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Summit County overcomers: Inspirational stories of healing and hope – Summit Daily News

September 29th, 2020 3:59 pm

DILLON Never give up. Dont dwell. Have a sense of humor. And get a dog.

Thats advice for overcoming hardships from those who know how: Summit Countys overcomers people whove experienced tragedy, injury or rare conditions and have persevered to live happy and healthy lives in the High Country.

The Summit Daily News asked readers to nominate community members who have overcome a challenge and continue to live life to its fullest. Nominations included everything from sustaining a traumatic brain injury and surviving sepsis to suddenly losing a spouse or overcoming alcoholism.

From 70 nominations, the Summit Daily chose three people to share their inspirational stories of recovery.

Dave Repsher

On July 3, 2015, the Flight for Life helicopter in which Dave Repsher was riding crashed shortly after takeoff at St. Anthony Summit Medical Center in Frisco. The crash caused the helicopters fuel tank to rupture, spilling fuel that burst into flames.

PilotPatrick Mahany was killed, and Flight for Life nurses Repsher and Matt Bowe were severely injured. Repsher suffered full-thickness burns to 90% of his body and was not expected to survive.

His survival defies all medical statistics, Daves wife, Amanda, said.

After 397 days in the hospital, countless surgeries, physical therapy, dialysis and a kidney transplant, Dave and Amanda returned home to Silverthorne in September 2018.

Almost three years later, we finally were able to move back home, and that was our goal, just to get back into this wonderful community, said Dave Repsher, who grew up in Summit County.

The Repshers have turned the tragedy into advocacy. The couple now work to support burn survivors and create awareness about organ donation. Theyve also partnered with Karen Mahany, the wife of the pilot who died in the crash, to advocate for stronger flight safety standards.

Believe it or not, 85% of the fleet still doesnt have a crash-resident fuel system, Dave Repsher said, adding that all newly manufactured helicopters are now required to come off the line with a crash-resistant fuel system.

More than five years after the crash, the couple said they couldnt have done it without the help of the community.

The community had our back, Dave Repsher said. The support and love we got from this community was really what pulled us through.

Through it all, he believes his mental strength helped in his recovery.

For whatever reason, I just didnt dwell on what occurred, he said. I just kept looking forward. I had goals, whether they were realistic or not. But it just gave me something to look forward instead of looking back. And its not always easy to do, but for me, I think thats what got me through.

Doris Spencer

Doris Spencer was 7 years old when she fell while ice skating and injured her back. Her injury was not diagnosed until her legs went numb and she collapsed while standing in line at a bank more than 25 years later.

Her orthopedic surgeon said she had severed her spinal cord and performed a 13 1/2-hour operation. Though her doctors said the surgery was successful, Spencer couldnt walk.

My legs didnt know what to do, she said. It was just very scary.

She dragged her legs behind her walker for two weeks in the hospital before going home. There, she was assigned to walk around the block four times a day while trying to get her brain to tell her legs what to do.

After eight months, my left foot actually moved one-half inch all by itself, she said. And I just could not believe it. And so I knew I would be able to walk again.

A couple of months later, she said she was able to walk on a hard, flat surface with the help of two poles. About two years into her recovery, she moved to Summit County.

Her home was at the base of Quandary Peak, and the mountain served as the inspiration she needed. She slowly learned to walk on uneven surfaces and later succeeded in climbing the 14,000-foot peak.

I fell down at the summit and just cried my heart out for about 5 or 10 minutes, she said.

She and partner Kent Willoughby whom she described as the love of my life went on to climb all the 14ers in Colorado followed by summiting the 100 tallest mountains in the state. They then set their sights outside of Colorado, tackling the tallest peak in each of the 50 states accomplishing all but Denali.

We were successful in that except for one, and that was in Alaska, Spencer said. The weather wasnt right, and you just cant climb a big mountain like that unless the weather is right.

For her recovery, Spencer thanks her doctors and God.

I am so grateful for them allowing me to be able to do what I do after what Ive been though, she said. Every day is a blessing for me.

Joe Pleban

After being diagnosed with a rare joint disease in high school, Silverthorne resident Joe Pleban said thousands of tiny tumors ate away at the cartilage in his left ankle and left him with severe arthritis.

I was slowly losing the ability to play all these sports like rugby, wakeboarding but the one sport I could always still hold onto was snowboarding, Pleban said. And then eventually, I lost the ability to snowboard.

And I was like 20 years old, walking with a cane.

Doctors suggested fusing the bones in his ankle, but he would never be able to play sports again.

Well in that case, you might as well just cut it off and give me an awesome robot leg that I can play sports on, Pleban recalled thinking.

Pleban calls himself an elective amputee, meaning he chose to have his foot removed so he could pursue an active lifestyle.

After he made the nerve-wracking decision, he and his wife, Johnna, made a bucket list for his left foots final days. They went skydiving, scuba diving and paint balling. And before he went in for surgery, he completed one last bucket list item: getting a tattoo.

The scissors and dotted line around his left ankle and the note please cut here gave his doctors a chuckle.

If its getting cut off anyways, might as well get a tattoo on it, he joked.

But his amputation was just the beginning of another debilitating problem: phantom pain caused by sensory nerves.

Pleban said he was on a ton of pain meds until an experimental clinical trial surgery took away his pain. Now, that surgery targeted motor reinnervation is considered the first proven cure for phantom pain, he said.

Overall, it was incredibly successful, he said.

With his pain subsided, it was time to move onto the next goal: getting back on a snowboard.

Its always been my dream to represent the U.S. on an international stage, Pleban said.

He said he got his butt kicked at one of his first competitions, the USASA nationals for adaptive snowboardcross at Copper Mountain Resort.

If these guys are riding on a prosthetic at that level, I can do it too, he said he told himself at the time.

Last season, he was named to the U.S. Para Snowboard Team. Hes been named to the team again this season and is looking forward to competing in whatever form that takes during the pandemic.

Through the pain and difficult times, Pleban has relied on humor to lighten the mood, joking that he gets 50% off pedicures and only stubs his toe about half the time.

Its going to suck. Its going to be serious to have to overcome something, Pleban said about his advice for others who are struggling. To introduce humor helps to take away the seriousness of it, even just for a short time.

Its not going to be easy, but it helps.

Editors note: Join the Summit Daily News at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 30, for The Longevity Project event featuring speaker Sean Swarner, a two-time cancer survivor with one functioning lung who climbed Mount Everest. The event is free to attend, but registration is required at SummitDaily.com/longevity. Those who register can also watch the Overcomers panel discussion.

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Summit County overcomers: Inspirational stories of healing and hope - Summit Daily News


What Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Is and Its Benefits for Health – Longevity LIVE

September 29th, 2020 3:59 pm

How does Botulinum Toxin work?

The whole Botulinum Toxin mechanism consists of blocking nerve signals in the muscles or paralyzing them. Naturally, the nerve endings release a special chemical substance acetylcholine. This chemical serves as a connector between nerve endings and cells of a muscle.

This substance forces the muscle to contract. Botulinum toxin injectionshelp to block acetylcholine release and decrease muscle activity, so muscles could be less stiff. Therefore, if the muscle is not able to contract, the skin will not be able to wrinkle.

However, there are some key differences between the medical and cosmetic use of Botox. Usually, for cosmetic purposes, injection doses are smaller and weaker. Botox injections help to get rid of facial wrinkles. The main goal of the injections is to correct appearance. Therefore, it is very helpful in eyebrow lifting, as well as eliminating fine lines around the lips. It also helps chin dimpling from overactive muscle movement.

Read more from the original source:
What Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Is and Its Benefits for Health - Longevity LIVE


Coronavirus mutation emerges that may outmaneuver mask-wearing and hand-washing | TheHill – The Hill

September 29th, 2020 3:59 pm

A new preliminary study involving more than 5,000 genetic sequences of the coronavirus suggests one of the viruss many mutations may be more contagious than the others, according to a report from The Washington Post.

The study, which has not been peer-reviewedand was conducted by researchers from Houston Methodist Hospital, found the strain known as the D614G mutation was responsible for close to every coronavirus infection in Houston this summer, during Texass second wave of infections.

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The mutation did not make the virus deadlier or change clinical outcomes, according to researchers.

All viruses mutate and most of the random changes to the genetic sequence are considered to be insignificant, however, researchers found people infected with this particular strain had higher viral loads in their upper respiratory tracts, allowing the virus to potentially spread more effectively.

David Morens, a virologist at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who reviewed the study, told the Post the findings suggest the virus may have become more contagious and could possibly be responding to health measures such as social distancing and mask-wearing.






Wearing masks, washing our hands, all those things are barriers to transmissibility, or contagion, but as the virus becomes more contagious it statistically is better at getting around those barriers, Morens told the newspaper, cautioning not to over-interpret the findings from a single study that has yet to be peer-reviewed.

He also said its possible the virus could eventually get around immunity when a vaccine is rolled out, similar to the flu.

Although we dont know yet, it is well within the realm of possibility that this coronavirus, when our population-level immunity gets high enough, this coronavirus will find a way to get around our immunity, he said. Well have to chase the virus and, as it mutates, well have to tinker with our vaccine.

The research is the latest in a series of studies suggesting the D614G mutation is more contagious than earlier versions of the original virus. The mutation has been dominant in almost all places in the U.S., Europe and Latin America.

A report last month claimed the mutation may be more infectious but less deadly than the original virus, as it has been associated with lower death rates.

But other researchers said the conclusion that the mutation is more contagious than others is premature.

The study provides more evidence for what we already know about this mutation: That its the most common variant, Emma Hodcroft, a geneticist at the Nexstrain project, told Business Insider. That doesnt mean the virus is effectively mutating.

Hodcraft said her team of researchers that has been tracing the coronaviruss genetic changes have yet to identify a mutation that would change how infectious or deadly the virus is, according to Business Insider.






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Coronavirus mutation emerges that may outmaneuver mask-wearing and hand-washing | TheHill - The Hill


90 percent of coronavirus patients experience side effects after recovery, study finds | TheHill – The Hill

September 29th, 2020 3:59 pm

Results from a preliminary study out of South Korea shows 9 out of 10 coronavirus patients reported experiencing at least one side effect of the disease after recovery, Reuters reports.

An online survey of 965 recovered COVID-19 patients conducted by the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) foundmore than 90 percent of respondents reported experiencing side effects associated with the disease, such as fatigue, loss of sense of taste and smell and psychological effects.

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The survey found fatigue was the most common reported side effect, with 26 percent of recovered patients reporting experiencing tiredness, followed by difficulty in concentration.

KDCA officials said the study will soon be published with detailed analysis, according to Reuters.

The study comes as health officials are raising concerns about the long-term side effects of the virus that has infected more than 33 million people and left more than 1 million dead around the world.

During a congressional hearing last week, Anthony Fauci warned of a growing number of people experiencing health issues weeks, and in some cases even months, after they thought theyd beaten the disease.

Theyre referred to as long haulers, Fauci, the director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said.

He said recovered patients have reported experiencing fatigue, myalgia, fever and the inability to concentrate. Many patients who have appeared to have recovered were found to also have inflammation of the heart.

As many as one in three COVID-19 patients may develop lingering symptoms, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.







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90 percent of coronavirus patients experience side effects after recovery, study finds | TheHill - The Hill


Five ways the universe might die including one that could happen at any time – CBC.ca

September 29th, 2020 3:59 pm

With wildfires, extinction events, rising sea levels, and, oh yeah, the pandemic, sometimes it can truly feel like the universe is coming to an end.

Scientists do mostly agree that the universe is indeed ending although those other events have nothing to do with it.

And while we're not yet sure exactly how the universe will meet its demise, or even when it will happen, astrophysicists like Dr. Katie Mack are trying to figure all that out.

She's been gathering data from the latest astronomical observations and particle experiments to figure out the messy, chaotic, and mind-bending ways that the cosmos could come to a close.

Bob McDonald spoke with Katie Mack about her book The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking).

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

How do we even know that the universe will come to an end?

We have a pretty good idea. We know the universe had a beginning and we know that because we can actually see the leftover light from the big bang itself. And we know the universe has been evolving over time. We know that it's been changing, that the way that stars form, the way that galaxies evolve, that's all been changing over time. We know that the expansion is continuing and it either continues, or it turns around, or it stops.

And there's no sense in which it just kind of stays as it is. And all of those changes lead to different kinds of possibilities for the end. But they all do have an end.

Take me through the main ways that you see the universe ending.

There are five different possibilities I cover in the book, and I use those five because they are a reasonable selection of the kinds of things that we talk about as physicists. So there's the Big Crunch where the universe collapses on itself, the Heat Death where it expands forever and just gets colder and kind of dies out. There's the Big Rip where the universe rips itself apart. There's Vacuum Decay, which is a wild idea where the universe basically succumbs to an instability built into space itself. And then there's Bouncing Cosmologies where you have some kind of ending and beginning cycling over and over again.

Do you have a favourite version?

I do. My favourite is Vacuum Decay. I should say the one that's most likely, based on our current data and the one that's most accepted by physicists, is the Heat Death, where things just kind of fade away in the future. And that seems like it's likely to happen. It would be a very long time from now. So it's a very gentle kind of fading away, but it's not the most exciting.

And I think that the Vacuum Decay scenario does bring some possible excitement to the story because it's a very sudden and very complete ending, and it comes out of our understanding of particle physics in this way. That brings together weird things we're learning about particle physics, and something that has an effect on the entire cosmos. And so it's a very cool thing from a physicists perspective. But it's also cool because it's very dramatic and sudden and in principle could happen sort of at any time. We don't think it's going to happen soon, but it could take a while. It's very unlikely. And that brings some more excitement.

Now, another ending to the universe that you bring up in your book is called The Big Rip. Take me through that. What happens?

Sure. The Big Rip is basically a worst case scenario about dark energy. Dark energy is this mysterious stuff that's making the universe expand faster. So right now, we know that the universe is expanding, and that means that galaxies are getting farther apart from each other. There's more empty space and every galaxy in the universe is going to get more and more isolated over time until everyone is kind of alone in their own little pool of light and the rest of the universe is dark.

But if dark energy is a little bit more powerful than we expect, then not only will galaxies be isolated, but eventually that dark energy is going to stretch out more than just empty space. It's going to stretch out matter itself. It's going to build up and sort of pull apart galaxies, pull stars away from their galaxies, pull planets away from their stars. And in this kind of very violent finale of the Big Rip, it would actually rip apart the fabric of space itself. That's a scenario that is probably not very likely. If that's going to happen, we're really sure it's not going to happen for at least about 200 billion years.

What could happen after our universe has ended?

It depends on how it ends, and it depends on whether it's embedded in some larger space, some larger universe or multiverse that's out there. There are a few ideas for a universe that comes out of a larger space, where maybe our universe and other universes could have sort of sprouted out of this much larger space, then those other universes would be separate enough from ours that we wouldn't interact with them, but they could exist sort of alongside or before or after our universe. And then there are these cyclic models where a previous universe ended, and in the process of it ending, it set the scene for our universe and sparked the beginning of ours, and then ours might end and spark a new one.

But there are also possibilities where basically when it ends, our universe could be destroyed in such a way that we don't know how something could come after that.

Can humans have any effect on the way the universe ends, either by making it happen sooner or could we even stop it from happening and live longer?

Humans affecting the evolution of the universe seems very unlikely for a couple of reasons. One is that we don't have technology that can influence the shape or behaviour of space time at the moment. But also when we look at what the universe is made of, most of the matter in the universe is this invisible dark matter that we don't understand, and we can't see. And most of the stuff just in general of the universe is this dark energy, which is also invisible. And when you add up dark matter and dark energy, that's 95 percent of what the universe is made of.

And so only five percent of the universe is even stuff that we can see or touch or interact with. Even the kind of matter that we're made of is only about five percent of the universe. And then we're just a tiny speck on top of that. We're just one species on one planet around one star and one galaxy. And there are maybe two trillion galaxies in the observable universe. So the idea that we're significant enough to affect the evolution of the cosmos seems very unlikely.

But I think that insignificance is actually kind of inspiring in some ways, because even though we can't do anything, we can't affect the evolution of the cosmos, we have this amazing power to understand it. And even being as insignificant as we are, we have an amazing comprehension of the cosmos, and we've learned so much. And I think that's a really amazing thing about us as a species.

Produced and written by Amanda Buckiewicz

More here:
Five ways the universe might die including one that could happen at any time - CBC.ca


Diabetic Neuropathy Market Expected to accelerate the growth of the industries forecast 2020-2026 – The Daily Chronicle

September 29th, 2020 3:57 pm

The Diabetic Neuropathy Market report defines and briefs readers about its products, applications, and specifications. The research lists key companies operating in the market and also highlights the key changing course adopted by the companies to maintain their strength. By using SWOT analysis and Porters five force analysis tools, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and commination of key companies are altogether referenced in the report. Every single leading player in this global market are profiled with details such as product types, business overview, sales, manufacturing base, contestant, applications, and specifications.

Diabetic Neuropathy Market has witnessed continuous growth within the past few years and is projected to grow even more throughout the forecast. The analysis presents a whole assessment of the market and contains Future trends, Current Growth Factors, attentive opinions, facts, historical information, and statistically supported and trade valid market information.

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Manufacturer Detail: Eli Lilly and Company, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Janssen Pharmaceuticals.

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Diabetic Neuropathy Market Expected to accelerate the growth of the industries forecast 2020-2026 - The Daily Chronicle


The Senior Hour – Getting Real Results Treating Neuropathy – 09/23/2020 – KHTS Radio

September 29th, 2020 3:57 pm

If you or a senior you know needs help during this time, please do not hesitate to call the SCV Senior Center at (661) 259-9444. You can also visit their website by clicking here. They remain dedicated to doing everything they can to help while following the latest guidelines from the CDC and LA County Health Officials.

Hosts: Dr. Gene Dorio & Barbara Cochran

Topic:Getting Real Results Treating Neuropathy

Guests:Dr. Thomas Polucki, DC

Click here to listen to the full show!

Right click here to download the podcast and take it with you!

Join Barbara Cochran and Dr. Gene Dorio every Wednesday from 11 a.m. to Noon on your Hometown Station KHTS 98.1 FM & AM 1220 for The Senior Hour, your home for Senior Care and Lifestyle.

On this episode of The Senior Hour with Dr. Gene Dorio and Barbara Cochran, Dr. Thomas Polucki, DC, comes in to the studio to talk about getting real results treating neuropathy. To participatein a free telehealth webinar on peripheral neuropathy hosted by Dr. Polucki, you can register by clicking here.If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Thomas Polucki or find out more about the services he offers, you can do so on his website by clicking here.

Listen to the full show by downloading the podcast by clicking on the links above and by listening on Facebook at KHTS Radio or by clicking the Play button in the box below!

The Senior Hour 09/23/20

It's time for this week's episode of The Senior Hour with Dr. Gene Dorio and Barbara Cochran. On this episode, Dr. Thomas Polucki, DC, joins Barbara and Dr. Dorio in the studio.

Posted by KHTS Radio on Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Barbara Cochran has been a resident of the Santa Clarita Valley for over 40 years and has spent much of that time volunteering with and creating a variety of organizations. The 1983 SCV Woman of the Year brings senior news to you every week on your Hometown Station.

Dr. Gene Dorio, M.D. has practiced Internal Medicine in the SCV since 1988. A member of the medical staff at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, he is very active in local senior affairs.

As Santa Claritas only local radio station, KHTS broadcasts a combination of news, traffic, sports, and features along with your favorite adult contemporary hits.Santa Clarita news and featuresare delivered throughout the day over our airwaves, on our website and through a variety of social media platforms. Our KHTS national award-winning daily news briefs are now read daily by 34,000+ residents. A vibrant member of the Santa Clarita community, the KHTS broadcast signal reaches all of the Santa Clarita Valley and parts of the high desert communities located in the Antelope Valley. The station streams its talk shows over the web, reaching a potentially worldwide audience.Follow @KHTSRadio onFacebook,Twitter, andInstagram, and sign up forKHTS email and text alertstoday!

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The Senior Hour - Getting Real Results Treating Neuropathy - 09/23/2020 - KHTS Radio


Ghosh Addresses Brentuximab Vedotin Use in Advanced Hodgkin Lymphoma – Targeted Oncology

September 29th, 2020 3:57 pm

Nilanjan Ghosh, MD, PhD, a medical oncologist at Levine Cancer Institute, Atrium Health in Charlotte, NC, discussed the case of a 22-year-old patients with advanced Hodgkin lymphoma.

Targeted Oncology: What is your assessment of the patient?

GHOSH: The patients serum albumin is 4.2 g/dL, so thats an issue. The fact that she has stage IV disease, and that the white cell count was high, and the lymphocyte count was low are factors leading to an International Prognostic Score [IPS] of 4. The 5-year overall survival for high IPS, based on historical data, is not as good. I dont know if this would apply as much now, but this is what we have if we use the historical data. That suggests that she is a higher-risk patient. To be honest, the IPS has not affected treatment choice as much, at least in the United States, but well see if some of the newer treatments such as brentuximab vedotin [Adcetris] plus doxorubicin/vinblastine/dacarbazine [A+AVD] have any effect on that subgroup.

What do the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines recommend for stage III or IV disease?

There are 2 treatment pathways that can be followed in patients who have stage III or IV.1 One focuses on a PET-adaptive pathway, which is ABVD [adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine], followed by AVD [adriamycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine] or BEACOPP [bleomycin, etoposide, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, procarbazine, prednisone]. The non-PET adaptive therapy is the other pathway and uses brentuximab vedotin and AVD or escalated BEACOPP. Escalated BEACOPP is not usually used in North America.

Which regimen was chosen in this patient?

The patient was treated with brentuximab vedotin and AVD. Interim PET scan shows a Deauville score of 3; the patient tolerated this regimen well with G-CSF support. I think most people are certainly familiar with the Deauville scoring system, so just remembering that if the uptake is less than the liver, that is considered as grade 3 response. If its uptake is moderately above or markedly above, then thats considered progressive.

What are the key findings of the ECHELON-1 study (NCT01712490)2?

ECHELON-1 evaluated brentuximab and AVD versus ABVD. The standard of care is ABVD. The most important thing to note is the dose of brentuximab, which is 1.2 mg/kg, not 1.8 mg/kg, because this is given every 2 weeks. Its mirroring when ABVD is administered.

[This was a] large study with [more than] 1200 patients. It examined patients with stage III or IV classical Hodgkin lymphoma who had relatively good performance status. The investigators did allow patients to enroll if they had measurable disease and adequate liver and renal function. There was a PET scan at the end of cycle 2; however, this was not a PET-adaptive therapy. ABVD was given for 6 cycles. There is no decrease to AVD or escalation to BEACOPP

At 3 years, the progression-free survival [PFS] rate was 83% in the treatment arm and 76% in the control arm. This is highly significant, with a P value of .005, a hazard ratio of 0.7.

Overall, subgroup analysis favors brentuximab and AVD. But the confidence intervals do cross over in some categories, especially in the regional subgroup. For some reason, ABVD seems to do better in Asia. The study, though, is not powered to determine if 1 region is better than another. So, you have to take this kind of data with a grain of salt.

Now, remember this patient was young; shes in her early 20s. In a younger age group, the A+AVD did better than ABVD. She lives in North America, so thats a region where ABVD did better. And then looking at the IPS, she had a score of 4, and thats another group in which A+AVD did better.

In general, A+AVD would probably be favored in stage IV disease. Her symptoms are associated with having extranodal sites, and in our case, the patients extranodal site was associated with the bones. Her performance status is good.

Looking at the responses in ECHELON-1, the overall response rate was 86% versus 83%, so there are small differences.

Regarding adverse effects [AEs], remember that when we think about brentuximab, we think of peripheral neuropathy. In the study, peripheral neuropathy was 67% for the treatment arm versus 42% in the ABVD arm. For diarrhea, its 27% versus 18%, and abdominal pain was slightly higher in ABVD, as well. In terms of any AEs, theyre similar; grade 3 events were more for A+AVD versus ABVD.

I will mention that initially in the protocol there was no mandate for growth factor, so most patients were treated without growth factors. There were increasing incidences of neutropenia and neutropenic fevers in the A+AVD arm. Protocol amendments were performed later and G-CSF support was introduced. It was the middle part of the program. The guidelines recommend that A+AVD should be used with G-CSF support. But the protocol for the most part didnt initiate G-CSF support except toward the end. So, we see 83 patients who [received] G-CSF support and 579 who didnt.

In terms of serious AEs, there were more associated with A+AVD. The reason I bring that up is because the majority of that protocol was already carried out without the G-CSF support. The treatment group ended up seeing more AEs and clearly there are more incidences of neuropathy with A+AVD. Drug discontinuation, however, was about the same between the groups. Deaths during treatment [were] very low, and there were more hospitalizations observed with A+AVD.

Did investigators initiate any dose delays?

Most of the dose delays were initiated because of neutropenia and febrile neutropenia. For patients who discontinued more than 1 drug because of AEs, 7% were attributed to peripheral neuropathy, which is an important AE in this treatment.

Regarding pulmonary toxicity, we would expect a bleomycin-containing regimen would have higher pulmonary toxicity. It was seen in 7% of patients with ABVD and 2% with A+AVD,

and grade 3 or more pulmonary toxicity was low in A+AVD but observed in 3% of patients with ABVD.2

How were febrile neutropenia and any neutropenia addressed in the trial?

We see a difference between patients who [received] G-CSF support versus those who didnt, regarding febrile neutropenia versus any neutropenia. In patients who developed febrile neutropenia during treatment, 11% of those who received G-CSF support experienced the AE, and 21% who did not receive G-CSF support experienced the AE.

For neutropenia any grade, 73% of patients who did not receive GCSF versus 35% of patients who did receive G-CSF support developed it. Similarly, for grade 3 or more neutropenia, 70% who did not receive G-CSF versus 29% of patients who did developed it. To me, that is the most striking observation.

In the ABVD arm, there was neutropenia observed with ABVD, and we all have had patients with ABVD where the absolute neutrophil count is low, and we still go ahead and treat. That is done in standard practice.

In terms of serious AEs, there were more serious AEs with A+AVD compared [with] ABVD, 44% versus 28%. And there were no differences in deaths.

The A+AVD regimen can cause peripheral neuropathy. But if you look at complete resolution of peripheral neuropathy, you can see that 78% of patients treated with A+AVD had complete resolution and 83% of those on ABVD had complete resolution. Patients receiving ABVD also get neuropathy primarily because of vinblastine. Improvement in neuropathy also occurred in both groups; 17% of patients had improvement, not resolution, in the A+AVD arm versus 9% in the ABVD arm. The vast majority had resolution, but many had improvement as well.

However, for ongoing neuropathy that [was] grade 1 or 2, 25% of patients in the A+AVD arm and only 11% in the ABVD group experienced this. We have to be vigilant and monitor them throughout treatment so that it doesnt get too bad, so appropriate dose reductions can be made.

The bottom line here is most neuropathy is going to go away, but there will be patients where neuropathy can persist, and that can be an annoying thing, especially for a young person. For many in long-term follow-up, theyll experience improvement in neuropathy over time, which means things are getting better, but that doesnt mean its all resolved.


1. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. Hodgkin lymphoma, version 2.2020. Accessed August 26, 2020. http://bit.ly/2YAIYha

2. Connors JM, Jurczak W, Straus DJ, et al. Brentuximab vedotin with chemotherapy for stage III or IV Hodgkins lymphoma. N Engl J Med. 2018;378(4):331-344. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1708984

See the original post:
Ghosh Addresses Brentuximab Vedotin Use in Advanced Hodgkin Lymphoma - Targeted Oncology


Ever heard of Small Fiber Neuropathy? Call the Ahn Clinic for a natural treatment – Yahoo News

September 29th, 2020 3:57 pm

The Daily Beast

Everyone knows that live television isnt easy. Anything can go wrongfrom a faulty connection, a verbal slip-up, or, as was the case on Tuesday mornings Fox & Friends, Rudy Giuliani bellowing insane conspiracy theories at the nation with no obvious way to stop him.Its always a risk to allow Giuliani to share his wildly unpredictable stream of consciousness live. The man who was named Time magazines Person of the Year for 2001 has long been reduced to sharing the latest Trumpist conspiracy theories on any cable news channel that has the budget to cover any possible subsequent defamation lawsuits.This time, his F&F hosts looked on with visible horror in their eyes as Giuliani shared his completely baseless belief that Joe Biden is suffering from dementia. If you have the time, its worth watching the clip at least three times so you can see each of the hosts panicking in their own unique way as the former New York City mayor rambles on and on.> On Fox & Friends, Rudy Giuliani says Joe Biden "has dementia. There's no doubt about it. I've talked to doctors. ... The president's quite right to say maybe he's taken adderall." The hosts get visibly uncomfortable. pic.twitter.com/2Ma7DKNBpS> > Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) September 29, 2020With a mischievous cackle, Giuliani began: The man [Biden] has dementia. Theres no doubt about it. Ive talked to doctors. Ive had them look at a hundred different tapes of his five years ago and today. Trying his very best to shut Giuliani down, host Steve Doocy interjected that Bidens team have said the Democrat has no serious medical problems.Giuliani then made an extraordinary noise at Doocy that can best be typed as Oowughawughawugh, before continuing: He cant recite the Pledge of Allegiance and hes fine? He was in the Senate for 160 years? I mean, he cant do the prologue to the... to the... con... to the... uh... Constitution of the United States or the Declaration of Independence, any of them.Getting louder and increasingly excited about his armchair diagnosis, Giuliani went on: He cant do NUMBERS. Wow, are the numbers screwed up. He actually displays symptoms that two gerontologists told me are classic symptoms of middle level dementia. Doocy and co-host Ainsley Earhardt both responded to that claim by softly saying: Right. The third host, Brian Kilmeade, can just be seen blinking rapidly.Fox News Lobotomizes Its Brain Room, Cuts Fact-Based JournalismNevertheless, Giuliani persisted. Thats when [Biden] does that I pledge allegiance to the United States... uh... uh... um... I think, hes done that twice, said the ex mayor. Thats a classic symptom in the DSM-V, its the fifth symptom, of dementia, hes got eight of the 10.Then, seemingly remembering that he was on the show to talk about tonights presidential debate, he went on: Look, that isnt the debate. He can get through it. I think the president is quite right to say maybe hes taken Adderall or some kind of attention deficit disorder thing.As Giuliani began pulling prescription medicine brands out of the air, Doocy had finally had enough and told him firmly: None of us are doctors, that is your opinion. Giuliani fought back, saying it was actually the opinion of some very professional-sounding doctors that he knows.But the game was up. Kilmeade, in his first verbal interjection of the entire exchange, said with exasperation: We can stay away from that. Earhardt then moved on to pick Giulianis brain on the Supreme Court.This particular line of attack is one that Giulianiwhose work as President Trumps lawyer and top dirt-digger on Hunter and Joe Biden kicked off a chain of events that got his client impeached last yearhas enthusiastically embraced as one of his primary functions now for Team Trump.Shortly before midnight on Monday night, Giuliani started texting The Daily Beast to say that Trump did great in recent White House debate prep (for which the president said on Sunday that Giuliani and former New Jersey governor Chris Christie took part), and to rail against Biden as a senile, broken down old crook whos supposedly suffering from dementia and needs ADD drugs to get through the Tuesday debate. The Trump attorney also claimed that someone had told him how stupid Biden was in law school.Giuliani also mentioned late Monday evening that hed be flying with Trump on Air Force One on Tuesday and would be at the Cleveland debate. Asked about what kinds of questions he peppered the president with during the prep, the former New York City mayor replied, It really doesnt work like that with him. Its much more of a discussion rather than a rehearsal. Plus you are dealing with a very smart, very alert human being not a senile old man.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Ever heard of Small Fiber Neuropathy? Call the Ahn Clinic for a natural treatment - Yahoo News


Global Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment Market by Business Development, Innovation and Top Companies Forecast 2020-2025 – seaview road

September 29th, 2020 3:57 pm

GlobalDiabetic Neuropathy TreatmentMarket 2020is a fresh specialized intelligence report published byMarkets and Research.Bizwhich comprehensively analyzes the scope of growth of the market that can be expected during the forecast period from the year 2020 to 2025. The report tracks the latest market dynamics, such as driving factors, restraining factors. The report provides market size (value and volume), market share, growth rate by types, applications. The report contains an ability to help the decision-makers in the most important market that has played a significantly important role in making a progressive impact on the globalDiabetic Neuropathy Treatmentindustry. The trends that are expected to be successful during the forecast period due to the growth of the market are covered. It includes a detailed overview of the specific industry, several aspects, product definitions, the prevailing industry landscape, different market segments, as well as market development trends and industrial channels, new expenditure projects.

NOTE: Our final report will be revised to address COVID-19 effects on the specific market.

DOWNLOAD FREE SAMPLE REPORT:https://www.marketsandresearch.biz/sample-request/10143

The report covers a number of the players in the market, including:Abbott, Roche, Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline, Lupin, Glenmark, Depomed, Astellas, Pfizer,

Key Players Analysis:

The report focuses on global major leading industry players of the globalDiabetic Neuropathy Treatmentmarket providing information such as company profiles, product picture, and specification, capacity, production, price, cost, revenue, and contact information. The report covers all their information such as historic and future trends, market demand, size, trading, supply, competitors, and prices as well as global predominant vendors information. The report identifies the strengths and weaknesses of different companies along with the opportunities and the threats that they face from different directions. The different advancements in manufacturing technology are also listed.

READ FULL REPORT:https://www.marketsandresearch.biz/report/10143/global-diabetic-neuropathy-treatment-market-2020-by-manufacturers-countries-type-and-application-forecast-to-2025

The Report Wraps:

The report explains each market section depending on the product, application, geographical region, competitive market share. GlobalDiabetic Neuropathy Treatmentmarket size approximates, forecasts for the said frame of time are estimated and given in this report. Competitive analysis of crucial market manufacturers, trends, company profiles, strategies has been provided. It features factual information, insights, market date backed by statistics of industry.

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Global Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment Market by Business Development, Innovation and Top Companies Forecast 2020-2025 - seaview road


Neurophth Therapeutics’ Treatment of Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Gene Therapy NR082 was Granted Orphan Drug Designation by US FDA – BioSpace

September 29th, 2020 3:57 pm

NEWARK, Del., Sept. 24, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Neurophth Therapeutics, Inc., (hereinafter referred to as "Neurophth") today announced that its leading candidate, NR082 (rAAV2-ND4, NFS-01 project), was granted an orphan drug designation (ODD) by the U.S. FDA for the treatment of Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy associated with ND4 mutation.

Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) is a maternally inherited mitochondrial disease, characterized by acute or subacute, painless vision loss or even loss simultaneously or sequentially, accompanied by central visual field defect and color vision impairment with poor prognosis. It was first reported by German scholar Leber in 1871. It affects about 1-9:100,000 people worldwide. LHON is one of the blinding diseases. The disease mainly occurs in young- and middle-aged men. Currently, there is no effective treatment for LHON. About 70% - 90% of LHON is caused by ND4 mutation of harboring a point mutation at nucleotide 11778 associated with a G-to-A transition. With the development of NR082, AAV-based gene therapy of LHON becomes possible.

"Due to the lack of effective treatment, the quality of life of LHON patients associated with ND4 mutation is very poor, and a huge unmet medical needs have not been fulfilled," said Dr. Alvin Luk, Chief Executive Officer at Neurophth. "NR082 is the first candidate drug developed by Neurophth. It uses recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 2 to deliver the genetically modified ND4 gene (rAAV2-ND4). After a single intravitreal injection, the gene is translated and expressed in cells, which effectively supplements the function loss caused by endogenous mutation. Through this gene therapy, the electron transport function of mitochondrial respiratory chain was maintained, and the increase of ATP synthesis restored the normal function of mitochondria, which in turn improved the sensory function of the retinal ganglion cells and improved the visual acuity of LHON patients."

Luk added, "the significance of orphan drug designation is that regulators recognize the unmet medical needs of rare diseases like LHON. The recognition of NR082 will reduce the R&D investment to a certain extent and accelerate the progress of clinical trials and marketing registration. Furthermore, Neurophth is committed to fundamentally solve the causes and change the quality of life of patients through a single treatment of gene therapy."

Professor Bin Li, Founder, Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer at Neurophth, said: "NR082 has been granted as orphan drug by U.S. FDA, which further strengthens our focus on gene therapy for rare ophthalmic diseases, and develops more drugs for treatment of ocular genetic diseases, bringing hope to patients with ocular genetic diseases in the world".

*FDA grants orphan drug designation to drugs and biological products designed to safely and effectively treat, diagnose, or prevent rare diseases or conditions affecting less than 200,000 people in the US. According to the Orphan Drug Act of FDA, Orphan Drug Designation (ODD) provides opportunities for grant funding, fast approval channel, and some incentives, such as waiver of New Drug Application (NDA) fees, tax credits for clinical trial expenses and exemption for prescription drug users' fees as well as the products are entitled to a seven-year of market exclusivity and will not be affected by patents.

About NR082 (rAAV2-ND4; NFS-01 Project)

LHON disease is caused by mutations in mitochondrial DNA 11778, 14484 or 3460. ND4 gene of 11778 G>A mutation is the main pathological factor, which exists in 55-70% of European and American patients and 90% of Chinese patients. NR082 (NFS-01 project) is an innovative candidate drug for ophthalmic AAV-based gene therapy. It uses AAV2 vector to express human ND4 gene in the retinal ganglion cells to repair optic neuropathy caused by 11778 G>A mutation.

As early as 2011, Professor Bin Li's team started the world's first LHON gene therapy investigator-initiated trial (IIT) with this candidate drug. Nine subjects who participated in the clinical trial have been followed up for up to 8 years with no serious adverse reactions, and 5 of them have significant improvement in their vision. This result is the longest follow-up record of gene therapy in the world, which has already been published in the Scientific Report, EBioMedicine and Ophthalmology journals, and has fully proven the long-term safety, effectiveness, and durability of AAV gene therapy in clinical settings.

After the gratifying results of the first study, Professor Li's team conducted a more comprehensive IIT clinical study from 2017 to 2018, with 159 subjects (including 10 subjects from Argentina), which is the largest clinical trial in the entire gene therapy in the world. Among those, 143 of the patients has completed the 12-month follow-up and 56.6% showed a significant BCVA (best-corrected visual acuity improved by at least 0.3 LogMAR) improvement. No serious adverse reaction was found. In May 2020, at the 23rd online annual meeting of the American Society for Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) and the online annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Neurophth presented these two clinical research data on the treatment of LHON with NR082 (NFS-01 project of rAAV2-ND4), demonstrating the international advanced level of this research in the field of gene therapy.

Following the positive results of these two IIT trials, Neurophth is actively preparing the China/U.S. IND (Investigational New Drug) applications, and plans to carry out the registration clinical Phase 1/2/3 registration trial to evaluate the safety, efficacy and durability of NR082.

About Neurophth

As a clinical-stage R & D company, Neurophth is committed to exploring and developing new therapies for global patients with ophthalmic diseases. With the help of the mature AAV ophthalmic gene therapy technology platform and the deep understanding of the ophthalmology field by the founding team for decades, Neurophth has established a rich, robust product pipeline, including more than 10 research projects for various ophthalmic diseases, such as dominant hereditary optic atrophy, optic nerve injury diseases, vascular retinopathy, etc., and gradually expanded from rare to common ophthalmic diseases. Additionally, the company is preparing to build a GMP commercial production platform for gene therapy drugs accordance with the international quality standards, and plans to build an ophthalmic gene therapy transformational excellence center, aiming to become a global leader in gene therapy in ophthalmology to benefit patients all over the world.

Prospect of Gene Therapy in Ophthalmology

Inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) have long been regarded as an ideal disease area for gene therapy, because most of the gene mutations leading to the disease have been identified (more than 200 gene defects are associated with the most common IRDS). The eye is, to some extent, an immune privilege. Clinical trials have shown that gene therapy using adeno-associated virus (AAV) or lentivirus (LV) vectors in the eye does not cause systemic side effects and does not cause significant immune responses. The most common IRDs were Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), Achromatopsia color blindness (ACHM), Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON), Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA), Stargardt disease and X-linked Retinoschisis (XLRS).

To date, only one ophthalmic AAV gene therapy product has been approved in the world, namely the first AAV2 gene therapy voretigene neparvovec-rzyl (LUXTURNA; Spark Therapeutics) approved by FDA in December 2017 to treat IRD caused by RPE65 double allele mutation in adult or pediatric patients. The approval of LUXTURNAhas brought confidence and hope to the global ophthalmic gene therapy field. Public information disclosed that at least 20-30 kinds of gene therapy for ophthalmic diseases are in the research and development stage, and the international representative companies include Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation and Meira GTX, and new companies represented by Neurophth have also begun to enter the international stage of ophthalmic gene therapy.


Contact:Dr. Alvin LukAlvin.Luk@neurophth.com

View original content to download multimedia:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/neurophth-therapeutics-treatment-of-lebers-hereditary-optic-neuropathy-gene-therapy-nr082-was-granted-orphan-drug-designation-by-us-fda-301138001.html

SOURCE Neurophth Therapeutics, Inc.

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Neurophth Therapeutics' Treatment of Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Gene Therapy NR082 was Granted Orphan Drug Designation by US FDA - BioSpace


Impact of COVID-19 on Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Market 2020 | Size, Growth, Demand, Opportunities & Forecast To 2026 | Reata…

September 29th, 2020 3:57 pm

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Market research report is the new statistical data source added by A2Z Market Research.

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Market is growing at a High CAGR during the forecast period 2020-2026. The increasing interest of the individuals in this industry is that the major reason for the expansion of this market.

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Market research is an intelligence report with meticulous efforts undertaken to study the right and valuable information. The data which has been looked upon is done considering both, the existing top players and the upcoming competitors. Business strategies of the key players and the new entering market industries are studied in detail. Well explained SWOT analysis, revenue share and contact information are shared in this report analysis.

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Note In order to provide more accurate market forecast, all our reports will be updated before delivery by considering the impact of COVID-19.

Top Key Players Profiled in this report are:

Reata Pharmaceuticals Inc, KPI Therapeutics Inc, Achelios Therapeutics Inc, ViroMed Co Ltd, Novaremed Ltd, Commence Bio Inc, Grunenthal GmbH, Immune Pharmaceuticals Inc, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp, Medifron DBT Co Ltd, Relief Therapeutics Holding AG, Celgene Corp

The key questions answered in this report:

Various factors are responsible for the markets growth trajectory, which are studied at length in the report. In addition, the report lists down the restraints that are posing threat to the global Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment market. It also gauges the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, threat from new entrants and product substitute, and the degree of competition prevailing in the market. The influence of the latest government guidelines is also analyzed in detail in the report. It studies the Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment markets trajectory between forecast periods.

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The cost analysis of the Global Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Market has been performed while keeping in view manufacturing expenses, labor cost, and raw materials and their market concentration rate, suppliers, and price trend. Other factors such as Supply chain, downstream buyers, and sourcing strategy have been assessed to provide a complete and in-depth view of the market. Buyers of the report will also be exposed to a study on market positioning with factors such as target client, brand strategy, and price strategy taken into consideration.

The report provides insights on the following pointers:

Table of Contents

Global Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Market Research Report 2020 2026

Chapter 1 Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Market Overview

Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry

Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region

Chapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions

Chapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type

Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application

Chapter 8 Manufacturing Cost Analysis

Chapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 11 Market Effect Factors Analysis

Chapter 12 Global Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Market Forecast

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Impact of COVID-19 on Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Market 2020 | Size, Growth, Demand, Opportunities & Forecast To 2026 | Reata...


Diabetic Neuropathy Market :How The Will Perform In Upcoming Years Based On Size, Share And Demand In Major Regions | 2020-2026 – The PRNews Portal

September 29th, 2020 3:57 pm

Coherent Market Insights has recently updated its massive report catalogue by adding a fresh study titled Global Diabetic Neuropathy Market: Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, & Forecast 2018-2026. This business intelligence study On current Growth as well as future status during the mentioned forecast period of 2026.

The report also targets important facets such as market drivers, challenges, latest trends, and opportunities associated with the growth of manufacturers in the global market for Diabetic Neuropathy. the report provides the readers with crucial insights on the strategies implemented by leading companies to remain in the lead of this competitive market.

The Well-Established Players In The Diabetic Neuropathy Market are: Eli Lilly and Company, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Janssen Pharmaceuticals.

Get a Free PDF Brochure Of This Research Report @ https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-pdf/213

This research report also provides an overall analysis of the Diabetic Neuropathy Market share, size, segmentation, revenue forecasts, and geographic regions of the market along with industry-leading players are studied with product portfolio, capacity, price, cost and revenue. The research Diabetic Neuropathy report analysis on the market current applications and comparative analysis with more focused on the pros and cons of and competitive analysis of major companies.

The Diabetic Neuropathy Market report identifies the market dynamics and trends within the global and regional market considering numerous aspects including technology, supplies, capacity, production, profit, price and competition. Furthermore, this study highlights the company profiles and competitive landscape of the involved key players within the Diabetic Neuropathy Market.

The research report begins with the introduction of the global Diabetic Neuropathy Market comprising value chain analysis, sourcing strategy and downstream buyers. The report encompasses the statistical analysis of Diabetic Neuropathy Market cost, manufacturers, competition, and impact factors together with market forecast for 2018-2026. This analyzed study offers the buyer of the Diabetic Neuropathy report to gain an integrated picture of the competitive landscape and plan the business strategies accordingly.

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Competitive Landscape of Global Diabetic Neuropathy Industry:

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Diabetic Neuropathy Market :How The Will Perform In Upcoming Years Based On Size, Share And Demand In Major Regions | 2020-2026 - The PRNews Portal


Regenerative medicine and war: The next breakthrough in treating injured veterans? – Genetic Literacy Project

September 29th, 2020 3:56 pm

Many Americans, and indeed people all over the world, were outraged when reports surfaced this past summer that President Trump had once dismissed the dead soldiers from one of World War Is iconic battles, The Battle of Belleau Wood, as suckers and losers. Amputees should be excluded from parades because nobody wants to see them, the article also reports he had said.

The president denied these claims, but the outcry highlighted the high regard in which the American public, and most of the world, holds veterans; people are united by the pride and respect for those brave enough to risk life and limb for their country.

In the United States, the number of injured soldiers returning home alive has risen from 75% to 92% since the Vietnam War, but combat takes a toll on the survivors. Its estimated that one in every 10 veterans alive today was injured seriously while serving. And, for many, the nature of the injury makes treatment very difficult. Soldiers can find themselves returning home with severe burns, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, blindness, deafness, brain injuries and loss of limbs, as well as psychological trauma, some linked directly to physical injuries.

The most significant development in recent years for severely maimed veterans and other victims of physical injuries is the acceleration of whats known as regenerative medicine. Regenerative medicine was first defined in 1999 and it encompasses many disciplines of science. Its goal is to provide clinicians with the tools to effectively repair or replace a patients damaged tissues and organs in order to return normal function.

The technology really emerged into the public consciousness in the 2000s because of the Iraq war and, since then, great strides have been made in applying it to treating many different healthcare issues. So, what about the specifics? What are the most promising breakthroughs in recent years?

Some of the most challenging war-related injuries involve bones. Severe burns, spinal cord injuries, blast injuries, traumatic brain injuriesthese seemingly disparate traumas can each lead to a painful complication during the healing process called heterotopic ossification (HO).

A team at Michigan Medicines Department of Surgery is focusing its research on how the healing process often goes awry. The problem often emerges at limb amputation sites. Weeks after surgery or injury, abnormal bones often form within soft tissues like muscleplaces where theyre not supposed to be, causing the patient agonizing pain.

Theres no way to prevent it and once its formed, theres no way to reverse it, said Benjamin Levi, M.D, co-head of the research team at the Center for Basic and Translational Research at Michigan Medicines Department of Surgery.

There may be a solution thanks to a collaborative study between Levi and a research group led by Stephen Kunkel, Ph.D. at Michigans Department of Pathology. It had been theorized that HO could be linked to inflammation at the site of injury or surgery. The researchers built on this theory by studying the cells that are present at the early stages of HO.

Working with mice, they have been able to identify a specific protein that is responsible for sending the signals that trigger stem cells within the bone to start this process of uncontrolled tissue growth. By targeting this protein and stopping its action, it could be possible to stop the process in the first place. This would improve the quality of life for many injured veterans.

Treating HO is very much a case of prevention being better than cure. Progressing this discovery into a therapeutic setting could eventually provide doctors with a mechanism to stop HO before it has a chance to develop. It would be a game changer for many veterans who would otherwise be left with this agonizing condition.

Severe blast injuries and bullet traumas also leave many veterans needing implants or prosthetics to replace bone that has been lost to severe injury. If you break a leg, a doctor will put it in a cast and allow the natural healing process to occur. If its a severe break, you may need surgery. But when a soldiers bone is ripped apart by a gunshot or a blast, the damage to the network of cells within the bone is so severe that it often cannot heal on its own.

Regenerative medicine may provide a solution. After leaving the US Army more than 20 years ago, solider Luis Alvarez founded a firm at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that developed a paint derived from key proteins that can trigger bone regeneration. The inspiration behind Alvarezs innovation?

During my time in Iraq, I witnessed service members who suffered traumatic injuries undergo amputations weeks or months after the initial wound, because there was no reliable method for regenerating the bone.

The technology developed by his company allows doctors to coat implants with specific proteins, allowing them to trigger regeneration, thus aiding recovery of the damaged tissue. They are making great progress and looking to have something ready for doctors to use in clinics by 2021. Its an inspiring story. The company is rolling out multiple therapies heading into clinical trials over the next two years.

The military is also starting to invest heavily in one of the most exciting avenues of regenerative medicine to help veterans replace lost tissue. Bioprinting uses human cells mixed with specially designed bioinks to 3D print tissue-like structures for the purpose of regenerating damaged body parts. Using bioprinting, scientists can build replacement grafts using a patients own stem cells, thus removing the issues associated with transplant rejection. The technology is still in its infancy but, thanks to recent military investment, scientists are now applying bioprinting to the generation of skin grafts to treat the severe burns that many veterans are afflicted with.

Treating severe burns is an incredibly difficult process and many rarely heal completely. Patients can be left with extreme scarring, tight and itchy skin and disfigurement. When the skin is severely burned the body focuses on preventing infection by closing the wound as quickly as possible. New skin is generated but the structure is vastly different to normal tissue.

A 5-year research project led by Prof Jeff Biernaskie at the University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has made a big step forward.

What weve shown is that you can alter the wound environment with drugs, or modify the genetics of these progenitor cells directly, and both are sufficient to change their behaviour during wound healing. And that can have really quite impressive effects on healing that includes regeneration of new hair follicles, glands and fat within the wounded skin.

This research could lead to new drugs that greatly improve the healing process.

It is clear from the number of veterans currently coping with a compromised quality of life that we need to do more to treat their injuries. It is estimated that the number of veterans currently living with these life changing injuries is in the millions and their healthcare needs come at an immense economic cost. Fortunately, there is now a much stronger horse in the race to a cure.

Regenerative medicine was estimated to draw nearly $15 billion in investments in 2017. That figure is predicted to rise to in excess of $79 billion by 2026. Those are serious resources, providing hope that our veterans will benefit in the decade ahead.

Sam Moxon has a PhD in regenerative medicine and is currently involved in dementia research. He is a freelance writer with an interest in the development of new technologies to diagnose and treat degenerative diseases. Follow him on Twitter@DrSamMoxon

Excerpt from:
Regenerative medicine and war: The next breakthrough in treating injured veterans? - Genetic Literacy Project


UGA leads study on COVID-19 post-infection immunity – The Albany Herald

September 29th, 2020 3:55 pm

ATHENS A key question surrounding COVID-19 is if people who have had the virus gain some degree of long-term immunity. Ted Ross is leading a nationwide study to examine this pressing question. Ross is director of the University of Georgias Center for Vaccines and Immunology and professor of infectious diseases in the College of Veterinary Medicine.

The bodys response to every infection is unique, Ross said. In this study, we hope to determine how the body fights this novel virus and what, if any, protection the body develops following infection.

The team also hopes to examine immunological, demographic and medical risk factors and the part they play in recovery and infection outcome. Using blood draws and saliva samples, the researchers will monitor participants over the course of 24 months. The project, called SPARTA (SARS SeroPrevalence and Respiratory Tract Assessment), is funded by the NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the National Cancer Institute.

In Athens and Augusta, the study will establish and follow participants at higher risk of exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, including local health care and emergency services providers, as well as faculty, staff and students at UGA. The group will total about 3,000 participants between 18 and 85 years of age and at least 50% of the participants will be members of minority populations, which have been impacted by COVID-19 at a higher rate than other groups.

UGA will participate with other teams of investigators from universities and health care providers around the country including Augusta University Medical Center, Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York City, University of Chicago, University of Miami, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, University of California at Los Angeles Harbor Medical Center, Washington University Medical Center in St. Louis, and St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital in Memphis.

The list is expected to grow as more institutions join the project. The data collected from these locations will be aggregated and compared for a nationwide view of immunity and recovery from COVID-19.

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UGA leads study on COVID-19 post-infection immunity - The Albany Herald


Mizzou researchers collecting blood samples to study COVID-19 antibodies on campus – KSDK.com

September 29th, 2020 3:55 pm

Individuals who choose to participate in the study will be notified if their antibody results are positive or negative

COLUMBIA, Mo. Researchers at the University of Missouri are collecting survey data and voluntary blood samples from students, faculty and staff to study the prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies in the campus community.

The university wants to understand how well the community is responding to mitigation strategies and provide researchers with information about individuals' immune systems responses to the virus, according to a press release from the university.

The risk survey asks individuals about behaviors and activities they have engaged in during the past few months, as well as their perceptions about COVID-19 and its impact on various age groups, said Enid Schatz, professor and chair of the Department of Public Health in the MU School of Health Professions.

The second part of the study involves a blood draw to test for COVID-19 antibodies, so we are trying to see if we can make any connections between behaviors and antibody prevalence. This could potentially help inform us what things we are doing that seem to be working well or if there are any additional risk mitigation strategies we can think of to continue to make MU a safe place for our community to be.

Researchers are looking for a randomized sample, so they are emailing students, inviting them to be participate in the project. The blood draws will take place throughout the fall semester.

Those who test positive for the antibodies will now presumably have some degree of protection from the disease. However, the strength and length of that protection is still unknown at this time, said John Middleton, a professor in the MU College of Veterinary Medicine who specializes in epidemiology. By looking at how an individual's immune system responds to the infection over time, we can gather a lot of data that will help inform us about how to protect people going forward.

Middleton said if a vaccine were to become widely available, this antibody project might help inform researchers how long the immunity from a vaccine is expected to last or how often people should get vaccinated.

The data collected from this research could help inform us of what type of immunity a vaccine will need to stimulate, Middleton said. Understanding the immune response to natural infection will help inform us whether vaccines are expected to be effective. However, in the absence of a vaccine we are not currently defenseless, as social distancing, hand hygiene and face coverings continue to be effective strategies for reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Schatz added that individuals who choose to participate in the study will be notified if their antibody results are positive or negative. However, the university will only be made aware of the overall percentage of antibody prevalence and will not learn the identity of the individuals participating.

If we can better understand peoples perceptions and behaviors, we can design future intervention strategies based on those behaviors, Schatz said. Our goal is to not only better understand disease exposure and transmission in our community, but also to provide resources to those that need it."

Mizzou researchers collecting blood samples to study COVID-19 antibodies on campus - KSDK.com


OPINION: Normalize having emotional support animals The Daily Evergreen – The Daily Evergreen

September 29th, 2020 3:55 pm

They're highly trained animals there to do a job, not pets

Last year at my previous college, my roommate had an emotional support dog. When everyone on the dorm floor found out, all they wanted to do was pet and play with him. They did not realize that the dog was there for a purpose: to help my roommate.

Mah-E-Noor Baloch, junior biology major, said she gets a lot of misconceptions from having an emotional support animal.

People often assume that having an emotional support animal is somewhat of a joke, Baloch said. When I state that I have an emotional support animal or an ESA, I am met with amused smirks and sarcastic laughter.

She said people who she has spoken with regarding emotional support animals will call them glorified pets.

Baloch said people always assume that they can play with her animal.

While in certain settings its appropriate, like hanging out amongst friends at a social gathering or spending time with family at home, in others its not, Baloch said. Lexi was trained to notice my depression, oncoming panic attacks and PTSD episodes.

Baloch also said people try to nudge her side, pick her up or pet her themselves.

She said she has seen people trying to sneak animals onto campus, claiming that they are emotional support animals. Baloch said she has had to explain to people that her emotional support animal was doing a job and that she has felt invalidated by people because of the stigma around emotional support animals.

ESAs are definitely not glorified pets and the stigma around them needs to end, Baloch said. They are lifelines to people like me who suffer with depression and anxiety.

Charlie Powell, senior public information officer for WSUs College of Veterinary Medicine, said there are certain issues that people need to be aware of when it comes to emotional support animals.

One of the things that people have to remember about service animals and training though is typically their trainers dont want you to pet their animal, Powell said. Peoples natural inclination is to pet those animals like that.

Powell said another example of student accommodations is the lactation station in the veterinary college.

If you have to accommodate someone, you have to accommodate them, Powell said. Thats one of those things most of our students are not pregnant but we still make accommodations for those who are.

He said people will sometimes pretend that their pet is an emotional support animal.

I think we also both know that there are a number of people who abuse this privilege in many different ways, Powell said.

Powell said there are a lot of factors that go into bringing an emotional support animal into a work or school environment, such as biohazard awareness, sterilization, housing and cultural differences.

It is a situational type of thing that has to be assessed individually for each request, Powell said. I think when anything comes to societal change thats big like this, I think being able to slow down, think clearly and come up with a good plan is vital.

Individuals who own emotional support animals have a valid reason to do so. People need to realize that emotional support animals are not regular pets, and are there to do a job.

Read the rest here:
OPINION: Normalize having emotional support animals The Daily Evergreen - The Daily Evergreen


Ukraine nominates its candidate for Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Secretary-General’s office – 112 International

September 29th, 2020 3:55 pm

The Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)

For the first time in a while, Ukraine has nominated its candidate for the post of BSEC Secretary-General (Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation). This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

The choice fell on Ukraines Deputy Foreign Minister Vasyl Bodnar.

It is worth noting that the BSEC was founded in 1992 in Istanbul. The purpose of the organization is the development of economic cooperation and trade. The organization includes 12 countries: Azerbaijan, Albania, Bulgaria, Armenia, Greece, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine.

Ukraine chaired the BSEC back in 2013. In 2016, Ukraine went on a diplomatic dmarche due to Russia's chairmanship in the BSEC.

On July 1, 2017, Ukraine once again headed the BSEC, and in December - handed over the presidency to Armenia.

As we reported earlier, on September 2, the Ukrainian government terminated several agreements within the Commonwealth of Independent States(CIS).

"A separate block, which we have traditionally on the agenda - the withdrawal from the regular agreements within the CIS. In particular, we denounce the agreement on cooperation in veterinary medicine, as well as withdraw from the agreement on cooperation in sanitary protection of territories," the statement said.

Read the original here:
Ukraine nominates its candidate for Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Secretary-General's office - 112 International


Trends in epidemiology, treatment and molecular testing of metastatic colorectal cancer in a real-world multi-institution cohort study – DocWire News

September 29th, 2020 3:54 pm

Aim:Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in Australia, and survival after diagnosis of metastatic disease is improving. Our aim was to assess trends in epidemiology, treatment, molecular testing and survival in patients with metastatic CRC (mCRC).

Methods:Clinical data from February 2013 to December 2018 was recorded in a prospective, observational, multicenter cohort study conducted in Queensland, Australia, examining clinical and molecular biomarkers in cases of mCRC.

Results:A total of 159 patients who had metastasis diagnosed after February 2013 were included in survival analysis. Median age at diagnosis was 63.9 years, but 29% had early-onset disease (diagnosis aged <50 years). Median overall survival was 2.5 years (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.2-3.0) for the 159 patients included in survival analysis. Independent factors correlated with poor prognosis included right-sided primary tumor, neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio >5, increased alkaline phosphatase level (ALP) and an increasing number of sites of metastatic disease. In contrast, metastasectomy was associated with improved overall survival (adjusted HR = 0.29 95% CI, 0.16-0.54), with similar survival between patients who had liver and non-liver metastasectomy sites. Half (10/20) of the BRAF mutant CRC were also microsatellite unstable. The proportion of detected mutations amongst tested samples increased over time for Kirsten Rat Sarcoma (KRAS; OR [per year] = 1.19; 95% CI, 1.01-1.39). Concurrently, the methods of molecular genetics testing employed in routine clinical practice changed towards the adoption of next-generation sequencing.

Conclusions:Metastasectomy in mCRC may be beneficial regardless of the anatomical site of metastasis. The adoption of next-generation sequencing techniques for molecular genetics testing coincided with a slightly increased rate of detection of KRAS and BRAF mutations, potentially reflecting greater test sensitivity. Further translational research is required in mCRC to define novel targets for treatment.

Keywords:cancer epidemiology; cancer genetics; colorectal; medical oncology; registry.

Read more here:
Trends in epidemiology, treatment and molecular testing of metastatic colorectal cancer in a real-world multi-institution cohort study - DocWire News


Keio University Research: Combating COVID-19: Nationwide genomic analysis to study possible reasons for the low COVID-19 mortality rate in Japan -…

September 29th, 2020 3:54 pm


On 21 May, 2020, the Joint Research Coronavirus Task Force was launched in Japan to promote the development of a mucosal vaccine for COVID-19 based on advanced genomic analysis.

"We will analyze 600 blood samples taken from Japanese COVID-19 patients located in approximately 100 hospitals throughout Japan," explains Takanori Kanai of the Keio University School of Medicine, who leads the task force. "One of the goals of the research is to try to understand why the mortality rate due to COVID-19 has remained significantly lower in Japan than the United States and European countries. We think it may be related to genetic differences. We want to resolve this issue and share our results with our colleagues around the world."

Background and goals

This research is being undertaken by experts affiliated with Keio University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Osaka University, the Institute of Medical Science at the University of Tokyo, the National Center for Global Health and Medicine, the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Kitasato University, and Kyoto University.

"Our research team includes specialists in infectious diseases as well as other fields such as molecular genetics, computational science, and gastroenterology, which is my area of expertise, and is not directly related to epidemiology or infectious diseases," says Kanai. "This project was conceived by a small group of medical doctors and researchers without experience of handling infectious diseases. But the actual project is interdisciplinary, with members including ICU and medical care staff at university hospitals, community healthcare practitioners, immunologists, and even members of the general public. Ultimately, we want to contribute to society through medicine and science."

Working hypotheses for possible reasons for fewer COVID-19 deaths in Japan and Asia

The members of the task force compiled the following list of potential reasons for the low mortality rate in Japan: Japan's world-class medical system; a history of regular face mask use and attention to hygiene (including hand washing) in daily life; a culture of avoiding physical contact akin to social distancing; low expression of virus receptors; BCG vaccination; and differences in immune response due to differences in racial HLA and other polymorphisms.

Gathering samples and genetic information

The task force's goals are to establish a medical response system to predict who is at risk of contracting severe COVID-19 and develop a vaccine using proprietary technology. Genomic analysis technology is being employed to elucidate the genetic basis of the mechanisms that trigger COVID-19 infections to worsen, and thereby develop methods to fight the disease and develop a mucosal vaccine.

The team is focusing on the fact that the number of COVID-19 deaths per capita is far smaller in the Japanese population than it is in Western countries. The 600 blood samples are being studied by methods including high-resolution HLA analysis, SNP array and whole-genome sequence analysis, and T-cell repertoire analysis.

"Our analysis is being used to compare severe cases with mild and asymptomatic cases to identify genes that may be responsible for the exacerbation of COVID-19 in Japanese patients," explains Kanai. "Regarding vaccine development, predicting the target epitope is a major challenge. We are planning to use supercomputer simulations to identify potential antigens for SARS-CoV-2 based on our results for determining the genes that lead to severe cases of COVID-19 in Japanese patients."

Initial findings will be announced in September 2020

The task force plans to announce the initial findings of their research in September 2020. This will include the identities of the genes associated with triggering severe cases of COVID-19 among Japanese people that could be used to predict potential severity during early diagnostics.

"We want to use our results to produce guidelines to mitigate the dangers of overloading the medical care system during potential second or possibly third waves of COVID-19," says Kanai. "Furthermore, our immunological genetic information will be valuable for designing potential vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 for many Japanese people. We will share our results with colleagues in other countries so that they can use them to develop strategies to combat COVID-19 for their own populations."

About the researcher

Takanori Kanai Professor

Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, School of Medicine

Takanori Kanai graduated from the Keio University School of Medicine in 1988. Between 1989 and 2003 he held teaching positions at the Keio University School of Medicine, Keio Cancer Center, and Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU). He has also held distinguished positions including as a committee member of the Harvard Medical Institute Educational Program at TMDU; Section Editor of the journal Inflammatory Bowel Diseases; Associate Editor of Journal of Gastroenterology; Editorial Board Member, American Journal of Physiology and Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology; and Clinical Professor of Medicine (Visiting), TMDU. At the Keio University School of Medicine, he was appointed as an associate professor in 2007 and a professor in 2013, and he has been serving as a vice dean since 2017.


COVID-19 taskforce https://www.covid19-taskforce.jp/en/home/

Takanori Kanai informationhttps://k-ris.keio.ac.jp/html/100002919_en.html

Further informationKeio UniversityOffice of Research Development and Sponsored Projects2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345 JapanE-mail: [emailprotected]

WebsitesKeio Universityhttps://www.keio.ac.jp/en/

Keio Research Highlightshttps://research-highlights.keio.ac.jp/

About Keio University

Keio University is a private, comprehensive university with six major campuses in the Greater Tokyo area along with a number of affiliated academic institutions. Keio prides itself on educational and research excellence in a wide range of fields and its state-of-the-art university hospital.

Keio was founded in 1858, and it is Japan's first modern institution of higher learning. Over the last century and a half, it has evolved into and continues to maintain its status as a leading university in Japan through its ongoing commitment to producing leaders of the future. Founder Yukichi Fukuzawa, a highly respected educator and one of the most important intellectuals of modern Japan, aspired for Keio to be a pioneer of new discoveries and contribute to society through learning.

SOURCE Keio University

Keio University Research: Combating COVID-19: Nationwide genomic analysis to study possible reasons for the low COVID-19 mortality rate in Japan -...


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