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Tanya Siddiqi, MD, Discusses the Promise of Reduced Toxicity With Liso-Cel – AJMC.com Managed Markets Network

November 25th, 2020 10:55 pm

In addition, liso-cels distinct manufacturing process creates a defined composition of CD8+ and CD4+ T-cells, which may reduce product variability; however, the manufacturer states, the clinical significance of defined composition is unknown.

For insights on what the arrival of liso-cel could mean in the treatment landscape, The American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC) turned to Tanya Siddiqi, MD, director of the Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Program at Toni Stephenson Lymphoma Center and associate clinical professor, Department of Hematology & Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation at City of Hope, Duarte, California.

Siddiqi was an investigator for ZUMA-1, which led to the approval of axicabtagene ciloleucel(axi-cel), sold as Yescarta, and the TRANSCEND NHL trial for liso-cel.She has addressed major scientific meetings on the challenge of managing the toxicities associated with CAR T-cell therapyand discussed how liso-cel represents a step forward over its predecessors.

This interview, conducted before the BMS announcement, has been edited for clarity and length.

AJMC: We're anticipating an FDA decision on liso-cel before the end of the year. Can you discuss the need of the patients who would take this new CAR T-cell therapy?

Siddiqi: So, for CAR T-cell therapy targeting CD19-positive B-cell lymphomasspecifically aggressive B-cell lymphomaswe already have a couple of FDA-approved options. The question is: what is liso-cel? How is it different? Why would people pick this over other things? In the trials that we've conducted, we found that liso-cel seems to have lesser toxicity in terms of the specific CAR T-cell side effects of cytokine release syndrome or hyper-inflammation, as well as neurotoxicity. We've just seen fewer severe adverse events so much so that at some [cancer] centers across the country, weve been able to give liso-cel CAR T-cells to patients in the clinic or outpatient setting rather than having to admit them to the hospital , depending on the patient's situation.

Those are the strengths of liso-celless toxicity and thus, a better chance of giving it in the outpatient setting with hospital admission available to anyone who develops a fever or other side effects. This means fewer days of inpatient hospitalization for these patients, so it may be less costly overall. I dont think the efficacy is necessarily differentmeaning that it seems to work as well as the other FDA-approved products already commercially available. But for the reasons that I've listed, I think it might be a very good option for older patients, maybe patients who are bit more frail, or younger patients who just don't want to be admitted to the hospitalthey just want to try to do it in the outpatient setting.

AJMC:You touched on this already, but can you discuss how Iiso-cel differs from earlier CAR T-cell therapiesboth in the way it's manufactured and how it works, and what that reduced variability means for patients?

Siddiqi: Liso-celis manufactured in a way that it gives very precise, equal numbers of CAR cells that are labeled CD4 and CD8, in a 1:1 ratio. All of us have T cells to fight infections with, and these T cells are what we take from patients. Then, we modify them in the lab by genetic engineering in order to produce CAR T-cells so that now instead of looking for infections, these CAR T cells are going to look for B-cell lymphoma cells and fight lymphoma.

The other products are given back to patients as a bag of CAR T cells mixed with potentially varying ratios of different types of T cellsCD4+, CD8+, etc. With liso-cel the manufacturing process actually separates out the CD4+ and CD8+ types of T cells first, and then manufactures CAR-T cells out of them separately. So, when we give the cells back to patients, we give it in a 1:1 ratio of CD4+ and CD8+ cells. We know exactly how many CD4+ and how many CD8+ T-cells these patients receive. And the thought is, the researchers and the drug manufacturer feel that this helps to have an expectation of what expansion you will have of these cells in the body.

Therefore, we potentially have an idea of what type of side effects or how severe the side effects might be. It may limit some of those side effects, or at least make them a little bit more predictable or controlled.

AJMC:Thats a great way to shift to your own work on length of stay due to CRS. What do we know about the key variables in determining whether a patient will experience a side effect that requires an extended stay in the hospital, and can more be done to avoid lengthy hospital stays?

Siddiqi: That's a very important question. Because lengthy hospital stays, especially in the [intensive care unit], really adds to the bill and the financial burden of these treatments. We know that people who have a big burden of disease going into CAR T-cell therapy, meaning they have a lot of lymphoma in their bodies, they tend to be at higher risk for more side effects like cytokine release syndrome and neurotoxicity. Probably because there's so much inflammation thats generated while these CAR T-cells are trying to fight the lymphoma. What we know is that people who come to us for CAR T-cells with lesser disease might have fewer side effects potentially and a better overall outcome.

So, we always try to advise our referring physicians, and educate patients, at conferences, to try to send these patients to us before they are at the end of the linebefore theyve tried and failed everything, and now theres just rampant disease. [At that point,] you're dealing with a situation where the patient is going to have more side effects and will not be able to tolerate the CAR T cells as well. Instead, if they fail two lines of therapy and the disease is still small in volume, but it's starting to progress, we can treat them more effectively with CAR T cells and with fewer side effects potentially.

AJMC:That brings up the next topicthere have been discussions that CAR T-cell therapy should be given earlier during treatment. As you said, if its not given as the last resort, patients might respond better. Where do you see those patterns heading in the future? And would that be truer for some patients than others?

Siddiqi: With aggressive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, there's about a 60% to 70% chance of curing that in the frontline setting. With the line of chemo-immunotherapy, you can cure 60% to 70% of patients so that it never comes back. But the rest of themwhen it just relentlessly keeps coming back and it's hard to cureonce those patients relapse they tend to keep relapsing. So, our mainstay in the relapse setting is to give them salvage chemo-immunotherapy, collect stem cells, and take them to autologous stem cell transplantation if they've achieved a remission with the salvage chemotherapy. If they haven't achieved remission with that salvage chemotherapy, then they should go on to CAR T cells directly instead of waiting and trying more and more chemotherapies. After failing second line therapy, the FDA approval allows us to try CAR T cells. There are studies that are now ongoing that are comparing CAR T cells to autologous stem cell transplantation after failing first line therapy. So, once patients relapse the first time, these studies are comparing giving them salvage chemotherapy and transplant, versus taking them straight to CAR T cells. Once we have that data, we'll know better whether we can do CAR T cells even earlier in the lines of therapy.

AJMC:Weve been hearing for some time more about allogeneic or off-the-shelf therapies. What progress has been made on in that technology?

Siddiqi: I'm not too involved with these trials myself, but I know we have trials at City of Hope that are ongoing with off-the-shelf therapy. What I can tell you is that it's very attractive in that you don't have to collect T cells from patients, keeping their lymphoma under control while these T cells then go to the lab and CAR T cells are manufactured in 2-4 weeks depending on which product it is, and then they come back and get infused. With off-the-shelf products, you can just grab it and go as soon as you know the patient needs it.

The initial concerns were because the cells are not from the patient themselvesthe cells are from donors. Across the board there might be concerns of rejection and what's called graft-versus-host disease and things like that. So far, I don't think in the trial they've come up with such side effects to any significant extent. What I don't know is whether they've come up with a good result yet. Is it looking like the benefits of taking off-the-shelf CAR T cells are as good as autologous CAR T cells, meaning patients own CAR T cells? I think that remains to be seen. If they are, then it's much easier to use off-the-shelf CAR T cells. Maybe at the American Society of Hematology annual meeting in December we will see more data.

AJMC: How is COVID-19 affecting the clinical trial process for CAR T cell therapy?

Siddiqi: When the pandemic kind of started surging early in the year, and when we went into lockdown mode from March onward, we and other centers across the country took a lot of steps to slow down our clinical trial enrollment. Our staff started staggering who would come into work which day of the week and who could work from home. For those in the clinical trials office, there was a lot of need for safety and logistical reasons for us to slow down enrollment onto clinical trials. And there were other questions, such as, who would take care of patients at home once we discharged them after they received CAR T cells? What if their caregivers were exposed and got sick? Logistically, it was difficult to safely do many trials, especially CAR T cell trials and transplants earlier in the year.

Since the end of summer, we ramped up again, and we're now doing as many transplants and CAR T cells as we were probably doing last year. So, we're pretty much all the way up again, but I don't know how this winter will go because COVID is surging again.

As far as just CAR T cells themselves, we had to also think about travel for the cells because Juno Therapeutics is in Seattle, and Kite Pharma is here in Los Angeles, but Novartis is elsewhere. Just the movement of these cells was a concern because of travel restrictions during COVID-19. But as far as I know, the companies did not lose that commitmentthey told us, well get the cells to you, we will find a way to do it. I don't think any patients went without cells who should have received cells.

AJMC: What advice do you have for community oncologists interested in CAR T cell therapy for their patients?

Siddiqi: Theres good news for community physicians. We may soon have a therapeutic option of liso-cel CAR T cell therapy which seems to have lesser side effects. So, this might make things cheaper due to less need for hospitalization potentially without compromising the chance of cure. We want these patients to try CAR T cell therapy sooner rather than later in their relapses. You can always try multiple cycles of chemotherapy at some other time if you relapse again, but if you can be cured with CAR T cells such that you never need treatment again, why not try that first? For the patients who respond well to CAR T cells, the treatment works extremely well. And that's the Holy Grail to find the cure for all patients.

Maybe only half the patients will currently have a very good and durable responsebut those patients may never relapse again. So why not try it sooner rather than later? And of course, we're always looking for trial patients, because now we need to improve these results even further. So, community oncologists should also refer for trials, because I think that its very important to have trials with different combinationsCAR T cells plus another immunotherapy agentto see if we can improve upon the response rates even more.

Excerpt from:
Tanya Siddiqi, MD, Discusses the Promise of Reduced Toxicity With Liso-Cel - AJMC.com Managed Markets Network


November: purespring-spinout | News and features – University of Bristol

November 25th, 2020 10:55 pm

The University of Bristol has secured a 45million deal to advance its groundbreaking gene therapy technology for chronic kidney diseases. The commitment, made by healthcare company Syncona Ltd to Bristol spin-out Purespring Therapeutics, aims to address a global unmet need for renal conditions in one of the largest single investments made to a new UK university biotech company.

Over two million people worldwide currently receive treatment with dialysis or a kidney transplant to stay alive, yet this number may only represent ten per cent of people who need treatment to live. Until now, advances in the treatment of kidney diseases have lagged significantly behind other diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

This investment marks a significant step forward in the innovation of long overdue new therapies for kidney diseases, which have historically been disproportionately expensive to treat.

Gene therapy a technique which replaces or alters a faulty gene or adds a new gene to treat or prevent disease instead of using drugs or surgery, offers a potential new type of treatment for renal conditions.

Synconas 45 million investment to Purespring will be used to progress to the clinic gene therapy research pioneered by Professor Moin Saleem, Professor of Paediatric Renal Medicine at Bristol Medical School and Dr Gavin Welsh, Associate Professor of Renal Medicine. Professor Saleems work is the only study to date (as yet to be published) to have successfully demonstrated disease rescue in animal models using this technique for a kidney disorder called nephrotic syndrome.

Purespring will develop gene therapies directly targeting the glomerulus in the kidney, which could see treatment progress from lab to patients in three or four years. The company will also have access to an in-vivo functional screening platform, FunSel, to screen for cell-specific protective factors delivered via gene therapy, that could have applications across several kidney diseases. FunSel has been developed by Professor Mauro Giacca at Kings College London.

Professor John Iredale, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Health and Life Sciences at the University of Bristol, said: "Synconas expertise in gene therapy and landmark investment in Bristol spin-out Purespring marks an exciting new venture to progress Bristols breakthrough discoveries in the treatment of kidney diseases. Puresprings gene therapy platform has enormous potential to improve outcomes in patients with kidney diseases and is a major leap forward for renal therapeutics globally.

Professor Moin Saleem said: This is an incredible opportunity to develop transformational treatments for kidney disease. Gene therapy has come of age in certain areas, but a major challenge in complex solid organs is to precisely target the genetic material to the correct cell type. Using accumulated expertise in the Bristol Renal research group we have solved this crucial hurdle, putting us in a position to deliver curative gene therapy to patients with chronic and intractable kidney diseases. Syncona have had the foresight to see this potential, and partnering with their world-leading gene therapy experience is the best possible springboard to successfully bring this technology to patients.

Chris Hollowood, CIO, Syncona Investment Management Limited, said: Purespring is the sixth gene therapy company to be founded by Syncona and clearly demonstrates our proprietary company creation approach. In Moin and his team, we are collaborating with clinical and scientific leaders and working in target tissue amenable to gene therapy, whilst the collaboration with Mauro provides a path for gene therapy to fulfil its promise in highly prevalent chronic degenerative conditions. We look forward to building a world class company around this innovative science, in order to develop therapies with the potential to deliver dramatic impact for patients. Purespring is an exciting addition to our gene therapy platform, where we are strategically positioned with significant expertise in building fully integrated platform companies.


Syncona (LON: SYNC) is a healthcare company focused on founding, building and funding a portfolio of global leaders in life science. Our purpose is to invest to extend and enhance human life. We do this by founding and building companies to deliver transformational treatments to patients in areas of high unmet need.

Our strategy is to found, build and fund companies around exceptional science to create a dynamic portfolio of 15-20 globally leading healthcare businesses for the benefit of all our stakeholders. We focus on developing treatments for patients by working in close partnership with world-class academic founders and management teams. Our strategic balance sheet underpins our strategy enabling us to take a long-term view as we look to improve the lives of patients with no or few treatment options, build sustainable life science companies and deliver strong risk-adjusted returns to shareholders.

About ICGEB and FunSel

Established in 1983 as a special project of UNIDO, the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology - ICGEB is an independent intergovernmental organisation since 1994 with HQ in Trieste (Italy) and with additional laboratories in New Delhi (India) and Cape Town (South Africa). As of today, it counts 65 Member States and 20 signatory countries. The ICGEB is a not for profit IGO any revenues generated are re-invested in research and in the funding programmes for capacity building in its Member States. The Vision of the ICGEB is to be the worlds leading intergovernmental Organisation for research, training and technology transfer in the field of Life Sciences and Biotechnology. Its Mission is to combine scientific research with capacity enhancement, thereby promoting sustainable global development (www.icgeb.org).

FunSel is an in-vivo functional screening platform. It was developed at ICGEB by Professor Giacca and his team while he served as the Director-General of the organisation until 2019. He continues to head the Molecular Medicine laboratory at ICGEB Trieste, Italy.

See more here:
November: purespring-spinout | News and features - University of Bristol


Crispr And Crispr-Associated (Cas) Genes Market trends, Forecast Analysis, Key segmentation by type and application to 2026 – Cheshire Media

November 25th, 2020 10:55 pm

Global Crispr And Crispr-Associated (Cas) Genes Market report offers the latest industry trends, technological innovations and forecast market data. In-depth view or analysis of Crispr And Crispr-Associated (Cas) Genes industry based on market size, Crispr And Crispr-Associated (Cas) Genes growth, development plans, and opportunities is offered by this report. The comprehensive market forecast data, SWOT analysis, Crispr And Crispr-Associated (Cas) Genes barriers, and feasibility study are the vital aspects analyzed in this report.

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List Of Key Players

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Some of the Points cover in Global Crispr And Crispr-Associated (Cas) Genes Market Research Report is:Chapter 1: Describe Crispr And Crispr-Associated (Cas) Genes Industry

Chapter 2: To analyze the top manufacturers of Crispr And Crispr-Associated (Cas) Genes Industry in 2017 and 2018

Chapter 3: Competitive analysis among the top manufacturers in 2017 and 2018

Chapter 4: Global Crispr And Crispr-Associated (Cas) Genes Market by regions from 2015 to 2019

Chapter 5, 6, 7 and 8: Global Crispr And Crispr-Associated (Cas) Genes Market by key countries in these regions

Chapter 9 and 10: Global Crispr And Crispr-Associated (Cas) Genes Market by type and application from 2015 to 2019

Chapter 11:Crispr And Crispr-Associated (Cas) Genes Industry Market forecast from 2019 to 2026

Chapter 12 and 13:Crispr And Crispr-Associated (Cas) Genes Industry

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Crispr And Crispr-Associated (Cas) Genes Market trends, Forecast Analysis, Key segmentation by type and application to 2026 - Cheshire Media


Aridis Pharmaceuticals to Host Fireside Chat with Analysts to Discuss 2021 Outlook for its Lead Programs and Novel mAb Discovery Platform on December…

November 25th, 2020 10:55 pm

SAN JOSE, Calif., Nov. 24, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Aridis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: ARDS), a biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of novel anti-infective therapies to treat life-threatening infections, is pleased to announce a 75 minute "Fireside Chat Forum," with its five covering analysts will be held on December 4th, 2020 at 11:00AM EST. This virtual event is intended to provide a 2021 preview and plans for the Company's lead clinical programs, COVID-19 mAb programs, and PEX, its novel antibody discovery platform technology.

This uniquely formatted event will feature all of the Company's covering analysts, Louise Chen (Cantor Fitzgerald), Vernon Bernardino (H.C. Wainwright), Jason McCarthy (Maxim Group), Jonathan Aschoff (Roth Capital), and Carl Byrnes (Northland Securities) who will lead topic specific discussions with management to preview the year ahead (2021) for the following assets:

"It is a pleasure to host this forum as it will offer efficient, yet comprehensive perspectives from leading Wall Street analysts on our programs and cutting-edge technology platform, especially in light of the current pandemic and on-going challenges facing the medical and science communities around emerging life-threatening infections," commented Vu Truong, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of Aridis Pharmaceuticals.

Additional details and registration can be accessed with this link or by visiting Aridis' website, https://investors.aridispharma.com/events.

About Aridis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Aridis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. discovers and develops anti-infectives to be used as add-on treatments to standard-of-care antibiotics. The Company is utilizing its proprietary PEX and MabIgX technology platforms to rapidly identify rare, potent antibody-producing B-cells from patients who have successfully overcome an infection, and to rapidly manufacture monoclonal antibody (mAbs) for therapeutic treatment of critical infections. These mAbs are already of human origin and functionally optimized for high potency by the donor's immune system; hence, they technically do not require genetic engineering or further optimization to achieve full functionality.

The Company has generated multiple clinical stage mAbs targeting bacteria that cause life-threatening infections such as ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) and hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP), in addition to preclinical stage antiviral mAbs. The use of mAbs as anti-infective treatments represents an innovative therapeutic approach that harnesses the human immune system to fight infections and is designed to overcome the deficiencies associated with the current standard of care which is broad spectrum antibiotics. Such deficiencies include, but are not limited to, increasing drug resistance, short duration of efficacy, disruption of the normal flora of the human microbiome and lack of differentiation among current treatments. The mAb portfolio is complemented by a non-antibiotic novel mechanism small molecule anti-infective candidate being developed to treat lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients. The Company's pipeline is highlighted below:

Aridis' Pipeline AR-301 (VAP). AR-301 is a fully human IgG1 mAb currently in Phase 3 clinical development targeting gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) alpha-toxin in VAP patients.

AR-101 (HAP). AR-101 is a fully human immunoglobulin M, or IgM, mAb in Phase 2 clinical development targeting Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) liposaccharides serotype O11, which accounts for approximately 22% of all P. aeruginosa hospital acquired pneumonia cases worldwide.

AR-501 (cystic fibrosis). AR-501 is an inhaled formulation of gallium citrate with broad-spectrum anti-infective activity being developed to treat chronic lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients. This program is currently in a Phase 1/2a clinical study in healthy volunteers and CF patients.

AR-401 (blood stream infections). AR-401 is a fully human mAb preclinical program aimed at treating infections caused by gram-negative Acinetobacter baumannii.

AR-701 (COVID-19). AR-701 is a cocktail of fully human mAbs discovered from convalescent COVID-19 patients that are directed at multiple envelope proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

AR-711 (COVID-19). AR-711 is an in-licensed mAb that is directed against the receptor binding domain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The agent has the potential to be delivered both intravenously and by inhalation using a nebulizer.

AR-201 (RSV infection). AR-201 is a fully human IgG1 mAb out-licensed preclinical program aimed at neutralizing diverse clinical isolates of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

For additional information on Aridis Pharmaceuticals, please visit https://aridispharma.com/.

Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. These statements may be identified by the use of words such as "anticipate," "believe," "forecast," "estimated" and "intend" or other similar terms or expressions that concern Aridis' expectations, strategy, plans or intentions. These forward-looking statements are based on Aridis' current expectations and actual results could differ materially. There are a number of factors that could cause actual events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, the need for additional financing, the timing of regulatory submissions, Aridis' ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approval of its existing product candidates and any other product candidates it may develop, approvals for clinical trials may be delayed or withheld by regulatory agencies, risks relating to the timing and costs of clinical trials, risks associated with obtaining funding from third parties, management and employee operations and execution risks, loss of key personnel, competition, risks related to market acceptance of products, intellectual property risks, risks related to business interruptions, including the outbreak of COVID-19 coronavirus, which could seriously harm our financial condition and increase our costs and expenses, risks associated with the uncertainty of future financial results, Aridis' ability to attract collaborators and partners and risks associated with Aridis' reliance on third party organizations. While the list of factors presented here is considered representative, no such list should be considered to be a complete statement of all potential risks and uncertainties. Unlisted factors may present significant additional obstacles to the realization of forward-looking statements. Actual results could differ materially from those described or implied by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including, without limitation, market conditions and the factors described under the caption "Risk Factors" in Aridis' 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019 and Aridis' other filings made with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements included herein are made as of the date hereof, and Aridis does not undertake any obligation to update publicly such statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.


Investor RelationsJason WongBlueprint Life Science Groupjwong@bplifescience.com(415) 375-3340 Ext. 4

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SOURCE Aridis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Company Codes: NASDAQ-NMS:ARDS

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Aridis Pharmaceuticals to Host Fireside Chat with Analysts to Discuss 2021 Outlook for its Lead Programs and Novel mAb Discovery Platform on December...


Global Nanomedicine Market Top Countries Analysis and Manufacturers With Impact of COVID-19 | 2020-2026 Detail Analysis focusing on Application, Types…

November 25th, 2020 10:53 pm

Databridgemarketresearch.com Present Global Nanomedicine Market Industry Trends and Forecast to 2027 new report to its research database. The report spread No of pages: 350 No of Figures: 60 No of Tables: 220 in it. This Global Nanomedicine Market report takes into consideration diverse segments of the market analysis that todays business ask for. The Global Nanomedicine Market report provides estimations of CAGR values, market drivers and market restraints about the industry which are helpful for the businesses in deciding upon numerous strategies. The base year for calculation in the report is taken as 2017 whereas the historic year is 2016 which will tell you how the Global Nanomedicine Market is going to perform in the forecast years by informing you what the market definition, classifications, applications, and engagements are. The report helps you to be there on the right track by making you focus on the data and realities of the industry.

The research studies of this Global Nanomedicine Market report helps to evaluate several important parameters that can be mentioned as investment in a rising market, success of a new product, and expansion of market share. Market estimations along with the statistical nuances included in this market report give an insightful view of the market. The market analysis serves present as well as future aspects of the market primarily depending upon factors on which the companies contribute in the market growth, crucial trends and segmentation analysis. This Global Nanomedicine Market research report also gives widespread study about different market segments and regions.

Global nanomedicine marketis registering a healthy CAGR of 15.50% in the forecast period of 2019-2026. This rise in the market value can be attributed to increasing number of applications and wide acceptance of the product globally. There is a significant rise in the number of researches done in this field which accelerate growth of nanomedicine market globally.

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Key Market Competitors

Few of the major market competitors currently working in the global nanomedicine market are Abbott, Invitae Corporation, General Electric Company, Leadiant Biosciences, Inc., Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., Mallinckrodt, Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., NanoSphere Health Sciences, Inc., Pfizer Inc., CELGENE CORPORATION, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Gilead Sciences, Inc., Amgen Inc., Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, AbbVie Inc., Novartis AG, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Luminex Corporation, Eli Lilly and Company, Nanobiotix, Sanofi, UCB S.A., Ablynx among others.

Competitive Landscape

Global nanomedicine market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of nanomedicine market for global, Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa.

Key Insights in the report:

Complete and distinct analysis of the market drivers and restraints

Key Market players involved in this industry

Detailed analysis of the Market Segmentation

Competitive analysis of the key players involved

Market Drivers are Restraints

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Market Segmentation:-

By Product Type

By Application

By Indication

By Modality

To comprehend Global Nanomedicine market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide Nanomedicine market is analyzed across major global regions.

Actual Numbers & In-Depth Analysis, Business opportunities, Market Size Estimation Available in Full Report.

Some of the Major Highlights of TOC covers:

Chapter 1: Methodology & Scope

Definition and forecast parameters

Methodology and forecast parameters

Data Sources

Chapter 2: Executive Summary

Business trends

Regional trends

Product trends

End-use trends

Chapter 3: Industry Insights

Industry segmentation

Industry landscape

Vendor matrix

Technological and innovation landscape

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Here is the original post:
Global Nanomedicine Market Top Countries Analysis and Manufacturers With Impact of COVID-19 | 2020-2026 Detail Analysis focusing on Application, Types...


Endocytosis and Organelle Targeting of Nanomedicines in Cancer Therapy | IJN – Dove Medical Press

November 25th, 2020 10:53 pm

Xiaowei Wang, Yuhan Qiu, Mengyan Wang, Conghui Zhang, Tianshu Zhang, Huimin Zhou, Wenxia Zhao, Wuli Zhao, Guimin Xia, Rongguang Shao

Institute of Medicinal Biotechnology, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China

Correspondence: Wuli ZhaoInstitute of Medicinal Biotechnology, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 10050, Peoples Republic of ChinaTel +86-10-83166673Email zwl21146@imb.pumc.edu.cnGuimin XiaInstitute of Medicinal Biotechnology, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 10050, Peoples Republic of ChinaTel +86-10-63150697Email xiaguimin@126.com

Abstract: Nanomedicines (NMs) have played an increasing role in cancer therapy as carriers to efficiently deliver therapeutics into tumor cells. For this application, the uptake of NMs by tumor cells is usually a prerequisite to deliver the cargo to intracellular locations, which mainly relies on endocytosis. NMs can enter cells through a variety of endocytosis pathways. Different endocytosis pathways exhibit different intracellular trafficking routes and diverse subcellular localizations. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of endocytosis mechanisms is necessary for increasing cellular entry efficiency and to trace the fate of NMs after internalization. This review focuses on endocytosis pathways of NMs in tumor cells, mainly including clathrin- and caveolae-mediated endocytosis pathways, involving effector molecules, expression difference of those molecules between normal and tumor cells, as well as the intracellular trafficking route of corresponding endocytosis vesicles. Then, the latest strategies for NMs to actively employ endocytosis are described, including improving tumor cellular uptake of NMs by receptor-mediated endocytosis, transporter-mediated endocytosis and enabling drug activity by changing intracellular routes. Finally, active targeting strategies towards intracellular organelles are also mentioned. This review will be helpful not only in explicating endocytosis and the trafficking process of NMs and elucidating anti-tumor mechanisms inside the cell but also in rendering new ideas for the design of highly efcacious and cancer-targeted NMs.

Keywords: nanomedicine, endocytosis pathway, clathrin, caveolae, endosome, organelle targeting

This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at https://www.dovepress.com/terms.php and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License.By accessing the work you hereby accept the Terms. Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Limited, provided the work is properly attributed. For permission for commercial use of this work, please see paragraphs 4.2 and 5 of our Terms.

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Endocytosis and Organelle Targeting of Nanomedicines in Cancer Therapy | IJN - Dove Medical Press


New Class of Drugs Harnesses Gold Nanocrystals to Heal and Protect the Brain – BioSpace

November 25th, 2020 10:53 pm

Clene Chief Executive Officer Rob Etherington. Photo courtesy of Clene.

Clene Nanomedicine is trying to set a new gold standard in neurodegenerative diseases through the development of a new class of drugs called bioenergetic nanotherapeutics that harnesses the properties of gold nanocrystals.

The gold nanocrystals are used to amplify bioenergetic reactions in patients in order to drive intracellular biological reactions. Bioenergetic nanotherapeutics are a clean break from pharmaceutical drug development that uses classical synthetic chemistry, Clene Chief Executive Officer Rob Etherington told BioSpace in an interview. Clenes lead asset is CNM-Au8, a bioenergetic nanocatalyst under development as an add-on treatment for neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinsons disease, multiple sclerosis and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). CNM-Au8 is designed to catalyze bio cellular reactions, and so far the company has seen the asset live up to its promise in clinical studies. The companys gold nanocrystals are grown in water and patients drink the asset down. Research has so far indicated that Clene and its golden asset could become a pioneer in therapeutic neurorepair and neuroprotection.

To date, CNM-Au8 has demonstrated safety in Phase I studies, remyelination and neuroprotective effects in preclinical models and is currently being assessed in a Phase II study for the treatment of chronic optic neuropathy in patients with multiple sclerosis. Additionally, CNM-Au8 is being studies in Phase II and Phase III studies for disease progression in patients with ALS. In September, Clene presented interim results from the REPAIR-MS and REPAIR-PD Phase II studies demonstrating the effects of its lead nanocatalytic therapeutic, CNM-Au8. The preliminary data demonstrate CNM-Au8-mediated modulation of key brain bioenergetic metabolites in relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. Data from the studies indicate catalytic bioenergetic improvements across important CNS bioenergetic metabolites, including total nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) levels, NAD+/NADH ratio, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels, indicating a homeostatic effect of CNM-Au8 on brain bioenergetics, the company said.

Etherington said the data from the REPAIR-MS and REPAIR-PD studies indicate that CNM-Au8 is working mechanistically to address a foundational challenge common to many neurodegenerative diseases, which is that stressed or failing neurons need additional energy to survive and repair.

We now have insights that CNM-Au8 is driving bioenergetics within the brain, which is a foundational insight for the further development of Clene's neurorepair clinical programs, Etherington said. He added that should the data from the interim analysis pan out, it indicated that CNM-Au8 could effectively benefit millions of people across the globe suffering from multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative diseases.

There are multiple drugs already on the market for these neurodegenerative diseases. CNM-Au8 is not meant to replace those drugs, but to work alongside them. Etherington explained that CNM-Au8 is not designed to target a specific protein, nor it is designed to block or antagonize something, like most drugs. Rather, Clenes compound is designed to enhance the intracellular biological actions necessary to repair and reverse neuronal damage, Etherington said.

We are purposely seeking to reverse neurodegernation. We want to let the cell take care of its own housekeeping and enhance whats naturally occurring in the central nervous system, he said.

Etherington acknowledged the concept of drinking bits of gold nanocrystals may sound like something out of a Star Trek episode, but insisted the idea is sound. Gold-salt injections were historically used to treat rheumatoid arthritis decades ago, but were dropped due to health concerns. Clene had the idea to build a stable, oral nanotherapeutic, so they could see less toxicity and drive bioenergetics targets for a suite of neurodegenerative diseases, he said.

Its so out of the box that it can be a bit mind boggling. Were breaking with the traditional path and shifting the paradigm to how we think neurodegenerative disease should be treated, he said.

Not only is Clene moving forward in its clinical assessment of CNM-Au8, the company is planning to go public with a special purpose acquisition companies (SPAC) merger before the end of 2020. 2020 has been the busiest year for this kind of stock entry, with a 250% surge. As BioSpace recently reported, there have been nearly two dozen SPAC mergers in the biotech sector this year, targeting more than $3.5 billion in proceeds. When the company goes public, Etherington said Clenes management team will remain the same and the funding raised from this reverse stock merger will provide the finances that can support the companys ongoing research.

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New Class of Drugs Harnesses Gold Nanocrystals to Heal and Protect the Brain - BioSpace


NANOBIOTIX Files Registration Statement for Proposed Initial Public Offering in the United States – Business Wire

November 25th, 2020 10:53 pm

PARIS & CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regulatory News:

NANOBIOTIX (Paris:NANO) (Euronext: NANO ISIN : FR0011341205 the Company), a clinical-stage nanomedicine company pioneering new approaches to the treatment of cancer, today announced that it has filed a registration statement on Form F-1 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) relating to a proposed initial public offering of its American Depositary Shares (ADSs), representing ordinary shares, in the United States (the U.S. Offering), and a concurrent private placement of its ordinary shares in Europe (including France) and other countries outside of the United States (the European Private Placement, and together with the U.S. Offering, the Global Offering). All securities to be sold in the Global Offering will be offered by the Company. The number of ordinary shares to be represented by each ADS, the number of ADSs and ordinary shares to be offered and the price range for the proposed Global Offering have not yet been determined. The Company has applied to list its ADSs on the Nasdaq Global Market under the ticker symbol NBTX. The Companys ordinary shares are listed on Euronext Paris under the symbol NANO.

Jefferies LLC is acting as global coordinator for the Global Offering, and Evercore Group, L.L.C. and UBS Securities LLC are also acting as joint book-running managers for the U.S. Offering. Gilbert Dupont is acting as manager for the European Private Placement.

The securities referred to in this press release will be offered only by means of a prospectus. When available, copies of the preliminary prospectus relating to and describing the terms of the Global Offering may be obtained from Jefferies LLC, 520 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022, or by telephone at 877-547-6340 or 877-821-7388, or by email at Prospectus_Department@Jefferies.com; or from Evercore Group L.L.C., Attention: Equity Capital Markets, 55 East 52nd Street, 35th Floor, New York, New York 10055, or by telephone at 888-474-0200, or by email at ecm.prospectus@evercore.com; or from UBS Securities LLC, Attention: Prospectus Department, 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019, or by telephone at 888-827-7275, or by email at ol-prospectusrequest@ubs.com.

A registration statement relating to the securities referred to herein has been filed with the SEC but has not yet become effective. These securities may not be sold, nor may offers to buy be accepted, prior to the time the registration statement becomes effective. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities in any jurisdiction, and shall not constitute an offer, solicitation or sale in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of that jurisdiction. The registration statement can be accessed by the public on the website of the SEC.


Nanobiotix is a French, clinical-stage nanomedicine company pioneering new approaches to significantly change patient outcomes by bringing nanophysics to the heart of the cell. Nanobiotixs novel, proprietary lead technology, NBTXR3, is being evaluated in locally-advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) of the oral cavity or oropharynx in elderly patients unable to receive chemotherapy or cetuximab with limited therapeutic options. Nanobiotix is also running an Immuno-Oncology development program. The Companys headquarters are in Paris, France, with a U.S. affiliate in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and European affiliates in France, Spain and Germany.

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NANOBIOTIX Files Registration Statement for Proposed Initial Public Offering in the United States - Business Wire


Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market Report 2020: Global Methodology, Research Findings, Size And Forecast To 2026 – The Haitian-Caribbean…

November 25th, 2020 10:53 pm

A detailed research study on the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market was recently published by DataIntelo. This is a latest report, covering the current COVID-19 impact on the market. The pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected every aspect of life globally. This has brought along several changes in market conditions. The rapidly changing market scenario and initial and future assessment of the impact is covered in the report. The report puts together a concise analysis of the growth factors influencing the current business scenario across various regions. Significant information pertaining to the industry analysis size, share, application, and statistics are summed in the report in order to present an ensemble prediction. Additionally, this report encompasses an accurate competitive analysis of major market players and their strategies during the projection timeline.

The latest report on the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market consists of an analysis of this industry and its segments. As per the report, the market is estimated to gain significant returns and register substantial y-o-y growth during the forecast period.

Request a Sample Report of Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market at: https://dataintelo.com/request-sample/?reportId=79870

According to the report, the study offers details regarding the valuable estimations of the market such as market size, sales capacity, and profit projections. The report documents factors such as drivers, restraints, and opportunities that impacts the remuneration of this market.

An Outline of the Major Key Points of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market Report:

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The Geographical Landscape of the Market Include:

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Some of the Major Highlights of TOC Covers:Chapter 1: Executive Summary

Chapter 2: Methodology & Scope

Chapter 3: Market Insights

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About DataIntelo:DATAINTELO has set its benchmark in the market research industry by providing syndicated and customized research report to the clients. The database of the company is updated on a daily basis to prompt the clients with the latest trends and in-depth analysis of the industry. Our pool of database contains various industry verticals that include: IT & Telecom, Food Beverage, Automotive, Healthcare, Chemicals and Energy, Consumer foods, Food and beverages, and many more. Each and every report goes through the proper research methodology, validated from the professionals and analysts to ensure the eminent quality reports.

Contact Info:Name: Alex MathewsAddress: 500 East E Street, Ontario,CA 91764, United States.Phone No: USA: +1 909 545 6473Email: [emailprotected]Website: https://dataintelo

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Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market Report 2020: Global Methodology, Research Findings, Size And Forecast To 2026 - The Haitian-Caribbean...


Nanomedicine Market Shares, Strategies and Forecast Worldwide, 2017 to 2023 – The Haitian-Caribbean News Network

November 25th, 2020 10:53 pm


Nanomedicineis an offshoot of nanotechnology, and refers to highly-specific medical intervention at the molecular scale for curing diseases or repairing damaged tissues. Nanomedicine uses nano-sized tools for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease, and to gain increased understanding of the complex underlying pathophysiology of the disease. It involves three nanotechnology areas of diagnosis, imaging agents, and drug delivery with nanoparticles in the 11,000 nm range, biochips, and polymer therapeutics.

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Majority of nanomedicines prescribedcurrently, allow oral drug delivery and its demand is increasing significantly. Although these nanovectors are designed to translocate across the gastrointestinal tract, lung, and bloodbrain barrier, the amount of drug transferred to the organ is lower than 1%; therefore improvements are challenging. Nanomedicines are designed to maximize the benefit/risk ratio, and their toxicity must be evaluated not only by sufficiently long term in vitro and in vivo studies, but also pass multiple clinical studies.

Market Analysis:

The Global Nanomedicine Market is estimated to witness a CAGR of 17.1% during the forecast period 20172023. The nanomedicine market is analyzed based on two segments therapeutic applications and regions.

The major drivers of the nanomedicine market include its application in various therapeutic areas, increasing R&D studies about nanorobots in this segment, and significant investments in clinical trials by the government as well as private sector. The Oncology segment is the major therapeutic area for nanomedicine application, which comprised more than 35% of the total market share in 2016. A major focus in this segment is expected to drive the growth of the nanomedicine market in the future.

Regional Analysis:

The regions covered in the report are the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World (ROW). The Americas is set to be the leading region for the nanomedicine market growth followed by Europe. The Asia Pacific and ROW are set to be the emerging regions. Japan is set to be the most attractive destination and in Africa, the popularity and the usage of various nano-drugs are expected to increase in the coming years. The major countries covered in this report are the US, Germany, Japan, and Others.

Therapeutic Application Analysis:

Nanomedicines are used as fluorescent markers for diagnostic and screening purposes. Moreover, nanomedicines are introducing new therapeutic opportunities for a large number of agents that cannot be used effectively as conventional oral formulations due to poor bioavailability. The therapeutic areas for nanomedicine application are Oncology, Cardiovascular, Neurology, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-infectives, and various other areas. Globally, the industry players are focusing significantly on R&D to gain approval for various clinical trials for future nano-drugs to be commercially available in the market. The FDA should be relatively prepared for some of the earliest and most basic applications of nanomedicine in areas such as gene therapy and tissue engineering. The more advanced applications of nanomedicine will pose unique challenges in terms of classification and maintenance of scientific expertise.

Key Players:

Merck & Co. Inc., Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Gilead Sciences Inc., Novartis AG, Amgen Inc., Pfizer Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, Sanofi, Nanobiotix SA, UCB SA and other predominate & niche players.

Competitive Analysis:

At present, the nanomedicine market is at a nascent stage but, a lot of new players are entering the market as it holds huge business opportunities. Especially, big players along with the collaboration with other SMBs for clinical trials of nanoparticles and compounds are coming with new commercial targeted drugs in the market and they are expecting a double-digit growth in the upcoming years. Significant investments in R&D in this market are expected to increase and collaborations, merger & acquisition activities are expected to continue.


The report provides complete details about the usage and adoption rate of nanomedicines in various therapeutic verticals and regions. With that, key stakeholders can know about the major trends, drivers, investments, vertical players initiatives, government initiatives towards the nanomedicine adoption in the upcoming years along with the details of commercial drugs available in the market. Moreover, the report provides details about the major challenges that are going to impact on the market growth. Additionally, the report gives the complete details about the key business opportunities to key stakeholders to expand their business and capture the revenue in the specific verticals to analyze before investing or expanding the business in this market.

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Nanomedicine Market Shares, Strategies and Forecast Worldwide, 2017 to 2023 - The Haitian-Caribbean News Network


Iran ranks third for top researchers in Islamic world 2020 – Tehran Times

November 25th, 2020 10:53 pm

TEHRAN Iran ranked third for the highly cited researchers in the world among Islamic countries in 2020, according to the recently published report of Highly Cited Researchers by Web of Science.

Among the world's top researchers, 13 Islamic countries are listed, which hold a share of 3 percent (2.85%) among the world's top researchers.

Saudi Arabia with 120 researchers, Malaysia with 17, Iran with 12, and Turkey with 11 researchers have the highest number of highly cited researchers among Islamic countries.

To be included in the list of top researchers, all scientific activities over the last 10 years are evaluated at the international level, including the number of articles, number of citations, number of highly cited articles, number of citations to highly cited articles, as well as issues such as observing ethical principles in research.

So, approximately 6,389 researchers have been selected as highly cited researchers in 2020.

From Iran in 2020, similar to 2019, 12 top researchers have been included in the list of 6,389 top-cited researchers in the world.

The country's top researchers have been in the cross-field (6 people), agricultural sciences (2 people), mathematics (2 people), and engineering (2 people), respectively.

The United States is home to the highest number of Highly Cited Researchers, with 2,650 authors, representing 41.5 percent of the researchers on the list. China, home to 770 researchers is the second country has the highest concentration of Highly Cited Researchers in the world. The United Kingdom is also a hotbed of talent, with 514 authors, and Germany, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, and France are all home to over 150 researchers each.

Top scientific articles

Iran's share of the world's top scientific articles is 3 percent, Gholam Hossein Rahimi Sheerbaf, the deputy science minister, said in October.

The countrys share in the whole publications worldwide is 2 percent, he noted, highlighting, for the first three consecutive years, Iran has been ranked first in terms of quantity and quality of articles among Islamic countries.

Iranian articles rank 16 and 15 in Web of Science and Scopus, respectively.

The Journal Citation Reports 2019 ranking includes 42 journals from Iran, including the Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry with an impact factor of 4.077.

Iranian scientific journals such as the Journal of Nanostructures (affiliated to Kashan University), Nanomedicine Journal (Mashhad University of Medical Sciences), Journal of Nanoanalysis (Tehran University of Medical Sciences) were listed in the ESCI index of WOS database.

Moreover, the Journal of Water and Environmental Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine Research Journal, and International Nanoscience and Nanotechnology were also listed in the Scopus Index.


See the article here:
Iran ranks third for top researchers in Islamic world 2020 - Tehran Times


Nanorobots Market Business Growth, Size and Comprehensive Research Study Forecast to 2026| Bruker, Jeol, Thermo Fisher – The Market Feed

November 25th, 2020 10:53 pm

The global Nanorobots market is broadly analyzed in this report that sheds light on critical aspects such as the vendor landscape, competitive strategies, market dynamics, and regional analysis. The report helps readers to clearly understand the current and future status of the global Nanorobots market. The research study comes out as a compilation of useful guidelines for players to secure a position of strength in the global Nanorobots market. The authors of the report profile leading companies of the global Nanorobots market, such as Bruker, Jeol, Thermo Fisher, Ginkgo Bioworks, Oxford Instruments, Ev Group, Imina Technologies, Toronto Nano Instrumentation, Klocke Nanotechnik, Kleindiek Nanotechnik, Xidex, Synthace, Park Systems, Smaract, Nanonics Imaging, Novascan Technologies, Angstrom Advanced, Hummingbird Scientific, Nt-Mdt Spectrum Instruments, Witec They provide details about important activities of leading players in the competitive landscape.

The report predicts the size of the global Nanorobots market in terms of value and volume for the forecast period 2019-2026. As per the analysis provided in the report, the global Nanorobots market is expected to rise at a CAGR of XX % between 2019 and 2026 to reach a valuation of US$ XX million/billion by the end of 2026. In 2018, the global Nanorobots market attained a valuation of US$_ million/billion. The market researchers deeply analyze the global Nanorobots industry landscape and the future prospects it is anticipated to create.

This publication includes key segmentations of the global Nanorobots market on the basis of product, application, and geography (country/region). Each segment included in the report is studied in relation to different factors such as consumption, market share, value, growth rate, and production.

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The comparative results provided in the report allow readers to understand the difference between players and how they are competing against each other. The research study gives a detailed view of current and future trends and opportunities of the global Nanorobots market. Market dynamics such as drivers and restraints are explained in the most detailed and easiest manner possible with the use of tables and graphs. Interested parties are expected to find important recommendations to improve their business in the global Nanorobots market.

Readers can understand the overall profitability margin and sales volume of various products studied in the report. The report also provides the forecasted as well as historical annual growth rate and market share of the products offered in the global Nanorobots market. The study on end-use application of products helps to understand the market growth of the products in terms of sales.

Global Nanorobots Market by Product: Nanomanipulator, Bio-Nanorobotics, Magnetically Guided, Bacteria-Based

Global Nanorobots Market by Application: , Nanomedicine, Biomedical, Others

The report also focuses on the geographical analysis of the global Nanorobots market, where important regions and countries are studied in great detail.

Global Nanorobots Market by Geography:


Our analysts have created the report with the use of advanced primary and secondary research methodologies.

As part of primary research, they have conducted interviews with important industry leaders and focused on market understanding and competitive analysis by reviewing relevant documents, press releases, annual reports, and key products.

For secondary research, they have taken into account the statistical data from agencies, trade associations, and government websites, internet sources, technical writings, and recent trade information.

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Key questions answered in the report:

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Table Of Contents:

1 Market Overview of Nanorobots1.1 Nanorobots Market Overview1.1.1 Nanorobots Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Nanorobots Market Size Overview by Region 2015 VS 2020 VS 20261.3 Global Nanorobots Market Size by Region (2015-2026)1.4 Global Nanorobots Historic Market Size by Region (2015-2020)1.5 Global Nanorobots Market Size Forecast by Region (2021-2026)1.6 Key Regions, Nanorobots Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.1 North America Nanorobots Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.2 Europe Nanorobots Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.3 Asia-Pacific Nanorobots Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.4 Latin America Nanorobots Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.5 Middle East & Africa Nanorobots Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026) 2 Nanorobots Market Overview by Type2.1 Global Nanorobots Market Size by Type: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20262.2 Global Nanorobots Historic Market Size by Type (2015-2020)2.3 Global Nanorobots Forecasted Market Size by Type (2021-2026)2.4 Nanomanipulator2.5 Bio-Nanorobotics2.6 Magnetically Guided2.7 Bacteria-Based 3 Nanorobots Market Overview by Application3.1 Global Nanorobots Market Size by Application: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20263.2 Global Nanorobots Historic Market Size by Application (2015-2020)3.3 Global Nanorobots Forecasted Market Size by Application (2021-2026)3.4 Nanomedicine3.5 Biomedical3.6 Others 4 Global Nanorobots Competition Analysis by Players4.1 Global Nanorobots Market Size by Players (2015-2020)4.2 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) (based on the Revenue in Nanorobots as of 2019)4.3 Date of Key Manufacturers Enter into Nanorobots Market4.4 Global Top Players Nanorobots Headquarters and Area Served4.5 Key Players Nanorobots Product Solution and Service4.6 Competitive Status4.6.1 Nanorobots Market Concentration Rate4.6.2 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 5 Company (Top Players) Profiles and Key Data5.1 Bruker5.1.1 Bruker Profile5.1.2 Bruker Main Business5.1.3 Bruker Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.1.4 Bruker Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.1.5 Bruker Recent Developments5.2 Jeol5.2.1 Jeol Profile5.2.2 Jeol Main Business5.2.3 Jeol Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.2.4 Jeol Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.2.5 Jeol Recent Developments5.3 Thermo Fisher5.5.1 Thermo Fisher Profile5.3.2 Thermo Fisher Main Business5.3.3 Thermo Fisher Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.3.4 Thermo Fisher Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.3.5 Ginkgo Bioworks Recent Developments5.4 Ginkgo Bioworks5.4.1 Ginkgo Bioworks Profile5.4.2 Ginkgo Bioworks Main Business5.4.3 Ginkgo Bioworks Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.4.4 Ginkgo Bioworks Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.4.5 Ginkgo Bioworks Recent Developments5.5 Oxford Instruments5.5.1 Oxford Instruments Profile5.5.2 Oxford Instruments Main Business5.5.3 Oxford Instruments Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.5.4 Oxford Instruments Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.5.5 Oxford Instruments Recent Developments5.6 Ev Group5.6.1 Ev Group Profile5.6.2 Ev Group Main Business5.6.3 Ev Group Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.6.4 Ev Group Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.6.5 Ev Group Recent Developments5.7 Imina Technologies5.7.1 Imina Technologies Profile5.7.2 Imina Technologies Main Business5.7.3 Imina Technologies Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.7.4 Imina Technologies Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.7.5 Imina Technologies Recent Developments5.8 Toronto Nano Instrumentation5.8.1 Toronto Nano Instrumentation Profile5.8.2 Toronto Nano Instrumentation Main Business5.8.3 Toronto Nano Instrumentation Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.8.4 Toronto Nano Instrumentation Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.8.5 Toronto Nano Instrumentation Recent Developments5.9 Klocke Nanotechnik5.9.1 Klocke Nanotechnik Profile5.9.2 Klocke Nanotechnik Main Business5.9.3 Klocke Nanotechnik Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.9.4 Klocke Nanotechnik Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.9.5 Klocke Nanotechnik Recent Developments5.10 Kleindiek Nanotechnik5.10.1 Kleindiek Nanotechnik Profile5.10.2 Kleindiek Nanotechnik Main Business5.10.3 Kleindiek Nanotechnik Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.10.4 Kleindiek Nanotechnik Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.10.5 Kleindiek Nanotechnik Recent Developments5.11 Xidex5.11.1 Xidex Profile5.11.2 Xidex Main Business5.11.3 Xidex Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.11.4 Xidex Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.11.5 Xidex Recent Developments5.12 Synthace5.12.1 Synthace Profile5.12.2 Synthace Main Business5.12.3 Synthace Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.12.4 Synthace Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.12.5 Synthace Recent Developments5.13 Park Systems5.13.1 Park Systems Profile5.13.2 Park Systems Main Business5.13.3 Park Systems Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.13.4 Park Systems Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.13.5 Park Systems Recent Developments5.14 Smaract5.14.1 Smaract Profile5.14.2 Smaract Main Business5.14.3 Smaract Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.14.4 Smaract Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.14.5 Smaract Recent Developments5.15 Nanonics Imaging5.15.1 Nanonics Imaging Profile5.15.2 Nanonics Imaging Main Business5.15.3 Nanonics Imaging Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.15.4 Nanonics Imaging Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.15.5 Nanonics Imaging Recent Developments5.16 Novascan Technologies5.16.1 Novascan Technologies Profile5.16.2 Novascan Technologies Main Business5.16.3 Novascan Technologies Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.16.4 Novascan Technologies Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.16.5 Novascan Technologies Recent Developments5.17 Angstrom Advanced5.17.1 Angstrom Advanced Profile5.17.2 Angstrom Advanced Main Business5.17.3 Angstrom Advanced Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.17.4 Angstrom Advanced Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.17.5 Angstrom Advanced Recent Developments5.18 Hummingbird Scientific5.18.1 Hummingbird Scientific Profile5.18.2 Hummingbird Scientific Main Business5.18.3 Hummingbird Scientific Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.18.4 Hummingbird Scientific Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.18.5 Hummingbird Scientific Recent Developments5.19 Nt-Mdt Spectrum Instruments5.19.1 Nt-Mdt Spectrum Instruments Profile5.19.2 Nt-Mdt Spectrum Instruments Main Business5.19.3 Nt-Mdt Spectrum Instruments Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.19.4 Nt-Mdt Spectrum Instruments Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.19.5 Nt-Mdt Spectrum Instruments Recent Developments5.20 Witec5.20.1 Witec Profile5.20.2 Witec Main Business5.20.3 Witec Nanorobots Products, Services and Solutions5.20.4 Witec Nanorobots Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.20.5 Witec Recent Developments 6 North America6.1 North America Nanorobots Market Size by Country6.2 United States6.3 Canada 7 Europe7.1 Europe Nanorobots Market Size by Country7.2 Germany7.3 France7.4 U.K.7.5 Italy7.6 Russia7.7 Nordic7.8 Rest of Europe 8 Asia-Pacific8.1 Asia-Pacific Nanorobots Market Size by Region8.2 China8.3 Japan8.4 South Korea8.5 Southeast Asia8.6 India8.7 Australia8.8 Rest of Asia-Pacific 9 Latin America9.1 Latin America Nanorobots Market Size by Country9.2 Mexico9.3 Brazil9.4 Rest of Latin America 10 Middle East & Africa10.1 Middle East & Africa Nanorobots Market Size by Country10.2 Turkey10.3 Saudi Arabia10.4 UAE10.5 Rest of Middle East & Africa 11 Nanorobots Market Dynamics11.1 Industry Trends11.2 Market Drivers11.3 Market Challenges11.4 Market Restraints 12 Research Finding /Conclusion 13 Methodology and Data Source13.1 Methodology/Research Approach13.1.1 Research Programs/Design13.1.2 Market Size Estimation13.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation13.2 Data Source13.2.1 Secondary Sources13.2.2 Primary Sources13.3 Disclaimer13.4 Author List

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Nanorobots Market Business Growth, Size and Comprehensive Research Study Forecast to 2026| Bruker, Jeol, Thermo Fisher - The Market Feed


Eye color percentages around the world and what causes eye color – Medical News Today

November 25th, 2020 10:52 pm

The iris is the name of the colored part of the eye.

The iris surrounds the pupil, which is the small black hole in the middle of the eye that helps control how much light enters it.

Scientists used to think that eye color linked to just one gene and that brown eyes were dominant over blue eyes.

They now know that what determines eye color is more complex.

As many as 16 genes influence eye color. Most of these genes play a role in the production, transportation, or storage of melanin.

Melanin is a brown pigment that determines the color not only of someones eyes but also of their hair and skin.

Eyes that are not brown do not have different color pigments. Instead, they absorb less light because they have less melanin. As a result, they scatter more light, reflecting it along the spectrum of light color.

An iris with the least melanin will appear blue. Those with a little more melanin will appear green or hazel, for example.

The vast majority of people in the world have brown eyes.

The second most common color is blue, but people can also have green, gray, amber, or red eyes.

Some people have eyes that are different colors than each other.

According to estimates, 7079% of the worlds population have brown eyes, making it the most common eye color worldwide.

In fact, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) state that everyone on Earth had brown eyes around 10,000 years ago.

Nowadays, the AAO note that about half of those living in the United States, and a higher proportion of people in Africa and Asia, have brown eyes.

People with brown eyes are less likely to develop eye cancer, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy than those with lighter colored eyes.

Brown-eyed people are, however, more at risk of cataracts as they get older.

Blue is the second most common eye color globally, with estimates suggesting that 810% of people have blue eyes.

In the U.S., that proportion is higher, at about 27%.

Scientists believe that it is possible to trace all blue-eyed people back to a common ancestor, who likely had a genetic mutation that reduced the amount of melanin in the iris.

Most people with blue eyes are of European descent.

Approximately 5% of the worlds population and 18% of people in the U.S. have hazel eyes, which are a mixture of green, orange, and gold.

Hazel eyes are more common in North Africa, the Middle East, and Brazil, as well as in people of Spanish heritage.

Amber eyes, which have slightly more melanin than hazel eyes but not as much as brown eyes, account for about 5% of the worlds population.

People of Asian, Spanish, South American, and South African descent are most likely to have amber eyes.

An estimated 2% of the worlds population have green eyes, making them very rare overall.

However, green eyes are very common in some parts of the world, including Ireland and Scotland.

In the U.S., where many people descend from ancestors from Ireland and Scotland, about 9% of people have green eyes.

Close to 3% of the worlds population have gray eyes.

People with gray eyes have little or no melanin in their irises, but they have more collagen in a part of the eye called the stroma.

The light scatters off the collagen in a way that makes the eyes appear gray.

People with albinism or ocular albinism usually have little or no melanin in the iris. This lack of pigment causes red or violet eyes.

As eye pigmentation is important for vision, people with ocular albinism often have problems with their eyesight.

A person with ocular albinism may have very blurry vision or poor depth perception. They may experience rapid, involuntary eye movements, have higher light sensitivity, or find that their eyes look in two different directions.

Heterochromia in which a person has more than one eye color affects less than 1% of people.

The two eyes might be completely different from one another, or one part of the iris might be different than the rest.

The AAO explain that in people with central heterochromia, the iris has two rings of different colors, while in those with complete heterochromia, one iris is a different color than the other.

Some people are born with heterochromia. In others, an eye injury or health problem might cause it.

Eye color percentages around the world and what causes eye color - Medical News Today


Your Healthy Family: The most common eye problems that can be caused by diabetes – KOAA.com Colorado Springs and Pueblo News

November 25th, 2020 10:52 pm

COLORADO SPRINGS While there is considerable and appropriate focus on COVID-19 as we head into the Thanksgiving holiday, its important to remember there are many other deadly and debilitating chronic health issues that we and our loved ones will continue to struggle with long after the pandemic ends.

Diabetes is one of the more important of these issues.

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. To help inform the public about diabetes and its effects on eyesight, I interviewed Dr. David Davis, MD FACS, a board-certified ophthalmologist with Haas Vision Center in Colorado Springs.

Previously, Dr. Davis talked about the overall importance of having your eyes checked regularly, especially if you have diabetes. YHF: Dont let diabetes rob you of your eyesight

To clarify, type one diabetes is also called insulin dependent or juvenile onset diabetes, while type two diabetes is also known as non-insulin dependent or adult onset diabetes. Type one diabetics require insulin, whereas type 2 diabetics often are treated with pills, although they may also be given insulin. With the advent of things like the insulin pump and pancreatic islet cell transplants, type one diabetes is becoming better controlled than it has been in the past. Type two diabetics also have benefited from a plethora of newly developed medications.

Dr. David says there are several significant problems diabetes can cause with your eyes.

After fifteen years of having diabetes, about 98% of people with type one diabetes will have damage to the retinal blood circulation, whereas about 78% of people with type two diabetes will have damage to the retinal vessels. This impaired retinal circulation can cause death of cells in the retina, bleeding, tiny aneurysms in the retina, swelling or retinal edema, hemorrhage in front of the retina and other problems.

Dr. Davis explains, The macula is the center of the retina and the center of your vision. When you are looking directly at something, you're using your macula - it's particularly important. If your macula swells due to blood vessel damage causing leakage of fluid into the macula, then everything becomes bent and blurry. As the surface of your retina is distorted, the picture you're going to see is going to look distorted like a fun-house mirror. This can be treated by shots in the eye, sometimes with steroids and other times with hormone inhibiting factors.

In the most serious cases, lack of circulation stimulates the growth of new abnormal blood vessels on the retina and sometimes the iris. These can cause a detached retina and sometimes a very aggressive form of glaucoma, and these both can lead to blindness.

Preventing this is paramount because after it occurs, vision usually can never be fully restored.

A problem that arises earlier in the course of the disease occurs when your blood sugar rises and you get sugar in the fluid in your eye. This can enter the lens of the eye and cause it to swell, resulting in temporary changes in the optics and resulting in blurring and clearing over and over again as the sugar levels rise and fall.

Having higher levels of sugar in your body will cause the proteins in your lens to cross-link earlier and cause you to develop cataracts earlier in life. Cataracts can only be repaired with surgery. The results of modern cataract surgery are very good with a success rate over 98%, but having surgery is still less fun than going out to eat.

Diabetics are roughly twice as likely to develop glaucoma. In glaucoma, pressure inside the eye causes permanent and irreparable damage to the optic nerve. Glaucoma is sometimes called the silent thief of sight. It usually has no symptoms you can detect until there is already quite a lot of permanent eye damage. Optic nerve damage cannot be improved but only prevented. Regular exams by eye-care professionals allow glaucoma to be detected and controlled long before it gets to the point where you would otherwise notice it.

If you have diabetes or have been recently diagnosed, your primary care doctor will routinely refer you to an eye doctor to have your vision closely monitored for these issues. An ounce of prevention really can be worth a pound of cure especially in situations where there is no cure.

If you have any questions about eyesight and diabetes you can follow up with Dr. Davis and the team at HAAS Vision Center in Colorado Springs, by visiting their website (HERE) https://www.haasvisioncenter.com/

Haas vision center is a proud sponsor of Your Healthy Family

View post:
Your Healthy Family: The most common eye problems that can be caused by diabetes - KOAA.com Colorado Springs and Pueblo News


Onesight teams with AETNA to provide vision care to 275+ North Atlanta residents at Roswell Vision Clinic – The Atlanta Voice

November 25th, 2020 10:52 pm

OneSight, a leading global vision carenonprofit, andNorth Fulton Community Charities partnered to offer free eye examinations and glasses to over 275+ children and adults at theRoswell Vision Clinic from Nov. 17-19. The three-day charitable clinic was sponsored by Aetna, a CVS Health company, which contributed $50,000.

The event addressed unresolved vision care needs for North Atlantans who may otherwise lack access. Leveraging OneSights proven clinic model and manufacturing capabilities, most participants in need of glasses received their newly prescribed eyewear on-site.

Aetna is committed to extending care to all those who are in need, said Aetna Market Leader Richard Weiss. The opportunity to support an event with such a positive impact on the health of the Atlanta region was a natural one. Its something we saw clearly.

NFCC, which serves close to 10,000 individuals and 4,000 families each year at their facilities in Roswell, Georgia, assists families with basic essentials such as food, rent and utilities, and clothing for short-term emergencies.

North Fulton Community Charities is excited to partner with OneSight to connect families in the community to this impactful medical resource, said NFCC Director of Assistance Carol Swan. Vision care is essential, but also elusive for those who are financially vulnerable and cant afford it. This is a great opportunity for our community, and we are proud to work with OneSight to help them realize it.

According to a study by OneSight and Deloitte, there are more than 1 billion people around the world who need glasses but do not have access to get them. Studies show that clear sight can dramatically impact learning, job performance, and earning potential. Clear sight can help students learn up to twice as much in schooland can helpincrease a workers productivity by 35 percent and enable them to earn 20 percent more.

Were so happy to have been able to support the North Atlanta community with vision care this week, said Dawn Yager, a program manager for OneSight. We appreciate the support from Aetna, North Fulton Community Charities, and so many volunteers and doctors to enable this vision clinic to happen.

Read more here:
Onesight teams with AETNA to provide vision care to 275+ North Atlanta residents at Roswell Vision Clinic - The Atlanta Voice


What Are The Types And Symptoms Of Glaucoma? – Greeneville Sun

November 25th, 2020 10:52 pm

Eyesight is important but easily taken for granted. Few people can imagine life without their eyesight, but hundreds of millions of people across the globe experience compromised vision every year.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. In fact, estimates from the World Glaucoma Association indicated that 79.6 million individuals would experience glaucoma in 2020. By 2040, that figure is expected to rise to 111.8 million people.


Glaucoma is a disease that damages the optic nerve. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, glaucoma usually results from the buildup of fluid in the front part of the eye. As that fluid builds up, it increases the pressure in the eye, ultimately damaging the optic nerve.


All glaucomas are not the same, and the AAO notes that there are two major types of the disease: primary open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure glaucoma.


The symptoms of glaucoma differ depending on which type a person has.

According to the AAO, there are no obvious symptoms in the early stages of open-angle glaucoma. Blind spots develop in patients peripheral vision as the disease progresses. Because people often do not experience symptoms until the damage from open-angle glaucoma has become severe, the AAO urges adults to schedule routine eye exams with an ophthalmologist so the disease can be found before any significant damage has occurred.

Blurred vision, halos, mild headaches, or eye pain are some early symptoms of an angle-closure glaucoma attack. However, the AAO notes that people with angle-closure glaucoma do not typically notice any symptoms until the attack has started. As a result, the AAO urges anyone experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms to contact their ophthalmologist immediately. Once an angle-closure glaucoma attack has begun, symptoms may include:

No one is immune to glaucoma, which can quickly rob otherwise healthy individuals of their vision. Learning to recognize the early signs of glaucoma and seeking prompt treatment can reduce the likelihood of substantial vision loss.

The rest is here:
What Are The Types And Symptoms Of Glaucoma? - Greeneville Sun


Covid-19 Pandemic: Ways To Beat Computer Vision Syndrome As The Screen Time Goes Up – NewsPatrolling

November 25th, 2020 10:52 pm

The COVID-19 crisis has led to an increase in the average screen time of people. People are busy spending a lot of time watching television, and on digital devices like computers, mobiles, and tablets more than ever! Getting hooked to electronic devices for long uninterrupted hours is causing digital eye strain, aka computer vision syndrome in people

What is computer vision syndrome?

Computer vision syndrome is a temporary eye condition that results from focusing on a digital screen for a long time without breaks. Suffering from CVS does not only affect eyesight but also hampers an individuals productivity.

Why is computer vision syndrome concerning?

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) affects around 60 million people globally. It has become even more concerning in the times of COVID-19 for well-being for a person. A study shows that nearly half of the population in the world will be short-sighted (myopic) by 2050. One of the primary reasons associated with this eye condition would be the effects of prolonged usage of digital devices or televisions every day.

Symptoms of computer vision syndrome

Computer vision syndrome (digital eye strain) causes

There are various causes associated with computer vision syndrome, like:

When you are hooked to any electronic devices, you tend to blink less. Less blinking causes dry eyes. Blinking is the natural reflex of eyes to keep it moist. An average person blinks about 16-20 times in a minute. If blinking reduces to 6-8 times in a minute, then gradually, it results in dry eyesand becomes a cause for computer vision syndrome.

If you have not set up your workstation in a proper way, then it could cause computer vision syndrome. You need to adjust the monitor, desk, chair, and lighting in the room also so that your eyes dont feel strained.

ACs in offices strip the air of its moisture, thereby making the environment dry. This dryness, an improper workstation, or bad sitting posture, makes people prone to computer vision syndrome.

It will require a bit of planning, but it is important to take a break from the screen at least two hours before you go to bed. Studies show that blue light emitting from screens can affect natural sleep and wake-up cycle.

Ways to deal with computer vision syndrome during COVID-19 pandemic

Remember to blink while watching television or doing work on any digital device. Dont let your eyes dry out. Be mindful of blinking and keeping your eyes lubricated. Encourage others around you to blink at least 18 times per minute.

Have you heard of the 20-20-20 rule? While working on a computer or any digital device, take a break every 20 minutes and look at distant objects (at least 20 feet away) for 20 seconds. This habit will break the continuity of the screen.

You need to rework on the place where you generally sit to work or binge-watch. Keep a distance of a foot away from the monitor or the gadget when sitting straight. Adjust the brightness of the screen. Make sure to put an anti-glare screen to your device to avoid eye strain. Use proper lighting in the room. Avoid excessive or under lighting.

Whenever you get time, exercise even when sitting. Stretch your neck and shoulders frequently. During break time, move your arms and legs. Walk a bit.

Few other tips to avoid computer vision syndrome for children

Children dont pay attention to drinking water unless theyre thirsty. Drinking water keeps the body hydrated. It not only flushes out body waste but also regulates body temperature. It helps in maintaining blood pressure and boosts healthy skin. It also helps in forming saliva and mucus. Most importantly, it hydrates eyes, flushes out salt, and reduces eye strain.

From online classes to a lot of digital content consumption for entertainment, children are also spending a considerable amount of their time on-screen during the lockdown phase. Parents need to ensure to have a customized furniture setting that suits their childs sitting posture and refrain from neck or body ache.

Parents need to ensure that even in the lockdown period, children dont spend a lot of time on screen. Set time for their screen time activities. Instead, for entertainment, ask them to indulge in traditional indoor games like ludo, chess, etc.

Parents should keep a check on their children if they are rubbing their eyes too much. It could be an indicator of dry eyes or some eye infection. Insufficient blinking also leads to dry eyes.if your child does not stop rubbing frequently and complains about irritating red eyes consult the nearest eye specialist.

Eat more greens

Include green leafy vegetables in your diet to keep your body and eyes healthy. The nutrients present in green vegetables like lutein and zeaxanthin carry anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that keep the eyes healthy. When it comes to eye care, Centre for Sight is always there at your service.

By: Dr Ritika Sachdev , Additional Director, Centre For Sight Group of Hospitals,

See the original post here:
Covid-19 Pandemic: Ways To Beat Computer Vision Syndrome As The Screen Time Goes Up - NewsPatrolling


New Vision: Seeing the Light of Chanukah During COVID – Chabad.org

November 25th, 2020 10:52 pm

A few years ago, I had an operation to remove a cataract from myleft eye. I was advised to wait for my right eye. The doctor said, Call ifyour eyesight gets worse, and we will schedule the surgery.

Then came COVID.

During that time, I found it more and more difficult to read andto cook. It felt like each passing day I was being surrounded by more and moredarkness.

As a senior with medical issues and anxiety, I was unable toI have become used to being aloneparticipate in holiday services with my family. Since COVID, I have become usedto being alone, and even if everyone wears masks, Im not comfortable takingchances by being around people.

After a long wait, followed by two weeks of even strictersocial-distancing, the day came for the surgery. The night before, I hadstopped eating and could only drink until 10 a.m. The surgery was scheduled fora little after noon.

Wearing a mask, my son Mike drove me tothe hospital for the operation. Once there, we called reception and were toldthat there was a 45-minute wait, maybe longer. We could wait either in the caror in a waiting room. We chose the car. Mike put on some music, and we listenedto Chanukah songs, including my favorite, Chanukah, oh Chanukah, come light themenorah...

After an hour, Mike called again andfound out that our wait could be another hour or so; they didnt know how manypatients were ahead of me. By that time, I didnt feel well since I hadnt hadanything to eat or drink in many hours.

I also needed a restroom, so we went inside, up the elevator,into what I considered a crowded room. I felt danger everywhere. I was so afraid that I wanted to cancel theoperation and go home. I closed my eyes andprayed for the strength to triumph over my fears and overcome my anxiety.

Thats when I heard Mikes cell phone ring; it was my turn forthe operation.

A nurse came out and asked me questions before letting me intothe office alone. I handed Mike my cane. He touched my arma human touch Ihadnt felt in five months.

The nurse must have felt my emotions because she said, Theseare dark, difficult times.

What an understatement, I thought, as I entered alone and wastold in which chair to sit. The nurse followed me so I wouldnt fall.

My surgeon came out and put an X over my right eye. There weretwo other patients waiting. We discussed how long the wait had been both forthe scheduling and the day itself.

Finally, they took me into surgery.

The anesthesiologist put in the IV, while one nurse put in dropsand another took vital signs.

I hadnt been near so many people in months, and again, I feltoverwhelmed, but I silently prayed as I kept answering their questions.Finally, I was wheeled into the operating room.

The chair went down and then came the needle, and before I knewit, the operation was over. They gave me many instructions regarding recovery:the eye drops, not to get my face wet, when to see my doctor.

As soon as I took off the patch over my eye, I looked around andI could see. It was as though my world had gone from darkness to light. Andthats when I realized the connection between the music we had been listeningto in the car, my operation, and the approaching holiday of Chanukah.

On Chanukah, a small band of Jews fought against the huge GreekDespite all odds, they triumphedarmy. Despite all odds, they won. They won because they had faith that Gdwould give them the strength to triumph. Then they found a single flask of pureoil, enough for just one day. But they did their part and lit the menorah.Miraculously, it remained burning for eight days, until they could procuremore.

My cataract operation was like my own little Chanukah triumphmy personalvictory of overcoming my anxiety, and my universe turning from darkness tolight.

A little bit of light brightens up a whole lot of darkness. Weneed to do our part, strengthen our faith, and Gd will help us.

For the past few years, I couldnt see in the dark well enoughto join in the festivities at the public lighting of the menorah in downtownNatick, Mass. Gd willing, this year they will be able to hold the festivities,and I will be able to join. Together, we will all sing, Chanukah, oh Chanukah,come light the menorah... And I will be able to relish the brightness.

Read the rest here:
New Vision: Seeing the Light of Chanukah During COVID - Chabad.org


Teacher who woke up with blurred eyesight discovers she has life-changing condition – Daily Star

November 25th, 2020 10:52 pm

An Australian teacher saw a holiday of a lifetime to Europe turn into a life-changing experience after she lost vision in one eye while travelling in the Mediterranean.

Elise Osmand was island hopping around Greece and enjoying fine dining in Italy when she suddenly lost most of her vision in one eye.

The 28-year-old was then given a diagnosis by Greek doctors which she compared to a "death sentence" when her symptoms worsened.

At first, Elise found her vision in her right eye was impaired she could see the bottom half of her vision in her right eye, but the top half was "blurred to a dark brown", leaving her feeling like she had make-up smudged on her iris.

Dismissing the symptoms as jet lag, she waited another 24 hours to arrive in Athens before seeking medical attention.

It was by this point the Aussie national had lost vision completely in her right eye.

Meeting with a doctor in hospital, medics struggled to figure out what was wrong with each diagnosis bringing Elise fresh panic.

Opening up to news.com.au, she explained: "He said very straight up it might be a brain tumour.

"Then the next thing he said was 'you dont have a brain tumour but it could be cancer'. Thats when things freaked me out."

After further examination, doctors determined that while it was neither a tumour nor cancer, the cause of the blurred vision was a life-changing medical condition.

Elise said: "He said after further investigation that I had Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and the only thing I knew about that was a wheelchair.

"At first I got upset about it it was a really confronting moment. It felt like my world had come crumbling down a death sentence."

Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system which causes the body to attack itself, with the immune system damaging nerves, leading to symptoms including extreme fatigue, vision problems, and muscle stiffness and spasms, among others.

Following the diagnosis, Elise has seen her life completely change.

She said: "Since my diagnosis in 2019, this has been a huge change to my life," she explained.

"I moved to the Gold Coast to be closer to the beach [and] on a treatment that works."

She went on: "I have always been very active and would do a lot of exercise. Now, while its still really good for me to do, it can trigger symptoms and drain me to a point I cant recover from. So I have to stay hydrated and cool."

Elise is now using social media - including her Instagram page - to raise awareness about the disease.

MS is a lifelong condition but symptoms can be managed with treatment.

While average life expectancy is slightly reduced for people suffering from MS, there are various treatments for the various versions of the disease.

There is no known cure for the disease at this time, and the NHS advise that the disease is "challenging" to live with but advancements in medical science over the past 20 years have "considerably improved the quality of life" of people with the condition.

More here:
Teacher who woke up with blurred eyesight discovers she has life-changing condition - Daily Star


Taxi driver struck in the eye by a rock wins insurance payout – Daily – Insurance News

November 25th, 2020 10:52 pm

A man who suffered 89% blindness in his right eye in an accident during a taxi driving shift has won a claim dispute and a $250,000 payout.

The worker was a beneficiary of his employers Taxi Personal Accident policy, held with Lloyds Australia, for drivers of insured vehicles.

It covered accidents causing death, partial or total disablement of limbs or eyesight sustained during working hours while you are driving a taxi that is listed in the policy schedule.

It included time limitations that provided a claim would only be paid if you suffer Temporary Total Disablement within twelve months of the date of the accident occurring, and such Temporary Total Disablement lasts for twelve months.

The driver lodged a claim after sustaining serious damage to his eye during a work shift in August 2018 when he was struck in the face by a rock thrown through his car window.

Medical experts in Australia and overseas all found the damage was permanent. No treatment options were recommended and the medical evidence indicated his eye sight was likely to deteriorate further in time.

Lloyds settled weekly temporary disablement benefits until he regained employment but denied a claim for lump sum benefit for total loss of sight in one eye, saying his impairment - at 89% loss of sight - did not constitute a total loss of sight.

Lloyds said other policies on the market offered a percentage of benefits for partial loss of sight and provided examples, whereas the taxi drivers policy had no such scope. Lloyds said the only way the lump sum benefit was payable is if the loss of sight was 100% in or around August 2019 being within 12 months of the injury. As the loss of sight was not 100% in August 2019, then it was not liable.

The man took the matter to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), arguing he had effectively lost all eyesight in his right eye.

AFCA determined Lloyds was liable to pay $234,434 - the lump sum benefit of $250,000 less the $15,566 temporary disablement benefits already paid.

The available medical evidence demonstrates that, due to the accident, he no longer has any effective eyesight in his right eye, AFCA said. It is fair in the circumstances to determine the complainant has suffered a total loss of sight in his right eye.

AFCA said the policy did not define total loss and the Certificate of Insurance provides that should any ambiguity exist in the clauses they will be interpreted in favour of the insured.

In November 2018, the taxi driver was examined by an ophthalmology registrar in hospital who determined he had permanent and irreversible central macular damage and his visual acuity due to the accident was 6/60, which is legally blind.

Neither pinhole or corrective lenses improved his sight.

The taxi driver then travelled overseas where he obtained the opinion of another ophthalmologist to try and find some treatment options. A December 2018 report from that consultation stated the damage to the right eye was permanent, irreversible and likely to deteriorate.

Lloyds later engaged a consultant ophthalmologist who said that while the driver had a severe visual defect in his right eye, the injury did not constitute a total loss of vision.

The man obtained a further medical opinion because he believed his sight was worsening but Lloyds said it could not consider that as total loss of sight must be within 12 months of the loss.

The panel disagrees with the insurers interpretation of the limitation periods in the policy, AFCA said.

The man was unsuccessful in his attempt to recoup around $20,000 spent travelling overseas to obtain the second medical opinion for possible treatment options.

See the full ruling here.

See the article here:
Taxi driver struck in the eye by a rock wins insurance payout - Daily - Insurance News


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