Similar Memory Errors. The Daily Mail. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-7984305/Youre-just-smart-youth-70-really-new-30.html

Cognition and Aging Lab. Pomona College. http://www.lcs.pomona.edu/cogaging/

Could your 60s and 70s be the best decades of life? The guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/membership/2017/feb/20/retirement-60s-best-decade-life-ageing-joy

What To Expect In Your Sixties. WebMD. https://www.theguardian.com/membership/2017/feb/20/retirement-60s-best-decade-life-ageing-joy

Read more:
Sixty-Something Could Be The Happiest Time Of Your Life - Longevity LIVE


WHO reports record-breaking one-day increase in coronavirus cases on Sunday | TheHill – The Hill

September 15th, 2020 11:06 am

On Sunday, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported a record number of new confirmed coronavirus infections across the globe.

BBC writes that the global health organization reported 307,930 new cases worldwide over a 24-hour timespan. Notably, the largest increases were seen in the United States and Brazil two countries leading the world in the volume of COVID-19 cases, reportingmore than 6.5 million and 4.3 million cases, respectively.

Our country is in a historic fight against the Coronavirus. Add Changing America to your Facebook or Twitter feed to stay on top of the news.

In between the U.S. and Brazil is India, the second country with the most COVID-19 infections. The country reportedly sawmore than 2 million cases occur in August, the highest monthly infection count reported since the pandemic began.






Along with the U.S. and Brazil, India reported some of the highest recently confirmed cases on Sunday.

Worldwide, Johns Hopkins data indicates there are roughly 29millionconfirmed cases of the coronavirus.

Prior to Sundays spike in global COVID-19 infections, the previous record for a single-day increase in the coronavirus occurred on Sept. 6, when the WHO saw 306,857 positive infections.

The latest data to emerge from theWHO showcases a steady incline in newly confirmed cases worldwide, with the United States's new case count still trending upward, albeit at slower rates than seen over the summer months.

Deaths in the U.S. have largely plateaued, with the current record high having occurred on April 17, wheremore than 6,000 Americans died due to the virus.

In total,more than 194,000 Americans have lost their lives during the pandemic.






See original here:
WHO reports record-breaking one-day increase in coronavirus cases on Sunday | TheHill - The Hill


Ask Rusty: Are there benefits to claiming SS at age 62? – Reading Eagle

September 15th, 2020 11:06 am

Dear Rusty: It seems like we are always encouraged to wait until our full retirement age or age 70 to claim our Social Security. For me, benefits at age 62 were a good jump start to my retirement. How about listing the many benefits to early (age 62) retirement? And at what age does it become a liability, if ever? Happily Retired at age 78

Dear Happily Retired: Youre correct that most financial advisors and Social Security advisors, including me, frequently encourage people to delay claiming Social Security until at least their full retirement age (FRA). And thats because far too many claim their benefits as soon as they are available at age 62 because its there, without evaluating whether thats a smart move for them personally. There are many reasons why its best to wait, but there are also some very good reasons for claiming benefits at age 62. Lets explore those.

Claiming at age 62 is exactly the right move if you are in poor health and dont expect to live a long life. Benefits taken age 62 are 25% less for those with a full retirement age (FRA) of 66, and 30% less if your FRA is 67. But those reductions become insignificant if you dont expect to live a long, healthy life from that point forward. If you wait until your FRA, it takes about 12 years to collect the same amount in total benefits as if you had claimed at age 62.

Even if you are in decent health now, if your family history and your lifestyle suggest less than average longevity, claiming before your FRA, as early as 62, may be a prudent choice. By lifestyle I mean, for example, whether you exercise regularly, smoke or drink excessively or drive without a seatbelt.

There are several life expectancy calculators available which can assist with predicting your life expectancy by evaluating your family history and lifestyle, including those available at this website: https://socialsecurityreport.org/tools/life-expectancy-calculator/. Just remember that no one can accurately forecast how long they will live, but making an informed decision on when to claim should consider your estimated longevity, among other things.

If collecting your Social Security benefits early is needed to help pay for lifes necessities, such as food, housing and out-of-pocket medical costs, then claiming as early as age 62, or any other time before your FRA, could be exactly the right choice. In other words, the need for the money now is a driving force in deciding when to claim.

Which brings me to your point that claiming at age 62 was a jump start to your retirement, allowing you to begin enjoying your golden years much earlier than you might have otherwise been able to. Theres a lot to be said for taking benefits early to fulfill your bucket list while youre still young enough to enjoy it. And, from your signature, it looks like youve been putting that extra Social Security money to good use for many years now. Good for you!

Now, at age 78, youve reached your breakeven point where, if you had waited until your FRA to claim, your cumulative lifetime benefits would hereafter be more than they will be because you claimed at 62. That may not, however, offset the many years of happy retirement youve been able to enjoy because you took your benefits early.

In the end, deciding when to claim Social Security should be done after carefully evaluating your personal situation. Anyone who claims benefits before their full retirement age must beware of Social Securitys earnings test which limits how much you can earn before your benefits are affected.

But those who can afford to wait and who expect to live to a ripe old age would do well to consider delaying until their full retirement age, or even beyond, to claim their Social Security benefits. If their life expectancy is at least average theyll collect much more in cumulative lifetime benefits by doing so.

Russell Gloor is a certified Social Security adviser by the Association of Mature American Citizens: https://amac.us/social-security-advisor.

See the article here:
Ask Rusty: Are there benefits to claiming SS at age 62? - Reading Eagle


Jim Mellon Diary: My quest for the elixir of youth – Spear’s WMS

September 15th, 2020 11:06 am

Bioscience entrepreneur Jim Mellon has spent lockdown preparing for webinars and questing for the elixir of youth

The pandemic seems to have been the result of intensive farming and agricultural malpractices in the Far East. If theres another one it could be a microbial one, which would be much worse it could be like the Black Death.

So we need to do something to change the food supply. I have a stake in Agronomics, which has invested $50 million so far on cell agriculture and clean meat.

You can amplify animal stem cells through a medium and create whatever meat youre trying to grow: chicken, pork or beef. We want to invest about $500 million by the end of 2021.

Most people want to live longer, but living a healthier life is more important especially the last 15 per cent of it. Ive been preparing for a webinar for clients of UBS that explains the science behind longevity.

Thats the major focus of my company Juvenescence and my colleague there Declan Doogan, Pfizers former head of drug development. Weve raised more than $170 million in the past 18 months, which makes it worth $330 million, and we plan to take it public by the end of 2020.

That should raise a further $300-500 million and make it one of the biggest in the field worldwide.

Our first products, which facilitate organ regeneration from liver cells, will be going through phase-II trials this autumn. Were filing eight new drug applications in the next two years and were also researching the possibility of regrowing the thymus, a gland just behind the sternum.

This is where the T-cells that fight viral infections such as Covid-19 are made. Older people have heavily compromised immune systems as fewer T-cells are made in the thymus.

Its the same area of research that opens up the possibility of regrowing other vital parts of our body such as the pancreas (for diabetics) and the kidneys. Weve also bought a portfolio of stem cells related to ageing, which is very exciting. And were only just starting.

Longevity science will, I think, lead to the biggest stock market boom ever. It will make the recent medical cannabis boom look like nothing. For the first time in the history of mankind, the elixir of youth, the promise of living a longer life, will actually come true.

There is no one pill that you can take, but a combination of several pharmaceuticals, gene therapies, gene-related technology and treatments could extend your lifespan to 120.

Im confident in predicting that the science of longevity will represent the biggest industry on the planet within 20 years, and that it will be affordable for everyone after about ten years of commercial exploitation.

It is important to note that were not predestined to die. But as time goes on, the healing process of our body gets overwhelmed wear and tear overwhelms repair.

We gradually go into a process called loss of homeostasis, which signals that our inner chemical balance is beginning to get upset, which eventually results in death.

There are some creatures out there, such as the C. elegans worm, which Googles ageing company Calico is studying, that are made up of atoms and molecules just like us but dont die naturally. Science has shown that the lifespan of a worm can be increased by up to 20 times using genetic manipulation.

Similar principles can apply to humans. There is a huge amount of bioscience activity in the UK, which is not widely known. There have been negative developments in the form of Neil Woodfords investments and the governments lack of funding in this area.

But now people like Sir John Bell are spearheading major efforts to build a home-grown industry. Increasingly, the nexus between VC universities and scientist-entrepreneurs thats made the US so successful in this field is developing in the UK.

More Juvenescence employees are based here than anywhere else, so were very much British. Its very important to us that the UK retains its status as the second major centre for life sciences in the world.

One of the reasons why the US is ahead is because drug prices are so high. If Joe Biden wins in November, they could come down.

Jim Mellon will be interviewed at the virtual Spears Wealth Insight Forum on the 29th of September. Click here to register.

The Charities Aid Foundation: Covid-19 has been a huge shock to the charitable sector

Dame Steve Shirley CH on Zoom, philanthropy and her upcoming biopic

Without philanthropists, the Old Vic would be a car park or a block of flats

See the rest here:
Jim Mellon Diary: My quest for the elixir of youth - Spear's WMS


VA researchers study effects of smoking on therapeutic stem cells – VAntage Point Blog

September 15th, 2020 11:05 am

Many in the research community believe there is huge potential for stem cell therapy to treat a broad range of diseases. Stem cells, special human cells that can develop into many different cell types, essentially serve as a repair system for the body.

Currently, more than 5,000 clinical trials worldwide are based on therapeutic stem cells, including some at VA hospitals for illnesses ranging from cardiovascular disease to cancer.

But gaps remain in the transition of stem cell application from the research stage to patients.

One of these gaps is how a patients lifestyle choices and underlying health conditions may negatively affect stem cell therapy, says Dr. Ngan Huang, a biomedical engineer at the VA Palo Alto Health Care System in California. Given the prevalence of cigarette use and rise of electronic cigarettes, we believe this subject is an important aspect of stem cell application that remains unexplored. Not much is known about nicotine and its direct effect on therapeutic stem cells.

Huang and Dr. Alex Chan, a postdoctoral research fellow at VA Palo Alto, are studying the effects of nicotine, a highly addictive tobacco stimulant normally inhaled with cigarettes, on therapeutic stem cells. The two co-authored a review article on the effects of nicotine on stem cell therapy that appeared online earlier this year in the journal Regenerative Medicine.

There are two arms to their study. In one, Huang and Chan are injecting cells into mice that have been exposed to nicotine, as well as those that havent, with the intention of treating peripheral artery disease, which obstructs blood vessels in the arms and legs. In the other arm, the researchers will compare stem cells in smokers and non-smokers. They will see if the groups differ at producing cells that are effective at making new blood vessels.

Veterans and service members are more likely to use tobacco products than civilians, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC statistics show that about 30% of Veterans used some form of a tobacco from 2010 to 2015. Tobacco use was higher among Veterans than non-Veterans for males and females across all age groups, except men ages 50 and older.

Huang and Chan are hoping to bring more awareness about the effects of smoking on stem cells to the Veteran community, as well as other types of nicotine exposure that may impact the effectiveness of stem cell therapy, such as electronic cigarettes. E-cigarettes, also known as vapes, are battery-operated devices that people use to inhale an aerosol, which typically contains nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals that are known to harm ones respiratory system.

The effects of lifestyle and co-occurring health conditions on stem cells have been largely neglected, Chan explains. Preclinical studies of stem cell therapies have mainly been conducted in healthy animal models. This does not reflect the settings in the clinics where patients requiring stem cell therapy may have underlying diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and lifestyle choices like smoking and diet.

The overall results from the study, Huang notes, may prompt researchers to take nicotine or tobacco exposure into consideration in clinical trials. As more trials take place for stem cell therapies in many applications, she says, the field will trend toward more effective therapies.

But with many unknowns, it will be years before stem cells therapies become the gold standard treatment for certain diseases, she says.

Click here to read the full story.

Click here to learn more about VA research.

Go here to see the original:
VA researchers study effects of smoking on therapeutic stem cells - VAntage Point Blog


Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy Market : Facts, Figures and Analytical Insights 2020-2025 – Good Night, Good Hockey

September 15th, 2020 11:05 am

The Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy Market report is a compilation of first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative assessment by industry analysts, inputs from industry experts and industry participants across the value chain. The report provides an in-depth analysis of parent market trends, macro-economic indicators and governing factors along with market attractiveness as per segments. The report also maps the qualitative impact of various market factors on market segments and geographies. We analyzed the impact of COVID-19 (Corona Virus) on the product industry chain based on the upstream and downstream markets, on various regions and major countries and on the future development of the industry are pointed out.

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The 132 pages report presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market. Top Companies in the Global Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy Market: AlloCure, Tissue Genesis, Antria, Cellleris, Corestem, Celgene Corporation, Mesoblast, Cytori Therapeutics, Pluristem Therapeutics, Intrexon, Lonza, BioRestorative Therapies, Pluristem Therapeutics, iXCells Biotechno and others.

Global Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy Market Split By Product Type And Applications:

This report segments the global Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy market on the basis of Types is:

Autologous Stem Cells

Allogeneic Stem Cells

On the basis of Application, the Global Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy market is segmented into:

Therapeutic Application

Research Application

The research study evaluates the overall size of the market, by making use of a bottom-up approach, wherein data for different industry verticals, and end-user industries and its applications across various product types have been recorded and predicted during the forecast period. These segments and sub-segments have been documented from the industry specialists and professionals, as well as company representatives, and are outwardly validated by analyzing previous years data of these segments and sub-segments for getting an accurate and complete market size.

Influence Of The Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy Market Report:

-Comprehensive assessment of all opportunities and risk in the Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy market.

Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy market recent innovations and major events.

-A Detailed study of business strategies for growth of the Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy market-leading players.

-Conclusive study about the growth plot of Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy market for forthcoming years.

-In-depth understanding of Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy market-particular drivers, constraints and major micro markets.

-Favorable impression inside vital technological and market latest trends striking the Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy market.

The report has 150 tables and figures browse the report description and TOC:


What Are The Market Factors That Are Explained In The Report?

Key Strategic Developments:The study also includes the key strategic developments of the market, comprising R&D, new product launch, M&A, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the leading competitors operating in the market on a global and regional scale.

Analytical Tools:The Global Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy Market Report includes the accurately studied and assessed data of the key industry players and their scope in the market by means of a number of analytical tools. The analytical tools such as Porters five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, feasibility study, and investment return analysis have been used to analyze the growth of the key players operating in the market.

Key Market Features:The report evaluated key market features, including revenue, price, capacity, capacity utilization rate, gross, production, production rate, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, CAGR, and gross margin. In addition, the study offers a comprehensive study of the key market dynamics and their latest trends, along with pertinent market segments and sub-segments.

Customization of the Report: This report can be customized as per your needs for additional data up to 3 companies or countries or 40 analyst hours.

If you have any questions about any of our Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy market report or would like to schedule a personalized free demo of Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy market report, please do not hesitate to contact me at irfan@marketinsightsreports.com

Best wishes,

Irfan Tamboli

Head of Sales Operations

Market Insights Reports

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Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy Market : Facts, Figures and Analytical Insights 2020-2025 - Good Night, Good Hockey


Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy Market Competitive Market Share, Market by Region, Product & Application, Forecast | BioRestorative Therapies,…

September 15th, 2020 11:04 am

The Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy Market Research Report is a resource, which provides current as well as upcoming technical and financial details of the industry to 2027. This report gives you so important and essentials data of Market size, share, trends, Growth, applications, forecast and cost analysis. Delivery development in North America, China, Europe, and South East Asia, Japan as well as in the Globe. The report proves to be indispensable when it comes to market definition, classifications, applications and engagements. The market report also computes the market size and revenue generated from the sales. The industry analysis report presents the key statistics on the market status of global and regional manufacturers and also acts as a valuable source of leadership and direction. What is more, theAdipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy market report analyses and provides historic data along with the current performance of the market.

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Global Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy Market competition by Top Key Players: BioRestorative Therapies, Inc., Celltex Therapeutics Corporation, Antria, Inc., Cytori Therapeutics Inc., Intrexon Corporation, Mesoblast Ltd., iXCells Biotechnologies, Pluristem Therapeutics, Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Tissue Genesis, Inc., Cyagen US Inc., Celprogen, Inc., and Lonza Group, among others.

Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy Market section by Region:

The Middle East and Africa North AmericaSouth AmericaEuropeAsia-Pacific

Segmentation: The report has been separated into different categories, such as product type, application, end user, and region. Every segment is evaluated based on the CAGR, share and growth potential. In the regional analysis, the report highlights the prospective region, which should generate opportunities in the global Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy market in the years to come. This segmented analysis will surely prove to be a useful tool for readers, stakeholders and market participants to get a full picture of the Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy global market and its growth potential in the years to come.

TheAdipose Derived Stem Cell TherapyMarket report offers a plethora of insights which include:

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Important Information that can be extracted from the Report:

Assessment of the COVID-19 impact on the growth of the Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy MarketSuccessful market entry strategies formulated by emerging market playersPricing and marketing strategies adopted by established market playersCountry-wise assessment of the Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy Market in key regionsYear-on-Year growth of each market segment over the forecast period 2026

TheAdipose Derived Stem Cell TherapyMarket report considers the following years to predict market growth:

The GlobalAdipose Derived Stem Cell TherapyMarket is displayed in 13 Chapters:

Chapter 1: Market Overview, Drivers, Restraints and OpportunitiesChapter 2: Market Competition by ManufacturersChapter 3: Production by RegionsChapter 4: Consumption by RegionsChapter 5: Production, By Types, Revenue and Market share by TypesChapter 6: Consumption, By Applications, Market share (%) and Growth Rate by ApplicationsChapter 7: Complete profiling and analysis of ManufacturersChapter 8: Manufacturing cost analysis, Raw materials analysis, Region-wise manufacturing expensesChapter 9: Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10: Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11: Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12: Market ForecastChapter 13:Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source

Read more from the original source:
Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy Market Competitive Market Share, Market by Region, Product & Application, Forecast | BioRestorative Therapies,...


Stem Cell Therapy Market To 2026: Growth Analysis By Manufacturers, Regions, Types And Applications – Kewaskum Statesman News Journal

September 15th, 2020 11:04 am

IndustryGrowthInsights, one of the worlds prominent market research firms has announced a novel report on the Stem Cell Therapy market. The report is integrated with imperative insights on the market which will support the clients to make precise business decisions. This research will help both existing and new aspirants for Global Stem Cell Therapy Market to figure out and study market requirements, market size, and competition. The report incorporates data regarding the supply and demand situation, the competitive scenario, and the challenges for market growth, market opportunities, and the threats encountered by key players during the forecast period of 2020-2027.

Request a sample before buying this report @ https://industrygrowthinsights.com/request-sample/?reportId=168110

Impact of COVID-19

The report also incorporates the impact of the ongoing global crisis i.e. COVID-19 on the Stem Cell Therapy market and explains how the future is going to unfold for the global market. The report also provides an analysis of the effects of the pandemic on the global economy. The outbreak has directly affected production and demand disrupted the demand and supply chain. The report also computes the financial impact on firms and financial markets. IndustryGrowthInsights has accumulated insights from various delegates of the industry and got involved in the primary and secondary research to offer the clients data & strategies to combat the market challenges during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Benefits of buying the report:

Industry experts and research analysts have worked extensively to fabricate the research report which will give that extra edge to your business in the competitive market. The market research report can be customized as per you and your needs. This means that IndustryGrowthInsights can cover a particular product, application, or can offer a detailed analysis in the report. You can also buy a separate report for a specific region.

You can buy the complete report @ https://industrygrowthinsights.com/checkout/?reportId=168110

Some of the major companies that are covered in this report:

Osiris TherapeuticsNuVasiveChiesi PharmaceuticalsJCR PharmaceuticalPharmicellMedi-postAnterogenMolmedTakeda (TiGenix)Stem Cell Therap

*Note: Additional companies can be included on request

The market scenario is likely to be fairly competitive. To analyze any market with simplicity the market is fragmented into the following segments:

By Application:

Musculoskeletal DisorderWounds & InjuriesCorneaCardiovascular DiseasesOthers

By Type:

AutologousAllogeneicStem Cell Therap

By Geographical Regions

Asia Pacific: China, Japan, India, and Rest of Asia PacificEurope: Germany, the UK, France, and Rest of EuropeNorth America: The US, Mexico, and CanadaLatin America: Brazil and Rest of Latin AmericaMiddle East & Africa: GCC Countries and Rest of Middle East & Africa

Segmenting the market into smaller components helps in analyzing the dynamics of the market with more clarity. Another key component that is integrated into the report is the regional analysis to assess the global presence of the Stem Cell Therapy market. You can also opt for a yearly subscription of all the updates on the Stem Cell Therapy market.

Below is the TOC of the report:

Executive Summary

Assumptions and Acronyms Used

Research Methodology

Stem Cell Therapy Market Overview

Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast by Type

Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast by Application

Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast by Sales Channel

Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast by Region

North America Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast

Latin America Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast

Europe Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast

Asia Pacific Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast

Asia Pacific Stem Cell Therapy Market Size and Volume Forecast by Application

Middle East & Africa Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast

Competition Landscape

If you have any questions on this report, feel free to reach us! @ https://industrygrowthinsights.com/enquiry-before-buying/?reportId=168110

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Stem Cell Therapy Market To 2026: Growth Analysis By Manufacturers, Regions, Types And Applications - Kewaskum Statesman News Journal


Cell Culture Market: Chemically Defined Mediums Adaptation to Boost Market Growth – BioSpace

September 15th, 2020 11:04 am

In a recent report by Transparency Market Research, thecell culturemarketis rapidly being adopted in the field of pharmaceuticals. Companies managing the global cell culture market are more focused on increasing strategic collaborations and expanding product development worldwide. Furthermore, they are aiming at expanding their footprints in emerging markets such as Latin America and Asia Pacific. An example of such collaboration would be the announcement of collaboration of Valneva SE and GE Healthcare in Nov, 2016 which optimized virus productivity in Valnevas EB66 cell line. Furthermore, the inauguration of EX-CELL Advanced HD perfusion mediums, is expected to help strengthen the streamline and production of regulatory compliances.

Read Report Overview - https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/cell-culture-market.html

According to TMR, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Dickinson and Company, GE Healthcare, Sartorius AG, and Lonza are some of the leading companies operating in the market. The position in the market is established by leading players and they are enjoying brand loyalty among customers. These manufacturers have extensive distribution network across the world and offer a wide variety of product range. On the back of these factors, they enjoy a stronghold in the global cell culturemarket.

According to TMR report, the global cell culture market is expected to register a 9.5% CAGR during the forecast period of 2017 to 2025. The valuation of 2016 was around US$13.00 bn and is anticipated to remain stable by the end of the forecast period. Owing to increased focus on Research and Development activities, and the development of healthcare sector and high unmet clinical needs in the region, the cell culture market is expanding with 10.0% CAGR in Asia Pacific.

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Increase Use of Stem-Cell Structure to Boost Market

Stem cell culture aids in the stabilization of manufacturing of drugs and allows to produce a wide variety of cell lines and its related products. There is a high potential for growth of the cell culture market with applications likestem cellresearch in the years to come. Stem cell therapies serve to treat the cause of the disease whereas the old time pharmaceutical therapeutics could only aid in treating the symptoms of the disease. Thus, there is high prospect for the global cell culture market in the field of stem cell culture for developing drugs.

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Cell structure is considered one of the most important steps in biosimilar production for antibodies. Cell structure reduces manufacturing cost and also increases the productivity and efficiency of biosimilar antibodies.

A majority of manufacturers are persistently trying to expand their product portfolio by launching new and advanced system for large-scale production. This involves both low risk of contamination and is cost-effective providing a win-win situation for the manufacturers.

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Strict Regulatory Framework and High Quality Standards Restricting Growth

The imposition of solid regulatory framework and high quality standards set by market leaders may limit the speed of market perforation by newcomers. Furthermore, ethical issues corresponding to the use of high cost of infrastructure, stringent regulations, and fetal bovine serum required for cell culture are expected to hinder the market during the forecast period.

However, there is increase in scope for the use of cell culture in biologics as the research and development in biopharmaceuticals field concentrates on the discovery of new therapeutics for new mechanisms of drug action and rare diseases. Owing to the treatment of chronic diseases in both developing as well as developed countries, there is an increase in demand for cost-effective and efficient products. With this, the demand for approval of biosimilar products have also raised. Due to the rise in demand, the global cell culture market is anticipated to provide lucrative opportunities in the course of the forecast period.

Buy Cell Culture Market Report - https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/checkout.php?rep_id=405&ltype=S

This review is based on the findings of a TMR report titled, Cell Culture Market (Product - Instruments (Cell Culture Vessels (Bioreactors), Carbon Dioxide Incubators, Biosafety Cabinets, Cryogenic Tanks), Mediums (Chemically Defined Mediums, Classical Mediums, Lysogeny Broths, Serum-free Mediums, Protein-free Mediums, Specialty Mediums), Sera, Reagents (Growth Factors & Cytokines, Albumin, Protease Inhibitors, Thrombin, Attachment Factors, Amino Acids); End use - Biotechnology Companies, Pharmaceutical Companies, Academic Institutes, and Research Institutes) - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2017 - 2025.

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Cell Culture Market: Chemically Defined Mediums Adaptation to Boost Market Growth - BioSpace


Stem Cell Therapy Market Insights By Current Trends 2020 Future Demand By Top Key Players, Regions, Industry Size, And Business Strategy Forecast To…

September 15th, 2020 11:04 am

The report on global Stem Cell Therapy market clearly highlights the contributing factors such as demand overview, trend analysis, technological sophistication besides production advances that have been thoroughly touched upon to instigate systematic growth prognosis.

This research-based documentation is a highly versatile source of information that highlights continues R&D activities, decisive market investments as well as manufacturer activity across geographical belts to ensure smooth growth spurt despite unprecedented occurrences.

The report on global Stem Cell Therapy market is a dependable point of reference heralding high accuracy business decisions on the basis of thorough research and observation.

Get a sample PDF of the report @ https://www.adroitmarketresearch.com/contacts/request-sample/691?utm_source=Pallavi

The report systematically studies and follows noteworthy progresses across growth trends, novel opportunities as well as drivers and restraints that impact growth prognosis in global Stem Cell Therapy market.Thus, for maximum user convenience, the report includes dedicated excerpts on barrier review and threat probability that tangibly limit growth spurt in the global Stem Cell Therapy market.The report sheds ample light in understanding noteworthy developments across multiple segments such as product based as well as technological milestones that have been collated post intensive primary and secondary research efforts.

Access Full Report with TOC Available @ https://www.adroitmarketresearch.com/industry-reports/stem-cell-therapy-market?utm_source=Pallavi

This report studies the Stem Cell Therapy market status and outlook of Global and major regions, from angles of players, countries, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top players in global market, and splits the Stem Cell Therapy market by product type and applications/end industries.Asia Pacific (APAC) is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period, as most of the companies in APAC are encouraging the extensive adoption of mobile applications.

The report offers updated financial information of the key competitors to offer accurate market insights and offers strategic recommendations. The study covers critical market trends along with an extensive analysis of emerging trends. The report covers a detailed examination of the market scenarios and trends on a regional and global level. The study covers the current competitive scenario with a special emphasis on the strategic initiatives taken by the prominent players of the industry.

Stem Cell Therapy Market Segmentation

Type Analysis of Stem Cell Therapy Market:

Based on cell source, the market has been segmented into,

Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal SCsBone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal SCsEmbryonic SCsOther Sources

Applications Analysis of Stem Cell Therapy Market:

Based on therapeutic application, the market has been segmented into,

Musculoskeletal DisordersWounds & InjuriesCardiovascular DiseasesGastrointestinal DiseasesImmune System DiseasesOther Applications

A Detailed Overview of Regional Diversification

1. In the trailing sections of the report, various research-based inferences pertaining to global Stem Cell Therapy market aligns with developmental milestones across geographies, with special references of global and local player activities.2. The report also is a one stop hub to isolate market developments and events comprising raw material sourcing and demand prospects that lead to steady growth.3. Additionally, the report is a ready-to-refer presentation encompassing details based on elaborate primary and secondary research that also focus on COVID-19 pandemic crisis that has crippled business outcome4. Parallel to the above mentioned, the report meets the crucial needs to guide appropriate growth strategies to enable high end growth across regional domains as well as global perspectives in global Stem Cell Therapy market.5. Leading market participants as well as their growth efficient marketing activities and business models are also elaborated in the report to serve as efficient cues for maximum growth and returns.

Executive Summary1. Assumptions and Acronyms Used2. Research Methodology3. Stem Cell Therapy Market Overview4. Stem Cell Therapy Supply Chain Analysis5. Stem Cell Therapy Pricing Analysis6. Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast by Type7. Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast by Application8. Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast by Sales Channel9. Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast by Region10. North America Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast11. Latin America Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast12. Europe Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast13. Asia Pacific Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast14. Middle East & Africa Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis and Forecast15. Competition Landscape

If you have any questions on this report, please reach out to us @ https://www.adroitmarketresearch.com/contacts/enquiry-before-buying/691?utm_source=Pallavi

About Us :

Adroit Market Research is an India-based business analytics and consulting company incorporated in 2018. Our target audience is a wide range of corporations, manufacturing companies, product/technology development institutions and industry associations that require understanding of a markets size, key trends, participants and future outlook of an industry. We intend to become our clients knowledge partner and provide them with valuable market insights to help create opportunities that increase their revenues. We follow a code Explore, Learn and Transform. At our core, we are curious people who love to identify and understand industry patterns, create an insightful study around our findings and churn out money-making roadmaps.

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Ryan JohnsonAccount Manager Global3131 McKinney Ave Ste 600, Dallas,TX75204, U.S.A.Phone No.: USA: +1 972-362 -8199/ +91 9665341414

See the original post:
Stem Cell Therapy Market Insights By Current Trends 2020 Future Demand By Top Key Players, Regions, Industry Size, And Business Strategy Forecast To...


Treatment with RNA-Targeting Gene Therapy Reverses Molecular and Functional Features of Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 in Mice – PRNewswire

September 15th, 2020 11:02 am

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Locanabio, Inc., a leader in RNA-targeted gene therapy, today announced that results from a preclinical study of the company's therapeutic systems for the potential treatment of myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) were published in Nature Biomedical Engineering. For the full article, titled "The sustained expression of Cas9 targeting toxic RNAs reverses disease phenotypes in mouse models of myotonic dystrophy," please visit: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41551-020-00607-7

Scientists at Locanabio, working with academic collaborators at UC San Diego School of Medicine and the University of Florida, assessed whether an RNA-targeting CRISPR Cas9 system (RCas9) could provide molecular and functional rescue of dysfunctional RNA processing in a DM1 mouse model. The RCas9 system was administered with one dose of an AAV gene therapy vector. Results in both adult and neonatal mice and using both intramuscular and systemic delivery showed prolonged RCas9 expression even at three months post-injection with efficient reversal of molecular (elimination of toxic RNA foci, MBNL1 redistribution, reversal of splicing biomarkers) and physiological (myotonia) features of DM1.Importantly, there were no significant adverse responses to the treatment.

"These results are consistent with earlier findings from several in vitro studies in muscle cells derived from DM1 patients published by Locanabio's scientific co-founder Dr. Gene Yeo of UC San Diego and further indicate the significant potential of our RNA-targeting gene therapy as a DM1 treatment," said Jim Burns, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer at Locanabio. "Data show that our RNA-targeting system is able to destroy the toxic RNA at the core of this devastating genetic disease and thereby correct the downstream molecular and biochemical changes that result in myotonia, which is a hallmark symptom of DM1. We are pleased that Nature Biomedical Engineering recognizes the value of these preclinical data and we look forward to further advancing this developmental program to the benefit of DM1 patients."

"Currently available treatments for DM1 can improve specific symptoms but do not target the underlying biology and cause of the disease. These data demonstrate that RNA-targeting systems may efficiently and specifically eliminate toxic RNA repeats that cause DM1 and potentially lead to a more effective treatment option for patients," said Dr. Yeo. "The results also indicate that RNA-targeting gene therapy has potential applications in the treatment of other diseases, such as Huntington's disease and certain genetic forms of ALS, which are also caused by a buildup of toxic RNA repeats."

These studies were funded in part by the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). "We are delighted to support Locanabio's recent work in myotonic dystrophy. These preclinical results represent a promising advance and a novel scientific approach for a group of patients who represent a major unmet medical need," said Sharon Hesterlee, Ph.D., Chief Research Officer, MDA.

About Locanabio, Inc.

Locanabio is the global leader in developing a new class of genetic medicines. Our unique and multi-dimensional approach uses gene therapy to deliver RNA binding protein-based systems to correct the message of disease-causing RNA and thereby change the lives of patients with devastating genetic diseases. These broad capabilities delivered via gene therapy enable Locanabio to potentially address a wide range of severe diseases with a single administration. The company is currently advancing programs in neuromuscular, neurodegenerative and retinal diseases. For more information, visit http://www.locanabio.com.

About Myotonic Dystrophy

Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder affecting skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, the gastrointestinal tract, and the central nervous system. DM1 is caused by a mutation in the myotonic dystrophy protein kinase (DMPK) gene. This mutation leads to a repeat expansion of the CTG (cytosine-thymine-guanine) trinucleotide. The expanded CTG is transcribed into toxic CUG (cytosine-uracil-guanine) repeats in the DMPK messenger RNA (mRNA). These toxic mRNA repeats lead to disease symptoms including progressive muscle wasting, weakness and myotonia (delayed relaxation of skeletal muscle), a hallmark of DM1. The incidence of myotonic dystrophy has historically been estimated at one in 8,000 individuals worldwide or approximately 40,000 people in the United States.

Media Contact

Brian ConnorBerry & Company[emailprotected]+1-845-702-2620

SOURCE Locanabio, Inc.

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Treatment with RNA-Targeting Gene Therapy Reverses Molecular and Functional Features of Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 in Mice - PRNewswire


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