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Thresholds versus Anomaly Detection for Surveillance of Pneumonia and Influenza Mortality – CDC

October 13th, 2020 2:56 pm

Disclaimer: Early release articles are not considered as final versions. Any changes will be reflected in the online version in the month the article is officially released.

Author affiliation: Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Lower respiratory tract infections, including pneumonia and influenza (P&I), are the leading cause of infectious diseaserelated death worldwide (1). Annually, up to 95,000 persons might die from P&I in the United States alone (2). Ongoing surveillance of risk factors for influenza acquisition, incident influenza disease, and clinical outcomes of influenza infection are a global public health priority (3). Ensuring that public health professionals and the public at large are informed about the incidence and severity of disease in the community is an important benefit of these surveillance programs. To fulfill surveillance needs in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintains FluView (4), a public-facing web interface providing detailed results of their influenza surveillance program. Reports maintained on FluView range from spatial analytics of influenza-like illness to virologic surveillance, virus characterization, hospitalization rates, and P&I mortality. Each report is useful for focused interventions and planning at a personal, local, state, regional, and national level.

Mortality reporting in FluView is a particularly critical public health endpoint for P&I because early interventions can lessen these catastrophic outcomes. Currently, mortality is monitored and reported as epidemic if the percentage of total deaths is above a value termed the epidemic threshold. This threshold is defined at a P&I death rate 1.645 SDs above the seasonal baseline mortality (5) as measured by the National Center for Health Statistics mortality surveillance system. These statistics are useful but limited in their ability to detect abnormally high death rates because they do not rigorously account for common statistical issues inherent in influenza surveillance data, such as within- and between-season seasonality and autocorrelation (6). Without accounting for the complex temporal fluctuations (seasonality) and nonindependence of period-to-period data points (autocorrelation), traditional statistical methodologies might provide spurious results, leading to inappropriate conclusions. Because an essential aspect of surveillance is ensuring that robust statistical methods are used to provide a valid view of the state of disease or outcome, the exploration of innovative methods for computational surveillance of P&I outcomes is warranted. The objective of our study was to evaluate the utility of a novel anomaly detection algorithm for P&I mortality surveillance.

For our study, we obtained national P&I mortality data from FluView for a 350-week period ranging from week 40 of 2013 through week 24 of 2020. First, we recreated the current FluView P&I mortality plot, shading areas above the epidemic threshold to more easily delineate mortality rates higher than this limit. Next, we used Twitters time-series decomposition and the generalized extreme studentized deviate anomaly detection algorithm to identify anomalous P&I mortality rates (7,8). For anomaly detection, default (0.05) and maximum anomalies (20%) were used as options. Anomaly plots identify anomalies using red dots. We analyzed data using R version 4.0.1 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, https://www.r-project.org).


Figure. Pneumonia and influenza mortality surveillance using anomaly detection analysis versus threshold method, United States. A) Line chart representing anomaly detection analysis of surveillance. Red points indicate anomalous data points. B)...

Using current epidemic threshold methodologies, we found that 72 (20.6%) of weekly P&I mortality rates were beyond the epidemic threshold (Figure, panel A). P&I mortality rates spiked above the epidemic threshold in approximately the same weeks every year since week 40 of 2013. Anomaly detection identified 17 (4.9%) P&I mortality rates as abnormally high (Figure, panel B). To ensure that this methodology can be continually used into the future, we also created a free, open-source, web-based application to recreate both figures on demand as data are updated (https://surveillance.shinyapps.io/fluview). Once loaded, the current national data are pulled from FluView and analyzed on the first tab. The anomaly plot and the updated current FluView P&I mortality surveillance plots are then displayed. For this web application, we included the options to modify some basic functionality of the anomaly detection algorithm with brief discussions of how they can be used (7,8). A second tab was created to enable upload of state-level P&I mortality data from FluView Interactive (https://gis.cdc.gov/grasp/fluview/mortality.html), providing the same anomaly detection plot.

The current epidemic threshold for documenting P&I mortality in the United States cannot differentiate characteristic mortality rates during peak influenza season from unusually high mortality attributable to P&I. An important benefit of mortality surveillance is the identification of periods where rates are beyond a reasonable expectation such that adequate interventions can be developed to lower death rates in the community. Currently, P&I mortality rates are compared with a basic SD statistic obtained and averaged over seasonal baseline mortality estimates. This traditional approach does not account for seasonality or autocorrelative functions within and across influenza seasons (6). Given the advancements in computational power and the development of easy-to-interpret algorithms capable of filtering out these biases, alternative approaches for surveillance of P&I mortality at a national level should be considered to complement the current FluView methods. Our approach is one such alternative. Others such as the European EuroMoMo modeling (https://www.euromomo.eu) might also be applicable methods for bolstering our understanding of P&I mortality.

Although this particular anomaly detection might underestimate the frequency of abnormally high mortality rates, our approach is also likely to produce an additional, more focused message for public health professionals. Currently, P&I mortality peaks above the epidemic threshold at approximately the same time each year. Therefore, the existing approach might have a limited ability to provide public health professionals with the reports necessary to make informed interventions to limit mortality, such as through recalibrating targeted screening and preventative approaches, and to more accurately develop focused interventions such as vaccination campaigns. To accomplish this task, a computational method motivated by identifying outlying mortality rates should be used, with the caveat that mortality data must be reported in near real-time. Our approach provides such an outcome and might be useful for public health professionals in their quest to prevent and control P&I-related death. Our approach might also be useful for computational surveillance of other respiratory diseases, such as coronavirus.

Dr. Wiemken is an associate professor at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Allergy, and Immunology, as well as the Center for Health Outcomes Research. His primary research interests include emerging infectious diseases, influenza, vaccinology, healthcare-associated infections, and data science.


Suggested citation for this article: Wiemken TL, Santos Rutschman A, Niemotka SL, Hoft D. Thresholds versus anomaly detection for surveillance of pneumonia and influenza mortality. Emerg Infect Dis. 2020 Nov [date cited]. https://doi.org/10.3201/eid2611.200706

The conclusions, findings, and opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors' affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.

Read more:
Thresholds versus Anomaly Detection for Surveillance of Pneumonia and Influenza Mortality - CDC


"Telehealth’s main challenge is cost, but it’s here to stay" | TeleHealth & COVID-19 – Healthcare Global – Healthcare News, Magazine and…

October 13th, 2020 2:56 pm

The adoption of telehealth has skyrocketed since the coronavirus appeared. In the US alone, the number of consumers using remote healthcare services has grown from 11 per cent in 2019 to 46 per cent just a few months into the pandemic. But how will this play out long term, once face-to-face visits can resume?

"Telehealth, or virtual care, has always been an innovative medium in healthcare, but the pandemic has pushed consumers and providers of healthcare onto virtual platforms across the continuum of care" explains Julian Flannery, chief executive and founder of virtual health advisory platform Summus Global. "Our original vision of a platform that can be accessed remotely across the continuum of care from prevention, to understanding a diagnosis, to ongoing monitoring and care has become a mainstream reality."

US-based Summus was founded in 2015, five years before today's huge demand for virtual healthcare. The platform connects users to specialists anywhere in the world who can provide advice and a second opinion - as one of the caveats of accessing clinicians in another part of the country is that without a specific license they arent allowed to practice medicine outside of their state.

However Flannery explains the need for the service. "We founded the company to solve two problems in healthcare: the challenge of accessing high quality medical expertise quickly, and the structural ways in which the system undervalues the expertise of quality providers.

"Today's healthcare system rewards procedure and treatment volume more than the connection between doctor and patient. We wanted to create a solution that would drive better outcomes by rewarding doctors for their expertise, and helping healthcare consumers understand their options."

The platform currently gives access to more than 4,000 clinical specialists. "In the traditional healthcare system, it can be very hard to find specialists, get in to see them, and spend quality time with them, given the complexity of the system and the way incentives are set up" Flannery says.

"We've changed that model by allowing members to access healthcare in a much more effective way. Consumers can ask any question that requires speciality expertise, and we use technology to connect them directly with a high-quality specialist within days. Specialists who work with Summus give quality time to our members, an average appointment lasts 44 minutes, which is three times more than the normal time of an in-person visit."

Their users' typical needs are to help manage chronic conditions, access mental health professionals, establish preventative practices, and understand serious and complicated diagnoses.

Flannery believes the biggest challenge for telehealth is figuring out how to reimburse for virtual visits, and the cost to health systems, employers and consumers. "During the pandemic insurers incentivised virtual visits by reimbursing providers at the same rate as in-person visits" he says. "If private insurers revert to lowering reimbursement rates for telehealth, it will become more costly for health systems and the pendulum may swing back to some extent."

However he adds that the benefits of virtual care will outweigh the challenges. "We believe the momentum will sustain. Of course, there will be a lower base as in-person visits come back, but we think that convenience, access and scale have convinced the market that the future of healthcare will have many virtual components. Now that consumers have been exposed to the benefits of virtual care, it will play a large role in shaping longer-term adoption of telehealth."

Read more:
"Telehealth's main challenge is cost, but it's here to stay" | TeleHealth & COVID-19 - Healthcare Global - Healthcare News, Magazine and...


Worcester researchers study link between microbiome and Alzheimer’s disease – WCVB Boston

October 13th, 2020 2:56 pm

Researchers in Worcester are taking a closer look at Alzheimer's disease by studying the bacteria in the gut."Our main theory on this is that your gut microbiome influences your systemic immune profile which then affects your brain immune profile," said Dr. John Haran, associate professor of emergency medicine and microbiology and physiological systems at UMass Medical School and clinical director of the UMass Center for Microbiome Research.His team was just awarded a $3.3 million grant from the National Institute on Aging to explore how the gut microbiome can affect cognitive functioning.Haran said the microbiome is a complex organ made up of billions of cells and 70% of the immune system lies there.Last year, his team reported people diagnosed with Alzheimer's dementia share certain gut microbiomes that fuel inflammation. Now, they will study know what else that could mean."If the inflammation is being driven from the microbiome, there's two things that could happen. One it could be preventative, to not have the inflammation happens in the first place. Second, if that inflammation is kind of cured or quieted down, the immune system would have time to then to recover back," Haran said.The center is actively recruiting seniors living in the Worcester area, both with an Alzheimer's diagnosis and those without. To inquire about participating in the study, you can call 508-925-0348 or email umass.emresearch@gmail.com .

Researchers in Worcester are taking a closer look at Alzheimer's disease by studying the bacteria in the gut.

"Our main theory on this is that your gut microbiome influences your systemic immune profile which then affects your brain immune profile," said Dr. John Haran, associate professor of emergency medicine and microbiology and physiological systems at UMass Medical School and clinical director of the UMass Center for Microbiome Research.

His team was just awarded a $3.3 million grant from the National Institute on Aging to explore how the gut microbiome can affect cognitive functioning.

Haran said the microbiome is a complex organ made up of billions of cells and 70% of the immune system lies there.

Last year, his team reported people diagnosed with Alzheimer's dementia share certain gut microbiomes that fuel inflammation. Now, they will study know what else that could mean.

"If the inflammation is being driven from the microbiome, there's two things that could happen. One it could be preventative, to not have the inflammation happens in the first place. Second, if that inflammation is kind of cured or quieted down, the immune system would have time to then to recover back," Haran said.

The center is actively recruiting seniors living in the Worcester area, both with an Alzheimer's diagnosis and those without.

To inquire about participating in the study, you can call 508-925-0348 or email umass.emresearch@gmail.com .

Continued here:
Worcester researchers study link between microbiome and Alzheimer's disease - WCVB Boston


Take care of your eyes, here are some tips – The New Indian Express

October 13th, 2020 2:55 pm

By Express News Service

HYDERABAD: Reduced or absent eyesight can have major and long-lasting effects on all aspects of life, including daily personal activities, interacting with the community, school and work opportunities and the ability to access public services. Recently, World Sight Day was observed with the theme Hope in Sight to focus on vision impairment and blindness.

Causes of blindness and visual impairment in India According to a National Blindness & Visual Impairment Survey 2015-19 conducted by Dr Rajendra Prasad Institute of Opthalmic Sciences, AIIMS, Delhi as part of National Program for Control of Blindness & Visual Impairment, Government of India, Cataract continue to be the major cause of blindness and responsible for 66.2% of blindness, severe visual impairment (80.7%), and moderate visual impairment (70.2%).

Refractive error was the most important cause of visual impairment and second important cause of blindness in 2001 but the current survey showed that refractive error is not an important cause of blindness. Corneal blindness emerged as the second important cause of blindness.Beside this, the proportions of blindness due to complications of cataract surgery have also increased, says Dr Alpa Atul Poorabia, consultant ophthalmologist at Apollo Spectra Hospitals in Kondapur.

Giving details about some of the treatment options, the doctor said:Treatment for vision impairment depends on the extent of the vision loss and the cause. Following points are very important not only to find the cause but also to prevent further damage and treat according to the cause of vision impairment.

There must be regular eye checks after age of 40 years, especially for diabetics. There must also be detailed eye examination for children, before entering school to rule out refractive error. If you have a family history of glaucoma, then go for check- ups yearly.

The following actions can prevent visual impairment

Eat healthy

Wear good quality sunglasses whenever outdoor to protect eyes from ultraviolet radiation

Wear safety/protective tools during hazardous work

Maintain proper hygiene

Exercise regularly

Avoid smoking, alcohol and use of illegal drugs

See more here:
Take care of your eyes, here are some tips - The New Indian Express


Procedure Trays Market | Strategic Industry Evolutionary Analysis Focus on Leading Key Players and Revenue Growth Analysis by Forecast To 2025 -…

October 13th, 2020 2:55 pm

To comprehend the futuristic opportunities of GlobalProcedure Trays Market, this report is prepared by in-depth analysis of historical data. According toSupply demand Market Research, The Procedure Trays Market size is estimated to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2020 to 2025, This Report offers vital market trends and thorough analysis of the global, regional market size, estimation, current developments, opportunities, importance of the global and national market players and the competitive landscape. The prime categories included in this report are key market players, geographic segments, type and application.

A summary of the performance evaluation of the Procedure Trays Market is offered in this report. It also includes crucial information concerning to the key industry trends and projected growth rate of the said market. The study provides details regarding the growth avenues and hindering factors prevailing in the business space.

Feel free to contact us for any inquiry, Download PDF Sample Copy of Procedure Trays Market @https://www.supplydemandmarketresearch.com/home/contact/1488890?ref=Sample-and-Brochure&toccode=SDMRME1488890

The Global Procedure Trays Market Report 2020 provides every details that can be referred by the industrial stakeholders, who wants establish themselves in the Procedure Trays Market industry. The report analyses the historical data of the previous years and estimates its market value till the forecasted year. It also helps to understand the market dynamics and the futuristic opportunities of this market analyzing segments referred in the report.

The analysis of GlobalProcedure Trays Marketincludes market size, upstream situation, market segmentation, price & cost and industry environment. In addition, the report outlines the factors driving industry growth and the description of market channels. The report begins from overview of industrial chain structure, and describes the upstream. Besides, the report analyses market size and forecast in different geographies, type and end-use segment, in addition, the report introduces market competition overview among the major companies and companies profiles, besides, market price and channel features are covered in the report.

Global and Japan Procedure Trays Market Type (Angiography Procedure Tray, Opthalmic Procedure Tray, Operating Room Procedure Tray, Anaesthesia Room Procedure Tray, Others) Application (Hospitals, Clinics, Ambulatory Surgical Centres) Global Trends and Forecasts to 2025

Industry Insights

The Global and Japan Procedure Trays Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of XX % during the forecast period 2018-2025.

The Global and Japan Procedure Trays Market is segmented on the basis of Type and Application. The Global and Japan Procedure Trays Market is segmented based on the basis of typeAngiography Procedure Tray, Opthalmic Procedure Tray, Operating Room Procedure Tray, Anaesthesia Room Procedure Tray, Others. By Application, it is classified as Hospitals, Clinics, Ambulatory Surgical Centres. The regional outlook on the Global and Japan Procedure Trays Market covers regions, such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of the World. Global and Japan Procedure Trays Market for each region is further bifurcated for major countries including the U.S., Canada, Germany, the U.K., France, Italy, China, India, Japan, Brazil, South Africa, and others.

Report Scope:

The Global and Japan Procedure Trays Market report scope covers the in-depth business analysis considering major market dynamics, forecast parameters, and price trends for the industry growth. The report forecasts market sizing at global, regional and country levels, providing comprehensive outlook of industry trends in each market segments and sub-segments from 2017 to 2024. The market segmentations include

Globaland Japan Procedure Trays Market, By Type

Angiography Procedure Tray, Opthalmic Procedure Tray, Operating Room Procedure Tray, Anaesthesia Room Procedure Tray, Others

In the same way, the study has divided by applications

Global and Japan Procedure Trays Market, By Application

Hospitals, Clinics, Ambulatory Surgical Centres

Globaland Japan Procedure Trays Market, By Region

The report scope also includes competitive landscape covering the competitive analysis, strategy analysis and company profiles of the major market players. The companies profiled in the report includeBaxter International, Boston Scientific Corp., Cardinal Health, CareFusion Corp., Covidien AG, C.R. Bard Inc., Ecolab Inc., Hogy Medical, Medical Action Industries Inc., Medline Industries Inc., Precise-Pak Inc., Smith & Nephew Plc, Teleflex Medical.

Report Highlights

How this report will add value to your organisation

This report provides the in-depth analysis of the complete value chain from the raw material suppliers to the end users. We have critically analysed following parameters and their impact in the industry:

1. Improvement in top line and bottom line growth

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Raw material and other input factors analysis will help to plan effectively for the bottom line.

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In a competitive marketplace, up-to-date information can make the difference between keeping pace, getting ahead, or being left behind. A smart intelligence operation can serve as an early-warning system for disruptive changes in the competitive landscape, whether that change is a rivals new product or pricing strategy or the entrance of an unexpected player into your market.

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We have provided the long list of customers and analysed them critically, based on various parameters such as consumption, market type, sustainable business etc. this will help your organisation to develop relations with the consumers. Also, we have identified the factors in which the others customer will switch to you.

Report Customizations

The customization research services cover the additional custom report features such as additional regional and country level analysis as per the client requirements.

Get More Information About Full Report/Talk to our Analyst Regarding Procedure Trays Market @https://www.supplydemandmarketresearch.com/home/contact/1488890?ref=Discount&toccode=SDMRME1488890

This comprehensive report can be a guideline for the industry stakeholders that helps in analyzing the Procedure Trays Market and forecast of till 2024. This report aids to detection of the projected market size, market status, future predictions, growth prospect, main challenges of Procedure Trays Market by analyzing the segmentations.

In the following section, the report provides the Procedure Trays Market company outline, statements of the product, and performance values. With the support of the arithmetical study, the report demonstrates the complete international Procedure Trays Market market inclusive of amplitude, production, manufacturing value, loss/gain, Procedure Trays Market supply/demand and import/export. The Procedure Trays Market report is divided into key companies, by regions, and by various sectors such as application, type for the competitive landscape analyze.

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We have a strong network of high powered and experienced global consultants who have about 10+ years of experience in the specific industry to deliver quality research and analysis. Having such an experienced network, our services not only cater to the client who wants the basic reference of market numbers and related high growth areas in the demand side, but also we provide detailed and granular information using which the client can definitely plan the strategies with respect to both supply and demand side.

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Procedure Trays Market | Strategic Industry Evolutionary Analysis Focus on Leading Key Players and Revenue Growth Analysis by Forecast To 2025 -...


College of Veterinary Medicine to host diversity and inclusion summit – WSU News

October 13th, 2020 2:54 pm

The Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine is virtually hosting the 2020 Western Regional Iverson Bell Summit Oct.2325.

The conference has promoted diversity and inclusion in veterinary medicine for more than 40years.

This is WSUs first year hosting the event; private practice veterinarians, faculty, staff and veterinary students from the western region are expected to attend via Zoom.

The event is named after Iverson Bell, an African American veterinarian and vicepresident of the American Veterinary Medical Association from 1971 to 1973.

Dr.Bell was a civic leader in Terre Haute, Indiana, where he owned a small veterinary practice. He was prominently known for his professionalism, leadership and promoting equal opportunity.

Were happy and proud to host this event in Dr.Bells name, said Dori Borjesson, dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine. In order to drive the veterinary profession forward we need to hear from everyone, which means everyone needs to be represented.

The theme of the event is TripleA (Access, Ability and Allyship): Your Map to Wellness, Diversity, and Inclusion.

The conference was first hosted by the Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine in 1972.

The summit was hosted by Bells almamater, Michigan State University, and Purdue University, where he lectured for several decades, until it was opened for other veterinary colleges in 2016.

This years featured speakers include: Jen Brandt, the director of member wellbeing, inclusion, and diversity initiatives at the American Veterinary Medical Association; Lisa Greenhill, senior director for Institutional Research and Diversity at the American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges; Christine Jenkins, vicepresident of Veterinary Medical Services & Outcomes Research at ZoetisInc.; and Gretchen Delcambre, Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine director of admissions.

Visit the summit website to view the agenda and to register.

Visit link:
College of Veterinary Medicine to host diversity and inclusion summit - WSU News


How coronavirus changed the way veterinary medicine is practiced – WDJT

October 13th, 2020 2:54 pm

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MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- When you take your pet to see the veterinarian, it might look a lot like when you see the doctor.

There is now more curbside visits, telemedicine, and social distancing.

Doctor Dana Varble, the chief veterinary officer of the North American Veterinary Community, joins CBS 58 Morning News to discuss these changes.

Excerpt from:
How coronavirus changed the way veterinary medicine is practiced - WDJT


Black bear burned in North Complex fire released back to wild – Los Angeles Times

October 13th, 2020 2:54 pm

A 10-year-old black bear burned in the North Complex fire has been released back into the wild after an innovative treatment helped heal his scorched feet, wildlife veterinarians said.

Officials with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife found the 370-pound bear in mid-September near the town of Berry Creek in Butte County, where the North Complex blaze has burned more than 318,000 acres since igniting Aug. 18. All four of the animals paw pads had been burned and he was unable to walk on his own.

After tranquilizing the bear, officials transported him to the Wildlife Investigations Laboratory in Rancho Cordova, where he was evaluated by Fish and Wildlife veterinarians Deana Clifford and Emma Lantz. His lungs were damaged from smoke inhalation, his paws were badly burned and he had a minor eye injury.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife veterinarian Emma Lantz sutures sterilized tilapia skins onto the burned paw pads of a black bear, after medications had been applied.

(Kirsten Macintyre / Department of Fish and Wildlife)

Paw pad injuries are common for animals in wildfires, Clifford said, noting that when the tender tissue is damaged, it can present significant problems.

Thats the challenge, she said. If they cant walk, they cant find water and they cant find prey. ... They become stuck.

The bears rescue was the result of a partnership between the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, which banded together in the midst of Californias worst-ever wildfire season to find and treat animals injured by flames. Dubbed the Wildfire Disaster Network, the group comprises veterinarians, wildlife biologists, ecologists, trained animal care volunteers and rehabilitation centers.

Under the direction of Jamie Peyton, the chief of service at UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, the bear was given a suite of treatments, including pain medication, fluids, infrared lasers and anti-inflammatory salve. The animal also received an innovative treatment involving the use of tilapia skins as natural bandages for its paw pads.

Afterward, he was kept in a quiet enclosure for several days and monitored around-the-clock with a remote camera. The bears appetite remained healthy throughout recovery, and he even put on weight, but officials were eager to take him home.

These are free-ranging animals that have never been in a cage, Clifford said, and so this is not an ideal situation for them. What is ideal is for us to get them back in the wild.

On Oct. 5, staff deemed the bear ready for release, and wildlife biologist Henry Lomeli transported him back to Butte County. Lomeli chose a site within 25 miles of his home range but safe from the wildfires path.

The bear quickly ran back into the wilderness and even managed to pull off his tracking collar along the way.

He was the first of several animal patients this year. The Wildfire Disaster Network is now treating a female mountain lion from the Bobcat fire in Los Angles County that arrived on Sept. 21, and a 520-pound bear from the Zogg fire in Shasta County that arrived Sept. 30.

Its likely that we will receive more wildlife with burns, Clifford said. We are only halfway through the regular fire season.

Continue reading here:
Black bear burned in North Complex fire released back to wild - Los Angeles Times


NL Veterinary Medical Association Speaking Out About Mental Health in Profession – VOCM

October 13th, 2020 2:54 pm

(Photo: Veterinary Specialty Centre of Newfoundland and Labrador)

The president of the local veterinary association is speaking out about mental health and the stress faced in the profession following a recent case on the provinces west coast.

The College of Veterinarians is conducting an investigation into the actions of an area vet surrounding a dog that died due to an apparent lack of veterinary care. The incident resulted in an uproar on social media, prompting the president of the NL Veterinary Medical Association to speak out.

This afternoon I spent 40 minutes speaking with a fellow veterinary professional who couldn't stop crying because of the horrible things being said about her work place online that are based on half truths and full lies.

Maggie BB (@dottiemaggie) October 2, 2020

Dr. Maggie Brown-Bury says while shes limited in what she can say because of the ongoing investigation, she does say that suicide rates among vets are high. She believes no one gets into veterinary medicine if they dont love animals, and hearing negative commentary in a compassionate profession wears you down.

Brown-Bury fears the reality of veterinary medicine, including being on-call, may prevent new practitioners from entering the field, often in the very places where theyre needed the most. She says on-call is not a sustainable lifestyle for many people and thats okay, but it could prevent new recruits from taking on veterinary practice especially in rural areas.

This afternoon I spent 40 minutes speaking with a fellow veterinary professional who couldn't stop crying because of the

Posted by Maggie Brown-Bury onFriday, October 2, 2020

Go here to read the rest:
NL Veterinary Medical Association Speaking Out About Mental Health in Profession - VOCM


Weimer seeking third term on school board | Garrett Clipper – KPCnews.com

October 13th, 2020 2:54 pm

GARRETT Dr. Danny E. Dan Weimer, 50, is seeking a third term on the Garrett-Keyser-Butler school board, representing the City of Garrett.

Weimer graduated from Garrett High School in 1988, Purdue University in 1992 and the Ross School of Veterinary Medicine in 1998.

He has worked at the Garrett Veterinary Hospital since 1998, and is now the owner of the practice.

Weimer has served in volunteer and leadership roles in the community, including 10 years as board member and officer of the Judy A. Morrill Recreation Center. In addition, he helped create the Garrett Education Foundation and currently serves as board member and officer.

Weimer also represents the school board on Garrett-Keyser-Butler Building Trades committee.

He is especially excited about the six acres of land donated to the building trades program which is being developed into Brennan Estates, the first school-owned subdivision in the state. Students have already begun construction on the first of nine homes to be built on the property, and Weimer is proud of what is going on with the project.

He has served eight years on the school board and serves as its secretary, along with multiple Garrett youth athletic teams.

His no. one reason to seek re-election is for the kids in the Garrett community.

Being a father of two, who were and are very active in the athletics that go on with school and the city, I got to know many of these kids, Weimer said. We have a bunch of good ones, and that makes it easy to want to support them.

Secondly, he wants to support staff and administration.

Ive gotten to know almost all of them, grew up with a few of them, and have befriended most of them, Weimer said.

I have been in and around the school for the past 14 years with my kids. Ive seen and also heard multiple comments that our administration team (all of them), our teachers, the school hospital staff, the kitchen staff and the janitors go way out of their way to make sure our school is safe and conducive to the best possible education for our kids. This makes supporting them pretty simple, he added.

Finally, this community in whole is pretty special, Weimer said. We are not perfection, but try hard every day to be the best and I truly feel we always put our kids first.

While he doesnt consider himself necessarily the better candidate for the position, Weimer said he is willing and able to support this G-K-B school system. I want to do what I can to make G-K-B the better/best school system we can for these kids.

He sees COVID-19 as the main challenge facing schools in the coming years.

Its definitely going to be difficult and challenging going forward, he said

While trying to keep his veterinarian job separate from that of a school board member, Weimer hears comments from the community from time-to-time.

I answer the best I can in whatever the surroundings might be, and suggest we continue the discussion later, he said.

Weimer and his wife Barbara, a 1992 Garrett graduate, are the parents of Madison who graduated from Garrett in 2018 and son, Colton, who is senior this year.

Weimer enjoys spending time in the great outdoors, having recently taken trips to Alaska and Colorado.

If elected, Weimer said his goal is to Keep the Big Train rolling.

See original here:
Weimer seeking third term on school board | Garrett Clipper - KPCnews.com


Paul Cadogan and Sarah Wilkinson-Eytle | COVID-19 lives and livelihoods from veterinarian’s perspective – Jamaica Gleaner

October 13th, 2020 2:54 pm

Just over 200 days ago COVID-19 reached the shores of Jamaica. Our health authorities acted with alacrity to contain the spread, keep the population informed, and prepare the country, both physically and mentally, for the challenges which the experts knew were ahead of us.

After all, we have coped with dengue, seen ChikV and ZikV and, along with the rest of the world, had been preparing for Ebola. After an excellent start and success at flattening the curve, we opened our borders and bit by bit with an election, national celebrations, beach parties, funerals and nine-nights we have reached the stage of community spread.

As veterinarians, we stand with other colleagues in the healthcare community who are concerned that Jamaica is heading in the wrong direction, that if serious action is not taken now, both lives and livelihoods will be irrevocably lost. What are some of the concerns of the veterinary community as we all, as humans, face this ongoing pandemic together?

As veterinarians, our initial concern is our food security, which means ensuring that we have a steady availability of nutritious food of all types moving forward. How can COVID-19 affect food supplies?

First, it can impact our farmers, our producers: those who become ill, or have to halt operations because of illness among workers, may be unable to care for their livestock properly. Farmers whose markets are reduced or gone may not earn enough to maintain their livestock. Recall the effect of the initial COVID-19 lockdown on egg farmers around the island when the tourism industry closed down having to dump their eggs and destroy their chickens because they could no longer afford to feed and care for them. It is difficult to recover from that, and long-term shortages, even after COVID-19 has passed, can result. Prices also go up.

Another significant risk to our food supply chain is in the operations of our abattoirs and meat-processing plants. These are workplaces where people work in close confines and, as has been seen occurring in other countries, are great incubators for COVID-19 spread: sick workers, rapid spread, forced closure, then food shortages. It can happen here! Companies and individual workers need to realise the vital function they play in the life of our country and ensure that maximum infection-prevention measures are employed from mask-wearing to sanitisation. The repercussions of this could lead to shortages of pork, beef, chicken and eggs, even canned and packaged goods.

There is also the animal welfare concern. Should the economic situation in the country deteriorate under COVID-19 pressure, owners, both of livestock and pets, may find it difficult to care for them from food to healthcare. Since all clinical veterinary medicine in Jamaica is provided by private practitioners, this may lead to an increase in suffering or abandonment of animals as owners postpone, ignore, or do their own thing if they are sick or injured. Reports from India state that there has been increased aggression among stray dogs in the major cities as the lockdown, and less patrons to restaurants, for example, causes more competition for food, leading to more fights and overall aggression.

Veterinarians and our staff are just as susceptible to catching COVID-19 as anyone else. In our global community, there have been illness and death. We have had to take precautions as we do our work, and distance ourselves from our clients. We have had to shorten clinic hours at times and modify mobile services. We are considered an essential service and all registered veterinarians in Jamaica are authorised officers under the Disaster Risk Management Act. It is a great responsibility.

The supply of veterinary drugs in Jamaica has also been severely affected by the pandemic, with shortages of critical antibiotics, dewormers, vaccines and many other drugs being experienced. This has added to our usual challenges with obtaining modern veterinary drugs and has reduced our ability to adequately prevent, treat and contain diseases and other illnesses among animals.

In some parts of the world, vets have assisted in the COVID-19 fight by volunteering equipment such as ventilators and PPE from their practices. In some cases they have volunteered themselves, as trained medical professionals, to play supporting roles under the supervision of physician colleagues where human healthcare workers have been overwhelmed. We stand ready, but hope that it never comes to this point in Jamaica.

It is easy to become despondent and think that all is lost, that COVID-19 is unstoppable and will get to us one by one, one way or another. But even in the face of overwhelming odds, we must fight back. And that we means all of us the Government, the people of our beloved Jamaica.

One health. One love. One world.

Dr Paul Cadogan is a veterinarian at the Denbigh Veterinary Clinic, May Pen, Clarendon; past secretary and PR chair, current member of the executive, Jamaica Veterinary Medical Association. Dr Sarah Wilkinson-Eytle is a veterinarian at Phoenix VetCare, Kingston, and past president of the Jamaica Veterinary Medical Association. Send feedback to secretary@jvma.org.

Originally posted here:
Paul Cadogan and Sarah Wilkinson-Eytle | COVID-19 lives and livelihoods from veterinarian's perspective - Jamaica Gleaner


Global Veterinary Medicine Market Recent Trends and Developments, Challenges and Opportunities, key drivers and Restraints over the Forecast Period…

October 13th, 2020 2:54 pm

Global Veterinary Medicine Market research report has been prepared with a nice combination of industry insight, smart solutions, practical solutions and newest technology to give better user experience. Under market segmentation chapter, research and analysis is done based on several market and industry segments such as application, vertical, deployment model, end user, and geography. To perform this market research study, competent and advanced tools and techniques have been utilized that include SWOT analysis and Porters Five Forces Analysis. Businesses can surely anticipate the reduced risk and failure with the winning Global Veterinary Medicine Market research report.

The reliable Global Veterinary Medicine Market report also explains an in depth description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of key vendors and their business strategies with the help of SWOT analysis and porters five force analysis. The market drivers and restraints have been explained specifically in the report. The statistics are indicated in graphical format in the report for a clear understanding of facts and figures. The report entails a variety of steps for gathering, recording and analysing data. A persuasive Global Veterinary Medicine Market report assesses the potential market for a new product to be introduced in the market.

Veterinary medicine marketis expected to reach a market value of USD 45.6 billion by 2027 whilegrowat a potential rate of 7.15% in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. Growing number of pet adoption will help in the growth of theveterinarymedicine market.

Get Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-veterinary-medicine-market

Major players

The major players covered in the veterinary medicine market report are Merck & Co., Inc., Ceva, Vetoquinol S.A., Zoetis, BoehringerIngelheim International GmbH, Bayer AG, Elanco.,Nutreco N.V.,Virbac., Kindred Biosciences, Inc., BiogenesisBago, infocusrx., NEOGEN CORPORATION, Hester Biosciences Limited., Cargill, Incorporated., ADM Animal Nutrition,among other domestic and global players. Bone anchored hearing systems market share data is available for global, North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC) and Middle East and Africa (MEA)separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.

Patient Epidemiology Analysis

Veterinary medicine market also provides you with detailed Customization Available: Global Veterinary Medicine Market

market analysis for patient analysis, prognosis and cures. Prevalence, incidence, mortality, adherence rates are some of the data variables that are available in the report. Direct or indirect impact analysis of epidemiology to market growth are analysed to create a more robust and cohort multivariate statistical model for forecasting the market in the growth period.

Increasing prevalence of veterinary professionals, growing demand of pet insurance, increasing initiatives by the government as well as private regarding animal health, rising consumption of meat and mandatory vaccinations, growinglivestockpopulation as well as pet ownership rates will likely to enhance the growth of the veterinary medicine market in the forecast period of 2020-2027. On the other hand, increasing research and development for procedural advancement will further boost various opportunities that will lead to the growth of the veterinary medicine market in the above mentioned forecast period.

Rising number of counterfeit drugs, rising occurrences of various infections will likely to hinder the growth of the veterinary medicine market in the mentioned forecast period.

This veterinary medicine market report provides details of market share, new developments, and product pipeline analysis, impact of domestic and localised market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, product approvals, strategic decisions, product launches, geographic expansions, and technological innovations in the market. To understand the analysis and the veterinary medicine market scenario contactData Bridge Market Researchfor anAnalyst Brief, our team will help you create a revenue impact solution to achieve your desired goal.

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Global Veterinary Medicine Market Scope and Market Size

Veterinary medicine market is segmented on the basis ofproduct, animal type, mode of delivery and end-use. The growth among segments helps you analyse niche pockets of growth and strategies to approach the market and determine your core application areas and the difference in your target markets.

Veterinary Medicine Market Country Level Analysis

Veterinary medicine market is analysed and market size information is provided by country by product, animal type, mode of delivery and end use as referenced above.

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North America dominates the veterinary medicine market due to prevalence of favourable government policies along with rising initiatives to improve animal health while the Asia-Pacific region is expected to grow at the highest growth rate in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027 because of expansion of manufacturing facilities and vaccination for livestock animals.

The country section of the report also provides individual market impacting factors and changes in regulation in the market domestically that impacts the current and future trends of the market. Data points such as new sales, replacement sales, country demographics, disease epidemiology and import-export tariffs are some of the major pointers used to forecast the market scenario for individual countries. Also, presence and availability of global brands and their challenges faced due to large or scarce competition from local and domestic brands, impact of sales channels are considered while providing forecast analysis of the country data.

Thanks for reading this article, you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.

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See the original post here:
Global Veterinary Medicine Market Recent Trends and Developments, Challenges and Opportunities, key drivers and Restraints over the Forecast Period...


Covetrus Makes a Strategic Investment in Veterinary Study Groups, the Premier Provider of Peer-to-Peer Learning that Drives Veterinary Practice…

October 13th, 2020 2:54 pm

PORTLAND, Maine--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Covetrus (NASDAQ: CVET), a global leader in animal-health technology and services, announced that it has made a strategic investment in Veterinary Study Groups, Inc. (VSG), the leading provider of peer-to-peer learning experiences for veterinary practice leaders. VSG manages a family of more than 50 Veterinary Management Groups (VMGs) in the United States and Canada. These groups are comprised of more than 1,100 members who together own more than 1,500 veterinary practices.

This expanded relationship brings together two highly complementary organizations each dedicated to veterinary practices and committed to driving enhanced patient care, empowering veterinarians to run better businesses, and advocating for the veterinary profession. For VSG, the deeper partnership and Covetrus scale and portfolio of solutions is anticipated to provide tangible improvement to VMG member benefits over time, as well as identify potential new members that would benefit from the VMG experience. For Covetrus, VSG serves as an opportunity to accelerate its strategy to drive increased customer alignment.

We have long-admired VSG as it is an iconic veterinary organization that shares our mission around enabling veterinarians in the pursuit of clinical, operational and financial success, said Ben Wolin, president and CEO of Covetrus. The VSG leadership team is critical to continuing the success of VMG members, and we look forward to collaborating as colleagues while driving increased value for veterinary practices and advancing our industry.

VSG and Covetrus share a common vision and set of values, all in support of helping veterinary practices in their pursuit of extraordinary success and advocating for the veterinary profession, said Dr. Link Welborn, board chair, president and CEO of VSG. We are excited about moving forward with this expanded strategic relationship, as we look to help current and future VMG members further improve their clinical outcomes and achieve greater success in their practices.

VSG will operate as a standalone company inside of Covetrus, with their entire team joining the Company. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed. The transaction is not expected to impact the Companys previously announced 2020 financial guidance.

About Covetrus

Covetrus is a global animal-health technology and services company dedicated to empowering veterinary practice partners to drive improved health and financial outcomes. We are bringing together products, services, and technology into a single platform that connects our customers to the solutions and insights they need to work best. Our passion for the well-being of animals and those who care for them drives us to advance the world of veterinary medicine. Covetrus is headquartered in Portland, Maine with more than 5,500 employees serving over 100,000 customers around the globe. For more information about Covetrus visit https://covetrus.com/.

About Veterinary Study Groups, Inc.

Veterinary Study Groups, Inc. provides a structure that enables practice owners to benefit from each others wisdom, ideas and experiences through Veterinary Management Groups. Each VMG is made up of 16-22 veterinarian owners and other practice leaders who meet biannually to share information, data, and management experiences. Mutual support and motivation help VMG members attain higher levels of success as practice administrators and leaders. More information about Veterinary Management Groups, including membership and contact details, may be found at http://www.veterinarystudygroups.com.

Forward-Looking Statements

This report contains certain statements that are forward-looking within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. We may, in some cases use terms such as predicts, believes, potential, continue, anticipates, estimates, expects, plans, intends, may, could, might, likely, will, should or other words that convey uncertainty of the future events or outcomes to identify these forward-looking statements. Such statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, and actual results could differ materially from those anticipated due to a number of factors including, but not limited to, the Companys ability to accelerate its strategy to drive increased customer alignment through the transaction. Our forward-looking statements are based on current beliefs and expectations of our management team and, except as required by law, we undertake no obligations to make any revisions to the forward-looking statements contained in this report or to update them to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of this release, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.

Covetrus Makes a Strategic Investment in Veterinary Study Groups, the Premier Provider of Peer-to-Peer Learning that Drives Veterinary Practice...


How the Animal Agriculture Industry Surveils, Punishes Critics – The Intercept

October 13th, 2020 2:54 pm

This weeks SYSTEM UPDATE on this topic with Dr. Crystal Heath, one of the veterinarians targeted by these industry campaigns for retaliation can be viewed onThe Intercepts YouTube channel, or on the player below.

Animal agriculture industry groups defending factory farms engage in campaigns of surveillance, reputation destruction, and other forms of retaliation against industry critics and animal rights activists, documents obtained through a FOIA request from the U.S. Department of Agriculture reveal. That the USDA possesses these emails and other documents demonstrates the federal governments knowledge of, if not participation in, these industry campaigns.

These documents detail ongoing monitoring of the social media of news outlets, including The Intercept, which report critically on factory farms. They reveal private surveillance activities aimed at animal rights groups and their members. They include discussions of how to create a climate of intimidation for activists who work against industry abuses, including by photographing the activists and publishing the photos online. And they describe a coordinated ostracization campaignthat specifically targets veterinarians who criticize industry practices, out of concern thatveterinarians are uniquely well-positioned to persuasively and powerfully denounce industry abuses.

One of the industry groups central to these activities is the Animal Agriculture Alliance, which represents factory farms and other animal agriculture companies or, as they playfully put it, they work for corporations involved in getting food from the farm to our forks! The group boasts that one of its prime functions is Monitoring Activism, by which they mean: We identify emerging threats and provide insightful resources on animal rights and other activist groups by attending their events, monitoring traditional and social media and engaging our national network.

Animal Agriculture Alliance website

Indeed, the Alliance frequently monitors and infiltrates conferences of industry critics and activists, then provides reports to their corporate members on what was discussed. As The Intercept previously noted when reporting on felony charges brought against animal rights activists with Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, for peaceful filming and symbolic animal rescues inside oneUtah farm that supplies Whole Foods and another owned by Smithfield an action that showed how wildlyat odds with reality is the bucolic branding of those farms the Animal Agriculture Alliance issued a statementdenouncing the activists for (ironically) harming their animals and urging law enforcement and policymakers to intervene on behalf of the industry against the activists.

In the emails obtained by the FOIA request, the Alliance and its allies frequently encourage their members toalertthe FBI and Department of Homeland Security regarding actions by activists. In response to a project by DxE to create a map tracking factory farms, Lyle Orwig chair of the agricultural company Charleston/Orwig, Inc. and a member of the Alliance board proposed the retaliatory step of taking photos of every DXE [sic] member and posting them to the internet while accusing them of being opposed to feeding the hungry.

One person singled out for retaliation in these discussions was a popular, respected Bay Area veterinarian, Dr. Crystal Heath. As a local CBS affiliate television profile of herexplained, Dr. Heath is the kind of veterinarian who we all as children are taught to admire.

Rather than working for corporations or state agencies engaged in cruel animal experimentation, or for factory farms making a large salary to providethe veneer of medical justificationfor their barbaric, torturous practices, Dr. Heath has devoted herself to shelter medicine, working for years with the Berkeley Humane Society and other nonprofit animal rescue groups, where she has spayed and neutered more than 20,000 animals. The CBS broadcast report provides a full picture of the humanitarian and self-sacrificing nature of her work.

But to the Animal Agriculture Alliance and its industry allies, Dr. Heath somehow became a grave danger, an extremist whose name needed to be circulated within her profession as someone to be aggressively shunned. And that is exactly what they did.What prompted this targeted campaign against her was nothing more than her use of her veterinarian expertise to express criticisms of industry abuses and excesses.

In May, The Intercept reported on a gruesome mass-extermination technique being used by Iowas largest pork producer, Iowa Select Farms, to kill large numbers of pigs which were deemed unnecessary and in need of depopulation due to the pandemic. The technique, called ventilation shutdown, or VSD, involves cutting off the air supply in barns and turning up the heat to intense levels so that most pigs though not all dieafter hours of suffering from a combination of being suffocated and roasted to death. The pigs who survive this excruciating ordeal are then shot in the head in the morning by farm employees. A video report produced by The Intercept and the video documentarian Leighton Woodhouse based on footage obtained insidean Iowa Selectbarn by DxE as the pigs wereslowly dying was viewed by more than 150,000 people.

Numerous veterinarians were shocked by the use of this unspeakably cruel and gratuitous mass-extermination tactic, which imposes extreme, protracted suffering on highly intelligent, socially complex, sentient animals. And it created serious problems for the industry, with McDonalds demanding an explanation it could use publicly, and even discussions from the National Pork Producers Council to invent a new, more pleasant and euphemistic name for the extermination technique:

One of the veterinarians indignant about ventilation shutdown extermination programs was Dr. Heath. She was part of a group of hundreds of her veterinarian colleaguesto launcha campaign urging the American Veterinarian Medical Association towithdraw its approval of the use of this technique in limited, proscribed circumstances. Though the AVMA says it was not involved in the specific use of the extermination technique by Iowa Select, its guidelines approving of VSD were, as The Intercept documented, cited as justification by the company and its allies.

Dr. Heath was quoted in one news report on the controversy as saying: I believe the majority of AVMA members do not approve of VSD except as a last resort depopulation method andAVMA intended VSD to be used only in extreme conditions of infectious or zoonotic disease outbreaks or natural disasters. AVMA approval has allowed pig and poultry producers to use VSD as a cost-savings procedure to cheaply destroy unprofitable or excess animals.

Due to her criticisms ofthese factory farm practices and her work with DxE inadvocatingindustry reform, industry groups focused on her. In one email from April, a vice president of the Animal Agriculture Alliance, Hannah Thompson-Weeman, revealed that an alert had been sent about Dr. Heath to California members, accusing her of engaging in extreme activism and encouraging groups to spread the word to your veterinarian contacts in California where Dr. Heath practices using private, members only channels.

Following that alert, Dr. Heath began experiencing targeted campaigns against her online and within her profession. Though it cannot be proven that this was the result of the Alliances alert, what began happening to herfor the first time in the wake of that alert tracked the language used against her by these industry groups. (The Alliance and Thompson-Weeman did not respond to The Intercepts request for comments. Thompson-Weeman locked her Twitter accountyesterday after we previewed this article and the SYSTEM UPDATE episode. The AVMA has denied that it was involved in Iowa Selects use of VSD.)

What perhaps alerted the Alliance was one veterinarian group that accused her of being part of an active campaign to cause as much harm as possible to our clients and ourselves, announcing that they had alerted the Alliance about her. Veterinarian groups on Facebook posted their own warnings about her, and she was banned from some groups. Comments began appearing on her own Facebook page, purportedly from other veterinarians, accusing her of deranged activism, being a liar who makes up stories, bastardizing our profession through every available method, andclaiming that she is literally, by name, a topic of conversation in board rooms from Ag business to organized veterinarian medicine across the nation. Your name is literally toxic.

What alarmed Dr. Heath most was the emergence online of anonymous flyers which contained a BEWARE warning at the top, along with her photo and a string of accusations, some of which were false, that claimed she harbors an agenda that doesnt include anything positive for our profession and expresses fondness for domestic terrorist organizations. It warned that even allowing her access to the social media pages of veterinarians could be dangerous, and thus urged that she be blocked from all online forums, personal profiles, and social media groups.

It goes without saying that this sort of a campaign could be devastating to the career opportunities or ability to earn a livelihood of any veterinarian. Fortunately for Dr. Heath, she believes her hard-earned reputation with area clinics developed over many years willenable her to continue to work, but she believes, for very good reason, that alerts and campaigns of this sort would make it extremely difficult if not impossible for her to find work anywhere else. For a younger or less-established veterinarian seeing what was done to her, they would obviously think twice about speaking outor working against the factory farm industry, the obvious goal of such campaigns.

That the U.S. Department of Agriculture was in possession of the emails and other documents circulated by industry groups, and thus produced them as part of the FOIA request, indicates that, at the very least, government officials are being included in these discussions (the flyer about Dr. Heath and other social media postings regarding her were obtained by The Intercept from Dr. Heath, not by the FOIA request). What is clear is that the animal agricultural industry essentially operates their own private surveillance and warning networks, and uses their extensive influence within the halls of government power to aid their efforts to punish and retaliate against its critics and activists.

Dr. Heath is my guest on this weeks SYSTEM UPDATE. The episode, whichcan be viewed on The Intercepts YouTube channelor on the player below,first reviews these new documents in detail obtained by the FOIA request, and I then speak toDr. Heath about what she has endured as a result of her speaking out against this very powerful industry.

Read more here:
How the Animal Agriculture Industry Surveils, Punishes Critics - The Intercept


Walther Cancer Foundation $11 million investment to expand IU-Purdue bioinformatics collaboration – Purdue News Service

October 13th, 2020 2:54 pm

October 8, 2020

Nadia Lanman, a research assistant professor in Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine's Department of Comparative Pathobiology and member of the Purdue Center for Cancer Research, plays a key role in the computational bioinformatics program at Purdue University that is supported by the Walther Cancer Foundation. Through computational bioinformatics, Lanman attempts to discover the molecular mechanisms that underlie cancer and that determine the response of patients to chemotherapy. (Photo provided)Download Photo

INDIANAPOLIS AND WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - The Walther Cancer Foundation will invest $11 million to advance collaborative cancer research at Indiana University and Purdue University by supporting scientists through bioinformatics an increasingly critical aspect of their work.

Bioinformatics involves managing and analyzing the massive amounts of data generated by scientific research turning data into knowledge that could lead to new cancer treatments.

We hope this gift enables scientists at IU and Purdue to dig more deeply and refine their studies so they can point out new pathways to good patient outcomes in cancer, said Tom Grein, president and CEO of the Walther Cancer Foundation. Sometimes you have so much data, its hard to comprehend where its leading you. I hope the data-driven analysis will uncover nuggets of opportunity that would otherwise never be seen.

Income from the new Walther Cancer Foundation Bioinformatics Fund will continuously support bioinformatics personnel, technology, and other tools shared by the cancer research programs at both universities. In addition, IU and Purdue will make their own investments into the fund.

The Walther Cancer Foundation leadership understands the central importance of data and analytics in developing better treatments and, ultimately, cures for cancer, said IU School of Medicine Dean Jay L. Hess, MD, PhD, MPH.We are tremendously grateful for their support and the confidence they have in our work.

Timothy Ratliff, the Robert Wallace Miller Director of the Purdue Center for Cancer Research, said the latest gift from the Walther Foundation is a continuation of a longstanding collaboration, commitment and investment that will build on the centers success in cancer drug discovery and development and will help sustain the centers computational genomics and bioinformatics core for years to come. "Once again, we are grateful to the Walther Cancer Foundations vision and generosity, which is so important to our research and success. This continuing partnership, plus our own investments and fundraising, will secure what weve already established and enable us to grow into the future."

Kelvin Lee, M.D., named this week as the new director of the IU Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center and the H.H. Gregg Professor of Oncology, said having strong capabilities in bioinformatics is essential to cancer research.

The genetic, biochemical, cellular and immune pathways that can lead to cancer are extraordinarily complex and intertwined. Recent cutting-edge advances in technology means that researchers now have unprecedented amounts of data on these pathways, but this seriously challenges our ability to analyze these huge mounds of information to make sense of what is actually going on, Lee said. We are fortunate that the Walther Cancer Foundation understands that breakthroughs require the expertise and the tools, like artificial intelligence, to help us analyze all this data so we can understand whats really important.

This level of collaboration and sharing of a key resource like a bioinformatics core is unusual among a pair of National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers. But it also reflects the complementary nature of the two institutions.

Purdues Center for Cancer Research is a basic science cancer research center with more than 110 researchers that is a leader in biomedical engineering and cancer drug development.

The IU Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center is a comprehensive cancer center with nearly 250 cancer researchers who conduct basic lab work and drug development but who are also engaged in clinical care and population health research.

Each of them has different capabilities, different levels of expertise, different interests, Grein said. But when you get scientists to collaborate, the outcomes are better.

Since its founding in 1985, the Walther Cancer Foundation has invested more than $165 million in cancer-focused medical research and in research and education aimed at supporting cancer patients and their families.

Walther has previously supported cancer bioinformatics at IU and Purdue on a year-to-year basis. This new gift establishes a fund that will ensure the bioinformatics work continues in perpetuity.

The Walther Foundation endowment provides the opportunity to develop the expertise and the tools that are needed to face current and future challenges in biology and the cancer field, said Majid Kazemian, an assistant professor in Purdues departments of Biochemistry and Computer Science. His research focuses on integrating computational and experimental approaches to study pathogen interaction with host cells and immune system in infectious diseases and cancers caused by pathogens.

"The Purdue University Center for Cancer Research has nearly 100 investigators who are actively engaged in understanding molecular mechanisms of various diseases including lung, liver and prostate cancers, many of which have begun to utilize genomics data in their studies, Kazemian said. "Large genomic public data on many diseases generated over the last decade are a treasure trove of unexplored information. Walther Foundation's funds endowment will enable analysis of big data generated by our centers members and collaborators as well as an exploration of growing public genomics data to contextualize and translate our findings."

Less-costly access to bioinformatics expertise and resources enabled by Walther Foundation will open up

Timothy Ratliff, the Robert Wallace Miller Director of the Purdue Center for Cancer Research, works in a lab at the center. (Purdue University photo/John Underwood)Download Photo

new avenues for many of the Purdue center's scientists to broaden the impact and clinical translation of their discoveries, Kazemian said. "It will also encourage our scientists to perform large-scale genomics assays and will foster new collaborations.

Harikrishna Nakshatri, Ph.D., the Marian J. Morrison Professor of Breast Cancer Research at IU School of Medicine, said he relies on bioinformaticians to design experiments, analyze data and assist him in publishing research results more quickly. The Walther Foundation gift supports that very expensive process, and the collaboration means researchers have more bioinformaticians available when they are needed. All of it combines, Nakshatri said, to enable scientists to reach conclusions that have real benefits for patients.

If you really believe in your hypothesis, Nakshatri said, now you have a chance to test it because you are not burdened by the financial aspects.

According to Hess, the new resources will allow IUs partnership with Purdue to continue to improve the health of Hoosiers. We have worked closely for decades, Hess said. This new collaboration in data sciences will accelerate our ability to benefit cancer patients across the state and far beyond.

About the Walther Cancer Foundation

The Indianapolis-based Walther Cancer Foundation is a private grant-making foundation that supports and promotes interdisciplinary and inter-institutional cancer research, both bench and clinical. The clinical research it supports encompasses clinical trials as well as behavioral studies, the latter as part of the foundations commitment to Supportive Oncology. The Walther Foundation has two primary goals: to support cancer research with the aim of discovering better treatments, if not cures, and to develop a comprehensive approach for supporting patients with cancer and their families. Since its founding, the foundation has invested over $165 million cancer-focused research.

Dr. Kelvin Lee, director of the IU Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center (Photo provided) Download Photo

About the Purdue Center for Cancer Research

Since 1978, the Purdue University Center for Cancer Research has been a National Cancer Institute-designated basic-research cancer center. Only seven institutions in the United States have earned this title. Being a basic-research center means it does not treat cancer patients directly. Its work focuses on investigating cancers where they begin at the cellular level to investigate the cause of, and cure for, one of the most devastating killers of our time. Doctors and scientists throughout the world use the centers discoveries to develop methods, medicines and medical devices to save and enhance patient lives.

About the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center

The Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center is home to the cure of testicular cancer, the worlds only healthy breast tissue bank and is just one of 51 NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers in the nation. The prestigious comprehensive designation recognizes the centers excellence in basic, clinical, and population research, outstanding educational activities, and effective community outreach program across the state. Its physician-scientists have made protocol-defining discoveries that have changed the way doctors treat numerous forms of cancer.

Media contacts: Jim Bush, 765-336-1909, jsbush@purdue.edu

Katie Duffey, 317-278-3630, kaduffey@iu.edu

View original post here:
Walther Cancer Foundation $11 million investment to expand IU-Purdue bioinformatics collaboration - Purdue News Service


RHOC star Meghan Kings son Hart, 2, diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy but insists he will live a full, ind – The Sun

October 10th, 2020 9:53 am

MEGHAN King revealed her two-year-old son, Hart, has been diagnosed Cerebral Palsy but insists he will live a "full, independent" life.

The Real Housewives of Orange County alum admitted she knew it was the congenital disorder before doctors confirmed it in a personal blog post that gave fans an intimate glimpse at her toddlers health.



She prefaced the information by stating she "knew" something was "atypical" from the moment Hart was born in 2018.

He cried so much even the nurses didnt know how to soothe him. And he suckled on my breast shallow and often. His limbs were stiff.

He was easily startled. He learned to focus his eyes later than Hayes.

He grew at a typical rate and laughed on time and played with toys, but I just knew something was different, she wrote on her website.



She continued: All the doctors and therapists told me I was just being an overly cautious mother. I thought I was losing my mind, but I insisted upon an MRI.

That MRI confirmed a diagnosis of Periventricular Leukomalacia or PVL which is brain death caused by lack of oxygen. This is often a precursor diagnosis to Cerebral Palsy.

Meghan, 36, went on to say she threw herself into research and even spoke with doctors in Chile, Panama, and Egypt.

The reality star described the lengths she went to for her little boy: I spent 6 weeks in Los Angeles with Hart doing intensive therapy.



I spent 4 weeks in New Orleans going into an oxygen chamber with him every day.

I continued the oxygen therapy in St Louis for an additional 8 weeks for a total of 60 dives.

I tried (and failed) to get him into a stem cell study at Duke using his sisters cord blood. I got him signed up with the Missouri state program, First Steps, to do every type of therapy available.

She said all of this was done between his second and first birthdays.


However, the reality star revealed Harts physical progress has somewhat plateaued which has been disheartening for her as a mother.

The doctors then discovered the specific form of CP Hart is being treated for: Yesterday Hart was diagnosed with Hypotonic Cerebral Palsy.

I was expecting this diagnosis. I expected it to hit me hard even though hes the same kid.

But it didnt. It didnt hit me hard at all. In fact I felt relieved.


Think about it this way: it was as mundane as going through life every day without putting the lid on the toothpaste and then finally, I got to put the lid on. Thats how simple and right it felt.

Meghan said she knew this dreadful diagnosis was coming since that fateful day I googled the right thing and it hit me like a truck: CP.

I knew it was CP since Hart was a few months old. I just knew, she added.

However, the proud mama stated that CP - which is a motor disability affecting movement and muscle tone - means nothing different and changes nothing.


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She ended on an optimistic note: Hart will live a full, independent life. He will face challenges his siblings wont, but they will face challenges he wont, we just dont know what those are yet.

My hope is that Hart can inspire others with a diagnosis not to hide it for fear of judgement but to wear it as a badge of honor, a source of pride for all the hard work hes accomplished that most of us will never understand.

In addition to Hart, Meghan also shares son Hayes, 2, and daughter Aspen, 3, with her ex-husband Jim Edmonds.

Originally posted here:
RHOC star Meghan Kings son Hart, 2, diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy but insists he will live a full, ind - The Sun


Sunburn The morning read of what’s hot in Florida politics 10.9.20 – Florida Politics

October 10th, 2020 9:53 am

First on #FlaPol Joe Jacquot on Thursday departed from Gov. Ron DeSantis general counsel team to spend more time alongside his family.

The University of Florida law graduate worked with DeSantis since January of 2019 while his family remained in Jacksonville. Weekly, he would commute to the Governors Office and then return to Jacksonville to spend weekends with his family.

Director of Communications Fred Piccolo told Florida Politics that Jacquot will move on to work in private practice and leaves with the Governors full support.

It has been an honor to serve you and your administration, Jacquot wrote in his resignation letter. I have a deep respect for your principled leadership, relying upon and furthering our constitutional democracy.

Jacquot submitted his resignation to DeSantis roughly two weeks ago, though he requested that he remain on board for a chance to litigate the Florigrown case before the Florida Supreme Court.

He got that chance on Wednesday.

Ron DeSantis general counsel Joe Jacquot is taking a position in the private sector.

Among his accomplishments, Jacquot led the legal team which navigated the Governors Office through the Phase 3 reopening plan amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

He also oversaw the Governors judicial appointment process. During his tenure, five Justices were appointed to the Florida Supreme Court.

Before serving as the Governors General Counsel, Jacquot worked in the private sector at Foley and Lardner LLP and at Black Knight Financial Services, according to his Linkedin profile. He also served as an adjunct professor at Florida State University where he taught a constitutional course at the FSU College of Law.

Notably, Jacquot served for four years as the Deputy Attorney General for Floridas Attorney General Office. According to his Linkedin bio, he led an office of 1100 employees, including 425 lawyers and an annual budget of $189 million.

During his time there, he argued before the U.S. Supreme Court in Florida v. Powell.

I wish you and the First Lady all the best, his resignation letter concluded.


The Florida League of Cities is rolling out a new initiative focused on educating and engaging Floridians on home rule.

Building Stronger Cities: Organizing, Empowering, Delivering, is the brainchild of FLC President and Orlando City Commissioner Tony Ortiz. The cornerstone of the campaign is a new website, BuildingStrongerCities.com, along with print, video and digital resources for residents and elected officials to help them engage with state lawmakers.

Educating and sharing knowledge with my community has always been one of my biggest goals as a public servant, Ortiz said. Now, as president of the League, Im excited to expand that goal on a statewide level through my Building Stronger Cities initiative.

FLC President Tony Ortiz is looking to boost interaction between citizens and lawmakers.

Working together, were going to help every resident learn the ways of government so they will know what to expect from legislators and learn that legislation should be based upon the needs of the people. By being more informed and more engaged, residents will feel more empowered to protect their cities and their right to make local decisions. Thats how we build stronger cities and, ultimately, a stronger Florida.

The initiatives prime directive is building support for local decision-making. To accomplish that goal, the League is providing tools and resources that can be used by local governments and residents, all of which are available on the Building Stronger Cities website.

The website includes pages dedicated to informing city officials as well as residents, with each offering its own collection of unique content tailored to its respective audience.


@ProjectLincoln: I like presidents who dont skip debates.

@FManjoo: The problem with the electoral college is we spend 10x more time talking about fracking to please some folks in PA than we do the entire west coast being on fire.

Tweet, tweet:

@RyanEGorman: An indoor, packed rally in the midst of a White House #COVID19 outbreak is an interesting approach to winning back the senior and white, college-educated women vote in #Florida.

@RepRodriguez118: I am proud of @HCAhealthcare protecting taxpayer dollars. Ive never known them to do anything different!


Amazons annual Prime Day begins 4; Apple announces new iPhone 4; NBA season ends (last possible date) 5; stone crab season starts 6; second presidential debate (tentatively) scheduled in Miami 6; Wes Andersons The French Dispatch premieres 7; NBA free agency (tentative) 9; Florida Chambers Future of Florida Forum 11; HBO debuts 2000 presidential election doc 537 Votes 12; third presidential debate (tentative) at Belmont 13; The Empty Man premieres 14; 2020 General Election 25; NBA 2020-21 training camp 32; The Masters begins 34; NBA draft 40; Pixars Soul premieres 42; College basketball season slated to begin 47; NBA 2020-21 opening night 54; Florida Automated Vehicles Summit 54; Death on the Nile premieres 69; Wonder Woman 1984 rescheduled premiere 77; Greyhound racing ends in Florida 83; Super Bowl LV in Tampa 121; A Quiet Place Part II rescheduled premiere 134; Black Widow rescheduled premiere 149; No Time to Die premieres (rescheduled) 175; Top Gun: Maverick rescheduled premiere 266; Disneys Shang Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings premieres 273; new start date for 2021 Olympics 287; Jungle Cruise premieres 295; Disneys Eternals premieres 392; Spider-Man Far From Home sequel premieres 395; Steven Spielbergs West Side Story premieres 427; Thor: Love and Thunder premieres 491; Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness premieres 544; Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse sequel premieres 725.


To get a reasonable idea of how the presidential race is playing out, state polling is the way to go particularly in battleground states like Florida. Some outlets offer a poll of polls, gauging how President Donald Trump or former Vice President Joe Biden are doing in select areas, then averaging the surveys to get a general idea of who leads nationwide. Sunburn will be updating these forecasts as they come in:

CNN Poll of Polls: As of Thursday, the CNN average has Biden remains at 53% compared to a steady 42% for Trump. The CNN Poll of Polls tracks the national average in the presidential race. They include the most recent national telephone surveys meeting CNNs standards for reporting and which measure the views of registered or likely voters. The poll of polls does not have a margin of sampling error.

FiveThirtyEight.com: As of Thursday, Biden has moved up to an 85 in 100 chance of winning compared to Trump, who stayed steady at 15 in 100 shot. One model still has no Electoral College victory, bringing the election to the House. FiveThirtyEight also ranked individual states by the likelihood of delivering a decisive vote for the winning candidate in the Electoral College: Pennsylvania leads with 25%, while Florida is second with 17%. Wisconsin dropped to third with 15 % Other states include Michigan (8.6 %), Minnesota (5.2%), Arizona (5.1%), North Carolina (4.3%) and Nevada (3.2%).

Donald Trump continues to trail Joe Biden in the latest round of battleground state polling. Image via AP.

PredictIt: As of Thursday, the PredictIt trading market has Biden dropping to $0.67 a share, with Trump rising a bit to $0.37.

Real Clear Politics: As of Thursday, the RCP average of polling top battleground states has Biden leading Trump 51.6% to 41.9%. The RCP average also has Biden averaging at +9.7 points ahead.

Sabatos Crystal Ball Recent rosy polling for Biden in the presidential race may represent an artificial sugar high for the challenger. In recent days, Joe Bidens significant lead nationally has widened. At this point, Trump needs to be making up ground not treading water or falling further behind. Eleven rating changes across four categories of races (President, Senate, House, and Governor) almost exclusively benefit Democrats.

The Economist: As of Thursday, their model predicts Biden is very likely to beat Trump in the Electoral College. The model is updated every day and combines state and national polls with economic indicators to predict a range of outcomes. The midpoint is the estimate of the electoral-college vote for each party on Election Day. According to The Economist, Bidens chances of winning the electoral college has remained steady at 9 in 10 (91%) versus Trump with 1 in 10 (9%). They still give Biden a 99% chance (better than 19 in 20) of winning the most votes, with Trump at only 1% (less than 1 in 20).


Donald Trump says he wont take part in virtual debate via Axios Trump told Fox Business Maria Bartiromo on Thursday that he will not take part in a virtual second presidential debate. Im not going to waste my time on a virtual debate. Its not what debating is all about. Its ridiculous, the President said. Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, whoalso tested positive for coronavirus, said in a statement that the campaign will pass on this sad excuse to bail out Joe Biden and do a rally instead. Stepien also claimed that Trump will have posted multiple negative tests prior to the debate, which has never been publicly confirmed by the presidents doctors.

Donald Trump refuses to participate in a virtual debate. Image via AP.

Joe Biden to attend town hall event after Trump pulls out of second debate via Jacob Knutson of Axios Biden will appear at a town hall event hosted by ABC News and moderated by George Stephanopoulos in Philadelphia on Oct. 15, the network announced on Thursday. The second presidential debate was set for Oct. 15 until Trump, and then Biden, backed out on Thursday. Trump first refused to attend the debate after the Commission on Presidential Debates announced that it would be held virtually, and Biden indicated that he too would skip it if Trump would not show.

Susan Page responds to debate critics: The refusal to answer a question, I thought, could be telling via Jeremy Barr of The Washington Post Page has no regrets about how she chose to moderate the debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris. I felt good about how it went, Page told The Washington Post as she headed to the airport in Utah on Thursday morning. I felt it was a relatively civil debate, and one that was focused on issues that mattered to voters. Page faced criticism for failing to ask enough follow-up questions or cut short the candidate who talked beyond the allotted time, in this case, Pence, who repeatedly ignored her very diplomatic pleas to wrap up his answers in adherence to the agreed-upon rules of the debate.

Down in the polls and yearning for an October surprise, Trump lashes at his most loyal allies via Aaron Blake of The Washington Post There was much about Trumps interview with Fox Business host Bartiromo that reeked of desperation and an incumbent president fighting for his political life. He decided to go down the unlikable path with Sen. Harris and called her a monster. He said he wouldnt participate in a virtual debate with Biden next week. He suggested he might win heavily blue New York state. He even cast doubt on polls showing him down by double digits. But perhaps nothing in the interview reflected his precarious position quite like what he said about some of his most loyal allies.

Pollster who predicted Trumps 2016 win shows president up 3 points in Florida via the staff of Hannity A new InsiderAdvantage/Matt Towery, Sr., poll released today shows Trump leading Joe Biden by three points among likely voters in Florida. The results of the question If the election were held today, who would you vote for? showed Trump with 46% and Biden with 43%. The survey of 400 likely Florida voters was conducted by a mixed sampling including IVR to landlines and live phone calls to cell phones. It is weighted for age, race, gender, and political affiliation. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.9%. It was conducted Oct. 6-7.

Trump eyes Florida rally on Saturday, leaving quarantine behind via Steve Contorno of the Tampa Bay Times In what could be a violation of his own administration public health protocols, President Trump is eyeing a return to the campaign trail as soon as Saturday and hes talking about Florida.I think Im going to try doing a rally on Saturday night if we have enough time to put it together, Trump told Fox News Sean Hannity during his Thursday night program. But we want to do a rally in Florida, probably in Florida, on Saturday night.

Trump administration turns to immigration as vote nears via Ben Fox and Elliot Spagat It had the ingredients of a Trump campaign speech: dangerous immigrants, attacks on Democrat-run cities, even a mention of America First. But it was Chad Wolf, acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, announcing a routine, and relatively minor, enforcement operation Wednesday at a Washington news conference. Its not about Republicans, its not about Democrats, its not about elections, Wolf insisted, twice, to reporters. Yet it was the third time in a week the administration rolled out actions to appear tough on immigration, reviving an issue that was at the heart of Trumps successful 2016 campaign, but largely on the back burner in the current one.

Trump creates the unreality he needs to steal the election via Molly Roberts of The Washington Post What on Earth is Trump doing? We have absolutely no idea and not only because the White House wont tell us. Recent days have been a mess of chaos and melodrama: conflicting reports about the Presidents battle with COVID-19 from his doctors punctuated by tweets of LOVE!!! from the patient; a potentially dangerous surprise SUV ride followed by an early hospital discharge; an Evita-esque spectacle staged from a White House balcony complete with the ceremonial removal of a medical mask. The President is now back at the White House convalescing, yet its impossible to ascertain how sick he really is. Wondering about the date of the Presidents last negative test? Forget about it.

Sad state: Moment drunk ex-Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale moans his wife wont have sex with him during gun suicide arrest via Mollie Mansfield of The Sun The moment drunk ex-Trump campaign manager Parscale moaned that his wife wont have sex with him during his gun suicide arrest was caught on bodycam footage. I just couldnt accept she isnt having sex with me, Parscale, 44, sobbed to a female police officer on Sept. 27. He continued: I just couldnt accept it. Not in months. I couldnt accept it. I just kept asking her. Cops dashed to Parscales home in Fort Lauderdale last month after his wife Candice reportedly told them he had multiple firearms and was threatening to harm himself. Further footage heard Parscale claiming that his wife was plotting to steal his money.

Former Donald Trump campaign manager Brad Pascale gets hauled off by Ft. Lauderdale police. Image via Ft. Lauderdale PD.

Beer brouhaha: Florida brewery cancels two Trump events after social media backlash via Phillip Valys of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel Theres a brewery brouhaha at Holy Mackerel Beers in Wilton Manors after two planned and now-canceled Trump events raised the ire of the citys LGBT community. Wilton Manors residents and LGBT rights groups bombarded Holy Mackerels Facebook page Wednesday morning with negative reviews and angry messages calling for a boycott of the taproom and barbecue restaurant. At one point, the brewery shut down its Facebook page to stem the flood of messages, owner Frank Barecich said. By Wednesday afternoon, hours after the social-media kerfuffle, Holy Mackerel canceled both Trump events and posted a mea culpa on its Facebook page.

Assignment editors Florida Trump Victory will host a Back the Blue MAGA Meet-Up with former Attorney General Pam Bondi, 1:15 p.m., Lous Police Distributors, Inc., 7815 W. 4th Avenue, Hialeah. To confirm your attendance, email Kailey Cotter kcotter@donaldtrump.com with your name and outlet.

Biden campaign sells out truth over flies swatter after fly lands on Pence during debate via Morgan Gstaler of The Hill The Biden campaign quickly sold out of a Truth Over Flies fly swatter it was offering inspired by a viral moment from Wednesdays vice presidential debate. During the event in Utah on Wednesday night, a fly landed on Pence as he debated against Democratic vice presidential nominee Harris. The Biden campaign quickly offered for $10 through its website a blue fly swatter, saying it swats away flies and lies. As of Thursday morning, Bidens online store sold out the stock of nearly 35,000 fly swatters, according to the campaign.

The Joe Biden campaign wasted no time capitalizing on the buzz of the moment.

Assignment editors Biden for President Florida will host a virtual phone bank kickoff with special guest Valerie Biden Owens, Bidens sister and longtime adviser, 3 p.m. Media interested in attending should RSVP here no later than 1 p.m. ET. Members of the public who wish to attend can RSVP here.

Officials gather information in Mike Bloomberg probe via News Service of Florida State law-enforcement officials have moved from a review phase into an information gathering process as they look into Bloomberg helping Florida felons pay outstanding legal costs so they could register to vote. In a preliminary inquiry where we are now we start to obtain documents and conduct research, Gretl Plessinger, a Florida Department of Law Enforcement spokeswoman, said in an email Thursday. No timeline has been set for the investigation. Attorney General Ashley Moody asked for the investigation on Sept. 23 after Bloomberg raised at least $16 million for the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition. Democrats have labeled the investigation request political theater.


DNC launches anti-Trump ad in Tampa market blasting virus response via Janelle Irwin Taylor of Florida Politics The ad, entitled Had enough? begins running in the Tampa market Thursday and is part of a six-figure ad buy, according to the DNC. The ad includes ominous data points about the virus including deaths and job losses. It comes the day after Pence squared off with Harris Wednesday night in the pairs first and only debate before the Nov. 3 election. Pundits widely believe Harris strongest points in the debate came in the first 15 minutes when she hit Trump and his administration over their failed COVID-19 response.

To watch the ad, click on the image below:

EDF Action Votes ad touts Joe Bidens bold plan on climate change EDF Action Votes launched a $1 million ad campaign highlighting the stark contrast between Trumps and Bidens plans to tackle climate change. The ad says Bidens plan will create millions of clean energy jobs while protecting our beaches from drilling and rising waters and boosting Floridas economy. The ad, Deserves is geared toward Hispanic voters and will run on premium streaming services in the Tampa area. EDF is airing the ad in English and Spanish in the Tampa media market.

To watch the ad, click on the image below:

Lin-Manuel Miranda stars in new pro-Biden ad United for Progress PAC and Bloombergare hitting the airwaves with a new TV and Radio ad campaign starring Lin-Manuel Miranda, the award-winning actor, composer and lyricist who created Broadways HAMILTON. The ads, titled Vote Joe, highlights Bidens work to secure access to affordable and quality health care for millions of Latinos through the creation of Obamacare, as well as the former Vice Presidents efforts to help the nation recover from the 2009 recession and his commitment to work on behalf of Puerto Rico. The Spanish-language TV ad will air in the Tampa and Orlando Markets. The radio ads will air in Spanish and English.

To watch the ad, click on the image below:

America First Policies backs SCOTUS pick with another ad America First Policies hit the airwaves with another ad supporting Amy Coney Barretts confirmation to the Supreme Court. The ad, titled Serve You, lets Barrett do the talking: I would assume this role to serve you. Judges are not policymakers and they must be resolute in setting aside any policy views they might hold. And if the Senate does me the honor of confirming me, I pledge to discharge the responsibilities of this job to the very best of my ability. AFP said it will run Thursday through Oct. 13.

To watch the ad, click on the image below:

Bill Kristol, Billy Crystal encourage Jewish voters to back Biden The Jewish Democratic Council of America is out with a new ad starring political punditKristol and comedian Crystal. JDCA said the two are backing Biden despite their different political views and backgrounds. JDCA Executive Director Halie Soifer added, Our nation is in crisis, and Joe Biden is the leader we need to address COVID-19, rising White nationalism, Trumps assault on our democracy, and Republican efforts to deprive millions of Americans of access to affordable health care. The ad was directed by Rob Reiner, written by Phil Rosenthal and produced by Wake Up & Vote in partnership with Jews Defending American Values. It has a 30-second and 90-second cut.

To watch the ad, click on the image below:



Cook Political Report: Democrats could gain 15 more seats in House two years after blue wave via Mica Soellner of the Washington Examiner In a new report by the nonpartisan election forecaster the Cook Political Report, seven House races have shifted in the Democratic Partys favor, including the contest for the North Carolina seat vacated by White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, which moved from Likely Republican to Lean Republican. The new report on the House found the GOPs chances of taking back the lower chamber increasingly depressed. Even if the 25 races listed as a tossup are split evenly, Democrats could gain five or six seats.

Mark Meadows former House seat could flip to blue. Image via AP.

Turning Point USA tied to fake accounts, Facebook says via Ben Collins and Kevin Collier of NBC News Facebook said it has taken down hundreds of fake accounts created by a marketing company that worked with the young conservative group Turning Point USA to invade the comments sections of mainstream publishers and denigrate Democratic politicians. The marketing company, Rally Forge, worked on behalf of Turning Point USA to create 200 fake identities on Facebook and 76 on Instagram, as well as 55 Facebook pages, the social media giant said in a blog post. The identities used stock profile photos and posed as right-leaning individuals from across the U.S. and their sole activity on our platform was associated with this deceptive campaign, Facebook said.

With Floridas hotel workers still jobless, unions pivot to canvass for Democrats via Bianca Padro Ocasio and Taylor Dolven of the Miami Herald The recent ground efforts from workers pitching Democratic presidential candidate Biden and county mayoral hopeful Daniella Levine Cava are part of mobilization plans some unions crafted ahead of 2020. Before the COVID-19 crisis, unions like UNITE HERE Florida were planning to fan out throughout the state. Since the pandemic devastated the unions dues-paying members, the groups are now fighting for their own survival and revisiting their preelection plans. Theyve flown experienced organizers infrom around the country, hoping they can duplicate in Florida the Democratic victory they saw in Nevada, where the 60,000-member culinary union was able to successfully mobilize voters in 2016 for former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The tale of two congressional races in Tampa Bay via Peter Schorsch of Florida Politics The national Democrats thought they had located a prized recruit to finally challenge U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan in Floridas 16th congressional district. Theyre savior? State Rep. Margaret Good, who had previously beaten Buchanans son, James, in a Special Election in 2018. The storyline almost wrote itself. Until Good screwed it all up. The turn of the year started with Good committing a few election law violations. OK, candidates cant be perfect. Then it moved to the ugly divorce with her longtime campaign manager Kevin Lata.

Margaret Good seemed to be the Democratic savior for Vern Buchanans seat. Its not working out that way.

Controversial fliers in Panama City removed; organizers point to voter intimidation via Jacqueline Bostick of the Panama City News-Herald Controversial fliers posted on city utility poles along Beach Drive were removed Monday after Panama City officials received complaints. The signs were removed because they were in violation of the citys codes, officials wrote in an email Tuesday. The city cited local laws that restrict signs to private property and from being attached to utility or phone poles located in a public right of way. The messages included ominous phrases, such as, Where we go one, we go all, Midnight Riders, [Q]uestion everything, and #fightback.


Equality Florida blasts Jason Brodeur over bill to limit same-sex couple adoptions via Scott Powers of Florida Politics The states biggest advocacy organization for LGBTQ rights is spending $125,000 to blast Republican former Rep. Brodeur for his record on gay rights, specifically regarding gay and lesbian couple adoptions. Equality Florida Action, the political action committee for Equality Florida, announced it is campaigning against Brodeur in his bid to be elected to the open seat in Senate District 9. Brodeur faces Democrat Patricia Sigman in one of the hottest-contested Senate races in the state, representing Seminole County and southern Volusia County.

Equality Florida is slamming Jason Brodeur on his stance on same-sex adoptions.

Closely watched Senate District 39 race is heating up. Heres whos running. via Samantha J. Gross of the Miami Herald Former South Miami state Rep. Javier Fernndez and Doral Rep. Ana Maria Rodriguez, campaigning with a backdrop of a presidential election, are vying to replace term-limited Republican incumbent Anitere Flores in a seat that includes South Miami-Dade and all of Monroe County. Republicans see the race as a prime opportunity to defend the seat, which Flores won in 2016 when she ran to replace Democrat Dwight Bullard after the Senate district lines were redrawn. Democrats have identified it as one of the most flippable seats in the Legislature and have poured resources into the race.

Drake Buckman, Fiona McFarland preach independence but stake out party positions via Jacob Ogles of Florida Politics A debate between Buckman and McFarland in House District 72 showed both candidates calling for less partisanship. But both also largely sided with positions taken by party leadership in Tallahassee. Buckman, a Sarasota Democrat, slammed a planned toll road through the Florida Heartland. McFarland, a Sarasota Republican, took a stance against Medicaid expansion. Both candidates indicated disagreement with a proposed overhaul of Floridas primary system, a rare issue putting both state parties in lockstep. But each candidate made clear they intend to put the local needs and values of the greater Sarasota community ahead of party priorities.

Democrat Laura Novosad challenges Republican Lauren Melo for vacated Florida District 80 seat via Liz Freeman of the Naples Daily News

Political newcomers compete for Miami-Dade House seat in District 114 via Ana Ceballos of the Miami Herald

Does Stephanie Meyer support a state income tax? Her answers are contradictory via Peter Schorsch of Florida Politics Pinellas County School Board member Stephanie Meyer indicated support for a state income tax, according to a questionnaire provided to the Christian Voters Coalition.Meyer has since updated the questionnaire indicating she does not support a state income tax and told Florida Politics she checked the wrong answer by mistake.


Florida adds 3,306 coronavirus cases, 170 deaths via Natalie Weber of the Tampa Bay Times Florida reported 3,306 coronavirus cases Thursday, adding to the 726,013 total infections tracked in the state since March. The state added 170 deaths, raising the total number of deaths statewide to 15,254. There is often a delay between when someone dies and when authorities add their death to Floridas total count of coronavirus fatalities. Thus, the change in deaths does not necessarily reflect the number of people who died from the virus the previous day. On average, the state has announced 91 deaths per day over the past week. The state reported results for 77,485 Florida residents Thursday. It has recorded about 60,736 resident test results per day on average this week.

Florida is moving forward with reopening. Are we in for a second surge? via Romy Ellenbogen of the Tampa Bay Times When DeSantis announced Florida would move into Phase 3 of reopening with no capacity restraints on businesses, he pointed to a decline in the number of coronavirus infections across the state. There were fewer cases, fewer people in the hospital, and lower positivity rates, he said. Florida has seen a general decline since a strong surge peaked in July when hospitals experienced an influx of positive patients and deaths spiked. Over the summer, the state recorded hundreds of new fatalities every day for weeks. But public health experts fear that the latest reopening may spur yet another surge in infections and deaths.

Ron DeSantis is pushing ahead with the full reopening. Health care workers are bracing for another wave. Image via AP.

Inside a Florida hospital, coronavirus cases wane as strained staff brace for a fall surge via Abigail Hauslohner of The Washington Post Nearly two dozen people critically ill with the novel coronavirus were recently being treated at Tampa General Hospital, 10 of them on ventilators. More than a dozen others with noncritical cases filled beds in a dedicated ward. This is what a lull looks like. Florida was a hot spot of the coronavirus pandemic this summer. The states intensive care units, including those at Tampa General, were pushed to the brink as the virus spread out of control. The spike came weeks after Gov. DeSantis quickly reopened much of the state, casting it as a return to normalcy.

After testing mishap, Quest is still vying for coronavirus testing business in Florida via Romy Ellenbogen of the Tampa Bay Times A month ago, DeSantis cut ties with Quest Diagnostics, the commercial laboratory responsible for handling the vast majority of Floridas coronavirus testing caseload. The company reported a 75,000-test backlog to the Florida Department of Health in one day, skewing the states daily tracking of COVID-19 infections, deaths and positivity rate. Stripped of its contract to work with the state government, Quest is now marketing in Florida and offering rapid COVID-19 tests to patients through its own private business.

Purple Florida: Lawmakers prepare to navigate COVID-19 in politically divided state via Jacob Ogles of Florida Politics GrayRobinson hosted a virtual bipartisan panel of House personalities entitled Purple State Politics: Discussing Floridas Unique Geographical and Political Diversity. Two Republicans, Rep. Alex Andrade and House candidate Michelle Salzman, streamed in from the Panhandle, while Reps. Dan Daley and Nick Duran logged on from South Florida. While there were some partisan jabs, both playful and philosophical, there seemed agreement the challenges in the next year will require pragmatism. The leaders also seemed to agree the COVID-19 pandemic would deliver consequences that last for a long time, both in public health and Floridas economy.


Party on? As COVID-19 restrictions subside, FSU students head back to Tallahassee clubs via Jensen Kervern of the Tallahassee Democrat After DeSantis lifted nearly all COVID-19 restrictions on businesses, restaurants and bars across the state, students didnt hesitate to take full advantage of Tallahassees recently resurrected nightlife. Bajas Beachclub on West Pensacola Street, which was closed by the state in late June for violating closure orders, held their grand reopening Saturday, Oct. 3, and students arrived in droves, eagerly standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the parking lot. The consensus from the crowd suggests many students dont see COVID-19 as an immediate threat. In fact, every student that spoke with the Tallahassee Democrat claimed to have had the virus.

With restrictions lifted, the FSU party life is getting back to normal. Image via the Tallahassee Democrat.

Ron DeSantis ruling gives Florida and Georgia option to increase TIAA Bank Field capacity via Garry Smits of The Florida Times-Union DeSantis has given sports teams the ability to pack as many fans as they want into their stadiums under a clarification his office issued about the Phase 3 reopening of the state. Two of the states NFL teams arent taking any chances. But officials at the University of Florida and the University of Georgia are currently not saying whether they will seek more capacity for their 98th meeting overall and 88th in Jacksonville.

With holidays on the horizon, COVID-19 still being spread in Okaloosa County via Tom McLaughlin of Northwest Florida Daily News Okaloosa County residents continue to share COVID-19 with one another at an alarming rate, and this week Health Department Director Dr. Karen Chapman warned residents to consider CDC guidelines in planning holiday celebrations. In her weekly report sent out Tuesday, Chapman said that for the past four days the county had seen a decline in the percentage of those tested turning up positive for the coronavirus. The numbers actually dropped below the goal of 5 percent on Oct. 3-4, but as of yet no sustained decline over a two-week period has been confirmed. COVID-19 transmission continues, Chapman reported. The number of cases reported in the county has averaged about 30 per day since Sept. 21.

Read more:
Sunburn The morning read of what's hot in Florida politics 10.9.20 - Florida Politics


Exosome therapeutic Market Recent Trends and Developments, Challenges and Opportunities, key drivers and Restraints over the Forecast Period 2020-2026…

October 10th, 2020 9:53 am

Exosome therapeutic Market research report has been prepared with a nice combination of industry insight, smart solutions, practical solutions and newest technology to give better user experience. Under market segmentation chapter, research and analysis is done based on several market and industry segments such as application, vertical, deployment model, end user, and geography. To perform this market research study, competent and advanced tools and techniques have been utilized that include the SWOT analysis and Porters Five Forces Analysis. Businesses can surely anticipate the reduced risk and failure with the winning Exosome therapeutic Market research report.

The reliable Exosome therapeutic Market report also explains an in depth description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of key vendors and their business strategies with the help of SWOT analysis and porters five force analysis. The market drivers and restraints have been explained specifically in the report. The statistics are indicated in graphical format in the report for a clear understanding of facts and figures. The report entails a variety of steps for gathering, recording and analysing data. A persuasive Exosome therapeutic Market report assesses the potential market for a new product to be introduced in the market.

Exosome therapeutic marketis expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2019 to 2026. Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the market is growing with a CAGR of 21.9% in the forecast period of 2019 to 2026 and expected to reach USD 31,691.52 million by 2026 from USD 6,500.00 million in 2018. Increasing prevalence of lyme disease, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease and other chronic degenerative diseases are the factors for the market growth.

Get Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts (with COVID 19 Analysis) @https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-exosome-therapeutic-market&pm

Exosomes are used to transfer RNA, DNA, and proteins to other cells in the body by making alteration in the function of the target cells. Increasing research activities in exosome therapeutic is augmenting the market growth as demand for exosome therapeutic has increased among healthcare professionals.

Increased number of exosome therapeutics as compared to the past few years will accelerate the market growth. Companies are receiving funding for exosome therapeutic research and clinical trials. For instance, In September 2018, EXOCOBIO has raised USD 27 million in its series B funding. The company has raised USD 46 million as series a funding in April 2017. The series B funding will help the company to set up GMP-compliant exosome industrial facilities to enhance production of exosomes to commercialize in cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry.

Increasing demand for anti-aging therapies will also drive the market. Unmet medical needs such as very few therapeutic are approved by the regulatory authority for the treatment in comparison to the demand in global exosome therapeutics market will hamper the market growth market. Availability of various exosome isolation and purification techniques is further creates new opportunities for exosome therapeutics as they will help company in isolation and purification of exosomes from dendritic cells, mesenchymal stem cells, blood, milk, body fluids, saliva, and urine and from others sources. Such policies support exosome therapeutic market growth in the forecast period to 2019-2026.

This exosome therapeutic market report provides details of market share, new developments, and product pipeline analysis, impact of domestic and localised market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, product approvals, strategic decisions, product launches, geographic expansions, and technological innovations in the market. To understand the analysis and the market scenario contact us for anAnalyst Brief, our team will help you create a revenue impact solution to achieve your desired goal.

The market analysis and insights covered in this EXOSOME THERAPEUTIC MARKET business document offers key statistics on the market status of global and regional manufacturers and is an imperative source of guidance which provides exact direction to the companies and individuals interested in the industry. This report contains a bottomless knowledge and information on what the markets definition, classifications, applications, and engagements are and also explains the drivers and restraints of the market which is derived from SWOT analysis. The important highlights of this market report are key market dynamics, current market scenario and future prospects of the sector.

Competitive Landscape and Exosome Therapeutic Market Share Analysis

Global exosome therapeutic market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, global presence, production sites and facilities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product trials pipelines, concept cars, product approvals, patents, product width and breadth, application dominance, technology lifeline curve. The above data points provided are only related to the companys focus related to global exosome therapeutic market.

The major players covered in the report are evox THERAPEUTICS, EXOCOBIO, Exopharm, AEGLE Therapeutics, United Therapeutics Corporation, Codiak BioSciences, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, ReNeuron Group plc, Capricor Therapeutics, Avalon Globocare Corp., CREATIVE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS INC., Stem Cells Group among other players domestic and global. Exosome therapeutic market share data is available for Global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.

Many joint ventures and developments are also initiated by the companies worldwide which are also accelerating the global exosome therapeutic market.

For instance,

Partnership, joint ventures and other strategies enhances the company market share with increased coverage and presence. It also provides the benefit for organisation to improve their offering for exosome therapeutics through expanded model range.

Global Exosome Therapeutic Market Scope and Market Size

Global exosome therapeutic market is segmented of the basis of type, source, therapy, transporting capacity, application, route of administration and end user. The growth among segments helps you analyse niche pockets of growth and strategies to approach the market and determine your core application areas and the difference in your target markets.

Based on type, the market is segmented into natural exosomes and hybrid exosomes. Natural exosomes are dominating in the market because natural exosomes are used in various biological and pathological processes as well as natural exosomes has many advantages such as good biocompatibility and reduced clearance rate compare than hybrid exosomes.

Exosome is an extracellular vesicle which is released from cells, particularly from stem cells. Exosome functions as vehicle for particular proteins and genetic information and other cells. Exosome plays a vital role in the rejuvenation and communication of all the cells in our body while not themselves being cells at all. Research has projected that communication between cells is significant in maintenance of healthy cellular terrain. Chronic disease, age, genetic disorders and environmental factors can affect stem cells communication with other cells and can lead to distribution in the healing process. The growth of the global exosome therapeutic market reflects global and country-wide increase in prevalence of autoimmune disease, chronic inflammation, Lyme disease and chronic degenerative diseases, along with increasing demand for anti-aging therapies. Additionally major factors expected to contribute in growth of the global exosome therapeutic market in future are emerging therapeutic value of exosome, availability of various exosome isolation and purification techniques, technological advancements in exosome and rising healthcare infrastructure.

Rising demand of exosome therapeutic across the globe as exosome therapeutic is expected to be one of the most prominent therapies for autoimmune disease, chronic inflammation, Lyme disease and chronic degenerative diseases treatment, according to clinical researches exosomes help to processes regulation within the body during treatment of autoimmune disease, chronic inflammation, Lyme disease and chronic degenerative diseases. This factor has increased the research activities in exosome therapeutic development around the world for exosome therapeutic. Hence, this factor is leading the clinician and researches to shift towards exosome therapeutic. In the current scenario the exosome therapeutic are highly used in treatment of autoimmune disease, chronic inflammation, Lyme disease and chronic degenerative diseases and as anti-aging therapy as it Exosomes has proliferation of fibroblast cells which is significant in maintenance of skin elasticity and strength.

For More Insights Get FREE Detailed TOC @https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-exosome-therapeutic-market&pm

Exosome therapeutic Market Country Level Analysis

The global exosome therapeutic market is analysed and market size information is provided by country by type, source, therapy, transporting capacity, application, route of administration and end user as referenced above.

The countries covered in the exosome therapeutic market report are U.S. and Mexico in North America, Turkey in Europe, South Korea, Australia, Hong Kong in the Asia-Pacific, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Uruguay as part of Latin America.

Country Level Analysis, By Type

North America dominates the exosome therapeutic market as the U.S. is leader in exosome therapeutic manufacturing as well as research activities required for exosome therapeutics. At present time Stem Cells Group holding shares around 60.00%. In addition global exosomes therapeutics manufacturers like EXOCOBIO, evox THERAPEUTICS and others are intensifying their efforts in China. The Europe region is expected to grow with the highest growth rate in the forecast period of 2019 to 2026 because of increasing research activities in exosome therapeutic by population.

The country section of the report also provides individual market impacting factors and changes in regulation in the market domestically that impacts the current and future trends of the market. Data points such as new sales, replacement sales, country demographics, regulatory acts and import-export tariffs are some of the major pointers used to forecast the market scenario for individual countries. Also, presence and availability of global brands and their challenges faced due to large or scarce competition from local and domestic brands, impact of sales channels are considered while providing forecast analysis of the country data.

Huge Investment by Automakers for Exosome Therapeutics and New Technology Penetration

Global exosome therapeutic market also provides you with detailed market analysis for every country growth in pharma industry with exosome therapeutic sales, impact of technological development in exosome therapeutic and changes in regulatory scenarios with their support for the exosome therapeutic market. The data is available for historic period 2010 to 2017.

About Data Bridge Market Research:

An absolute way to forecast what future holds is to comprehend the trend today!Data Bridge set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.


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Exosome therapeutic Market Recent Trends and Developments, Challenges and Opportunities, key drivers and Restraints over the Forecast Period 2020-2026...


Singapore startup Shiok Meats re-creates shrimp in the lab – Los Angeles Times

October 10th, 2020 9:52 am

In an industrial corner of Singapore, multiplying steadily in bioreactors heated precisely to 82 degrees, real shrimp meat is being grown from samples of the crustaceans microscopic cells.

Fed a nutrient-rich soup meant to mimic its diet in the wild, a single cell can reproduce over a trillion times into a mound of gray translucent flesh. Think of it as meat growing without all the other parts of the animal, including that chalky black vein.

The venture is being led by Sandhya Sriram and a team of scientists, who are attempting to upend one of the cornerstones of dim sum. Srirams company, Shiok Meats, is named after Singaporean slang used to declare something delicious.

Similar work is being done across the world at other startups and research labs to grow beef, pork, chicken and high-end specialty products such as bluefin tuna and foie gras, but Srirams company is the only one known to be focused on re-creating shrimp, a staple in many Asian dishes.

Shioks finished product this reporter was unable to try it because no outsiders are allowed to visit its headquarters during the pandemic possesses the texture of ground shrimp and has already been tested to make shumai, the Cantonese dim sum mainstay with the yellow dumpling wrapper. But its applications are potentially manifold in Chinese-centric cuisine.

Shrimp shumai made with lab-grown shrimp from Shiok Meats.

(Shiok Meats)

You could layer a dollop of it over a raft of tofu, steam it and douse it with a slightly sweeter soy sauce. It could be squeezed out of a piping bag into a simmering hot pot broth. And it might be the kind of thing youd want to roll into balls, bread and deep-fry.

Eventually Sriram, who cofounded the company two years ago, would like to move beyond ground shrimp meat to produce crab, lobster and a structured deshelled shrimp, one convincing enough to hang off the edge of a glass filled with cocktail sauce.

We can 3-D print the tail if you want, she said.

Singapore has emerged as a leading player in the budding technology once derided as Frankenmeat after Dutch researcher Mark Post unveiled the first test-tube burger to a panel of food critics at a news conference in London seven years ago.

Researchers have been able to drive down the price of the meat, which is called cell cultured meat or clean meat, from the nearly $300,000 it cost to produce Posts debut patty though not enough to actually sell it to the public yet. Shioks shumai, for example, cost $300 apiece.

In whats been described as an edible space race, at least 55 companies worldwide are now involved in developing some variety of cell cultured meat, according to the Good Food Institute, a Washington-based nonprofit advocating alternatives to animal agriculture.

That includes one in Hong Kong that re-creates fish maw or bladder, a delicacy often used in soups; an Australian startup thats growing kangaroo meat; and a company in China thats looking to re-create pork in a country where rising demand for meat will test the limits of the worlds supply. Last year, an Israeli startup successfully grew cow muscle tissue on the International Space Station.

The sciences emergence has provoked existential questions about the provenance of meat, prompting vegans to contemplate whether the technology represents a sort of loophole if it doesnt harm animals, and Jewish and Muslim religious leaders to ponder if the lab-grown pork could be deemed kosher or halal.

Eventually, the technology could allow for novel kinds of meat to be made, presenting chefs with unusual possibilities.

Imagine when you can tailor the taste of any piece of meat, said Ryan Bethencourt, the San Francisco-based cofounder of biotech accelerator IndieBio, who provided Shiok with its initial seed funding. What does pork with salmon fat taste like? What does a mix between Wagyu beef and other heritage beef steak lines taste like? What about meat that tastes both sweet and sour?

Inside the lab at Singapore-based Shiok Meats, where theyre growing shrimp.

(Shiok Meats)

Investors are pouring hundreds of millions into the industry, inspired by the success of plant-based meat companies Beyond Meat and Impossible, which helped demystify alternatives to eating farm animals for a far wider audience than previously thought possible.

Financial backers in the burgeoning field also include giants in the conventional meat industry such as Tyson, Cargill and Bell Food Group. Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Li Ka-shing, one of Hong Kongs richest tycoons, are betting on the meats success as are massive investment funds such as SoftBank and the Singapore governments Temasak.

Cell cultured burgers, chicken tenders and other breakthroughs are still a year or more away from landing in restaurants and grocery stores, experts say, but current events have heightened the urgency to develop more choices for meat.

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed flaws in the conventional meat industry after workers at processing plants in the U.S. and Europe suffered massive outbreaks of the disease and the industrys supply chain buckled under the crisis, leading to shortages, price hikes and purchasing limits.

Critics of conventional meat say the virus provides one more reason to turn away from an industry that has wreaked havoc on the natural environment, served as a vector for infectious diseases like salmonella and E. coli and, through its rampant use of antibiotics on crowded and inhumane factory farms, undermined human health.

But its not entirely clear whether cell cultured meat is safer and healthier. Companies are loathe to share data, choosing instead to operate in secretive silos to protect their intellectual property. Shiok denied a request to view or taste-test its raw product for this story, citing a pending patent. Bethencourt later provided The Times with video of the companys lab-grown shrimp cells under a microscope.

Theyve achieved their objective of making scalable cell-based shrimp, he said.

The environmental benefits of clean meat could be significant. The Good Food Institute estimates cell cultured beef will cut the amount of land used by cattle to produce regular beef by 95% and the amount of emissions by at least 74%.

That could certainly win converts, but its how the meat tastes and feels that will ultimately determine the industrys success.

Not all companies who make this are created equal, said Chase Purdy, an expert on cultured meat and author of Billion Dollar Burger: Inside Big Techs Race for the Future of Food.

Purdy tasted lab-grown foie gras, duck chorizo and ground beef but nothing impressed him more than a chicken tender made by Berkeleys Memphis Meats, with strands of muscle that peeled apart with startling authenticity.

Its really hard to get cells to grow in that linear, structured way, Purdy said.

That might be the exception. Anyone hoping for a facsimile of a dry-aged Porterhouse steak or a loin of Berkshire pork crowned with a sheet of crackling might have to make do with ground meat much easier to replicate for tacos, pasta sauces and burgers for some time.

Re-creating recognizable butcher cuts with complex layers of muscles and fat (think of the patchwork of beef chuck or the mosaic of fat and muscle on the rim of a rib-eye) remains the elusive grail for the industry one thats being tackled by several companies.

Were still at the prototype stage, showing proof of concept and proof of value, said William Chen, the Michael Fam Chair professor and director of food science and technology at Nanyang Technological University Singapore, which is working on growing steak. Think of it as a car. Were able to make a basic sedan. But to make beef steak, we need to build a racing car.

The simplicity of shrimp is what drew Sriram, 35, to the crustacean, which unlike beef, pork or chicken comprises one uniform muscle.

From left, Shiok Meats CTO Ka Yi Ling and CEO Sandhya Sriram.

(Shiok Meats)

Being in Asia was also a plus. Shioks own surveys, and at least one study, suggest Asians are more willing to try novel foods like clean meat than people in the West.

A stem-cell biologist born in India and raised in the Middle East before moving to Singapore, Sriram was thrilled when she realized cell cultured shellfish was an open field.

Asia consumes three-quarters of the worlds supply of shrimp. And the industrys notorious practices, which include slave labor, pollution and the overuse of antibiotics, convinced Sriram there would be a market for an alternative.

Shiok was founded by Sriram and fellow scientist Ka Yi Ling, 32. The pair initially struggled to find private lab space to rent, settling briefly at a marine institute on a mostly secluded island that required careful adherence to a ferry schedule, lest they wanted to stay a night alone on the eerie redoubt.

By 2019, the pair had moved out and developed a prototype that required Sriram, a vegetarian, to eat shrimp for the first time so that she could compare the two.

I could definitely smell and taste the ocean, she said of the creation.

Driving down costs remains the biggest hurdle. Shioks proto-shrimp costs $5,000 a kilogram, which is about $2,268 a pound, mostly due to the price of the nutrient fluids needed to feed the cells. Access to more affordable nutrients has reduced the cost of Shioks meat to $3,500 a kilogram, or about $1,588 a pound. The goal is to make Shioks shrimp 100 times cheaper by the first half of next year.

Unlike the U.S., Singapore has developed regulations for the sale of cultured meat.

The tiny Southeast Asian country, whose entire width is the distance between Burbank and El Segundo, has supported the technology with tax breaks and grants to bolster a government campaign to break the countrys near-total reliance on imported food by 2030.

Singapore is doing more of its own investing and is the most receptive from a regulatory angle to greenlighting this to go to market first, Purdy said. It will likely be a restaurant in Singapore that serves this up to consumers for the first time in history.

The rest is here:
Singapore startup Shiok Meats re-creates shrimp in the lab - Los Angeles Times


Diabetes Diet: This Stuffed Ragi Roti Could Be The Healthiest Way To Manage Blood Sugar Levels – NDTV Food

October 10th, 2020 9:51 am

Ragi (nachni) is often suggested to diabetics since it helps in maintaining blood sugar levels.


Diabetes is perhaps one of the biggest challenges faced by many people around the world. A lifestyle disease, diabetes is distinguished by elevated blood sugar levels. It is an irreversible condition where one can only manage the symptoms and your diet plays a major role in managing it. As per many health experts and nutritionists, small meals at regular intervals full of fibre and antioxidants (and devoid of sugar) is ideal for someone suffering from diabetes.

(Also Read:17 Easy Diabetes-Friendly Snack Ideas To Manage Blood Sugar Levels)

Choosing what to eat and what to avoid can be quite a task. But our desi meals can easily be moulded into healthy, diabetic-friendly ones by tweaking certain ingredients and veggies here and there. Roti (or bread) is an essential part of an Indian meal and you'll be surprised to know that one can make a wholesome meal out of just roti! While most of us use whole wheat flour to make rotis, one can simple add or replace it with ragi flour or finger millet. Ragi (nachni) is often suggested to diabetics since it helps in maintaining blood sugar levels. In addition to that, ragi is rich in dietary fibre which keeps the cravings at bay and maintains the digestive pace, subsequently, keeping blood sugar in control.

There could be many ways to include ragi in your diet, and this stuffed ragi roti seems to be one of the perfect ways for a light yet wholesome meal for those managing diabetes. Not only is it absolutely healthy and fulfilling but is also delicious and flavourful. The vegetables stuffed in ragi roti are fibre-rich and brimming with antioxidants. Bitter-gourd, especially, contains active substances that lend anti-diabetic properties like charantin, which is known for its blood glucose-lowering effect and an insulin-like compound known as polypeptide-p. Here's how you can make stuffed ragi roti.

(Also Read:Diabetes And Covid-19: Expert Tips And Full-Day Diet Plan For Diabetics)

Ragi flour is said to be a better alternative to regular whole wheat flour.


- Dough:

- Ragi flour- 1/2 cup

- Whole Wheat Flour- 1/2 cup

- Water- as needed

- Salt- As per taste

For Stuffing-

- Bitter gourd (chopped)- 1 tbsp

- Fenugreek leaves (chopped)- 2 tbsp

- Spinach (chopped)- 2 tbsp

- Cauliflower (grated)- 2 tbsp

- Green chillies (finely chopped)- 1 tsp

- Ginger (chopped)- 1/2 tsp

- Salt- As per taste

- Oil- 1 tsp


Prepare the dough:

1. Combine all the ingredients for the dough together. Add water and knead soft dough.

2. Divide the dough into the number of rotis you want to make and keep aside.

Prepare the stuffing:

1. Mix all the vegetables together with ginger, chillies and salt to prepare a smooth stuffing.

2. Now roll one portion of the divided dough into a circle.

3. Put some amount of stuffing in the middle of circle, fold the dough from all sides and seal it. You can use a pinch of oil to seal well.

4. Roll it again over some flour and cook it over a hot non-stick pan with ghee or oil .

5. Repeat the process with rest of the divided dough. Serve hot.


Be careful to prepare the vegetable stuffing right before making the rotis since the veggies would start to get watery.

Try these diabetic-friendly, nutritious stuffed rotis for lunch next and share your experience with us in the comments section below.

About Aanchal MathurAanchal doesn't share food. A cake in her vicinity is sure to disappear in a record time of 10 seconds. Besides loading up on sugar, she loves bingeing on FRIENDS with a plate of momos. Most likely to find her soulmate on a food app.

Here is the original post:
Diabetes Diet: This Stuffed Ragi Roti Could Be The Healthiest Way To Manage Blood Sugar Levels - NDTV Food


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