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Postdoctoral studies on the molecular mechanisms that regulate aging – Nature.com

September 18th, 2020 11:55 am

The Department of Biosciences and Nutrition performs research and education in several areas of medical science including aging, molecular endocrinology, cancer biology, functional genomics, systems biology, epigenetics, structural biochemistry, bioorganic chemistry, cellular virology, and nutrition. It offers an excellent international research and working environment, including around 250 scientists, students, administrative and technical personnel. The Department resides in the new biomedical research building Neo, aimed at being a creative and open environment that enables meetings, synergies, and exploration of areas of mutual interest across disciplines.

Do you want to contribute to top quality medical research?

Aging is one of the main risk factors for morbidity and mortality. Thus, a better understanding of the mechanisms that regulate this process is highly desirable. One of our efforts focuses on arguably the most important aging regulator known to date, the transcription factor DAF-16/FOXO. It resides downstream of the nutrient-sensing insulin/IGF signaling pathway and in response to low nutrients activates gene expression programs that slow down the aging process. DAF-16/FOXO depends on a diverse range of binding partners and regulators to fulfill its role, and we are studying their functions by diverse biochemical, genetic, and cytological techniques. (See Lin et al., Nature Communications 2018, or Sen et al., Nature Communications 2020, for examples of such work from our lab.)

Your mission

We are looking for a Postdoc to join our research group, the lab of Christian Riedel. Focus of this position is to explore a new binding partner of DAF-16/FOXO which we found to be required for DAF-16/FOXO to promote longevity in response to low nutrient signals. This work is conducted both in the model organism C. elegans and in human cells. You will synergize with aging biologists and bioinformaticians from the Riedel lab and be part of a larger aging-focused research environment at our department, which also contains the labs of Martin Berg and Maria Eriksson.

We are looking for a talented and highly motivated scientist with a doctoral degree and strong background in Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics, and/or Biochemistry. Good expertise in either C. elegans methods or in mammalian cell culture techniques is desired. Also, a background in the biology of aging is appreciated, even though it is not essential.

Applicants are expected to work independently but as part of an enthusiastic team and to be proficient in English. They are expected to play a leading role in the design and execution of their experiments as well as the analysis and the presentation/publication of the resulting data. Before and while being in the lab, the applicant will be encouraged to apply for competitive national and international postdoctoral fellowships and career grants and will receive support in those endeavors.

This position will be financed by a postdoc scholarship paid out by Karolinska Institutet.

Scholarships for postdoctoral qualification can be established for foreign researchers who place their qualifications in Sweden. The purpose of scholarships for postdoctoral qualification is to promote internationalization and contribute to research qualification after a doctorate or equivalent.A scholarship for carrying out postdoctoral research can be granted for a maximum of two years within a four year period following the receipt of a doctoral degree or equivalent.To be eligible for a postdoctoral scholarship, the person must have obtained a doctorate or a foreign degree deemed to be equivalent to a doctorate. Applicants who have not completed a doctorate at the end of the application period may also apply, provided that all requirements for a completed degree are met before the (intended) start date of the post doctoral education.

The head of the department determines whether their previous training and scholarly qualifications correspond to a Swedish doctorate or higher.

What do we offer?

A creative and inspiring environment full of expertise and curiosity. Karolinska Institutet is one of the worlds leading medical universities. Our vision is to pursue the development of knowledge about life and to promote a better health for all. At Karolinska Institutet, we conduct successful medical research and hold the largest range of medical education in Sweden.

Location: Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Neo Building, Flemingsberg

Links: https://ki.se/en/bionut/department-of-biosciences-and-nutrition https://ki.se/en/bionut/christian-riedel-group http://riedellab.org/

The amount is tax free and it is set for twelve months at a time, paid out on a six months basis. In exceptional cases, shorter periods may be acceptable.

An application must contain the following documents in English:

You are welcome to apply at the latest by 16 October 2020.

The application has to be submitted through the Varbi recruitment system.

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Postdoctoral studies on the molecular mechanisms that regulate aging - Nature.com


The Undark Interview: A Conversation with Rita Colwell – Undark Magazine

September 18th, 2020 11:55 am

Rita Colwell is a pioneering microbiologist whose work on cholera helped illuminate the interplay between the environment and public health. She was also the first woman to serve as director of the National Science Foundation, and is currently a Distinguished University Professor at both the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins Universitys Bloomberg School of Public Health.

In her half-century-plus in the sciences, Colwell has also seen very clearly the array of obstacles confronted by women as they try to navigate a traditionally male world. (When she applied for a graduate fellowship in bacteriology, she says was told, We dont waste fellowships on women.)

A Lab of Ones Own: One Womans Personal Journey Through Sexism in Science, by Rita Colwell and Sharon Bertsch McGrayne (Simon & Schuster, 288 pages).

Colwells new book, A Lab of Ones Own, co-authored with writer Sharon Bertsch McGrayne, documents much of what she has seen and heard over the years, from sexual harassment to the invisible structural obstacles placed in the way of women working in the sciences. (The books subtitle is One Womans Personal Journey Through Sexism in Science.)

Not long ago, women were discouraged from studying science at all; those who did pursue such studies were seen as oddities. Later, when the numbers of women earning science degrees began to rise, they found themselves receiving less funding than their male colleagues, and less likely to land a position as a professor or a lab director. (It wasnt that long ago, Colwell recalls, when a grant application could be turned down because a man on the granting committee simply didnt like women scientists.) But Colwell also found allies along the way, and her book is something of a celebration of what can be achieved when science strives for inclusivity.

The following interview has been edited for length and clarity.

UNDARK: Though sexism has a long history, you write that the 1950s and 60s saw unprecedented levels of sexism in the sciences. What was going on at that time?

Rita Colwell: The attitude was, a woman worked in the home period. A woman couldnt even get a credit card in her own name; she had to have her husband, or her father, vouch for her. In general, the understanding was, if you were [a woman] interested in science, that was peculiar. It wasnt unusual for women to go to college but most did not go from there into any kind of work, unless it was nursing or teaching. It was a very limiting time, for women. A lot of this was unspoken; it was just sort of assumed.

UD: Regarding graduate education, you say that women were simply seen as not worth investing in. What does that mean?

RC: The expectation was that you would get married and have children. If you werent there, with your children, you were seen as a bad mother. You went to college to find a husband; that was the expectation.

UD: You point out that not only could one face obstacles for being a woman Ph.D. student, you could face a backlash if you supervised too many women Ph.D. students. What was that about?

RC: The assumption was that anyone who was really brilliant, with great ideas, would work for a male professor. So if you took women students, it was assumed they werent the best and the brightest. Having women students would mark you as not serious; your students were just going to get married, and youre just wasting all this time.

UD: As you say, a lot of this was unspoken but eventually there was solid data to quantify this discrimination. How did that come about?

RC: It was in the 90s that Nancy Hopkins at MIT carried out her now-famous experiment: She measured the labs, and discovered that the men had almost twice as much space; they also got the bulk of the research money. More women were entering these careers [in the sciences], but men got most of the funding and most of the space.

Later, Jo Handelsman did the experiment where they sent identical letters to male researchers [from recent graduates applying to be a lab manager], the only difference was that some were signed John and others were signed Jennifer. The question was, would you hire this person, and what would you pay them? Far fewer said they would hire the woman; and the salary they were prepared to offer was much, much lower.

But Id like to emphasize one thing: Once I was able to break through, at each stage of my career, there was tremendous support. My father was very education-minded; it didnt matter if you were a girl or a boy; everyone went to school. My husband, a physicist, was a fantastic supporter; we were married for 62 very happy years. And my Ph.D. supervisor, John Liston, was absolutely the best. He was a newcomer to the University of Washington, starting a new program in marine microbiology so I ended up being the first graduate student with a Ph.D. in marine microbiology, possibly in the whole United States.

The assumption was that anyone who was really brilliant, with great ideas, would work for a male professor. So if you took women students, it was assumed they werent the best and the brightest.

UD: Youre known for your groundbreaking work on cholera, but it was also fascinating to read about your work investigating the 2001 anthrax attacks, in which a number of politicians and journalists were mailed packages containing the deadly substance in the weeks following the 9/11 attacks. How did you end up on the front lines of that investigation?

RC: I was appointed [as director of the National Science Foundation] by Bill Clinton, and I served two years under Clinton and four under George W. Bush. In October or November [of 2001], we heard about anthrax attacks. I remember saying, Weve got to sequence that bacterium, or well never know who did it.

I had been working on an advisory board for the CIA, so I was able to call on some colleagues, and we formed an inter-agency group. We decided not to make the group official, so that we could keep it a secret. And we worked for five years on this classified project. And using molecular genetics, we tracked down the source. Now, well never know whether the perpetrator was in fact Bruce Ivins, and if he worked alone, or with others. [Ivins died in 2008.] He was an anthrax microbiologist, and the source turned out to be in his lab.

UD: You were using a computer in the late 1950s, long before they became ubiquitous in the life sciences. Did you have a sense that computers would eventually impact every branch of science?

RC: At the University of Washington, I wrote a computer program the first in the country, for bacteriology using the old IBM 650, which has less power than the chip in your microwave oven. When I was working with that computer, I had to program it, and I didnt know diddly. But in my husbands lab, there was a postdoc named George Constabaris, who taught me. And there was another chap who was using the IBM to do pipe-fitting for the ships in Seattle harbor. He was programming how to cut and fit pipe most efficiently.

So it was clear to me that this was an amazing tool. I used the computer for taxonomic purposes, for identification which now everybody does. Its amusing I used to give talks about species of bacteria, and people would yawn. But now the hotshots in Silicon Valley know the differences between different kinds of bacteria. It was clear to me that we had to have massive computation [in the sciences]. I was able to get into the NSF budget, over my term, $2 billion, for computation, for universities to start building the internet railway, so to speak.

UD: So much has changed in science, and in the culture of science, over your career. Today, are you optimistic or at least, more optimistic?

RC: I would say its cautious optimism. I dont know whats going to happen in the next administration; it could be a disaster for women. I strongly encourage girls to go into science. I abhor the assumption that girls cant do math; its absurd. Or that if youre African American you cant do math or you cant do science its crazy. Theres still sexism, which ranges from the criminal to the clueless. Like when someone comments to a woman scientist as shes going up to the podium to give a talk, that she looks attractive. Thats the last thing you want to hear. You want to hear Thats a great idea, or Can we collaborate on the next stage of this experiment?

Read the original:
The Undark Interview: A Conversation with Rita Colwell - Undark Magazine


Jumpcode Genomics Exits Stealth Mode, Unveils Technology that Addresses the ‘Needle in the Haystack’ Problem of Molecular Biology – Bio-IT World

September 18th, 2020 11:55 am

Patented CRISPRclean Technology is a Foundational Tool that Improves the Performance of Next-Generation Sequencing and Other Molecular Workflows by Increasing Sensitivity, Reducing Costs and Enabling Novel Discovery

CARLSBAD, CA, UNITED STATES - Sep 17, 2020 - Jumpcode Genomics - a genome technology company founded by industry veterans in 2016 focused on improving the understanding of human disease - today exited stealth mode and announced the commercial launch of its CRISPRclean technology. Initially available via three kits, CRISPRclean unlocks the power of next generation sequencing (NGS) by improving sensitivity, reducing costs and simplifying workflows. The company also announced that it has strengthened its leadership team with the addition of Yaron Hakak, Ph.D., as CEO. In addition, the company has added new advisors, including Dr. Stanley Nelson, vice chairman of Human Genetics at UCLA as consulting chief scientist, and Gary Schroth, Ph.D., vice president and distinguished scientist at Illumina, as a member of the companys scientific advisory board.

CRISPRclean technology is based on the in-vitro utilization of the CRISPR/Cas system to cleave and physically remove nucleic acid sequences pre- or post-NGS library preparation. This enables researchers to remove overabundant and uninformative sequences to allow discovery and detection of molecules previously undetectable (the needles). Like polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the technology broadly applies to many molecular biology techniques, particularly sequencing technologies.

Initial research applications focus on ribosomal RNA depletion, single cell analysis and repeat removal for whole genome sequencing. Additionally, Jumpcode Genomics is pursuing clinical applications, including the removal of human host molecules for a universal pathogen test and depletion of wild type alleles for somatic mutation detection in oncology. The technology seamlessly integrates into existing workflows and is agnostic to library preparation methods and sequencing platforms.

We aim to revolutionize the practice of molecular biology with our technology and to drive better results for researchers today and ultimately patients tomorrow, said Dr. Hakak, CEO of Jumpcode Genomics. When researchers perform NGS on biological samples, most molecules sequenced are uninformative, which results in a needle in a haystack problem. CRISPRclean solves this problem by simply removing the haystack.

The expansion of the leadership team and scientific advisory board enables Jumpcode Genomics to commercialize its technology and strengthen direct access to thought leaders in the scientific community.

About Jumpcode Genomics: Founded in 2016, Jumpcode Genomics aims to improve the understanding of human biology and the contribution to disease. The companys proprietary CRISPRclean technology utilizes the CRISPR/Cas system to deplete unwanted nucleic acid molecules from sequencing libraries. The process fits seamlessly within standard next generation sequencing workflows and works with most commercially available library preparation solutions. For more information, please visit: http://www.jumpcodegenomics.com

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Jumpcode Genomics Exits Stealth Mode, Unveils Technology that Addresses the 'Needle in the Haystack' Problem of Molecular Biology - Bio-IT World


NIH Funds Research into Differences in Glioblastoma between Males and Females – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

September 18th, 2020 11:55 am

A team led by researchers from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and Cleveland Clinics Lerner Research Institute has secured $10.4 million over five years from the National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute to explore at the molecular level the differences in glioblastoma between males and females.

The researchers will delve into the genetics, epigenetics and cell biology of glioblastoma the most common and deadliest brain tumor in adults to better understand the physiologic processes which may lead to more personalized therapies.

The researchers have previously published research showing significant differences between the sexes in glioblastoma incidence, survival and some key molecular pathways. They found that glioblastoma is 60 percent higher in males than in females. In addition, females have a significant survival advantage over males with a median improved survival rate of up to 10 months. However, while these sex differences are understood, they are not yet considered when treating glioblastoma.

The research team is led by co-principal investigators Justin Lathia, Ph.D., of Cleveland Clinics Lerner Research Institute, and Jill Barnholtz-Sloan, Ph.D., of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. The team also includes colleagues from Penn State College of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, and the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen).

Glioblastomas are rare about 3.5-4 per 100,000 in the United States from 2012-16, the most recent data available from the Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States (CBTRUS). Despite available treatments, glioblastomas have devastating consequences for patients. The median survival time is 12 to 14 months, and only about 5% of patients survive more than five years.

We have the molecular profiling technology and the computing and analytical strength to lead in this effort to better understand the role of sex differences in cancer, particularly for glioblastoma, said Barnholtz-Sloan, the Sally S. Morley Designated Professor in Brain Tumor Research and associate director of Data Sciences at the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, Case Western Reserve School of Medicine. This next phase of research relies on vast, varied and complex datasets in animals and humans and promises to be a game-changer in how we understand the role of sex in tumor formation and disease outcomes. This comprehensive approach has applications to all forms of cancer, as well as other diseases.

Sex differences are inherent drivers of glioblastoma incidence and survival, and we are taking a multidimensional approach to uncover a better understanding of this differentiation, said Lathia, vice chair of the Department of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Sciences and co-director of the Brain Tumor Research & Therapeutic Development Center of Excellence at Lerner Research Institute, and co-leader of the Molecular Oncology Program at the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center. We are incorporating data from tumor cells and their surrounding micro-environment, as well as genetic programs responsible for tumor growth, and underlying epigenetic differences that may be responsible for sex differences. We aim to gain a better understanding of how these variables interrelate to better understand disease mechanism, which in turn defines better diagnostics and more personalized therapies for patients.

The multi-disciplinary project involves established investigators with complementary expertise and a strong collaborative history. Along with Lathia and Barnholtz-Sloan, participating institutions and their PIs include:

Three related research projects, undertaken by this collaborative team, will delve into the basic biology and cellular mechanisms that drive sex differences in glioblastoma formation and progression. These related research projects will inform, synergize and depend on each other. Findings from the labs based on their animal models will then be queried against data from human clinical samples across multiple institutions. The vast amount of data generated from these studies requires robust data management and sophisticated data analysis for a comprehensive view of sex differences across these diverse but related inquiries.

Comprehensive findings will inform future clinical research design, the search for targets for new therapeutics, or the use of existing therapeutics that may be applied differently depending on a patients sex.

This grant was made by the NIHs National Cancer Institute. Grant number: 1P01CA245705.

Cleveland Clinic: Alicia Reale, 216-408-7444, Realeca@ccf.org

Case Western Reserve: Bill Lubinger, 216-368-4443, william.lubinger@case.edu

The rest is here:
NIH Funds Research into Differences in Glioblastoma between Males and Females - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic


Collaborative Research by OpGen Group Company Ares Genetics and Johns Hopkins Researchers Demonstrates Potential of Next-Generation Sequencing for…

September 18th, 2020 11:54 am

Published Study on Modifiable Risk Factors for the Emergence of Ceftolozane-Tazobactam Resistance

Presented Study on Long-Read Sequencing to Predict Phenotypic Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Results

Work Aimed at Demonstrating Diagnostic Value of Next-Generation Sequencing for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing and Translation into Clinical Practice

VIENNA, Austria and GAITHERSBURG, Md., Sept. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OpGen, Inc. (Nasdaq: OPGN, OpGen), announced today that scientists at its subsidiary Ares Genetics GmbH (Vienna, Austria; Ares Genetics), in collaboration with researchers from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, have published a peer-reviewed study on modifiable risk factors for the emergence of ceftolozane-tazobactam resistance in P. aeruginosa in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.

P. aeruginosa is listed by the World Health Organization as critical priority pathogen. To overcome antimicrobial resistance, ceftolozane-tazobactam has been introduced as a novel -lactam--lactamase inhibitor combination agent and received initial U.S. FDA approval in 2014. While pre-clinical investigations indicated ceftolozane-tazobactam activity against approximately 85%-95% of U.S. and Canadian carbapenem-non-susceptible P. aeruginosa isolates, soon after the clinical introduction of ceftolozane-tazobactam, reports of resistance during therapy emerged.

The study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases sought to understand mechanisms of resistance leading to ceftolozane-tazobactam resistance, the frequency of cross-resistance between ceftolozane-tazobactam and other novel beta-lactam beta-lactamase inhibitor combinations and identify modifiable risk factors that may slow or prevent the acquisition of ceftolozane-tazobactam resistance. Findings demonstrate the potential of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) to investigate mechanisms of resistance by analyzing whole-genome sequencing data from P. aeruginosa isolates that developed resistance under treatment with ceftolozane-tazobactam. Mutations identified in ceftolozane-tazobactam resistant isolates involved, amongst others, AmpC, a known binding site for ceftolozane, PBP3, the target of ceftolozane, and DNA polymerase. The researchers propose extending ceftolozane-tazobactam infusions as a potential protective measure against acquired mutational resistance.

The present study is the result of an ongoing collaboration between Ares Genetics and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, with the goal of investigating the diagnostic potential of NGS for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Earlier this year, Dr. Patricia Simner of Johns Hopkins Medicine and Ares Genetics presented results from a study assessing the potential of long-read sequencing to predict antimicrobial susceptibility results at the online ASM Microbe 2020 meeting.

Dr. Andreas Posch, CEO Ares Genetics and co-author of both studies, commented, While we have already shown that NGS allows for CLIA-compliant identification of bacterial pathogens and antimicrobial resistance markers as well as accurate prediction of phenotypic resistance in previous publications, the present studies further underline the diagnostic value of NGS as well as the need for rapid antimicrobial resistance testing and improving antibiotic treatment regiments. I am particularly excited about our joint work on using long-read sequencing technology for phenotype prediction as this technology could potentially allow for molecular antibiotic susceptibility testing directly from native patient samples in just a few hours.

About OpGen, Inc.

OpGen, Inc. (Gaithersburg, MD, USA) is a precision medicine company harnessing the power of molecular diagnostics and bioinformatics to help combat infectious disease. Along with subsidiaries, Curetis GmbH and Ares Genetics GmbH, we are developing and commercializing molecular microbiology solutions helping to guide clinicians with more rapid and actionable information about life threatening infections to improve patient outcomes, and decrease the spread of infections caused by multidrug-resistant microorganisms, or MDROs. OpGens product portfolio includes Unyvero, Acuitas AMR Gene Panel and Acuitas Lighthouse, and the ARES Technology Platform including ARESdb, using NGS technology and AI-powered bioinformatics solutions for antibiotic response prediction.

Story continues

For more information, please visit http://www.opgen.com.

Forward-Looking Statements by OpGen

This press release includes statements regarding studies and publications of OpGens subsidiary Ares Genetics GmbH. These statements and other statements regarding OpGens future plans and goals constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and are intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that are often difficult to predict, are beyond our control, and which may cause results to differ materially from expectations. Factors that could cause our results to differ materially from those described include, but are not limited to, our ability to successfully, timely and cost-effectively develop, seek and obtain regulatory clearance for and commercialize our product and services offerings, the rate of adoption of our products and services by hospitals and other healthcare providers, the realization of expected benefits of our business combination transaction with Curetis GmbH, the success of our commercialization efforts, the impact of COVID-19 on the Companys operations, financial results, and commercialization efforts as well as on capital markets and general economic conditions, the effect on our business of existing and new regulatory requirements, and other economic and competitive factors. For a discussion of the most significant risks and uncertainties associated with OpGen's business, please review our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which are based on our expectations as of the date of this press release and speak only as of the date of this press release. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

OpGen Contact:Oliver SchachtCEOInvestorRelations@opgen.com

Press Contact:Matthew BretziusFischTank Marketing and PRmatt@fischtankpr.com

Investor Contact:Megan PaulEdison Groupmpaul@edisongroup.com

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Collaborative Research by OpGen Group Company Ares Genetics and Johns Hopkins Researchers Demonstrates Potential of Next-Generation Sequencing for...


Cardiovascular Genetic Testing Market to Witness High Growth in Near Future and Competitive Analysis – The Daily Chronicle

September 18th, 2020 11:54 am

Data Bridge Market Research has recently published the Global research Report Titled Cardiovascular Genetic Testing Market. The study provides an overview of current statistics and future predictions of the Global Cardiovascular Genetic Testing Market. The study highlights a detailed assessment of the Market and displays market sizing trends by revenue & volume (if applicable), current growth factors, expert opinions, facts, and industry validated market development data.

Cardiovascular genetic testing market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. Data Bridge Market Research analyses the market to account to USD 4.01 billion by 2027 growing at a CAGR of 13.40% in the above-mentioned forecast period. An extensive array of employment of genetic experimentation in inherent disorders and oncology will prove advantageous for genetic testing business germination in the coming years.

FREE Sample Copy of Research Report Click Here: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-cardiovascular-genetic-testing-market&utm_source=&kA

The Global Cardiovascular Genetic Testing Market research report assembles data collected from different regulatory organizations to assess the growth of the segments. In addition, the study also appraises the global Cardiovascular Genetic Testing market on the basis of topography. It reviews the macro- and microeconomic features influencing the growth of the Cardiovascular Genetic Testing Market in each region. Various methodological tools are used to analyze the growth of the worldwide Cardiovascular Genetic Testing market.

Top Key Vendors Covered in the report:

Siemens Healthcare GmbH, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, QIAGEN, Pathway Genomics, Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc, Natera, Inc., Myriad Genetics, Inc., ICON plc, Laboratory Corporation of America Luminex Corporation, IntegraGen., HTG Molecular Diagnostics, Inc. , Genomic Health, Inc., Admera Health, deCODE genetics among other domestic and global players.

Regions included:

North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico)

Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy)

Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia)

South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia)

The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)

How Does This Market Insights Help?

Key Pointers Covered in the Cardiovascular Genetic Testing Market Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026

Why choose us:

A complete value chain of the global Cardiovascular Genetic Testing market is presented in the research report. It is associated with the review of the downstream and upstream components of the Cardiovascular Genetic Testing Market. The market is bifurcated on the basis of the categories of products and customer application segments. The market analysis demonstrates the expansion of each segment of the global Cardiovascular Genetic Testing market. The research report assists the user in taking a decisive step that will be a milestone in developing and expanding their businesses in the global Cardiovascular Genetic Testing market.

Get Table Of Contents of This Premium Research For Free: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-cardiovascular-genetic-testing-market&utm_source=&KA


Part 01:Executive Summary

Part 02:Scope of the Report

Part 03:Research Methodology

Part 04:Market Landscape

Part 05:Pipeline Analysis

Pipeline Analysis

Part 06:Market Sizing

Market Definition

Market Sizing

Market Size And Forecast

Part 07:Five Forces Analysis

Bargaining Power Of Buyers

Bargaining Power Of Suppliers

Threat Of New Entrants

Threat Of Substitutes

Threat Of Rivalry

Market Condition

Part 08:Market Segmentation



Market Opportunity

Part 09:Customer Landscape

Part 10:Regional Landscape

Part 11:Decision Framework

Part 12:Drivers and Challenges

Market Drivers

Market Challenges

Part 13:Market Trends

Part 14:Vendor Landscape

Part 15:Vendor Analysis

Vendors Covered

Vendor Classification

Market Positioning Of Vendors

Part 16:Appendix

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Read more here:
Cardiovascular Genetic Testing Market to Witness High Growth in Near Future and Competitive Analysis - The Daily Chronicle


Ancient DNA is revealing the genetic landscape of people who first settled East Asia – The Conversation US

September 18th, 2020 11:54 am

The very first human beings originally emerged in Africa before spreading across Eurasia about 60,000 years ago. After that, the story of humankind heads down many different paths, some more well-studied than others.

Eastern regions of Eurasia are home to approximately 2.3 billion people today roughly 30% of the worlds population. Archaeologists know from fossils and artifacts that modern humans have occupied Southeast Asia for 60,000 years and East Asia for 40,000 years.

But theres a lot left to untangle. Who were the people who first came to these regions and eventually developed agriculture? Where did different populations come from? Which groups ended up predominant and which died out?

Ancient DNA is helping to answer some of these questions. By sequencing the genomes of people who lived many millennia ago, scientists like meare starting to fill in the picture of how Asia was populated.

In 2016, I joined Dr. Qiaomei Fus Molecular Paleontology Lab at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. Our challenge: Resolve the history of humans in East Asia, with the help of collaborators who were long dead ancient humans who lived up to tens of thousands of years ago in the region.

Members of the lab extracted and sequenced ancient DNA using human remains from archaeological sites. Then Dr. Fu and I used computational genomic tools to assess how their DNA related to that of previously sequenced ancient and present-day humans.

One of our sequences came from ancient DNA extracted from the leg bones of the Tianyuan Man, a 40,000-year-old individual discovered near a famous paleoanthropological site in western Beijing. One of the earliest modern humans found in East Asia, his genetic sequence marks him as an early ancestor of todays Asians and Native Americans. That he lived where Chinas current capital stands indicates that the ancestors of todays Asians began placing roots in East Asia as early as 40,000 years ago.

Farther south, two 8,000- to 4,000-year-old Southeast Asian hunter-gatherers from Laos and Malaysia associated with the Habnhian culture have DNA that, like the Tianyuan Man, shows theyre early ancestors of Asians and Native Americans. These two came from a completely different lineage than the Tianyuan Man, which suggested that many genetically distinct populations occupied Asia in the past.

But no humans today share the same genetic makeup as either Habnhians or the Tianyuan Man, in both East and Southeast Asia. Why did ancestries that persisted for so long vanish from the gene pool of people alive now? Ancient farmers carry the key to that answer.

Based on plant remains found at archaeological sites, scientists know that people domesticated millet in northern Chinas Yellow River region about 10,000 years ago. Around the same time, people in southern Chinas Yangtze River region domesticated rice.

Unlike in Europe, plant domestication began locally and was not introduced from elsewhere. The process took thousands of years, and societies in East Asia grew increasingly complex, with the rise of the first dynasties around 4,000 years ago.

Thats also when rice cultivation appears to have spread from its origins to areas farther south, including lands that are todays Southeast Asian countries. DNA helps tell the story. When rice farmers from southern China expanded southward, they introduced not only their farming technology but also their genetics to local populations of Southeast Asian hunter-gatherers.

The overpowering influx of their DNA ended up swamping the local gene pool. Today, little trace of hunter-gatherer ancestry remains in the genes of people who live in Southeast Asia.

Farther north, a similar story played out. Ancient Siberian hunter-gatherers show little relationship with East Asians today, but later Siberian farmers are closely related to todays East Asians. Farmers from northern China moved northward into Siberia bringing their DNA with them, leading to a sharp decrease in prevalence of the previous local hunter-gatherer ancestry.

Genetically speaking, todays East Asians are not very different from each other. A lot of DNA is needed to start genetically distinguishing between people with different cultural histories.

What surprised Dr. Fu and me was how different the DNA of various ancient populations were in China. We and others found shared DNA across the Yellow River region, a place important to the development of Chinese civilization. This shared DNA represents a northern East Asian ancestry, distinct from a southern East Asian ancestry we found in coastal southern China.

When we analyzed the DNA of people who lived in coastal southern China 9,000-8,500 years ago, we realized that already by then much of China shared a common heritage. Because their archaeology and morphology was different from that of the Yellow River farmers, we had thought these coastal people might come from a lineage not closely related to those first agricultural East Asians. Maybe this groups ancestry would be similar to the Tianyuan Man or Habnhians.

But instead, every person we sampled was closely related to present-day East Asians. That means that by 9,000 years ago, DNA common to all present-day East Asians was widespread across China.

Todays northern and southern Chinese populations share more in common with ancient Yellow River populations than with ancient coastal southern Chinese. Thus, early Yellow River farmers migrated both north and south, contributing to the gene pool of humans across East and Southeast Asia.

The coastal southern Chinese ancestry did not vanish, though. It persisted in small amounts and did increase in northern Chinas Yellow River region over time. The influence of ancient southern East Asians is low on the mainland, but they had a huge impact elsewhere. On islands spanning from the Taiwan Strait to Polynesia live the Austronesians, best known for their seafaring. They possess the highest amount of southern East Asian ancestry today, highlighting their ancestrys roots in coastal southern China.

Other emerging genetic patterns show connections between Tibetans and ancient individuals from Mongolia and northern China, raising questions about the peopling of the Tibetan Plateau.

Ancient DNA reveals rapid shifts in ancestry over the last 10,000 years across Asia, likely due to migration and cultural exchange. Until more ancient human DNA is retrieved, scientists can only speculate as to exactly who, genetically speaking, lived in East Asia prior to that.

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See the article here:
Ancient DNA is revealing the genetic landscape of people who first settled East Asia - The Conversation US


Lilly and Amgen Announce Manufacturing Collaboration for COVID-19 Antibody Therapies | Antibodies | News Channels – PipelineReview.com

September 18th, 2020 11:54 am

DetailsCategory: AntibodiesPublished on Friday, 18 September 2020 10:19Hits: 173

Agreement will significantly increase global supply capacity for Lilly's potential COVID-19 treatments

INDIANAPOLIS, IN and THOUSAND OAKS, CA, USA I September 17, 2020 I Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE:LLY) and Amgen (NASDAQ:AMGN) today announced a global antibody manufacturing collaboration to significantly increase the supply capacity available for Lilly's potential COVID-19 therapies. Lilly is currently studying several potential neutralizing antibodies for the prevention and/or treatment of COVID-19 as either monotherapy or in combination. Through this collaboration, the two companies will have the ability to quickly scale up production and serve many more patients around the world should one or more of Lilly's antibody therapies prove successful in clinical testing and receive regulatory approval.

"Based on our initial clinical studies, we believe that virus neutralizing antibodies, including LY-CoV-555, could play an important role in the fight against COVID-19," said Daniel Skovronsky, M.D., Ph.D., Lilly's chief scientific officer and president of Lilly Research Laboratories. "Increasing the manufacturing capacity for our neutralizing antibodies through this collaboration with Amgen is a crucial next step, and together we hope to be able to produce many millions of doses even next year."

"We are impressed with Lilly's data, in particular the reduction in hospitalizations, and are enthusiastic about the potential for these neutralizing antibodies as a therapeutic for COVID-19," said David M. Reese, M.D., executive vice president of research and development at Amgen. Esteban Santos, executive vice president of Operations at Amgen, added "we are proud to partner with Lilly and leverage our deep technical expertise in antibody development and, in particular, our strong capabilities in the scale up and manufacturing of complex biologics. This is yet another example of the ways our industry is closely collaborating to combat this devastating disease and help patients around the world access new therapies."

About AmgenAmgen is committed to unlocking the potential of biology for patients suffering from serious illnesses by discovering, developing, manufacturing and delivering innovative human therapeutics. This approach begins by using tools like advanced human genetics to unravel the complexities of disease and understand the fundamentals of human biology.

Amgen focuses on areas of high unmet medical need and leverages its expertise to strive for solutions that improve health outcomes and dramatically improve people's lives. A biotechnology pioneer since 1980, Amgen has grown to be one of the world's leading independent biotechnology companies, has reached millions of patients around the world and is developing a pipeline of medicines with breakaway potential.

For more information, visitwww.amgen.comand follow us onwww.twitter.com/amgen.

About Eli Lilly and CompanyLilly is a global healthcare leader that unites caring with discovery to create medicines that make life better for people around the world. We were founded more than a century ago by a man committed to creating high-quality medicines that meet real needs, and today we remain true to that mission in all our work. Across the globe, Lilly employees work to discover and bring life-changing medicines to those who need them, improve the understanding and management of disease, and give back to communities through philanthropy and volunteerism. To learn more about Lilly, please visit us at lilly.com and lilly.com/news. C-LLY

SOURCE: Eli Lilly

Original post:
Lilly and Amgen Announce Manufacturing Collaboration for COVID-19 Antibody Therapies | Antibodies | News Channels - PipelineReview.com


Yale teams get multi-million-dollar awards to study biology of Parkinson’s – Yale News

September 18th, 2020 11:54 am

Two Yale research teams will each receive approximately $9 million in grants from the Aligning Sciences Across Parkinsons (ASAP) initiative to study the underlying biology of Parkinsons disease.

The ASAP grants, to be distributed over three years, are part of a major international, multi-institutional effort to uncover the basic disease mechanisms that drive the progressive neurological disorder, which afflicts 7 to 10 million people worldwide. The initiative builds and leverages a network of leading investigators, which will ultimately serve to promote rapid access to data, enabling breakthroughs across scales that will accelerate benefits for patients.

A Yale team headed byPietro De Camilli, the John Klingenstein Professor of Neuroscience, professor of cell biology, and investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, will study how gene mutations linked to Parkinsons affect the function of brain cells during the course of the disease. De Camilli will team with scientists from Weill Cornell Medicine to study the impact of Parkinsons disease on the physiology and metabolism of synapses, with the goal of identifying new therapeutic targets.

A second Yale team led byDavid Hafler, the William S. and Lois Stiles Edgerly Professor of Neurology and professor of immunobiology, will investigate whether the progression of Parkinsons disease pathology in the brain is initiated by an autoimmune process triggered by the gut microbiome. The research, part of the Center for Neuroinflammation at Yale, will leverage long-standing collaborations with researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital and the Broad Institute to produce an unprecedented map of the neuro-immune-gut interactions, with the goal of identifying new treatments for the disease.

The awards to two Yale teams illustrate the universitys dedication to collaborative science and the growing role Yale neuroscientists are playing in elucidating fundamental mechanisms of the most intractable conditions afflicting the brain and central nervous system, said Nancy J. Brown, dean of the Yale School of Medicine. Without a more robust understanding of basic mechanisms we cannot make progress in the treatment of Parkinsonism, she added.

Other Yale members of the De Camilli team areKarin Reinisch, the David W. Wallace Professor of Cell Biology and of molecular biophysics and biochemistry;Shawn Ferguson, associate professor of cell biology and neuroscience; andKallol Gupta, assistant professor of cell biology.

Other Yale members of the Hafler team areLe Zhang, assistant professor of neurology;Sreeganga Chandra,associate professor of neurology and neuroscience;Rui Chang,assistant professor of neuroscience;Noah Palm,assistant professor of immunobiology;Brian KooandJesse Cedarbaum, members of the clinical Department of Neurology; andDavid van Dijk, assistant professor in the Department of Medicine and Genetics.

ASAP is a coordinated research initiative dedicated to fostering collaboration and resources to better understand the underlying causes of Parkinsons disease. The Michael J. Fox Foundation is ASAPs implementation partner and issued the grants.

Read the rest here:
Yale teams get multi-million-dollar awards to study biology of Parkinson's - Yale News


Nanomedicine Seen As A Promising Approach For Diagnosis and Treatment Against COVID – PRNewswire

September 18th, 2020 11:53 am

PLAM BEACH, Fla., Sept. 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --The National Institute for Health (NIH) is at the heart of the emerging and rapidly evolving war against the global pandemic. They constantly update the public on the latest information on research for a vaccine and therapies to fight the virus. A recent report from them shone the light on a specific promising therapeutic approach nanomedicine. The NIH said that nanomedicine is a promising approach fordiagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis against COVID-19. They said that: "The COVID-19pandemic caused by the newly emerged severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) puts the world in an unprecedented crisis, leaving behind huge human losses and deep socioeconomic damages. Due to the lack of specific treatment against SARS-CoV-2, effective vaccines and antiviral agents are urgently needed to properly restrain the COVID-19 pandemic. Repositioned drugs such asremdesivir have revealed a promising clinical efficacy against COVID-19. Interestingly, nanomedicine as a promising therapeutic approach could effectively help win the battle between coronaviruses and host cells."Mentioned in today's commentary include: NanoViricides, Inc. (NYSE: NNVC), Immunomedics(NASDAQ: IMMU), Gilead Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: GILD), Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: INO), Novavax, Inc. (NASDAQ: NVAX).

Due to a lack of approved vaccines and specific treatments only preventive measures can currently be applied. Currently, development of an effective vaccine and specific treatment is the main concern for researchers worldwide to fight the current COVID-19 and any future mutations. Understanding the coronaviral genome and the processes of viral replication and pathogenesis will enable researchers to develop specific drugs and vaccines. So researchers are turning to nanomedicine, one of the most important and emerging fields of modern science.

NanoViricides, Inc. (NYSE American: NNVC) Breaking News: NanoViricides Nominates a Novel Candidate for Advancing Into Clinical Trials for Treatment of COVID-19 NanoViricides, a global leader in the development of highly effective antiviral therapies based on a novel nanomedicines platform, today announced that it has nominated a clinical drug candidate for the treatment of COVID-19, thus further advancing its COVID-19 program closer to human clinical trials.

The Company has accelerated its drug development program for COVID-19 with the goal of creating the most effective medicine to obtain regulatory approval for emergency use in the COVID-19 pandemic in the shortest timeline feasible, after achieving proof of concept of broad-spectrum anti-coronavirus effectiveness of test candidates. The Company therefore aggressively worked to harness the full power of the nanoviricides nanomedicine platform to achieve these objectives.

A curative treatment for a virus such as SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus would require a multi-faceted attack that shuts down (i) ability of the virus to infect host cells and simultaneously, (ii) ability of the virus to multiply inside the host cells. The nanoviricide platform enables direct multi-point attack on the virus that is designed to disable the virus and its ability to infect new cells. At the same time, a nanoviricide is also capable of carrying payload in its "belly" (inside the micelle) that can be chosen to affect the ability of the virus to replicate. The nanoviricide is designed to protect the payload from metabolism in circulation. Thus, the nanoviricide platform provides an important opportunity to develop a curative treatment against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19 spectrum of pathologies.

The clinical candidate the Company has chosen is identified as NV-CoV-1-R. It is made up of a nanoviricide that we have found to possess broad-spectrum anti-coronavirus activity, now identified as NV-CoV-1, and remdesivir encapsulated inside the core of NV-CoV-1. NV-CoV-1 itself is designed to attack the virus particles themselves, and possibly would also attack infected cells that display the virus antigen S-protein, while sparing normal (uninfected) cells that do not display the S-protein. Additionally, remdesivir is widely understood to attack the replication cycle of the virus inside cells. Thus the combined attack enabled by NV-CoV-1-R on the virus could prove to be a cure for the infection and the disease, provided that the necessary dosage level can be attained without undue adverse effects. Human clinical trials will be required to determine the safety and effectiveness of NV-CoV-1-R.

Remdesivir is a well-known antiviral drug (developed by Gilead) that has been approved for emergency use treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 in several countries. NV-CoV-1 is a novel agent that is being used as an adjuvant to remdesivir in creating NV-CoV-1-R, to improve the overall effectiveness. It is well known that remdesivir suffers from rapid metabolism in circulation that breaks down the prodrug to its nucleoside form which is not readily phosphorylated. The Company anticipates that encapsulation in NV-CoV-1 may protect remdesivir from this rapid metabolism. If this happens, the effective level and stability of remdesivir in the body would increase. This increase may lead to increased effectiveness if there are no adverse effects. Such increased effectiveness, if found, may also allow reduction in the required dosage of remdesivir in the encapsulated form, i.e. as NV-CoV-1-R. In this sense, NV-CoV-1 can be viewed to act as an adjuvant that enhances the effect of remdesivir, a known antiviral against SARS-CoV-2.

"This is an extremely important milestone for the Company," said Anil R. Diwan, PhD, President and Executive Chairman of the Company, adding, "We look forward to rapid development of the IND enabling core safety pharmacology studies and, thereafter, human clinical development on an accelerated timeline in these trying times of the pandemic." Read the full press release by going to: http://www.nanoviricides.com/companynews.html

In other biotech news in the markets this week:

Immunomedics(NASDAQ: IMMU) and Gilead Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: GILD)recently announcedthat the companies have entered into a definitive agreement pursuant to which Gilead will acquire Immunomedics for $88.00 per share in cash. The transaction, which values Immunomedics at approximately $21 billion, was unanimously approved by both the Gilead and Immunomedics Boards of Directors and is anticipated to close during the fourth quarter of 2020.

The agreement will provide Gilead with TrodelvyTM(sacituzumab govitecan-hziy), a first-in-class Trop-2 directed antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) that was granted accelerated approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in April for the treatment of adult patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (mTNBC) who have received at least two prior therapies for metastatic disease. Immunomedics plans to submit a supplemental Biologics License Application (BLA) to support full approval of Trodelvy in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2020. Immunomedics is also on track to file for regulatory approval in Europe in the first half of 2021.

"This acquisition represents significant progress in Gilead's work to build a strong and diverse oncology portfolio. Trodelvy is an approved, transformational medicine for a form of cancer that is particularly challenging to treat. We will now continue to explore its potential to treat many other types of cancer, both as a monotherapy and in combination with other treatments," said Daniel O'Day, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Gilead Sciences. "We look forward to welcoming the talented Immunomedics team to Gilead so we can continue to advance this important new medicine for the benefit of patients with cancer worldwide."

INOVIO (NASDAQ: INO), a biotechnology company focused on bringing to market precisely designed DNA medicines to treat and protect people from infectious diseases and cancer, recently announced that Thermo Fisher Scientific, the world leader in serving science, has signed a letter of intent to manufacture INOVIO's DNA COVID-19 vaccine candidate INO-4800.

Thermo Fisherjoins other contract development and manufacturing organizations in INOVIO's global manufacturing consortium, enabling INOVIO to potentially scale commercial production of INO-4800. With its consortium of third-party manufacturers, INOVIO plans to have 1001million doses of INO-4800 manufactured in 2021, subject to FDA approval of INO-4800 for use as a COVID-19 vaccine.Thermo Fisherplans to manufacture INO-4800 drug substance as well as perform fill and finish of INO-4800 drug product at its commercial facilities in the US. At peak capacity,Thermo Fisherprojects that it could produce at least 100 million doses of INO-4800 annually.

Novavax, Inc. (NASDAQ: NVAX), a late-stage biotechnology company developing next-generation vaccines for serious infectious diseases, recently announced an amendment to its existing agreement with Serum Institute of India Private Limited (SIIPL) under which SIIPL will also manufacture the antigen component of NVXCoV2373, Novavax' COVID19 vaccine candidate. With this agreement, Novavax increases its manufacturing capacity of NVX-CoV2373 to overtwo billion doses annually, when all planned capacity has been brought online by mid-2021. NVXCoV2373 is a stable, prefusion protein made using Novavax' recombinant protein nanoparticle technology and includes Novavax' proprietary MatrixM adjuvant.

"Today's agreement with Serum Institute enhances Novavax' commitment to equitable global delivery of our COVID-19 vaccine. With this arrangement, we have now put in place a global supply chain that includes the recently acquired Praha Vaccines and partnerships with leading biologics manufacturers, enabling production on three continents," said Stanley C. Erck, President and Chief Executive Officer of Novavax. "We continue to work with extraordinary urgency to develop our vaccine, now in Phase 2 clinical trials, and for which we anticipate starting Phase 3 efficacy trials around the world in the coming weeks."

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Read more:
Nanomedicine Seen As A Promising Approach For Diagnosis and Treatment Against COVID - PRNewswire


Healthcare Nanotechnology Market Insights Competitive Analysis and Future Demand and Revenue Forecast to 2024 | Key Companies: Amgen, Stryker, Teva…

September 18th, 2020 11:53 am

Healthcare Nanotechnology Market2020-2025 report offerscomprehensive quantitative and qualitative market analysis. This report has been prepared under the continuous observation of the global market situation. This report has been formulated to give our clients the most up to date data and analyses of the Healthcare Nanotechnology Market. The impact on the enterprises and business development, distribution by region and global level is assessed in the report.

Top Companies are covering This Report:-

AmgenStrykerTeva PharmaceuticalsUCBRocheAbbottMerck & CoCelgeneBiogenSanofiLeadiant BiosciencesShireKyowa Hakko KirinGilead SciencesJohnson & Johnson3M CompanyEndo InternationalSmith & NephewPfizerIpsen

The research process involved the study of various factors affecting the industry such as government policy, market environment, competitive landscape, historical data, existing trends in the market, and market risks, opportunities, market barriers and challenges.

Reports Intellect projects Healthcare Nanotechnology Market based on elite players, present, past, and forecast data for the coming years which will act as a profitable guide for all the market competitors. The study includes growth trends, micro- economic and macro-economic indicators in detail and the report has been assessed with the help of PESTEL analysis and other essential analyses operating in the Healthcare Nanotechnology Market. Top-down and bottom-up approaches are used to validate the global Healthcare Nanotechnology market size and estimate the market size for Company, regions segments, product segments and Application.

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The report offers all the essential data for players to secure a position of strength in the market, all while creating a comprehensive action plan. Our analysts here at Reports Intellect have used advanced primary and secondary research techniques to create the most up to date assessment of data on the Healthcare Nanotechnology Market which opens up a plethora of new opportunities to create new strategies to gain leverage over the competition.

Type Coverage:

NanomedicineNano Medical DevicesNano DiagnosisOthersNanomedicine has the highest percentage of revenue by type, with more than 86% in 2019.

Application Coverage:

AnticancerCNS ProductAnti-infectiveOthersAccording to the application, anticancer and CNS products accounted for 17.56% and 22.70% of the market in 2019 respectively.

Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers

North America Country (United States, Canada)

South America

Asia Country (China, Japan, India, Korea)

Europe Country (Germany, UK, France, Italy)

Other Country (Middle East, Africa, GCC)

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Healthcare Nanotechnology Market Insights Competitive Analysis and Future Demand and Revenue Forecast to 2024 | Key Companies: Amgen, Stryker, Teva...


Nanoscale Reflective Coating Reverse-Engineered From Fly Eyes – Technology Networks

September 18th, 2020 11:53 am

The eyes of many insects, including the fruit fly, are covered by a thin and transparent coating made up of tiny protuberances with anti-reflective, anti-adhesive properties. An article published in the journalNaturereveals the secrets of how this nano-coating is made. The authors, from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and University of Lausanne (UNIL) - together with ETH Zurich (ETHZ) - show that the coating only consists of two ingredients: a protein called retinin and corneal wax. These two components automatically generate the regular network of protuberances by playing the roles of activator and inhibitor, respectively, in a morphogenesis process modelled in the 1950s by Alan Turing. The multi-disciplinary team even succeeded in artificially reproducing the phenomenon by mixing retinin and wax on different kinds of surface. This process, which is very inexpensive and is based on biodegradable materials, was used to obtain nano-coatings with a morphology similar to that of insects, with anti-adhesive and anti-reflective functionalities that could have numerous applications in areas as diverse as contact lenses, medical implants and textiles.

"The nano-coating that covers the surface of the eyes of some insects was discovered in the late 1960s in moths," begins Vladimir Katanaev, a professor in the Department of Cell Physiology and Metabolism in UNIGE's Faculty of Medicine and the study's lead investigator. "It's made up of a dense network of small protrusions about 200 nanometres in diameter and several dozens of nanometres in height. It has the effect of reducing light reflection."

The cornea of an insect without a coating typically reflects about 4% of the incident light, whereas the proportion drops to zero in insects that do have the covering. Although an improvement of 4% may seem small, it is enough of an advantage - especially in dark conditions - to have been selected during evolution. Thanks to its anti-adhesive properties, the coating also provides physical protection against the tiniest dust particles in the air.

Professor Katanaev moved into this research field ten years ago. In 2011, he and his team were the first to discover the nano-coating on the eyes of fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). This insect is much more suited to scientific research than moths, in particular because its genome has been completely sequenced.

The Geneva-based researcher has now gathered more evidence to support this hypothesis. Thanks to biochemical analyses and the use of genetic engineering, Professor Katanaev and his colleagues have succeeded in identifying the two components involved in the reaction-diffusion model developed by Turing. This hinges on a protein called retinin and wax produced by several specialised enzymes, two of which have been identified. Retinin plays the role of activator: with its initially unstructured shape, it adopts a globular structure upon contact with the wax and begins to generate the pattern. The wax, on the other hand, plays the role of inhibitor. The powerplay between the two leads to the emergence of the nano-coating.

Initial tests have shown that the coating is resistant to 20 hours of washing in water (it is easily damaged by detergent or scratching, although technological improvements could make it more robust). The anti-reflective properties have already aroused a certain degree of interest among manufacturers of contact lenses, while the anti-adhesive properties could appeal to the producers of medical implants. Indeed, this type of coating could make it possible to control where human cells hook on. Industry already has the techniques needed to obtain this outcome. But they use harsh methods, such as lasers or acids. The Geneva team's solution has the advantage of being inexpensive, benign and totally biodegradable.Reference:

This article has been republished from the following materials. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.

Read more:
Nanoscale Reflective Coating Reverse-Engineered From Fly Eyes - Technology Networks


R&D Activities to Fast-track the Growth of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market Between 2015 2021 – The Daily Chronicle

September 18th, 2020 11:53 am

Persistence Market Research recently published a market study that sheds light on the growth prospects of the global Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market during the forecast period (20XX-20XX). In addition, the report also includes a detailed analysis of the impact of the novel COVID-19 pandemic on the future prospects of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market. The report provides a thorough evaluation of the latest trends, market drivers, opportunities, and challenges within the global Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market to assist our clients arrive at beneficial business decisions.

The Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market study is a well-researched report encompassing a detailed analysis of this industry with respect to certain parameters such as the product capacity as well as the overall market remuneration. The report enumerates details about production and consumption patterns in the business as well, in addition to the current scenario of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market and the trends that will prevail in this industry.

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What pointers are covered in the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market research study?

The Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market report Elucidated with regards to the regional landscape of the industry:

The geographical reach of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market has been meticulously segmented into United States, China, Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia & India, according to the report.

The research enumerates the consumption market share of every region in minute detail, in conjunction with the production market share and revenue.

Also, the report is inclusive of the growth rate that each region is projected to register over the estimated period.

The Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market report Elucidated with regards to the competitive landscape of the industry:

The competitive expanse of this business has been flawlessly categorized into companies such as

Key players in the global nanomedicine market include: Abbott Laboratories, CombiMatrix Corporation, GE Healthcare, Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Johnson & Johnson, Mallinckrodt plc, Merck & Company, Inc., Nanosphere, Inc., Pfizer, Inc., Celgene Corporation, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., and UCB (Union chimique belge) S.A.

Key geographies evaluated in this report are:

Key features of this report

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Exclusive details pertaining to the contribution that every firm has made to the industry have been outlined in the study. Not to mention, a brief gist of the company description has been provided as well.

Substantial information subject to the production patterns of each firm and the area that is catered to, has been elucidated.

The valuation that each company holds, in tandem with the description as well as substantial specifications of the manufactured products have been enumerated in the study as well.

The Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market research study conscientiously mentions a separate section that enumerates details with regards to major parameters like the price fads of key raw material and industrial chain analysis, not to mention, details about the suppliers of the raw material. That said, it is pivotal to mention that the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market report also expounds an analysis of the industry distribution chain, further advancing on aspects such as important distributors and the customer pool.

The Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market report enumerates information about the industry in terms of market share, market size, revenue forecasts, and regional outlook. The report further illustrates competitive insights of key players in the business vertical followed by an overview of their diverse portfolios and growth strategies.

For any queries get in touch with Industry Expert @ https://www.persistencemarketresearch.co/ask-an-expert/6370

Some of the Major Highlights of TOC covers:

See original here:
R&D Activities to Fast-track the Growth of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market Between 2015 2021 - The Daily Chronicle


Medical Biomimetics Market research, Industry Outlook, Current Trends and Forecast by 2025 – The Research Process

September 18th, 2020 11:53 am

A detailed overview of Medical Biomimetics market with respect to the pivotal drivers influencing the revenue graph of this business sphere. The current trends of Medical Biomimetics market in conjunction with the geographical landscape, demand spectrum, remuneration scale, and growth graph of this vertical have also been included in this report.

Increasing rate of organ failure coupled with growing geriatric population base will act as growth impact rendering factors for medical biomimetics market during the forecast timeframe. As per the U.S. Census Bureau?s 2017 National Population Projections, there will be nearly 78 million people aged more than 65 years, while 76.7 million under 18 years of age in the U.S. by 2035, thereby escalating demand for biomimetics products in coming future.

High adoption of western culture, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity has led to rising incidence of cardiovascular diseases, resulting in increased demand for biomimetic cardiovascular products. Numerous applications of biomimetics in healthcare industry including fields such as dentistry, orthopedics, cardiovascular, and ophthalmology should stimulate business growth during the analysis period.

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Medical Biomimetics Market will reach over USD 35 billion by 2025; as per a new research report.

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Orthopedic product segment accounted for more than 30% market share in 2018 and is estimated to witness significant growth during the forecast period owing to growing demand for orthopedic prosthesis and implants. For instance, increasing number of accidents and injuries have escalated the demand for prosthetic limbs. Technological advancements including development of augment bone graft should positively impact segmental growth.

Application segment of medical biomimetics market includes plastic surgery, wound healing, tissue engineering, drug delivery and others including nanomedicine, drug discovery, enzymatic modification and medical engineering. Plastic surgery application segment will witness 6.3% CAGR over the coming years due to wide application of biomimetics in plastic surgery for scaffold formation. It is also used in craniofacial surgery for restoration of facial aesthetics, function and form.

Increasing R&D activities pertaining to development of innovative biomimetic products along with advancements in nanotechnology, tissue engineering utilizing biomimetics technology should positively impact industry expansion. However, high capital investment in R&D along with stringent regulations will hinder industry growth during the forecast timeframe.

Germany medical biomimetics market dominated European region in 2018 and is anticipated to grow at 5.8% during the forecast period. High technological adoption, rising geriatric population prone to suffer from organ failure and increasing incidence of ophthalmology, orthopedic and cardiovascular disorders in the country are driving factors for Germany medical biomimetics market.

Saudi Arabia medical biomimetics market will witness 5.2% CAGR during the forecast timeframe. Growing demand and adoption of cosmetic surgical procedures among women, technological advancements and rising awareness should drive Saudi Arabia medical biomimetics industry during the analysis period. Rising incidence of coronary heart disease coupled with growing uptake of unhealthy habits such as alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking will augment demand for biomimetic products in the region.

Major Highlights from Table of contents are listed below for quick lookup into Medical Biomimetics Market report

Chapter 1. Competitive Landscape

Chapter 2. Company Profiles

Chapter 3. Methodology & Scope

Chapter 4. Executive Summary

Chapter 5. Medical Biomimetics industryInsights

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Medical Biomimetics Market research, Industry Outlook, Current Trends and Forecast by 2025 - The Research Process


Personalized Medicine and Epigenomics Market (Covid-19 Updated) Opportunities And Analysis By Expansion, Size, Share, Trends, Manufacturer And…

September 16th, 2020 2:57 am

Personalized Medicine and Epigenomics Market has been growing exponentially over time and has shown great potential in the near future. The growth of Personalized Medicine and Epigenomics Market is expected to see an amazing uproar as the market becomes increasingly popular. The report focuses on the key growth contributors of the market to help the clients better understand the current scenario of the market all while considering the history as well as the forecast of the Personalized Medicine and Epigenomics Market. Essential growth factors have been discussed in the following report.

Top Companies covering This Report:- Emd Millipore, Epigenomics AG, Epigentex, Envivo Pharmaceuticals (Forum Pharmaceutricals), Gilead Sciences, Glaxosmithkline, Illumina Inc., Johnson & Johnson, Karus Therapeutics Limited, Laboratory Corp. Of America Holdings, LES Laboratoires Servier, Merck, Naturewise Biotech & Medicals Corp.

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Personalized Medicine and Epigenomics Market Type Coverage:


Personalized Medicine and Epigenomics Market Application Coverage:

OncologyNon-OncologyCancer Drug Technology

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North America (United States, Canada, Mexico)

Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia)

South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc.)

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Personalized Medicine and Epigenomics Market (Covid-19 Updated) Opportunities And Analysis By Expansion, Size, Share, Trends, Manufacturer And...


Apple steps up its focus on health with new blood oxygen sensor and population health initiative in Singapore – FierceHealthcare

September 16th, 2020 2:57 am

As wearables companies continue to add new health and wellness capabilities, Apple showed off its latest smartwatch Tuesday with an ability to measure users' blood oxygen.

The new Apple Watch Series 6 expands the health capabilities of previous Apple Watch models with a new feature that measures the oxygen saturation of the users bloodso they can better understand their overall fitness and wellness, the company said as they unveiled the watch during Apple'sfall product event.

Oxygen saturation, or SpO2, represents the percentage of oxygen being carried by red blood cells from the lungs to the rest of the body, and indicates how well this oxygenated blood is being delivered throughout the body.

Apple Watch Series 6 completely redefines what a watch can do, said Jeff Williams, Apples chief operating officer in a statement. With powerful new features, including a Blood Oxygen sensor and app,Apple Watch becomes even more indispensable by providing further insight into overall well-being."

The blood oxygen app measurements are only designed for general fitness and wellness purposes are not intended for medical use, including self-diagnosis or consultation with a doctor, the tech giant said.

RELATED:Fitbit's ECG app gets FDA nod to track heart rhythm irregularities

Companies outside of healthcare, like Apple, see that migrating care away from intensive settings is the future, according toMichael Abrams, co-founder and managing partner at global healthcare consulting firm Numerof & Associates.

"They, and other tech companies, are currently working to seize the business opportunity that that reality presents, and if hospitals and health systems want to find future success, its time they follow suit," he said.

Considering how many Americans have had to shelter in place and pay close attention to their own health and wellness this year, its no surprise that Apple, Google and most recently Amazon have added more health features to their wearable devices, said

"Apples new blood oxygen monitoring is particularly timely, and more broadly, another example of tech both hearing and answering consumers call for a better way to manage care from the comfort of home," Abrams said.

Apple also has unveiled a new fitness app designed for its smartwatches, and CVS Health has signed on to offer it to select commercial Aetnaand Caremark members.

The companyplans to partner withthe government of Singapore on a national health initiaitve using Apple Watch.

The initiative, called LumiHealth, is a personalized program to encourage healthy activity and behaviors using fitness tracking and apps. Created in collaboration with a team of physicians and public health experts, LumiHealth features challenges designed to help users sleep better, move more, eat well, and live more mindfully.LumiHealth also reminds users to go for health screenings andimmunizations.

Singapore has one of the worlds leading healthcare systems, and we are thrilled to be partnering with them to incorporate Apple Watch and LumiHealth into their holistic approach to well-being, Williams said.

Apple will sponsor three studies to validate the feature and its benefits andexplore how blood oxygen levels can be used in future health applications.The company will work with researchers at Anthem and the University of California, Irvine toexamine how longitudinal measurements of blood oxygen and other physiological signals can help manage and control asthma.

RELATED:Competing with Apple and Fitbit, Amazon launches health wearable that tracks activity, body fat, emotions

Apple also plans to work with the Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research and the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at the University Health Networkto better understand how blood oxygen measurements and other Apple Watch metrics can help with management of heart failure.

Meanwhile, the Seattle Flu Study at the Brotman Baty Institute for Precision Medicine and faculty from the University of Washington School of Medicine will examine how signals from apps on Apple Watch, such as heart rate and blood oxygen, could serve as early signs of respiratory conditions like influenza and COVID-19.

The battle to lead the consumer fitness tracker market is heating up as Amazon recently launched a fitness tracker, called Halo, that track activity, body fat, and emotions. Companies like Amazon, Apple and Fitbit are all focusing onpivoting theirwearables from just fun accessories to health devices.

Fitbit just announced that has gained medical device clearances in the U.S. and Europe for its smartwatch electrocardiogram appto track users'heart rhythms for signs of atrial fibrillation.

The company's latest device, FitbitSense, tracks heart rate variability, breathing rate and blood-oxygen saturation, or SpO2. Fitbit Sensealso will have anon-wrist skin temperature sensor that can help detect potential signs of illness.

Excerpt from:
Apple steps up its focus on health with new blood oxygen sensor and population health initiative in Singapore - FierceHealthcare


Automation Testing Market is expected to expand at an impressive rate by 2027 with leading Players Marvin Test Solutions Inc. and Danaher Corporation,…

September 16th, 2020 2:57 am

This Automation Testing market document highlights key market dynamics of sector along with the current market scenario and future prospects of the sector. This report figures out market landscape, brand awareness, latest trends, possible future issues, industry trends and customer behavior so that business can stand high in the crowd. This market report is the most appropriate solution for the business requirements in many ways which also assists with the informed decision making and smart working. The Automation Testing report also encompasses market overview, premium insights, key insights and company profiles in detail of the key market players.

Automation Testing Market accounted for USD 2.36 billion in 2017 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.0% the forecast period of 2020 to 2025.

Automation Testing marketResearch Report is a valuable source of insightful data for business strategies. It provides the Global Automation Testing industry overview with growth analysis and historical & futuristic cost, revenue, demand and supply data (as applicable). The research analysts provide an elaborate description of the Automation Testing Market dominated players, distributor and vendors analysis, value structure chain analysis. The Global Automation Testing market study provides comprehensive data about market segmentation, drivers, restrains and regional market analysis by country level which enhances the understanding, scope and application of this Automation Testing Market report. Delivering the key insights pertaining to this industry, the report provides an in-depth analysis of the latest trends, present and future business scenario, market size and share of Major Players suchSTAr Technologies Inc., Tesec Corporation, Roos Instruments, Inc., Marvin Test Solutions Inc. and Danaher Corporation, Teradyne Inc., Advantest Corporation, Capgemini, Wipro, Accenture, TCS, Infosys Ltd. among others.

For Better Understanding, Download Free Sample PDF Brochure of Automation Testing Market Research Report @https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-automation-testing-market

Market Dynamics:

Set of qualitative information that includes PESTEL Analysis, PORTER Five Forces Model, Value Chain Analysis and Macro Economic factors, Regulatory Framework along with Industry Background and Overview.

Global Automation Testing Research Methodology

Data Bridge Market Research presents a detailed picture of the market by way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources.The data thus presented is comprehensive, reliable, and the result of extensive research, both primary and secondary. The analysts have presented the various facets of the market with a particular focus on identifying the key industry influencers.

Major Drivers and Restraints of the Automation Testing Industry

Growing demand for personalized medicine is expected to create new opportunity for the Automation Testing market.

Clinical trial digitization allows the processing in different forms of voluminous patient-related data. Such data are being used by pharmaceutical companies to improve the effectiveness of trial execution.

Growing demand for quality data is expected to drive the market growth. Some of the other factors such as increasing demand for personalized drugs, increasing adoption of new technology in clinical research, growing research & development promoting outsourcing and increasing diseases prevalence will drive the market in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027

Complete report is available

For an excellent outcome of Automation Testing report, qualitative and transparent research studies are carried out devotedly for the specific niche. Being a global market research report, it also identifies, analyses, and estimates the emerging trends along with major drivers, challenges and opportunities in the industry and analysis of vendors, geographical regions, types, and applications. An idea about competitive landscape plays very important role in deciding about the improvements required in the product and more. As businesses can achieve thorough insights with this report, they can confidently take decisions about their production and marketing strategies.

The titled segments and sub-section of the market are illuminated below:

By component(Industrial PC, Mass Interconnect, Handler, and Probers),

By Type(memory chip, mixed signal, digital, and others),

By Application(consumer electronics, automotive, aerospace and defense, and medical)

Region Included are:

United States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India & Central & South America

Top Players in the Market are Verizon Communications, IBM Corporation, Aemulus Holdings Bhd (Aemulus), Chroma ATE Inc., Aeroflex Inc., Astronics Corporation, Advantest Corporation, LTX-Credence Corporation (Xcerra Corporation), Teradyne Inc.,

How will the report help new companies to plan their investments in the Automation Testing market?

The Automation Testing market research report classifies the competitive spectrum of this industry in elaborate detail. The study claims that the competitive reach spans the companies of.

The report also mentions about the details such as the overall remuneration, product sales figures, pricing trends, gross margins, etc.

Information about the sales & distribution area alongside the details of the company, such as company overview, buyer portfolio, product specifications, etc., are provided in the study.

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Some of the Major Highlights of TOC covers:

Chapter 1: Methodology & Scope

Chapter 2: Executive Summary

Chapter 3: Automation Testing Industry Insights

Chapter 4: Automation Testing Market, By Region

Chapter 5: Company Profile

Thanks for reading this article, you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.

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Automation Testing Market is expected to expand at an impressive rate by 2027 with leading Players Marvin Test Solutions Inc. and Danaher Corporation,...


Evotec and BIOASTER Partner to Build a Technology and Innovation HUB in Lyon – BioSpace

September 16th, 2020 2:57 am

HAMBURG, GERMANY / ACCESSWIRE / September, 14, 2020 / Evotec SE (Frankfurt Stock Exchange: EVT, MDAX/TecDAX, ISIN: DE0005664809) and the French-based BIOASTER Technological Research Institute ("BIOASTER") today announced that they have entered into a partnership to advance research for infectious diseases. BIOASTER is a technology and innovation hub located in Lyon, France that has created a new model to address the latest challenges in the microbiology field, including antimicrobial resistance and vaccine safety and efficacy.

The organisations have been working together since the beginning of 2020 and Evotec represents the first global research and development company to locate staff in BIOASTER's premises in Lyon.

Under the terms of the collaboration agreement, the two organisations aim to put forward new research projects against infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance, potentially creating new therapies and technologies. This collaboration had already started through the European research projects and development consortium ERA4TB (European Regimen Accelerator for Tuberculosis) and GNA NOW (Novel Gram-negative antibiotic now) within the AMR accelerator supported by the Innovative Medicines Initiative IMI2, aimed at reducing resistance to antibiotics and developing new therapeutic solutions.

"BIOASTER is proud to have support from the French and European leaders in diagnostics, vaccines, and animal health, and is pleased to formalise such a partnership with Evotec at the Lyon site. This allows BIOASTER to strengthen its agility and its capacity for technological innovation, in particular on antimicrobial resistance. BIOASTER now has a high-value network of close partners, which covers our four fields of application: antimicrobials, diagnostics, vaccines and microbiota understanding are key for manufacturers and patients alike," said Dr Philippe Archinard, President of IRT BIOASTER.

"The agreement will nurture the research ecosystem of Lyon Metropole and its Biodistrict, and impact on both national and European levels. The fact that Evotec, a company headquartered in Hamburg, Germany, chose to locate its unit dedicated to infectious diseases together with BIOASTER in the Biodistrict Lyon, reinforces the reputation of this French health ecosystem, while offering a more complete and more powerful technological toolbox to speed up industrialisation of innovations," said Emeline Baume, first vice president of Lyon Metropole.

"We are very glad to be partnering with BIOASTER, bringing Evotec's proven global resources for anti-infective research and drug development to Lyon," said Dr Werner Lanthaler, Chief Executive Officer of Evotec. "Both Evotec and BIOASTER have made a long-term commitment to tackle the challenge of antimicrobial resistance and we are confident that together we will be able to efficiently drive forward the progress in this field with high and rising unmet medical need."

The two entities gather more than 120 researchers in total, share the same advanced infrastructures, including five BSL3 laboratories, with easy access to diverse equipments: this co-location creates a new pole of attraction, particularly suited to the expectations of industrials to accelerate and de-risk their product developments in infectious diseases.


Created in 2012, following the French initiative of Technological Research Institutes, BIOASTER is a non-for-profit foundation developing a unique technological and innovative model to support the latest challenges in microbiology. In particular, BIOASTER uses and develops high value technological innovations that accelerate development of medical solutions for populations and personalized medicine.

The aim of BIOASTER is to bring together academic, industry and its capacities and specific knowledge to develop and execute high impact collaborative projects requiring industry compatible innovative technologies.

Key figures:

* 4 fields of expertise: antimicrobials, diagnostics, microbiota, vaccines* BSL2 & BSL3 laboratories in Lyon and Paris* 100+ employees, including 80% of scientific experts, 17 nationalities* 66+ collaborative projects, involving 27 private partners, 29 public partners.



Evotec is a drug discovery alliance and development partnership company focused on rapidly progressing innovative product approaches with leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, academics, patient advocacy groups and venture capitalists. We operate worldwide and our more than 3,300 employees provide the highest quality stand-alone and integrated drug discovery and development solutions. We cover all activities from target-to-clinic to meet the industry's need for innovation and efficiency in drug discovery and development (EVT Execute). The Company has established a unique position by assembling top-class scientific experts and integrating state-of-the-art technologies as well as substantial experience and expertise in key therapeutic areas including neuronal diseases, diabetes and complications of diabetes, pain and inflammation, oncology, infectious diseases, respiratory diseases, fibrosis, rare diseases and women's health. On this basis, Evotec has built a broad and deep pipeline of approx. 100 co-owned product opportunities at clinical, pre-clinical and discovery stages (EVT Innovate). Evotec has established multiple long-term alliances with partners including Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, CHDI, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Sanofi, Takeda, UCB and others. For additional information please go to http://www.evotec.com and follow us on Twitter @Evotec.


Information set forth in this press release contains forward-looking statements, which involve a number of risks and uncertainties. The forward-looking statements contained herein represent the judgement of Evotec as of the date of this press release. Such forward-looking statements are neither promises nor guarantees, but are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, and which could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in these forward-looking statements. We expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any such statements to reflect any change in our expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based.

SOURCE: Evotec AG via EQS Newswire

View source version on accesswire.com:https://www.accesswire.com/605953/Evotec-and-BIOASTER-Partner-to-Build-a-Technology-and-Innovation-HUB-in-Lyon

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Evotec and BIOASTER Partner to Build a Technology and Innovation HUB in Lyon - BioSpace


Urinalysis Market | North America to grow at the highest rate during the forecast period (20192024) – WhaTech

September 16th, 2020 2:57 am

The urinalysis market is projected to reach USD 4.6 billion by 2024 from USD 3.2 billion in 2019, at a CAGR of 7.6% from 2019 to 2024.

Integrated systems for urinalysis and the emerging economies are expected to provide a wide range of growth opportunities for players in the market which is driven by growing incidences of UTI and other kidney diseases.

According to the latest research report [146 Pages Report] The global urinalysis market is projected to reach USD 4.6 billion by 2024 from USD 3.2 billion in 2019, at a CAGR of 7.6% from 2019 to 2024.

Urinalysis Market by Product (Dipsticks, Pregnancy & Fertility Kits, Reagents, Disposables, Automated, Semi-automated, PoC Analyzers), Application (UTI, Diabetes, Pregnancy), End User (Hospital, Labs, Homecare) & Test Type - Global Forecast to 2024

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What drive the Urinalysis Systems Market?

However, the availability of government funding for life science research, drug development regulations, advances in live cell imaging techniques, growth in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, and the rising incidence of cancer.

The Urinalysis Systems market, based on product type, is segmented into consumables and instruments. The consumables segment dominated this market in 2019.

The urinalysis consumables market is segmented into pregnancy & fertility kits, dipsticks, reagents, and disposables. Pregnancy and fertility kits accounted for the largest share of Urinalysis Systems market in 2019.

These kits have witnessed wide adoption amongst end users across the globe owing to their cost-effectiveness and ease of use.

North America to grow at the highest rate during the forecast period (20192024)

The Urinalysis Systems market in North America is expected to grow at a rapid pace in the coming years.

There has been a tremendous increase in the use of urine analysis and has become a part of any general health check up in the past decade. Increasing research activities in the field of urinalysis and growing awareness of personalized medicine have also resulted in the establishment point of care systems.

Automated devices have also been installed in the large hospitals and laboratories.

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Urinalysis Market | North America to grow at the highest rate during the forecast period (20192024) - WhaTech


Those linked to stem cell board received more than $2.1 billion – Capitol Weekly

September 16th, 2020 2:56 am

Over the last 15 years, Californias stem cell agency has spent $2.7 billion on research ranging from arthritis and blindness to cancer and incontinence. The vast majority of the money has gone to enterprises that have ties to members of the agencys governing board.

All of which is legal. All of which is not likely to change.

Eight out of every ten dollars that agency has handed out have been collected by 25 institutions such as Stanford University, multiple campuses of the University of California and scientific research organizations. Their combined total exceeds $2.1 billion.

All 25 have links directly or indirectly to past or present members of the board of the agency, according to an analysis by the California Stem Cell Report, which has covered the agency since 2005.

They (the agencys directors) make proposals to themselves, essentially, regarding what should be funded. They cannot exert independent oversight, says Harold Shapiro, who led a 2012 study of the agency by the prestigious Institute of Medicine (IOM), which is now called the National Academy of Medicine. The study recommended a major restructuring of the agencys board to help deal with the problem.

The longstanding, conflict-of-interest issues are not addressed in Proposition 14 on the Nov. 3 ballot. The measure would give the agency, officially known as the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), $5.5 billion more and expand its scope of activities and research. The ballot measure is likely to increase the problems by increasing the size of the agencys governing board from 29 to 35.

Another ballot initiative, Proposition 71, created Californias stem cell program in 2004. Ever since, conflict of interest questions have dogged CIRM. Indeed, critics of the agency can today point to the top five recipients of CIRM largess as examples of conflict problems. Stanford University ranks as the No. 1 recipient with $388 million. UCLA is No. 2 with $307 million. It is followed by UC San Diego, $232 million; UC San Francisco, $199 million, and UC Davis, $143 million.

All have had a representative on the CIRM board since the inception of the program.

Editors note CIRMs totals may change slightly as the result of the agencys internal accounting procedures.

IOM and public confidence in CIRMThe IOM study, with its criticism of conflicts, was commissioned by CIRM at a cost of $700,000. Directors expected that it would provide a gold standard evaluation of the agency that would support a ballot measure for additional funding. The studys scope went well beyond conflicts of interest. In fact, it said it did not search for evidence of specific conflicts because the task was not part of the agreement with CIRM. The IOM did say that studies from psychology and behavioral economics show that conflict of interest leads to unconscious and unintentional self-serving bias and to a bias blind spot that prevents recognition of ones own bias. While all of the studys findings were consequential, the matter of conflicts attracted the most public attention.

Ties to stem cell board lucrative, said a headline in the Orange County Register shortly after the IOM report was released.

The agency has used more than half of its funding and one day will almost certainly want to ask taxpayers for more. It should remember that voters will look for evidence of public accountability as well as respected research, said the Los Angeles Times in an editorial in December 2012.

The IOM report itself said, Far too many board members represent organizations that receive CIRM funding or benefit from that funding. These competing personal and professional interests compromise the perceived independence of the ICOC (the CIRM governing board), introduce potential bias into the boards decision making, and threaten to undermine confidence in the board.

The IOM said the composition of the board makes it neither independent nor capable of oversight, although the board is legally dubbed the Citizens Independent Oversight Committee (ICOC).

Placing deans of medical schools and patient advocates on the board who are linked to specific diseases raises questions about whether decisions delegated to the boardparticularly decisions about the allocation of fundswill be made in the best interests of the public or will be unduly influenced by the special interests of board members and the institutions they represent. Such conflicts, real or perceived, are inevitable.

The situation involves more than legalisms. Properly understood, the IOM said, conflict of interest is not misconduct, but bias that skews the judgment of a board member in favor of interests that may be different from or narrower than the broader interests of the institution.

The IOM study additionally surveyed board members about conflicts of interest and reported, While a majority of respondents stated that personal interests did not play a role in their work on the ICOC, some responses were more equivocal. One respondent replied that it was hard to tell given that so many decisions take place off camera in secret meetings, while another acknowledged that ICOC members are human, and, of course, their decisions are influenced by personal beliefs and interests.

The inherent conflictsThe conflicts were built in by Proposition 71, which dictated the composition of CIRMs 29-member board. CIRMs general counsel, James Harrison, once described the situation as inherent conflicts of interest.

Under Proposition 71, representatives from virtually all the California institutions that stood to benefit were given seats at the table where spending plans are approved and awards handed out. Directors are not allowed to vote on specific awards to their institution. But they control the direction of the agency and what CIRM calls concept plans, including specific elements and budgets for the award rounds. Some of those rounds run into hundreds of millions of dollars.

One of the concept plans created a $47 million program to help California institutions recruit star scientists to the Golden State. Another plan created the $50 million Alpha Clinic Network at five academic centers all connected to board members.

Following the IOM report, the CIRM board did remove most institutional directors from meetings where awards are ratified. Jonathan Thomas, chair of the board, declared then that financial conflict issues were put to bed once and for all, a position that the agency holds today. In May 2019, Thomas told directors that several authoritative entities have studied CIRM and produced written reports that dealt with conflict matters.

Thomas said, Each had in it sort of quite vehement language about the conflict of interest issue, which has always been just perceived..With respect to any given funding award, theres never been an actual conflict.

During the 2019 meeting, the board did not discuss issues involving board action on concept plans. They continue today to modify and approve concept plans.

Beyond the CIRM boardConflicts of interest at CIRM go beyond the 29-member board. In 2014, the agency was shocked by a case involving a former president of the agency, Alan Trounson, and StemCells, Inc., a company that was awarded $40 million while he was serving as the top executive at CIRM. (The company later declined one of the awards.) Only seven days after his final day at CIRM, Trounson was named to the board of directors of StemCells, Inc.

He served on the companys board for about two years and received $443,500 in total compensation, including stock options, according to StemCells, Inc., documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Following the announcement of the Trounson appointment, CIRM looked into some of Trounsons work at CIRM. In July of 2014, the agency said that its severely limited investigation found no evidence that its former president attempted to influence action on behalf of StemCells, Inc., during the previous month. The states political ethics agency, the Fair Political Practices Commission, said in a Feb. 6, 2015, letter to Trounson that there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate a legal violation.

Even before the agency was created, critics warned of conflict-of-interest problems. Writing in an opinion piece in October 2004 in the San Francisco Chronicle, David Winickoff, then a professor at UC Berkeley, said, Contrary to what its name suggests, the ICOC is neither independent of interest-group politics nor does it include any citizen members. Hard- driving university scientists, disease group advocates and private industry executives who will make up the ICOC all have vested interests in how the money is to be used.

A sampling of conflictsThe California Stem Cell Report, which calculated the percentage of awards linked to institutional directors, has chronicled the conflicts issues at CIRM over the past 15 years. In 2012, its analysis showed that 92 percent of awards had been collected by institutions tied to past and present directors. The figure dropped to 79 percent by this summer as the types of grantees have widened. Here is a sampling of conflict issues that have surfaced publicly over the years.

In 2007, violations involving five board members resulted in voiding applications from 10 researchers seeking $31 million. The applications included letters of support signed by deans of medical schools who also sat on the CIRM board of directors. Directors are barred from attempting to influence a decision regarding a grant. The agency blamed its employees for the problem.

In 2008, public complaints by one applicant from industry about conflicts of interest on the part of a reviewer were briefly aired at a public board meeting. The then chair of the CIRM board, Robert Klein, told the applicant the board needed instead to discuss naming CIRM-funded labs and then go to lunch. CIRM later refused to release the letter from the applicant detailing the problem.

In 2009, board member John Reed, then CEO of the Sanford-Burnham Institute, was warned by the states Fair Political Practices Commission about his violation of conflict of interest rules. Reed intervened with CIRM staff on behalf of a $638,000 grant to his organization. Reed took his action at the suggestion of then CIRM Chair Klein, an attorney who led the drafting of Proposition 71.

Also in 2009, then board member Ted Love, who had deep connections in the biomedical industry, served double duty for the agency. He was the interim chief scientific officer and helped to develop the agencys first, signature $225 million disease team round while he was still serving on the board. As chief scientific officer, Love would have had access to proprietary information and trade secrets in grant applications.

When questioned, CIRM said that Love would serve only as a part-time advisor to the agency president, not as chief scientific officer. Nonetheless, in 2012, the board adopted a resolution with high praise for Love and his performance specifically as the chief scientific officer.

Beginning in 2010, a stem cell firm, iPierian,Inc., whose major investors contributed nearly $6 million to the ballot measure that created the stem cell agency, received $3.9 million in awards from the agency. The contributions were 25 percent of the total in the campaign, which was headed by Bob Klein. (See here and see here.)

In 2011, the chairman of the CIRM grant review group resigned from his position as the result of another violation, which the agency felt necessary to report to the California legislature. John Sladek, former president of Cal Lutheran University in Los Angeles, co-authored scientific publications with a researcher who was listed as a consultant on a CIRM grant application.

In 2012, StemCells, Inc., was awarded $40 million by the CIRM board despite having one of its $20 million applications rejected twice by grant reviewers. The action came after the board was vigorously lobbied by Klein, who had left his post as chair the previous year. Klein, who ran the Proposition 71 campaign, had campaign connections to researcher Irv Weissman of Stanford, who founded StemCells, Inc., and was on its board. Weissman was featured in a TV campaign ad for Proposition 71 and helped to raise millions for the 2004 ballot campaign.

The StemCells, Inc., awards were the first time that CIRM had approved that much money for one company, and the first time Klein lobbied his former board.

In 2012, an incident surfaced that illustrated how non-profit, disease-oriented organizations sometimes expect increased funding as the result of the appointment of sympathetic individuals to the board. That occurred when Diane Winokur was appointed to the board as a patient advocate. The chief scientist for The ALS Association, said Winokur will be a tremendous asset in moving the ALS research field forward through CIRM funding.

The IOM study identified as a problem the personal conflicts of interest involving the 10 patient advocates on the board. It said, (P)ersonal conflicts of interest arising from ones own or a family members affliction with a particular disease or advocacy on behalf of a particular disease also can create bias for board members.

In 2013, internationally renowned scientist Lee Hood, winner of a National Medal of Science, violated the conflict of interest rules of the California stem cell agency when he was involved in reviewing applications in a $40 million round to create genomics centers in California. The conflict involved connections between Hood, Weissman and Trounson. It was not discovered by the agency during the closed-door review and was raised by another reviewer at the end of the review. The review had to be redone later in the year.

Hood never commented publicly, but CIRM said he acknowledged the conflict.

In January 2014, the genomics round surfaced again. The applications were by then before the CIRM board for public ratification of reviewers decisions. The reviewers actions are taken behind closed doors with no public disclosure of reviewers personal, professional or economic conflicts.

The genomics round riled some researchers who complained publicly in letters to the agencys board about unfairness, apparent preferential treatment and manipulation of scores.

Only seven of the 29 members of the 29-member board could vote on the applications. Conflicts of interest and CIRM rules barred the rest from voting. The final vote on the award was 6-1 for a group led by Stanford. Two years earlier, however, when the concept plan was approved by the CIRM board, no directors were disqualified, even though some of their institutions were likely to benefit. The plan was approved on a show of hands. The transcript of the meeting does not indicate any negative votes or absentions.

The hidden review processUnder CIRMs rules, the scientists who review the applications must come from out-of-state. They do not have to disclose publicly their economic, personal or professional conflicts despite the fact that they make the de facto decisions on the applications. The board rubber stamps nearly all of the reviewers actions to approve funding. A CIRM examination of the practice in 2013 showed that 98 percent of reviewers decisions were ratified by the board. Since then, the agency has not produced a similar report. Occasionally, however, the board will approve an application that was not recommended for funding.

The CIRM governing board has resisted requiring public disclosure of the interests of reviewers. The subject has come up several times, but board members have been concerned about losing reviewers who would not be pleased about disclosing their financial and other interests.

Nonetheless, public disclosure of economic interests among researchers is routine in scientific research articles. Many universities, including Stanford, also require public disclosure of financial interests of their researchers.

At the time of Hood-Weissman-Trounson flap, Stanfords policy said, No matter what the circumstances if an independent observer might reasonably question whether the individuals professional actions or decisions are determined by considerations of personal financial gain, the relationship should be disclosed to the public during presentations, in publications, teaching or other public venues.

Proposition 71 placed the legal authority for grant approvals in the hands of the CIRM board. Traditionally in the world of science, other scientists ( peer reviewers), however, are deemed to be the most capable of making the scientific decisions about grant applications. The traditional practice calls for the reviewers to be anonymous and meet in private, which is also CIRMs practice.

If the CIRM board concedes the decisions to the grant reviewers, state law is likely to require public disclosure of their financial interests, a move that the board has opposed for years. Former CIRM Chairman Klein repeatedly advised the board during its public grant approval processes that reviewers actions were only recommendations, and that the board was actually making the decisions.

Proposition 14 implicitly recognizes, however, that a problem exists with directors approving concept plans for awards that could benefit their institutions.

To ease that problem legally, Klein inserted language in the new proposition that excludes adoption of strategic plans, concept plans and research budgets from being considered as matters involving conflicts of interest.

The measure does nothing to deal with matters involving the de facto, closed-door approval of awards by researchers who are unknown to the public and who do not have to publicly disclose their interests.

At the time the IOM report was released nearly eight years ago, some board members complained that its recommendations were unrealistic because of the likely, lengthy difficulties of altering a state law that had been created by the initiative. But since then, directors have not asked state lawmakers to change the structure of the board or to comply with the other $700,000 worth of IOM recommendations.

CIRM directors, however, missed an opportunity last year to seek conflict-easing changes through the $5.5 billion stem cell measure now on the ballot, Proposition 14.

Some board members have said they discussed the initiative privately with Bob Klein, who crafted the proposal last year.

Revision of CIRMs conflict rules was discussed at a board meeting in May 2019. Several board members expressed concerns about the loss of valuable insights from board members who cannot vote on applications. Some also expressed concerns about whether loosening the rules would damage the possibility of voter approval of a ballot measure to refinance the agency. Several, including CIRM Chair Thomas, also said theres never been a conflict involving a funding award and a board member. No action involving conflicts was taken at the meeting.Editors Note: DavidJensen is a retired newsman who has followed the affairs of the $3 billion California stem cell agency since 2005 via his blog, the California Stem Cell Report. He has published thousands of items on California stem cell matters in the past 11 years. This story was an excerpt from his upcoming book, Californias Great Stem Cell Experiment: Inside a $3 Billion Search for Stem Cell Cures, which s available for pre-order on Amazon.

See the rest here:
Those linked to stem cell board received more than $2.1 billion - Capitol Weekly


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